A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


J. L. Len Gaasenbeek Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : ARX EIT
email : gaasbeek@rideau.net
web : http://www.heliwave.com/Helical.Particle.Waves.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
(Not exactly Lesage because it is gravitational influence instead of mask between two bodies) Helical Particle Wave Theory : photon is the sole elementary particle in nature gravitons are spinning linear wave photons which are emitted at a constant rate to preserve matter; the uneven transmission of gravitons causes the gravitational force kinetic spinning photons rapidly spinning photons. Body radiates gravitons as we begin to move the two halves further apart, each half will emit an increasing number of its gravitons in the general direction of the other half, with the result that the gravitational force between the two halves becomes progressively weaker. Electrons, protons, and neutrons are made up of billions upon billions of photons orbiting in pairs within their particles and continuously being emitted as electric fields spiralling away along helical paths. Helical Particle Waves theory. Photons consume external energy to power their three motions: spin motion around their own axis, linear motion forward limited to the speed of light c, and helical motion with fixed amplitude and frequency. Photon has to fall in step with other photons in the ocean of photons outside its source and therefore its linear velocity cannot exceed the constant speed of the light. Gravitons are photons at the highest energy with almost zero amplitude so that they penetrate all matter particles. Particles are structures of photons emiting permanently some of their photons to keep their internal orbital engine alive.
Eit Gaastra Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SAP
email : eitgaastra@gmail.com
web : http://www.eitgaastra.nl/
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The infinite universe based upon principle of Ernst Mach ; there is only mass plus movement of mass. Pushing Gravity, repulsive force. Light is related to the gravity/ether field it is in and therefore light appears to be constant to an observer. Redshift hypothesis is tired light. Light adjusts its velocity to a certain medium. Gravity particles being reformed into matter would solve the gravity riddle that says that gravity forces in an infinite universe would become infinite. Repulsion between proton and electron because of (bending of) gravity particles coming from outside the atom. With gravity/ether particles as a repulsive force mass-particles can rush away from each other and so baryonic matter may come to existence out of nothing, or: out of gravity particles, there may be no end to smallness, like our universe may be infinite large, 2002- 2010 include a complete presentation of most recent alternative theories.
George Gaboury Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : SCI
email : sftesla@hotmail.com
web : http://www.sftesla.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla : San Francisco Tesla Society
D. C. Gabuzda Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : RAP
email : gabuzda@phys.ucc.ie
web : http://www.mpifr-bonn.mpg.de/div/vlbi/evn2002/book/DGabuzda2.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Milli-arcsecond Polarization Structure of the Superluminal Quasar 3C 273, intraday variability sources 0716+716, 0917+624, and 0954+658
Dane Gacesa Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email : danegacesa@yahoo.com
web : http://users.beotel.net/~svetlost/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New explanation of light velocity: macrosource is emitting lights that have different speeds in relation to its own inertial frame; waves spreading at the different speed than the speed c are not electromagnetic; The Constancy of the speed of light" is the consequence of the strict detector's selectivity. Light source (macrosource) is a set of elementary sources which have different velocities in relation to inertial frame of the macrosource. Elementary light which is emitted by an elementary source has a strictly fixed speed c in relation to that elementary source in the moment of emission. Hereby follows that the macrosource is emitting lights that have different speeds in relation to its own inertial frame. Elementary light detector can only detect the light that in relation to it has speed c. Just that kind of light is detectable in the inertial frame of the elementary detector. The constancy of speed of light is only related to the detectable light and it is exclusivly the consequence of the strict detectors selectivity.
Bill Gaede Category : Critics 2008 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.youstupidrelativist.com/07ST/00SumST.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Light: Neither Particle nor Transverse Wave. Einstein's Idiots 2: A Line is NOT the Shortest Distance between Two Points! Mathematical Physics is not Science. Mathematical Physics is the latest religion invented by Man, a religion that came into its own in the 20th Century. The mathematicians are the priests of the modern world.
Mueiz Gafer Category : Critics 2011 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://researchcooperative.org/profile/MueizGaferKamalEldeen
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Resolution for the problem of Energy Conservation Law in General Relativity is introduced. This resolution is established within the framework of General Relativity, but radically differs from the classical pseudotensorial formulation. Furthermore, the resolution is free of all the disadvantages of the pseudotensorial formulation. Page no more existing in BAB
Pr. Jack Gaffey Category : History 0 Origin : SCI
email : jdgaffeyjr@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Jack_Gaffey
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Review of Talk by Professor Theodore Alan Jacobson vacuum energy has been identified, to play the role of the pressure P. Physicists know well zero-point fluctuation energies of all fields and of all particle types. These are not too small to serve, but many orders of magnitude too large! New physics is needed to resolve this problem. Stay tuned!
Lakhdar Gaffour Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 p288 2009, Effects of nonstationary space-time geometry on observables
Iris Gagel Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : iris_gagel@yahoo.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=45&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla, elektromagnet. Schwingkreise, Resonanz, Geometrie und Primzahlen nach Peter Plichta
H. W. Gäggeler Category : Experiment 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=22449657
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mendeleev's principle against einsteins relativity: news from the chemistry of superheavy elements.
Cristina N. Gagliardo Category : Relativist 2005 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/pdf/abstracts/abstracts_2748.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Technical assitance to Guala-Valverde. Your experiments should remove the last shadow of doubt even in the most skeptical minds, that the electromagnetic phenomena are of a relativistic nature.
Lisa M. Gahagan Category : Expanding Earth 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.agu.org/pubs/crossref/2008/2007GC001743.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Digital Isocrons of the Ocean Floor.
Dr. Lisa M. Gahaghan Category : Expanding Earth 2006 Origin : CLI
email : lisa@ig.utexas.edu
web : http://www.ig.utexas.edu/people/staff/lisa/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Digital Isocrons of the Ocean Floor. Overview of plate tectonic history and its unresolved tectonic problems. I Break-up of Gondwana and opening of the South Atlantic: Review of existing plate tectonic models.
Dr. Denis Gainon Category : Relativist 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.dynamica.phy.ulaval.ca/fileadmin/theses/gagnon11_master.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Phase Space Engineering in Optical Microcavities I: Preserving near-field uniformity while inducing far-field directionality.
Marek Gajewski Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : marek.gajewski@raytheon.com
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Yu Galaev Category : Experiment 2002 Origin : MOU SCI
email :
web : http://www.allais.info/priorartdocs/galaev.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Measuring Aether-Drift Velocity within Optical Wave Bands refers to Allais Etheral Wind in Experience of Millimetric Radiowaves Propagation. The ethereal wind speed and this speed vertical gradient near the Eath's surface have been measured. The systematic measurement results do not contradict the initial hypothesis rules and can be considered, as experimental imagination con rmation about the Aether existence, as material medium, in the nature. The optical measuring method of the ether movement velocity and the ether kinematic viscosity has been proposed and realized.
Emmanuel Galatoulas Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : ARX
email : galas@tee.gr
web : http://www.mat.savba.sk/qs06/abstracts/galatoulas.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Using laws of classical mechanics, we obtain a structure of the photon which meets the wave-corpuscle duality annular thread of whirl. The rotational movement is only maintained if the centrifugal force is balanced by a static depression
Gershom Gale Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : ARX
email : gershon1@netvision.net.il
web : http://www.esek.com/jerusalem/theoryg.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Trans-Light State magnetism is a manifestation of something in the trans-light state which impinges on our universe light barrier "parent body" refers to matter coming into existence in "clumps" less massive than a galaxy. The mass of matter's smallest constituent will vary, in relation with the "clump" in which it is found. As a consequence of these differences in the mass of their smallest particle, the spectra of the "parent bodies" in which they appear may well fall into the "invisible" ends of the electromagnetic spectrum… explaining what we call "dark matter".
George Galeczki Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SAP GAL THE FRI IMP
email : nc-galeczge@netcologne.de
web : http://itis.volta.alessandria.it/episteme/ep6/ep6-galecz.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Can Quantum Mechanics Survive Without Special Relativity? Ether Beyond Maxwell-Lorentz Electrodynamics. Euler vs. Lagrange. The Two-Way Averaging of Special relativity SRT's Achilles Heel: Units of Measurement. What Does the Lorentz Force Have to do with Special Relativity? Mass-Increase with Velocity is a Dynamic Effect: by shows why the mass increase with velocity of special relativity is untenable. A logical and well thought out argument. see also Hille
Călin Galeriu Category : Relativist 2004 Origin : SCI
email : cgaleriu@yahoo.com
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/V11NO2PDF/V11N2GAL.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativist Addition of Velocities and Electromagnetic Interaction: nonrelativistic assumptions can lead to relativistically invariant equations.
Pr. Luigi Galgani Category : Critics 1996 Origin : FRI
email : luigi.galgani@unimi.i
web : http://www.mat.unimi.it/~galgani
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein and Poincaré
Pasquale Galianni Category : Experiment 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://iopscience.iop.org/0004-637X/620/1/88
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. The Discovery of a High Redshift X-ray Emitting QSO Very Close to the Nucleus of NGC 7319
Jean-Pierre Galinat Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email : larochelle.armel@science-univers.qc.ca
web : http://science-univers.qc.ca/cosmologie/commenta2003.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Model of a photon turn on itself like a knife thrown by a knife thrower. That was my photon dipole that twirls with an angular speed equal to the light frequency. More and more light and especially coherent monochromatic (laser) photons are expelled in time (and this speed is the same frequency as the tournament). This is necessary to explain the interference effect sawtooth light in media.
J. G. Gallimore (deceased) Category : New Energy 1982 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.worldcat.org/isbn/096035364X
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Gravity Control, Unified field theory Using Subjective Response to Psi-Plasma for Analysis of Properties, Neutral Charge, Plasma Fields.
Nillo Gallindo Category : Critics 2008 Origin : BAB
email : nillo.gallindo@bol.com.br
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/126/Nillo,%20Gallindo
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
The New-Old Relativity Theory of Space Without Time. Time Without Mystery - Time is not the Fourth Dimension, time is only MEASURE OF MOTION OF A MASTER REFERENCE MOTION TO THE CLOCK MACHINE AND IT IS NOT THE FOURTH DIMENSION. Fourth dimension in the concept of space-time is wrong.
Antony A. Gallistel Category : Relativist 2004 Origin : CLI
email : agallist@gmail.com
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/cph_theory/message/4032
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
How photon can be deviated by mass as there is no refraction? The frame of reference of the black hole the observable universe is limited to the black hole and the rest of the universe is unobservable.
Chuck Gallo Category : Cosmology 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR07/Event/64813
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Rotation of Spiral Galaxies Described with a Simple Disc Gravitational Model. Measured rotation velocity profiles of spiral galaxies are described with a simple disc gravitational model, without need forl halos of Dark Matter. We utilizes Newtonian gravity/mechanics to search for mass distributions that satisfy the measured rotational velocity profiles.
Dr. Raymond H. Gallucci Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Raymond_Gallucci
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Does not believe in black holes, Big Bangs.
K. D. Gamalo-Tiozon Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Ewert engine
Foster Gamble Category : Philosophical 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.thrivemovement.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Michael Allen Gamble Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : SCI
email : michael.a.gamble@boeing.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Michael_Gamble
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity earth the harmonic waveshapes were aligning very close to that of the measured data.
Rodger L. Gamblin Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i1 p131-135, Special relativity in a Newtonian space.
Stephen Gamboa-Eastman Category : Critics 1999 Origin : RAP CHI
email : Gamboa-Eastman@webtv.net
web : http://www.sonoma.edu/users/w/wautisch/Abstracts/Abstracts'99
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nonlocality and the Quantum Born Rules. Theoretical science in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries has been driven by discoveries made in shamanic states of consciousness trance, special dreams, ecstasy, fever, and ritual contexts. Quantum Approaches to Consciousness.
John Gamgee Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Zeromotor with sea water making ammonia boil
Richard Gancarczyk Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Pr. Martin J. Gander Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : Martin.Gander@unige.ch
web : http://www.unige.ch/~gander/
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ritzian Relativity From Euler, Ritz and Galerkin to Modern Computing
I. Gandzha Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.santilli-foundation.org/santilli-scientific-discoveries-1.php
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
see RM Sanatilli
Georg Gane Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Pr. Ashok K. Gangadean Category : Philosophical 1972 Origin : FRI
email :
web : birth2012synergy.com/node/44881
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ontological relativity: a metaphysical critique of Einstein's thought
Paul Gangloff Category : Nothing found 2006 Origin : MOC
email : paul.gangloff@gmail.com
web : http://theorie.online.fr/
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
This generalized Newtonian mechanics requires a full inertial dynamics in space including gravitational effects. It therefore implies the existence of an inertial structure of space with interactive material objects, ie an inertial environment. A perfect fluid, the ultimate limit of condensates of atoms at absolute zero temperature satisfies all the conditions of such a medium. This medium is isotropic, homogeneous particle therefore not at zero viscosity, compressible and has a potential density at least equal to the actual density of the atomic nucleus. Indeed the material consists of particles of this fluid in whirling motion having acquired by virtue of the properties of their movement 'inertial mass'. The sustainability of elementary particles is unlimited under the Helmholtz principle in fluid mechanics. All interactions in this fluid, ie the fundamental forces at work in the universe (strong and weak interaction, gravity, electromagnetic forces) are interpreted consistently by the combined forces of Bernoulli, Archimedes and the centrifugal and centripetal effects. This fluid is responsible for universal gravitation: an expansive flow of the fluid determines a central thrust by the Bernoulli effect. Duality matter / wave and quantification of interactions are conceived easily in this framework if we apply the principles and formulas of fluid mechanics. 2007-2008
Shan Gao Category : Philosophical 2000 Origin : CLI
email : gaoshan.iqm@263.net
web : http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/467/1/qbp-jcs.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A possible quantum basis for panpsychism
A. K. Gaponov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravitation Force and antigravitation of matter. Methods of its creation. The capacitor, which has energy of atomic bomb.
Remo Garattini Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Particle propagation and effective space-time in Gravity's Rainbow
R. Garavaglia Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special relativity and Superluminal motions: A discussion of some recent experiments.
Orestina Garavaldi Category : Critics 2007 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/friebeforum/thread.php?threadid=374&page=4
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
About some recent objections against Einsteinian relativity.
Vitalij Garber Category : Superluminal 2007 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/ftp/quant-ph/papers/0702/0702208.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explaining quantum entanglement as interactions mediated by a new superluminal field. A proposed superluminal S-field mediating quantum entanglement However, quantum field theory implies instantaneous information transfer among the entangled quantum states, or what Einstein called spooky action at a distance. This contradicts the constraints of the Special and General theories of relativity, and to date has not been explained (1), (2). Many physicists view this as simply a natural feature of quantum theory, unencumbered with classical causal notions of space-time. But others like Richard Feynman, call this phenomenon The central mystery of quantum mechanics.
Joel A. Garbon Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.breakthroughpower.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
New Energy 2011. How Quantum-leap New Energy Inventions Can Transform Our World. Tesla devices and other zero-pollution prospects for sourcing nearly free energy.
Alfredo Dimas Moreira Garcia Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : BAB
email : avaliac@sjc.sp.gov.br
web : www.mrelativity.net/papers.htm
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Undulating Relativity keeps the principle of the relativity and the principle of Constancy of light speed: Temporal variation is due to the differences on the route of the light propagation and the lengths are constants between two landmarks in uniform relative movement. Basis: transformations are linear; Keeps untouched the Euclidian principles; Ties the Speed of Light and Time to a unique phenomenon; the Lorentz force can be attained by two distinct types of Filed Forces; absence of the spatial contraction of Lorentz, to reach the same classical results of the special relativity
Joseph Garcia Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details. Question of whether there are departures from the theory at very small distances or at very large distances is valid. Theories that depart from relativity read Jao Maguao's "Faster than Light"
José Francisco Garcia Juliá Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : jose.garcia@dival.es
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/2432
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Re-Interpretation of Hubble's Law loss of energy of the photon with the time by emission of heat might explain RS tired light mechanism, similar to the discharge of an electric capacitor.
Juan Manuel Garcia-Islas Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A very simple solution to the OPERA neutrino velocity problem. Argues that gravitational red-shift will create effect of superluminal motion when clocks on Earth are compared with those in orbit.
Aurea Garcia-Rissmann Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
John Gard Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.1stardrive.com/solar/index.php
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Star drive theory, To use the term vortex, it is only important that vectored forces cause it to go around in circles. Multi vortex resonant points are positions in wave mechanics. Solar Motor. Time is a concept. Time may not even be real. Time is a constant unvarying continuium of happenings. time is not instant to instant but rather absolutlely continious+ point being the classical understanding that the magnetic field is 90 degrees to the moving charge field is in error, Energy is a vectored resonant flux continuum moment in motion occupying a discrete amount of space capable of doing descrete amount of work and exerting many types of force flux fields in a defined amount of space and time.
Phillip E. J. Gardner Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.commonsensescience.org/pdf/articles/electron_wave_function_fos_v8n3.pd
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Galilean Electrodynamics 16 (3), (May/June 2005). More on the Nature of Material Particles Philip Gardner [7] wants "physical models of subatomic particles that have no singularities, no discontinuities." In defining acceptance criteria for such models he assumes that any alternative model must: 1) have a role for the particle's wave function 2) define its structure (charge, mass and current densities), internal motion and external fields as functions of this wave function 3) describe in some detail such processes as pair creation and annihilation.
Susan Gardner Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal Neutrinos without Revolution
Martin Gardner (deceased) Category : Relativist 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/index/v3618580666414mk.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
World's foremost anti-pseudoscience polemicists. By modern standards Bertrand Russell could call Euclid's fourth proposition a "tissue of nonsense" and declare it a scandal that the Elements was still used as a textbook.
Goodwin Gareth Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BOR
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Association for Scientific Study of Anomalous Phenomena (ASSAP), no more in BOR
Jean Pierre Garnier-Malet Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CLI
email : contact@garnier-malet.com
web : http://www.garnier-malet.com/index.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Paradox according to the doubling theory. The helical movement of duplication of time and space is a phenomenon that is observed throughout the universe both in the infinitely large celestial in the infinitely small in our cells and our DNA
C. G. B Garrett Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : RAP REC
email :
web : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v425/n6959/full/nature02016.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Propagation of a Gaussian Light Pulse through an Anomalous Dispersion Medium, time to detect information propagating through a fast-light medium is slightly longer than the time required to detect the same information travelling through a vacuum, even though υg in the medium vastly exceeds c. Our observations are therefore consistent with relativistic causality and help to resolve the controversies surrounding superluminal pulse propagation.
J. C. Garrison Category : Superluminal 2007 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://en.scientificcommons.org/j_c_garrison
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Two theorems for the group velocity in dispersive media. in link + Recent results demonstrating superluminal group velocities and tachyonic dispersion relations reopen the question of superluminal signals and causal loop paradoxes. The sense in which superluminal signals are permitted is explained in terms of pulse reshaping, and the self-consistent behavior which prevents causal loop paradoxes is illustrated by an explicit example.
David Garroway Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email : phiman888@yahoo.co.uk
web : http://www.teslatech.info/ttevents/2011conf/program2011.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Implosion Vortex Dynamics.
Pr. Augusto Garuccio Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email : Augusto.Garuccio@ba.infn.it
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Augusto_Garuccio
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Waves and Particles in Light and Matter Entangled States and the Compatibility Between Quantum Mechanics and Relativity. A Michelson interferometer with a phase-conjugate mirror is described; it is proved that it is able to transmit superluminal signals using the intrinsic non-locality of quantum mechanics. The result is obtained using only the axioms of quantum mechanics and the wave packet reduction postulate.
Heriber Hans Joachim Gasa (deceased) Category : Critics 0 Origin : WEG
email :
web : http://www.markweger.at/geg.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Position that the light is particles of matter. Nothing else found
Dr. Tibor Gasparik Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Tibor-Gasparik/e/B001K6J194
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details. Phase Diagrams for Geoscientists: An Atlas of the Earth's Interior 2008 favour plate techtonics against expanding earth.
Pr. Maurizio Gasperini Category : Relativist 2008 Origin : ARX
email : gasperini@ba.infn.it
web : http://www.ba.infn.it/~gasperin/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
String Cosmology before big bang
Dr. Luis F. Gatto Category : Relativist 2005 Origin : SAP GAL CHI
email :
web : http://portal.educ.ar/debates/eid/ciencia/de-malas-intenciones-y-obligaciones.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Guala Valverde Scaling of Inertial Mass, Velocity Dependent Gravitational Interaction.
Luke Gatto Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : lukegatto99@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Luke_Gatto
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Claude Gaudeau de Gerlicz Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email : bioespac@gmail.com
web : http://planeteinconnu.e-monsite.com/blog/news-ovni-en-france/monsieur-le-professeur-claude-gaudeau-organise-un
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics and Entanglement with Multivalued Logic. Probability theory has been widely used in quantum mechanics but today there are alternatives to probability theory: fuzzy logic which describes individuals, whereas probability theory describes populations. Nevertheless, probabilities are included in fuzzy logic and can help to model quantum uncertainty in a more precise way. This new approach would permit, for instance, a more consistent interpretation of Young's experiment and wave-particle duality. The purpose of this article is to attempt a connection between quantum mechanics and fuzzy logic, in order to have a new mathematical model for the spatio-temporal extension of particles, seen as "micro-objects" in the sense of A. Granik and H.J. Caulfield.
Dr. Richard Gauthier Category : Superluminal 2005 Origin : CLI
email : richgauthier@gmail.com
web : http://www.superluminalquantum.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal quantum models of the electron and the photon, electron's quantum moves superluminally 57% of the time and subluminally 43% of the time in a closed helical trajectory. The photon's quantum always moves superluminally in an open helical trajectory. These quanta have a wavelength and a frequency of movement along their trajectories related to their momentum and energy respectively. So these quanta have both wave-like and particle-like properties.
Dr. Laszlo Gazdag Category : Critics 1999 Origin : ENG
email : gazdag@ktk.pte.hu
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_10_12.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Beyond the theory of relativity. He has extended some of the concepts of physics to embrace the aether because he found that the concept was important to explain some of the basic concepts of physics. Super fluid mediums, vacuum spaces.
Dr. Zhao Ge Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : fuyh1945@sina.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers_view.php?id=1649
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Positive, Negative and Neutral Law of Universal Gravitation. Fractal Method for Forecasting Solar Events Data and the Like.
Josef Otto Geiger Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Rotary magnet Engine-generator.
Pr. Dr. Manfred Geilhaupt Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : BAB
email : Manfred.Geilhaupt@hs-niederrhein.de
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=418&filter=M.,%20Geilhaupt
kind of theory : united field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unifying Force Equation total electron's mass action (10.15) h=1/2h+1/2h (1/2-circular and 1/2-linear part) within one action time. Fundamental Unit Momentum. Electron, Universe, and the Large Numbers Between. A simplified model of the particle having finite size and shape from internal dynamics electron model and the new Large Number predict an ultra-low quantum of mass (the massquant) radiated/absorbed by the electron's internal and external dynamics.
Gernot L. Geise Category : Nothing found 2002 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.efodon.de/html/archiv/weltraum/apollo/ap2002-1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing related to science. Who is there on the moon round? Contradictions to our moon. Why do we lie?
Siegfried Geisel Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : Siegfried_Geisel@hotmail.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=45&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Don Geldbach Category : Critics 0 Origin : FRI
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The fallacy of the relativity time transformation.
S. Geller Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Vortex
Key statements :
Paradoxes of gas structures Vortex liquid heaters.
Michael Allen Gelman Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : ARX EIT
email : hostmaster@ontheInter.net
web : http://amoureternal.com/oti/Gravity/page1.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity flux of neutrinos. I attribute neutrinos with delivering to matter the linear momentum they have stolen from nuclear fission and nuclear fusion, in the form of gravity Lesage. The deficit caused by the neutrinos that did not make it through the planet create a diminished repulsion on the side of the moon that faces the planet. 1996
Jean-François Geneste Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/dualite-espace-temps/accueil.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Poubeau Duality of space-time assumed phenomenon of fields propagation doesn't exist. Coupling interactions are instantaneous. Fields only are a wit's view, there should not be any gravitation field, but, once again, gravitational entanglement with infinite propagation speed. Now, since we would therefore be in the same situation as with electromagnetism.
Jean-Pierre Génevaux (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified theory of physics practically incompressible ether result of gravitational repulsion electrostatic Coulomb proportionality to the mass due to its proportionality to the charge. Rationale: the flow repellent issued by a body is weaker than that emitted by the vacuum pressure is the vacuum that goes to the masses. (all refe has disappeared !)
Heribert Genreith Category : Relativist 2011 Origin : BOR
email : Heribert.Genreith@t-online.de
web : http://ifara.eu/de/expertengruppe/Heribert_Genreith
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
What did you want to know about the theory of relativity ( no more in BOR) explanation on the effect of superluminal neutrinos in the OPERA experiment and show that the SN 1987A data and the recent OPERA data do agree well by the use of common known physics.
Henning Genz (deceased) Category : Relativist 0 Origin : MOC
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothingness : the science of empty space
X. Geobeck Category : Cosmology 1994 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://members.tripod.com/~geobeck/frontier/bbangint.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pseudo of George Beckingham Big Bang: You're Dead. There is a model for an infinite, continuously evolving Universe that conforms to almost every observational test. This model is built, not from a cataclysmic fraction of an instant, billions of years ago, but from the easily observable behavior of the fourth state of matter: plasma.
John Geohegan Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.csicop.org/si/show/special_relativity_after_100_years/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Support of any alternative and new energy theory Stellar Aberration. Special relativity has been phenomenally successful, but its nonintuitive nature has made it difficult for us to absorb Einstein's central message about time and simultaneity.
Kim George Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Russ George Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email : rgeroge@hooked.net
web : http://taraquebec.org/a-fusion.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
E-Quest Sciences (The Micro-Fusion-TM Process)
S. Georgeoura Category : Relativist 1985 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/S._Georgeoura
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Mass-Energy Relation 1986 Investigation on natural convection decay heat removal for the EFR status of the program. 1993
Andrew Georges Category : Relativist 2008 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://journalgp.awardspace.com/journal/0202/0202.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Rebuttal to Paper on E = mc2 by Ajay Sharma Student Misconceptions Concerning Time in Special Relativity.
Peter Georgiev Category : Superluminal 2005 Origin : BAB
email : peter_g_bg@yahoo.com
web : www.wbabin.net/science/georgiev1.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Nature of Light and the Relativity Principle. Time is a Superluminal Phenomenon. Time is one of the biggest mysteries of Physics. In the classical Physics, time is considered scalar i.e. described by number. It is known that time has also direction, i.e. it can not be described entirely by a number. In classical mechanics, time is homogenous. It is known that time was created after the Big Bang (??) I accept that time travels in the space. Smarandache (1998) proposed that as a consequence of the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen paradox, there is no speed limit in the universe (i.e., the speed of light is not a maximum at which information can be transmitted) and that arbitrary speeds of information or mass transfer can occur.
Lucien A. A. Gerardin Category : New Energy 1956 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://answers.yahoo.com/question/index?qid=20070518182203AARNMLH
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Electrogravitic propulsion. Conservative endorsements by physicists for the projects' goal to attain gravity control propulsion through the development of the unified field theory were made by (among many others) Lucien A. A. Gerardin (1956) of Compagnie Francaise Thomas-Houston.
S. A. Gerasimov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Mechanism of Drive-Free motion Magneto_hydrodynamic motor Self-action in the case of magnetic rotation on Velocity of Drive-Free Motion Electromagnetic Self-Action Flying Platform Thermolevitation.
Kenneth Gerber Category : New Energy 1977 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://depalma.pair.com/gyrodrop.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
In this experiment a fully enclosed, electrically driven gyroscope is released to fall freely under the influence of gravity. The elapsed time taken to fall a measured distance of 10.617 feet was measured, with the rotor stopped and also with the rotor spinning at approximately 15,000 RPM. Hypothetical, fictitious force increment which would have to be applied to the non-rotating gyroscope to impart the increased acceleration noticed in its rotating mode, was calculated for comparison purposes.
Reinhold Gerharz Category : Alternative theory 1989 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com/toc.asp?nmb=02
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v2 i1 Mar1989, A Relationship Between Magnetic Moment and Particle Radius. The structure of the electron is postulated to consist of two counterdirectional circulating electromagnetic fields: One is considered to be the electron's Compton field singularity (Compton wavelength), and the other is the neutrino (in electromagnetic form).
Jan Gerken Category : Critics 0 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php3?a=list&c=8&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Kleinste Elemente von Raum und Zeit in der Quantenphyysik
Jens Gerlach Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : gerlachjens@gmx.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=45&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy magnetic motor-generator-autonomous system of the Japanese KOHEI MINATO
James W. German Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Similar to Ecklin Electric current generator including torque reducing countermagnetic field.
Claudio Germana Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Are OPERA neutrinos faster than light because of non-inertial reference frames? The analysis presented here is falsifiable because it predicts that performing the experiment from January to March/April, the neutrino beam will be detected to arrive 50 ns later than light. "
Dr. Frank Germano Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : PEA
email : frank@germano.com
web : http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Tesla_Turbines
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Improvements on Tesla Turbine replicated the Tesla Turbine and has had a turbine in continuous operation without component failure since October of 2000
Rupert Gerritsen Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : rupertgerritsen@ozemail.com.au
web : http://www.rupertgerritsen.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A quanta of mass is identified at around 70 MeV with variants according to spin and charge. The origin of time and dimensionality arises because of the neutrino bonds and changes in these in respect to each other, registering as changes in energy states communicated by photons.
David Gershon Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://prd.aps.org/abstract/PRD/v51/i8/p4387_1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Exact solutions of four-dimensional black holes in string theory.
Arkadi Gershteyn Category : Experiment 2001 Origin : CLI
email : Mgershteyn@Aol.comI
web : http://www.attractiveuniverse.com/theory.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Detected G anisotropy by two independent methods. Measurements show that the level of G anisotropy is not less than 0.054 %.
Lev I. Gershteyn Category : Experiment 1988 Origin : CLI
email : Mgershteyn@Aol.comI
web : http://www.attractiveuniverse.com/theory.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Detected G anisotropy by two independent methods. Measurements show that the level of G anisotropy is not less than 0.054 %.
Mikhail L. Gershteyn Category : Experiment 1988 Origin : MOU
email : Mgershteyn@Aol.comI
web : http://www.attractiveuniverse.com/theory.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Detected G anisotropy by two independent methods. Measurements show that the level of G anisotropy is not less than 0.054 %. 2001.
Attractive Universe Theory unique fundamental attraction. Experimental evidence that G varies with orientation: Universe made of 2 particles with opposite charges attraction of these charges in a feature of saturation. Universe is changed by screening or shading, the repulsion of the similar charges as the consequence of the attraction of each of them to the opposite charges of the surrounding Universe. The mechanism of repulsion is as follows: any elementary isolated charge is attracted to the opposite charges of the surrounding Universe. When the surroundings are symmetric, the forces are compensated in all directions. As two similar charges approach each other, each of them disturbs the symmetry of the attraction to the Universe of the other charge due to saturation. It is as if the approaching charge shaded the charge of the Universe located behind it. As a result the attraction to the region of the Universe located opposite the approaching charge is unbalanced for each of the charges (Fig. 1). The pair of forces of attraction to the Universe (fpull) tends to pull apart similar charges and is perceived as their apparent repulsion. Attraction and the observed repulsion in this model are not equal in intensity and the difference would depend on the interaction with the surrounding universe. For example if we manage some how to turn off the interaction with the Universe, it would make the observed repulsion disappear, but the attraction would stay. In the graphical model constructed in this paper, the attraction of opposite elementary charges is slightly stronger than the apparent repulsion of similar charges. The prevalence of the attraction over the repulsion leads to the fact that fundamental forces between neutral bodies are uncompensated.
Emil Gert Category : Expanding Earth 1983 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Once-smaller-earth-Emil-Gert/dp/B0006YOR3G
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Once a Smaller Earth
Martel Gerteis Category : Critics 1984 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Einsteins-Zeitdehnung-Ein-Fehler-Rechenprogramm/dp/3764812990
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's time stretching. A flaw in calculating time relativity. The two trains checkmate?
Siegfried Geruhn Category : Critics 1988 Origin : CLI
email : s.geruhn@t-online.de
web : http://www.beidenflether-forum.de/Feldtheorie.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
We see only standing waves, and only standing waves are light. The medium space field oscillates not sluggish at the site as a material substance. But even now, at the time of the day, in spite of all practicing handling - one is measuring techniques able to measure the lengths of the amplitude of the light, the experts are, such as the bullhead pilot hole and say, can not explain definitively what Light really is now. What a depressing blund.
Patrick Geryl Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/889/Patrick,%20Geryl
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Mass of a Photon and the Quantum Gravitation. 1. Theory. Photons have a mass 2. A photon is the most elementary particle that exists 3. The mass of a photon is the most elementary in nature 4. The influence of gravitation and electromagnetic fields is finite 5. A photon proofs the third theorem of Bohr 6. Because a photon is an elementary field and mass is nothing else then this, we get the proof of the dualistic character (the Broglie!) 7. Energy = vibration width mass 8. Mass = frequency of movement
J. F. Geurdes Category : Critics 2001 Origin : GAL SCI
email : han.geurdes@gmail.com
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0112036
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Multiple Clock-Frequencies & Instantaneous Ether Transmissions. A Counter-Example to Bell's Theorem with a 'Softened' Singularity. The reason for violating the Bell inequalities lies in the ?softening? of functions similar to the Dirac delta such that they can be 'hidden' inside a sign function.
Dr. Daniel Y. Gezari Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : daniel.y.gezari@nasa.gov
web : http://astrophysics.gsfc.nasa.gov/staff/CVs/Daniel.Gezari/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
First-order violation of local Lorentz invariance; the speed of light seems to depend on the motion of the observer after all, as in classical wave theory, which implies that a preferred reference frame exists for the propagation of light.
N. Ghahramani Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
PE v21 p200, Nuclear magic numbers based on a quarklike model is compared with the Boltzmann distribution model from nuclear abundance in the universe and low energy nuclear reactions.
M. Ghanaatian Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
PE v21 p200, Nuclear magic numbers based on a quarklike model is compared with the Boltzmann distribution model from nuclear abundance in the universe and low energy nuclear reactions.
Jamel Ghanouchi Category : History 2011 Origin : BAB
email : jamel.ghanouchi@topnet.tn
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/715/Jamel,%20Ghanouchi
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A generalization of Fermat-Catalan conjecture
Hosam A. Ghany Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i3, The twin paradox repudiated
Frank Ghassemi Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email : fghassemi@mac.com
web : http://andyzaps.blogspot.fr/2006/10/new-look-at-universe.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space-time-mass unified theory. The fabric of space/time can be modeled to have an equivalent mass with fluid characteristics. The massive fabric of space-time fills the entire emptyness of the universe. Considering this model the nuclear force is explained to be the resulting force from the universal pressure of liquid space. Missing mass theory another state of matter filling the entire emptyness of the universe.space-time itself is massive because it is made of matter. Therefore the 80% missing mass of the universe is indeed the equivalent mass of the total space-time that fills the entire cosmos. Modeling universe as a gigantic sun-like star, the pressure at the center of the universe Pn because each point in the universe is at the center of the universe and that everything is expanding away from that point. 1998
Pr. Shahin Ghazanshahi Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : sghazanshahi@fullerton.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1876
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Ideal Inelastic Collision Model using Center-of-Mass Frames Shows Conservation of Kinetic Energy.
Neagu Gheorghe Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email : neagugh@consultant.com
web : http://www.atomic-model-fluenic.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Space ether fluen (energy flux) made of structure in double torus representing the magnetic and electric induction flux making matter at all level up to the galaxies. The field state of matter, fluen, makes possible, efficient and much easier the space unlimited travel
Cristian R. Ghezzi Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : cristian@ghezzi.net
web : http://www.researchgate.net/researcher/11042658_Cristian_R._Ghezzi
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Anisotropic dark energy stars.
Pr. Jacob Ghitis Category : Philosophical 2001 Origin : THE
email : ghitis@isdn.net.i
web : http://www.oocities.org/ghitis.geo/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dynamic-Scientific Philosophy: a thinker's website.. the three major aspects of theory development in science and much more.
Dr. S. K. Ghosal Category : Critics 2009 Origin : CLI
email : ghosalsk@hotmail.com
web : http://www.phil-inst.hu/~szekely/PIRT_BUDAPEST/ft/ft.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the synchronization & desynchronization in rotating frames & a recent paradox. The essential content of Selleri Paradox is that, simple kinematics together with some symmetry arguments predict, challenging the correctness of the relativity theory, an anisotropy in the OWS of light with respect to an "inertial observer" attached to the edge of the rotating disc, in the limit of zero acceleration.
Dr. Amitabha Ghosh Category : Critics 2002 Origin : SCI DUF
email : amitabhg@usc.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Amitabha_Ghosh
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Origin of Inertia, Mach's Principle, Big Bang. According to this theory the interactive gravitational force between two objects depends not only on the separation but also on the relative velocity and acceleration between the interacting bodies. In a sense it is an extension of Mach's Principle, and could be termed the Extended Mach's Principle. According to Mach's Principle a force acts on an accelerating object due to its interaction with the matter present in the rest of the universe. In the Extended Mach's Principle such an interactive force acts on a body due to its velocity (in the mean rest frame of the universe) also. This force has been termed the Cosmic Drag. An apparent anomalous acceleration of about 8 × 10+8 cm/s2 cm/s2 (directed towards the Sun) has been detected in the Doppler residuals of Pioneer 10 and 11 Mach believed that a new system of mechanics acting on the surface of the Earth by the action of rotating stars by considering the Earth to be stationary. But he did not formulate such a system of mechanics. See also Apeiron papers.
Antina Ghosh Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL
email : sankarhajra@yahoo.com
web : http://home.comcast.net/~adring/Hajra_part_1_ckw.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Decline of the theory of relativity. It fails to answer several… The story of Einstein and the rebirth of the ether. Collapse of SRT 1: Derivation of Electrodynamic Equations from the Maxwell Field Equations. Alternative to Special Relativity: Instead, if we assume that electric and magnetic fields are real physical entities [5,6,7] and the earth carries electric and magnetic fields along with its surroundings just like it carries all other physical objects with it [8], the null result could simply be explained. Moreover, this simple assumption could at once settle why all electrodynamic phenomena as observed on the surface of the moving earth are independent of the movement of the earth. Alternative to General Relativity: However, to explain the motion of Mercury round the Sun, the assumption of the reality of the specific space- time curvature of the so-called 4-dimensional Minkowski space near the surface of the gravitating body is not essential. Instead, if we assume that planets contain charges which act as mass points in the gravitating fields, the motion of Mercury round the sun could easily be explained. More over, this simple assumption, if extended to the case of electromagnetic energy, could readily explain the gravitational red shift of astral rays and the observed bending of light rays grazing the surface of the sun. see Hajra
Debabrata Ghosh Category : Critics 2000 Origin : IMP EIT
email :
web : http://www.space-lab.ru/files/pages/PIRT_VII-XII/pages/text/PIRT_VII/Hajra.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Sankar Hajra a critical analysis of special relativity. It may be concluded, therefore, that if Maxwell.s equations and consequently Heaviside.s ectrodynamics are supplemented with the considerations of force-communicating dipoles (or electromagnetic medium) fixed with the large heavenly bodies, or in other words if we assume that all large heavenly bodies carry electromagnetic forces and vibrations mostly like all other physical vibrations on them, explanations of electromagnetic phenomena become physical, easy and simple, and an equivalent alternative approach to special relativity in the frame work of Heaviside.s electrodynamics emerges.
Dr. George C. Giakos Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : RAP
email : gcgiakos@uakron.edu
web : http://books.google.fr/books?id=Iv1W3njGhrIC&pg=PA52&lpg=PA52&dq=%22George+Giakos%22+Faster+Than+Light&source=
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Transmit Radio Messages Faster than Light an apparent contradiction of Einstein's theory of Special Relativity in Decoding the message of the pulsars: intelligent communication from the galaxy of La Violette
Dr. Simone Giani Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : REC
email : Giani@cern.ch
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental evidence of superluminal velocities in astrophysics and proposed experiments.
E. Giannetto Category : Superluminal 1986 Origin : MIT REC
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Are muon neutrinos faster-than-light particles?
D. N. Giao Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BAB
email : hobichngoc@hcm.vnn.vn
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/386/D.%20N.,%20Giao
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
This paper will show that uniform rectilinear motion is an absolute state of motion which can be detected by the local observer without reference to any mirror observer time must flow with the same rate for both observers.
Philip Gibbs Category : Superluminal 1997 Origin : ARX CHI
email : philip.gibbs@weburbia.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/weuro/anderton93.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
There is no guarantee that there are not other undiscovered particles and forces that disobey the no-FTL ruleI it might be thought that special relativity provides a short negative answer to this question. In actual fact, there are many trivial ways in which things can be going faster than light (FTL).
Herbert Martin Gibson Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : BAB
email : lewprice@softcom.net
web : http://www.softcom.net/users/greebo/vortex.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Lee Paxton Price for details
Jack P. Gibson Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hypothesis of a Theory of Everything
Mart Gibson Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
An introduction to gravity
Paul J. Gibson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : BAB
email : Paul@GibsonFam.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/423/Paul%20J.,%20Gibson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Couldn't there be a modifier of the width of our frame of reference? The simplest explanation for why we haven't may be that the lightest elements of any star will remain suspended on its surface concealing its true nature. Other related methods would work to reproduce the experiments that led Einstein to his errorcle?
Dr. Albrecht Giese Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : IMP
email : Cc@a-giese.dea
web : http://www.ag-physics.de/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Basic particles composed particles bound by pair at spec distance orbit each other at c, no mass. The acceleration of a particle in free fall is caused by the refraction of its oscillating components by a cloud of exchange particles. 2000
Jan Giese (deceased) Category : Critics 1962 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1615
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the possibility of positive results in the Michelson. Positive results with an interferometer with angular displacements.
Dave H. Gieskieng (deceased) Category : Experiment 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://aetherscience.org/www-energyscience-org-uk/le/gieskieng.htm
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Aspden Antennas designed to radiate electric and magnetic fields in quadrature time-phase are found to have anomalous radiation properties relative to the in-phase propagation properties of the conventional dipole Logic suggests that there must be a propagation medium as a Maxwell carrier of radio waves, photons and other rays, and the make-up of electrons and other particles. The universality of such a medium and the long ranging of gravitational fields may indicate that anomalies in this medium, as caused by partial exclusion of it in the space occupied by particles or clumps or bodies of them, tend to gravitate or draw together. The familiar experiment of iron filings on a paper on a magnet does not illustrate a field that the magnet is exuding, but rather a strain that the magnet places on the adjacent medium. Strain of the medium can also be caused by flow of electrons in a conductor, permitting rapid magnetic polarity reversal, inductors, transformers, and resonent antenna excitation.
John F. Gifford Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SAP CHI
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V00NO20PDF/NR20ISS.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Doppler redshift versus tangent redshift I now feel obliged to withdraw my proposal for the "tangent redshift" (Gifford 1992) in favour of Dart's photon log-decay redshift (Dart 1993), which I consider to be a real breakthrough in redshift theory.
