A gravitáció vonzóerőnek látszik...

Flowers Images summary, Virágok összesitő
(A hét Astrojan poszteren található virágok, ABC ben)

Flowers 1, medium Flowers 2, medium Flowers 3, medium Flowers 4, medium Flowers 5, medium Flowers 6, medium Flowers 7, medium

Poster No/
Name, Photographer
2 1aAbutilon
2 1cAbutilon, Hubert Steed
2 1bAbutilon Mobile Pink
2 1dAbutilon, Chinese lantern, NatSnap
3 1Acanthus Flowers
2 2cAdenium obesum 'multiflorum',ctg
2 2dAdenium obesum 'multiflorum',ctg
2 2bAdenium obesum Crimson Picottee
2 3Adenium somalense, ctg
2 4Aechmea fasciata, Lándzsarózsa
7 1Aechmea gamosepala, Magi Keith
1 12aAfrican Daisy, Dimorphotheca aurantiaca
1 12cChrysanthemums, auws
4 1cAgapanthus, gladys
4 1bAgapanthus, Felkai Kati
5 1aAgapanthus Flower Photos
5 1bAgapanthus Pictures
4 1aAgapanthus Ocean Blue
2 6Agave pelona
1 1dAgave Flowering, esperoaz
3 2Agoseris
2 7Akebia Quinata, Chocolate Vine
6 1aAllamanda cathartica, oriolus
6 1bAlamanda, Peggy Taylor
4 2Amarillisz
2 8aAmaryllis, Hippeastrum, pttran
6 2bAmaryllis, dmccole
2 8cAmaryllis, peonierose
6 2dAmaryllis, pttran
2 8bAmaryllis, Sharon Rhinehart
6 2cAmaryllis, teknon
2 9Ananas comosus, Pineapple Inflorescence
5 10Anderson's Buttercup, Ranunculus andersonii
2 10aAnemone Hupehensis
7 2aAnemone nemorosa, md7
7 2bAnemone nemorosa, Steve Wolf
2 10cAnemone Pulsatilla, Kökörcsin
3 3Anemone, Szellõrózsa, Patrick Vath
7 3Carolina Anemone, redwlcm
1 107Angel Trumpet Yellow, A.Franceschi
7 4Anthurium, Richard Higgins
7 5Anthyllis vulneraria, Thomas Mottl
7 6Apple tree, andybandi
5 17bAquilegia, Harangláb, Pam Hunter
7 7Aquilegia, Pam Hunter
7 8Aquilegia dwarf, md7
2 44bArgyroderma testiculare, stabiae
1 2Arnica, Steve Wolf
3 4aArtichoke Fotos
3 4bArtichoke
3 4dArtichoke, mabeljt
3 4cArticsóka, Steen Jensen
1 14Asiatic Dayflower
7 9Aster, Őszirózsa, Lou Smith
4 3Aster ageratoides, hirosh
2 11Astilbe, Tollbuga
6 4aAlstroemeria
6 3cAlstroemeria, bigdog
6 3aAlstromeria aurantiaca, md7
6 4bAlstroemeria Yellow, Anna Pagnacco (2048 x 1536)
6 4cAlstromeria, Mark Charneski
6 4dAlstromeria, Mark Charneski
6 3bAlstroemeria, Anna Pagnacco
5 2Anemone coronaria, annegretb
2 17Astrophytum capricorne Cactus
2 18cAstrophytum myriostigma, ctg
7 10Atropa Belladonna, Cladoniophile
2 5Avonia quinaria
3 5aAzalea Pink, simeon
3 5bAzalea, Lori Howe
6 5Azalea, Steve Wolf
3 6Balloon Flower Photo
4 72bBalloon, Johan
7 11White Baloon, Selvin Chance
4 4cBanana Flower Pictures
4 4dBanán
7 12Banana Poka, Selvin Chance
4 4bBanana Red, lpatchin
7 13Ornamental Banana, Selvin Chance
4 4aBanana Flowers, andybandi
7 14Barnadesia, UnivWisc
2 12Bauhinia
6 6dBegonia, Mark Charneski
2 13aBegonia, Ranae Fitzgerald
2 13bBegonia, Greg Nicol
6 6aBegonia Red, Peggy Swientek
6 6cBegonia, Patrick Vath
6 6eBegonias, Mark Charneski
5 6Beg you pardon
6 9bBell Flower, eliasastro
6 9aBell flower, horsetrainer Mary
6 7Bellis Perenis, Mark Charneski
3 7bBentham's Broom, Charles Webber
3 7aBentham's Broom, Lotus benthamii
5 5aBird of Paradise, alocolobo
5 5bBird of Paradise, Aukipa
6 70aBird of Paradise, Strelitzia Reginae, Mark Charneski
3 8Bird's Beak, Cordylanthus kingii
7 15Bixa, UnivWisc
1 3Bladder Pod, Isomeris arborea, Steve Wolf
1 4Blazing Star, Mentzelia crocea, Steve Wolf
2 80BLC Greenwich, orchid
6 8Bleeding Heart, Dicentra spectabilis, Szívvirág, md7
5 9Bleedingheart
3 78bBlessed Milkthistle
5 30Bloem fremontodendron californicum, Fremontia
7 16African Blood Lily, Sharon Rhinehart
4 83aBlooming Thistle
3 9Blossom Time, Wildflower, Mariusz Wajler
4 23Blue Dandelion
1 5Blue Dicks, Steve Wolf
7 19Blue Lilac, alvaw
5 7A blue star
1 6cBluebonnet, marhowie
1 6aBluebonnet, Peggy Swientek
4 7Bombax ceiva, Cotton tree, John Elliott
3 10bBorage, filaflip
3 10cBorago blue, cantonietti
3 10dBorago, tfrarug
2 14Bottlebrush, Callistemon
6 10Bottlebrush, Callistemon, Snap-Shot
2 16Bouganvillea, bobsmom
7 17White bougainvillea, Selvin Chance
5 8bBromelia
5 8aBromeliad
7 18Bromeliad, Sharon Rhinehart
2 15Brugmansia, Angel Trumpet, Datura
