1a. Agapanthus Ocean Blue
1c. Agapanthus, gladys
1b. Agapanthus, Felkai Kati
2. Amaryllis
3. Aster ageratoides, hirosh
4a. Banana Flowers, andybandi
4b. Banana Red, lpatchin
4c. Banana Flower
4d. Banana Flowers
5. Butterfly Bush, Buddleia davidii
6a. Butterfly Pea Wildflower, karwhit
6b. Butterfly Pea, karwhit
7. Cotton tree flower, Bombax ceiva, John Elliott
8. Cactus Blume, Steen Jensen
9a. Camellia japonica, Troubadour, Leonard Johnson
9b. Camellia japonica, hirosh
9c. Camellia japonica, Leonard Johnson
10. Calystegia soldanella, Morningglory, hirosh
11a. Kamélia, hirosh
11b. Pink Camellia, Pui Yan
11c. Camellia bud, md7
11d. Camellia Chrysantha, Sharon Rhinehart
12. Clematis japonica, hirosh
13. Clerodendrum bungei, hirosh
14. Clerodendron trichotomum (Fruit), hirosh
15. Codonopsis lanceolata, hirosh
16. Cornus florida, hirosh
17a. Crocus, sawyer
17b. Crocus, sawyer
18. Crocus, snownymph
19a. Crocus, Sharon Hansen
19b. Crocus yellow, Sharon Hansen
19c. Crocus, Sharon Hansen
20. Crocus, Sáfrány, gispa
21. Cycladenia humilis
22a. Dahlia
22b. Dahlias, Anna Oldenhave
22c. Dahlia, Gea Teunis
23. Blue Dandelion
24a. Digitalis ferruginea, Adem Adakul
24b. Foxglove, Digitalis, Gyűszűvirág, András Onozó
25. Fatsia japonica
26a. Fuchsia
26b. Fuchsia
26c. Fuchsia
27a. Fuchsia Photo, Virág Fotó, twinkel
27b. Fuchsia
27c. Fuxia, taboulih
28. Prairie Gentian
29. White Pondrose, Fehér Tavirózsa, Unknown
30. Geranium, casper
31. Geum japonicum, hirosh
32. Hemerocallis fulva, hirosh
33. Hemerocallis, Sásliliom, Gordon Frank
34. Helleborus, Hunyor, hirosh
35. Wild Hibiscus
36a. Hibiscus rosa-sinensis, hirosh
36b. Hibiscus, flaflamingo
36c. Hibiscus
37. Honeysuckle, Diana Wiersma
38. Weigela hortensis, hirosh
39. Hosa albo-marginata, hirosh
40. Globethistle, Echinops, Pierre Langlois, identification thanks to Dóra Jakobsdóttir
41. Hypericum chinense, hirosh
42a. Iris japonica, hirosh
42b. Iris, gero
43. Kalimeris yomena, hirosh
44. Lagerstroemia indica, hirosh
45. Lambs Ear
46b. Lily Red, Rachel Bilodeau
46c. Lily Yellow, Rachel Bilodeau
46d. Lily Jan Marie, Gayle Clement
47a. Lilium cordatum, hirosh
47c. Liily White, Rachel Bilodeau
48a. Lotus
48b. Lotus
48c. Lótusz, W.Liang
48d. Lótuszvirág, Duong Hanh
49. Lycoris radiata, Leonard Johnson
50. Magnolia fruit cone
51. Magnolia liliflora, hirosh
52. Carolina Mallow, karwhit
53. Mandevilla, Dipladenia, karwhit
54. Mazus miquelii, hirosh
55. Menyanthes trifoliata, hirosh
56. Morning Glory, karwhit
57. Musk mallow, Abelmoschus moschatus, Phuong Tran
58. Navarretia
59a. Nevada Lewisia
59b. Nevada Lewisia, B. Haley
60. Orchid, Rachel Bilodeau
61. Orchid, Leonard Johnson
62. Orchid Calanthe, hirosh
63. Orchid, Sharon Rhinehart
64. Nananthus transvaalensis, Edgewood
65. Oh its only Yellow, Steen Jensen Unkn.
66a. Pinky Clematis, Pierre Langlois
66b. White Clematis, brandychloe
67. Parnassia palustris, Fehérmájvirág, hirosh
68. Passiflora coerulea, hirosh
69. Penthorum chinense, hirosh
70. Periwinkle, Catharanthus roseus, rózsameténg, Alexey Sergeev
71. Pachyveria, manue64
72a. Platycodon grandiflorus, Balloon Fiore, Leonard Johnson
72b. Balloon, Johan
72c. Platycodon grandiflorus, Balloon, Gardenerspath
73a. Rose Red, Pierre Langlois
73b. Rose Amber, rlshe
73c. Rose
74a. Rose Red
74b. Rose Ore Gold, Anna Pagnacco
75. Rosa White Wings, hirosh
76a. Rose, Peggy Swientek
76c. Rose, Felkai Kati
77. Sedum japonicum, Varjúháj, hirosh
78a. Sheila Perfume, Leonard Johnson
78b. Rózsa, Felkai Kati
79. Swertia bimaculata, hirosh
80. Pigtail Anthurium
81. Thistle
82. Thistle Bloom
83a. Blooming Thistle
83b. Bull Thistle
84. Tricyrtis hirta, Toad Lily
85a. Tricyrtis hirta
85b. Tricyrtis
86. Tripterospermum japonicum, hirosh
87a. Trumpet of Angel, Datura, Angyaltrombita
87b. Brugmansia, Angels Trumpet, Datura, Donna Bailey
88. Tussilago, southburg
89. Trumpet Vine
90. Tulip
91. Unkn. Fiore Blue
92. African Violet, Saintpaulia ionantha 'Blue Border', identification thanks to Dóra Jakobsdóttir
93. Sedeveria 'Yellow Humbert', Manue
94. Unkn. White Lily Blomster or so, Steen Jensen
95a. Protea picture, Rachel Bilodeau
95b. King Protea, Virág, kswig
96. St. John's Wort Flowers
97. Himalayan Blue Poppy, Meconopsis betonicifolia, identification thanks to Dóra Jakobsdóttir
98. Clematis Flower Photo, identification thanks to Cecilia Galeazzi
99. Unknown Yellow something Blomman, Blomster Virág, Steen Jensen
100. Peony Flower, Pünkösdi rózsa, identification thanks to Terra
101. Verbascum, Thomas Mottl
102. Viola mandshurica, hirosh
103. Virág de nem tommi, talán Dália
104. Waterlily
105. Sacred Indian Blue Lotus, Tim Gainey
106. Waxmyrtle, Myrica cerifera
107. Pink Wildflower
108. White Wildflower
109. Turtlehead, Chelone obliqua, Csinos gerlefej identification thanks to Lila Pereszke
110. Zinnia, Rézvirág