Pr. Stephan J. G. Gift Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : SCI PHY SAP
email : stephan.gift@sta.uwi.edu
web : http://ptep-online.com/index_files/2009/PP-16-03.PDF
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Existence of the luminiferous ether-the great dream of Michelson and Morley - and completely invalidate Einstein's Special Relativity Theory. A quantum extension of Newtonian gravitation is presented Ether Model of [P.E. 22, 423 & 1] Stellar aberration and the luminiferous ether. Light speed invariance is a remarkable illusion. Fundamental Particles II: Leptons are massless spin0 particles that propagate at light speed. They are interpreted as gravitons which mediate the gravitational force in a Newtonian framework and remove the objectionable action-at-a-distance feature of Newtonian gravity. Journal of Scientific Exploration, Vol. 20, No. 2, pp. 201-214, 2006 new Quantum Theory of Magnetic Interaction is proposed. This is done under a relaxation of the requirement of covariance for Lorentz Boost Transformations. A modified form of local gauge invariance in which fermion field phase is allowed to vary with each space point but not each time point, leads to the introduction of a new compensatory field different from the electromagnetic field associated with the photon. This new field is coupled to the magnetic flux of the fermions and has quanta called magnatons, which are massless spin 1 particles.
Emil D. Gigov Category : Experiment 2010 Origin : SCI BAB
email :
web : http://gsjournal.net/eeuro/gigov1.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Speed of light. THE THEORY OF RELATIVITY IS WRONG. Newton's emission theory of light, has been proven through many experiments, for example by those of Michelson, Sagnac and Fizeau. Also, the velocity of photons in one ray, is variable with respect to lateral observer, and is consistent with the classical law for velocity addition. The absolute fact, that the speed of light in vacuum is variable, is clearly proven by the interferometer of Sagnac. And many many nice critics.
Dan Gilbertson Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : ARX
email : Gilbertson@Primary.net
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ufonet/message/3079
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Non-local Medium Theory for a Unified Field Theory. Wave remains intact and does not disperse over time two distinguished types. One for elementary particles and one for photons, leave the description for gravity open (nothing found now)
V. Gilchuk Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.faraday.ru/content18.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Inertial generator
Dr. Tepper L. Gill Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : SCI
email : tgill@howard.edu
web : http://www.emis.de/proceedings/Toronto2000/abstracts/gill.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mathematical Physics
Joachim Gillert Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : joachim.gillert@gmx.de
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
GEET, LESA, Freie Energie, Energieerzeugung, Energiewandlung
Charles Philip Gillet Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : chuck@parfaitmelange.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Charles_Gillet
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
G. T. Gillies Category : Critics 2003 Origin : CLI
email : unni@tifr.res.in
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/gr-qc/0310081
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Constraints on Gravitational Shielding screening and absorbtion of gravitation in pre-relativist and relativist theories Modern Perspectives on Newtonian Gravity, 1998 2002
R. L. Gilliland Category : Cosmology 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9805201
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Observational Evidence from Supernovae for an Accelerating Universe and a Cosmological Constant.
Dr. James G. Gilson Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : GAL IMP
email : J.g.gilson@qmul.ac.uk
web : www.fine-structure-constant.org/
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Sketch for a Quantum Theory of Gravity: Rest Mass Induced by Graviton Motion mach's principle and angular velocity.
June Russell Gilstad Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
James Gimzewski Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://dictionnaire.sensagent.com/Fusion%20froide/fr-fr/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold fusion. Le magazine New Scientist a annoncé dans son édition en ligne le 27 avril 2005 qu'une réaction de fusion tičde aurait été obtenue par Seth Putterman, Brian Naranjo et James Gimzewski ŕ l'Université de Californie. En utilisant des cristaux de tantalate de lithium et l'effet pyroélectrique (il faut réchauffer de -33 C ŕ +7 C en quelques minutes ces cristaux plongés dans un bain de gaz de deutérium, afin de produire un champ électrique local), ils auraient réussi ŕ produire un flux, faible mais mesurable, de neutrons.
Pr. Jaume Giné Category : History 2005 Origin : PHY
email : gine@matematica.udl.cat
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 92] Einstein versus Lorentz and Poincaré: Open questions of credit Jaume mistakenly attributes the special theory of relativity solely to Lorentz, Poincare and perhaps Einstein. On the origin of the anomalous precession of Mercury's perihelion.
Vladimir B. Ginzburg Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SCI EIT
email : helicola@aol.com
web : http://www.helicola.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether Unified Spiral string Theory: a unique space-time spiral element, called the toryx. The ability of the toryx to be turned inside out made it perfect for modeling polarized prime elements of matter. At about the same time I discovered a close offspring of the toryx called the helyx that turned out to be ideal for modeling polarized prime elements of radiation particles. Space-time properties of the toryx and the helyx are governed by eight fundamental equations that can be viewed as their genetic codes. This discovery led me to the development of a new version of the vortex theory called Three-Dimensional Spiral String Theory (3D-SST) Creation of prime elements of the Universe by charge and reality polarization of Nothingness; Creation of elementary particles by unification of polarized prime elements of the Universe. Unification of material and radiation elementary particles. Unification of subluminal and superluminal velocities.
Paolo Giommi Category : Critics 1995 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://nedwww.ipac.caltech.edu/level5/Padovani/Padovani3.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Redshift distribution no conclusion possible presently
Dr. Duane Tolbert Gish Category : Religious aspects 1991 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://icr.org/index.php?module=articles&action=view&ID=343
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Big Bang Theory Collapses
Pr. Nicolas Gisin Category : Superluminal 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/quant-ph/0410025
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal hidden communication as the underlying mechanism for quantum correlations: constraining models. Suppose you have three entangled particles interconnected by hidden faster-than-light signals. You measure both particles A and B at exactly the same time—too quickly for the hidden signal to pass between them—so the outcomes should be uncorrelated. A short while later, you measure particle C. A hidden signal *does* have time to get to it from the other particles, so C will be correlated with both of them. But if A and C, and B and C, are correlated, then surely A and B should be, too. Ergo, a contradiction—in which case hidden signals can't have a finite speed after all. Spooky action really exists, it must act faster than light. The means of influence act faster than the speed of light.
Dr. G. Gisler Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic motion `A galactic speed record
Marcel Gisler Category : New Energy 0 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy, nothing found
Gian F. Giudice Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Interpreting OPERA results on superluminal neutrino
Renato Giussani Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.renatogiussani.it/propulsione_a_curvatura.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Pietro Alessandro Giustini Category : History 1980 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.fides.org/ita/comunicati/0030.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity: verification and epistemological problems. Contemporary relativism and skepticism.
Pr. Georgi P. Gladyshev Category : Critics 2004 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/Gladyshev/d/23945822-Thermodynamics-theory-of-origin-of-life-biological-evolution-and-ag
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Institute of Physico-Chemical Problems of Evolution. What is the Driving Force Behind Biological Evolution.
Pr. Vladimir O. Gladyshev Category : Experiment 2008 Origin : IMP SCI
email : Vgladyshev@mail.ru
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Vladimir_Gladyshev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The first results of the experiment on registering light dragging observed in an interferometer with rotating medium. Experimental data confirmed to the first approximation the classical linear dependence of the shift of interference fringes on the velocity of a rotating medium. Time Machine in Space with Dipole Anisotropy two principals of time control which are known. First of them has been well known since creating the Special Relativity and it concludes in controlled slowing down of a moving process course. Traveling with very large velocity allows for an astronaut to be in future time when he comes back on the Earth. Slowing down of time of moving clocks was tested in experiments. The second that is based on assumption that there are topological peculiarities.
John Reginald Glanvill Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
email : jonneeg@live.co.uk
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/John_Glanvill
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
James Glanz Category : Cosmology 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://bax.ast.obs-mip.fr/html/20DARK.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
NYT. Liquid space time model can explain the force that causes Galaxies to expand. The force of the massive space-time pushes Galaxies apart the Big Bang and led to the creation of the universe 14 billion years ago, astronomers announced. The biggest objects in the cosmos are behaving in a way radically out of step with the prevailing theory of how the universe was born and evolved, a team led by French astrophysicists said.
Kevin Glaser Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : k.a.glaser@att.net
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Phillip N. Glasgow Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI SCI
email : pas3181@prodigy.net
web : http://groups.google.com/group/sci.physics.relativity/msg/4dbcc02e4bdf9e3e
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mathematical proof that SR is internally inconsistent. Gravity as a Momentum Transport System; principles of the Lorenztian ether
Sheldon L. Glashow Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmic Ray and Neutrino Tests of Special Relativity
Tim Gleason Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.jamesphogan.com/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics and Relativity including a list of some dissidents. Kicking the Sacred Cow exposing the flaws in the defenses of the paradigms, see Hogan
Stan Gleeson (deceased) Category : New Energy 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/mar2/fox.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cincinnati Group. The late Stan Gleeson, of Cincinnati, Ohio, discovered some peculiar effects in water solutions when subjected to electrical voltages under proper conditions.[4]
Dr. Ralf Gleichmann Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email : ralf.gleichmann@gmx.de
web : http://www.gleichmann.netai.net/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hypothesis of orbital structures in all levels of nuclear physics - A direct model of structure. A singularity-free Big Bang necessarily demands a pre-history with agglomeration of bosonic neutron-matter, being completely incompatible with the Standard Model of Particle Physics. The alternative assumes non-elementary Quarks with substructure units and results in a Direct Structure Model of matter. This model considers only structure units that are indeed set free during experiments and possible to investigate in a direct manner. Prerequisite is a general principle of orbital formation that holds for any atomic or sub-nuclear dimension. t only two acting forces or fields: electromagnetism and gravitation. Strong and Weak Interaction will be shown to be only effects related to the inner structure and dynamics of Quarks.
Rein Glenn Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.scientificexploration.org/talks/28th_annual/28th_annual_rein_homeopathy_information_storage.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Biology Research Laboratory Water exhibits anomalous physico-chemical properties. chemical concentrations above Avogadro's number and the lack of a theoretical model to explain the ability of water to store information and subsequently release it to influence biological systems and promote healing. Recently DelGiudice and Preparata have pioneered the application of quantum electrodynamics (QED) to explain water memory and information storage. The theory is based on mathematically defining the coherence equations for the quantized matter field in terms of electrostatic, electromagnetic, potential and quantum fields. The theory predicts the formation of localized quantum coherent domains which can store and release electromagnetic information.
Dr. A. Y. Glikson Category : Expanding Earth 1980 Origin : SCI MYE
email :
web : http://www.bibliotecapleyades.net/ciencia/earthexpanding/05_SUMMARY-AND-CONCLUSIONS.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Precambrian sial-sima relations: evidence for Earth expansion.
Lukasz Andrzej Glinka Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Complement to Special Relativity at Superluminal Speeds: CERN Neutrinos Explained.
Helen Dee Glover Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Berislav Glozic Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Einsteins-Irrtum-Berislav-Glozic/dp/3897741776
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Einsteins' errors.
Dr. Peter Glück Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2005/NET11.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New Energy. Veteran observer and supporter of cold fusion and low energy nuclear reactions. From the earliest days, he has believed that the effect is at the surface, in a thin catalytic layer, not in the bulk of the cathode. 2003
Albert Gerard Gluckman Category : Critics 2008 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v21 p285, The missing lines of calculations in Einstein's derivation of the Lorentz transformation. PE v19 p359, A. Michelson's Ether Drift Experiments from the Viewpoint of Voigt Kinematics. Both of these Voigt kinematical models accommodate the failure to detect ether drift. Also, both (with their underlying inverse or direct transformations) can equally be chosen to correspond to the direction of motion of the closed Keplerian orbit of Earth.
Janusz Gluza Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Real and complex random neutrino mass matrices and theta13. Not really a tachyon paper, but related.
Simon Glynn Category : Critics 2006 Origin : FRI
email : glynn@fau.edu
web : http://evans-experientialism.freewebspace.com/Glynn.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The de-con-struction of reason. In: Man and world. Following Hume's recognition that we cannot in principle have any experience of an experience transcending objectivity as such, Husserl's Phenomenological Epoche (1) suspends judgement on whether or not such a realm of "things-in-themselves" exists. Thus our experiences of material objects and descriptions thereof can no more be shown to correspond to such an "objective" standard than can our experiences and descriptions of immaterial objects and conscious states. Consequently interpersonal and intercultural communications concerning the supposedly "public" objects etc. of the material world seem no less problematic than Wittgenstein (2) and others have shown communication concerning the "private" objects of the immaterial world (of fantasies, dreams etc.) to be. Kant nevertheless attempts to resist a slide into relativism by insisting that they are mediated by rationally delineated categories which supposedly insure the transcendental or universal nature of their form, thereby providing an absolute standard against which we might check the veridicality of our descriptions of, and communications concerning, them. We are able, even from within, or wholly upon the basis of, the (phenomenologically reduced) realm of, our experiences per se, to distinguish between the flux of constantly changing and interrupted subjective appearances, and the relatively unchanging and continuously existing objects constituted therein. Husserl confirms: . cognitive acts, more generally, any mental acts, are not isolated particulars, coming or going in the stream of consciousness without any interconnections. As they are ESSENTIALLY related to one another, they display a teleological coherence and corresponding connections ... And on these connections, which present an intelligible unity a great deal depends. They themselves are involved in the construction of objects ..While in view of Einstein's "Twins Paradox", (where the length of time that has passed is both T & <T,) and Bohr's concept of Complementarity (where light is both a particle and not a particle but a wave), it is at least arguable that not even the scientific notion of "rationality" implys universal commitment to the law of non-contradiction for instance. In light of such relativism it therefore seems that "rationality" can provide no absolute standard of comparison or basis of communication between our relative lifeworlds or cultures.
Michael Gmirkin Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://knol.google.com/k/einstein-was-wrong-falsifying-observational-evidence-presented#
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Was Wrong - Falsifying Observational Evidence Presented The LIGO has never detected a gravitational wave, The CDMS project has never detected any observational evidence of dark matter despite years of trying, Quasars shows them to be devoid of all effects of time dilation, The cepheid mass discrepancy problem has no solution in the standard model of stars. Recent findings by the ESO confirm that the standard model of stellar evolution is wrong, Frame dragging has never been definitively proven despite numerous attempts to look for it using numerous satellites. The most famous of which is Gravity Probe B. The final report issued by the Gravity Probe B team highlights problems created by the effects of "contact potential difference" induced error on the gyros. The raw data showed no signs of any frame dragging at all, The WMAP has shown the existence of large scale cold and hot spots in the supposed "cosmic background" from the big bang. These cold and hot spots were not predicted and stand in direct contradiction to predictions made by the theory of general relativity. The observed surface brightness of galaxies is too high , "Magnetic reconnection," as it applies to its use in explaining the Sun and the auroras, violates conservation laws of physics, There are no such things as "frozen in magnetic fields in plasma." Standard galaxy formation models require the use of black holes and dark matter to achieve approximate model fit to observation. These hypothetical entities have never been proven to exist, Standard galaxy formation models require the use of black holes and dark matter to achieve approximate model fit to observation. These hypothetical entities have never been proven to exist, Abell 3376 emits massive amounts of x-rays in a halo estimated thermally to be at over 60 million degrees Kelvin. There are no plausible explanations for this outrageous amount of heat and xray emission that encompasses the entire galaxy cluster using standard shock and gravity theory. Physicist Stephen Crothers has demonstrated Hilbert's derivation of the field equations is incorrect. Black hole physics violates SR, which means it also violates GR. All observational evidence of the Sun refutes the notion that the Sun is a gravitationally collapsing gas cloud that is powered by a hydrogen to helium fusion reaction. Neutron stars and pulsars violate the known laws of physics. The proposed density of neutrons in these stars by the standard model violates the Island of Stability in nuclear chemistry. Stars have been observed that are too cold to possibly host nuclear fusion. Stars located at the center of the galaxy do not agree with the standard model of galaxy star formation. All comet nuclei that have been directly observed have proven to be rocky with no visible water present on the surface.[59][60][61][62][63] The so-called "jets" of comets are observed to be highly collimated, These observations refute the standard theory of comets being a dirty snowball, All comets observed falling into the Sun or passing very near the Sun have subsequently been followed by coronal mass ejections, some of which actually "disconnected" the tails of comets from the nucleus. This is not explained at all by the idea a comet is a dirty snowball, The Pioneer space probe speed anomaly can not be explained by standard model physics. Saturn's rings are observed to emit radio waves. This is not well explained at all by gravitational models of ring formation. Io's volcanoes are observed to move around the surface and leave burn marks behind them. Also the volcanoes plumes exhibit filamentation and exhibit heat far in excess of standard predictions. Quasars with low red shift have been proven to be related to their host galaxy. Quasar red shift is observed to be quantized, as is shown in the published papers listed here. This means the Earth must be at the center of the universe in order for the Big Bang model to be true. Quasars brightness does not correlate to their observed red shift as it does with galaxies. Quasar Q2237 "The Einstein Cross" – this quasar directly refutes the notion of gravitational lensing. This quasar is supposedly ONE quasar being lensed into FOUR images.
Dr. Eng Helmut Gobsch Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : helmut@gobsch.de
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Ian Goddard Category : Philosophical 1994 Origin : ARX
email : igoddard@cap.gwu.edu
web : http://www.erowid.org/spirit/writings/spirit_writings1.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Zero Mechanics the measurement of space and time is symmetrical and thus equals zero.
Matthew Edward Goddard Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : renotahoevfp@live.com
web : http://galactictides.blogspot.com/
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric energy
Robert E. Godes Category : Nothing found 2008 Origin : SCI
email : curious@profusionenergy.com
web : http://www.profusionenergy.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New Energy
Sergei M. Godin Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : GAL
email : serjio@glasnet.ru
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/roschin/roschin.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental Research on Magnetic-Gravity Effects. The model of creation of rotating stationary electromagnetic formations in vacuum. Searl's generator or SEG All the results we obtained are extremely unusual and require some theoretical explanation. Unfortunately the interpretation of results within the framework of the conventional physical theory cannot explain all the observed phenomena and first of all the change of weight. The change of weight is possible to interpret as a local change of gravity force or as an occurrence of propulsion force by repelling from its own field.
Dr. Michael Goede Category : Experiment 2012 Origin : QUA
email : info@gravitation.org
web : http://www.goede-stiftung.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Gravity experiment. Rick Andersen (Ether control via orthogonal fields) effects were either of mechanical or electromagnetic origin. Allais parconic pendulum linked to moon, sun and jupiter positions. Intersted with gravitation effect with low energy nuclear reaction
Wolfgang C. Goede Category : Critics 2002 Origin : FRI
email : Goede.Wolfgang@muc.guj.de
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
When the time suddenly stands still: the weird experiment of a quantum physicist.
Dr. Berkant Goeksel Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : PEA SCI
email : berkant.goeksel@elektrofluidsysteme.de
web : http://www.bionik.tu-berlin.de/user/goeksel/index2.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Electrogravitation antigravitation.
John F. Gogo Category : Superluminal 2008 Origin : BAB
email : jfgogo22@yahoo.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/243/John%20F.,%20Gogo
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Supports the theory of instantaneous light Maximal Visual Acuity and the Instantaneous One-Way Measure of Light Bodies. A Case in Instantaneous Terrestrial Measure and the Disqualification of Toothed -Wheel Experiments Used to Calculate the Speed of Light. Toothed-wheel experiments which claim distance to be an inherent and critical factor in determining the speed of light, is false.
Byron Goheen (deceased) Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Atom as a Radiation Oscillator, papers are no longer online.
Kim Goins Category : Nothing found 1995 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.popsci.com/diy/article/2008-02/trap-lightning-block
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Van de Graaff Lichtenberg figures.
E. Göklü Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : ANT
email :
web : http://www.exphy.uni-duesseldorf.de/Publikationen/2005/Antonini%20etal%20Paper%20and%20Comment%202005%20Test%2
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Antonini Test of constancy of speed of light with rotating cryogenic optical resonators. Comment of JDC this experiment is based upon frequency measurements and not on phase shift like MMI. The principle of local Lorentz invariance sLLId, stating the independence of physical laws from the state of motion of inertial laboratories, is one of the most fundamental facts about our physical world. An early precision measurement, demonstrating LLI for light propagation, was performed by Michelson and Morley in 1887 and its result was an essential experimental foundation for the advent of relativity. LLI is incorporated as a fundamental symmetry into the accepted theories of the fundamental forces, general relativity f1g and the standard model. Numerous experiments have tested LLI with respect to matter and to the electromagnetic field, and have upheld its validity f2g. For electromagnetic waves the isotropy of space has so far been verified at the level of a few parts in 2005
Pr. Thomas Gold (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1948 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steady_State_theory
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Origin of Hydrocarbon Fuels. Cosmology. Nature of time. Infinite Universe theory or continuous creation.
Jacques Goldberg Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Comment Merely suggests that an antineutrino beam would behave differently to a neutrino beam in matter, and that this could test Franklin's idea.
Robert Goldberg Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : CLI
email : robert.goldberg@nist.gov
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2006/NET14.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy support
Mark Goldes Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : SCI
email : magneticpower@gmail.com
web : http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Magnetic_Power_Inc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy.
Mark Goldes Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://bigthink.com/markgoldes
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Magnetic Power Inc. new magnetic energy conversion technology appears capable of powering future cars, trucks and buses.
Ervin Goldfain Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photon-Neutrino Symmetry and the Opera Anomaly Suggests that photon and neutrino are doublet.
Dimitrii Aleksandrovich Goldhammer Category : Philosophical 1977 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism
Martin Goldman Category : History 1983 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://catalog.library.ksu.edu.sa/digital/12958.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The demon in the aether the story of James Clerk Maxwell.
Harry L. Goldman (deceased) Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Antigravity, Tesla
Dr. Donald W. Goldsmith Category : Critics 1995 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.imdb.com/name/nm1350471/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einsteins Greatest Blunder? The Cosmological Constant and Other Fudge Factors in the Physics of the Universe. The Search for Life in the Universe.
Cindy Goldstein Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2005/NET13.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy (editor)
Otto Golling Category : Critics 1948 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.mahag.com/download/Aether%20und%20Naturwissenschaft.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz Ether model using fluid mechanics. Comment of JDC fully wrong comparison between light and sound with regard to MMI.
Alex Golovanov Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : BAB
email : main.inventor@rambler.ru
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/791
kind of theory : united field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Structure of the Physical Vacuum: A Unified Field Theory Unipolar Electromagnetic Induction.
M. Golshani Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tunneling times in the Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics.
Vince Golubic Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email : golubicv@ieee.org
web : http://newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2005/NET13.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New energy.
Q. A. Gomes de Souza Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : FRI SCI
email :
web : http://arkadiusz-jadczyk.org/papers/0707.4433v2.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The status of the principle of relativity. An ambiguous statement called 'tetrad postulate' and the correct field equations satisfied by the tetrad field.
Prabhakar Gondhalekar Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.goodreads.com/author/show/768561.Prabhakar_Gondhalekar
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The grip of gravity : the quest to understand the laws of motion and gravitation relative deflection of the torsion balance in the Princeton or Moscow test of equivalence principle. Galileo experiment. Views related to gravitomagnetism approaches and framedragging.
Bing Xin Gong Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : GAL SCI
email : hdgbyi@public.guangzhou.gd.cn
web : http://www.esdjournal.com/techpapr/techpaps.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Classical Approach to the Photoelectric Effect & Photoelectron Emission, Einstein's photon hypothesis is incompatible with the electromagnetic theory of light, and it cannot resolve the problem of the direction of motion of the liberated electron, and cannot explain the two and the multi - photon photoelectric emission. From the above analysis, it is also realized that the photoelectric emission is dependent on the incident light's circular frequency ω and the photon density (the number of the photon per unit area) of the incident light. Finally, to resolve the illogicality between Einstein's photon hypothesis and the electromagnetic theory of light, the author proposes the photon vibrator concept.
Mihail Gonta Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://es.scribd.com/doc/19440769/Cosmologia
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Daniel Gonzales Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Daniel_Gonzales
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Claudio Allende Gonzáles Category : History 2010 Origin : BAB
email : clallende@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=152&filter=Claudio%20Allende,%20Gonz%C3%A1les
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Demonstration of Goldbach's Conjecture using Pythagorean Reductions
Juan R. Gonzalez-Ivarez Category : Critics 2005 Origin : RUS
email : juanrgonzaleza@canonicalscience.com
web : http://www.sciscoop.com/2005-5-31-132917-169.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Director and founder of the Center for CANONICAL SCIENCE. String theory has failed like a TOE. Recent work breaks the traditional Einstein approach, but astonishing is compatible with new approaches inspired in canonical gravitodynamic failure for explaining extragalactic phenomena from Einstein GR without ad hoc assumptions like the unobserved dark matter has obligated to doubt about Einstein theory.
Luis Gonzalez-Mestres Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : SCI
email : lgm_sci@yahoo.fr
web : http://scientia.blog.lemonde.fr
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz Symmetry Violation, Vacuum and Superluminal Particles an absolute rest frame (the vacuum rest frame) may exist without contradicting the apparent Lorentz invariance felt by "ordinary particles (particles with critical speed in vacuum equal to c, the speed of light). Astrophysical consequences of the OPERA superluminal neutrino. A simple discussion of the recent OPERA result on the apparent critical speed of the muon neutrino is presented. We point out in particular some of the possible consistency problems of such an interpretation of the OPERA data with respect to well-established astrophysical observations.r MINOS, [1], OPERA [2] produced data suggesting that the critical speed of muon neutrinos in vacuum can be larger than that of light. The values of the measured relative differences are :- (5.1 ± 2.9) x 10−5 (MINOS, 2007) - (2.48 ± 0.28) x 10−5 (OPERA, 2011) These figures are much stronger than the prediction of any standard extrapolation from Lorentz symmetry violation (LSV) generated at the Planck scale.
I. Gonzalo Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pulsed light beams in vacuum with superluminal and negative group velocities.
B. Good Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 153] Total bond energies of exact classical solutions of molecules generated by MILLSIAN 1.0 compared to those computed using modern 3–21 G and 6–31 G* basis sets
Dr. Phillip I. Good Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : PHY
email : drgood@statcourse.com
web : http://phillipgood.info/statian.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 368] A new look at old inflationary theory origins of the universe based on old inflationary theory makes the minimum of assumptions, yet is consistent with observations. The properties of the scalar field, the discrete nonsymmetric phase, and their interactions are examined.
Pr. Irving John Good (deceased) Category : Critics 1950 Origin : PHY SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/I._J._Good
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
I was proud to admit to one of my slightly subtle mistakes...The Lorentz Transf. and STR stand or fall together. I believe that my arguments have been substantially correct, but that doesn't rule out the possibility of a plausible alternative theory where STR (and therefore also the LT) is denied as by Phipps
Thomas Goodey Category : Experiment 1959 Origin : CLI
email : thomas@flyingkettle.com
web : http://www.allais.info
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Support US of Pr M. Allais Professor Maurice Allais various periodic anomalies in the motion of this pendulum solar eclipses partial at Paris occurred on 30 June 1954 and 2 October 1959. In both cases a well-defined anomaly was detected in the motion of the paraconical pendulum: its plane of oscillation shifted abruptly. Currently accepted physical theory offers no explanation whatsoever for this phenomenon. It is the only gross anomaly outstanding in the current scheme of physical knowledge.
Stephen Goodfellow Category : Cosmology 1979 Origin : ARX
email : stephen.goodfellow@gmail.com
web : http://www.goodfelloweb.com/nature/cgbi/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Sun is inducing gravity without a corresponding quantity of mass. This phenomenon is brought about by a plasma in a magnetically unified state; a magnetically sustained 'non-space', an absolute vacuum held in place by the photospheric plasma shell. Non-space behavior can be compared to a vortex, which is a 'low energy' example of this phenomenon. A stirred cup of coffee outlines a vortex, which consists of a high pressure exterior and a low pressure center. The depression in the center of the fluid is thus a relative absence of matter producing an effect characteristic of gravity the Sun's magnetic field and its associated particles that dominate, not the gravitational contraction of the Sun's mass. Can Gravity be Induced?
Dr. R. Goodger Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on The Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Gene Goodman Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : ARX CHI
email : Genegdman@aol.com
web : http://antigravitypower.tripod.com/aethertheories.html
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether Theory see Loyd Swenson. It is postulated that all physical phenomena (including all forms of matter and energy) are the result of the static and dynamic behavior of a continuous elastic (or plastic) aether, in a three dimensional euclidean space, with absolute time. Past reasons for departing from similar ideas are shown to be the result of misinformation. link dead
Hans Goodman Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : SCI
email : hansgoodman@bigpond.com
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Mindfield.html?id=deBcPgAACAAJ
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New unifying model of the universe THE MINDFIELD : Reinventing Science.
Michael Goodspeed Category : Religious aspects 2007 Origin : SCI
email : s8intcom@comcast.net
web : http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/archives/goodspeed08/goodspeedarchive.htm
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Editor to Thunderbolts.info Theories were accepted as "facts" before all the evidence was in, and as a result, evidence contradicting the facts was either misinterpreted or ignored. It is time for assumptions to be set aside, so the truth might finally prevail. THE FINGERS OF GOD POINT TO NO BIG BANG
Dr. David Goodwin Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SCI
email : Dave.Goodwin@science.doe.gov
web : http://www.integrityresearchinstitute.org/IRINews.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New Energy cold fusion
L. Gooris Category : Critics 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://nanoworld.org.ru/data/20030901/1229/index.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Michelson's error by He independently found formula (1) earlier. dead link
Dr. Masao Gorai Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Dr. Masao Gorai (deceased) Category : Expanding Earth 1980 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Masao_Gorai
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth the most fundamental motive force responsible for such evolutional processes is the Earth's expansion, which might have happened through the inversion of super-dense phases deep in the Earth into ordinary molecular phases. The inversion may perhaps be the result of pressure decrease which is due to the secular decrease of G in the expanding universe. As an alternative, however, I would like to notice the problem of secular temperature increase deep in the Earth.
Dr. Felix F. Gorbatsewich Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SCI
email : gorich@geoksc.apatity.ru
web : http://bourabai.narod.ru/gorbatz/
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether (vacuum) ethereal medium, consists of alternate corpuscles of two, opposite in sign, kinds no density definite electromagnetic properties Any physical substance can move without friction in the ethereal medium motion of a local physical body deforms the ethereal medium, changing the distance between the oppositely charged: ethereal medium, to some extent, is bound (anchored) by great, on an astronomical scale, physical masses :waves propagating in the ethereal medium represent different kinds of shear strains, displacement of the ethereal medium particles happens in the direction, perpendicular to the propagation direction;;;ethereal medium in an environment of a physical mass is less dense and "looser", than in a medium without physical masses. The (aether) structure distorted by mass presence, has a less density
G. V. Gordeyev Category : Superluminal 1979 Origin : FRI
email :
web : www.cartesio-episteme.net/fis/kap6.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the theory of high-velocity particles ref to in http://www.physast.uga.edu/~stancil/preprints/ssr04p.pdf : VLADIMIR A. KRASNOPOLSKY1, JASON B. GREENWOOD2 and PHILLIP C. STANCIL 3X-ray and EUV emission from comets is a new phenomenon which is relevant to a number of different disciplines including cometary physics, fundamental physics, x-rays spectroscopy, and space physics. X-ray spectra are already used as a diagnostic tool to study the solar wind composition and its variations. We expect that these spectra will be applied to reveal some features of the interaction of the solar wind with comets.
C. N. Gordon Category : Critics 1975 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://iopscience.iop.org/0370-1328/80/3/301
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
An alternative deduction from the Michelson-Morley experiment the speed of light is invariant, and that any two synchronized clocks which are separated will again agree on reuniting. The existence of a preferred inertial frame is demonstrated and the coordinate transformations for non-uniform motion are obtained and used in an analysis of a return journey to elucidate further the clock paradox. With electrodynamics and mechanics as examples it is shown that physical laws are invariant in the special case of uniform motion and consequently that many of the arguments alleged to demonstrate special relativity do not in fact do so.
Frank Gordon Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : fgordon@san.rr.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Frank_Gordon
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold fusion
Gene Gordon Category : Philosophical 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.authorsden.com/visit/viewarticle.asp?AuthorID=11997&id=19348
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Big Bang or Big Farce? Philosophically the big bang is not acceptable. But it is also unacceptable scientifically. It actually spells the death of science. Science is nothing unless it discovers the causes of empirical events. To nothing less than the ultimate repudiation of causality is where the big bang takes us. The big bang is not a theory for atheists but for theists.
Dr. J. G. Goriachko Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Question About Analytical Methods Those Reflect the "Substance-Space-Time" Unity of the Nature in the Laws of Natural Science, and About Main Properties of This Unity
Marius Gormsen Category : Critics 1959 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/Den_Einsteinske_relativitets_ugyldighed.html?id=HIBFtwAACAAJ
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Einsteinian relativity nullity.
A. Gorokhovskii Category : Nothing found 1986 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Optical pulse shaping by lters based on spectral hole burning.
I. V. Goryachev Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Free Energy Generation by Water Decomposition in Highly Efficiency Electrolytic Process. Organization, current status and main results of Russian research in cold fusion and transmutation of chemical elements.
Pr. Amit Goswami Category : Philosophical 1989 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.amitgoswami.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v2 p385 The Idealistic Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Materialist science isn't the whole picture.
Rudolf Gottfried Category : Expanding Earth 2002 Origin : SCI
email :
web : www.triplehood.com/theu-ger.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expansion Tectonics The Importance of Quantitative Inspections for the Understanding of the Earth's Origin," in New Concepts in Global Tectonics, La Junta, Colorado consistent quantitative model of expansion.
Dr. Martin Gottschall Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : ENG
email : info@acufos.asn.au
web : http://www.acufos.asn.au/gravity/reflections1.html
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The force of gravity on an electric field is due to the increasing value of "e" which pulls the field downwards/ the magnetic field is attracted by the gravity field in just the same way/ Photons are a combination of electric and magnetic fields and pure charge./ THE INERTIAL COMPONENTS OF ALL MATTER, ANTIMATTER AND ENERGY ARE ELECTRIC AND MAGNETIC FIELDS/ Speed of light slows in a gravity field it will not surprise us that all activity in general slows at the same rate/ the size of objects does not change.
Pr. M. P. Gough Category : Cosmology 2006 Origin : PHY
email : m.p.gough@sussex.ac.uk
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Buckley On the Similarity of Information Energy to Dark Energy.
Roger Y. Gouin (deceased) Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : SCI
email : unioflife@blueyonder.co.uk
web : http://www.rgouin.pwp.blueyonder.co.uk/roger.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Theory, Space, Life
John Gowan Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BOR ARX
email : johngowan@earthlink.net
web : http://www.johnagowan.org/
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Essays on Fractal General Systems, Gravity, and the Unified Field Theory "Noether's Theorem" states that in a multicomponent field such as the electromagnetic field (or the metric field of spacetime), symmetries are associated with conservation laws and vice versa. In matter, light's (broken) symmetries are conserved by charge and spin; in spacetime, light's symmetries are protected by inertial forces, and conserved (when broken) by gravitational forces
François Goy Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : f.goy@bluewin.ch
web : http://webcache.googleusercontent.com/search?q=cache:lkCKHeHLsBkJ:redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/V16NO4PDF/V16N
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time on a Rotating Platform Sagnac experiment 2009 On the Sagnac effect for massive particles and some of its epistemological consequences a coherent description of the Sagnac effect for massive particles, which takes account of length contraction and time dilation can only be obtained with a so called "absolute" clock synchronization parameter. Any other synchronization leads to an incoherent description between the point of view of an observer on the rotating platform and a non-rotating observer. This demonstration generalises the one made by Selleri and the author for the Sagnac effect with electromagnetic waves The transmission time of an electromagnetic signal in the vicinity of the earth is calculated to c−2 and contains an orbital Sagnac term. On earth, the synchronisation of TCB can be realised by atomic clocks, but not the one of TCG. Natural behaviour of atomic clocks in the vicinity of the earth is not described correctly by the synchronisation of TCG. Aside from gravitational effects of the earth, GRS corresponds to the application of the principle of equivalence to the earth in free fall around the sun. But in the principle of equivalence the fourdimensionality is important and thus TCG can only be realised during a sufficiently small time interval in a three-dimensional neighbourhood of the earth. An extension of TCG out of this neighbourhood leads to a non-transitive and not self-consistent clock synchronisation around the earth orbit and to an annual and diurnal desynchronisation of clocks on earth. The author proposes that we adopt the synchronisation of TCB, the coordinate time of the solar system as time on earth, which leads to a correct description of the behaviour of clocks on earth.
A. Gozzini Category : Experiment 1993 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An experimental method for the observation of the RF transitions and laser beat resonances in oriented Na vapor Light-Induced Atomic Desorption LIAD found By an Italian physicist A. Gozzini in 1993. It was totally an ACCIDENT. He could not find any reference to this effect
Matthias Grabiak Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email : matthias@grabiak.net
web : http://www.coolfusion.org/ACS2011-XMute.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Since conventional physics would predict that the Coulomb barrier between multiply charged nuclei should be absolutely impossible to overcome in low energy nuclear reactions, further research is warranted to assert that these observations are indeed evidence of nuclear reactions, and are not just caused by contamination. Given the concentrations seen it may be possible look for an unusual isotopic composition of the unexpected elements, which would strengthen the claim that transmutation has taken place.
V. V. Graboshnikov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Sources of Energy from the Point of View of Unitary Quantum Theory
Pr. Janusz Grabowski Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : ACE
email : janusz@grabowski.edu.pl
web : http://www.impan.pl/~jagrab/publist.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Advanced magnetic technology
Robert Grace Category : Critics 2005 Origin : CLI
email : rgrace@rgrace.org
web : http://www.greatdreams.com/grace/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's theories affect on science is analogous to sitting on a donkey backward, trying to describe the head while "precisely" analyzing its rear end. Einstein was Precisely Backward, Deliberately Or, Why Didn't Einstein Use His Brains?
Martin Gradwell Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : mtgradwell@btinternet.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang the idea that all atoms can act as one atom when they become separated by more than trillions (or even trillions of trillions) of light years, that the infinitely sparse can become in an instant the infinitely dense, that the infinitely sparse can even be achieved by gradual separation of billions of galaxies which continue to contain billions of stars or their supermassive dead remnants, that a mere change in temperature can nullify gravity and such basic laws as those of conservation of matter/energy (it doesn't in the lab or in any region of spacetime that we can observe) - all of this is way too magical for me. It's almost as magical as Cosmic Inflation, or as the notion of the Big Bang itself.
Holger Gräf Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : BOR
email : graef@raumflugcenter.de
web : http://www.raumflugcenter.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Haunebu drive: So funktionier(t)s the legendary UFO
Pitter Gräff Category : Relativist 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1477
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Heraclitus' Vision - Schrodinger's Version Greek found that there are laws which cannot be corrupted at any price. They were referring to the laws of nature. In a certain sense they discovered "nature" itself this way.
Donald A. Graft Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 534] The Bell inequality cannot be validly applied to the Einstein-Podolsky-Rosen-Bohm (EPRB) experiments.
Ernest W. Graham Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Ernest_Graham
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Orbital Precession and Energy Loss – Both Caused by Mass Induction. The Classical Correlation of Orbital Precessions. Does Mass really Increase. A Classical Approach to Gravitational Waves. Energy Loss for Unequal Masses in Orbit. Photon Speed Adjusts to Local Environment.
John Remington Graham Category : Religious aspects 2012 Origin : SCI
email : jrgraham@oricom.ca
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The cosmological argument for the existence of God as a prime mover and first cause of the universe, one necessary and eternal being, including no potentiality, fully actualized, and supremely powerful, intelligent, wise, and just, is indispensable to progress in the natural sciences.
Roy E. Jr. Graham Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email : myteams@erols.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&tab2=Display&id=1516
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy "Over Unity" Devices - They're Real.
Dr. Peter Grandics Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : SCI
email : pgrandics@earthlink.net
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/grandics/grandics.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
New Energy source of renewable electric power by utilizing the electrical activity of the atmosphere
Dr. Neal (son of Peter) Graneau Category : Alternative theory 1993 Origin : SCI SAP GAL RAP FRI CHI
email : neal.graneau@googlemail.com
web : http://redshift.vif.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Ether Ampere's force equations Estimating the Strength of Water-Arc Explosions Newton versus Einstein: How Matter Interacts with Matte Oersted's Task remains Incomplete Newtonian Electrodynamics co-editor of infinite energy
Pr. Peter Graneau Category : New Energy 1979 Origin : SCI SAP GAL RAP FRI CHI
email : petergraneau@aol.com
web : http://redshift.vif.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Ether Ampere's force equations Estimating the Strength of Water-Arc Explosions Newton versus Einstein: How Matter Interacts with Matte Oersted's Task remains Incomplete
Dr. Galina Granek Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : SCI
email : granek@mscc.huji.ac.il
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/V08NO3PDF/V08N3GRE.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein ether (ghost) general theory of relativity admits of a stationary ether hypothesis. In reply, Einstein introduced his new nonstationary ether hypothesis. Problem of absolute rotation.
Pr. Dr. Alex Granik Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v9 p496 1996, Alex Granik, H. John Caulfield. Abstract. It is shown that quantum mechanics can be regarded as what one could call a "fuzzy". See Caufield Fuzziness in Quantum Mechanics the complementarity principle and wave-particle duality concept can be abandoned in favor of an idea of a fuzzy deterministic microobject. On SUSY-QM, fractal strings and steps towards a proof of the Riemann hypothesis within the framework of the New Relativity Theory, some Quantum Mechanical Paradoxes like the Einstein-Rosen Podolsky and the Black Hole Information Loss, are easily resolved. Such New Relativity Theory requires the introduction of an Infinite Dimensional Quantum Spacetime as has been shown recently by one of us. This can be viewed as just another way of looking at Feynman's path integral formulation of Quantum Mechanics. Instead of having an infinite dimensional funcional integral over $all$ paths, smooth, forwards and backwards in time, random and fractal, in a finite-dimensional spacetime, one has a finite number of paths in an Infinite Dimensional Quantum Spacetime.
L. Granill Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://theflatearthsociety.org/cms/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Flat Earth Society/ no other information. Daniel Shenton new editor but Granill no more member
James D. E. Grant Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Lorentzian causality with continuous metrics. Not a neutrino paper, but interesting.
R. Grant Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : REC
email : rgrant@aol.com
web : http://www.grantchronicles.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum particle-like configurations of the electromagnetic field Gravity, is a polarized incoming subatomic particle that applies a force as it passes through a mass to a host mass center. The flow rate of gravity particles in our universe is somewhat uniform. It is the field density of these returning gravitational subatomic particles penetrating the surface of a mass, that is the determinate of the gravitational field that flows towards its core. Particle movement creates a wave pattern while rotating 360 degrees about its directional axis thus creating a spiral tube through the host matter as a path of least resistance. The interaction of this subatomic particle movement with matter that is passed through, which creates a force perceived as gravity in the direction of the primary host mass. It is the core of the mass to which these subatomic particles are returning to. As crowding occurs within the core, there is build up of pressure, thus a primary burst of segmented streams, along the equator and secondary emission points about the surface. The individual repulsion particle creates a force when 2 streams interact, thus pushing apart the masses interacting. Interstellar medium, Dark Matter thinly spread throughout the void of space.