4 87bBrugmansia, Angels Trumpet, Datura, Donna Bailey
7 20Romulea bulbocodium, Univ. Catania
4 83bBull Thistle
3 11Bunchberry
4 5Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii
4 6aButterfly Pea Wildflower, karwhit
4 6bButterfly Pea karwhit
6 11Cactus, Paolo Neo
6 16Cactus, Paolo Neo
3 13Cacti Rainbow
5 11Cactus Protea, Anna Pagnacco
6 14aCactus
2 18aCactus Astrophytum myriostigma, ctg
2 18cCactus Astrophytum myriostigma, astrojan
6 15Cactus, Mammillaria guelzowiana
6 14cCactus Christmas, White, Akrose
6 12aCactus Echinopsis, Steve Wolf
6 13bCactus Frithia Pulchra, Magnus Björlin
6 12cCactus, Notocactus, Steve Wolf
7 22Cactus Picture, John Mansfield
6 13cCactus Red, András Onozó
2 18bAstrophytum myriostigma
2 18dAstrophytum myriostigma, astrojan
2 19Chaenomeles, Japanische Zierquitte, annegretb
6 13aLobivia wrigthiana, auroracactus
6 12bMammillaria microcarpa
2 20Opuntia monacantha, ctg
1 13bCactus, Peggy Swientek
1 13cThelocactus setispinus, Manue
3 12aCactus, William Flegal
4 8aCactus, Steen Jensen
3 12bCactus, Caryn Shalita
6 14bKaktusz
3 52bCala Lilies, Patrick Vath
6 17California Redbud, Cercis occidentalis, Steve Wolf
7 23Calceolaria, Hubert Steed
1 99aCalifornia Poppy, Eschscholzia californica, Steve Wolf
2 21aCalla
3 14Calla, Lori Howe
7 28Calla, Selvin Chance
3 52aCalla Lilly, Patrick Vath
2 22bCalliandra
2 22aCalliandra Haematoephala
7 33Calochortus splendens, John Glascock
4 10Calystegia soldanella, Morningglory, hirosh
4 11cCamellia bud, md7
4 11dCamellia chrysantha, Sharon Rhinehart
7 24aCamellia chrysantha, Sharon Rhinehart
7 24bCamellia chrysantha, Sharon Rhinehart
4 9bCamellia japonica, hirosh
4 9cCamellia japonica, Leonard Johnson
4 9aCamellia japonica, Troubadour, Leonard Johnson
7 25Camellia Photo, ufrank
4 11bCamellia pink, Pui Yan
7 26aCampanula, Bellflower, peonierose
7 26bCampanula, Harangvirág, peonierose
7 26cCampanula persicifolia, peonierose
3 15aCampanula, peonierose
3 15bCampanula trachelium, md7
2 23aCannonball Tree, Couroupita guianensis
2 23bCannonball Tree, Couroupita guianensis
2 23cCouroupita guianensis, Cannonball
7 27Cannonball, Selvin Chance
2 24aCaralluma socotrana
2 24bPiaranthus cornutus, stabiae
6 18bCarnation, Szegfű
6 18aCarnation, Dianthus Caryophyllus, Mark Charneski
4 52Carolina Mallow, karwhit
7 29Catalpa bignoniodes, Steve Wolf
5 12Catwiskers
1 7Carrot, Queen Anne's Lace, negra
7 30Cereus, Hylocereus undatus, Selvin Chance
7 32Night blooming cereus, AD Forman
7 31Red Cereus, Selvin Chance
5 13Chalice Vine
2 31Cheiridopsis peculiaris, Succulents Love
7 34Cherry, briansb
6 101cChicory, Mezei Katáng, Selmeci Béla
3 16aChrysanthemum
3 16bChrysanthemum, Krizantin
3 16cChrysanthemum blue, Richard Higgins
7 35Cichorium.intybus, Mezei Katáng, Zsolt Erdei
2 26aCineraria, xemitbob
2 26bCineraria, emas
2 27Cistus purpureus
6 19Citrus Trees, Mark Charneski
2 28aClematis
3 18Clematis
2 28bClematis cliisanensis, greatgonzo
3 20Clematis, R.Zurch
4 98Clematis, identification thanks to Cecilia Galeazzi
4 12Clematis japonica, hirosh
4 66aClematis Pinky, Pierre Langlois
2 28cClematis seed head
3 17Clematis, Jackielwn
3 19Clematis, Mary Alice
7 36Clematis, pttran
4 66bWhite Clematis
5 14Cleome
4 14Clerodendron trichotomum (Fruit), Végzetfa, hirosh
4 13Clerodendrum bungei, hirosh
5 15Clitoria
3 21Clover
4 15Codonopsis lanceolata, hirosh
3 109Colorado Wildflowers
3 22aColumbine
5 16Columbine
3 22cColumbine, Aquilegia vulgaris, Fabienne
7 38Columbine, Ninad Dabadghav
3 22bColumbine, Richard Higgins
7 37Columbine, peonierose
7 39Columbine, Hubert Steed
6 20aCone Fiore, ccc
6 20bCone, Mark Charneski
2 29Coral Tree, Erythrina caffra
6 21Coreopsis, Cosmos, Menyecskevirág, byPhil
4 16Cornus florida, hirosh
1 8aCosmos bipennatus
1 8bCosmos, Pillangóvirág, Leonard Johnson
1 8cCosmos, Steve Wolf
2 30Coxcomb, Patrick Vath
2 25Cream Cups, Platystemon californicus, Steve Wolf
5 56Crepe Myrtle
3 54Crinum Lily
2 32Crinum Rose
5 18Crocus, Krókusz
1 9Crocus biflorus isauricus
6 22cCrocus danfordiae blue
6 23aCrocus Fleur
6 22dCrocus sieberi sublimis
6 22bCrocus sieberi sublimis, side view
3 23Crocus, William Flegal
4 19aCrocus, Sharon Hansen
4 19bCrocus yellow, Sharon Hansen
4 19cCrocus, Sharon Hansen
6 23bCrocus, Onozó András
7 40Crocus, md7
7 42aCrocus, peonierose
7 42bCrocus, peonierose
4 17aCrocus, sawyer
4 17bCrocus, sawyer
4 20Crocus, Sáfrány, gispa
7 41Crocus, sgaeta
4 18Crocus, snownymph
7 43White Crown, Calotopis gigantea, Selvin Chance
5 19Cryptostegia
2 33Crysanthemum shining star, bobsmom
7 44Cuckoo Flower, md7
7 46Blue cup, Ernst Schütz
7 45Curcuma, Sharon Rhinehart
2 34Cyca revoluta
4 21Cycladenia humilis
3 24bCyclamen, Bill
3 24aCyclamen, savagebird
5 20Cyclamen
5 61bCymbidium Orchid, Anna Pagnacco
3 25Daffodil, Shannon O'Shea
6 26aDaffodil, Narcissus, emas
6 26bDaffodil white, Sharon Rhinehart
7 47Daffodil, Thomas Mottl
3 28bDahlia, W. Liang
5 21bDahlia
5 23aDahlia
5 24Dahlia
1 10bDahlia Fiore
1 11Dahlia, Gea Teunis
4 22cDahlia, Gea Teunis
6 24aDahlia, Mark Charneski
3 26aDahlia, rlshe
5 21aDahlia, smugmug
3 26bDahlia, William Flegal
3 28aDahlia, W Liang
1 10cDahlia, W.Liang
5 23bDahlia, Yvonne Haesevoets
1 10aDahlia Glenbank Twinkle
5 22aDahlia Lemon Meringue, wzeckser
5 22cDahlia Mauve
6 24bDahlia, Pearson's colleen, W.Liang
5 23cDahlia Pink
5 22bDahlia pink edged
6 24cDahlia White, Mark Charneski
4 22aDahlias
7 48Dahlias, Anna Pagnacco
3 29aDahlias, Patrick Vath
4 22bDahlias, Anna Oldenhave
5 23dDália
3 29bDália
3 27aDália sárga, rlshe
3 27cDália, Anna Pagnacco
3 27bDáliák Pink and Yellow
7 50Daisy, pttran
7 49aPaper Daisy, Helichrysum, md7
7 49bPaper Daisy, Magi Keith
6 25bDaisey, Mark Charneski
2 35a Echeveria 'Golden Glow',Manue
5 25aDatura, Maszlag, Angyaltrombita
5 25bDatura, 1birdylady
7 51aDatura stramonium, Steve Wolf
7 51bDatura innoxia, Richard Higgins
1 27aDay Lily, Bill Whelan
1 27bDay Lily purple, Gordon Frank
1 27cLily red, Gordon Frank
6 55cDay Lily, Robert Gendler
1 28bDay Lily, Gayle Clement
7 52Dendrobium orchide, Selvin Chance
1 15Desert Rose, Kazuo Yamasaki
6 28cDesert Rose, Adenium obesum 'multiflorum'
2 36aDesert Rose, Adenium obesum, yo001
2 36bDesert Rose, Adenium obesum, Kazuo Yamasaki
2 36cDesert Rose, Adenium obesum
6 28dDesert Rose, Adenium Obesum
6 28bDesert Rose, Mark Charneski
3 30Deserthollyhock
6 98Devils Trumpet, bdavis
6 29Dianthus, Szegfű, Mark Charneski
6 27bDichelostemma congestum, Ookow, Steve Wolf
6 27aOokow, Karl Gohl
7 53Digitalis, Thomas Mottl
7 54aDigitalis, Foxglove, Wendy Williams
7 54bDigitalis, AD Forman
7 54cDigitalis, pttran
4 24aDigitalis ferruginea, Adem Adakul
4 24bFoxglove, Digitalis, Gyűszűvirág, András Onozó
5 26aDipladenia, Mandevillea, Maurizio Albissola
5 26bDipladenia, Nicole Beaume
7 55Spreading Dogbane, Apocynum androsaemifolium, Mike Tyler
3 31Dogwood Blossoms
3 32aDogwood Pink
3 32bDogwood Pink
7 56Pink Dogwood, peonierose
6 77cRose, Kelly Mays
1 45Dorotheanthus bellidiformis, dorff
2 37Dragon's Toes, Patrick Vath
5 27Duranta
2 38aEchinocactus viereckii
2 38bEchinocereus reichenbachii, Edgewood
6 30Elderberry
6 31Elephant Ear, Caladium, Mark Charneski
7 57Enzian, Ernst Schütz
2 39Erythrina flabelliformis
7 58Erythronium pagode, md7
7 59Etlingera elatior, Red Torch Ginger, Selvin Chance
7 60Eucalyptus rhodantha, gladys
7 61Euphorbia milii, pttran
2 90Evening Primrose, bobsmom
5 28Exacum
7 62Fagraea baeteroana, Pua-kenikeni, Selvin Chance
3 75False Mesquite
4 25Fatsia japonica
1 22Feather Tree Flores, Dark Sun
7 63Fehérmájvirág, Parnassia, Alberto Rot
5 29Flamevine, Pyrostegia venusta
6 33aFlamingo
6 33bFlamingo, Anthurium, hirosh
6 33cFlamingó
4 29Pondrose, Fehér Tavirózsa,
3 73Rhodo (Unknown?), William Flegal
6 34Forget Me Not, Nefelejcs, bao
1 30Fortnight Lily, Steve Wolf
1 16bFoxglove, A.Forman
1 16cFoxglove, Digitalis, taboulih
6 35aFoxglove, Digitalis, Vestaligo
6 35bFoxglove, Digitalis purpurea, kjg
6 36dFrangipani, Plumeria
6 36cFrangipani, Plumeria spp., Mark Charneski
6 36aFrangipani, cimirlo
7 64aFrangipani, Plumeria, stone
7 64bFrangipani, Plumeria, Ed Finney
6 37aFresia yellow, Guillermo Murno