Guy R. Grantham Category : Alternative theory 1973 Origin : SCI
email : rgg@epola.co.uk
web : http://www.epola.co.uk/
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A solid lattice structure of the vacuum as bound electrons and positrons, analogous to a polycrystalline ionic salt, was proposed and termed the "epola" by Menahem Simhony in 1973 electron-positron lattice (e-po-la) model of vacuum space and argument is provided for validity of this model. Application of the model leads to a physical interpretation of the bending of space space of our Universe is permeated by a real three-dimensional crystal lattice of real electrons and positrons. Photons are now shown to be the consequential waves' electrostatic and magnetic disturbances hosted by these vibrating point sources in the epola and explains the phenomenon of particle-wave duality
Dr. Amara Lynn Graps Category : Critics 2003 Origin : MOU ARX CHI BOR
email : amara@amara.com
web : http://www.amara.com/ftpstuff/ether.txt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Ether: What is it? I am not in a position to state a conclusion on whether or not ether exists, but I think that we should think seriously about what light is, and not laugh at what is typically presented as absurd rarefied gas 2008. Therefore the ether cannot be a fluid because transverse waves cannot pass through a fluid. The ether has to be a solid. A solid medium carries a transverse wave in the following way. As the wave passes through the ether, that portion of the ether has to be distorted at right angles to the transverse light wave. Then the forces holding that portion of the solid have to snap the ether back. The rate at which the light wave travels through the medium depends on the size of the force that snaps back the distorted region. Because we know that the motions of the bodies in our universe are not interfered with in any detectable way- it seems reasonable to assume that ether is nothing more than an extremely rarefied gas.
Dr. Hans Graßmann Category : Critics 1999 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.spiegel.de/thema/desy/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
For years, the Desy does nothing other than to proclaim: "We have discovered new physics" - only to then immediately limit. "We have not yet discovered new physics"
Raymond Graudis Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BAB
email : perfectfluid@yahoo.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=426&filter=Raymond,%20Graudis
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Inertia is caused by the tendency of an object's gravitational field to contain it within the center of that field/ object's inertia is due to a resistance to being displaced from the center of its gravitational field. concept of a common center of gravitation lying outside the physical boundaries of several proximate massive objects raises an intriguing possibility. A cluster of masses such as a galaxy of stars would have innumerable such disembodied gravity wells sprinkled throughout the spaces between the stars. They could easily be misconstrued as a mysterious 'dark matter' pervading a galaxy. a drag will only exist in the case of non-uniform motion (acceleration). It will compress the field ahead of the particle in the direction of motion, and extend it in the opposite direction, in effect, displacing the particle from its center/ a theory of gravitation based on field centrality exists because Field Centrality requires a (c + v) model for an electromagnetic field in motion/ If space is made up of an energetic substance, like a Higgs field, upon which other fields are imposed, such quantum fields must necessarily be of the same substance as the Higgs. They glide through space unhampered like an ocean current through an endless "quantum ocean" until acted upon by some force. They need no mechanical medium or extraneous postulates to facilitate their passage through a perfect fluid aether
Victor Grauer Category : Alternative theory 1972 Origin : ARX
email : victorag@verizon.net
web : http://doktorgee.worldzonepro.com/home.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tiny alice theory: Let us assume that a pair of universes might have been created by the big bang. This tiny universe as consisting of a single particle (containing within it everything else, atoms, molecules, pebbles, galaxies, etc.), which pivoted in an infinite number of directions, each representing a different view into Tiny Alice (my name for the tiny everywhere universe). Where is the point of symmetry? The most interesting answer would be the atomic nucleus. If this were so, we would be able to unify the strong force and gravity because Tiny Alice has to be a black hole (since it mirrors our universe, a white hole). Thus the strong force could be understood in terms of the extremely strong gravitational pull of a tiny black hole with a mass the size of a universe.
Andrew Ancel Gray Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI SCI
email : andrew@avtecaustin.com
web : http://www.modelofreality.org/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
7 Reasons to Abandon Quantum Mechanics-And embrace this New Theory of intremittent electrons: 1985/2011. Physics Essays v24 p139, 2011 Intermittent electron theory is a way to explain microscopic physics without the use of photons. Instead, a dynamic model for the electron's structure is used, where the electron periodically turns its electric field on and off. The frequency of the electron's field pulsation is given by a De Broglie-like formula. Both the emission and the absorption of light can then be explained by using the physics of pulsating charges emitting and absorbing electromagnetic radiation. In the photoelectric effect, the electron's acceleration is found to cease just after the electron's pulsation frequency is synchronized with the incoming light wave (eliminating the need for photons in absorption). In the bremsstrahlung x-ray cutoff experiment, the pulsating bremsstrahlung electrons have a Nyquist frequency limit in their radiating capability, as pulsating charges have this natural limit due to chopping (eliminating the need for photons in emission). A planetary model for the atom is possible using an intermittent electron and a nucleus modeled with intermittent protons. In this way, an electron can circulate the nucleus by synchronizing its on time with the nuclear off time. Since the electron is off while the nucleus is on (and vice versa), then no centripetal radiation is emitted because the electron is not accelerated while its electric field is on (only while it is off). The resonance frequencies of hydrogen would then simply be the orbital frequencies of the planetary electrons, which would radiate at these resonance frequencies when thermally disturbed. In metallic solids, these atoms would have outer electron orbitals with infrared frequencies that would naturally emit infrared radiation when thermally disturbed. As the solid is heated, the more violent thermal agitations would disturb deeper electron orbitals with higher frequencies. The issue of entanglement and the EPR paradox can be resolved because the necessity for the inclusion of photons in the theory is eliminated. Also, the significance of Bell's theorem changes since the "entangled light pulses" are not described as discreet "photons" but randomly sized electromagnetic light wave pulses with much different probability distributions. Finally, several experiments are suggested that would prove this theory to be correct.
Ashley Gray Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Adams generators PSG
R. Gray Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on The Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Robert W. Gray Category : Nothing found 2009 Origin : SCI
email : rwgray@rwgrayprojects.com
web : http://www.rwgrayprojects.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
No clear information found with regards to SRT GRT or QM
Edwin Vincent Gray (deceased) Category : New Energy 1976 Origin : PAC SCI
email :
web : http://www.free-energy.ws/edwin-gray.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
EMA-4 Engine (1976), "Pulsed Capacitor Discharge Electric Engine," U.S. Patent No. 3,890,548
Reginald Irvan Gray (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1988 Origin : GAL PHY SCI
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified Physics. A New Theory of Electromagnetism and Gravity Electromagnetogravitism. It is intolerable that the unifying convergence of all running couplings towards the Planck limit should be based solely on empirical data and the standard model of electroweak interactions. It is possible to derive, in a virtual energy coupling model, all the particle coupling constants, using nothing but nineteenth-century electromagnetostatics, after the Kelvin theories of images and inversion. PHESEM/3/436/1
Victor S. Grebennikov (deceased) Category : New Energy 1984 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1650
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Grebennikov's Flying Platform - Bio-Gravitics
Allen W. Green Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dr. Celia Green Category : Critics 1969 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Celia_Green
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The decline and fall of science 1976. The remarkable thing about the human mind is its range of limitations. When someone says his conclusions are objective, he means that they are based on prejudices which many other people share. I cannot write long books; I leave that for those who have nothing to say. The Lost Cause (2003) What appear to be the most valuable aspects of the theoretical physics we have are the mathematical descriptions which enable us to predict events. These equations are, we would argue, the only realities we can be certain of in physics; any other ways we have of thinking about the situation are visual aids or mnemonics which make it easier for beings with our sort of macroscopic experience to use and remember the equation
Dr. Wayne Green Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email : w2nsd@aol.com
web : http://www.waynegreen.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion, Energy Health Education Cold fusion, despite every effort to stop it, has been proven. Professor Jim Patterson demonstrated a cold fusion cell at an energy conference with one watt of electricity going in and a thousand watts of heat
William Green Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : SCI
email : will2green@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Green
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Rodin Coil
Edward Greenberg Category : Critics 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/Wave-Structure-Matter/message/5659
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity
Brian Greene Category : Relativist 1995 Origin : ARX
email : greene@physics.columbia.edu
web : http://www.cirs-tm.org/researchers/researchers.php?id=685
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativiste Topology Change in Superstring Theory
Pr. Chris H. Greene Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : PHY
email : chris.greene@colorado.edu
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Phys. Rev. A 82, 022506-1 to -8 (2010). Calculation of a Preconvolved HD Photoionization Spectrum Using the Rovibrational Frame Transformation. Inconsistencies between the theoretical and experimental spectra appear to mainly reflect our neglect of competing predissociation channels, as well as the breakdown of approximate g-u symmetry that occurs increasingly at large intemuclear distances.
J. F. Greenleaf Category : Superluminal 1992 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Limited-Dirac Solutions to Maxwell (and Schroedinger) Equations
Dr. Lee F. Greer Category : Critics 2009 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://mywebpages.comcast.net/adring/GEPeople.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the WSM Answer to "Einstein's Last Question"
Mark Greer Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email : mark@markcgreer.com
web : http://www.prlog.org/11818439-revolutionary-new-theory-suggests-the-law-of-physics-evolved.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Revolutionary New Theory Suggests the Law of Physics Evolved. An astrophysicsr, suggests a revolutionary new theory that the laws of physics may have evolved over time. Assuming the earliest universe was completely dark and void of everything, and that mathematically represented a perfect zero, Greer asks, how did we go from zero to where we are today? This new theory suggests that while the quantum world void of the laws of physics, the newly created unresolved forces are also void of physical laws. They are the bit before they organize into a byte. Physicists have been trying to find a connection between the world of the large and the world of the small without success, and this may be why. According to the theory, this raw form of energy enters the world without having any uniform laws of physics.
Dr. Steven M. Greer Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SCI
email : info@aero2012.com
web : http://www.disclosureproject.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy, reality of UFOs
Dr. Giovanni P. Gregori Category : Critics 1996 Origin : GAL
email : giovanni.gregori@idac.rm.cnr.it
web : http://mywebpages.comcast.net/adring/GEPeople.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Pioneer Anomaly and the Doppler Effect. The Earth's interior – myth and science, Several ideas dealing with the Earth's interior, geodynamic processes and mechanisms of volcanism, are "suspect" and may prove to be misunderstandings.
Stephen A. Gregory Category : History 1997 Origin : EIT
email :
web : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Stephen+A.+Gregory%22
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introductory astronomy and astrophysics
Pr. Dr. Walter Greiner Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : MOC
email : greiner@th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de
web : http://th.physik.uni-frankfurt.de/~greiner/
kind of theory : quantum time kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum chromodynamics / Is the vacuum really empty? The vacuum of particle physics is far from being a simple empty space, but instead a complicated structure with definite energy.
Dr. John Gribbin Category : Critics 1980 Origin : SCI
email : J.R.Gribbin@sussex.ac.uk
web : http://www.lifesci.sussex.ac.uk/home/John_Gribbin/quantum.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
In Search of Schrödinger's Cat: Quantum Physics and Reality. The new demonstration of how incomprehensible the quantum world is has been made by Raymond Chiao, of the University of California, Berkeley, Paul Kwiat, of the University of Innsbruck, and Aephraim Steinberg, of the US National Institute of Standards and Technology, in Maryland. Their results were presented at a meeting in Nathiagali, Pakistan. Experiments by Alain Aspect in Paris in the 1980s. Together, these show that a pair of photons ejected in opposite directions from an atom remain somehow entangled, as if they were one particle. Raymond Chaio, of the University of California, Berkeley, and his colleagues have actually been measuring a different, but related, kind of tunneling
John Gribbon Category : Cosmology 2001 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://www.angelfire.com/journal/Philsviews/Science/bigbang.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Do we inhabit a living universe. If we modify the value of one of the fundamental constants, something invariably goes wrong, leading to a universe that is inhospitable to life as we know it… The conditions in our universe really do seem to be uniquely suitable for life forms like ourselves. A supernatural cause must have started the Big Bang.
Stephen Grieve Category : Critics 1987 Origin : SCI BAB
email : sgrieve358@btinternet.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=628&filter=Stephen,%20Grieve
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity - a critique. Atypical relativistts exposition of the twins effect is scrutinized with a greater attentiveness than could normally be expected of either a confirmed relativist or the ordinary Intelligent lay reader
R. S. Griffiths Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
James L. Griggs Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1505
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Hyrosonic Pump (Over Unity Device) which operated over-unity by producing hot water or steam with energy in excess of the electrical energy input to the pump motor.
Dr. V. M. Grigoriev Category : Cosmology 1999 Origin : SCI
email : papushev@iszf.irk.ru
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/V._Grigoriev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Leonid N. Grigorov Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : L_Grigorov@msn.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superconductivity, Room Temperature Superconductors
Todd Grigsby Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : SCI
email : toddgrigsbybox@comcast.net
web : https://authors.aps.org/eprint/files/2000/Jan/aps2000jan01_001/SYNOD2.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Synodic Field Theory of Gravity and Electromagnetism against curved space-time theory, error in superposition, magnetic and gravity theory, Michelson Morley experiment and Planck's constant. Answers some paradoxes of general relativity a visual gravitational phenomenon. Includes gravity, if it is an electromagnetic wave. The helix waves of the mass increase rotation rate along the direction of travel. The rotation rate increase reduces the wavelength of the emitted strand helix from the mass through the gear reduction. Mater being composed of waves (which build the particles) shrinks from the wavelength reduction caused by the increased rotation rate. The shrinkage similar to mass increase only occurs along the direction of travel. The speed of light is nearly instantaneous. The wave carries some type of velocity encode that interacts with matter. Due the encoding, measuring the speed of light always results in c. Immediate transfer of information to the galactic center or all parts of the universe. Electromagnetic waves are simply movements of the ether. Much like water waves. Like a huge three dimensional net, waves are the movement of this net. All helix concepts remain the same. As compared to continuous helix waves which repel along their entire length.
Francis J. Grimer Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : SAP CHI
email : f.grimer@grimer2.freeserve.co.uk
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/5-3/commentary5-3a.pdf
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Information theory of time. Any cyclical process involves the exchange of information between an object and ts environment. During one part of the cycle information is flowing from the environment into the object and time is moving forward for the object but backwards for the environment
Dale M. Grimes Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Electromagnetic-Origin-Quantum-Theory-Light/dp/9812389253
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Electromagnetic Origin of Quantum Theory and Light bridges electromagnetism and quantum theory.
Oleg V. Gritskevitch Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Vortex
Key statements :
Hydro-Magnetic Dynamo. On possibilities of vortex energetics. News about experiments.
Dr. Louis Groarke Category : Philosophical 2001 Origin : CHI
email : lgroarke@yahoo.com
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V06NO3PDF/V06N3gro.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Has an Experimental Violation of Bohr\'s Complementarity Principle Been Observed? The orthodox Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics is based on Niels Bohr"s complementary principle which stipulates that one cannot observe the wave-like and particle-like behaviours of a photon at the saine lime. Trajectories are considered to be particle effects; interfčrence patterns are considered to be wave effects. Because we cannot observe particle and wave behaviours simultaneously, "we are presented with a choice of either tracing the path of a particle or observing interfčrence effects." [1] One cannot identify a photon's trajectory while observing an interfčrence pattern. The complementary principle is believed to be a fundamental law of nature. [1-5, 9-12] It is widely believed that when light passes through a pair of slits, "it is impossible to determine through which slit each photon has passed without destroying … the interfčrence pattern."[3] There may be, however, situations in which one can identify which of a pair of adjacent apertures a photon passes through while preserving interfčrence effects. In the prescript paper, we describe an empirical situation which constitutes an apparent violation of the complementary principle.. The Copenhagen interpretation of quantum mechanics insists on a literal interpretation of the interference process. This seems, in the present instance, problematic
Ben Groseclose Category : Philosophical 2009 Origin : PEA
email : bentech@geocities.com
web : http://www.reocities.com/CapeCanaveral/8989/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
maintains the home page of late Walter Russell philosophy
V. L. Groshev Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Theory of the Unified Physical Field. No more info found
Arthur G. Gross Category : Critics 2012 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.nomoz.org/site/2462072/eight-essays-in-support-of-non-relativistic-physics.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Eight Essays in Support of Non-Relativistic Physics mechanisms in the physical sciences, including the propagation of light, ring models, gravity, relativity and the origin of the solar system, document no more in the Internet.
Dr. Reber Grote (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1968 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Grote_Reber
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
These results lead to a nonexpanding cosmological universe not a believer of the big bang theory; he believed that red shift was due to repeated absorption and re-emission or interaction of light and other electromagnetic radiations by low density dark matter, over intergalactic distances, and he published an article called "Endless, Boundless, Stable Universe", which outlined his theory.
Toby Grotz Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : ENG SCI
email : wireless@rmii.com
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_9_14.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
NASA research for energy see T Binder support Tewari in free energy Tesla, Nikola, The New Art of Projecting Concentrated Non-Dispersive Energy Through Natural Media. The wave is the precursor to matter. It is the fabric of sub space, if you will. It is non-material and exists in a dimension removed from view. The wave controls and results in the formation of matter which is detectable from our dimension. This is why we seem to see a duality of wave and particle like nature in atomic and photonic structure. There is no paradox. The wave is a wave when it is a wave and the particle is a particle when it is a particle. The wave becomes the particle which then become the wave. The Possibility of Elemental Transmutation.
Ralph A. H. Groves Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email : neume@cds1.net
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Pr. Dr. Joseph Gruber Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : QUA ENG
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Overunity devices Cold Fusion and Space Energy technology" economics
Mark Gruchy Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email : admin@info-sys.ca
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Mark_Gruchy
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dr. K. Gruener Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : BOR
email : webmaster@heim-theory.com
web : http://www.heim-theory.com/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Burkhard Heim 6 dimensional polymetric structure quantum theory performed the difficult calculations for the Einstein's unified field theory and fulfilled Einstein's dream after decades of lonely work: a complete geometrical description of all forces and a formula for the masses of all elementary particles. no more in BAB
John T. Gruenwald Category : Experiment 2008 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://carlbrannen.wordpress.com/2008/09/01/new-evidence-against-einstein-si-32-and-ra-226/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance New Evidence Against Einstein: Si-32 and Ra-226 in both sets of data there is a lag which suggests an effect due to the gravitational potential of the sun (which would be modified by the gravitational potential of the local galaxy stars), or perhaps local motion relative to a preferred reference frame. Either way, this is not good news for Einstein.
Dr. Jean-Jacques Gruffat Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SAP
email : gruffat@emse.fr
web : http://www.publibook.com/librairie/auteur-universitaire.php?id=6043
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Criticism on the Foundations of Relativity Inconsistencies between a corpuscular nature of light and some observations are well known. However, they disappear when it is assumed that a photon is not emitted inside the light source but in a medium at rest.
Abbé Joseph Grumel (deceased) Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://animagap.fr/joseph.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Adolf Grünbaum (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1963 Origin : SCI FRI
email :
web : http://www.giffordlectures.org/Author.asp?AuthorID=265
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Philosophical problems of space and time.
Roland (Knoller) Gründler Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0708S14-21
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy
Dr. Eng Claus Grüning Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://worknotes.com/Physics/SpecialRelativity/TwinParadox/htmlpage4.aspx?print=true
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Against twin paradox
Jeffrey Grupp Category : Philosophical 2006 Origin : SCI
email : Jeffgrupp@aol.com
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jeffrey_Grupp
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Philosophy of Science, Zeno's Paradox. Grünbaum Did Not Solve Zeno's Measure Paradox.
Martin Grusenick Category : Experiment 2009 Origin : SCI
email : mgrusenivk@aol.com
web : http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7T0d7o8X2-E
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Extended Michelson-Morley Interferometer Experiment. The aether drift sounds like it may be responsible for 'gravity'.
Scott Grusky Category : New Energy 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/about/whoweare.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New energy, nothing else found
Blasius Karl Grüter Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : QUA HYI
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0708S14-21
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Free energy. Hydro-gravity convertor
Pr. Lyubomir T. Gruyitch Category : Critics 2006 Origin : CLI
email : lyubomir_gruyitch@yahoo.com
web : http://www.flipkart.com/einstein-relativity-theory-lyubomir-gruyitch/1425104819-jox3fs6obd
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
TIME: Fields, Relativity, and Systems Einstein's and Relativity Theory: Correct, Paradoxical & Wrong. New relativity theory, which is based on the physical properties of time, overcome all the drawbacks of Einstein's relativity theory. It is a basis for rejecting the misleading interpretation of time and of its relativity. It opens the possibility for the clarification of the physical sense of time relativity, as well as for novel mathematical relativity theories that create new directions in physics. Einstein's relativity theory ignores the well known facts about the quantities and units. Light speed is not the limiter.
Gene Gryziecki Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aetherometry.com/Electronic_Publications/Science/cat-agrel.php
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Correa A test of Aetherometry vs Relativity. Special and Larmor-Lorentz: The 1938 Ives-Stilwell experiment - Aetherometry vs. Relativity.
Dr. Guido Grzinic Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : CLI
email : guido@esotericscience.com
web : http://pesn.com/2004/06/15/FreeEnergyRoadmap/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Ether consistency close to a liquid, and occasionally solid such as within nuclear particles. Earth entrains the aether flow like a liquid and to carry longitudinal and transverse vibrations. Aether particles would be a lot smaller than subatomic particles. 4th dimension electron model put forward by Maurice Cooke where the aether flows in at the negative charge and out at the positive via the 4th dimension. Proton is assumed to be a particle or 'drop' of condensed aether. The push on the bodies to be a consequence of the shielding of 4D waves [2]. Helium; which becomes superfluid at very low temperatures, transmits transverse sound waves. Moving charges create magnetic fields.
Peter Gschwind Category : Critics 1986 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://zpower.com/ch/documents/ZPEPaper_ZeroPointEnergyDocumentCompilation.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Space, time, speed, natural mathematical structure (biquaternion analysis) which, in a projective geometric framework, can be effectively brought to bare on many of the current enigmas of physics.
Norbert Gstattenbauer Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Pr. Jorge A. Guala-Valverde (deceased) Category : Relativist 2002 Origin : GAL FRI CHI SAP
email :
web : http://www.fisicarecreativa.com/informes/infor_em/Spacetime-Spin.pdf
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Scaling for the Gravitational Potential. Gravitational Redshift Revisited. Scaling of Fundamental Units. Reply: Hatch, Ronald Magnetic Field Outside a Current-Carrying Solenoid. More on Timekeeping and GPS Satellites. Updating Faraday Newton's Principle of Mathematical Economy. Lorentz Contraction Cannot be a Real Phenomenon. Experiment vs. Dogma Dimensional Analysis and the Meaning of Dimensional Formulae. Inertial Mass in a Machian Framework
Yang Guangjing Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1693513914
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
According to the light force transmission point of view, as follows: a universe by microscopic particle composition, the space is free-electron filling the vacuum is not empty. Light and electromagnetic force passed by the free electrons in motion reflected in the force of the moving object, the force value With the speed of change. 3 the speed of light is the power of transmission speed, co-exist with the electronic velocity. 4 e-in the process of passing power, the direction of movement from outside influence, is not consistent, it will bend to the small resistance in the direction, which is a joint force role in the direction of movement. 5 electron trajectories, there are two kinds of straight lines and curves. This is the difference between light and electromagnetic waves to produce light in the linear motion according to the requirements of this view, and the theorem of momentum formula, the introduction of particle movement mechanics formula F = MVC / L
Steven S. Gubser Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal neutrinos and extra dimensions: constraints from the null energy condition "It is hard to avoid violating the null energy condition somewhere in the extra dimensions."
V. K. Gudym Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i4 p483-90, A mechanism of appearance of the gravitational interaction. On the basis of the Burger-Lambert-Beer's law, we have analyzed the general case of the optical density ratio method 24/483/1 static model of a structure of atoms it is shown that the gravitational and electrostatic interactions have the same nature. The electrostatic interaction is the interaction of electric charges at small distances, whereas the gravitational interaction is the interaction of electric charges at large distances.
Aaron Guerami Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BAB
email : aguerami@gmail.com
web : http://aaronsreality.blogspot.com
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dark Energy is the Aether that fills the universe. Dark Energy is rigid, discrete and 3 dimensional. Bosons vibrate through the Dark Energy.
Pr. Vasco Guerra Category : Critics 2005 Origin : SCI
email : vguerra@alfa.ist.utl.pt
web : http://web.ist.utl.pt/vguerra/publicat/eprint.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Prof. Rodrigo de Abreu Relativity: Einstein's Lost Frame 2005 provide an alternative derivation of the effects described by Special Relativity, based on a description that assumes a privileged reference frame. The null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment in vacuum is deeply connected with the notion of time. It can be deduced without any mathematics only from the assumption that all good clocks can be used to measure time with the same results, independently of the machinery involved in their manufacturing. A second important assumption, intrinsic to the very notion of time, is that clocks measure time in the same way in different frames, i.e., the notion of time is the same in all inertial frames.
Rodolfo Guglielmi Category : Critics 1996 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.gianfrancobertagni.it/materiali/gurdjieff/biblsugurd.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of the 4th dimension. A chapter is devoted to studies of Ouspensky on this issue.
Wladimir Guglinski Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SCI
email : wladimirguglinski@hotmail.com
web : http://peswiki.com/index.php/PowerPedia:Quantum_Ring_Theory
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Neutron must be composed by proton+electron (n=p+e), and the space must be fulfilled by the aether, which would be responsible for the equilibrium of the electrons within the electrosphere of the atoms. Cold fusion, Quantum Theory, Toroidal Ring, Aether interaction with the ether. The Evolution of Physics: The Duel Descartes vs Newton.
Dr. Satya Pal Gulati Category : Alternative theory 1982 Origin : SAP FRI SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Find
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Big Howler - Einstein's Theory of Special Relativity / Theory of Physical Similarity. The present theory is based upon three fundamental postulates: (i) Motion-dependent time-unit, (ii) Invariant length-unit, and (iii) Principle of physical similarity. Light velocity is found to be 'motion-dependent' and the absolute frame is indentifiable as the frame in which light velocity from a stationary course attains the absolute maximum, say co. The invariant Compton wavelengths of all fundamental particles are defined and the postulated basic invariant 'length-unit', say dl, can be identified with the Compton wavelength of any fundamental particle, say electron. The absolute rest 'time-unit' is taken as dl/co. Applying this theory to mechanics, electromagnetism and optics, it is established that it overcomes all epistemological errors of Einstein's theory and circumvents the drawbacks of all other theories.
Sverre Gulden Category : Critics 0 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://mywebpages.comcast.net/adring/GEPeople.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic Results for a Particle Obtained with Absolute Velocities and Quantum Mechanics. More on Pioneer
Joshua Gulick Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : ARX
email : joshua.gulick@cheerful.com
web : http://www.beyondweird.com/gravity_sys.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
(John Ernst Keely gravity theory) String theory, matter vibrating in unison is mutually attracted and that matter vibrating in dissonance or discord is pushed apart. This matter vibration creates waves through the ether (the dynamic intersection of three dimensional space and the higher dimensional surfaces.
Arnold G. Gulko Category : Alternative theory 1980 Origin : GAL RAP
email : ggulko@aol.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/pdf/abstracts/abstracts_450.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Bergman Vortex Fundamentals. Charged Ring Model of Elementary Particles: A Controversy. The vortex theory show's us that the electron is constituted by energy moving at light speed in a continuous balancecd path so that the concentration of that energy and its motion at light speed directly establishes the charge energy. (The Toth-Maatian Review) Carl G. Krafft postulated that charged particles were constituted by pairs of vortex rings of moving energy in rolling contact with one another.
Eric Gullichsen Category : Religious aspects 2010 Origin : ARX
email : frice@skeptictank.org
web : http://hplusmagazine.com/2010/10/20/digital-polytheism-event-timothy-learys-90th-birthday/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The relativistic universe described by Einstein and the nuclear physicists is alien and terrifying. Quantum physics is quite literally a wild, confusing psyberdelic trip /.
Rei Gunn Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Rudolph W. Gunnerman Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://www.rbbi.com/folders/fuel/a-21.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
The Gunnerman water + fuel motor Patent. The mixture gets 40% better mileage from the gasoline it contains and emits significant less pollution because the engine runs cooler.
Craig Gunnufson Category : Alternative theory 1981 Origin : QUA CHI
email : craig@dishtech-ess.com
web : http://keelynet.com/gravity/grav7.txt
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
Particles are photons aggregates macroscopic vortex motion of the space background causes magnetism itself. An intrinsic property of matter is that it absorbs energy from the ether. Second Universal Law of Gravitation. It came about as an outgrowth of my Ether Displacement Theory. The Second Law of gravitation states : "Matter absorbs and re-radiates energy from the medium (ether) which is responsible for the phenomenon known as gravitation. The rate of energy being radiated is proportional to the square of the mass."
Joachim Güntert Category : Critics 2007 Origin : CLI
email : josephg@gmx.de
web : http://www.josephg.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Is the union of relativity and quantum mechanics possible?
Helmut Günther Category : Critics 1996 Origin : FRI
email : guenther@fhzinfo.fh-bielefeld.de
web : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Kritik_an_der_Relativit%C3%A4tstheorie#.C3.84ther_und_absoluter_Raum
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Speed limits and its paradoxes: ether, relativity. Lorentzianisches model of a universal aether developed. It is based on the fact that quasi-relativistic effects such as length contraction during plastic deformation and dislocations in crystal structures or from shuttle chains in the context have been identified with solitons. The phenomena underlying Sine-Gordon equation is Lorentz invariant.
Chongwu Guo Category : Critics 2007 Origin : BAC SCI
email : 48282146@163.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/old/physics/guo.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reconsideration of Relativistic Time. Relativistic time under Lorentz transformation are incompatible with the law of conservation of momentum. Relativistic time can be regarded as clock time.
Gang Guo Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dispersion Relations Explaining OPERA Data From Deformed Lorentz Transformation
Kaizhe Guo Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email : 48282146@163.com
web : http://www.academicjournals.org/ijps/pdf/pdf2010/Feb/Guo.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reconsideration of the priciple of relativity. The applicable ranges of the principle of relativity were reconsidered. There are magnetic field forces between positive charge and negative charge in an electric doublet which is moving in a laboratory reference frame, whereas, analyzing the electric doublet with the same physical method in a reference frame which is at rest relative to the electric doublet, no magnetic field force exists between the two charges. The results obtained in the two frames are self-contradictory. Maxwell's equations maintain the form invariant under Lorentz transformation can not fully prove that electromagnetism laws satisfy requirement of the principle of relativity because the form invariant are the same as the expression for Doppler effect, ref to Wang experiment.
Dr. R. C. Gupta Category : Critics 2008 Origin : BAB
email : rcg_iet@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers_view.php?id=815
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spin Mystery Resolved: Fermions & Photons Based on Quaternion Mass Concept Gupta-Dinu-effect interaction of electric current with static-charge alternative theory, however, the essential feature of general-relativity i.e., curvature of space-time fabric, is retained, but in a bit different way. Gravitational-waves do travel through the 'fabric of universe. The density diminishes-exponentially (but never absolute-zero), there would be no empty-space or absolute-vacuum in the universe. there would be no empty-space or absolute-vacuum in the universe. There simply can not be empty-universe, all the universe is therefore matter-universe. Thus, the real 'fabric' of universe is 'the space-time in the matter-universe'. The fabric is the real thing and not simply a geometrical-construct. Furthermore, the author suggests that the curvature of space-time is not warping of the empty space time, but actually the curvature is nothing but the density-variation of the atmospheric matter-universe.
Venkata Guruprasad Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : ARX
email : syncool@att.net
web : http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/3317
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electromagnetic Heat Engines Electrical Theory of Thermodynamics and Particle Scale Heat Engines. Magnetic engines work by converting heat directly into electricity by taking advantage of temperature differentials to change the strength of magnetic fields. Changes in the magnetic field generate electricity.
Vladimir A. Gusev Category : Critics 2008 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://iopscience.iop.org/1063-7869/52/3/A03;jsessionid=3FDC8AD4D39E96B1FA2B32221C138502.c3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the registration of a true position of Sun. 1990 Delusions versus reality in some physics problems: theory and experiment. 2008 see Kozyrev
Stefano Gusman Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://marius-gravity.blogspot.com/2010/01/pushing-gravity.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
GRT doesen't explain bodies weight and gravity | ResearchGate When a mass would break this vacuum symmetry some waves trains could spread transporting motion quantity and angular moment as electromagnetic waves do and causing a radiant pressure on masses surfaces. This phenomenon could exists since from the size of matter "fine structure". This is a possible explanation of Casimir effect, because in this kind of "energetic space" a mass would be compressed and two masses would be pushed one towards the other. gravity would be a compressive force and movement of galaxies, stars and planets, as sub atomic particles, would be the result of not compensated Poynting vectors in a kind of "hydrodynamic space". Time itself does not exist, as suggested by experiments "entanglement" conducted by Alain Aspect in 1982 of polarized photons. It is a "category" of human thought. In the absence of matter, such as space, time does not exist. Together with the space and the matter is born with the BB and, therefore, for the logic SEMM is it the same space and matter. The size of the eternal, as claimed by Emanuele Severino recovering Eleatic thought, is already present and is the only existing reality.
Dr. Bernardo Gut Category : Critics 1981 Origin : SCI SAP FRI CHI
email : bernardo.gut@gmx.ch
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Bernardo_Gut
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Logical critic of the relativity theory.
F. Guteri Category : Nothing found 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/N/N199707.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Odyssey of Sorts.
Dr. Christian Guthart Category : New Energy 0 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.elfterseptember.info/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
A report seeking unusual seems to be related to unknown causes of 11 sept WTC.
Peter Gutjahr Category : Critics 0 Origin : WEG
email :
web : http://www.markweger.at/geg.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The critic of SRT is it unfounded? nothing more found
Alexander Guts Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.univer.omsk.su/omsk/Sci/Time/time.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Theory of Time machine and superfast intersteller ship
Gottfried J. Gutsche Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=931&filter=Gottfried,%20Gutsche
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
The secrets of inertial propulsion drive
Halil Güvenis Category : Critics 2000 Origin : PHY
email : guevenis@rocketmail.com
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p587, Solve the climate crisis in the context of the breakdown-crisis of capitalism interpretation of the quantum potential and spontaneously absorbed photons are inseparably associated with EMITTED particles of mass m.
Pr. Bernard Guy Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP IMP
email : guy@emse.fr
web : http://www.emse.fr/~bguy/bguy_pageweb2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reassessment of relativity. Time and space. Movement generates space and time all together as two inseparable faces of the same substance. " Timeless " space-time frame.
Richard W. Guy Category : Expanding Earth 1991 Origin : SCI
email : richard_guy72@yahoo.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Is Planet Earth Expanding? Sea floor spreading adds dimension to the surface area of the Earth.
Steven Langley Guy Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Preston Guynn Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spinning charged ring model of electrons (seems to be similar to Bergman and Allen theory (CSS) no information available in the Internet.
Ariamy Guzman Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Octavio Guzman Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/download?doi=
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Novel nonperiodic solutions of the homogeneous wave equation that may be used to obtain new solutions of the field equation associated with Maxwell's equations (ME). While revisiting this well-known subject, we have surprisingly found that the class of solutions of ME may be larger than usually believed.
N. Martin Gwynne Category : Critics 1985 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://thomiste.pagesperso-orange.fr/critrela.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein and modern physics. It can be difficult to imagine a more stupid suggestion - if Galileo was for twenty years deterred by fear of ridicule to make public his belief in Copernicus' ideas, how long would it have been to admit that he believed in relativity - but it is not difficult to understand. See Nourissat
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Günter Haaf Category : History 1978 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.zeit.de/1978/20/ein-neuer-weg-zur-weltformel
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein has miscalculated: progress and setbacks in the relativity theory/ Supergravity and the unity of the physical laws.
Phil J. Haag Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Matthias Haak Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : L_CH@hotmail.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Nicola Tesla und dessen Erfindungen sowie Biefeld-Brown-Effekt und alles, was mit diesem zusammenhängt, vor allem die Physik desselben
Henry Haapalainen Category : Alternative theory 1990 Origin : CLI
email : kirppu@kolumbus.fi
web : http://www.wakkanet.fi/~fields/firstpage.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space itself is in free-fall motion. Falling space is the fourth dimension. Immaterial space does not act like a substance, instead space at the same point in space could fall unimpeded in several different directions. Electron is not a ball that orbits the nucleus, but a part of the gravity field (falling space) wound into a spiral around the atomic nucleus.
Rainer Haas Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email : haasr@gmx.net
web : http://r-haas.de/astro.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photons and other messenger particles with zero mass are existing from the point of emission to the point of interaction (absorption) out of the four dimensional space time continuum, in the Photon Continuum Emission point and absorption point are the only observable points of intersection between the Photon Continuum and the four dimensional space time continuum. Emission point and absorption point are directly connected out of time and space through the Photon Continuum.
Julie Ann Haberle Category : Philosophical 2012 Origin : SCI
email : info@whoisyourcreator.com
web : http://saturniancosmology.org/files/npa/people.txt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity, Eu Universe, Who Is Your Creator Interests: Evolution, Creation Nationality.
Richard Hachel Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email : r.hachel@wanadoo.fr
web : http://www.freag.net/fr/t/29ago/es_bogdanoff_ap/2
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of relativity of space and time. We never observe the actual speeds of the bodies that move them in space and time, but only a logical relation Sync Einstein, this is crap. He imagines a kind of world where the present is something absolute and universal. For example, he seems to believe that if something happens on earth, and "same time", it goes something on the moon, on Jupiter, and Saturn, then this simultaneity is absolute. The four events are simultaneous, not only for the Earth (by definition), but also for the other three observers placed on three different planets.
R. B. Hackenberger Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
see Edwin Gray
Reginald Hackshaw Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1082
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravity reciprocating motor. The Electromechanical Charge Shuttle: Electrostatics in Action
A. R. Hadjesfandiari Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : BAB
email : ah@buffalo.edu
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=113&filter=A.%20R.,%20Hadjesfandiari
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Covariant electrodynamics reveals the relation between matter and Minkowskian space-time, and the governing non-Euclidean geometry. This in turn results in the completion of Poincare's theory of relativity by showing that motion of a particle is a four-dimensional rotation of its body frame and the interaction field is a four-dimensional vorticity field. C
Erick A. Haeffner Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : GAL SCI
email : haeffner@algonet.se
web : http://www.algonet.se/~haeffner
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Condensed Electromagnetic radiation. The first generation leptons and quarks are found to consist of electromagnetic wave packets. Composite mass particles are formed by superimposed quark. Galaxies are created by gamma radiation from black holes wave packets. Separate times. A Physical Origin for Mass and Charge. Mass, Time, Gravitation, & Galaxies from the 'CER' Perspective. The CER concept of circularly or elliptically polarized electromagnetic radiation in a condensed state as a physical identification of mass.
Dr. Aric Hagberg Category : Relativist 1997 Origin : PEA
email : aric.hagberg@gmail.com
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/patt-sol/9902006
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Multi-phased oscillatory systems solitons.
Dr. Peter L. Hagelstein Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : SCI
email : plh@mit.edu
web : http://www.rle.mit.edu/rleonline/People/PeterL.Hagelstein.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion
Christel Hahn Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Peter C. M. Hahn Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : MOU ARX COR
email : petehahn@telus.net
web : http://www3.telus.net/foamyether/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
TOE. The new ether model replaces the vacuum of empty space with foamy ether. Speed of light is the same wherever you are, because the tension on the foamy ether is the same in all locations stretched ether is trying to restore itself to its original curled up state, it is natural for the kinks and knots to have a tendency of clustering together. This is how atoms such as hydrogen were formed. A particle is a distortion that moves in ether (solitons). This inward flow of ether is what causes gravity. This inflow is caused by the ether trying to return to its original curled-up state. the inflow does not actually increase the size or mass of the particle as the ether gets pulled in. The flow is only noticeable at some distance from the surface of the particle. The number of nodes (hence the particle size) does not increase. It is only the surrounding foamy ether that collapses (or expands) (anti-matter --> anti-gravity this is wrong)
Astrid Haibel Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : REC
email : astrid.haibel@gkss.de
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Basic of superluminal signals. Tunnel effect spaces without time 2004 Following the experiments they conducted in 2001, physicists A. Haibel and G. Nimtz suggested that a photon encounters a potential barrier is reflected with a delay approximately equal to the inverse of its base frequency, irrespective of the shape of the barrier. This conjecture is confirmed and clarified by an exact formula for the delay in the theoretical study that we conducted.
Lin Haibing Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email : tywlhjl@163.com
web : http://twinparadox.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Open Letter to the Physics Community. The Twin Paradox.
Shen Haihui Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://blog.sina.com.cn/u/1693513914
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
According to the light force transmission point of view, as follows: a universe by microscopic particle composition, the space is free-electron filling the vacuum is not empty. Light and electromagnetic force passed by the free electrons in motion reflected in the force of the moving object, the force value With the speed of change. 3 the speed of light is the power of transmission speed, co-exist with the electronic velocity. 4 e-in the process of passing power, the direction of movement from outside influence, is not consistent, it will bend to the small resistance in the direction, which is a joint force role in the direction of movement '.5 electron trajectories, there are two kinds of straight lines and curves. This is the difference between light and electromagnetic waves to produce light in the linear motion according to the requirements of this view, and the theorem of momentum formula, the introduction of particle movement mechanics formula F = MVC / L
B. Haisch Category : Alternative theory 1994 Origin : MOU
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Stochastic_electrodynamics
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis inertia arises as an electromagnetic drag force on accelerating particles, produced by interaction with the zero-point field. they speak of a "Rindler flux", presumably meaning the Unruh effect, and claim to have computed a nonzero "z.p.f. momentum". This computation rests upon their claim to compute a nonzero "z.p.f. Poynting vector".
Dr. Bernhard Haisch Category : Alternative theory 1968 Origin : QUA ARX
email : haisch@calphysics.org
web : http://www.calphysics.org/haisch/publications.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Gravity and the Quantum Vacuum Inertia Hypothesis. inertia reaction force springs from electromagnetic quantum vacuum. A random fluctuating electromagnetic background to the ordinary lorentzian classical electrodynamics relativist quantum vacuum Zero Point Field the ZPF gives rise to the phenomenon of inertia, it must also in some way generate the effect of gravity. This audacious idea was proposed as early as 1968 by the Russian physicist and dissident Andrei D. Sakharov, but he never fully developed the concept into a scientific theory.
Dr. John N. Hait Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : SCI
email : john@hait.org
web : http://www.hait.org/inventor.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Resonance, Unification Resonant Fields, of which everything in the universe is made, violate Heisenberg's Uncertainty Principle by demonstrating an organized deep reality, rather than a random one.
Michael Haitz Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : m.haitz@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Viktor Schauberger Raum Energie Forschung Magnetmotoren. Noise research Global scaling.