6 37cFresia White, Anna Pagnacco
6 38aFresia, Mark Charneski
6 38bFresia, Corbin Dunn
3 33Frithia pulchra, Succulents Love
7 65Fritillaria meleagris, md7
1 17Fuchsia
2 41bFuchsia
4 26aFuchsia
4 26bFuchsia
4 27bFuchsia
2 41cFuchsia (1536 x 2048)
4 27aFuchsia Virág Fotó, twinkel
7 66Fuchsia, taboulih
4 26cFuchsias
2 41aChurchill Fukszia
2 41dFukszia
3 35Fuxia
4 27cFuxia, taboulih
2 42aGardenia, peonierose
2 42bGardenia, veridicus
2 42cGardenia, Dark Sun
2 42dGardenia carinata, waswc
5 31aGardenia
5 31bGardénia
5 31cGardenia
5 31dGardenia
7 67Gardenia taitensis, Selvin Chance
7 68Gentiana acaulis, md7
1 18Gentiana scabra, Tárnics
4 30Geranium, casper
6 41Geranium, md7
7 69Geranium johnson blue, md7
3 36Geranium mascatense, Alexey Sergeev
1 21Geranium shikokianum
7 70White Geranium, Chuck Hall
6 25aGerbera pink, Steve Wolf
6 25cGerbera red, Steve Wolf
4 31Geum japonicum, hirosh
3 42Gilia, Johnida Dockens
6 32aScarlet Gilia, Ipomopsis aggregata, Steve Wolf
6 32bIpomopsis aggregata, Scarlet Gilia, Mike Tyler
5 32bGinger
5 32aGinger pink, tech
7 71Ginger, christian
7 72Shell Ginger, Alpinia zerumbet, Jean Bouillon
6 40aGladiolus
3 37cGladiolus blue bonnet, hewey
6 40cGladiolus, aventurine
6 40dGladiolus, Mark Charneski
3 37aGladiolus, hewey
6 40bGladiolus, SP. Merrill
6 42Glorisoa Rothchildiana, Mark Charneski
6 46aGrape Hyacinth, Grist
3 39Graptopetalum 'Marquise de Sévigné',Manue
5 33Gravia
2 58Green Kangaroo Paw
2 43aGrevillea
2 43bGrevillea Caloundra, Oriolus
3 38aGrevillea Moonlight
3 38bGrevillea, dmjardine
3 38cGrevillea, Magi Keith
7 73Guava, AD Forman
2 44aGymnocalycium kurtzianum, Zdenik Podesva
2 44cGymnocalycium Pflanzii, Kam H.Leung
1 23Heliconia, Hawaiian Flores
7 74Hawaiian Flower, Richard Higgins
1 19aHawaiian Hibiscus
6 43Heliconia stricta, Arimm
7 75Heliotropium indicum, Ronnie Gaubert
5 40Helleborus
4 34Helleborus, Hunyor, hirosh
4 33Hemerocallis, Sásliliom, Gordon Frank
4 32Hemerocallis fulva, hirosh
5 34Hémérocalle Mauve, Yvonne Haesevoets
3 41cHibiscus
5 35aHibiscus
5 35bHibiscus
4 36cHibiscus
1 91aHibiscus, Anna Pagnacco, identification thanks to Shakeel Ahsan
4 36bHibiscus, flafla
3 41bHibiscus, pompilot
3 40cHibiscus, René Ardanuy
7 76aHibiscus, Selvin Chance
3 40aHibiscus Bud, Patrick Vath
1 19bHibiscus fleur
1 19cHibiscus Fleur
5 35cHibiscus pink with red throat, Selvin Chance
2 46bHibiscus rosa-sinensis, ctg
4 36aHibiscus rosa-sinensis, hirosh
3 40bHibiscus white, Amanda Richards
6 44dHibiscus white, Anna Pagnacco
3 41aHibiscus white, pompilot
6 44bHibiscus yellow, Anna Pagnacco
3 41dHibiscus yellow, pompilot
2 46aHibiscus, Althea 'Collie Mullens'
6 44aHibiszkusz, Pete Pantsari
7 76bHibiszkusz, Selvin Chance
6 44cHibiszkusz, Steve Wolf
5 36Hollyhock, Alcea Setosa, Uriah Yaniv
1 20Hollyhock Red, Alcea rosea, Yvonne Haesevoets
4 37Honeysuckle
5 37Honeysuckle
6 45Honeysuckle
4 39Hosa albo-marginata, hirosh
2 47aHosta
2 48Hosta Bloom, juditu
4 40Hosta sieboldiana, hirosh
2 47bHosta, bobsmom
2 49aHuernia kennedyana
2 49bHuernia, Selvin Chance
2 51Blue Hyacinth, libr8ed
2 50Hyacinth, cindyc98
3 43Hyacinth Violet, Hubert Steed
7 77Grape Hyacinth, evpictures
6 46bGrape Hyacinth, Hubert Steed
6 46cGrape Hyacinth, Wab
7 78Fragrant Hyancith, Sharon Rhinehart
1 25Hydrangea
2 52Hydrangea
6 47Hydrangea Blue, Larson
5 38aHypericum
5 38bHypericum
4 41Hypericum chinense, hirosh
5 39bHypericum sp._Millepertuis
5 39aHypericum St Johns Wort
4 109Turtlehead, Chelone obliqua, Csinos gerlefej, identification thanks to Lila Pereszke
6 48Iberis, Tatárvirág
6 49aIceplant, Delosperma, alocolobo
6 49bIceplant, Kristályvirág, cerulean
5 41Ilex, Magyal
4 42bIris, gero
6 50cIris, Nőszirom
5 43aIris blue, Sharon Rhinehart
5 94Iris germanica
4 42aIris japonica, hirosh
6 50aIris white, Steve Wolf
6 50bIris white
3 44aIris White Butterfly, Felkai Kati
5 42aIris, Nőszirom, William Flegal
5 44Iris, Pale Yellow
3 44bIris, Jane Loughney
5 43bÍrisz, rlshe
5 42bIris, rlshe
3 45Iris, sharon
6 51Gazania, bodulka
1 26Jacob's Ladder, Polemonium, Csatavirág, vlad
5 45Jasmine, Jázmin
6 52Jasmine, M.Vodak
3 46Jácint, md7
7 79Jeffersonia dubia, md7
2 54Joey Paws
1 24Johnny-Jump-Up, Viola cornuta, Pansy
5 46Justicia
7 21Kaktusz, Ken Leonard
4 43Kalimeris yomena, hirosh
6 53Kalmia latifolia, Edgewood
4 11aKamélia, hirosh
2 55Kangaroo Paw
2 56Kangaroo Paw, Anigozanthos manglesii
2 57Kangaroo Paw, Anigozanthos manglesii
6 28aKaroo Rose, Adenium Obesum
2 66Kelly's lilies
3 61Kelly's Lily
2 95King Protea
2 94King Protea
4 95bKing Protea, kswig
2 60Kóc, Clematis, Iszalag terméscsoport bibeszálakkal
3 48Kotolo
6 23cKrokusz, Dusik András
4 44Lagerstroemia indica, hirosh
2 59Lalea pestrita, Attila Bartok
4 45Lambs Ear
7 80Lambs Tongue, peonierose
2 61Lampranthus godmanii
2 62Lantana, Sétányrózsa
6 54Lapageria Rosea, Chilean Bell Flower
2 63Lapidaria margaretae, lithops
7 81Mountain Laurel, redwlcm
6 56cLemon Lily, Dynna Mae
3 49Lilac, Von Taylor
1 38aLilies
3 65aLiliom
3 65bLiliomácea
1 39Liliom, Caribbean Misty's Magic
6 57cLiliom, Richard Higgins
7 82Liliom, peonierose
4 47aLilium cordatum, hirosh
3 59Lily
3 60Lily
3 68Lily
6 55aLily
5 47bLiliom
5 47aLily, Anna Pagnacco
3 51Lily, Dawn Thibodeaux
4 46dLily Jan Marie, Gayle Clement
6 56aLily Citronella, gispa
3 55aLily Easter
3 55bLily Easter, farmerpickle
3 56Lily, Andi Wolfe
2 68Lily red
3 67aLily Naked Lady
4 46aLily Orange, Rachel Bilodeau
3 65dLily, Hubert Steed
3 62Night Lily, peonierose
4 46bLily Red, Rachel Bilodeau
3 66Lily Flower Images Rust
3 53 Soap Lily, Karl Gohl
3 57aLily Star Gazer, bobsmom100
3 57cOriental Lily Star Gazer, 33970
3 57bLiliom Star Gazer, Patrick Vath
2 67bLily Stargazer
2 67aLily Stargazer, bobsmom
3 64Lily Trumpet
3 63Lily White
4 47cLily White, Rachel Bilodeau
4 46cLily Yellow, Rachel Bilodeau
1 28aHemerocallis yellow Pictures, Gordon Frank
1 28cHemerocallis yellow, mikepat
6 57bLily, ronkelley
6 55bLily, by brandychloe
3 50Lily, Hamilton Enterprises
7 83Lily, peonierose
1 38bLily, Fuschia Kiss
3 74Lion's Mane Bloom
2 64aLithops olivacea, Zdenik Podesva
2 64bSulcorebutia langeri, stabiae
2 64cLithops olivacea, stabiae
5 50aLotos
3 69cLotos, W. Liang
3 69bLotus, Cajun Kei
3 69aLotus, guylaf513
4 48aLotus
4 48bLotus
5 48bLotus
6 58aLotus, calyx
5 50bLotus, thanhvmd
7 84Lotus white, Sigma
6 58cLotus, W. Liang
6 58bLotus
4 48cLótusz, W. Liang
4 48dLótuszvirág, Duong Hanh
5 49Lotus White
5 48aLotus, Nelumbo nucifera
3 71Lupin Blossom
5 63Lustrous Orchid
4 49Lycoris radiata, Leonard Johnson
1 35Magnolia
6 59dMagnolia
2 69aMagnolia
2 69cMagnolia, Bruno Girin
4 50Magnolia fruit cone
2 69bMagnolia grandiflora, Steve Wolf
4 51Magnolia liliflora, hirosh
6 59cMagnolia, Anna Pagnacco
6 59bMagnolia, magda1111
6 59aMagnolia Bud, goldenrose
5 60Malva moschata, Mályva, md7
2 70Mammillaria luiseae
2 72Mammillaria mystax, ctg
2 71Mammillaria saboae, Vanessa Lz
1 51Mammillaria spinosissima, MantisXxl
2 73Mandevilla
4 53Mandevilla, Dipladenia, karwhit
7 85Mandevilla, pttran
7 86Mandevilla, pttran
2 74Margareta, alvaw
2 83cMargaréta
5 52Margreth, alocolobo
1 12bMarguerite
6 60aMarigold, Mark Charneski
6 60bMarigold, Caltha palustris
4 54Mazus miquelii, hirosh
1 32Meadow Foam, Limnanthes douglasii, Steve Wolf
2 75Melaleuca
2 76aMelaleuca thymifolia
2 76bMelaleuca, mtn jim
5 53Melia
2 77Melocactus levitestatus, ctg
7 87Mellow Mallow, peonierose
4 55Menyanthes trifoliata, hirosh
5 88Mexican Sage, Salvia leucantha
3 78aMilkthistle
3 77bMilkweed Seed
3 77aMilkweed Seeds
5 54Mimosa
7 88Mimulus lewisii, Monkeyflower, J Crumly
1 36Monkey
7 89Monarda
7 90Morn, peonierose
4 56Morning Glory, karwhit
5 107aMorning glory, Ipomoea purpurea, Steve Wolf
6 61Mum, Mark Charneski
3 80Musk Bloom
4 57Musk mallow, Abelmoschus moschatus, Phuong Tran
5 55Musseanda
6 62Cymbidium hybrid, E.Hunt
4 64Nananthus transvaalensis, Edgewood
4 58Navarretia
4 59aNevada Lewisia
4 59bNevada Lewisia, B. Haley
2 78Nicotiana, Patrick Vath
6 68Nigella Imperial, rabrab
1 34Notocactus, Steve Wolf
5 58Nutan, Anna Pagnacco
5 57Nutan, Anna Pagnacco
4 65Oh its only Yellow, Steen Jensen