Istvan Hajjas Category : Critics 2007 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://home.comcast.net/~adring/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Big Bang Theories, nothing more found, Vol. 18, No. 4, p. 79. in Galilean electrodynamics.
Sankar Hajra Category : Critics 2008 Origin : GAL IMP SCI
email : sankarhajra@yahoo.com
web : http://home.comcast.net/~adring/Hajra_part_1_ckw.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A critical analysis of special relativity. It may be concluded, therefore, that if Maxwell.s equations and consequently Heaviside.s ectrodynamics are supplemented with the considerations of force-communicating dipoles (or electromagnetic medium) fixed with the large heavenly bodies, or in other words if we assume that all large heavenly bodies carry electromagnetic forces and vibrations mostly like all other physical vibrations on them, explanations of electromagnetic phenomena become physical, easy and simple, and an equivalent alternative approach to special relativity in the frame work of Heaviside.s electrodynamics emerges.
Fox Hal Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : BOR
email : ine@padrak.com
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Institute For New Energy ine@padrak.com no more in BOR
Dr. S. C. P. Halakatti Category : Critics 1990 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v3 p105, Initial Creation, a Different Approach, and A Contribution to the Origin of Structure and Arrow of Time: origin of structure and origin of irreversibility are immediate consequences of the initial creation. It is suggested that all time asymmetries and irreversibilities may be unified under a global arrow.
Pr. Les Hale Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1077
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravity Electrical Polarization Waves Depending on the geometry, the polarization waves will frequently penetrate the shielding virtually unattenuated, because in the 1-D approximation they satisfy curl E = 0, and hence have no time-varying magnetic fields."
Edward. F. Jr. Halerewicz Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : THE
email : halgravity@yahoo.com
web : http://da_theoretical1.tripod.com/techie/wdweb/index.html
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Exploring the origin of inertia and gravitation within Frame Extended Relativity: Gravitomagnetism may also give clues as to various other possible behavior which matter and energy may take which are not known to present science, see HOILAND
Donavan Hall Category : Philosophical 2012 Origin : ARX
email : dhall@rouge.phys.lsu.edu
web : http://donavanhall.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Materialist rejection of God
Pr. Henry Hall Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : henry.hall@manchester.ac.uk
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Jerome M. Hall Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : wlrhnet@hotmail.com
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Pr. R. Steven Hall Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : SCI
email :
web : web.mit.edu/aeroastro/people/hall.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Electrokinetic Works of T. T. Brown
Randy Hall Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : PEA
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A World of Anti-Physics, nothing more found
Marc Hallet Category : Critics 1977 Origin : CLI
email : vt6103360@base.be
web : http://www.marc-hallet.be/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Anti UFO and anti tabous strong critics of many things but nothing against SRT certainly the greatest stupidity of the human mind with absolute existing physically in the experimental world.
David Halprin Category : Philosophical 2004 Origin : BAB
email : davrin999@gmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=326&filter=David,%20Halprin
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
No Strings Attached Ultimate Analysis. WPD
Dr. Steven Haltiwanger Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email : stevehalt@hotmail.com
web : http://peswiki.com/index.php/Events:ExtraOrdinary_Technology_Conference:DVD_Sale_May_2006
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Biological Effects of Resonant Energy Transfer.
Neil Hambleton Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : neil.hambleton1934@gmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=206&filter=Neil,%20Hambleton
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special relativity disproof in one sentence. The intuitive answer to the moving light clock rods issue is that the speed of light appears to be 'c + v' when zigs > rods and 'c v' when zigs < rods to observers in
Dr. Nizar Hamdan (deceased) Category : Critics 2004 Origin : GAL MIL BAB SCI
email :
web : http://www.mrelativity.net/papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Abandoning the Idea of Relativistic Length Contraction in Relativistic Electrodynamics. On the Invariance of Maxwell's Field Equations under Lorentz Transformations. On the Interpretation of the Doppler Effect in Special Relativity Theory. Newton's Second Law is a Relativistic Law without Einstein's Relativity. Derivation of de Broglie's Relations from Newton's Second Law Uncertainty / Indeterminacy. An Alternative to the Aether. The Dynamical de Broglie Theory On Einstein's 1905 paper, E = mc2 ? Lorentz Transformations are Unable to Describe the Relativistic Doppler Effect. New Methods in Relativistic Electrodynamics without the Hypotheses of Abandoning the Ideas of Length Contraction and Time Dilation (pdf)
David B. Hamel (deceased) Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://www.world-famous.com/DavidHamel.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
How to build the Hamel Flying Saucer
Salah Hamieh Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
New physics for superluminal particles
D. Hamilton Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://zpenergy.com/downloads/SOS_AAPT_News.pdf
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Unified Field Theory: The Influence of Gravitation on The Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.) Generalized Einstein Equations In Classical And Quantum Unified Field Theory M. W. Evans, P. K. Anastasovski, P. Carpenter, C. Ciubotariu.
David B. Hamilton Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : CLI
email : david.hamilton@ee.doe.gov
web : http://www.mendeley.com/research/superluminal-theory-effects/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Superluminal Theory and Effects
Donald L. Hamilton Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : ARX
email : dlham@prodigy.net
web : http://novan.com/cosmol.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Full relativist Cosmology for the 21st Century. A mysterious 5th force, Accelerating Galaxies, The change in inertial mass of a body indicates changes in the body's "space energy level. Time does not slow down as a rocket accelerates in space, only the astronaut's quartz watch slows as the quartz's mass increases. (Its vibration changes with it mass.) Universal space contains all the laws of the universe, (inertia, gravity, quantum mechanics, biogenetics, electromagnetic emission, the atomic laws, evolution, etc.). Every cubic centimeter of space from one end of the universe to the other is filled with all the natural phenomena that it takes to make the universe and everything in it work. They give the universe its personality. These natural phenomena created space and determined the size of the universe - where the laws of nature end, the universe ends.Matter is massless without energy. The Universe is shaped like a hollow sphere with nature's laws, governing and unifying everything within the sphere. Although matter moves about the universe relative to other matter, it does not move relative to space. Space itself (excluding all energy and matter) is a single entity from one end of the universe to the other. A body cannot pass from one part of space to another, space itself is all one. In the M & M experiment when a body emits a photon of light, the body or the photon has no motion - relative to space BUT relative to each other body and the photon move away from each other at the speed of light (inertial infintiy), nothing else is taken into consideration. When a ray of light is emitted, it will travel away from the body at the maximum speed that space allows, the speed of light (Inertial Infinity), in any direction, no other body will be taken into consideration. Photons always travel away from the emitting body at the same speed in every direction. Although there is no motion between a body of matter and space itself, the body's Inertial Requirement does vary with its space energy level and therefore is an indicator of its absolute motion in space. Although there is no motion between a body of matter and space itself, the body's Inertial Requirement does vary with its space energy level and therefore is an indicator of its absolute motion in space.
William F. III Hamilton Category : Alternative theory 1975 Origin : YOR SCI
email : skycom@astrosciences.info
web : http://www.oocities.org/xplorer2x/Ring.htm
kind of theory : super fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Center of the Vortex Quantum Vortex Theory of Matter particles as behaving both as particles and waves Space has the properties of a superconducting superfluid. Superfluid accommodates to rotation by forming a lattice of quantized vortices in which the vortex core, typically singular, breaks the topological constraint against rotational motion. Space has the properties of a superconducting superfluid. Electron vortex rings: The ring model of an electron is derived from an ether vortex flow. This vortex creates a pressure normal to its spin that is conjectured produces the electrostatic charge. Unified Field Theory which can be used as a practical basis for new energy. A. Brillet and J.L. Hall conducted a modern ether drift experiment in 1979 frequency shift of 17 Hz at twice the table rotation rate I tend to agree with one proposal that attributes inertia to the ether. This is essentially Romani's perfectly-fluid (thus superfluid) ether, in which elementary particles would be vortices. Romani (1975,1976) described precisely a ring-vortex model for the electron, however he described the proton as a composite particle made of three different vortices (mind that this is also what is currently admitted, with 3 quarks).
Dr. Richard Hammerschlag Category : New Energy 0 Origin : SCI
email : rhammerschlag@ocom.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Richard_Hammerschlag
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Richard T. Hammond Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : PHY
email : rich.hammond@ndsu.nodak.edu
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i2, Universe with a nonconstant cosmological term in Einstein's equations and find that the Bianchi identities reduce to the something analogous first law of thermodynamics
Steven M. Hampton Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : SCI
email : thrust@frontiernet.net
web : http://deanspacedrive.org/?p=281
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Dean Drives and Davis Mechanics: Inertial Propulsion and the Manipulation of time in Symmetrical Systems
Erim Han Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aliceinphysics.com
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alice Law claims that electromagnetic waves utilize the same structures with gravitation, electrical and magnetic forces, which are FIELDS. The meaning of c (light speed constant) in Alice Law is the velocity of light on a field.
Li-Jun Han Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1595
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Torsion Field Effect and Zero-Point Energy in Electrical Discharge Systems. Vortex Dynamics And Exploiting Energy From The Vacuum Casimir Effect with Vortex. Filaments and Quasar Spiral Model
Don Haney Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : dhaney1@epcc.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Don_Haney
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Joe Hanink Category : Critics 1997 Origin : CHI
email : jhanink@hotmail.com
web : http://www.fortunecity.com/skyscraper/terminus/935/relativity.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Theory of Relativity depends heavily on this very assumption absolute c It is said that what began as assumption has now been verified by fact. However, it would seem that the manners and approaches of verification have wrongly included this very assumption in some form or another. If we choose to regard time as constant and the speed of light as changing, then we can still explain a moving clock's delay relative to a stationary one. The assumption is so widely applied, it is even used to verify itself. But that, of course, is logically erroneous.
Craig D. Hanks Category : Philosophical 1998 Origin : SAP FRI ARX CHI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/friebeforum/thread.php?threadid=573&sid=30d38a787ce5f9ae0fcd8bf12535cff
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time philosophical point of view. TIME is not some ethereal property, but rather it is just a defined metric like length and mass. In fact, time is simply the metric of motion. And the limit of motion is also the limit of time.
Wolfgang Hann Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : suampama@yahoo.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Frei Energie, Schwungrad, Schwungradkonverter-Wankel, Planzen, Natur, Sport;
Steen Hannestad Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Apparent faster than light propagation from light sterile neutrinos.
Robert J. Hannon Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SAP GAL CHI
email : hannon@hartford.edu
web : http://www.megasociety.org/noesis/76/02.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Mysteries of the Lorentz Transformation. The Planck Quantum and the Fourier Integral. An Alternative to the Aether. About the Twins: Uncertainty / Indeterminacy, the Planck Quantum and the Fourier Integral.
Helmut Hansen Category : Religious aspects 2000 Origin : SCI
email : helmuthansen@gmx.de
web : http://www.moderne-metaphysik.de/mandala/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Is the structure of the Mandala the secret blueprint of the physical universe? Geometrically build up by a fractal structure of squares and spheres Mandala (cercle) position about space and time as archetype design. Local inertial compass coincides with the frame of the most distant galaxies this fact can be explained as the signature of an omnipresent and invisible entity.
John D. Jr. Hansen Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SAP GAL CHI FRI
email : jhansen@restoretheconstitution.org
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Analysis of Trouton-Noble Experiment Global Positioning Satellites. On Faraday's Ray-Vibrations and stellar Aberration
Joswé Paulo Hansen Category : Experiment 2002 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/doi/abs/10.4006/1.3025511
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 p61, Verification of Photon Inertia by a Laser Light Photon Radiation Experiment. There is not a constant velocity of this radiation with respect to the observer in a reference system, contrary to Einstein's relativity, which admits a constant velocity © of this radiation in all reference systems Contrary to Einstein's relativity theory, this implies that the final velocity (c′) of this radiation depends on the inertial velocity (vs) of the emitting source, with respect to space or the cosmic background radiation, and then the final velocity (c′) of the light radiation or any other electromagnetic radiation would be given by c′ = (c + vs), in the direction of the emitting source, with respect to either space or the cosmic background radiation. That is, c′ would be variable according to the source velocity (vs), according to the Ritz emission theory. From 1951 to 1987 works involving redshifts, temperatures of the cosmic background radiation, and standing phase shifts of light presented a velocity v  350 × 105 cm/s for the Earth ‐ Sun system motion toward the constellation Leo, with respect to either space or the cosmic background radiation. The result of the present experiment is consistent with the prediction of a constant velocity (c′) of light and any other electromagnetic radiation, but only in the direction of motion of the emitting source of the radiation
Akali Heiko Hänsge Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://esoterik-esoterik.de/ln-5-98.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Free energy antigravitation
Adam Hansil Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : jdhansil@worldnet.att.net
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Dr. James E. Hanson Category : Philosophical 1994 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://www.alumnus.caltech.edu/~ckank/fringe/links.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Our perception of the world is limited by our vocabulary
Pr. Johan Hansson Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physics.aps.org/story/v20/st18
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 237 & 53] Nonlinear gauge interactions: A possible solution to the measurement problem in quantum mechanics Hansson says too many theorists who attempt to look beyond conventional particle physics don't propose experiments. There are zillions of [untestable] theories, he says. Preon theories, in contrast, are testable today. Quarks may contain constituents called preons that are well beyond the detection limits of current and most future particle colliders.
Pr. William Happer Category : Experiment 1977 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.dtic.mil/cgi-bin/GetTRDoc?AD=ADA339190
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Long range interaction between CW self-focused laser beams in an atomic vapor. The physics of spin polarized atomic vapors.
K. Harada Category : Experiment 1976 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://tycho.usno.navy.mil/twstt_pp.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
High precision time comparison via satellite and observed discrepancy of synchronization.
Minoru Harada Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 i2 p168, Collapse of relative simultaneity. On the Physical Feasibility of Time Travel. Einstein's argument for the relativity of simultaneity is refuted. It is rigorously proved that simultaneity is a universal property that holds for all reference frames alike.
Nassim Haramein Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : info@theresonanceproject.org
web : http://theresonanceproject.org/
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New Energy, Resonance, Unification new solution to Einstein's field equations which incorporates torque and Coriolis effects. Our universe as embedded white hole / black hole or white / black "whole" structures from universal size to atomic and subatomic scales.
Pr. Ioannis Iraklis Haranas Category : Relativist 2011 Origin : GAL THE SCI
email : ioannis@yorku.ca
web : http://d1002391.mydomainwebhost.com/JOT/Articles/aArchive.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Solution of Einstein's Field Equations Using Harrison's Method, The Classical Problem of a Body Falling in a Tube Through the Center of the Earth in the Dynamic Theory of Gravity: Redshift Calculations in the Dynamic Theory of Gravity: by derives expressions for the redshift of a cosmological object by knowing its distance from the observer. Examples are given.
Dr. Michael Harder Category : Critics 2007 Origin : SCI
email : hardernet@t-online.de
web : http://www.waldhof-freiburg.de/symposium/1-symposium-auf-der-suche-nach-der-weltformel/34-dr-michael-harder-bu
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's mistakes: the discovery of space and time.
Pr. James M. Hardesty Category : History 1990 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1501
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tesla. The Experiments of Kristian Birkeland
David Calder Hardy Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
email : hardy@xnet.co.nz
web : http://homepages.xnet.co.nz/~hardy/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmology, Big Bang, Infinite Eternal Universe
David Calder Hardy Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
email : hardy@xnet.co.nz
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/David_Hardy
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dr. Jonathan Hardy Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Keith Maxwell Hardy Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : ARX
email : quantumwavesourc@aol.com
web : http://www.comcity.com/distance-time
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Distance-Time. A quantum theory of space and time that defines distance as equivalent to a period of time (D=cT) and claims to be more accurate than special relativity.
Dr. Daniel Hare Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : danhare@me.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Daniel_Hare
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric Universe, no details found
Michael M. Hare Category : Critics 1966 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/The_multiple_universe.html?id=4LzzGAAACAAJ
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The multiple universe; on the nature of spiritual reality. Microcosm and macrocosm: an approach to the synthesis of the real a cosmology based upon a conservative, spherical and oscilating universe (expanding and contracting) with three spatial dimensions and three temporal dimensions looking like a sphere within which existence flows. This universe includes both the physical and the psychological phenomena which could be described by a unified theory.
Neil Hargreaves Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Dr. A. K. Hariri Category : Critics 2007 Origin : MIL BAB
email : haririak2000@yahoo.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/hamdan/hariri.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special relativity defined transverse Doppler effect is invalid at distances less than approximately 28 wavelengths between the source and detector. On Einstein's 1905 paper, E = mc2 Mass - Energy Equivalence? Einstein's derivation is true under special conditions only, not in general. The SRT has been presented as a unique solution, yet tens of alternative theories are published in the refereed journals and to replace what is called the SRT. The SRT has been known since its onset as a unifying theory. It unified space and time, matter and energy, and it became the basis for other unifying theories we started from the classical laws and the classical relativity principle to derive Einstein's formula 2 E = mc from the classical laws and to show that Einstein's formula 2 E = mc can be derived in many different ways, even without the popular approaches i.e.; thought experiment, conservation laws and collision as well as without special relativity.
Kevin Harkess Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : kevin.harkess@btopenworld.com
web : http://www.kevin.harkess.btinternet.co.uk/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity is not only wrong it's fundamentally flawed. Clocks are synchronized Einstein's way. Wisp unification theory smallest fundamental particles in nature gravitational effect is caused by curved wisp space gravitational force experience by matter is caused by its central zero-state space interacting with radial compression forces in curved wisp space which 'pushes down' on objects in wisp theory, space and time are not joined together and so time has no affect on curved wisp space.
Feyd Harkonnen Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Free energie torsion field. Local Time is spade rotating aroud an axis. Ref many authors included in CLI list of dissidents
John K. Harms Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : BAB
email : harmsjk3@earthlink.net
web : http://www.johnkharms.com/
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether A Quantum Gravitational Proposal. This model might be called "push-pull gravity". The electromagnetic field applies both pushes and pulls to bodies in the field. This is accomplished via photons and photon "holes" in the field traveling both forward and backward-in-time respectively radiation pressure" model : Electricity as Matter Wave Frequency Changes Quantum Space and GTR
Michael Harney Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI SCI
email : mharney@signaldisplay.com
web : http://www.signaldisplay.com/electric.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Standing Matter Waves particle can be described by the constructive and destructive interference of those standing waves. Wave Structure of Matter as proposed by Milo Wolff a field is the interaction between the simultaneous combination of standing matter-waves that make up two wave-centers (or what has traditionally been called the interaction between two particles).
Efthimios Harokopos Category : Alternative theory 1983 Origin : CLI
email : eh@digitalcosmology.com
web : http://philpapers.org/rec/HARVGA
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Virtual Gravity and the Duality of Reality, It is shown that a hypothesis about gravity having a virtual cause implies there are two primary reference frames, a reality and a functional virtual reality and an equivalence principle relating the two is postulated. A mathematical expression relating the primary reference frames to the state of reality provides an explanation of particle-wave duality and resolves the controversy about the speed of gravity. A model for motion, time and particle formation is briefly discussed, in which the hypothesis about the virtual cause of gravity and supporting postulates are valid. It is further shown that such model provides solutions to unsolved paradoxes and a unification of consistent but contradictory ancient theories of matter and motion. Finally, a reference is made about the basis for devising experiments and testing the predictions of the model.
Doug Harp Category : Nothing found 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ufonet/message/3079
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
From Inertia to reverse engineering.
Gregory Leo Harrigan (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1983 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.electricspacecraft.com/paypal-book.htm
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
His electrical method for defining the solar system has shown some striking coincidences with observation Gravity, Electrodynamics
Colin Harris Category : Critics 1998 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://www.sis-group.org.uk/review.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Review of Ian McCausland book. The Relativity Question, by Ian McCausland - reviewed by Colin Harris
D. W. Harris Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Dr. Jack Redver Harris Category : Critics 2002 Origin : SCI
email : aercon@erols.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
One experiment that tried to observe the effect of a length contraction was done by Sherwin, who found no evidence of a length contraction. This paper will analyze the assumptions underlying Sherwin's experiment to show that Sherwin's experiment is in fact equivocal concerning the existence of a length contraction.
David L. Harrison Category : Critics 2001 Origin : DUF
email : harrison@physics.utoronto.ca
web : http://www.upscale.utoronto.ca/GeneralInterest/Harrison/GenRel/BigBangModel.html
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Standard Hot Big Bang model of cosmology. I Electric Universe
Michael Harrison Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.newenergychoices.org/index.php?
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
New energy
William J. Harrison Category : Critics 2004 Origin : BAB
email : wharri@hotmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/416/William%20J.,%20Harrison
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Derive the Mass to Velocity Relation. The Constancy of C postulate is not a part of physics theory.
William P. Harrison Category : New Energy 1979 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Harrison
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Permanent Magnet Motor on the Howard Johnson patents
Edward Robert Harrison (deceased) Category : Critics 2003 Origin : EIT
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edward_Robert_Harrison
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Redshift contest see Assis Cosmology: the science of the universe present cosmology, with ordinary matter, dark matter, plus dark energy, is yet only another "mask" obscuring a Universe which will remain perforce forever unknown to humans.
Matthias Härrtel Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.geheimnis-eiskalte-sonne.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Frontier science Icy Sun - Viktor Schauberger light in a vacuum and thus could not propagate in space. If the person finally mastered cold fusion (may), our energy problems would be solved.
Dr. Brad Harrub Category : Religious aspects 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.bradharrub.com/Site/About_Me.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Big Bang Theory--A Biblical Critique
Pr. J. B. Hart Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email : emyrone@aol.com
web : http://zpenergy.com/downloads/SOS_AAPT_News.pdf
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Unified Field Theory: The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Generalized Einstein Equations in Classical and Quantum Unified Field Theory. Development of the Evans Wave Equation in the Weak Field Limit: The Electrogravitic Equation. The Biefield-Brown Effect has been used to slightly increase the thrust of an aircraft as well as decrease its weight. See "The Hunt for Zero Point" by Nick Cook
Nolen Harter Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SCI CHI
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/newman/NND10_0.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Possible Relationships between Neutrinos, Photons, and Gravitons
James Hartman Category : Nothing found 1996 Origin : PEA
email : jameshartman@tsrcom.com
web : http://antigravitypower.tripod.com/stirniman/stirniman1.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
CaluNET Future Science Administrator
James E. Hartman Category : Alternative theory 1993 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.textfiles.com/bbs/KEELYNET/GRAVITY/compres.asc
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravity. A Review Of William J. Hooper and his All-Electric Motional Electric Field Generator. Gravity is an act of matter in compression. Depending on the type or amount of matter under compression the more gravity will be released or transmitted to surrounding matter. Gravity push becomes a reality in that mass is compressing downward hence more weight exerted pushing apart atoms while still compressing, heating up the core In space only harmonic resonance effects bodies, that is the act of gravity as a signal rather than a force ; electrogravitic induction. In space only harmonic resonance effects bodies, that is the act of gravity as a signal rather than a force. Each planet sings or harmonizes at a set pitch around the sun, thereby holding orbit. Earth sends one signal and the sun another. The two compressed effects permits orbits to occur.
John Hartman Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.geom.uiuc.edu/~crobles/hyperbolic/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hyperbolic geometry can be thought of as the geometry of a universe in which things travel faster than the speed of light.
T. E. Hartman Category : Superluminal 1962 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tunneling of a wave packet
Stefan Hartmann Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : QUA ARX
email : harti@harti.com
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/newman/NND4_4.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Over Unity conversion of ZPE in mechanical energy electricity or heat. MACHINES DE NEWMAN
Dr. John G. Hartnett Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : DUF
email : john@physics.uwa.edu.au
web : http://creation.com/a-5d-spherically-symmetric-expanding-universe-is-young
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Theory with 5 dim // 5th D is the velocity expansion of the fabric of space young earth creationist physicist a spherically symmetric expanding universe that light from the most distant sources reaches Earth within the biblical time scale as measured by local atomic time, but takes billions of years as measured in cosmic time.
Charles Hartshorne (deceased) Category : Critics 1977 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.religion-online.org/showarticle.asp?title=2427
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Bell's theorem and Stapp's revised view of space-time
Ralph M. II Hartwell Category : Superluminal 1996 Origin : ENG
email : ralph.hartwell@emachine.com
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEWMAN6.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Interaction of Tachyion fields. The Energy Machine Information System the tachyons emerge from the earth, they are in a "polarized" state caused by their passage through the earth. They then encounter the deflected tachyons which make up the magnetic field surrounding the rotating magnet combined with the field generated by the coil in the motor. Since these emerging tachyons are spinning, they will interact with the tachyons in the motor's magnetic field in a manner similar to spinning gears (as stated in Mr. Newman's theory).
Bruce Harvey Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SAP ARX CHI
email : bruce@bearsoft.co.uk
web : http://users.powernet.co.uk/bearsoft/index.html
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Magnetic energy density field (is inertia). Space itself acts as the brace and energy must be stored in it the electric fields of all the individual elementary charged particles coexist in space. When a mass falls under the action of gravity, it accelerates gaining kinetic energy. It is customary to say that the increase in kinetic energy results form a decrease in gravitational potential energy, but what is gravitational potential energy? We assert that the energy released when a mass falls under the action of gravity comes from the energy stored in the electric fields of its elementary charged particles.
Pr. Martin Harwit Category : Cosmology 1998 Origin : FRI
email : harwit@verizon.net
web : http://www.afa.org/media/enolagay/1296reve.asp
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Astrophysical concepts. Space medium Photon Orbital Angular Momentum in Astrophysics stars are continually formed from the interstellar medium.
Tim Harwood Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/energy21/adamsmotor.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Joe Flynn's Parallel Path Magnetic Technology. The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor
Aurelian Has Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 248] An alternative light path analysis in Michelson's interferometer experiment: Michelson's experiment does not confirm the relativity. Analysis of a possible correlation between electrical and gravitational forces.
Ioan Has Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/ ref
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 248] An alternative light path analysis in Michelson's interferometer experiment: Michelson's experiment does not confirm the relativity. Analysis of a possible correlation between electrical and gravitational forces.
Geoffrey Haselhurst Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SCI
email : haselhurst.wsm@spaceandmotion.com
web : http://www.spaceandmotion.com/albert-einsteins-theory-of-general-relativity.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) Cosmology Explain. Space existed as a wave-medium and that the particle and the e-m field were caused by a spherical standing wave in space. Thus gravity was simply the slowing of the spherical In-waves as they flowed in through other matter (wave-motions). This was similar to Feynman's ideas of spherical vector electromagnetic waves, but replacing the electromagnetic waves with scalar waves (defined by wave amplitude only, i.e. real waves as described (and misunderstood) in Quantum Theory).
Dr. T. Hashida Category : New Energy 1989 Origin : SMI
email : hashida@rift.mech.tohoku.ac.jp
web : http://keelynet.com/gravity/hayarh.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity Breaking of Gravity: Evidence from Free-Fall Experiment Using a Spinning Gyro
Garth Haslam Category : Nothing found 2005 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://anomalyinfo.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Anomalous including in science
Shahzaib Ul Hassan Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://scientistshahzaib.blogspot.com/2011/10/thomson-and-morlin-ether-theory-was.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Thomson and Morlin ether theory was wrong (means probably MMI)
Mohamed Elmansour Hassani Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : SCI
email : hassani232000@yahoo.fr
web : http://home.comcast.net/~adring/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Newton's universal law of gravitation which, in reality, is not a single force in the common classical sense, but a resultant of two forces that make between them a very small angle, especially, when the test-mass is in motion outside the gravitational source. Galilean Electrodynamics, Volume 20, No. S3, pp. 54-60
Dr. William F. Hassel Category : New Energy 1975 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.rafoeg.de/20,Dokumentenarchiv/30,Wissenswertes/Hassel_Future_Physics_and_Anti-Gravity.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Anti-gravity UFOs
Pr. Klaus Hasselmann Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : PHY
email : klaus.hasselmann@zmaw.de
web : http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C0306234/papers/hasselmann.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Metron Model: Elements of a Unified Deterministic Theory of Fields and Particles, the metron model, which he describes as possibly laying the foundation for a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles. He proposes that, unlike in QFT, particles have localized, objective reality. They represent non-linear soliton-type solutions of Einstein's gravitational equations in a higher (at least eight) dimensional matter-free space. The metron solutions (metric solitons) are composed of a non-linear core region, which defines the particle properties (mass, charge, spin, weak and strong coupling constants.
Dr. Suzanne Hasselmann Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : PHY
email : klaus.hasselmann@zmaw.de
web : http://www.slac.stanford.edu/econf/C0306234/papers/hasselmann.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Metron Model: Elements of a Unified Deterministic Theory of Fields and Particles, the metron model, which he describes as possibly laying the foundation for a unified deterministic theory of fields and particles. He proposes that, unlike in QFT, particles have localized, objective reality. They represent non-linear soliton-type solutions of Einstein's gravitational equations in a higher (at least eight) dimensional matter-free space. The metron solutions (metric solitons) are composed of a non-linear core region, which defines the particle properties (mass, charge, spin, weak and strong coupling constants.
Josef Hasslberger Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : SCI SAP GAL QUA CHI
email : sepp@lastrega.com
web : http://www.hasslberger.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether of Marinov particles are local irregularities,self-sustaining "tornadoes" in space. Mass and inertia, arise out of the movement, the spin, of these tiny tornadoes impact transform the wave into a "particle", or rather into a little spin-off tornado. Photons have a tendency to combine into aggregates. They will form chains, which in turn will collapse and form "balls" subatomic particles. Thus electrons, protons and neutrons as well as the various forms of quarks and leptons, which are observed after smashing atoms in particle accelerators, may be nothing more than variously configured aggregates of photons Gravitational "attraction" as experienced between large masses is thought to be a pressure phenomenon. It is caused in a similar way as inertia, by a resistance against movement relative to the background of space. There may be an inflow of background field towards large bodies. Nieper sees gravitational effects depending on a partial shielding effect of large masses against the effects of gravitic pressure inherent in space background Vortex.
Dieter Hassler Category : Philosophical 2011 Origin : BOR
email : Dieter.Hassler@gmx.de
web : http://www.reinkarnationsforschung.de
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dr. Roger Hastings Category : New Energy 1986 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Sperry Corporation Tesla
Ronald Ray Hatch Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : SAP GAL RAP FRI SCI
email : ronald.ray.hatch@gmail.com
web :
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Escape from Einstein, Ether. A unification of electromagnetic and gravitational forces modification of Lorentz ether. Resonant Optics for Detection of Rotation and Translation. Trouton-Noble and the Relativistic Gyroscope Induced EMF by Weber's Force. The Big Bang. The Local Nature of the Correspondence Principle Geoids and a Seeming Contradiction (Time Dilation). Sagnac Effect and Gravitation Equivalence Geoids and a Seeming Contradiction (Time Dilation). Speed of Gravity Stellar Aberration Solar A Conjecture Regarding Changes in Dimension Relativity and GPS Scaling for the Gravitational Potential. Definition of Simultaneity. An Explanation for the Edwards Effec. In Search of an Ether Drift I have proposed what I call a Modified Lorentz Ether Theory (MLET)
Frank Hatem Category : Alternative theory 1985 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hatem.com/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
L'HyperScience est née en 1955 avec la découverte de la DÉGRAVITATION par Léon Raoul HATEM, complétée par Frank HATEM en 1985 avec la découverte de la Cause premičre de l'ÉNERGIE universelle.
George D. Hathaway Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : GAL ACE SCI BOR
email : ghathaway@ieee.org
web : http://www.spiritofmaat.com/archive/mar2/fox_fn.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
New energy technology devices / Reviewer Comments on Collier's Analysis. Solar-Energy Liberation from Water by Electric Arcs Hathaway Consulting Hutchison Effect
Todd Hathaway Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.panacea-bocaf.org/toddhathaway.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold fusion
K. Z. Hatsagortsian Category : Superluminal 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PRA/v56/i5/p4121_1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Life Without Spacetime References nonlinear amplification of X-ray channeling radiation in crystal Stimulated phenomena in the surface Cherenkov process by unmagnetized electron beam Phys. Rev. A 56, 4121-4124 (1997)
George D. Hattaway Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
N-Machine and Coler generator Unipolar Dynamo
Rockwell R. Haubrich Category : Superluminal 1996 Origin : CHI
email : rhaubrich@physicsprize.com
web : www.infinite-energy.com/iemagazine/issue53/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Measurements of Light-Speed in Time-Shifted Reference Frame Static Accelerations at Relativistic Speeds
Knut Ove Hauge Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : ARX
email : ovehauge@online.no
web : http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/immuno/2002-October/017261.html
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity Measurement. Grand Unified Theory. Fractal.
Sebastian Hauk Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : WEG
email : hauk_sebastian@web.de
web : http://fragenzurrelativitaetstheorie.de/
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Two-speed additions theorems from the LET (LET = Lorentz Ether Theory) does not exist in my theory. In my theory, light travels at a speed of the spacecraft relative to the ether only at a speed of 150.000 km / s. In order for the spacecraft crew now have a Lichgeschwindigkeit of 300,000 km / s, My ether is rigid, but is curved by the gravitational field. The ether should rest in the cosmic background radiation. The earth will not wind up with the ether, for this reason should be using clocks that can detect an ether wind. My theory is based on the constancy of the speed of light.
Dr. Daniel Lee Haulman Category : Critics 2003 Origin : CLI
email : dhaulman@charter.net
web : http://www.wbabin.net/science/haulman1.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The speed of one thing has meaning only with reference to another thing. This principle also applies to light An Argument for Relative Light Speed
Pr. Albert Hauser Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy antigravitation Thornson Drive Marinov Finsrud
Antoine Hautot Category : Alternative theory 1990 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/doi/abs/10.4006/1.3036502
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays 1990, v3 i3 p252-255. About the Nature and Structure of the Photon. Explanation of the mass and magnetic moment of both nucleons. Photon is described as an electromagnetic particle with a certain internal structure: an electric doublet with a charge |q| turning at the speed c photon's structure imparts to it a length λ and a phase that permit the phenomena of interference, diffraction, and polarization without the aid of a wave.
Chris O. Hawkings Category : Alternative theory 1984 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.spaceandmotion.com/chris-hawkings-wave-theory.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Similarity in behaviour between matter and radiation suggests that matter may have an electromagnetic origin see Hazelhurst Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) in Space
R. M. Hawkings Category : Alternative theory 1984 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.spaceandmotion.com/chris-hawkings-wave-theory.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Similarity in behaviour between matter and radiation suggests that matter may have an electromagnetic origin see Hazelhurst Spherical Standing Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) in Space
Dr. Gary L. Hawkins Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : DFI
email : ghawkins@uga.edu
web : http://www.anrep.org/conferences/2008/abstracts/111-solar-energy-as-an-alternative-for-irrigating-a-pecan-orch
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Renewable energy.
Hideo Hayasaka Category : Experiment 1990 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg12517042.700-science-does-a-spinning-mass-really-lose-weight-.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
When a gyroscope spins in one sense, it loses weight, but that its weight remains unaltered when it spins in the opposite sense. Other physicists are attempting to repeat the experiment, and, already, the first results are in. Generation of Anti-Gravity and Complete Parity Breaking of Experimentum Crucis Light Speed as a Function of Gravitational Potential Scaling of Fundamental Units Guala-Valverde, Jorge
Pr. Dr. Howard C. Hayden Category : Critics 1990 Origin : SAP GAL FRI CHI PHY
email : hayden@uconnvm.uconn.edu
web : http://www.phys.uconn.edu/people/faculty/emeriti/hayden
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
If Sagnac and Michelson-Gale, Why Not Michelson-Morley? Special Relativity: Problems and Alternatives Is the Velocity of Light Isotropic in the Frame of the Rotating Earth?
NN Hayduke Category : Critics 1986 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://thescientificworldview.blogspot.com/2011/10/entrained-aether-radiation-light-and.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Borchardt, Puets and Bryant
Dr. Lucy Haye Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : lucyhaye22@gmail.com
web : http://physicsworld.com/cws/article/news/2011/aug/26/milky-way-stars-born-from-intergalactic-gas
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
This is another confirmation that the Universe is in constant evolution and it is not needed the Big Bang's anthropomorphic idea. That evolution is eternal in an Eternal Universe without neither beginning nor end. This also is another proof for the New Paradigm by Dr. R. L. Carezani where FANTASIA of the Actual Paradigm, especially Special and General Relativity, doesn't exist.
Jeffery A. Hayes Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : ACE
email : teba@execpc.com
web : http://www.teslaengine.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Designer and testing of Tesla bladeless engines
Dr. Peter Hayes Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI SAP
email : peter.hayes@sunderland.ac.uk
web : www.history.northwestern.edu/people/hayes.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Ideology of Relativity: The Case of the Clock Paradox the critics were right and that the success of Einstein's theory in overcoming them was due to its strengths as an ideology rather than as a science.
Grant Hayman Category : History 2012 Origin : SCI
email : ovalmail@ovalecotech.ca
web : http://ovaltech.ca/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
I. Hayrullin Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : RNE
email :
web : www.free-energy-info.co.uk/MagIndex.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
Gravitation and Ether
Richard Hazelett (deceased) Category : Critics 1998 Origin : SAP SCI GAL CHI
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/catalogue/c01livres.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein myth and the Ives paper Callahan's Proof of the Parallel Postulate is Flawed. The Experiments Equally Support Various Aether Theories.
Geoffrey Hazelhurst Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : MOU
email :
web : http://www.spaceandmotion.com/
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space must be the substance which exists and matter is formed from waves in Space. The electron is a spherical standing wave in Space-Space, existing as a wave medium. Discrete standing waves in continuous Space.
Xiao-Gang He Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dispersion Relations Explaining OPERA Data From Deformed Lorentz Transformation
Dr. Graeme Robert Heald Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : BAB
email : graeheald@gmail.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/143/Graeme,%20Heald
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Exact solutions for the event horizons of rotating black holes.
Christopher M. Hearsey Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email : outer.space.analysis@gmail.com
web : http://ias-spes.org/SPESIF2011/AGENDA/Bios/33_Hearsey_bio.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Astrosociology research
Dr. Robert J. Heaston (deceased) Category : Critics 2008 Origin : SCI GAL CHI
email :
web : http://www.caringbridge.org/visit/robertheaston
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
BB. A Common Path to a Strong Force Law, Dark Energy, and Einstein's Absolute Reference Frame. Einstein's Great Oversight. Why is Gravity Hard to Unify with other Forces? Also question c as a constant.
John Heath Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email : id2143@yahoo.com
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/theoretical_physics/message/7166
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing gravity virtual positronium. A single point event from the big bang of one electron and one positron resulting in a confined state, due to different charges, of a now virtual electron and positron, virtual positronium. The idea being that this is how nature, the big bang , knits the fabric of space from nothing. The confined virtual state of positronium will be referred to as VEPS for Virtual Electron Positron Space. Veps should be in a gaseous state with a neutral charge , electron / positron, and therefore should not be tangible. We travel through it like a bird cage through air. However our positive bias from protons in real matter will bias space much like a magnet will twist magnetic domains. There is the warping of space.
Ron Heath Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI
email : rheath@rhwebco.com
web : http://rhwebco.com/whatg.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Author using direct modelling of nature phenomena. The particle must be made of the same stuff as what it is moving through. One single type of stuff makes up both the particle and what it is traveling through. The sphere expands and contracts with a period of oscilation that depends on the amount of mass in the sphere and the density of the ambient medium. Photons will be emitted when the center mass of the atom is not able to sustain the density of the outer shell since gravity is due to a gradient in space-time density.
Arthur Hebecker Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Price of Neutrino. Superluminality continues to rise argues that all types of particles are superluminal inside matter ... [however] dense matter does not directly trigger superluminality, but merely induces the transition to a different phase of some weakly coupled hidden sector.
Alvin Joseph Hebert (deceased) Category : Experiment 1968 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://prola.aps.org/abstract/PR/v178/i1/p205_1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Molecular-beam electric-resonance method / no observable nuclear polarizability effect.
Andreas Hecht Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SAP BOR CHI
email : andreas.hecht@bochmann.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/gravity.finland.php3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Border of science founder. Pages found in 2005 not retrieved ! : Unified Field Theory (anti-) gravity and F/E technologies and devices. He also maintain a few webpages containing information on some devices, his own projects and related subjects (links, organisations etc.). Das Podkletnov-Experiment
Laurence Hecht Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SCI SAP
email :
web : http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/articles/spring01/Electrodynamics.html#Gravitation
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Should the law of gravity be repealed? The Suppressed Electrodynamics of Ampčre-Gauss-Weber Electrodynamics Potential in a Space of Negative Curvature link to Lyndon LaRouche. The possibility of subsuming the phenomenon of gravitation under electrodynamics, came up for serious discussion early in this history.
Dr. Bruce Charles Heezen (deceased) Category : Expanding Earth 1964 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1557
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Mladen Hegedusic Category : Relativist 1928 Origin : FRI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introduction to the work of R. Nedved: Classical theory of relativity. Discontinuity and limit sizes of the physical realities.
Wolfgang Heger (deceased) Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0905S52.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Co-founding the Tesla Institute in Vienna, especially on the Magnetic field energy.
Dr. Gerhard C. Hegerfeldt Category : Superluminal 1994 Origin : CLI
email : Gerhard.Hegerfeldt@physik.uni-goettingen.de
web : http://www.theorie.physik.uni-goettingen.de/~hegerf/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In theory any pair of atoms can communicate faster than light. Physical Review Letters, vol 72 p 596
John Heidenreich Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://aias.us/documents/uft/a46thpaper.pdf
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Unified Field Theory: The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.).
Walter J. Heikkila Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : www.holoscience.com/news.php?article=zj49j0u7
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, a radio frequency probe for electron density measurements 1963
Pr. J. L. Heilbron Category : History 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://vimeo.com/32286048
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Galileo and Boscovich
Thomas Heilemann Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : BOR
email : info@infokiosk.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
FE, Teslaspule, Wassermotor
Roland Heim Category : Critics 1977 Origin : FRI
email : office@vorhersagen-des-roland-heim.eu
web : http://www.vorhersagen-des-roland-heim.eu/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The speed of light is not absolute, The big bang was not the beginning, time is absolute as per Newton view.
Burkhard Heim (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : BOR QUA
email :
web : http://www.heim-theory.com/Contents/contents.html
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unification, Magnetic Propulsion, Heim Theory six, eight, or twelve dimensions. Within the quantum spacetime of Heim theory, elementary particles are represented as "hermetry forms" or multidimensional structures of space. Heim has claimed that his theory yields particle masses directly from fundamental physical constants and that the resulting masses are in agreement with experiment.
Franz Heininger Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : f.h@mcity.at
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Trinkwasserreinigung-Energetisierung, Freie Energie
Thane C. Heins Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Perepiteia
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Induction motor with a magnetic material placed inside the rotor core.
Pr. Gunnar Heinsohn Category : Cosmology 0 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.pdf4ebook-verlag.de/LinkedDocuments/Heinsohn%20S%F6hne%20und%20Weltmacht%20kommentierbar.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Sun is not entirely a nuclear fusion reactor. Three quarters of the energy radiated by the sun would come from other sources, can not be, according Gunnufson the tachyon field.