6 63aOleander, Dark Sun
6 63bOleander, Eric Tessmer
2 21bOpus Calla Lilly, Patrick Vath
3 34Orange Flame Vine, suzannewi
2 109aTrumpet Vine, Ben Haz
2 109bTrumpet Vine
5 67Orch yellow
1 54bOrchid
1 68Orchid
3 82Orchid, neila
5 62Orchid
6 66aOrchid Paphiopedilum, Sharon Rhinehart
6 67Orchid, Steve Hoffmann
1 33Morning glory, Ipomoea purpurea, Hajnalka, Steve Wolf
3 81Mimosa, Steve Wolf
1 52Orhidea Roberts Gold, Ascda. Mickey Nax
1 53Tropical Treat, radnip
1 37aNarcissus
1 37bNarcissus, Nárcisz, gbajsic
1 37cNarcissus, oertlif
1 40Bulbophyllum binnendijkii
4 62Orchid Calanthe, hirosh
1 43aOrchid Cattleya
1 42aCattleya Images of Flowers
1 42bCattleya, Sharon Rhinehart
5 68Cattleya, bodulka
1 42cOrchidea Cattleya, brunylugo
1 43bCattleya, Vo Thanh
1 44Cattleya white, rumancokenz
1 86Orhidea Cochlioda rosea, Eric Hunt
6 92Cymbidium hybrid, Eric Hunt
1 55Cymbidium Lucky Glory
1 54aDendrobium papilio, Eric Hunt
1 58Dendrobium coeloglossum
5 99Dendrobium harveyanum, Eric Hunt
1 63Dendrobium, Selvin Chance
1 49Virág, Ali Nazarian
1 50Orchid Ellen
5 69Eria hyacinthoides, Eric Hunt
5 100Gongora galeata, Eric Hunt
1 59Laelia autumnalis, Eric Hunt
1 64Orchide Mokara, Robert
1 46Laeliocattleya Cantaloupe
1 65Lowara Spitfire
5 70Orchid Lycaste deppei, Eric Hunt
1 69Cymbidium, Eric Hunt
1 66Masdivallia
2 81Masdivallia, Patrick Vath
2 82Open Heart, peonierose
1 70Orchidea Maxillaria striata, Eric Hunt
1 71Miltonia, Selvin Chance
1 67Odontioda
1 83aOdontoglossum, Eric Hunt
1 72Orchidelia
1 79Orchid Opsistylis
1 76aPaphiopedilum
1 76bPaphiopedilum, davidb
3 85aPaphiopedilum
3 85bPaphiopedilum, Selvin Chance
1 75aOrhide Paphiopedilum
1 75bPaphiopedilum
1 62Orchidea Paphiopedilum delenatii, Eric Hunt
1 74Paphiopedilum esquirolei, Eric Hunt
1 78Orchid Papua
1 77Orchid Phaius schlecteri, Eric Hunt
1 82Phalaenopsis
1 84Phalaenopsis
5 61aOrchide Phalaenopsis, Anna Pagnacco
5 64Phragmipedium
3 83Orchidea, radnip
1 81aOrchids Phalaenopsis
1 81bOrchids Phalaenopsis
4 63Orchid, Sharon Rhinehart
7 91Orchid Paphiopedilum, Sharon Rhinehart
1 73cPhragmipedium Rosalle, Sharon Rhinehart
1 73bOrchida Phragmipedium Sedenii, Sharon Rhinehart
1 57Spotted vanda, Selvin Chance
1 85Orchid Pleione aurita, Eric Hunt
1 80Orchidea Schomburgkia undulata, Eric Hunt
6 66bOrchid Red, Marc Pelissier
1 87aSobralia tamboana Fleurs, Eric Hunt
1 87bSobralia crocea Blumen Orchidé, Eric Hunt
1 88Trias picta, Eric Hunt
1 89Trichoceros, Eric Hunt
3 84aOrchid, Sharon Rhinehart
3 84bOrchid, waswc
1 90Orchid Trigonidium egertonianum
5 66Orchid white
1 56aOrchid, lj
1 56bOrchids, Anna Pagnacco
6 65Orchid, Mark Charneski
4 61Orchid, Leonard Johnson
1 48Orchid, Patrick Vath
4 60Orchid, Rachel Bilodeau
5 59Orchidea, yo
1 41Orchidea
1 61Orchids
5 65Orchids
1 110aOregon Wood Sorrel
6 64aOrnamental Onion
6 64bOrnamental Onion, Allium giganteum
3 86Ornithigallum Blossom
1 47aOrnithogalum umbellatum, Fehér csillagvirág, md7
1 47bOrnithogalum umbellatum, Star of Betlehem, Selmeci Béla
2 83aOsteospermum
2 83bOsteospermum- spaanse Margriet, md7
5 71Oxalis, yo
1 92Oxalis griffithii
1 93aOxalis depressa, md7
1 93bOxalis depressa
2 84Pachystachys Lutea, Rákfarkvirág
4 71Pachyveria, manue64
1 94Sweet Pea, Steve Wolf
5 84Panama Rose
1 95 Peony rockii
2 85Pansy
6 70bPapagájvirág, Bird of Paradise, Strelitzia Reginae, linzz
1 60aPaphiopedilum armeniacum, orchideon
6 96Paphiopedilum henryanum, Eric Hunt
4 67Parnassia palustris, Fehérmájvirág, hirosh
2 86Passiflora, Golgotavirág, preciousjen
2 87aPassiflora
2 87bPassiflora, felcat
4 68Passiflora coerulea, hirosh
5 81Passiflora quadrangularis
3 87cPassion Flower Pictures
3 87bPassion Bloom, Lori Howe
3 87aPassion Blóm
2 65Peach Day Lily
5 3Peachleaf Bellflower
6 71Pelargonium, Steve Wolf
5 72Pelican
4 69Penthorum chinense, hirosh
3 88Peone Grande
4 100Peony Flower, Pünkösdi rózsa, identification thanks to Terra
3 89Peony Pink
4 70Periwinkle, Suzanne Williams
2 79Persian Jewel Nigella
7 92Blue petal Wildflower, Ernst Schütz
3 90aPetunia
3 79aPetunia, bru4k