Harald Heinze Category : Critics 1994 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://www.geocentricity.com/ba1/no073/smalluni.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Proposed that parallaxes are due to the oblateness of the earth's orbit about the sun (or sun's orbit about the earth). Denies the validity of relativity // plasma physics.
Jürgen Heinzerling Category : History 2008 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.kopp-verlag.de/websale7/Energie-aus-dem-Nichts.htm?shopid=kopp-verlag&act=product&prod_index=911400
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Free energy history With biting criticism he raises the established physicists wavering and imagination to the fantastic contrast, naďve and the tendency to mislead.
Heinz Heinzmann Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : BOR
email : HHeinzmann@gmx.at
web : http://www.heinz-heinzmann.eu/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Being and Not-Being are mutually dependent. If the first subject were indeed just this most general being, that is: the being without any attributes, then it would disappear, because being without attributes – physically spoken: without any interaction – does simply not exist. something must follow from the alteration, and this consequence must again be an alteration of Nothing on itself.
Pr. Dr. M. Heister Category : Philosophical 1985 Origin : FRI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Techno-economic creativity - ways and measures their particular funding.
Winfried Heitmann Category : Superluminal 1998 Origin : ARX
email : winfried.heitmann@inform-ac.com
web : http://www.lovelybooks.de/autor/Winfried-Heitmann/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tunnelling of electromagnetic radiation and of photons. It recently has been demonstrated that signals conveyed by evanescent modes can travel faster than light. On Causality Proofs of Superluminal Barrier Traversal of Frequency Band Limited Wave Packets.
Dr. Istvan Hejjas Category : Philosophical 2004 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.slideshare.net/Dienes/tha-quantum-brain-and-the-topological-consciousness-field-presentation
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The accelerators: parallels science and ancient Eastern teachings among Freshwater Press, Budapest.
Jason Held Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : CLI
email : billmbutler@msn.com
web : http://www.spacemagnetics.com/home/team.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
see The Searl Group of Australia to recreate a SEG, or Searl Effect Generator. Field-effect propulsion and forcefield air-cushion technology.
J. B. Helder Category : Critics 1963 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/5308791/5322852/05322976.pdf?arnumber=5322976
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The clock paradox
Michael Heleus Category : Cosmology 1975 Origin : SCI
email : mheleus1@cox.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1662
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmology the solar system was organized and sustained by a great soundwave coming from the Sun whose nodes located the planets.
Markus Hellebrandt Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Joe Helmick Category : Superluminal 0 Origin : BAB
email : joehelmick@hotmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/344/Joe,%20Helmick
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Yod Field Statistics for Tachyon Interactions solution to negative values/square root in the time dilatation for supraluminous speed. Asymmetric structures of yod suggest boundary layers for Tachyon traps.
Pr. El Hemetis Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : CLI
email : hemetis@gmail.com
web : http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.physics.relativity/2005-06/msg00596.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether is the chaotic (non deterministic) medium holding an infinitude of zero points a continuous field of chaotically interfering waves assumed to originate inside zero points (the fabric of space and time) the three spatial dimensions of length experience time simultaneously, then the fourth dimension of space derived from time acts as an offset no more, and it cannot describe curl, divergence or convergence. While a first vortex is purely coincidental, a second one is not so purely coincidental but rather aided by the first and so on that it expands into an attempt to fill infinity with vortices. While that influence is expanding, a vortex-vortex interaction began to take place along the vortex-Aether interaction. an inner core structure like the quantized circulation vortices in superfluid helium.
Vohu Hemsida Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.algonet.se/~vohu/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
TOE. Technically the ds^2 metric is split into two ds^1 objects called the 'Astekhar connection' and the 'frame field' ) ii) The second step is to introduce loop observables in spacetime and express the quantum theory as path integrals on these loops. The curvature of classical spacetime is thus a dynamic effect caused by the way such microscopic loops link into each other. One may presume that these loops would correspond to some basic entity of the quantum world such as the strings that has been postulated by particle physics.
Mark M. Hendershot Category : New Energy 1928 Origin : SCI
email : bigpaws@bigpawspantry.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1528
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnetic Motors, New Energy From the Archives of Lester J. Hendershot mark's father
Alan Henderson Category : Nothing found 2010 Origin : CLI
email : alan.henderson@utas.edu.au
web : http://ro.uow.edu.au/cgi/viewcontent.cgi?article=1577&context=engpapers
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Newton's Laws Modified to Two Laws of Motion (nothing found in 2009)
Chuck Henderson Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : QUA
email : chenders@keelynet.com
web : http://www.textfiles.com/bbs/KEELYNET/UNCLASS/zap.asc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Specialist of Wilhem Reich and orgone energy.
Robert L. Henderson Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SAP GAL FRI CHI SCI
email : bob.bet@cox.net
web : http://www.allbookstores.com/author/Robert_Henderson.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Return of Common Sense: The Demise of Relativity book explains how all of Einstein's impossible concepts of the world around us--as well as his unintelligible attempts to mathematically express those concepts--became accepted solely through operation of The-Emperor's-New-Clothes syndrome: the most egregious example of this syndrome that has ever occurred. The Expose of a Charlatan. The instant of "now" occurs simultaneously everywhere in the universe. Light is a wave-type phenomenon in every respect, and that an aether is still a scientific requirement for its transmission.
Jörg Hendrix Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : Joerg.Hendrix@uni-essen.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Nikola Tesla, Alles über den Bau von Freienergie-Maschinen, Grenzwissenschaften
R. J. Hengstebeck Category : Critics 1995 Origin : ARX CHI
email :
web : http://www.1stbookstore.com/books/index.php?main_page=product_info&products_id=117
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
"Back to Newton" points out a number of such contradictions in the generally held theories of physics, and it proposes alternative theories that eliminate the contradictions. The book also provides an explanation for the observations that provoked the question, "How can a particle pass through both slits in an interference-demonstration screen?"
Werner Hengstenberg Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : QUA
email : kontakt@endotronic-gmbh.de
web : http://omega.twoday.net/20050221/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Free energy. Natural electromagnetic and technical radiation are not identical. Natural is to be regarded as an indispensable basis for life as well as clean water, clean air and natural soil. There is no evidence. That the frequency range from 0 to infrared in the creation provided as a playground for modern technology. Is the scientific understanding of interactions of electromagnetic radiation with biological systems have not been or done only with the industrial glasses.
Victor G. Henigan Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Victor_Henigan
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The triple helix. A Harmonic Interpretation of Reality Defines the diatonic atoms indefinable electron with a logarithmic harmonic theory that moves science to the very threshold of "The Holy Grail of Physics" a theory based upon musical harmony.
Gerhard Hennemann Category : History 1969 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/s/Gerhard%20Hennemann
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Outlines of a history of natural philosophy and its main problems disciple of Nicolaď Hartmann
Andrew Thomas Hennessey Category : Alternative theory 1991 Origin : ARX
email : info@lutec.com.au
web : http://www.andrewhennessey.co.uk/thenewphysics.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Overunity particles tears the subatomic ether that supports and feeds the particles – causing i.e. a 'thermal bath' or my words, free energy. Tripartite Essentialism particles are continually emerging standing waves emerging as a weather system at the top of a pyramid of relativity. Energy and matter and component particles can be described by wave theory, turbulence and the standing waves or particles take on harmonic and octal attributes. There are no fixed universal constants in the macrocosm. The cosmos therefore is a harmonic based chaos system. Chaos spiral or vortex of the 'chemical galaxy' could very well be the model for the archetypal atom.
Paul M. Henrickson Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BAB
email : prh@tcp.com.mt
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/259/Paul%20M.,%20Henrickson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Frédéric Henry-Couannier Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI
email : fhenryco@yahoo.fr
web : http:// www.darksideofgravity.com http://www.darksideofgravity.com/Gravit%E9-Obscure.pdf.
kind of theory : antigravity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The theory of gravity obscure, its consequences and its many predictions are disseminated on the site. Reverse the time back to literally jump into the opposite time, then disappear from our side to appear soon in another. There are two sides of the universe coexisting in the same space. Very close to the theory developed by JP Petit and operates its main idea is that of a second gravity then a second world filled with objects that can only interact with anti-gravity with the objects in our universe, its equations and its predictions are different in many sectors, especially that of cosmology, are distinct.
Wayne Henthron Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Automobile ''électromatique''
Dr. Klaus Hentschel Category : History 1999 Origin : SCI
email : Klaus.hentschel@po.hi.uni-stuttgart.de
web : http://www.uni-stuttgart.de/hi/gnt/hentschel/
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
History of Science, Ritzian Relativity
Brent Herbert Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : BOR
email : feedback@awitness.org
web : http://www.awitness.org/unified/index.html
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Unified Field Theory - The Unified Field Theory considers the atom to be an Electromagnetic closed system, which obeys all the fundamental laws of Electromagnetic phenomenon, in that like charges repel, and unlike charges attract. Gravitation is an Electromagnetic effect, wherein unlike charged energy fields attract and like energy fields repel. No more in BOR
Müller Herbert Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : BOR
email : muellerkonstruktionen@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=60&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Schwerkraftmotor nach Grüter-Blasius
Nick Herbert Category : Superluminal 1989 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nick_Herbert_%28physicist%29
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Faster than Light: Superluminal Loopholes in Physics explains how faster-than-light communication and travel are actually being explored by physicists. 1981, Herbert proposed FLASH, a scheme for sending signals faster than the speed of light using quantum entanglement.
Joachim Herbst Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.universal-prinzip.de/pr/pr5.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative Kern-Modelle gave a comparative overview of "alternative core models." He described both modern and historical approaches. Special interest aroused by the Erkentnisse Lorber. Overall, interesting parallels drawn and cheating will be discovered.
Rodger A. Herbst Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email : raherbst@igc.org
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Paradigm Shift Now. (site closed)
Benjamin Heritier Category : Religious aspects 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Religious concerns
R. M. Herman Category : Superluminal 1991 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Production and uses of difractionless beams.
Robert Herman (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1990 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Robert_Herman
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
FUSION - The search for endless energy, cosmic microwave background radiation CMBR first value.
Armin Hermann Category : History 1972 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.einstein-website.de/z_biography/chronological_table.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein und der Determinismus. The Genesis of Quantum Theory.
Martin Hermann Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BOR
email : martin.hermann@helek.de
web : http://www.helek.de
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
nothing found
M. Hermans Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : REC
email : hermans620117@skynet.be
web : http://users.skynet.be/kurtgode/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Zero point energy
H. E. Hernandez-Figueroa Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : BOR REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Propagation speed of evanescent modes, Superluminal X-shaped beams propagating without distortion along a coaxial guide", New localized Superluminal solutions to the wave equations
Dr. J. Marvin Herndon Category : Expanding Earth 2009 Origin : SCI
email : herndon@NuclearPlanet.com
web : http://www.nuclearplanet.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Solar System, Expanding Earth, Nuclear Fission, Cosmology Whole-Earth Decompression Dynamics which unifies elements of plate tectonics theory and Earth expansion theory into a uniquely new self-consistent vision of global geodynamics, obviating the assumption of mantle convection. Mantle Decompression Thermal-Tsunami, which emplaces heat and pressure at the base of the crust, producing volcanoes and causing earthquakes.
Barbara Hero Category : Nothing found 2011 Origin : ARX
email : bherolambdoma@gmail.com
web : http://www.lambdoma.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lambdoma phytagorician views somehow strange.
Joachim Herrmann Category : Nothing found 1973 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Joachim_Herrmann_%28Astronom%29
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
dtv-Atlas zur Astronomie - Tafeln und Texte - Mit Sternatlas
Rainer Herrmann Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang no details
Pr. Dr. Robert A. Herrmann Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : BOR ARX SCI
email : drrah@hotmail.com
web : http://www.serve.com/herrmann/solution.htm
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A solution to the General Grand Unification Problem a force-like (logical) operator *S and an entity w' such that *S{w'} sequentially generates each of the Natural systems that comprise a Universe. Physical space is then, nothing more than the aggregate of all possible coordinate frames. Space, in this definition, is not composed of real physical entities nonstandard photon-particle medium NSPPM
Uwe Herrmann Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : BOR
email : uherrmann@bezirk-oberbayern.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=75&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Developments of Tesla, free energy.
Carol. L. Herzenberg Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : PHY
email : carol@herzenberg.net
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Role of Hubble Time in the Quantum-Classical Transition. Examining the Origin of Cosmic Rays: A New Conceptual Approach. Dark Matter and the Origin of Mass: A Simplified Semiclassical Approach. Why our human-sized world behaves classically, not quantum-mechanically: A popular non-technical exposition of a new idea.
Peter Herzig Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI SCI
email :
web : http://twinparadox.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Open Letter to the Physics Community. The Twin Paradox.
Henner Hess Category : Philosophical 1986 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ufonet/message/3079
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
MAFIA - Central government and local counter-power.
Axel Heuer Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email : photonics@uni-potsdam.de
web : http://arstechnica.com/science/2012/05/disentangling-the-wave-particle-duality-in-the-double-slit-experiment/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Slit experiment via obtaining which slit information and simultaneously. Typically, the particle nature and the wave nature have to be observed separately; if you track the particles through a single slit, the interference pattern vanishes. However, Ralf Menzel, Dirk Puhlmann, Axel Heuer, and Wolfgang P. Schleich entangled two photons and allowed one to pass through a barrier with two slits. The entanglement enabled them to determine which opening the photon went through, but a detector on the other side still picked up an interference pattern, demonstrating light's wave- and particle-like characteristics simultaneously.
John Hewett Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Spacetravel and Anti-gravity theories.
Peter Hewitt Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.geoffreyread.com/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Coherent Universe: An Introduction to Geoffrey Read's New Fundamental Theory of Matter Life and Mind. New theory of the universe: a rational synthesis unifying science, philosophy, and religion based on hidden variables.
Francis Heylighen Category : Philosophical 1997 Origin : CLI
email : fheyligh@vub.ac.be
web : http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/MSTT.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Metasystem Transition Theory cybernetic philosophy. Introduced in Turchin's book The Phenomenon of Science based on the notion of system or whole, creative evolution, and intelligent action.
R. Heyrovská Category : Critics 1994 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v7 i3 p265, Interpretation of Michelson and Morley's Observations on the Velocity of Light without the Contraction of Distance Hypothesis since the supposed contraction has never been confirmed experimentally, we account for M‐ M's results by vector addition of the velocity of the Earth and that of light, assuming Galilean kinematics, without the "contraction hypothesis."
A. Heyrovský Category : Critics 1994 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v7 i3 p265, Interpretation of Michelson and Morley's Observations on the Velocity of Light without the Contraction of Distance Hypothesis.
Todd H. Heywood Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://forum.wolframscience.com/showthread.php?threadid=990
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Wolfram
John A. Hickli Category : Critics 2008 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/346/John%20A.,%20Hickli
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
4 on 5 postulates of Albert Einstein's theories of Special and General Relativity, are shown to be self-contradictory, otherwise indefensible.
1 - Speed of TIME remains constant for a given species (regardless of the motion of observers).
2 - Shape of SPACE is uniform (regardless of the presence of mass and gravity).
3 - Speed of LIGHT and mechanical experiments will give the same results within stationary or uniformly moving labs.* Speed of LIGHT is different at the observer if there is velocity or gravitational bias between observer & source.
4 - Value of MASS of an object, remains constant when velocity changes. (Energy of motion changes with velocity.)
Bert Hickman Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email : bert.hickman@aquila.net
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla coil, many ref link included.
Barbara Hickox Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.gocs1.com/gocs1/Psionics/FREE-ENERGY-DEVICES2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Dynamo électrique
Mamoru Hidaka Category : Critics 2005 Origin : CLI
email : m_hidaka@jcom.home.ne.jp
web : http://members3.jcom.home.ne.jp/m_hidaka/einstein.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The theory of relativity is a rare example of a theory that came to fruition as a result of mistakes in the mathematical process where, 'constant' equals a 'variable'
José Mackliff Hidalgo Category : Nothing found 2010 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/125/Jos%C3%A9%20Mackliff,%20Hidalgo
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
T. C. Hieronymus Category : Superluminal 1960 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/J/JNE2N34.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Influence of the torsion radiation on various photographs was investigated. It was established that by the use of this method it is possible to transmit information from one point of space to another.
Taichi Higashiyama Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : SCI
email : higashiyama@stu.nucl.eng.osaka-u.ac.jp
web : http://lenr-canr.org/acrobat/Higashiyamreplicatio.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion Replication of MHI Transmutation Experiment By D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complex.
Dwain Willard Higginbotham Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : ARX
email : dwhig265@aol.com
web : http://howtheuniverseworks.blogspot.fr/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
How the Universe Works/ special relativity among other concepts are false/ material/ spatial aspect we live in, dominated by matter, representing 10 percent or less of the "stuff" of the universe, perhaps constrained by a speed limit of several times "c", and for want of better terms, having three spatial dimensions, and one of time. The other aspect representing 90 percent or more of the "stuff" of the universe, is dominated by quantum weirdness, has instantaneousness as a common thread, and has no dimensions, and is everywhere in the background of the material/ spatial aspect. It is hereinafter called the quantum aspect. The "stuff" of the universe continuously cycles out of the quantum aspect into our material/ spatial aspect at the central white hole.
Pr. Thomas J. Higgins (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1974 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electrical and Computer Engineering.
Highlander Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://everything2.com/title/Pushing+gravity
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
"Pushing gravity" means that gravity is not a force that is caused by some "attractive" particle that is negotating the force between two masses, but that gravity is caused by a shower of particles or rays that hits the mass and thus moves it a little, imparting their impulse. This might explain the observations of Maurice Allais on a pendulum (like Foucault's Pendulum), which got disturbed in its normal regular motion during a solar eclipse, an effect which might have been caused by change in gravity.
Pr. Basil J. Hiley Category : Critics 1999 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.thebirdman.org/Index/Relig/Relig-JsObjectionsToRelativity.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Undivided Universe, Routledge (NY) 1993 - Primarily on Bohm's breakthru recasting of quantum theory Active Information and Teleportation. There is a new quality of energy operating in the quantum domain and that this energy is non-local.
C. A. Hilgartner Category : Critics 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hilgart.org/papers/073S288.813.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
There may be another assumption, a "classical" one related to the logical axiom of identity, but not previously recognized, that leads to the disagreement of Bell's inequality with experimental results. They posit a cognate, "deviant" assumption, which the early quantum theorists tacitly included among the foundations of quantum theory and which leads to its theoretical and experimental success, but whose consequences violate our "common sense".
Ott C. Hilgenberg (deceased) Category : Expanding Earth 1931 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www. en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ott_Christoph_Hilgenberg
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation, Ether, Expanding Earth In 1931, O. C. Hilgenberg proposed that gravity was due to the converging (sink) flow of the ether, and may have been the first to postulate the idea. Note from JdC no because Yarkovsky did the same in 1888!
Aaron Hill Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Alex Hill Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us style='font-
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans (ECE) Unified Field Theory: The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.).
Colin Hill Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email : colin@fractaluniverse.org
web : http://www.fractaluniverse.org/
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fractal Universe Hypothesis. The universe consists of a series of spiral bodies of diminishing size, each made in turn by plasma ejection and moulded by a spatial Coriolis effect: a rotating fractal universe. The Big Bang theory is a failure
Edgar S. Hill Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
H. A. Hill Category : Critics 1964 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://prola.aps.org/toc/PR/v134/i1B
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
New Experimental Limit on Velocity-Dependent Interactions of Clocks and Distant Matter Places an upper limit on any one-way anisotropy of 0.9 m/s. 2. ... Uses a rotating Moessbauer absorber and fixed detector to place an upper limit on any ... Turner and Hill, Phys. Rev. 134 (1964), B252. Uses a rotating source and fixed ... anisotropy of 10 m/s.
J. D. Hill Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : CLI
email : j.d.hill@hotmail.com
web : http://www.lightning.ece.ufl.edu/general.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Transient current pulses in rocket-extended wires used to trigger lightning.
Charles M. Hill (deceased) Category : Critics 1990 Origin : PHY SAP GAL CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Phys Rev A, 40, 4857, Rev. Mod. Phys. 39, 475 (1967) Galilean Electrodynamics, Jan/Feb 1991, Vol 3, No 1, pp 13-15, The Velocity of Light in Moving Systems Newton's ideas of time and space were discarded prematurely. Orbital Precessions Forces Between Current Elements Symmetry or Simultaneity Gravitation: Revising Both Einstein and Newton Maxwell's Equations in Moving Coordinates. On the Synchronization of Clocks. Timekeeping and the Speed of Light - New Insights from Pulsar Observations. A Do-It-Yourself Refutation of Modern Physics. Absolute Simultaneity with and without Light Signals
Helmut Hartmund Hille Category : Critics 0 Origin : SAP SCI
email : autor@helmut-hille.de
web : http://www.helmut-hille.de/michelso.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Every existing matter has two complementary aspects: its own and that of the whole its own aspect is experienced as inertia, the holistic aspect appears as its (matter's) interest directed on itself in the gravity field.
Richard Hillgrove Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : DUF
email : richard.hillgrove@hillgrovepr.com
web : http://www.cosmic-cycle.com/pages/welcome.php
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Electromagnetic logarithmic spiral theory. The behaviour of the cosmos is explained by its electromagnetic structure and not by big bang theory. Gravitation is an electromagnetic phenomenon. There is no primary motion inherent in the planets and satelites. Electric attraction, repulsion and electromagnetic circumduction govern their movements (Velikovsky). There are eight octaves progressing from the smallest to the largest structures.
Dr. Pierre Hillion Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SAP GAL
email : pierre.hillion@wanadoo.fr
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0963-9659/6/2/005
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electromagnetism in Uniformly Accelerated Media. We prove that Maxwell's equations, in a uniaxial crystal uniformly moving in the direction of its principal axis of symmetry, can be put in a form tractable with conventional methods.
Chris Hillman Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : CLI
email : baez@math.ucr.edu
web : http://golem.ph.utexas.edu/category/2007/03/relativity_on_the_worldwide_we.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Gottfried Hilscher Category : New Energy 1981 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/JNEV5N4.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Energy in Abundance; traces the free energy movement in Europe and the United States.
Mike Hingle Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email : mikehingle@yahoo.com
web : http://blog.hasslberger.com/2006/09/experiment_yields_neutrons_fro.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electric Universe see Prof. Santilli the small sectional area of lightning and its extremely short duration (of the order of nanoseconds) do not permit a credible achievement of the huge energy needed by thunder via conventional chemical processes.
Robert Hinkley Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.thesunmagazine.org/issues/381/everybody_wants_to_rule_the_world?page=2
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Not at the expense of the environment.
Vandorn Hinnant Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : VandornAA@aol.com
web : http://www.lightweavings.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Jason W. Hinson Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : ARX
email : jason@physicsguy.com
web : http://www.physicsguy.com/ftl/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Faster than light star treck, relationship between relativity and faster than light (FTL) travel.
Douglas Hinton Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Nakayama, Hisashi Category : Critics 1993 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~kubota_t/treatise.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics on light celerity. A treatise on the relative optical velocity of the moving observer against light, Einstein's special theory of relativity, which both show that there is a defect mathematically in this paper, and was mentioned the importance of the general concept of the relative optical velocity.
Louis Hissink Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://fgservices1947.wordpress.com/tag/electric-universe/
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. We live in an Electric Universe when a similar structure or shape is found in two disparate phenomena, there is a good chance that both might be formed by a similar process.
Václav Hlavatý Category : Critics 1965 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/Criticism_of_the_twin_paradox.html?
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Criticism of the twin paradox
Richard C. Hoagland Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.enterprisemission.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Vortex
Key statements :
Hyperspatial, additional dimensions, which control not only the physics of our very existence, from stars to galaxies to life itself ... but potentially, through time-variable changes in its foundations.
Victor G. Hobson (deceased) Category : Critics 1972 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Victor_Hobson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critic of MMI in The Toth-Maatian Review. The Eternity Theory Unified Quantum Field Theory
H. J. Hochecker Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BAB
email : physics.j@hochecker.eu
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/169/H.%20J.,%20Hochecker
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Geometrical changes in the electric field caused by translation produce magnetism and gravitation. Neutrons and protons contain neutral couples of opposite electrical charges which are able to oscillate. In result, longitudinal electrical waves (LEW) appear. Under the prerequisite that the LEW are quantized analogous to the photons) they can cause a mass attraction similar to the gravitation.
Michael Hochgesang Category : Philosophical 1965 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mythes and Logic in XXe. There are truth seekers who realize that logic and mathematics open up the truth of this world.
Vernon Hodge Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : SCI
email : vthodge2@gmail.com
web : www.aethro-kinematics.com/wc_sites.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
ref to Steven Rado ether complete description of the physical universe founded and executed on the laws, concepts and ideas of The Kinetic Theory of Gases and on the overriding assumption that all natural phenomena can be derived from, analyzed, described and humanly understood through the comparatively simple kinematics of an all-pervading ideal gas.
James N. Hodges Category : Critics 1996 Origin : SCI GAL RAP
email : etherdrift@ozemail.com.au
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=More&tab1=Journals&tab2=Display&id=44
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time clock Ether Drift Experiment there is a matter/light medium which encompasses the universe. Special relativity is a serious scientific and social scandal.
Gregory Hodowanec Category : Alternative theory 1985 Origin : ARX ENG SCI
email :
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/hodowane/rhysmo~1.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Rhysmonic Cosmology monopole gravity waves faster than light information transfer. Substratum aether of the classical era. Rhysmons are the "particles" of this substratum the pure rhysmoid or the vacuum is not directly observable, but the structure of this vacuum can be constructed from a logical basis as is shown in this cosmology. Shielding action of the earth's mass results in a net flux of rhysmonic impulses at the earth's surface which becomes the accelerating force of gravity or the accelerating force of free fall, g
Dr. Helmut Hoegl Category : Alternative theory 1987 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.hasslberger.com/phy/phy_1.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Energy from space and theory of light matter may form through aggregation of photons Meaning that matter is formed from energy, therefore everything is energy. Even time is not a fourth dimension Meaning that matter is formed from energy, therefore everything is energy. Even time is not a fourth dimension through space. It has no independent existence of its own other than as a convention to measure motion. Neither one is real either. Pressure phenomenon, gravity rather than an attracting force. A pushing, instead of a pulling "raum&zeit", number 31, December/January 1987/1988.
Foppe D. Hoekstra Category : Critics 1995 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v8 i2, The Speed of Light: Absolute or Relative? This would make it impossible to measure the speed of light (of a moving external source) by conventional means. Hence the absoluteness of the speed of light is called into question.
Chuck Hoelzen Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : BAB
email : hoelzen@wyoming.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/389/Chuck,%20Hoelzen
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Gravitational Effect
Pr. Werner A. Hofer Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SCI
email : whofer@liverpool.ac.uk
web : http://journalogy.net/Author/12557666/werner-a-hofer
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Express doubt about quantum mechanics. Electrons and photons can be described by an identical formalism. Aspect's experimental proof of non-locally is rejected, because these measurements imply a violation of the uncertainty relations.
Jon Hoffman Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CHI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Russel David Hoffman Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://www.animatedsoftware.com/pumpglos/ericsson.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Ericsson Hot Air Pump, nothing related with new energy.
Banesh Hoffmann Category : History 1983 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Relativity-Its-Roots-Banesh-Hoffmann/dp/0486406768
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and Its Roots. Using simple examples from everyday life, an Einstein scholar offers entertaining, nontechnical demonstrations of the meaning of relativity theory. if we take light to consist of particles and assume that these particles obey Newton's laws, they will conform to Newtonian relativity and thus automatically account for the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment without recourse to contracting lengths, local time, or Lorentz transformations.
Günter Hoffmann Category : Alternative theory 1976 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/netzwerk/index.htm?/moch/moch_1b.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The gravitational and Coulomb potential, derived from a new mathematical structure of the space.
Pr. Dr. Anne M. Hofmeister Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : hofmeist@wustl.edu
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, interest with missing mass.
James P. Hogan (deceased) Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BER MIL SCI
email :
web : http://www.jamesphogan.com/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics and Relativity including a list of some dissidents. Kicking the Sacred Cow. Exposing the flaws in the defenses of the paradigms proponent of Immanuel Velikovsky.
Gordon Hogenson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
S. Hoghoghi Category : Relativist 2006 Origin : BAB
email : Saly_Art_DVM@yahoo.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/401/S.,%20Hoghoghi
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
N. Hogle Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 153] Total bond energies of exact classical solutions of molecules generated by MILLSIAN 1.0 compared to those computed using modern 3-21 G and 6-31 G* basis sets
William R. Hohenberger Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : SCI
email : wrh@defnet.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Hohenberger
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The universe is neither empty nor void, but is instead filled with a single universal substance, the stellar air. Electromagnetic waves oscillate within the stellar air and can be visually described as constructs of the stellar air. Gamma rays are high frequency electromagnetic waves that compress the stellar air into quarks of liquid light at the resonance stellar air flows through our bodies and into the Earth, causing our sense of weight and then turns into mass, or liquid light, through the process of nuclear pro-fusion and causes the Earth to grow and to expand. Stellar air and liquid light are methods for describing pure energy. The world that we perceive is actually an illusion created within the boundaries of our mind, and there instead exists another world beyond our human perceptions, which is made from the transcendent energies of the dark and the light and can only be seen through the powers of our imagination.
Uwe Hohlbein Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : BOR
email : uwe.hohlbein@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=75&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Construction of a Levitators, with improved Harveyscheiben, for a circular plane model.
Wolfgang Höhne Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : BOR
email : Wolfgang.Hoehne@T-Online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=75&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy machines and their implementation in reality, relativity, quantum physics, UFOs.
Jack Hohner Category : Expanding Earth 2009 Origin : CLI
email : axama@aol.com
web : http://dynamicmatter.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Concept of a dynamic matter. It has been demonstrated by Stephenson and others that tidal friction is not adequate to account for the total slowing of the Earth's rotation. By applying Newton's conservation of angular momentum, the value for the ongoing variance of matter is derived from the slowing rotation of the Earth. Space is one of the three fundamental components of the Universe: matter, energy and space, then it is not an unfair proposition that there exists an equivalence between these three components. The matter variability can therefore be provided by the energy of space. The deduction of an equivalence of space to mass is derived from Newton's law of gravity. The true geometry is one of a flow of space into the heart of every star, planet and atom. The two geometric descriptions are mathematically equivalent. By adopting the geometry of flowing space rather than curved, we then have a model that defines the transformation of space to matter. Per the square rule, we recognize that a flow of space at the surface of a planet would be in an accelerated state. By extending the equivalence principle which states that inertial force and gravitational force are equal, we can then see that the force due to gravity results from an "inertial space".
Dr. Paul Karl Hoiland Category : Superluminal 2004 Origin : THE
email : paultrr2000@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Non-Local to Local Space-time Map: by present a manifold based theory.The Scale Variable c Derived from the Zero Point Theory and its Implications: by uses experimental data to prove his hypothesis as well as explore the concept of tandem universes. Different application of the non-orientation to time theory, commonly referenced as Non-Locality the speed of light does not need to be a constant to maintain the general thrust of Special Relativity.
Sergio A. Hojman Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Can gravitation accelerate neutrinos? Argue that spinning test-particles in a Schwarzchild background can move superluminally.
Harald Hölbling Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://twinparadox.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of SRT paradoxes
Peter Holland Category : Critics 2009 Origin : ARX
email : peter.holland@gtc.ox.ac.uk
web : http://users.ox.ac.uk/~gree0579/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative Eulerian hydrodynamic model for the electromagnetic field in which the discrete vector indices in Maxwell's equations are replaced by continuous angular freedoms, and develop the corresponding Lagrangian picture in which the fluid particles have rotational and translational freedoms. Quantum Theory of Motion. What's wrong with Einstein's 1927 hidden-variable interpretation of quantum mechanics?
Phil Holland Category : Critics 2001 Origin : ARX CHI
email : physics@littleton.prestel.co.uk
web : http://www.raetowest.org/modern-physics-a-fraud/modern-physics.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
How much of modern physics is a fraud? At present, two items, on 'superfluid helium - a lucrative fraud?' and 'the myth of the speed of light barrier' (this would be because acceleration of particles is done by means of waves that cannot be faster than light). Is quantum theory credible? Heisenberg's absurd probability error.
J. Holler Category : Philosophical 1990 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/ARBEITEN.HTM
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Crisis of society - Crisis of the brain, "from" space & time "
Georg Hollerith Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : hollerith.technologien@freenet.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=75&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
WFC - Technologien nach Stanley Meyer, Freie Energie, Magnetmotoren.
Tom Hollings Category : Critics 0 Origin : CLI SAP
email : carmam1534@aol.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Many critics
Laurent Hollo Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : SCI
email : LaurentHollo@hotmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/268/Laurent,%20Hollo
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The dimensional analysis matrix space-time dimensions of physical quantities and a visual tool used to perform easy.
Douglas Holloway Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.thetheoryofeverything.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Movy (DVD) ! Does God exist? Does Science prove God's existence or provide more reasons to doubt? Doug Holloway (David de Vos)
John A. Holly Category : Critics 1993 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/GEDindex
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Equivalence Principle Test (6) Vol 4, no. 1, p. 19. Galilean Electrodynamics
Thomas Holman Category : Critics 1999 Origin : THE
email : toma33825@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relative Motion by presents a coordinate system for absolute rest. In Special Relativity Theory, Built upon Quicksand: offers new evidence regarding a major error in deciphering Lorentz transformation formulas for time dilation and length contraction.
Eric R. R. Holmberg Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : SAP IMP
email : Eholmberg@ukonline.co.uk
web : http://www.space-lab.ru/files/pages/PIRT_VII-XII/pages/text/PIRT_VIII/Holmberg.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A new paradigm consists of using the (radius of) curvature of space and time instead of velocity as the variable in transformations such as Lorentz.
Bruce S. Holms Category : Philosophical 1984 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://brucetholmes.com/SciFi/Switch.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Switch of Time (ironic novel about math and time inversion)
Alan C. Holt Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : QUA ACE
email :
web : http://keelynet.com/energy/holt1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy advanced space propulsion research a proposed resonance between coherent, pulsed electromagnetic wave forms and gravitational wave forms (or space-time metrics.
G. Holton Category : Philosophical 1973 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.markweger.at/oppon.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Thematic Origins of Scientific Thought, Kepler to Einstein, Harvard University Press. 1978
Herman Holushko Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : holushko@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Herman_Holushko
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Detecting Gyroscopic Thrust
B. Holverstott Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email : info@millsian.com
web : http://www.millsian.com/theory.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 153] Total bond energies of exact classical solutions of molecules generated by MILLSIAN 1.0 compared to those computed using modern 3-21 G and 6-31 G* basis sets
Martin Holwerda Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : QUA ENG SCI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_9_3.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Free energy and antigravity
Werner Holzmüller (deceased) Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Werner_Holzm%C3%BCller
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang synergy, Syntropie, nonlinear systems. Did Einstein right?
R. W. Home Category : History 1983 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=12218751
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Poisson's paper on electricity academic and politics in a new style physics.
Y. C. Hon Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 276] Exact soliton solutions of the discrete modified Korteweg-de Vries (mKdV) equation.
L. Hong Category : Critics 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 i2 p139, Gravitational Phenomena Appearing in a Cabin Falling Freely in a Homogeneous Gravitational Field. Idealized experiments lead to the conclusion that the phenomena of gravitation still exist in a cabin falling freely in a homogeneous gravitational field. Negating Einstein's assertion that gravity can be eliminated in a cabin falling.
Wang Hong-Bin Category : Nothing found 2009 Origin : BAB
email : Wanghongbin6803@126.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/296/Wang,%20Hong-Bin
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Modifying the Earth's Magnetic Pole Position and Power
Ma Honghai Category : Critics 2003 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electromagnetism Annotation, no more details
Wang Hongqi Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : BAB
email : jwachina@263.net
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/175/Wang,%20Hongqi
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Life and life intelligence are originated and evolving in synchronization.
Dr. William M. Honig (deceased) Category : Critics 1980 Origin : IMP PHY SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=526
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Founder of Speculations in Science and Technology. The proven demise of QM needs a realistic phenomenology. An 8 -year hiatus in a realistic sr/qm theory
Pr. Gerardus W 't Hooft Category : Relativist 1992 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.tardyon.de/mirror/hooft/hooft.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See van der Mak the equation E=mc2 expresses the equivalence of mass and energy and not the generation of energy as a reaction product from mass. If the photon would be put to rest, its gravitational mass would equal its rest mass, and hence vanish. The intriguing question is, what would happen if we could stop the electron from spinning? Matter is just canned energy, a box with internal dynamics, and radiation is free energy.
Ernest B. Hook Category : History 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.ucpress.edu/books/pages/9245.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Prematurity in Scientific Discovery Scientists and historians can cite many cases of scientific and technological claims, hypotheses, and proposals that, viewed in retrospect, have apparently taken an unaccountably long…
Christopher Hooper Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : SCI
email : azdrspark@msn.com
web : http://www.teslauniverse.com/community/groups/atcb#num=content-459&id=album-14
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Electrostatics, Tesla
Lawrence D. Hooper Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : SCI
email : ldh@hoonahnet.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Lawrence_Hooper
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric Universe
Pr. William J. Hooper (deceased) Category : New Energy 1969 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://antigravitypower.tripod.com/stirniman/stirniman1.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
New Horizons in Electric, Magnetic and Gravitational Field Theory all electric motional field generator there are three different types of electric fields due to the distribution of electric field, and two due to induction.
M. Hooshmand Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/conferences/2008/ACS/ACS-2008-NET-Abstracts.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Nuclear magic numbers based on a quarklike model is compared with the Boltzmann distribution model from nuclear abundance in the universe and low energy nuclear reactions.
Thomas H. Hoovler Category : Critics 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/doi/abs/10.4006/1.3028881
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Vibrational Coordinates for the Description of Physical Systems introduction of special complex coordinates, motivated by vibrational systems inally, quantization rules can be derived from various complex coordinate expansions involving only classical mechanical principles.
Dr. Eng Kurt Hopfgartner Category : New Energy 1964 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/energy.kromrey.php3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy Raymond Kromrey motor
Ludwig Höpfner (deceased) Category : Nothing found 1921 Origin : SAP
email :
web : http://wissenschaftliche-physik.com/2011/11/mathematische-und-physikalische-fiktionen-in-der-einsteinschen-rel
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mathematical and Physical fictions in Einstein's relativity theory
Helmut Hoppe Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SAP WEG
email :
web : http://www.markweger.at/geg.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Raum&Zeit Nr.94, Against the relativity theory: In a thought that nobody understands, because it's nothing to understand, but just something to think there may be on the other hand, as every believer feel lonely mind.
H. Hora Category : Critics 2008 Origin : PHY
email : hora@phys.unsw.edu.au
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/conferences/2008/ACS/ACS-2008-NET-Abstracts.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nuclear magic numbers based on a quarklike model is compared with the Boltzmann distribution model from nuclear abundance in the universe and low energy nuclear reactions.
Dr. Eng Reiner Hörndorf Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : QUA
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy
Theodore Horoschak Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Unipolar Induction (Electromagnetic Induction, Relativistic Electrodynamics) Galilean electrodynamics.
Dr. Leonard George Horowitz Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Leonard_Horowitz
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ulf Horsing Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/doi/abs/10.4006/1.3119383
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v20 i2 p158-168 Jun2007, Space/Antispace Universe. A Geometrical Interpretation of the Standard Model in a Higher-Dimensional Universe orthogonal (3 + 1) -dimensional spaces, where fields and elementary particles are explained as manifestations of space elements partly alien to the space of the observer. This reveals the fundamental symmetry between gravity and electromagnetism.
R. Horvat Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Neutrino propagation in noncommutative spacetimes.
Laurence P. Horwitz Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : IMP
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/hep-ph/0205018
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
General relativity as an eikonal approximation to the quantum mechanical stueckelberg-schrodinger equation. We first derive the relation between the eikonal approximation to the Maxwell wave equations in an inhomogeneous anisotropic medium then we apply an analogous method to the five dimensional generalization of Maxwell theory.
Andrzej Horzela Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SAP GAL CHI PHY
email :
web : http://merlin.fic.uni.lodz.pl/kft/people/EKapuscik/papers.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Non-Einsteinian Equivalence Principle/ Does Light Move Uniformly? On the Connection between Classical and Quantum Mechanics quantum tunnelling and their theoretical interpretation, including such topics as superluminal signal.
Pr. Michihei Hoshino Category : Expanding Earth 1998 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=780
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Expanding Earth: Evidence, Causes and Effects. The origin of the upper layer of the Earth by the accumulation of Ca-rich (eucrite) chondrites and Mg-rich (enstatite) chondrites and subsequent history of the Earth's crust.
Sylvan J. Hotch Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://astronomy.ege.edu.tr/~rpekunlu/Radyo/CMBR.ppt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Don L. Hotson Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : SCI
email : donhotson@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Don_Hotson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electron, Proton. Since all matter and energy evolve as waves, Dirac thought his equation would be a unitary theory of everything. However, the discovery of several new particles and peer criticism resulting in the truncation of the equation frustrated this expectation, and it is generally known at present as Dirac's equation of the electron. (member of space energy Ge)
Robert Littleton Hoult Category : Critics 1996 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Velocity-Time-Robert-Littleton-Hoult/dp/0952841509
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
No greater fallacy Velocity and Time
Pete Moore Houston Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.perceptions.couk.com/uef/ansci2.html#ether
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether gravitational tug is the connecting Ether; universe is connected such that one tiny movement of one tiny proton is felt by every other proton in the entire universe at the same time (instantaneous) because they are all connect with the same all encompassing unified fabric or UEF
H. Hoven Category : Critics 1995 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.denkforum.at/forum/archive/index.php/t-2676.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
If science degenerates into a commodity. An interesting WDR radio Sendung. Zeitschr. space & time
William K. Howell Category : Nothing found 2005 Origin : SCI
email : billkhowell@comcast.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Howell
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
David Howells Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI
email : david.howells97@ntlworld.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=722
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The laws of physics are the same in all inertial frames: what is the origin of this fuzzy idea??? The speed of light in vacuo is the same for all observers in all uniformly moving frames of reference. What is time and space ???
Georgia Howton Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : hihowtons@yahoo.com
web : http://www.amazon.com/review/R2VAQAV6PX5VBG
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether Supports Steven Rado's Aethro-Kinematics.
Samuel Xede Kofi Howusu Category : Relativist 2006 Origin : PHY SCI
email : howusus@yahoo.co.uk
web : http://www.physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Galilean Electrodynamics, Volume 16, No. 5, pp. 97-99 Gravitational radiation and propagation field equation exterior to astrophysically real or hypothetical time varying distributions of mass within regions of spherical geometry To the order of c2, the wave admits an imaginary speed ic in vacuum.
Ulrich Hoyer Category : Critics 1986 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/rec/HOYDGD
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A revision of the foundations of relativity theory the theory of special relativity can be based upon the Galilei transformations, i.e. on the classical assumptions concerning space and time, if terms of the fourth order are neglected. The new theory will probably give rise to a revision of relativistic mechanics.
Pr. Fred Hoyle (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1949 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.webalice.it/dcarosati/Publications/body_publications.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Controversial stance on other cosmological and scientific matters—in particular his rejection of the "Big Bang" theory.