6 72Redstem Stork's Bill, Bürökgémorr, Erodium cicutarium, B.Selmeci
3 79bPetunia, farming
3 79cPetunia, nimbus
3 90cPetunia white, Richard Higgins
7 93Petunia white, Sharon Rhinehart
1 97Pickle Plant, Trichodiadema, Steve Wolf
4 80Pigtail Anthurium
3 91Pincushion Protea, Patrick Vath
2 96Pincusion Protea
5 73Pine Lily
6 84Pink Floss Silk Tree, Mark Charneski
4 107Pink Wildflower
5 4Pinkbell
7 94Pitcher Plant, Selvin Chance
5 74Pitcher plants
1 98Pittosporum tobira
5 75Platy
6 74cPlatycodon
6 74bPlatycodon grandiflorum
6 74aPlatycodon, Mark Charneski
4 72aPlatycodon grandiflorus, Balloon Flor, Leonard Johnson
4 72cPlatycodon grandiflorus, Balloon, Gardenerspath
6 101bPlum Seed, Larry Blakely
5 76Plumbago
5 77Plumeria
6 85cPink Plumeria
6 85aPale Pink Plumeria, opalibra
6 85dPlumeria Pink, seahag
6 85bPlumerias
1 99cPoppy
1 99bPoppy, alvaw
2 89Poppy, Pipacs, alvaw
4 97Himalayan Blue Poppy, identification thanks to Dóra Jakobsdóttir
5 78Potatoe Tree
5 79Powderpuff
4 28Prairie Gentian
1 13aPrickley Pear Cacti
2 97Persimmon, Uncle Frank
7 95Primula, Kankalin, Thomas Mottl
2 91Scarlet Hedgehog Cactus, Echinocereus coccineus
3 72Protea Bloom
2 93aProtea cynaroides
2 92Protea Cyraroides 'King Protea'
5 82Protea Pink
4 95aProtea, Rachel Bilodeau
2 88dPulsatilla, osprey
2 88cPulsatilla
7 96aPulsatilla
2 88bPulsatilla grandis, Attila Bartok
2 10bPulsatilla vulgaris, Kökörcsin, Hans Pfleger
6 69Pulsatilla occidentalis flower, Kökörcsin, M.Tyler
2 88aPulsatilla vulgaris, Kökörcsin, md7
2 88ePulsatilla vulgaris alba, Andy Jeffries
7 96bPulsatilla, Thomas Mottl
6 95Purple wild something
2 45Hepatica transsilvanica, Attila Bartok
2 98Puya
1 96Pyracantha, Dark Sun
6 75aRafflesia Cantleyi, nejnoj
6 75bRafflesia, Kinabalu NP
6 76Ramonda Myconi Flower, Abel Pau
6 56bRain Lily, Peggy Taylor
2 40Red Eucalyptus, gangav
5 97Red Hopper
6 81Rhododendron, beautyplaces
5 83Rhododendron buds, md7
3 76Ribes, md7
4 75Rosa White Wings
2 99Rose
3 94Rose
1 102dRose Abracadabra, rosephotosetc
4 73bRose Amber, rlshe
5 86cRose Blue, Anna Pagnacco
3 93Rose Bold Face, radnip
4 73aRose
2 100Rose Chicago Peace
3 97bRose china, Richard Higgins
3 92bRose Confetti
6 77bRose Double Delight, rosephotosetc
2 101Rose king's ransom
2 102Rose Kordes Perfecta, anniesbriars
5 86aRose Lilac, alvaw
1 31Rose Mallow, Lavatera trimestris
6 79eRose Midas Touch, rosephotosetc
7 97aRose orange, radnip
7 97bRose orange, pttran
4 74bRose Ore Gold, Anna Pagnacco
1 101cRose Oregold, rosephotosetc
6 78aRose Pasture, Robert Gendler
2 103Rose Pink, Rachel Bilodeau
6 78bRose Pink Wild, Sharon Rhinehart
2 104Rose Pinky
4 74aRose Red
4 73cRose Red, Pierre Langlois
1 101dRose Salmon, Anna Pagnacco (2048 x 1536)
1 102cRose Sonia, rosephotosetc
6 79bRose Sonia, rosephotosetc
1 101aRose Sonia, sharose
1 102bRose pink, Kelly Mays
6 79aRose pink yellow
6 77eRose, Bicolor, Patrick Vath
1 101eRose, alvaw
6 78dRose, Mark Charneski
6 79dRose, Mark Charneski
3 97aRose, Richard Higgins
1 101bRose, peonierose
1 102eRose, peonierose
5 85Rose, Anna Pagnacco
6 79cRose, rosephotosetc
4 76aRose, Peggy Swientek
4 76cRose, Felkai Kati
3 92aRoses
3 95aRoses, Dan Polley
3 95bRózsa
4 78bRózsa, Felkai Kati
3 92cRóza
1 102aRózsa
6 77dRózsa, Mark Charneski
6 78cVadrózsa, Polvi
6 80Royal Ponciana, Delonix Regina, Mark Charneski
7 98Rubus arcticus, G.Aleksandrova
6 82Rudebeckia
5 87Pink Ruellia
3 70Sacred Lotus
1 103cSaguaro Bloom, Dark Sun
1 103bSaguaro Cactus Bloom
1 103aSaguaro Cactus, Carnegiea gigantea
7 99Saguaro cactus, John Mansfield
1 104cSaxifraga, Kőtörőfű
1 104dSaxifraga arendsii
7 100aSaxifraga, Thomas Mottl
7 100bSaxifraga
1 104aSaxifraga rosacea
5 80Sea Purslane
4 93Sedeveria 'Yellow Humbert',Manue
4 77Sedum japonicum, Varjúháj, hirosh
6 83Senna spectabilis, Burnt Umber
4 78aSheila Perfume, Leonard Johnson
6 39Shell Ginger, Mark Charneski
5 96Shoo fly plant, Nicandra physaloides, identification thanks to Geraldine Dean
6 103Shooting Star
7 101Sisyrinchium montanum, Blue-eyed Grass, Mike Tyler
5 90aSmall blue
5 90bSmall blue the same
6 86Snake Plant, Mark Charneski