Roland L. Hron Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : CHI SCI
email : rhron_npa@yahoo.com
web : http://www.theuniphysics.se/Denver-Abstract.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Modification of the Schwarzchild Solution for Einstein's Field Equations that Radically Changes Big Bang a Great Fire Relativistic Gravitational Effects of the Central Mass Object on Orbiting Systems around that Central Mass Object. Clocks on the earth or in orbit around the earth are closer to the sun at noon than at midnight, however, the difference in gravitational potential from the sun does not result in different clock rates. The relativistic gravitational forces in the throughout (???) the near earth system are very nearly the same as at the orbital radius.
E. Y. Hsu Category : Relativist 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 i4 2005, On the Structure of Space-time
Franklin Hu Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : franklinhu@yahoo.com
web : http://franklinhu.com/theory.html
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The only fundamental particles are the positron and the electron and that the only force is the electrostatic force. Gravity also just an electrostatic force.
Qiu-Hong Hu Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : PHY
email : qiuh@nsmc.cma.gov.cn
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0512265
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Nature of the Electron. It is hereby postulated that the topological structure of the electron is a closed two-turn Helix (a so-called Hubius Helix) that is generated by circulatory motion of a mass-less particle at the speed of light.
Sen Hu Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Remark on "Pair Creation Constrains Superluminal Neutrino Propagation" Argue against Cohen and Glashow, in context of de Sitter space.
X. Hu Category : Nothing found 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/resource/1/phesem/v24/i1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 p95 2011, Identification of new hydrogen states
Di Hua Category : Critics 0 Origin : BAB
email : huaxiaowu@gmail.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/257/Di,%20Hua
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic Mechanics Based on Variable Speed of Light. Many mistakes in Einstein's theory of relativity are revealed. Both Einstein's postulate of constant speed of light and Lorentz's postulate of length-contraction are invalid. Einstein's Lorentz transformation cannot provide invariance for Maxwell's electromagnetic field equations, nor for the electromagnetic wave equations. His theory cannot explain the Doppler effect and the aberration. His principle of mass-energy equivalence fails with regard to moving bodies. Time synchronism is universal; Speed of light is variable and is not the limit of speed; The variable speed of light causes the Doppler effect and the aberration; The principle of mass-energy equivalence can be precisely extended to moving bodies; Photon has static mass; etc. The new theory can precisely and unconditionally prove the equivalence between gravitational mass and inertial mass,s
John Huang Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : jh17710@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/pdf/abstracts/abstracts_6049.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photons have no charge, then people should not say light is electromagnetic wave (EM wave), isn't it? Only if photons have charges, the name of EM wave can make some sense.
Xin-Wei Huang Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.sciforums.com/showthread.php?t=104606
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
There isn't any experimental evidence to support special relativity.
Young-Sea Huang Category : Alternative theory 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p68 1991, The concept of space and time entailed by this theory is different than Einstein's space-time concept Relativistic Quantum Mechanics Based on the Equation of Motion md2r/dt2 = F(1 − (v/c)2)
Zhen-Qiang Huang Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : BAB
email : Kexuetansuoze@126.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/309/Zhenqiang,%20Huang
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Description of Patented Cold Fusion Device
Zhi-Xun Huang Category : Superluminal 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/mop.4650060604/abstract
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Microwave and Optical Technology Letters Volume 6, Issue 6, pages 342-349, May 1993 Attenuation properties of normal modes in coated circular waveguides with imperfectly conducting walls.
C. Hubbard Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
"SCR in the Bedini Machine" (ECE Paper 94, to be published in GCUFT6) (Link ») Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Freddy Hubbard Category : Critics 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://telescoper.wordpress.com/2008/12/29/who-put-the-bang-in-big-bang/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
There is an mysterious and overwhelming preponderance of dark stuff in our Universe.
Dr. Jakob Huber Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.buch-der-synergie.de/archiv/kompendium_wirbelphysik_v1_teil_1.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether vortex physics. Vortex physics is working as a wavelike process. The homopolar generator or Faraday.
Werner Hubig Category : Critics 2009 Origin : GAL SCI
email : Silke.Hubig@t-online.de
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/CUMDEX3.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The usual physical interpretation of the Lorentz transformation requires the additional use of imaginary events, happening in imaginary worlds, and described by imaginary coordinate systems. The Lorentz-transformed time appears to be an imaginary physical quantity. Also the relativistic effects of special relativity are imaginary; they can be real only under special circumstances. The relativity principle of special relativity is not compatible with the constancy of light speed.
K. Hübner Category : Critics 1978 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://books.google.fr/books/about/Kritik_der_wissenschaftlichen_Vernunft.html?id=US4LAAAAMAAJ&redir_esc=y
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critique of the scientific reason
Jerome Huck Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : jacquesbergier.perso.sfr.fr/actualites.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Multiple universes, explain gravity and transport enormous distances at near instantaneous time. Antigravity.
Michael Hudak Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.philosophy.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
President of The University of Science and Philosophy (New Energy, Walter Russel)
David Hudson Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.wholejoy.com/wholeness/gold.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
High-Spin Monatomic Research. The electrons of a monatomic mineral exist in a high spin state. Minerals in the platinum group of elements that are in their monatomic state are reported to have superconductive and anti-gravitational properties.
Suzana F. Huelga Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1504
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Optical Tests of Bell's Inequalities Closing the Poor Correlation Loophole Unified_Theory. The existence of local-hidden-variable (LHV) models for the optical tests of Bell's inequality which agrees with Quantum Mechanics (QM) for all measurable quantities, even in the domain of ideal apparatuses, proves that such tests are not suitable in order to discriminate between QM and the whole family of LHV theories.
Rodrigo Huerta Category : Superluminal 1986 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Is the right-handed Majorana neutrino a tachyon?
H. Dwight Huffman Category : Cosmology 1988 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://astronomy.santa-cruz.ca.us/files/Dec%201988.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Eric Hufschmid Category : Critics 2007 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.erichufschmid.net/Hufschmid-23Oct2007-F.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Was the CIA commissioned the attack on the WTC? Open Letter to Eric Hufschmid about. Spreading False News and Baseless.
Henry W. Hughes Category : Philosophical 1987 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=593
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity, Electro-magnetism and the Conscious Dimension: Pointers to Their Solution
Martin Hughes Category : Philosophical 1981 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/rec/HUGAR
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
British Journal for the Philosophy of Science 32 (4) Absolute rotation of the Earth (creationism)
Vernon W. Hughes (deceased) Category : Relativist 1970 Origin : ANT
email :
web : http://linkinghub.elsevier.com/retrieve/pii/S0370269307007113
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Upper Limit for the Anisotropy of Inertial Mass from Nuclear Resonance Experiments.
Pr. Dr. William L. Hughes (deceased) Category : Critics 2006 Origin : SCI GAL
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=1141&tab=2
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment is perfectly reasonable from Maxwell-Newton classical considerations. On Kopernicky's Conjecture that Gravity is a Difference Between Electrostatic Attraction and Repulsion. A Challenge to Coulomb's Law: Implications for Gravity and Matter Structure. A Second Look at a Fundamental Concept in Electromagnetics about Railgun Motion trouton noble
Richard C. Y. Hui Category : Relativist 2002 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 i1, A Counterexample for the Harmonic Gauge Condition in General Relativity.
Xu Hui Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BAB
email : fxxuhui@126.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/284/Xu,%20Hui
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Observation Theory of Moving Objects. This paper is a theory on measuring time and space length of a body between two moving bodies.
Husein Hujic Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.fipa.gov.ba/FipaFiles/File/Newsletter/br_29/FIPA.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy
Richard L. Hull Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : SCI
email : contact@electricspacecraft.com
web : http://www.electricspacecraft.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Gravity, Antigravity, Magnetic Propulsion, New Energy, Cold Fusion, Electromagnetism, Tesla
Russell A. Hulse Category : Relativist 1993 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1993/hulse-autobio.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pulsars et ondes gravitationnelles
Jürgen Humburg Category : Relativist 1981 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://openlibrary.org/b/OL18761047M
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Feature to a new structure of the probability theory (QM)
Dr. D. Russell Humphreys Category : Cosmology 1994 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.nwcreation.net/cosmology.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Bumps in the Big Bang by a creationist. Starlight and Time: Solving the Puzzle of Distant Starlight in a Young Universe
Steve Humphry Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Barry Hunt Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email : barry_hunt@cinci.rr.com
web : http://aias.us/index.php?goto=showPageByTitle&pageTitle=Publications
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
GENESIS is an integral-based formulation which applies the same unified process for all types of field.
Peter S. Hunt Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Peter_Hunt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Energy issues Scientific Secrecy and Mendacity: A Federal Addiction
Samuel J. Hunt Category : Religious aspects 2012 Origin : SCI
email : romulus141592@hotmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Samuel_Hunt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Episteme Scientia: The Law of All That Is Bible can and is compatible to and verifiable by science
Warren C. Hunt Category : Expanding Earth 1994 Origin : SCI
email : archeanc@shaw.ca
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1435
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Primordially Hydridic Character of our Planet and Proving it by Deep Drilling there is no possibility for sedimentary-type, clastic lithologies within or below a granitoid body unless tectonics has placed them there
Geoff Hunter Category : Experiment 2007 Origin : SCI
email : geoffreyhunter@mac.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Geoff_Hunter
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The graviton exists using the concepts introduced by Argentinean physicist Dr. Ricardo Carezani.
John Hunter Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : SCI
email : john@gravity.uk.com
web : http://www.rescalingsymmetry.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity, Cosmology expansion of universe
Martin Hunter Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.com
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 i3, Huygens' principle and the Michelson-Morley experiment: Reconsidering the ether hypothesis the second postulate of SR may be derived, by analogy with sound propagation, from a mechanical (fluid dynamical) interpretation of light travel. In contrast to SR, the fluid dynamical model presented here requires a preferred frame for fluid wave propagation. Nevertheless, it can still predict the phenomena of stellar aberration, time dilation and the relativistic Doppler effect in exact agreement with SR.
Dr. Geoffrey Hunter (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1989 Origin : CLI SCI
email :
web : http://www.yorku.ca/ghunter/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v2 i2 p158 Model of the photon as a solitary (soliton) wave. Photons and neutrinos are modeled as oscillatory states of the electromagnetic field confined within a local domain, the motion of which is governed by Maxwell's equations.
Dr. Noel Huntley Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.users.globalnet.co.uk/~noelh/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In the 4D system only one pole can exist at a time in 3D. Vortex is a centripetal spiral transducing energy from 4D to 3D. The centre of the vortex, for example, the mass, is in 3D. The periphery of the vortex is in 4D or higher.basic vibrations create spacetime and mass---there is a spiral oscillation from the periphery of the vortex to its centre and back gravitons pressure towards the centre of the Earth on the gravity half cycle but don't reverse on the anti-half cycle, since the spatial effect on them has changed to temporal. There is a reciprocation of time and space
Yunjie Huo Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The OPERA Superluminal Neutrinos from Deformed Lorentz
Wesley V. Hurley Category : Critics 1970 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the relative motion of individual objects and observers. A Proposed Revision of the Special Theory of Relativity in agreement of the Ives-Stilwell experiment
Henry Hurrass Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email : azdrspark@msn.com
web : http://www.teslauniverse.com/community/groups/atcb#num=content-459&id=album-14
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Electrostatics, Tesla
Stephen W. Hurrell Category : Expanding Earth 2003 Origin : SCI
email : dinox@btinternet.com
web : http://www.dinox.org/bookdetails.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dinosaurs and the Expanding Earth Reduced Gravity. Earth is exactly what an Increasing Mass Expanding Earth also predicted.
Dr. James J. Hurtak Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : QUA SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion Research: Models and Potential Benefits, technologie énergétique non polluante.
John Barrie Hutchings Category : Expanding Earth 1971 Origin : SCI
email : geomatrix1@mac.com
web : http://rocks.ensmp.fr/cgi-bin/koha/opac-search.pl?q=an:376770
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The expanding earth.
Robert Hutchings Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : geomatrix1@mac.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Robert_Hutchings
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy, Rodin Coil
Fred J. Hutchinson Category : Critics 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.renewamerica.com/columns/hutchison/050128
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Theory of Relativity and other theories of Einstein always have one thing melting into another thing. Matter and energy are the same thing. (Remember Spinoza's notion that everything is one.) Matter can melt into energy and energy can be precipitated as matter. Time and space are also relative. A mass of matter warps the space-time continuum which causes gravity. Time is relative to speed. As we explore the outlines of Spinoza's philosophy, we find remarkable parallels to Einstein's cosmology. If reason and free will exist, then Einstein's cosmos is false.
John Hutchinson Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : PEA ACE
email : your_neighbor@reocities.com
web : http://www.reocities.com/ResearchTriangle/Thinktank/8863/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Research Lab home page inventor of a lift and energy conversion system
Lower Hutt Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Rudolf Huttary Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Free energy.
J. Huttunen Category : Superluminal 1996 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Angular-spectrum representation of nondifracting X waves
Patrick Huyghe Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Patrick_Huyghe
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
EdgeScience Journals Edited by Patrick Huyghe
William W. Hyde Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1543
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electrostatic Generator (Over Unity Device)
Dr. Jaroslav Hynecek Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : GAL BAB PHY SCI
email : jhynecek@netscape.net
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/201/Jaroslav,%20Hynecek
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 551] The Galileo effect and the general relativity theory. New Space-Time Metric Without Black Hole. Artifacts on the Schwarzschild Metric, General Relativity Theory is firmly based on this principle the thought experiments and the arguments described in this article present a significant problem for the theory and thus question its fundamental correctness, that the Hubble constant is not an independent cosmological parameter but that it is intimately related to the temperature of the Cosmic Microwave Background Radiation.
Lassi Hyvärinen Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Salvatore E. Iaquinta Category : Religious aspects 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : www.sandiegoreader.com/news/2010/nov/10/city-light-einstein-special-relativity.
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Triumph of James Clerk Maxwell there may soon be nothing left to discover. Einstein got special relativity wrong.
Dr. Michael Ibison Category : Critics 2006 Origin : SCI
email : ibison@earthtech.org
web : http://proceedings.aip.org/resource/2/apcpcs/822/1/181_1?isAuthorized=no
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electrodynamics Big Bang. We investigate the Yilmaz Cosmology by working out the Friedmann ‐ type equations generated by assuming the Cosmological metric for a flat space for the Yilmaz theory of gravitation.
Abdulla A. Ibrahim Category : Critics 2005 Origin : BAB
email : abdul9bc4@yahoo.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/408/Abdulla%20A.,%20Ibrahim
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Rutherford's Formula Revisited. Most of the derivations of Rutherford's formula are wrong.
David Icke Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.davidicke.com/articles/what-is-reality/19202-our-world-may-be-a-giant-hologram-
kind of theory : hologram universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The universe is giant hologram.
Domenico Mico Idato Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email : micoidato@libero.it
web : http://www.idato.it/home.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The physical creation of Time and Space. Particles have their time with them not the same as our.
Osamu Ide Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Capacitive Discharge Motor
Nikiforos Ierokomos Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : PHY
email : nierokomos@yahoo.com
web : http://journalofcosmology.com/JoC17pdfs/Ierokomos%201.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 451] The universe via continuum creation and annihilation.
Benjamin I. Iglesias Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
V. K. Ignatovich Category : Superluminal 2004 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Non-spreading wave packets in quantum-mechanics", A nonlinear classical system of equations replacing the QM Schrödinger equation is suggested. This approach is shown to have nothing in common with the Bohm mechanics.
Gennady F. Ignatyev Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Construction an Engine for Free Space on the Base of a Pondemotor Effect N.Tesla's Unique Experiments in Colorado
Karl-Norbert Ihmig Category : Philosophical 1989 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/s/Karl-Norbert%20Ihmig
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hegel's interpretation of gravitation - A study of Hegel and Newton
W. Ihra Category : Critics 2000 Origin : PHY
email : ihra@physik.uni-freiburg.de
web : http://physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 i2-3 2000, Classical and Quantum Threshold Laws in 3-Body Coulomb Breakup
Chris Illert Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://www.telesio-galilei.com/tg/images/stories/documents/Academy_News/Publishing_an_interesting_letter2.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Santilli. New energy electricity Etherion Hadron subatomic particles as bubbles in the aether because it is Love (?) Theorems of Inconsistency in GRT with resolutions via Isogravitation.
Jonathan B. Imber Category : Philosophical 2006 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/The_Revolt_Against_Dualism.html?id=Ko3A6LfanwMC
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The revolt against dualism. Reassessment of A.O. Lovejoy book published in 1930
Laurence P. Ince Category : Philosophical 1990 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v3 i4, A Theoretical Foundation for a Science of Behavioral Physics: relativistic physics are applied to the behavior of organisms.
Steen Ingemann Category : Philosophical 1989 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.adishakti.org/forum/consciousness_a_new_spirituality_that_addresses_our_deepest_longings_and_dilemm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Guide to Ultimate Reality
M. F. Ingham Category : Critics 1970 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://nla.gov.au/anbd.bib-an329499
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
M F I. translated Paradoxes of physics of P. Chambadal Observations of the Night Sky H[alpha] Emission Line
Paolo Inglese Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : inglese.paolo@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Paolo_Inglese
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
See selleri Special Relativity, Quantum Theory, General Relativity, Cosmology.
Rüdiger Inhetveen Category : Philosophical 1983 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/R%C3%BCdiger_Inhetveen
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The role of ambiguity in the philosophy of Hugo Dingler's: The benefit of the proto physics lies in the elaboration of the role and scope of procedural standards in the construction of physical theories, which can be empirically rich statements distinguish it better.
Shiuji Inomata Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Japan Psychotronics Institute (JPI), no more in BOR
Dr. Shiuji Inomata (deceased) Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CHI ENG
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_13_4.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy. Psychotronics is a new science which contains not only mass energy categories, but also consciousness (Ki) category.
Dr. Francesca Intini Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : intini@fisica.uniba.it
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Francesca_Intini
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
See selleri Sagnac Effect
Helena Ioannidou Category : Relativist 2002 Origin : GAL
email : ioannidou.elena@ucy.ac.cy
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1793
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Origin of the Dirac Equation.
Pr. Lucian M. Ionescu Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : LMIones@ilstu.edu
web : http://my.ilstu.edu/~lmiones/
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Super-symmetry, Anti-Gravity and Free-Energy Universe is a "Quantum Computer" implementing Mach's Principle, based on a rigorous Feynman Path Integral approach.
Nicholas Ionescu-Pallas Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.infim.ro/rrp/2003_55_1/d00_pallas.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Genuine origine of Gravitation. Seeliger's theory of finite range gravitation, mechanism of gravitational finite range interaction, in terms of a virtual interchange of quanta.
Lorenzo Iorio Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Environmental fifth-force hypothesis for the OPERA superluminal neutrino phenomenology: constraints from orbital motions around the Earth.
Iya P. Ipatova Category : Critics 1990 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0038-5670/33/4/B10
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
What we can learn from "The Myths of Relativity Theory"
Andrew D. Iraci Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : andrew.iraci@yahoo.com
web : http://www.sinequanonthebook.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Rado Aether, Expanding Earth. The assumptions of immobility and transverse wave are wrong: the aether moves, and light is not a transverse wave (or a longitudinal one). Furthermore, I show in the Part on Light that it can be entirely explained as a wave phenomenon; Light is a semi-hemispherical compression pulse of the aether. Aethrons move until they collide with another aethrons. Thus, they will move towards areas of lower density (more open space) and away from areas of higher density. "photon" is nothing than a section of this wave. Cosmologically-sized vortices would not rotate in a circular way, but in a way more consistent with vortices observed on earth. It is entirely reasonable to base a theory of gravity on a mobile aether that rotates in a non-circular way, which restores the aether to its original position of being an all-encompassing theory of physical phenomena, as Descartes first intended. False assumption of the constancy of light, and fall away as the concept of c is rejected. The aether carries earth in its stream. The aether is six million times denser than steel. One compression pulse of a light wave is equivalent to a quantum of energy. The shifting of the spectrum towards the red (lower frequency lower energy) occurs because of the immense distance the light travels from the galaxy to earth. "gases" (the aether can be modeled after an ideal gas) under tremendous turbulent motion tend to gather angular momentum--that is, begin to spin or rotate. Rotational motion achieves the greatest equilibrium under turbulent conditions. Any vortex in a three-dimensional medium takes the shape of a torus. At the center of any torus vortex there is an area of low pressure called a "sink." the gravitational fields and magnetic fields are intimately connected. Not all of the aethrons of the spiral vortex that reach the center of the sink are carried away by the sink-source flow. Some contribute to the expansion of the atomic-conglomerate at the center of the spiral vortex. It is a verified geological fact that the earth is expanding.
M. J. Ireson Category : New Energy 1987 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/M._J._Ireson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy critic of SRT. Towards Unlimited Energy
Dallas Irvine Category : Critics 1981 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/s?ie=UTF8&rh=n%3A283155%2Ck%3Achallenging%20traditional%20mathematics%20special%20relati
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Wrong Relativity and a New Mathematics and Challenging of Traditional Mathematics and Special Relativity.
Pr. George Isaak Category : Experiment 1968 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/pdf/abstracts/abstracts_5304.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The most accurate aether drift test ever conducted was done in 1968 at the Univ. of Birmingham, UK, by Prof. George Isaak and this author.[1] Involving Mossbauer gamma rays, the test directly measured the one way speed of light at all azimuthal angles, and set a limit of 1.5 cm/sec limit on any propagation anisotropies. Unlike all optical experiments, which measure changes in light speed via secondary interference effects, the afore-mentioned test measured changes in light speed as a primary quantity by determining the propagating speed of the gamma rays between the Mossbauer source and the absorber, both mounted to a high speed rotor. Repeated at seven different times in the solar cycle and typically lasting 2-4 days around the clock, the test was so sensitive that it even ruled out secondary effects (in v/c), as might be caused by non-uniformities in the mass-velocity distribution of the surroundings. Of course, the null effect is predicted by emission theory, which states that light is emitted from its source with velocity c+v, where v is the velocity of the source.
Holger Isenberg Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : web@areo.info
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Holger_Isenberg
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Thomas Koryu Ishii Category : Superluminal 1991 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/ntham/amesbury.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal speed Radio Messages Faster Than Light. Dr. George C. Giakos and T. Koryu Ishii of the University of Akron reported that they had transmitted microwaves at faster than light speeds.
Susumu Ishiwata Category : Critics 1968 Origin : BAR FRI RUS
email :
web : http://www.cartesio-episteme.net/thmT.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Inconsistency of special relativity; invariance of interval is one of the hypotheses in the special relativity; the hypothesis is physically incompatible with the concept of 4-dimensional continuum, except when the interval vanishes; that is, except when the Lorentz transformation is applied to light.
Takuya Ishizaka Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/MagIndex.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Propulsion from relativity effect of inertial force.
Emre & Murat Isik Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
L. Islas-Gamboa Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://jvr.freewebpage.org/TableOfContents/Volume5/Menu4/Articles.html
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Espintensor de Lanczos formerly in BAB see Lopez-Bonilla. An Explicit Embedding of Schwarzschild Black Hole. Importance that embedding of spacetimes into pseudo-Euclidean spaces En
Pr. Dr. Yehea I. Ismail Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : SCI
email : ismail@ece.northwestern.edu
web : http://www.ece.northwestern.edu/~ismail
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Hans Israel (deceased) Category : Critics 1931 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=754
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hundred Authors against Einstein show why Einstein's theory of relativity is set to be shelved.
E. A. Issaeva Category : Philosophical 2007 Origin : BAB
email : elmira@physics.ab.az
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/613
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Macro and Micro Worlds from the Point of View of Perception. The entanglement in Schrödinger experiment.
J. Iuliano Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : jerryiuliano@aol.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/1169
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Numerological Physics individual numbers can represent physical force constants.
Tom Ivall Category : Critics 1988 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/629/Tom,%20Ivall
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The observer in science
Pr. Georgii Evtikhievjch Ivanchenko (deceased) Category : Critics 2001 Origin : GAL FRI SCI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/a/ivanov_m_1.atom
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity of Absolute Space and Time. True and False Indications of Measuring Devices; uncover a general principle of relativity free from these deficiencies.
V. P. Ivankin Category : Expanding Earth 1993 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1399
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Origin and Development of the Solar System. Time Increase of the Earth Mass and Dimensions - Determinant of the Earth's Development.
G. P. Ivanov Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : RNE
email : nara@tts.lt
web : http://www.tts.lt/~nara/intro.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
An ether_based engine as the best way of space sailing. A manual for designing ether_based engines. Fundamentals of Electrodynamics. Ether-supported Movement and Inner-ether Energetics. The theory without any hypotheses.
Konstantin Ivanov Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/links.browse.php3?id=7&pa=10&pos=20&total=50
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The rest mass formula for the electron is derived from the theory, GR+QTD. While General Relativity and Quantum Thermo-Dynamics are very successful theories, the idea of combining the two is obvious. In GR+QTD, the principles of Thermodynamic and General Relativity together form a more complete theory than each alone can offer to discuss the nature of restmass.
Michael A. Ivanov Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : michai@mail.by
web : http://ivanovma.narod.ru/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pioneer anomaly are discussed in context of author's explanation of this effect as a deceleration of the probes in the graviton background. Graviton pairing and destruction of these pairs under collisions with bodies may lead to the Newtonian attraction. If gravitons are super-strong interacting particles and the low-temperature graviton background exists, the basic cosmological conjecture about the Dopplerian nature of redshifts may be false.
Mikhail G. Ivanov Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal motion and Lorentzian symmetry breaking and repairing in two-metric theories.
R. Ivanov Category : Superluminal 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://journalogy.net/Author/14241673/oleg-missevitch
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental Test on the Applicability of the Standard Retardation Condition to Bound Magnetic Fields.
Pr. Dr. Yuri N. Ivanov Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://mirit.ru/rd_2007en.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Compression of Standing Waves, Rhythm-dynamics and Third Condition of Rest. Dots, first of all, are moving relative to the material on which the constructs are made, i.e. relative to the carrier of constructs. 1. A hypothetical elementary object a dot-size mass-free oscillator which possesses the property of vibration (or pulsation), exciting its environment and generating periodic waves in it. 2. Medium which transforms oscillator vibrations into parting spherical waves, ensuring their constant velocity of disturbance transmission relative to the stationary source (in relation to the reference frame, firmly fixed to the medium). 3. Interaction, i.e. when at least yet another one oscillator emerges, a system of oscillators emerges. In rhythmodynamics force is the consequence of the phase displacement and frequency difference. The change of these parameters breaks the balance in the system of elements. phenomenon of frequency pulling is laid at the foundation of explanation of gravitation.
Dmytro Ivanovsky Category : Alternative theory 1993 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/
kind of theory : math ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v6 i4 1993, Motion of a Particle and the Vacuum deterministic dynamics of a free particle in a physical vacuum, which is considered as a discrete (quantum) medium. The motion of the particle is studied taking into account its interactions with the medium. It is assumed that this interaction results in the appearance of special virtual excitations, called inertons, in the vacuum medium in the surroundings of the canonical particle.
Leslie V. Iverson Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : SCI
email : tkingleo@yahoo.com
web : nothing found
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Novel Theory of the Atom and Related Matters: material existence including the atom is held together by the push of sub particles (ether). Sub ether particles in turn are held together by the pressure of their sub particles and the process continues without limit into the sub structure of mass and matter. There can be no primary particle of divisible existence as all mass, no matter how small, must be made of its part to exists as mass. Ether particle is the brick out of which atomic mass is composed including the proton, electron and neutron.
Iver Benjamin Iverson (deceased) Category : Relativist 1995 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.svpvril.com/svpweb17.html#The%20Future%20of%20Science
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Arithmetic
Michael Ivsin Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hyperflight.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Pythagoreans Create gravity in the context of the conservation of energy and quantum mechanics Acceleration cannot be equated with gravitation. Gravitational force is an extension of the atomic organization. Momentum increases continuously if objects have a degree of freedom pressure stays constant if objects have no degree of freedom. Angular momentum can be imparted on individual bodies as long as the combined (net) angular momentum distributed to all bodies within the system remains constant. Presently, classically or otherwise, there is no mechanism for the creation of spin. Gravity can be neutralized.
Dr. Padmanabhan Krishnagopalan Iyengar (deceased) Category : New Energy 1983 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/P._K._Iyengar
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy cold fusion
Chandru Mouli Iyer Category : Critics 2012 Origin : SCI
email : chandru_i@yahoo.com
web : http://www.easyrelativity.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The conclusion that the frames are equivalent because the transformation and its inverse are symmetric is not sound in logic as already explained by the simple case of the reflecting mirror.
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Toivo Jaakkola (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1993 Origin : SAP RAP CHI
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V03NO3PDF/V03N3PEC.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Equilibrium Cosmology. The universe in steady state.
Arthur Jabs Category : Critics 1996 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v9 i1 1996, Quantum Mechanics in Terms of Realism: The particles are thus extended objects whose extension varies in time according to the variation of Pi. They are considered as fundamental regions of space with no internal structure. This implies some kind of nonlocality.
Carl Jachulke Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : CLI
email : Digitum@gmx.net
web : http://www.ipsgeneva.com/Newsletters/NL/NL104/NL104.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Projekt Bedini-Generator. One World, One Future!! The (scientific) world should shake it, maybe even at the resonant frequency, so she wakes up. Association for the Promotion of Space Energy.
Dr. Eng Hans Jäckel Category : New Energy 1992 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1d.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The discovery of gravitational waves Raum & Zeit 65/93, Seite 96-103
Chrystyne Jackson Category : Critics 2012 Origin : SCI
email : info@explorepub.com
web : http://explorepub.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
editor Space and Time formerly Raum & Zeit
David Jackson Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.librarything.com/mds/537
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric universe
Frank Jackson Category : Critics 1977 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/rec/JACRSI
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relative simultaneity in the special relativity a method is proposed for empirically determining simultaneity at a distance within the special theory of relativity. It is argued that this method is independent of Einstein's signalling method and provides a basis for denying the conventionality of distant simultaneity.
Peter A. Jackson Category : Critics 0 Origin : BAB
email : peter.jackson53@ymail.com
web : http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/803
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing gravity. Inertial Frame Error Discovery derives Stellar Aberration and Paradox Free Special Relativity via Huygens Principle. We show that use of the correct observer frame is essential for Special Relativity (SR), and how the error erroneously disproved Stokes Ether Drag theory, which Michelson supported, engendering incorrect assumption and paradox. We extend Young's experiment, and consider Huygens-Fresnel Principle,[3] particle coupling, scattering and implications on vacuum fields. Stellar Aberration is still now wrongly assumed by some to 'disprove' aether drag.
T. H. Jackson Category : Nothing found 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ufonet/message/3079
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Star Ship for exotic travel: anti gravity and so on
Pr. Dr. Karl-Heinz Jacob Category : Expanding Earth 2003 Origin : SCI
email : info@erdexpansion.de
web : http://www.erdexpansion.de/ergebnis.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expansion Tectonics experimental evidence of an ether wind was part of Miller's no more or less proof that the SR (special relativity) on completely false premises based. Einstein was in his later written AR (general relativity) is probably not more confident. Earth's expansion raises the question of the absolute mass increase for a growing world body. A central assumption framework of several scientists (eg J. Yarkovsky, C. Hilgenberg, Krafft, CF, SW Carey) that celestial bodies absorb air and turn it inside her for material matter (verwirbeln!) and produce heat. If the earth's center of quantum ether constantly to the "normal" substance transformed and compressed, then must suck the earth from all sides ether. Then we find ourselves in an air flow, all the body into the earth "sweeps" so to speak (pushing gravity) and thus also causes our weight.
Pr. Theodore A. Jacobson Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : MOU
email : jacobson@physics.umd.edu
web : http://www.physics.umd.edu/news/photon/Archives/Issue15_Research.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein-Aether Theory - Seeking the limits of Einstein's Theory Well first of all if Lorentz symmetry is violated it may be that some particles can go faster than light. More broadly there should be preferred rest frame, contrary to what we have all been taught. The cosmic microwave background radiation. "Thermodynamics of Spacetime: The Einstein Equation of State", Physical Review Letters, Vol. 75, Issue 7
Pr. Arkadiusz Jadczyk Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : CLI
email : arkadiusz.jadczyk@cict.fr
web : http://quantumfuture.net/quantum_future/pm-cont.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Against relativity out of line: since neither RT nor QM have changed the statement : ( -) *( -) = (+)
Fred Jaeger Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.organisations.php3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
ENECO Martin Fleischmann. Fred Jaeger, President of ENECO, returned. Sunday, November 28, 1993, from a meeting with Drs. Pons and Fleischmann
Jerry Jaeger Category : Religious aspects 2001 Origin : BER
email : jjaeger@ctcweb.net
web : http://www.figionline.com/meeting_summaries/meeting_2002_schedule.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Lessons of Mt. St. Helens (foundations in Genesis)
Luiz Carlos Jafelice Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : jafelice@dfte.ufrn.br
web : http://www.iau.org/administration/membership/individual/11884/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Jacques Jaffelin Category : Critics 1991 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.science-univers.qc.ca/cosmologie/bigbang.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Le promeneur d'Einstein, Méridien et cerf, 1991 "It's the same with the current dogma of astrophysics: The Big Bang. Nobody really believes it, it must be said, because it does not withstand the most elementary logic. (it is to be noticed that "Jules", a relativist fully open minded probably, erased the Jaffelin article in Wikipedia)
Bernd Jaguste Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BOR
email : rwtbj-web@yahoo.de
web : http://universum-jaguste.piranho.de/en/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter consist entirely of spiral-wound area. Elementary particles are body waves. All kinds of matter are thus a form of existence of the ubiquitous space. Gravity is in the true sense antimatter. The energy is thus compensated for the material creation. If my space wave theory is correct, it should be the measurement of gravitational waves using laser beams (interferometer) will not be possible. Gravity is in the true sense of antimatter. The redshift of the universe can be explained without the big bang. Matter is composed entirely of spirally wound, and thus compressed space. The basic constituents of matter, elementary particles are body waves. The photons are thus a form of existence of the ubiquitous space and consist of nothing but compressed space. An energy transfer can be equated with the transfer of parts of a room space wave to another wave space. According elementary spirals are composed of very compact space. They propagate as pressure waves in space. (It is not transported to the area. Analog sound wave to pass only the pressure differences across the room). They are so compact that we recognize them as particles. Matter can also arise spontaneously in the empty space in which this space is condensed into a compact space spirals. In turn, the surrounding space is stretched and there is gravity.
Arezu Jahanshir Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : BAB
email : aresuj@gmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/753/Arezu,%20Jahanshir
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Super quantum space structure and motion in the ultrarelativistic limit. Principles of quanta and super quantum space
1- Super quantum space has infinite size with limited space and numerous dimensions, but it is homogenous and isotropic space.
2- Super quantum space quanta are moving with ultralight and linear speed.
3- The mass quanta is the minimum mass unites is defined value in this space.
4- The energy quanta or the minimum energy unite is defined value in this space.
5- The charge quanta or the minimum charge unite is defined value in this space.
6- The quanta of super quantum space move just with linear speed. It means the quanta move without any kind (spin or orbital) of motions.
J. Jakiel Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified time analysis of photon and nonrelativistic particle tunneling
Peter Jakubowski Category : Critics 1990 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v3 i3 p281 1990, Luminiferous Ether Revived Naturics Best optimized One-Electron Wave-Functions How little mathematics can replace reality is perhaps best illustrated by the way in which the concept of the ether has stolen back into modern physics. Discredited two generations ago because of the persistent failure of attempts to detect it, the ether was replaced by the vacuum, and its demise became the much talked about symbol of the advent of an entirely new era in physics. Before long, however, modern physics began to embellish space, which the departure of ether allegedly left totally empty, with properties disguised in mathematical nomenclature. In quantum electrodynamics today, the vacuous space, or the mere emptiness, is the seat of zero-point oscillations of the electromagnetic field, of the zero-point fluctuations of the electric charge, and of several even more recondite "properties". It is in the fact this reinstatement of the ether in the modern mathematical framework of physics that best shows how little the physicist can dispense with what are commonly called physico-chemical categories.
X Jal Category : Critics 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.reocities.com/CapeCanaveral/5473
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hubble Trouble. There are 330 million neutrinos, one billion photons, and 0.5 protons per cubic meters of space. All nicely organized within a structured topology of space ref to other relativists QUANTUM MINIMUM LENGTH STRUCTURE -QMLS
Milan Jambrek Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : BOR
email : fett_samuel@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=75&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Replica of Tesla power source by 1930, electrons flow from the pump-earth nucleus attraction, new kinds of capacitors for car drive.
Dilip D. James Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.oocities.org/natureoflight/pgindex (dead!!)
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory based on an aether concept. Electrons within an atom are constantly emitting and re-absorbing "virtual " photons. TOE Electromagnetics ~ Grand Unified Theory Maxwell's original equation : I = i + dD/dt Could be replaced by : I = i = dD/dt ( with the proviso that symbol D = E x electric constant). (Catt, Davidson, Walton) photon is the most fundamental manifestation of electromagnetism forces actually originate in "virtual" interactions. Gravitational force exists due to the presence of "virtual photons" which are constantly being emitted and absorbed by every atom present in a body he gravitational force as manifested makes itself apparent through means of the "virtual photon sea" which permeates the entire Universe. Given that photons are emitted by electrons and that electrons are charged particles, it follows that what the electron may be emitting is electrical energy capacitor like structure, as we have seen, a structure like this results in a solenoidal electromagnetic field.
Lawrence Jamison Category : New Energy 1981 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Jamison Energizer System
Pr. Max Jammer (deceased) Category : History 1960 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Jammer
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Concepts of Simultaneity: From Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond.
Leszek Jamrozik Category : Expanding Earth 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1437
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tension - Gravitational Model of Island Arcs / tectonics, the oceanic spreading is being compensated is an artificial construction much less convincing than the model of spreading.
Pr. Dr. Peter Janich Category : Philosophical 1980 Origin : SAP FRI SCI
email : janich@mailer.uni-marburg.de
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Peter_Janich
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Euclid's heritage: is space three-dimensional? He developed the concept of Protophysics.
John Jankowski Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.angelfire.com/ak5/energy21/adamsmotor.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Joe Flynn's Parallel Path Magnetic Technology. The Adams Active Thermo Electric High Voltage Pulsed DC Permanent Magnet Switched Reluctance Electric Motor.
Asterios Jannussis Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : SCI
email :
web : www.mathem.pub.ro/proc/bsgp-06/0IANNUS.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dirac equation in two dimensions for free particles leads to sumluminal and superluminal velocities. Einstein and the Development of Physics Isotopic and Genotopic Relativistic Theory.
Lajos Janossy Category : Philosophical 1952 Origin : FRI
email :
web : www.ekkehard-friebe.de/kap7.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the physical interpretation of the Lorentz transformation. Theory of relativity based on physical reality.
Maarten Jansen Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : CHI
email : maarten.jansen@ucs.kuleuven.be
web : http://citeseerx.ist.psu.edu/viewdoc/summary?doi=
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Wavelet thresholding for data smoothing.
Y. Japha Category : Superluminal 1996 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996PhRvA..53..586J
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal delays of coherent pulses in nondissipative media: A universal mechanism. This mechanism is shown to be predominantly destructive interference between successive wave-packet components traversing all accessible causally retarded paths. It strongly depends on wave-packet coherence and width, and can cause superluminal traversal not only in evanescent-wave "tunneling" but also in allowed propagation.
Paul Jarbeau Category : Critics 2003 Origin : BAB
email : PaulJarbeau@Hotmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/433/Paul,%20Jarbeau
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz transformation is wrong. Since Lorentz's is wrong then Einstein's theory is deeply flawed.
Pr. Thomas R. Jarboe Category : Cosmology 1992 Origin : SCI
email : jarboe@aa.washington.edu
web : http://www.aa.washington.edu/faculty/jarboe
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Plasma, Big Bang
William S. Jarnagin Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
W. Jim Jastrzebski Category : Religious aspects 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.reocities.com/wlodekj/sci/gravity.htm#force
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Scientific theories are based on false assumptions. Critics of Big Bang
Dr. Dave L. Jauncey Category : Cosmology 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.xs4all.nl/~carlkop/quas.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
I've been observing variable radio sources for thirty years, and I've never seen anything like this -- it is staggering," Dr Jauncey says. "The discovery means there may need to be a major rethink about what quasars are.
Hossein Javadi Category : Relativist 2011 Origin : SCI BAB
email : javadi_hossein@hotmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/67/Hossein,%20Javadi
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Creation Particle Higgs Theory devlpt of chrom theory. Very extensive description of the official paradigm. This model might be called "Creative Particles of Higgs" or CPH theory. Gravitons behave like charge particles and in interaction between gravity and photons, gravitons convert to negative and positive color charges and also magnetic color. These color charges and magnetic color form the electromagnetic energy. Experiment and Violation of Newton's Second Law.
Dr. Rasoul Javahery Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : BAB
email : rjavaheri@ut.ac.ir
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/170/Rasool,%20Javahery
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Existence of Negative Mass Based on Einstein's Energy Equation / A New Explanation of the Quark Causing Binding Energy Between Nucleons in the Nuclide.
D. C. Jay Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BER
email : jaydeecee88@hotmail.com
web : www.commonsensescience.org/explaining_life.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Tiomno Jayme Category : Critics 1985 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1985FoPh...15..945R
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einsteins special relativity versus Lorentz's aether theory. On experiments to detect possible failures of relativity theory. Possible Violations of the Theory of Relativity.
Stephan Jeantet Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : CLI
email : Stephane.Jeantet@wanadoo.fr
web : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/stephane.jeantet/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Energy from MF device L'énergie cinétique du systčme aurait pour cause un phénomčne permanent de perte de masse. Le phénomčne permanent de perte de masse aurait pour cause, l'action permanente d'une force contraire ŕ la gravitation (force hydrostatique), qui est intrinseque au systčme. L'action permanente d'une force contraire a la gravitation aurait pour cause un milieu spécifique ŕ l'émergence d'une telle force.
O. Jedrkiewicz Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spontaneous formation of nonspreading X-shaped wavepackets.
Dr. Stanley Jeffers Category : Philosophical 2007 Origin : SCI
email : stanj@yorku.ca
web : http://www.csicop.org/author/stanleyjeffers
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electrodynamics, Quantum Theory, Experiments. The Princeton Engineering Anomalies Research (PEAR) group is shutting down after some twenty-eight years of searching for proof of the paranormal.
Clark Jeffries Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : PHY
email : clark_jeffries@med.unc.edu
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/full/1996Ap&SS.238..201J
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mechanism of Galactic Rotation. Conservation law from stability of linear waves leading to vector based theory of gravitation. Extra matter at the center of galaxies + disk density is proportional is proportional to 1/r. The use of wave equations and a new Lagrangian to describe gravitational fields lead to an energy tensor which is nonzero outside masses. This theory can be applied to the mechanics of a test particle orbiting a static point mass or a disk mass. Resulting geodesics around disk masses are consistent with some observations of galactic rotation.