6 87aSnapdragon, Tátika, Frank Paris
6 87bSnapdragon, Katie Dalton
6 87cSnapdragon, photorose
6 87dSnapdragon, Oroszlánszáj, Barbara Stacey
3 100Snow Drop, Hóvirág, md7
6 94Snowflake
5 91aSolandra maxima
5 91bSolandra maxima
5 91dSolandra maxima, CTG
5 91cSolandra maxima, James Manhart
2 106bSolandra nitida
2 106aSolandra nitida, pttran
2 105Solanum dulcamera
6 97Solanum Jasminoides, White Nightshade
5 92Solanum seaforthianum
2 107Spathodea campanulata
7 102Spathodea campanulata, African Tulip, Selvin Chance
6 93Sand spurry, Spergularia rubra, Steve Wolf
6 88bSpiderwort, Tandescantia Ohiensis, Mark Charneski
6 88aSpiderwort, Peggy Swientek
6 89aSquash Bloom, Cucurbita
6 89bSquash Bloom, Cucurbita
3 47St. John's Wort
4 96St. John's Wort Flowers
2 53St. John's Wort, Hypericum
3 99aStapelia hirsuta, Vanessa Lz
3 99bStapelia flavopurpurea
6 73Stapelia leendertziae, Martin Heigan
5 89aStargazer lily, Sharon Hansen
5 89bStargazer, Sharon Hansen
1 105bStarry Blomster, Anna Pagnacco
3 98Sulcorebutia Arenacea, Cactus, Markus Björlin
3 67bSummer Lily, Patrick Vath
6 90Sunflower, Mark Charneski
6 91Sysyrinchium bermudianum, md7
1 100Sysyrinchium bermudianum, md7
6 57aSwamp Lily, Crinum Americanum, Mark Charneski
7 103Sweetpea, Lathyrus vestitus, John Glascock
4 79Swertia bimaculata, hirosh
5 101Tabuchina
5 102Tecoma capensis, Christian Defferrard
1 108Texas Ranger, Dark Sun
5 93Texas White Olive
4 81Thistle
4 82Thistle Bloom
2 108Thunbergia Grandiflora
6 101aTick Seed, Mark Charneski
3 58Tiger Lily
1 29bTiger Lily (1100x742), Robert Gendler
5 103Torenia
7 104Tragopogon porrifolius, Hans Rafelghem
4 85bTricyrtis
1 109Tricyrtis hirta
4 85aTricyrtis hirta
4 84Tricyrtis hirta, Toad Lily
1 106bTrillium
3 101aTrillium
3 101bTrillium
3 101cTrillium, Rachel Bilodeau
1 106aTrillium white, Terry Livingstone
4 86Tripterospermum japonicum, hirosh
5 98Tropical Bell Flower, Douglas Sprott
4 87aTrumpet of Angel, Datura, Angyaltrombita
4 89Trumpet Vine
4 90Tulip
6 99aTulip, gardencomposer.com
7 105Tulip, peonierose
5 51Tulip Magnolia
3 102Tulip Peachy
7 106Tulip yellow, Thomas Mottl
3 103aTulip White
3 103bTulip White
6 99cTulip, emas
6 99bTulips, emas
4 88Tussilago, southburg
2 110Uncarina roeoesliana, ctg
4 91Unkn Blue
4 94Unkn White Lily or so, Steen Jensen
4 99Unkn Yellow something, Steen Jensen
5 95Unkn.
1 91bUnknown, Anna Pagnacco
6 105Venus Flytrap, Dionaea muscipula, Keith Luken
5 104Venus' Looking Glass
4 101Verbascum, Thomas Mottl
4 102Viola mandshurica, hirosh
4 92African Violet, identification thanks to Dóra Jakobsdóttir
6 104Willowherb
4 103Virág de nem tommi, talán Dália
4 105Vizililiom
7 109Waratah, Magi Keith
3 105aWater Lilies
3 107Water Lily
5 105Water Lily
3 104Water Lily
3 108Water Lily (Lotus)
3 106Water Lily, Ed Rambeau
7 107Water lily, Jonathan Hey
3 105bPink Water Lily, Rich Anderson
4 104Waterlelie
5 106Waterlily
6 107aWaterlily
6 106bWaterlily, Nymphaea, Tündérrózsa
6 107cWaterlily
6 106aWaterlily, alumercia
6 107bWaterlily, Anna Pagnacco
7 108Waterlily white, Selvin Chance
4 106Waxmyrtle, Myrica cerifera
4 38Weigela hortensis, hirosh
5 17aWestern Columbine, Aquilegia formosa
4 35Wild Hibiscus
6 102Wild Orchid
1 105aWild Scabiosa, Patrick Vath
5 108Wildflower
5 109Wildflower, George Payne
7 110Wildflower, Pierre Rousseau
6 108Wild flower, Mardi Byrd
4 108White Wildflower
5 107bWinde, Hajnalka
6 100Windflower, Anemone coronaria
3 110Wisteria
3 96aWood Rose
1 110bWood Sorrel, Oxalis
6 109bYlang Ylang, CJB
6 109aYlang Ylang, Mark Charneski
5 110bZantedeschia, radnip
5 110aZantedeschia, Calla lily
4 110Zinnia, Rézvirág
6 110bZinnia, Mark Charneski
6 110aZinnia, Red, Peggy Swientek
6 110dZinnia, White, Peggy Swientek
6 110cZinnia, Yellow, Peggy Swientek


Flowers 1 Poster Flowers 2 Poster Flowers 3 Poster Flowers 4 Poster Flowers 5 Poster Flowers 6 Poster Flowers 7 Poster

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Gravity. Is it really a pulling force? No.

Virágok minden mennyiségben. A legszebb virágok gyűjteménye. Mérgezők