Pr. Oleg D. Jefimenko (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SAP GAL FRI CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.tfcbooks.com/mall/more/569emr.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Existence of the second gravitational force field, the "cogravitational, or Heaviside's, field". Causality, Electromagnetic Induction and Gravitation Force Exerted on a Stationary Charge By a Moving Current Loop Gravitational Field of a Point Mass Moving with Uniform Linear or Circular Velocity Derivation of Relativistic Transformations for Gravitational Fields from Retarded Field Integrals. The Nature of Electromagnetic Induction analogy between grav and electr.
Seadin Jelovac Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : seadin@gmx.de
web : http://teorijarelativnosti1905naucnaprevara.blogger.ba/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
THERE IS A LIE, LIE BIGGER, BIGGEST LIE and relativity theory.
Sky Jelsma Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : sjelsma@msn.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1631
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy various realms of alternative physics.
Dr. Ravi Jenkal Category : Nothing found 2006 Origin : BER
email : rsjenkal@ncsu.edu
web : http://www.ece.ncsu.edu/muse/group_members/rsjenkal/resume/Ravi_CV.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Jere H. Jenkins Category : Experiment 2006 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/XperDecRat.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance.
John Jenkins (deceased) Category : History 2008 Origin : BER
email :
web : http://www.platinum.matthey.com/uploaded_files/PMR%20Summary/pmrsummaryoctober2008.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Albert Einstein: Rebel Lives
Pr. Roger C. Jennison (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.relativity.me/RART.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Phase-locked Cavities, Toroidal Ring, Nuclear Structure.
Pr. Eric L. N. Jensen Category : Cosmology 2003 Origin : BER
email : ejensen1@swarthmore.edu
web : http://www.einsteinzone.com/index.cgi?page=brainy-link
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Teaching Einstein's relativity as teaching Picasso's paintings ??? (search for the errors JdC comment)
Henrik Jeldtoft Jensen Category : Philosophical 2008 Origin : BAB
email : ejensen1@swarthmore.edu
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/339/Henrik%20J.,%20Jensen
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mathematics and Painting
Jerry W. Jensen Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://jean.moretbailly.free.fr/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Propagation of electromagetic waves in space plasma. Supernovae Light Curves: an Argument for a New Distance Modulus
Paul Raymond Jensen Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1518
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Examination and Analysis of the Series Resonant LC Circuit. The Unidirectional Transformer.
U. D. Jentschura Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Symmetries of the Tachyonic Dirac Equation. Claim to find real-energy solutions to their proposed tachyonic generalisation of the Dirac equation which approximate solutions of the ordinary Weyl equation and could thus be considered neutrinos.
Dr. Eue Jin Jeong Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : ARX COR ENG
email : ejeong1@gmail.com
web : http://www.dipoleantigravity.blogspot.com/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dipole Anti-Gravity question of the efficacy of the conventional approach of finding a suitable metric for general relativity is at all meaningful, because for a given metric, the form of the source is supposed to remain fixed. General relativity didn't provide answers to the mechanics of the rotating massive stars which is directly related to the jets and the dark matter problems and their related structures.
Jacky Jerome Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mass and Gravitation. Attempts to explain neutrino superluminality in terms of a universal theory in which mass is a special kind of closed volume. (The theory is actually related to certain interpretations of general relativity with torsion, but includes enough novel features that I have put it in this category.)
Richard Jesch Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CHI SCI
email : rdjesch@mindspring.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Richard_Jesch
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mass is a property of a physical object which is the source of an interaction with another object which also possesses mass whereby the two objects both influence each other by a force of attraction in a straight line from the center of one to the center of the other. The force is exactly equal on each object and propagates in a finite amount of time. The magnitude of the force is directly proportional to the total amount of mass in the system and inversely proportional to the square of the distance. There is no limit to it's range.
Knud Jespersen Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : ACE
email :
web : http://www.transformingdragons.com/newsletter/newsletter12_07.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Rolltech, engineer, design and manufacture of water-as-a-fuel devices Brown's Gas welding flame would reduce the radioactivity of some radioactive materials. This claim has been verified by scientific tests conducted by Knud Jespersen of Infinite Energy.
Pr. Dr. Christopher G. Jesudason Category : Critics 1998 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 i1 p6, Heisenberg theory is necessarily discontinuous by its construction, whereas Schrödinger's work uses continuous variables.
Don L. Jewett Category : Expanding Earth 2012 Origin : SCI
email : don.jewett@ucsf.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Don_Jewett
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hao Ji Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Huan Ji Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : CLI
email : pantheory.org@gmail.com
web : http://pantheory.org/PDFs/PanTheory.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing gravity see Forest Noble
Pr. Chun-Xuan Jiang Category : Critics 2008 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://wikibin.org/articles/jiang-chun-Xuan.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Szemeredi Theorem is false disproved the Riemann Hypothesis, and proved Fermat's
Xing Liu Jiang Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SCI
email : jiangxl@buaa.edu.cn
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1503
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Cold Fusion Torsion Field Effect and Zero-Point Energy in Electrical Discharge Systems. Vortex Dynamics and Exploiting Energy from the Vacuum. Casimir Effect with Vortex Filaments and Quasar Spiral Model.
Xiao Jianhua Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dr. Liu Jian-Miin Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/find/all/1/all:+AND+Jian-Miin+Liu/0/1/0/all/0/1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special relativity is not an ultimate theory; Some modification is needed; Any modification must not violate the constancy of the light speed and the local Lorentz invariance; It seems that we have to change the assumption on local structures of gravity-free space and time in special relativity, Modified Hubble law, the time-varying Hubble parameter and the problem of dark energy.
Dr. Wu Jianxun Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Unification
Bruce B. Jimerson Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : CLI
email :
web : ftp://kingmont.com/gravity/NEW%20Chapter%20I.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial Expansion as the enabling functionality that spawns gravity and inertia. In this cosmology, Space is the modus operandi, and matter is passive. Gravity is a consequence of cosmological expansion.
Shang-Xian Jin Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1442
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion High-Density Charge Cluster Collective Ion Accelerator Low-Energy Nuclear Reactions and High-Density Charge Clusters Characteristics of High-Density Charge Clusters: A Theoretical Model.
Zhou Ji-Shan Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/262/Zhou,%20Ji-Shan
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Expurgation of Some Mistakes in the Special Theory of Relativity.
Lu Jizong Category : Superluminal 1987 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Supersymmetric tachyons. Superluminal neutrinos mentioned only because their existence would have implications for photino mass.
Pr. Tor Aase Johannessen Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : tor.johannessen@nhh.no
web : http://www.nhh.no/en/research---faculty/department-of-strategy-and-management/sol/cv/johannessen,-tor-aase.asp
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Lars Johansson Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SCI
email : lars.johansson@newphys.se
web : http://www.newphys.se/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Longitudinal Ampere stress Force, Vortex Theory, Schauberger
Carl Johnson Category : Critics 2007 Origin : BAB
email : Cjcj9876@earthlink.net
web : http://mb-soft.com/public2/twinspar.html
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/635
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Twins Paradox of Relativity is Absolutely Wrong. Neutrons does not exists in nuclei.
Charles William Johnson Category : Critics 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Charles_Johnson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Elemental Triplicity. The author examines patterns of symmetry that appear among paired elements on the periodic table.
Don Johnson Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL SCI
email : sojohn@redshift.com
web : http://home.comcast.net/~adring/Johnson.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Transverse Emission and Propagation of Light from Moving Sources. Sir Oliver Lodge offered some intriguing insights on the subject of stellar aberration.
Duane C. Johnson Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : PEA
email : redrok@redrok.com
web : http://www.redrok.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Pr. Gary L. Johnson Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI QUA ENG
email : gjohnson@ksu.edu
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_5_7.html
web : http://www.scribd.com/doc/2964998/BookTheSearchForNewEn
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Free energy explosions by electricity inn water. Renewable Energy and Tesla Coil Page our present understanding of physical reality is incomplete at best and seriously flawed at worst.
George Johnson Category : Cosmology 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.scientificamerican.com/article.cfm?id=the-inelegant-universe
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Inelegant Universe. Two new books argue that it is time for string theory to give way.
Innes Johnson Category : Cosmology 2003 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://home.cogeco.ca/~djohnson325/hij/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Simple Euclidian Universe. Predicting that standing waves are formed by the same cohesive force that exists in the cosmological red shift is irresponsible speculation, but the classic simplicity it provides seems too innovative to discard it out of hand.
James A. Johnson Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : jj0hns0n42@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/James_Johnson
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Essential Guide to the Electric Universe
Linda Johnson Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : ENG
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_10_3.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Spherical torus experiment (nuclear fusion)
Mike Johnson Category : Relativist 1998 Origin : SCI CHI
email : mikejohnson@cox.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=130
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
This model suggests that our quantum quandary may result from the limitations of our senses in interpreting events occurring in a higher dimensional reality.
Robert Bowie Jr. Johnson Category : Religious aspects 2011 Origin : BER
email : rbowiej@comcast.net
web : http://americanloons.blogspot.fr/2011/05/195-robert-bowie-johnson-jr.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
What kind of monster pater teach their children that they're descended from rodents and reptiles? The hierarchy of the NAS has stolen true science; they are sacrificing our children to their atheism, and at the same time, destroying our children's faith in God.
Robert J. Johnson Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : bob.johnson.gsf@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Robert_Johnson
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Evidence for the Anisotropy of the Speed of Light. The Origin of Nodular Flint.
Rory Johnson Category : New Energy 1980 Origin : DFI
email : zap@dnai.com
web : http://www.magneticenergy.org.uk/Rory%20Johnson/Rory%20Johnson%20Gallium-Deuterium%20Fusion%20Magnetic%20Motor
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
The Rory Johnson Gallium-Deuterium Fusion Magnetic Motor
Wes Johnson Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v23 i4, Yin yang universe. Dynamics of the universe are considered the result of cycles of equivalent opposite expressions interacting to create unity. This model can be considered in 11 dimensions.
Willie jr Johnson Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BOR
email : williebo@eohsi.rutgers.edu
web : http://www.meta-synthesis.com/webbook/35_pt/pt_database.php?PT_id=438
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Unified forces Gyroscopic Force Theory Classical Theory on the Unification of Electromagnetism and Gravity all motion even rectilinear is made of some component of angular momentum. Motions and forces related are expressed in terms of angular mometum photon is a 90 out of phase electron. The Gyroscopic Force Theory is a classical unification theory that unifies the four forces of nature through the interaction of spinors or quaternions as units of precession.
John Frank Johnson (deceased) Category : Critics 1991 Origin : SCI SAP FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Back-Common-Sense-Newtons-Laws/dp/1413434053
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A time for renaissance in particles physics particle theory strictly with 19th-century physics (Newton's laws, Maxwell's equations, and thermodynamics). Einsteinian relativity is considered an aberration. Back to Common Sense.
Howard R. Johnson (deceased) Category : New Energy 1979 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.cheniere.org/misc/johnson.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
New Energy. The Secret World of Magnets
Nicu Joica Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : BAB
email : nicujoica@hotmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/352/N.,%20Joica
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether: Is formed by photons (absobed by matter) tied one another with strong elastic links. Fills the visible universe (including the objects with mass). Through it the radiant wave and also all the other electromagnetic waves spread. It's the support of the gravitational force and through it; the mass of the objects manifests itself. Has a very big density. The density = the number of the photons / unity volume. The photons, because they have no mass, they have no inertia. So results the transversal curly (spiral) movement that can spread on long distances and great speed. The ether is partially trained in its movements by the objects. At atomically level the substance is like a racket's net. Same as a tennis racket's net trains the air partially, the objects train the ether partially. 2 worlds matter and anti-matter. The Passage of Time. C + C = C?? The Bluff of the Transverse Doppler Effect: Michelson's Mistake Time Is Not Relative. The photons that are tied up one another with strong elastic links form the ether. Existence of ether can't be denied by the result of Michelson's experiment.
Ari Jokimäki Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : SCI
email : arijmaki@yahoo.com
web : http://forums.nimblebrain.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative Cosmology
Dr. Danson Jones Category : Critics 2007 Origin : GAL SCI
email : jonesd@wcjc.edu
web : http://www.springerlink.com/index/U671546362743N57.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Resolving the Twins Paradox Relativity's Space Contraction: Shortcuts through Hyperspace.
Dr. H. W. Jones Category : New Energy 1984 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1519
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
New Energy Tesla's Influence on World-wide Socio-economic Dynamics Project Insight: A Study of Tesla's Advanced Concepts.
Neville T. Jones Category : Religious aspects 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.nwcreation.net/cosmology.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmology and Gravitation. Creationist Perspectives on Physics, Cosmology or the Big Bang.
Alex Jones (deceased) Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_5_9_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Antigravity. The device Jones brought was a simple gyroscope and it moved forward on Laithwaite's bench with ease. "Alex showed me something I could not explain, so I just had to investigate it. It was sheer curiosity.
William R. (Commander) Jones (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1975 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Jones
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether, Gravity, Pushing Gravity. The ether, composed of tiny high velocity particles (gravitinos), this(?) a(?) space. Gravitinos move in all directions and collide with one another and rebound, like the molecules of a gas. The space between gravitinos is filled with a sub-ether composed of sub-gravitinos, and the space between sub-gravitinos is filled with a sub-sub-ether and so on ad infinitum in translation and spin and interacting at the surface of the elementary particles, Gravitation Based on Dynamic Pushing Converging Stellar Radiations and Reactions Verifying Conservation Laws. The ether, Gravitation and the growth of mass.
Jan Olof Jonson Category : Critics 2003 Origin : SCI SAP CHI
email : jajo8088@student.su.se
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/aArchive.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
New electromagnetic field theory, based upon Coulomb's original force law of Coulomb. Gravity might be able to explain as an electromagnetic effect. Sagnac effect time dilatation, extended in a differential sense when applied to a circular orbit. The Sagnac Effect Explained Using the Special Relativity Theory. The Law of Electromagnetic Induction Proved to be False Using Classical Electrostatics.
Per Jonson (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Per_Jonson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Effort to Explain the Process of Body Formation.
David Jonsson Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : BER ARX
email : jajo8088@student.su.se
web : http://merlib.org/tag/flow
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Elektromagnum Fluid Flow and Temperature Gradients
Pr. Dr. Christian Jooss Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : joos@ump.gwdg.de
web : http://link.aip.org/link/?APCPCS/822/200/1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang; crisis in cosmology
Dr. Pedro M. Jordan Category : Critics 1998 Origin : SCI
email : pedrom.jordan@gmail.com
web : www.auburn.edu/searcde/sessions.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Maxwell, Electrodynamics Some mathematical implications for the static phi-four equation.
M. S. Jorgemanuel Category : Critics 0 Origin : RUS
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/appeal_en.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The theories relativistic and quantum, they have blocked that process for a century due to their paradoxes. The expansion of the scientific culture in the towns claims liquidation of paradoxes.
Kristen Joseph Category : New Energy 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Kristen_Joseph
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Electric Spacecraft Journal, No. 3, pp. 18-23 Antigravity Amperes hypothesis, magnetic monopoles, magneti.
Pr. Brian Josephson Category : Philosophical 2008 Origin : ARX ACE
email : bdj10@cam.ac.uk
web : http://www.tcm.phy.cam.ac.uk/~bdj10/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mind Matter Unification Project, psycho-philo
Dr. N. Joshi Category : Alternative theory 1989 Origin : GAL CHI
email : njoshin10@hotmail.com
web : http://marvinsolit.site.aplus.net/pgs/physics/newphy_rvw_halfox.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
see William Day A NEW PHYSICS Ether. There is a non-material medium through which light waves. Only the force of electricity can disengage its tension. Sagnac effect supports. Electric and gravitational fields by which objects are suspended. Motion is an integral part of the structure. There is a threshold to the stability of the photon, below which it cleaves into opposed configurations that condense on themselves to form self-contained particles with electric charge.1989 1998. Light and matter have unrelated motions. The motion of light consists of waves through the rigid medium and is absolute; the motion of matter is relative, and matter is suspended in the medium by its gravitational fields. Matter in the form of particles condensed from electromagnetism generated in the solid-like medium. Matter, however, did not remain confined to its particulate state. It had within its creation the potential for the evolution of more complex compositions. Atoms formed, combinations and aggregates followed, gravitational systems developed. Self-containing motion spirals in either of two directions and creates the opposed electric fields these motions concentrated in great swirling vortices so concentrated that particles of matter condensed in stupendous numbers and were slung out to give birth to the material world.
Tim Joslin Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explanation of Apparent Superluminal Neutrino Velocity in the Cern-Opera Experiment Argues CMB frame is preferred.
Cliff Joslyn Category : Philosophical 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://wwwc3.lanl.gov/~joslyn/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Turchin Metasystem Transition Theory cybernetic philosophy. Introduced in Turchin's book. The Phenomenon of Science based on the notion of system or whole, creative evolution, and intelligent action.
Iman Joudaki Category : Cosmology 2007 Origin : BAB
email : i.joudaki@gmail.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/357/Iman,%20Joudaki
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Idea Regarding the Expansion of the Universe.
Svetozar Jovićević Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v20 i2, Wave Propagation and Particle Motion Through a Discretely Structured Vacuum. Discrete structure of the vacuum, with the electron - positron pair in a bound state as a basic constituent element, this paper offers a theory of vacuum dispersion.
Pr. Margaret Joyce Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : margaret.joyce@wmich.edu
web : http://www.wmich.edu/pci/faculty/faculty.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dr. Kathleen Joyce (deceased) Category : New Energy 1978 Origin : SCI CHI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Kathleen_Joyce
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Creative Genius of Wilbert B. Smith
Dr. Ralph E. Juergens (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1973 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Ralph_Juergens
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Electric Universe, Velikovsky. Immanuel Velikovsky Reconsidered jpournal
Béla Juhos Category : Philosophical 1968 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0049237X08705068
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Logical Analysis of the relativity principle
Jose Francisco Garcia Julia Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : SCI
email : jose.garcia@dival.es
web : http://vixra.org/author/jose_francisco_garcia_julia
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmological redshift : Loss of energy of the photon with the time by emission of heat to the intergalactic space
Cao Junfeng Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : THE
email : coldpr@pub.sy.ln.cn
web : http://www.emeraldinsight.com/journals.htm?articleid=876049
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Cold Quantum (Counter Gravitation Theory). Cold quantum exists in the all space: the whirlpool produced from the cold quantum pressure pushes moving of celestial body, push produces turn and change, cold freezes the water to ice, there is no other force can do this: Quantum has the spring feature, that's the pressure, when quantum meets with resistance, wave motion phenomena will produce//speed swirl pool around the Sun, this cold quantum swirl pool also pushes the turning movement of Sun and solar system, swirl pool is produced from gathered force, it's also the reflection features of gathered energy. Due to push of Earth's swirl pool, Moon is turning round the Earth. Cold quantum is just a quantum is not a particle
Otto Jung Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : MOC
email : ottojung@online.de
web : http://www.ottojung1.de/
kind of theory : fluid ether DESCARTES kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The universe has it a creator? Space is filled in with an ether whirling around astres this is why MMI but partially only because he measure in fact between 0 and 8 km/s
D. Jungmann Category : Critics 1983 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Contradictions in the theory of relativity
Zhang Junhao Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v10 i1, My theory's first conclusion, is that Einstein's general theory of relativity is not agree with the experiment, this extremely simple inference is indisputable. Error in the Time-Dependent Perturbation Theory of Quantum Mechanics flat space-time. The orbiting gyroscope experiment will be the first to test whether space-time is flat.
Fukai Junichiro Category : Critics 2003 Origin : GAL
email : cfukai@physics.auburn.edu
web : http://www.physics.auburn.edu/content/view/91/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Compatibility of Weber's Force with Maxwell's A changing current in a long solenoid induces a current in an encircling wire loop, even though there is neither a magnetic field nor an electric field at any part of the wire. This mysterious result is commonly explained by the abstract concepts of magnetic flux or the magnetic vector potential A. We show that the correct result can be obtained from more fundamental concepts, viz., Weber's force. How does one reconcile the contradiction between the Biot-Savart/Lorentz force and Newton's third law? Why did Maxwell praise Ampere's work but ignore his force law? What must be added to Wilhelm Weber's incomplete theory of 1848 so that it can predict electromagnetic radiation?
Lee Junqiao Category : Nothing found 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Infinity - mirror to mirror ether theories of the Infinite World.
Wagner Patrick Junqueira de Souza Coelho Nicácio Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : patricknicacio@ufmg.br
web : http://s8int.com/bigbang2.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Johannes Jürgenson Category : Critics 1998 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/lukrativen-L%C3%BCgen-Wissenschaft-Johannes-J%C3%BCrgenson/dp/389478699X
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The lucrative lies of science: how nonsensical ideas are sold as a science
K. Just Category : Relativist 1989 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v2 i4, Hydrodynamics From A Relativistic Lagrangian
Tjipto Juwono Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.sflorg.com/abstracts/pdfs/pdfab110106_01.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unification of Relativity and Quantum Theory: The "Shadows" of four spatial dimensions. quantum or particle properties of mass in terms of integral energies associated with a resonant "structure" formed in space by "oscillations" in a continuous non-quantized form of mass. photon "oscillations" in a continuous non-quantized form of mass caused by a matter wave moving at the velocity of light on a "surface" of a three-dimensional space manifold.
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


R. Kaarli Category : Superluminal 1989 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
"Optical pulse shaping by filters based on spectral hole burning".
Stan Kabacinski Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : Stan.Kabacinski@millersville.edu
web : http://www.poloneum.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Our scientists never seriously discussed the nature of physics itself and base their knowledge and calculations on flawed assumptions.
Alexander Kabobel Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : SCI
email : alexander.kabobel@uni-tuebingen.de
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Alexander_Kabobel
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic Elastic Sphere in its own Gravitational Field
Stefan Kächele Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BOR
email : info@t-spark.de
web : http://www.t-spark.de
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Research, theory and experiments in the fields of ether, FE, and structure of our reality. Focus: K.Fr.v. Reichenbach, E.Cayce, CW.Leadbeater / A.Besant, J.Roberts. Unfortunately the theory of ether is only in german language
Jaroslaw Kaczmarek Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 i4, Speculative Mechanics: A Concept for Modeling the Vacuum Medium the vacuum medium consists of four components, which are united and create a stable medium for low-energy states. It is assumed that some pairs of these components attract each other. For higher energy, some of them can be separated. Then, we obtain two three-component media, which are constituents of the electron and positron.
Wolf Kadavanich Category : New Energy 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New energy
J. Kadeisvili Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.santilli-foundation.org/santilli-scientific-discoveries-1.php
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Santilli insufficiencies of special relativity, insufficiencies of quantum mechanics
Vladimir Kadyshevsky Category : Critics 1999 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1450
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Lorentz Group, Cpt and Neutrinos modify the standard quantum field theory (QFT) in the region of superhigh energies
Dr. Hans Kaegelmann Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/Kaegel.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Prof. Dr. Gottfried Anger, Dr. Paul Wesley, Dr. Hans Kaegelmann. The relativity theory is wrong: What remains of modern physics and falls
Menas Kafatos Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Menas_Kafatos
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Non-locality, Bell's Theorem, Cosmology
Tomas Kafonek Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : MIL
email : Kafonek.T@seznam.cz
web : http://www.mrelativity.net/Papers/15/Kafonek.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Nothing points (nothing really existing) are base stones of our reality; speed more than light's speed
I. I. Kagalnikova Category : Alternative theory 1960 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.angelfire.com/az/BIGBANGisWRONG/RadzKaga/radzkagal.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity. The Nature of Gravitation see Radziyevskiy: Gravitation is a push possibility of Lesage ultracosmic particles are replaced by extremely hard and penetrating electromagnetic wave radiation. If in this case we assume that matter is capable of absorbing only primary radiation and radiates secondary radiation, which still posesses great penetrating power, then the Waschy effect (repulsion of secondary radiation) may be eliminated.* absorbed energy is not transformed into heat, but is reradiated as secondary radiation according to laws which are distinct from the laws of thermal radiation. See Sulaiman
Joseph Kahn Category : New Energy 1969 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
N-Machine (Trombly-Kahn)
Robert Kaiser Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://pubsub.com/2010-Round-14-Wrapup-Jack-Newman-AFL-Round-Wrapup-2010-round-14-2Hb0WGGGpXkS
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy
V. I. Kaitanov Category : Critics 1999 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0038-5670/33/4/B10
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
What we can learn from "The Myths of Relativity Theory"
Dr. Alex Kaivarainen Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : THE
email : H2o@karelia.ru
web : http://www.karelia.ru/~alexk/new_articles/index.html
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified Theory bivacuum dynamic superfluid matrix, non mixing sub-quantum particles opposite energies separated by energy gap. Computerized Verification of New Hierarchic Theory of Condensed Matter on Examples of Water & Ice: by is a new quantum hierarchical theory for solids and liquids which is verified by computer simulation. Bivacuum, as a Matrix for Matter, Fields & Time Origination: a unified theory
Józef Kajfosz Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : SCI
email : kajfosz@ghnet.pl
web : http://www.heureka.nd.pl/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Alternative Model of Particle Composition and Interactions.
Pr. Subhash C. Kak Category : Religious aspects 1986 Origin : MOU
email : kak@ece.lsu.edu
web : http://www.ece.lsu.edu/kak/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Indian Physics: Outline of Early [Vedic] History. The Nature of Physical Reality
Michio Kaku Category : Alternative theory 1994 Origin : CLI
email : kaku@sci.ccny.cuny.edu ; mkaku@aol.com
web : http://mkaku.org/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hyperspace Grand Unified Theory (GUT) that combines quantum physics and general gravity is so important for any future developments in the physical sciences. The author himself is a proponent of Superstring Theory (one of the candidates for a GUT)
Dr. Temur Z. Kalanov Category : Critics 2002 Origin : SAP BAB
email : t.z.kalanov@mail.ru
web : http://www.mrelativity.net/Papers/2/Kalanov.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Critical Analysis of Special Relativity basis includes the essential logical errors. They are irrefutable proof of incorrectness of the generally accepted theory. Theory Quantum Mechanics: The Fruit of Immature Reflections
Lefteris A. Kaliambos Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1461
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Impact of Maxwell's Equation of Displacement Current on Electromagnetic Laws and Comparison of the Maxwellian Waves With our Model of Dipolic Particles
S. Kalimuthu Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : BAB
email : mahabrahmam@yahoo.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/142/S.,%20Kalimuthu
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
A simple experimental verification for Einstein's variance of mass with velocity equation A Great Battle in Spherical Geometry generate power from space-gravitons. Space-gravitons is our new terminology like Einstein's space-time. This technology needs no raw materials at all. Only a device is to be made. And this is easy and cheap. This machine receives energy from space and transforms into electric power
A. A. Kalinin Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/MagIndex.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnet motor
Dr. Oleg M. Kalinin Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/MagIndex.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Hydrogen helium energy on the base of laminated silicates and Tectosilicates
Kalle Kalle Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : kalle@camelot.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Gravitation, Schauberger, Vortex.
William M. Kallfelz Category : Philosophical 2009 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/s/William%20M.%20Kallfelz
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Process ontology provides a more unified characterization of ontological and dynamical emergence. The Radiation Continuum Model of Light and the Galilean Invariance of Maxwell=s Equations radiation continuum model (RCM) of electromagnetic radiation is developed. On the basis of this model, a Galilean invariant form of Maxwell's equation if obtained. Equations for transverse and radial Doppler shift are derived. An analysis of the force on a moving charge above a neutral current carrying wire is provided from varying reference frames without reporting to SRT or Lorentz transformations. An application to particle accelerators explains the apparent mass increase with velocity (see Renshaw)
Ravil Kalmykov Category : Critics 2007 Origin : BAB
email : ravil8@yandex.ru
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/108/Ravil,%20Kalmykov
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ring Determinism and Probabilism Lorentz transformations contradict an objective. Methodological interdiction Relativity of Simultaneity Versus Other Relativistic Effectsview
I. B. Kalugin Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Who Needs the Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion?
Friedrich Kambartel Category : Critics 1965 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philsem.unibas.ch/seminar/personen/krebs/schriften-kambartel/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Science theory as a critique of science
Josip Kamber Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : BOR
email : CAFE.RUMP@T-Online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Nikola Tesla - Nachfolge, F.E. Theorie und Praxis, F.E. Maschinenbau, Project OMICRON, Wahrheit
Kamen George Kamenov Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SCI
email : gkkamenov@yahoo.com
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Kamen-George-Kamenov/e/B004M5UCYI
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space, Time and Matter, and the Falsity of Einstein's Theory of Relativity
Ernst Kammerer (deceased) Category : Critics 1981 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : the Debate on Quantum Theory
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Kant kontra Einstein special relativity versus Lorentz's aether theory How wrong is the theory of relativity?
Pr. Philipp M. Kanarev Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : SCI SAP GAL RAP CHI
email : kanphil@mail.ru
web : http://Kanarev.innoplaza.net
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
A new axiom of space - matter - time unity will play the same role in science as the Euclidean axioms play now. Analysis of the Einstein. SERT reviewed thru AUSMT clearly and indisputably shows it to be invalid. Connects inertial reference systems with the geometrical center of the individual moving photon when that center of mass is not at rest relative to such reference systems. A Non-Einsteinian Equivalence Principle. The radius of the photon's rotation found to be equal to the length of its wave. This led to one of the primary aspects of Planck's constant, this theory proved to be unified for the photon and the electron. Model of the Electron. + a theory for the structure of atoms. + a proposition for the characterization of the Planck constant as a physical constant looks at m×l as a new constant. The relativistic mathematical model, which originates from the Lorentz transformations, has nothing to do with the Doppler Effect. Photon emission theory. Its speed is related to the emitor.
Zeng Kangyi Category : Critics 1995 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Not only proposed the challenge to the Newtonian mechanics, the theory of relativity, the quantum mechanics, demonstrated the matter motions widespread unification in many aspects such as space-time, matter, energy, field of force and the like, established one kind of universal law system for the matter motion, proved existence of the superluminal movement, predicted the elementary particles in-depth structure and so on; Moreover proposed the new mathematics theory ─ functional changed calculous theory
Wallace Kantor Category : Experiment 1962 Origin : SAP FRI CHI
email :
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/josa/abstract.cfm?uri=josa-52-9-978
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz Transformations Reconsidered Einstein's theory of relativity should be called a theory of absolutivity. Direct First-Order Experiment on the Propagation of Light from a Moving Source. The result does accord qualitatively with expectation based on a description in which the relative speed of light is dependent on the uniform motion of the source.
Stephen Kaplan Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SCI
email : skaplan@newenergymovement.org
web : http://www.newconnexion.net/kaplan/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy
Pr. R. O. Kapp Category : Critics 1963 Origin : FRI
email :
web : www.jstor.org/stable/685819
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The clock paradox
Pr. Edward, H. Kapuscik Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SAP GAL CHI PHY
email : sfkapusc@cyf-kr.edu.pl
web : http://merlin.fic.uni.lodz.pl/EKapuscik/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Does Light Move Uniformly? A Non-Einsteinian Equivalence Principle Physics without physical constants. Discrete models of space time.
Roman B. Kapustiy Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal Neutrino Phenomenon as a Result of the Equivalence Principle Violation
Kulesh Chandra Kar (deceased) Category : History 1972 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1846
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Indian Journal of Theoretical Physics
Pr. Mehmet Kara Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.mehmetkara.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Oleg V. Karagioz Category : Experiment 2001 Origin : CLI
email : Mgershteyn@Aol.comI
web : http://www.attractiveuniverse.com/theory.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Detected G anisotropy by two independent methods. Measurements show that the level of G anisotropy is not less than 0.054 %. Experimental evidence that the gravitational constant varies with orientation.
Pavel Karavdin Category : Critics 1994 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V00NO20PDF/NR20ISS.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics science on logic either or not both. The Truth is Always Concrete.
V. V. Karbanovski Category : Critics 2008 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://th-www.if.uj.edu.pl/acta/vol40/pdf/v40p0207.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Remarks on de Carvalho Lorentz-Transformation. Remarks on SRT. Lorentz Contraction cannot be a Real Phenomenon a vacuum solution for the cosmological model bianchi i in the conformal poincaré-gauge theory of gravitation.
Hamid Reza Karimi Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explaining How and Why the Muon Neutrinos Flow Faster than the Speed of Light in the Opera Neutrino Experiment. Argues that existence of a minimum length can explain superluminal particles.
Zavacki Karlo Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/ufonet/message/3079
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Universal Correlation Theory of Universe.
Bjřrn Ursin Karlsen Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : MOU ARX
email : ukarlsen@online.no
web : http://home.online.no/~ukarlsen/
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Model of Matter in an Elastic Medium homogeneous, isotropic, elastic, and inert continuum filling up all space matter in the form of confined disturbance energy in an expanding spatial continuum obeying Navier's equation of motion.
R. Karlsen Category : Relativist 1989 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v2 i4, Hydrodynamics from a Relativistic Lagrangian
Ingvar Karlsson Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : DUF
email : editor@newphys.se
web : http://www.newphys.se/fnysik/2_1/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Overview and summary of the free energy research up to 1995
Sanjit Karmakar Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : sanjitk1@umbc.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Sanjit_Karmakar
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Sergey Karpov Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Markus Karsten Category : History 2004 Origin : DUF
email : contact@karstenmarkus.de
web : http://www.karstenmarkus.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Jacques Kartzeff Category : Alternative theory 1964 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
TOE ether: medium perfect fluid; particles are elastic holes acting by contact, their volume depends upon pressure of ether depending upon the distance to the center of bodies.
V. Kashuba Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
The Antigravitation Force in the Balanced Rotating System
Nikolai Petrovich Kasterin Category : Philosophical 1977 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism
G. Kasyanov Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Phenomenon of electric current rotation in nonlinear electric systems. Comment on the Violation of the law of charge conservation in the system. New Energy Technologies Vol. 2 Nş 21, pp. 28-30.
M. O. Katanaev Category : Relativist 2004 Origin : IMP
email : Katanaev@mi.ras.ru
web : http://www.mathnet.ru/php/seminars.phtml?option_lang=eng&presentid=91
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Global solutions in gravity
Bahram Katirai (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.bahramkatirai.com
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Re-establish above all is the existence of ether, "Revolution in Physics" explains how the magnetic force is created from the current of ether. It reasons that the flow of ether has some characteristics similar to the flow of air. As the flow of air can create forces of pressure and suction, similarly the flow of ether creates the magnetic forces of attraction and repulsion. Unlike the pressure of air which can be felt on the surface of our skin, ether pressure, (the magnetic force) can not be felt on the surface of the skin because ether particles are so small that they pass through our bodies without exerting noticeable pressure. The nuclei of atoms spin, and that their spin in ether creates the force of gravity. All three forces of nature, namely the electric, magnetic and gravitational forces, result from the flow of ether. The spin of an electron in ether creates what we call the electric field.
Dr. Alex Katsman Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.cfpf.org.uk/articles/rdp/katsman/ph-m-model.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The ethereal world is real and independent of our minds; It exists in our "SPACE" and in our "TIME"; collisions and the exchange of energy between them cause the creation of a neuron-like structure paranormal world.
Dr. Alex Katsman Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.cfpf.org.uk/articles/rdp/katsman/ph-m-model.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The ethereal world has the wave (field) nature; Ethereal bodies have a complex internal structure and consist of small elementary wave-particles; The geometrical sizes and energy values of etheric bodies are of the same order as ones in our part of the universe; The ethereal world is usually invisible for us and for our devices.According to Pearson's theory, all energy in the universe is kinetic, and particles which have a non-zero rest mass consist of photon-like (or neutrino-like) particles with zero rest mass moving at the speed of light. The same conclusion was made by G. Shipov who developed the theory of the physical vacuum /structure of a photon. A photon is a moving wave package consisting of N harmonic waves with close wavelengths, in a narrow interval of ?1 to ?N, with amplitudes A1, with total energy e. Photons move at a constant velocity named the speed of light, c. This speed depends upon the properties of the medium in which the photon moves. For a given speed, c, the corresponding frequencies of wave harmonics can be found.
Karl-Heinrich Katthage Category : Critics 1979 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.giovanniannuzzo.it/public%5CPROTOPHYSIK.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Proto physics and relativity theory. The uniqueness of the contribution to the discussion of the uniqueness problem in proto physics of space.
Dr. Marvin C. Katz Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : drmk1@rcn.com
web : http://www.hartmaninstitute.org/BooksandPublications.aspx
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dave Kauble Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.think-aboutit.com/ufo/antigravity_antimatter.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Delta UFO
Pr. Dr. Edgar Kaucher Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : SCI
email : edgar.kaucher@math.uka.de
web : http://www.math.kit.edu/ianm2/~kaucher/
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Emission Theory
Pr. Stuart A. Kauffman Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/bios/kauffman.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Possible Solution to the Problem of Time in Quantum Cosmology
Steven E. Kaufman Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : CLI
email : skaufman@unifiedreality.com
web : http://www.unifiedreality.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reality is a state of existential self-relation. Unified Reality Theory explaining both the physical and nonphysical aspects of existence. Based upon Tao concepts with levels made up of complementary objects instead of the materialist dialectic view involving opposition between contrary objects.
Dirk Kautenberger Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : BOR
email : webmaster@mindprint-coding.de
web : http://www.alle24.de/archiv/2897.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation, Magnetismus, Geometrie, Resonanz, Physik, Kosmologie.
Teruo Kawai Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Kawai Motor Motive Power Generating Device," U.S. Patent No. 5,436,518; issued July 25, 1995. Filed June 17, 1993
Rodney Kawecki Category : Superluminal 2010 Origin : BAB
email : rodneykawecki@gmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/1324
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
"The supertellic electromagnetic-gravitational universe technology theory" Time-Space Travel Equation Quantum Light Speed Hypothesis Dirac's work on anti-particle behavior at this time show that what is called THE DIRAC SEA equations act relative to the effects of an external force as Albert Einstein's work on relativity and light speed doctrine. This external force of gravitation. The Dirac Sea scheme that the vacuum is empty of positive-energy electrons assumes to be correct allowing the resolution to a cosmic solar wind activity and sound effect in space but he also claims that the Interstellar space field is filled with an ocean of negative electrons.
Wu Chi Kay Category : Cosmology 2001 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://glory2006.com/content.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Workable Cosmology
Polat Kaya Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : PHY
email : alft@on.infoshare.ca
web : http://www.polatkaya.net/EMSpaceSummary.html
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v10 i2, June 1997, Em-Space and Renewal-at-pi Cosmology space as being made up of energy and therefore, having a corresponding mass to it. The term "em-space" is used to denote this "energy-mass" gravity exists as a universal force/creation of virtual pairs as observed under vacuum conditions of space/ em-space behaves like the interior of a giant even-temperatured oven where the measured isotropic CBR is the blackbody radiation of the fabric of em-space itself. This is contrary to the assumption of the Big Bang theory/ oscillatory in nature - expanding and contracting over a very large period of time / gravity is an inherent quality of em-space, starting from a value of zero when em-space is created / Em-space, with its huge "mass", is the controlling agent of a universe that continuously emerges from a singularity, expands, contracts and finally re-emerges again. Our present universe, which consists of em-space and the embedded matter universe, is only one cycle of this periodic system.
Janne Kayra Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BER
email : janne.kayra@gmail.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
James Keele Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI GAL
email : jkeele9@newmexico.com
web : http://cybermesa.com/~jkeele9/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified Quantization of Magnetic Flux in the Vortex Sponge. The Aharonov-Bohm Phase Shift Related to Strain in the Vertex Sponge. Theoretical Derivation of Ampere's Law. Energy Storage in Inductors and Ampere's Law. Mass Changes and Potential Energy Changes. Unified Energy Storage in Inductors and Ampere's Law. A Conjecture Regarding Changes in Dimensions of Bodies. Moving through the Ether Hydrodynamic Interpretation of Maxwell=s Equations and the Lorentz Gauge Electromagnetic Transport of Energy and Momentum in the Vortex Sponge Correspondence: Rotational Elasticity in the Vortex Sponge. The Mechanics of Faraday's Law in the Vortex Sponge. A Different Approach on Elementary Particles.
David Keely Category : Nothing found 2008 Origin : PAC
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
It's a Musical Universe! By studying the physics of vibration we will be enabled to see beyond material matter (effects) and into the very nature of the causative Forces of Nature.
John Ernst Worrell Keely (deceased) Category : New Energy 1884 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Keely Motor (Hydro - Vacuo Engine) exceptionnally maintained in the list.
Alex Kehagias Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic Superluminal Neutrinos
Webster Kehr Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : MOU ARX BAB
email : cancertutor@yahoo.com
web : http://www.teslaphysics.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether drag around earth. The Detection of the Ether. Ether is the cause of every magnetic field. Electricity could not exist without ether. Ether is the medium for every electromagnetic wave, from radio waves to gamma rays. Every particle in the universe is bathed in a sea of ether, including the orbiting electrons of atoms and plasma (I am sure there is a very interesting relationship between ether and plasma. Ether also contains a massive amount of energy. Continuum Hypothesis Solution.
Leonid G. Keidik Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.commonsensescience.org/pdf/articles/electron_wave_function_fos_v8n3.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Schrodinger's Errors of Principle: Shrödinger's wave mechanics, now a fundamental part of quantum theory, does not allow for an interpretation of wave-functions as physical waves due to the contradiction a spreading wave-packet presents to mass conservation. On a fundamental level, the contradiction originates in the difference between phase velocity and group velocity of de Broglie waves Galilean Electrodynamics 16 (3) 51-56 (May/June 2005).
Yuri Keilman Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BAB PHY SCI
email : altsci1@gmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/172/Yuri,%20Keilman
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Breakdown of the Principle of Relativity. Physical Reality is unique and can be described by numbers which are unique by definition / Dummy Waves Are Responsible for Gravity. Unfortunate Relativity. The Concept of "Mass" in Extended Classical ElectroDynamics (ECED) the electromagnetic field has to be continuous on the boundary of the particle.
Joseph Keindl Category : Expanding Earth 1940 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1559
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth: smaller earth covered with a single sialic continent with a super-dense metastable core.
Jens Keine Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : BOR
email : jens_petzold@gmx.net
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Renewable Energy: Direct conversion of thermal energy into electric energy by means of thermocouple.
Don Keiser Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : ENG
email : poolshooter1@atlanticbb.net
web : http://www.reocities.com/MotorCity/Garage/7667/invention.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Superefficient engine
Joseph C. Keller Category : Cosmology 2009 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://metaresearch.org/msgboard/topic.asp?TOPIC_ID=770&whichpage=39
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Astronomy, no details adept of Tom Van Flandern
Tobias Keller Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : keller@erdw.ethz.ch
web : http://www.asgard.ethz.ch/projects/current.phtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Geophysical Fluid Dynamics
C. Kellum Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email : c.kellum@verizon.ne
web : http://aias.us/documents/DeviceDev/DvcprA.pdf
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity.
Donald A. Kelly Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : SAP QUA SCI ARX ACE
email : spaceenergy@earthlink.net
web : http://www.world-famous.com/DonKelly.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Free Energy, Anti-Gravity and Falling Motors Electromagnetic Antigravity Drop Tests paranormal.
Michael J. Kelly Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.bookfinder.com/author/michael-j-kelly/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Did Einstein Get it Wrong? New theory a not too distant geo-magnetic reversal has catastrophic consequences.
Patrick J. Kelly Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : SCI
email : engpjk@yahoo.co.uk
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
New Energy Practical Guide to Free-Energy Devices.
Dr. Alphonsus G. Kelly (deceased) Category : Critics 1996 Origin : BAR SAP SCI
email :
web : http://www.cartesio-episteme.net/H&KPaper.htm
web : http://anti-relativity.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hafele & Keating tests; Did They Prove Anything? (cesium clocks transported in aeroplanes). An annihilating critique of HK experiment.
Questioning Einstein's Relativity. Theories the location of the missing dark matter, the Sagnac effect and uniform motion. Experiments on Unipolar Induction, relative motion of conductors and magnets are described. In contrast with the currently accepted interpretation, it is shown that the field of a magnet rotates with the magnet about its north-south axis. Relating to light motion and aether theory. He concludes that aether moves along with the earth in its orbit, but does not rotate daily with the earth.
Dr. Edward M. Kelly (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1963 Origin : SAP CHI
email :
web : http://ajp.aapt.org/resource/1/ajpias/v31/i10/p785_s1?isAuthorized=no
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Quantum Nature of a Twisted Vortex. Mass Increase with Speed. Big Bang or Full Stop? Quantization of Magnetic Flux in the Vortex Sponge. The Aharonov-Bohm Phase Shift Related to Strain in the Vertex Sponge. Vacuum electromagnetics derived exclusively from the properties of An ideal fluid. Maxwell's Equations as Properties of the Vortex Sponge.
Scott C. Kelsey Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email : Kelsey6@live.missouristate.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Scott_Kelsey
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
DNA repair techniques and the effects of extremely low frequency electromagnetic resonance on telomeric regions of fibroblastic primary cell lines in vitro.
Todd Matthews Kelso (deceased) Category : Critics 2005 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/391/Todd%20Matthews,%20Kelso%28Deceased%29
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic "thinking" involves a lack of understanding of the difference between abstract mathematical structures such as space and time and physical objects such as sheets of rubber and pools of water. Variable mass. Ancient, Traditional and Common Sense Notions of Space and Time.
Paul Kemble Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://www.angelfire.com/sd/paulkemble/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free Energy
David Leslie Kemp Category : Relativist 2008 Origin : CLI
email : davidlkemp@yahoo.com
web : http://www.geocities.ws/spacetimeexercises/index-2.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity, Space-Time Emotional Exercises.
Robert L. Kemp Category : History 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.superprincipia.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Super Principia Mathematica: The Rage to Master Conceptual & Mathematica Physics - The First Law of Motion (Inertial Motion)
Jaroslaw Kempczynski Category : Critics 1993 Origin : SAP GAL CHI
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p536-539 1993, Does Light Move Uniformly? A relativity theory with both an invariant acceleration and an invariant velocity of light is possible. A Non-Einsteinian Equivalence Principle a new concept of mass connected with the Galilean transformation rules of momentum and energy. We show that the Galilean mass does not need to be equal to the inertial mass of a body.
Alan U. Kennington Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email : auk157@001.topology.org
web : http://www.topology.org/sci/grav.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In the "shadow" theories of gravity, the reason you feel a gravitational pull towards the Earth is because you have a lot of gravity particles raining down on you from the sky, but the particles which come to you through the Earth are thinned out by interaction with the Earth. Therefore you feel a net push down on to the Earth because the Earth is shadowing you from gravity particles. "consciousness subsystem" of the universe should have a reciprocal effect on the "mechanical subsystem" which obeys the laws of physics. Similarly, the fact that quantum mechanics can not be applied to whole systems but require external observors is an extremely serious hole in physics.
Joseph W. Kenny Category : Critics 1998 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/kap7.pd
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Michelson-Morley's Ether Wind, Galilean electrodynamics. 9. 1998, Nr.1, S. 18-19
Dr. Richmond Kent (deceased) Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
No detail found
Dr. Keith E. Kenyon Category : New Energy 1976 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electrical motor with few electyric energy
Kern E. Kenyon Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email : kernken@aol.com
web : http://physicsessays.org/toc/phes/24/1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Equilibrium and Perturbed Forms of a Rotating Self-Gravitating Mass/ Kepler's three laws are derived from a force balance without the assistance of either conservation of angular momentum or energy.
Neil H. Kenyon Category : Expanding Earth 1980 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_16.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Max Keon Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : ARX
email : mkeon@ozemail.com.au
web : http://members.optusnet.com.au/maxkeon/zerorign.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Logical Development from Zero Origin dual existence concept over past and future. The present is an instantaneous event throughout the entire universe.
Dr. Norberto R. Keppe Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.keppemotor.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Concepts of Physics (as well as biology and psychology) are completely inverted and are actually leading scientists away from an understanding of the nature of reality. The Keppe Motor is a new technology for electric motors with a focus on energy saving, which uses the principle of resonance, based on the grounds described in the book "The New Physics of Metaphysics Desinvertida" the Brazilian scientist Dr. Norberto Keppe, which significantly reduces the use of electricity.
Rolf Keppler Category : Cosmology 2007 Origin : BOR
email : rkeppler@n.zgs.de
web : http://www.rolf-keppler.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cellular cosmogony we live on the inside surface of a hollow sphere free energy
Harald Kern Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : kern@ubc-freiburg.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Neue Energie, Freie Energie
Johann Kern Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : SCI
email : johann.kern@uzhe.net
web : http://bourabai.narod.ru/kern/index.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nuclear Structure, Aether, Cosmology. Electron and protron in electrostatics in the manner of source and sewer, existance of generating electric flow (the ether) is proven and its characteristics are defined. The attitude of "electric" and "gravitational" forces turns out to be hanging from gravitons radius. All forces of Nature have the general base.
Natasha Kern Category : Nothing found 2008 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/354/Natasha,%20Kern
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Robert A. Kerr Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : SCI SAP GAL CHI
email : raakerr@yahoo.com
web : http://www.physical-congress.spb.ru/english/kerr/kerr.asp
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Compression versus attarction. Travel of light and all electromagnetic phenomena can only be explained by fluid behavior. Space must be an invisible fluid. Spatial fluid pressure is exerted by photons. It is quantitated by absolute temperature. Temperature is the reciprocal of the coefficient of volumetric thermal expansion. Spatial mass concentrations are regenerative because they interfere with and radially organize random particle energy. Spatial fluid mass concentrations are the source of Thermodynamic Entropy. Accumulation of mass reduces available surface area within the mass concentration which initiates electromagnetic radiation emission.
Mehran T. Keshe Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.keshe-space.com/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In this book nuclear engineer Mehran Keshe discloses in a very logical way that the initial fundamental building blocks of the universe find their origin in a cosmic magnetic soup that contains an uncountable number of magnetic fields of different strengths. In this soup magnetic fields of similar or equal strength can meet, interact and entangle into larger dynamic spherical packs. The interaction between different dynamic packs leads to the creation of Gravitational and Magnetic field effects and properties in their given environments. Due to the differences in their magnetic field strength, each spherical pack will possess a different strength, which each magnetic field strength will be in the order of magnitude of the three basic types of Matters (Dark Matter, Antimatter and Matter :)
Dr. G. H. Keswani Category : History 2006 Origin : SAP FRI IMP SCI
email : Keswani@somaiya.com
web : http://books.google.fr/books?id=vuTXBPvswOwC&pg=PA153&lpg=PA153&dq=%22G.H.+Keswani%22&source=bl&ots=zgj1SsVLRw
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Origin and concept of relativity. Concept of simultaneity from Antiquity to Einstein and Beyond.
Jim Kettner Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : QUA
email : spaceenergy@earthlink.net
web : http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1234848/posts
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free Energy
C. Roy Keys Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP CHI
email : apeiron@vif.com
web : https://www.researchgate.net/publication/2934637_C._Roy_Keys_Inc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether newspaper Apeiron
Dr. R. Keys Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Charles Keyser Category : Critics 0 Origin : SAP ARX BOR
email : BuleriaChk@aol.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/links.browse.php3?id=5&pa=10&pos=90&total=95
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics on relativist time Time Dilation vs. Doppler Effect in Special Relativity
Karim A. Khaidarov Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : GAL
email : karim@mail.kz
web : http://bourabai.narod.ru/universum.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
There exists of universally present substance - ether - that is the carrier of EM-field waves, and that subjects such waves to constant fading, just like waves in the usual isotropic physical media: solids, liquids, gases. In this case, energy of quanta EM-radiation will follow a function of time quasiisotropic, unified, practically incompressible and elastic aethereal medium [1, 4] throughout the Universe which constitutes the fundamental substance aether as a bicomponent domain environment — those components being corpuscular and phase concept of vorticity, introduced by Helmholtz circulation and its preservation phase aether represents a flat (bivariate) pseudo-gas having the properties of a saturated vapour. Its particles are asymmetric (unbalanced) and massless gyros having an identical electrical dipole moment, which produces electric dipoles by its quantum. Its gyroscopic properties determine its specific interactions, which appear as electrical and magnetic phenomena. motion of an unpolarized phase aether is accompanied by a phenomenon of gravitation, providing influx of the phase aether to substance for a phase change of amers of the phase aether into corpuscular amers. This motion is only a shadow of gravitation. The true cause of gravity is a pressure gradient in the aether superfluid and massless liquid. Galilean Interpretation of the Hubble Constant
Dr. Eng Achmed A. W. Khammas Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : QUA
email : achmed@khammas.com
web : http://www.buch-der-synergie.de/archiv_container.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Free energy method of transport which eliminates the necessity for breaking the cohesive forces in water.
Dr. Sameer Al Khawaja Category : Relativist 2008 Origin : BAB
email : skhawaja@aec.org.sy
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/306/Sameer%20Al,%20Khawaja
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time is the process of comparing a renascent with another renascent. The aim of this article is to extend the principles of gauge field theory founded by Nottale in the framework of the scale relativity theory, to the quantum mechanical electric current density associated with a multiply connected superconductor.
Victor Khizhnyak Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BAB
email : hizhnjak@ecrin.ru
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/272/Victor,%20Khizhnyak
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time-space initially by itself, objectively, has a unified nature, a dynamic unified shape that can be observed on the levels of micro and macro worlds.
A. E. Khod'kov Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : GAL IMP
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/N/N199703.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The New 'Cosmogonic' Theory. Interpretation of the Hubble law: expansion versus the shift of time with radius. About Experimental Proofs of Gravitational Sun to Earth Influence by Screening of the Part of Inflowing Surrounding Space Neutrinospage Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity Breaking
Dimitri L. Khokhlov Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : CLI RUS
email : Khokhlov@café.sumy.ua
web : http://fn.bmstu.ru/phys/nov/konf/pirt/participants.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the principle of relativity in electrodynamics on the verifiability of relativity theory
Pr. Alexander L. Kholmetskii Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI SAP GAL CHI IMP
email : kholm@bsu.by
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Alexander_Kholmetskii
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Covariant Ether Theories on Relativistic Kinematics in the Galilean Space. Relativity in Galilean Space: Why? The explanation of Barnett exp. Cannot be accepted as physically satisfactory. A Critical Analysis of Einstein's Non-Conform Analogy Between Rotation and Gravitation.
Andrei Khrennikov Category : Critics 2003 Origin : PHY
email : Khrennikov@msi.vxu.se
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v16 i2 June 2003, Event Independence, Collective Independence, EPR-Bohm Experiment, and Incompleteness of Quantum Mechanics. Quantum mechanics is simply not a complete theory.
Richard B. Kidd Category : Relativist 0 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 i4 2005, Semiclassical Motion from Quantum-Mechanical Operators
Sandy Kidd Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : SCI
email : cyril.wheeldon@tiscali.co.uk
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Sandy_Kidd
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Magnetic Propulsion, Gyroscopes Beyond 2001: The Laws of Physics Revolutionized
Reinhold Kiebart Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI BOR
email : R@Kiebart.DE
web : http://www.kiebart.de/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Our world is 5-dimensional at least. All gravitation effects by the contraction of the system, which is even negatively accelerated, is produced gravitation, which exercises the earth on us, can be explained by the BRAKING FORCE, which develops with this contraction: to make a difference between the contracting and the standing electrons, I suggest that we call the standing - again for the sake of simplicity - PHOTONS :)
Pr. Claus Kiefer Category : Critics 2008 Origin : CLI
email : kiefer@thp.uni-koeln.de
web : http://www.fqxi.org/community/essay/winners/2008.1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The quantum universe. Does Time Exist in Quantum Gravity? Among the consequences are the fundamental timelessness of quantum gravity, the approximate nature of a semiclassical time, and the correlation of entropy with the size of the Universe.
Pr. Dr. R. M. Kiehn Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email : toptorsion@aol.com
web : http://www.cartan.pair.com/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Topological singularities. Universe is a dilute gas or plasma fluctuations of density 4 dimension/ field properties of the Cosmological Vacuum (a continuum) can be defined in terms of a vector space domain / The particle properties of the Cosmological Vacuum are defined in terms of topological defects (or compliments) of the field vector space. Falaco Solitons, Cosmological strings.
NN Kieninger Category : New Energy 1976 Origin : CLI HYI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
N-Machine like De palma but with more powerful magnets.
John Kierein Category : Alternative theory 1968 Origin : SCI GAL ARX CHI
email : jkierein@lycos.com
web : http://www.angelfire.com/az/BIGBANGisWRONG/index.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether why BB is wrong cosmological red shift is due to the Compton effect rather than the Doppler effect variation in magnitude that correlates with the number of electrons along the line of sight LeSage with a modern view long wavelength photons radiation is highly penetrating and produces forces as it interacts with massive bodies. The presence of a second body near a massive body attenuates the radiation coming from its direction to the first body and Newton's law of universal gravitation follows graviton is similar to an electron hole in semiconductor.
T. E. Kiess Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1498
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experiments with Entangled Two-Photon States From Type-H Parametric Down Conversion: Evidence for Wave-Particle Duality "conceptual incompleteness" of quantum mechanics.
Rudolf Kiesslinger Category : Cosmology 2003 Origin : ARX CHI
email : kiesslinger@bridge.de
web : http://wegalink.eu/research/german/gravitation/index.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Modification of GRT. Light of distant galaxies without expansion is redshifted. The largest the gravity the slowest the time. This justifies once more the redshift fossil light. so easily explained is the redshift without expansion, without the Big Bang. Ball model of the Universe.
Abraham Kiggundu Category : Philosophical 2006 Origin : SCI
email : abraham.kiggundu@rbos.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=472
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Philosophy of Science, Relativity. The Gods of Science. Opening discussion around the fundamental principles on which science and our very notion of reality are built.
Wolfgang Kilian Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.dpg2004.physik.uni-mainz.de/welcome-Dateien/programm-Dateien/kilian.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative to the Standard model. What happens if boson does not exist?
Walter Killer Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BOR
email : info@walter-killer.ch
web : http://www.walter-killer.ch/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation: Ein Absorptionsphänomen Did Einstein really right? An alternative to Albert Einstein's General and Special Relativity. Certain particles can achieve faster than light new mechanistic picture of all the phenomena of physics. Starting from a single particle, a gyroscope, and a single force, the contact force resulting from a transfer of momentum is built up the new mechanistic theory consistent. 1 postulat :any physical phenomenon has a material origin. 2 There is only one single and indivisible building block, the primordial matter, which rotates around its own ashes: the primary particles. 3 The primary particles exist in two states: translationally at rest (top) and translational motion (rotator). 4 The pulse is an understanding of the origin or primary size, and thus the "original cause" of the forces and conservation sizes. 5 The universal principle is pressure equalization. Since the whole matter is composed of a primary this means that both the structure of the ether particles as well as the diversity of matter must ultimately derive from the adhesion of primary particles specifically. Depending on the number of primary particles, which are close together, a particle produced with more or less matter. To explain the construction of just three "types" of forces are needed: the Magnus effect, the Coulomb force and the gravitation. For uncharged particles, there are actually only two, because the Coulomb force is removed, of course. From the basic Proposition 4 shows that all the forces on a single force - go back - the UR-force, the contact force. This force arises when a collision of two particles as a result of momentum transfer. Since the effect depends on the strength of the transmission area and the forces always strive towards an equilibrium which is the universal principle of pressure equalization. Because Kaft and pressure hervirgehen exclusively from the pulse, only three base units are required: kilogram, meter and Second. Gravitation : an absorbtion.
Dr. Clive W. Kilmister (deceased) Category : Relativist 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Clive_Kilmister
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
John F. Kilpatrick Category : Experiment 1991 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://groupkos.com/mtwain/FTLpart2.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Measures of the Velocity of Pulses on Wires
Deuk-Soo Kim Category : Critics 1987 Origin : SAP
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/index/x511j23945834774.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critical reflections on the theory of relativity.
Heonoh Kim Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-25-24957
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial interference of quantum mechanical particles exhibits a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. A two-mode entangled state of N particles known as N00N state can give rise to non-classical interference. We report the first experimental observation of a three-photon N00N state exhibiting Young's double-slit type spatial quantum interference. Compared to a single-photon state, the three-photon entangled state generates interference fringes that are three times denser. Moreover, its interference visibility of 0.49 ± 0.09 is well above the limit of 0.1 for spatial super-resolution of classical origin.
Shang Hoon Kim Category : Critics 1998 Origin : SAP CHI
email :
web : http://jpsj.ipap.jp/link?JPSJ/68/2259
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The occurrence of the forward Raman scattering in measurable magnitude is not feasible unless the quantum wiggler electrodynamics law is valid. Since the forward Raman scattering is exhibited in the experiment, we conclude that the quantum wiggler electrodynamics law is valid.
Yong-Su Kim Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/oe/abstract.cfm?uri=oe-19-25-24957
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial interference of quantum mechanical particles exhibits a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. A two-mode entangled state of N particles known as N00N state can give rise to non-classical interference. We report the first experimental observation of a three-photon N00N state exhibiting Young's double-slit type spatial quantum interference. Compared to a single-photon state, the three-photon entangled state generates interference fringes that are three times denser. Moreover, its interference visibility of 0.49 ± 0.09 is well above the limit of 0.1 for spatial super-resolution of classical origin.
Yoon-Ho Kim Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email : yokim@umbc.edu
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-25-24957
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial interference of quantum mechanical particles exhibits a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. A two-mode entangled state of N particles known as N00N state can give rise to non-classical interference. We report the first experimental observation of a three-photon N00N state exhibiting Young's double-slit type spatial quantum interference. Compared to a single-photon state, the three-photon entangled state generates interference fringes that are three times denser. Moreover, its interference visibility of 0.49 ± 0.09 is well above the limit of 0.1 for spatial super-resolution of classical origin. Quantum Teleportation with a Complete Bell State Measurement.
S. N. Kimball Category : Critics 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : www.equilibriocosmico.com/books/el%20cosmos%20divino.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Symmetric Theory: An Alternative to Big-Bang Cosmology. The presumed "chessboard" structure did not actually exist, but was only a subset of something larger: namely, a Super-Galaxy formation composed of all the superclusters in the Universe.
Dr. W. Robert Kincheloe Category : New Energy 1986 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1548
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Homopolar 'Free Energy' Generator Test
Lloyd Kinder Category : Religious aspects 0 Origin : SCI
email : lkindr@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Lloyd_Kinder
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric universe; plasma. The world need miracles.
Chris C. King Category : Critics 1989 Origin : ARX
email : king@math.auckland.ac.nz
web : http://www.dhushara.com/Preprints/pdf/Transup.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v2 i2 p128-151 Dual-Time Supercausality. Transactional Supercausalities psychology point of view.
D. H. King Category : Nothing found 1998 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/journals
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 i1 p144 1998, The Clockwork of Vortex Shedding. Class fluid mech von Karmann.
L. A. King Category : Cosmology 1992 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v5 i1 p126, Continuous Creation of Matter in an Evolutionary Universe. The universe shows symmetry between both matter and antimatter and between real matter and virtual matter. The repulsive force produced by virtual matter balances gravitation on the cosmological scale. Annihilation of matter and antimatter in the early dense phases could account for many of the large-scale features of the observed universe.
Dr. Lester C. King Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Llewellen King Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : QUA ENG
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
New energy. The Brave New Energy World: Race Not Crisis Quantum Leap for new energy
Dr. Moray B. King Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : QUA YOR CHI
email : mbking42@aol.com
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
ZPE, electrons and protons are not only mixed with the energy of space but are really made of spiral space, basis of our universe (Paramahansa Tewari) capture the energy in space. ZPE vortex, vortices and tornadoes for "trap," free energy. Spiral foundation of our universe. The tourbillon movement of ions produces an even greater effect and it could well be an optimal shape of vortices formed naturally by a ZPE coherence.
Pr. Lester Charles King (deceased) Category : Expanding Earth 1983 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Expansion_terrestre
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Wandering Continents and Spreading Sea-floors on an Expanding Earth
James M. Kingsley Category : Critics 1975 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/t4307310r5923x3q/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The special theory of relativity is based on two pustulates: (I) All inertial frames are equivalent for the performance of physical experiments; and (II) the velocity of light is a universal constant. It is shown that if postulate I is true, then postulate II is not true, and if postulate II is true, then postulate I is not true. Further, it is shown that the only possible velocity consistent with postulate I follows the rule that the velocity of light with respect to the observer is equal to the velocity of light with respect to the source plus the velocity of the source with respect to the observer.
C. Kingston Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://home.earthlink.net/~chkingston/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Light, The Enigma Special Theory of Relativity. Gravitational fields will generally be referred to in this discussion as time gradients. Light Speed Experiments. Light travels at a speed that is consistent with the clock rate in the area through which it is traveling, and that light basically behaves the same as any other physical entity. The speed of light is determined by the clock rate in the area through which it is traveling. The speed of light emitted within a system (reference frame) and measured using conditions under which the system essentially acts as an inertial one, will have the value of the constant C. The constant C is essentially the same as the value c that we have measured, which is about 300,000 km/sec. Light will be given the velocity of the emitting source, but its forward speed is subject to regulation by the clock rate in the area through which it is traveling. Distance is invariant in all systems or reference frames that represent actual physical systems. These are two possible factors that will be used when necessary in a description or analysis of some event or events. Using either factor will generally provide equivalent results at very low or very high values of v. The former will be called the gamma factor, and the latter the basic factor. Note: results subsequent to writing this suggest that the gamma factor is probably the correct one for time conversions.the velocity of the source of a photon is imparted to the photon, with the caveat that the forward speed of the photon is consistent with the clock.
NN Kiniski Category : New Energy 1976 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Kiniski rotary-to-reciprocating device
K. Kinne Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : BOR
email : K.Kinne@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnet motor, free energy, stirling engine, water engine, fuel cell.
Jukka Kinnunen Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : jukka.kinnunen@metso.com ; jukka_v_kinnunen@hotmail.com
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dr. Jeffrey Miles Kinsella-Shaw Category : Nothing found 1991 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.education.uconn.edu/directory/cvs/VitaNew.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Earl T. Kinzer Category : Critics 1996 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.ifi.unicamp.br/~assis/the-electric-force-of-a-current.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Induced EMF by Weber's Force Compatibility of Weber's Force with Maxwell's Equations Weber's force is shown to have a significant degree of compatibility with Maxwel's equations.
Salih Kircalar Category : Critics 2007 Origin : GAL
email : kircalar@hotmail.com
web : http://www.timeflow.org/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Utilization of Time: Time Flow: Mass or Energy & Quantum Mechanics Time Effects Caused by Mass or Energy supplement Einstein theory which is incomplete in respect to time.
Daniel M. Kirchmann Category : Alternative theory 1982 Origin : BOR ARX
email : luxon@tardyon.de
web : http://www.tardyon.de/index.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Luxon Theory: In empty space, luxons always move with c. Luxons are every type of electromagnetic radiation, gluons and maybe gravitons. Tardyons are protons, electrons, muons, atoms have many different speed. The cause of relativity, mass, and conservation of energy evolution of relativity matter is combination of luxons. Existence of glueballs. Two basically different types of energy. Gluons are luxons! and Tardyons are luxons!
A. A. Kirillov Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Artificial Wormhole Maybe CERN created one.
Dr. Andrei Kirilyuk Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : Andrei.Kirilyuk@Gmail.com
web : http://en.scientificcommons.org/22906413
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critically growing problems of fundamental science organisation and content are analysed.
Jason A. Kirk Category : Cosmology 2009 Origin : CHI
email : Jason.Kirk@astro.cf.ac.uk
web : http://www.astro.cf.ac.uk/pub/Jason.Kirk/papers.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Two Bipolar Outflows and Magnetic Fields in the Multiple Protostar System
G. A. Kirpichnikov Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : CLI
email : ga8@mail.ru
web : http://subscribe.ru/archive/science.news.wholeworld/200409/30153219.text
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Physics of the anomalous world. Transformation Energy in Nature. Overunity Transformations Origin and free Energy
Marvin E. Kirsh Category : Philosophical 2011 Origin : BAB
email : Kirsh2152000@yahoo.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/3520
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Coherency, Correspondence and the Obsolescence of Simultaneity. Science must always be considered in a historical context. The objectivity of science is also a function of history.
A. P. Kiselev Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A new class of relatively undistorted progressive ways
Gregory Kiser Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : quantumgreg@charter.net
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
V. A. Kishkintsev Category : Nothing found 1993 Origin : SCI GAL
email :
web : http://www.auctiva.com/stores/viewstore2.aspx?id=454738&page=blog
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Eotvos Correction Applied to the Thermal Motion of Gas Molecules. GALILEAN ELECTRODYNAMICS
Ronald J. Kita Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : SCI
email : tekcorman@yahoo.com
web : http://www.padrak.com/agn
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
AntiGravity News and Space Drive Technology
Kirsty Kitto Category : Critics 2012 Origin : CLI
email : Kirsty.Kitto@qut.edu.au
web : http://www.users.on.net/~kirsty.kitto/publications.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Michelson-Morley Experiments Revisited and the Cosmic Background Radiation Preferred Frame with Cahill Entangling Words and Meaning.
John B. Kizer Category : Alternative theory 1983 Origin : CHI SCI
email : elblanco1947@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=724
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The objections of establishment physicists to Lesagian theories are discussed and refuted. D'Alembert's paradox which is rightly accepted by the establishment is shown to be the same type of situation that they object to in a Lesagian theory. A consistent theory of the Lorentz transformation is developed, including a new explanation of the Airy experiment.
Larry Klaes Category : Critics 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.centauri-dreams.org/?p=10067
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
We have much to do as we scramble to explain the universe's continuing acceleration. Dark energy seems to be demanded by the data, but there are holdouts who argue for a reinterpretation of General Relativity. Tau Zero journalist Larry Klaes looks at one proponent of a revised GR who sees exceptions to the rule in a far earlier era.
Daniel J. Klaphaak Category : Nothing found 1973 Origin : GAL
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Determining the Titius Series Scale Factor, and Predicting Stable Orbits. On the Speed of Gravity
R. D. Klauber Category : Critics 2002 Origin : FRI
email : rklauber@netscape.net
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
New perspectives on the relativistically rotating disk. Anomalies in Relativistic Rotation
Klaus Klawitter Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=2096
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free Energy support
Chuck Klein Category : Nothing found 2011 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/814/Chuck,%20Klein
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
KLEIN'S LAWS - Truths and Observations by Chuck Klein and othersview
Dennis Klein Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Dennis_Klein
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ernest Klein Category : Critics 1965 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the meaning of the Lorentz transformations
Holger-Detlef Klein Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : BOR
email : Info@Holger-D-Klein.de
web : http://www.holger-d-klein.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Biological implementation of a field theory
Robert Bernard Klein Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v23 i2 p306, A new metric with applications to physics and solving certain higher ordered differential equations
Stefan Klein Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : BOR
email : Klein32@gmx.de
web : http://www.stefanklein.info/node/69
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Gravitationsreduktion und diesbezügliche Experimente, Hintergrundfeld, Paranormal
Dr. Susanne Klein Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1473
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pancharatnam's Topological Phase in Relation to the Dynamic Phase in Polarization Optics
Juergen Kleinfeldt Category : Philosophical 0 Origin : BOR
email : juergen.k.bo@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Erich E. Klemke Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Autonomous electric generator
Gerhard Klemm Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BOR
email : info@gerhard-klemm.com
web : http://www.quadrantum.de/quadrantum_deutsch_start.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Neue Rahmzeit theorie constants of nature with the length as a force the surface as an energy and the movement as a frequency
Pr. Dr. Shruki Klinaku Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : klinaku@uni-pr.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Shukri_Klinaku
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz Factor has No Base in Physics
Dusan Klinar Category : Critics 2008 Origin : BAB PHY
email : dusan.klinar@uni-mb.si
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/353/Dusan,%20Klinar
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 330] Time is a measuring system derived from light speed. Time as Numerical Order of Material Change. Time does not have physical reality, say researchers Amrit Sorli and Dusan Klinar, all we measure with clocks are changes in matter existing in space.
Meredith G. Kline (deceased) Category : Religious aspects 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.nwcreation.net/cosmology.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space and Time in the Genesis Cosmogony
Edwin Eugene Klingman Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email : klingman@geneman.com
web : http://fqxi.org/data/essay-contest-files/Klingman_Analog_or_Digital.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Analog-In, Digital-Out Universe C-field dipole of massive rotating black holes explains these light-years-long jets in a simple way whereas magnetic field explanations do not really appear feasible. I believe that there is a hole a mile wide in the Bell arguments. I touch on this in my essay gravity to be a continuous field filling space everywhere.
Frans R. Klinkhamer Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal neutrino, flavor and relativity
Dieter Kloos Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : BOR
email : dieter.kloos@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Free Energy, (Anti-)Gravitation.
Dr. Eng Gerhard Klose Category : Critics 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://wissenschaftliche-physik.com/2011/12/wie-kommt-die-lichtgeschwindigkeit-c-zustande/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
My credo is the medium that transmits the electromagnetic wave (E / H-waves) charge carriers electrons and positrons e-and e + by DIPOLE (ACTION same REACTION) and rotation (vortex) in a grid arrangement in a position and not the Higgs (God-particles), which are soon found :)) by our physics luminaries at CERN.
Pr. Eugen B. Klushin Category : Experiment 2009 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://miigaik.ru/journal.miigaik.ru/2009/20091201183035-6261.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The contents of the article «Conception of Coordinate Transformation Algorithm for Satellite Measuring Methods» («Geodesy and Aerophotosurveying» №5, 2008, P. 5-9) by A.V. Antipov and E.B. Klushin. The article is argued over: it has no serious theoretical justification or practical corroboration.
V. I. Klyukhin Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special Theory of Super Relativity and a Possibility to Exceed the Speed of Light.
Pr. Jaroslav G. Klyushin Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : SCI SAP GAL
email : klyushin7748848@rambler.ru
web : http://www.physical-congress.spb.ru/english/Klyushin4/Klyushin4.asp
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether model is proposed in which an electron moves in a medium, or ether, which is assumed to fill all space. This model explains many 'relativistic' effects, plus the results of many experiments which are now explained in only an ad hoc manner, or are not explained at all. Toroidal model of electron and proton. Neutron Construction. Wave Solution of Generalized Maxwell Equations and Quantum Mechanics. Electro and Gravidynamics. Electron Dynamics in Ether.
Dr. Eng Wolfram (Magdeburg) Knapp Category : New Energy 1989 Origin : MOC
email : wolfram.knapp@physik.uni-magdeburg.de
web : http://philica.com/display_article.php?article_id=155
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
ZPE. A New Theory of Gravitation and its Geophysical and Astrophysical Definite Proof for the Conversion of vacuum-energy into mechanical energy based on the Measurement of Machine Power.
Wolfram (editor Astronomy) Knapp Category : Cosmology 1994 Origin : FRI SAP
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/fremde-abhandlungen.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
What is gravity? - The difficulty to explain the severity of image of science. The seven mysteries of physics.
K. Kneckenbrodt Category : History 2003 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/yuri/keilman16.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003) [pdf] see G.O. Mueller
Christina Anne Knight Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI
email : cknight29@cox.net
web : http://antigravitationalforce.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity and Anti-gravity, Space-time Geometry in Higher Dimensions
David W. Knight Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : dave@camerasuderwater.co.uk
web : http://www.g3ynh.info/zdocs/magnetics/induction.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Dr. Eng H. Knobloch Category : Critics 2000 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/netzwerk/index.htm?/moch/moch_1b.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Big Bang a nonsense
Alexander Knochel Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Price of Neutrino Superluminality continues to rise. Argues that "all types of particles are superluminal inside matter ... [however] dense matter does not directly trigger superluminality, but merely induces the transition to a different phase of some weakly coupled hidden sector.
Ernst Knoll Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CHI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Marcus Knop Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : BOR
email : yoshi@nipponstore.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Find a generator on the basis of the free energy in the form of electricity for feeding my geothermal heating.
William Knuth Category : Alternative theory 1960 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.eioba.com/a/1tzs/torsion-fields-theory-of-physical-vacuum-shipov-and-heim
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Influence of the torsion radiation on various photographs was investigated. It was established that by the use of this method it is possible to transmit information from one point of space to another.
Brian D. Koberlein Category : Relativist 2004 Origin : GAL ARX SCI
email : Brian.Koberlein@rit.edu
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0110092
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter-Field Duality and the Unified Maxwell-Dirac Equation Based on a fundamental symmetry between space, time, mass and charge, a series of group structures of physical interest is generated, ranging from C2 to E8
Benjamin Koch Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A comment on the OPERA result and CPT.
Iris Irene Koch Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : fatherbasil@hotmail.com
web : http://benevolententerprises.org/books/Masses%20Step%202%20Part%201.
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Prediction of the Masses of Charged Leptons. According to a new Electrino Model of Elementary Particles, charged leptons are composed of two half charges called semions orbiting about each other in such deep potential wells that we have no way of blasting them apart.
Johann Kocher Category : Critics 2000 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.librarything.com/author/kocherjohann
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The theory of relative motions
Reinhard R. Köcher Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BOR
email : informations-energetik@gmx.de
web : http://www.quadrantum.de/quadrantum_deutsch_start.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quadrantum information energetik. Neue Rahmzeit theorie constants of nature with the length as a force the surface as an energy and the movement as a frequency
Tadeusz Kochmanski Category : Critics 1963 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The theory of irrelativity
L. Kocis Category : Experiment 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 i3 1999, An Alternative to Quantum Mechanics : The Experiment of Pfleegor and Mandel. The Pfleegor ‐ Mandel experiment showing the interference between two beams coming from two independent lasers is reviewed. It is argued that the interference fringes detected by Pfleegor and Mandel may not be caused by the interference, which is an interaction between the two beams. Instead of the interference between the two beams coming from two lasers, the following is suggested. The photons coming from the first laser interact with the environment of the path leading from the second laser, and the photons coming from the second laser interact with the environment of the path leading from the first laser. A modification of the Pfleegor ‐ Mandel experiment that eliminates the possible interaction with the path from the other laser is proposed.
Sacha Kocsis Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.sciencemag.org/content/332/6034/1170.abstract
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Steinberg Observing the average trajectories of single photons in a two-slit interferometer. Science 332.
Ronald Koczor Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://userpage.fu-berlin.de/~gerbrehm/nw/Podletkov_Antigravitation.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The results that we had measured were not as great as reported by Dr. Podkletnov. But that in no way discourage us, because we have expected anything else, as long as the disk is not rotating. All experiments, of which he says require, that the disk must rotate at high speed
William R. Koepke Category : Critics 2007 Origin : SCI
email : w_koepke@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=413
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity. The Pioneer anomalous acceleration remains inadequately explained. Here, is an attempt to shed some light on the dilemma by invoking a gauge variant theory of gravity.
Jens Koeplinger Category : Relativist 2011 Origin : BOR
email : jkoeplin@ix.urz.uni-heidelberg.de
web : http://www.jenskoeplinger.com/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation, Relativität, Kosmologie Nonassociative quantum theory, emergent probability, and coquasigroup symmetry.
Abraham G. Kofman Category : Superluminal 1998 Origin : REC
email : abraham.kofman@weizmann.ac.il
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Optical tachyons in parametric amplifiers: How fast can quantum information travel
Noboru Kohiyama Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 500] The invariance of Maxwell's equations with respect to the transformations derived from the special test. Nonsimultaneity we derive a transformation that does not satisfy the law of the constancy of light velocity, but the invariance of the law of electromagnetic phenomena is indicated.
Dr. Fred Kohl Category : Nothing found 1971 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://ntrs.nasa.gov/archive/nasa/casi.ntrs.nasa.gov/19710006414_1971006414.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mass spectrometric knudsen cell studies of vaporization of lanthanum and scandium carbides and dissociation energy
Peter Kohl Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://gravitus.de/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity considerations, including the addition relative velocities and relative movement of forces between bodies and particles must be applied to the phenomenon, force "as a discrete phenomenon with great consistency, which originated in the action of two electric charges to each other at a distance of an elementary length. This predestines the electric force almost as Urmaß question of all forces, because it is natural and makes any reference to purely mechanical definition of force.
Kurt J. Köhler Category : Critics 2006 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Albert-Einstein-Korrekturen-einer-Legende/dp/3000193871
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein : correcting a legend. Time-invariant theory of relativity a scientific alternative to the theory of relativity.
Uwe Köhler Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SAP
email :
web : http://uwes-buecher.de/die-einstein-legende-uwe-kohler.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The reader is asked for more. If I had only written easy to understand my knowledge, the danger had passed, that the book would have been pushed into the offside as unscientific, since in principle only someone had made known his opinion.
Peter Kohut Category : Critics 2005 Origin : GAL BAB
email : area@atknet.sk
web : http://www.wbabin.net/physics/bolstein2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See also Bolstein How Can Clocks Go Slow? Simultaneity is Preserved wirh Inertial Motion Special Relativity Cannot Prevent Exceeding Light Velocity
Akira Kokado Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Confinement Potential for Leptons and Their Tunneling Effects into Extra-Dimensions
Aloys Kokaly Category : New Energy 1961 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=More&tab1=Journals&tab2=Display&id=108
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Viktor Schaubergers war es, das Leben in seiner ganzen Vielschichtigkeit zu verstehen und dann entsprechend "biologisch" zu handeln. Alle Geräte und Maschinen Viktor Schaubergers orientieren sich überwiegend an Lebensprozessen und an der Biosphäre unseres Planeten.
Janko Kokosar Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : ARX
email : jkokosar@acroni.si
web : http://www2.arnes.si/~kracroni11/prtcls.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity is attractive force, which creates elementary particles. Photons circulate and built up particles. If photons circulate, the space must be curved. The space can be curved only by gravitation. (So elementary particles behave as black holes)
Dr. Martin Kokus Category : Cosmology 2005 Origin : SCI
email : martinkokus@yahoo.com
web : http://www.kokus.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether, Astronomical Red-Shift, Quantizatio Earthquakes, Earth Rotation, the Excess Elliptical Bulge and Earth Expansion. Unification Based on Astronomical Quantization and Earth Expansion
Pr. Dr. Hermann Kolanoski Category : Alternative theory 1984 Origin : BOR
email : kolanosk@ifh.de
web : http://www-zeuthen.desy.de/~kolanosk/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Two Photon Physics At E+ E- Storage Rings.
Pawel Kolasa Category : Critics 2012 Origin : CHI
email : pkolasa@hotmail.com
web : http://sites.google.com/site/earthdeception/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Geocentrist disproves all einsteins theories
Pr. Dr. Paul Ted Kolen Category : Experiment 1984 Origin : SCI
email : kolen@mail.sdsu.edu
web : http://kahuna.sdsu.edu/engineering/electrical/faculty/paul_kolen.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
"An Experiment to Measure Relative Variations in the One-Way Speed of Light", D.C. Torr and P.T. Kolen, Proceedings of the Precision Measurement and Fundamental Constants II, p. 675, NBS publication #617, 1984 An interpretation of these results through the theoretical model presented indicates the possible presence of an absolute velocity component in the equatorial plane parallel to 85(DEGREES) from the autumnal equinox greater than our orbital velocity of (TURNEQ) 30 km/sec.
Nancy Kolenda Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CHI
email : V2058A@vm.temple.edu
web : http://www.bookfinder.com/author/nancy-kolenda/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quo Vadis Quantum Mechanics? General operational and realistic framework for a theory that generalizes quantum mechanics
Boris I. Kolesnichenko Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/doc/2964998/BookTheSearchForNewEnergy1
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Today's View on the Lesage Hypothesis Billiard-Ball Model of the World. Hard contact collisions between ether corpuscles and elementary particles may turn out to be the common mechanism for phenomena such as radiation, charge, field, wave/particle duality, red shift.
Dr. J. Koller Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
R. I. Kollgaard Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/rapr.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Milli-arcsecond Polarization Structure of the Superluminal Quasar 3C. This result, in addition to other characteristics of the RGB sample, indicates that the simple unified scheme, which postulates that HBLs and LBLs (high- and low-energy-peaked BL Lacertae objects) differ solely by orientation, may be in need of revision.
V. A. Kolombet Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://www.researchgate.net/researcher/35595951_V_A_Kolombet
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Realization of discrete states during fluctuation sin macroscopic. Local-time effect on small space scale
Gregg (G. D.) Kolpin (Niplokov) Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI
email : dogov@yahoo.com
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Inertial Mechanics Flawed Relativity Theory. Fabric of space must exist. Matter is everywhere present and there is no intervening space unoccupied by it. Variation of density is substituted by a variance of "aether" velocity that causes an inverse square law for gravitational force to be experienced
Pr. David Koltick Category : Experiment 2003 Origin : QUA
email : koltick@purdue.edu
web : http://news.sciencemag.org/sciencenow/1997/01/21-02.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The kernel of electron is complexe it is surrounded by a cloud of virtual corpuscles.
Lothar Komp Category : Cosmology 1997 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.spirasolaris.ca/sbb4d3.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Why it should give no galaxies. Spiral configuration to the structure of both the Solar System and spiral galaxies. The Keplerian Harmony of the Planets and Their Moons the Spiral Formula, Galaxies, Planets & Moons
B. M. Kondrashov Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Conversion of Environmental Energy
Walther König (deceased) Category : Experiment 1962 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1614
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Michelson with two glass arms. A contribution to the optics of a moving glass body
R. A. Konoplya Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal neutrinos and the tachyon's stability in the rotating Universe
Vladislav Kronidovish Konovalov Category : Cosmology 2009 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://vixra.org/pdf/0908.0096v1.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fundamentals for a New Physics. Simple Way to Obtain Nuclear Energy. No details found critics of physics official concerning a microcosm.
A. A. Konradov Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://www.researchgate.net/researcher/7845753_A_A_Konradov
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Realization of discrete states during fluctuations in macroscopic. Synchronous Changes in Dark Current Fluctuations in Two Separate Photomultipliers in Relation to Earth Rotation
John Kontrol Category : Critics 1996 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=707
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Challenging the Contemporary Principles of Quantum Mechanics: the Wave-Particle Duality, nothing more found
Douglas L. Konzen Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : ARX
email : konehead@msn.com
web : http://keelynet.com/confer/knbios.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Konzen Motor
Jeffery D. Kooistra Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SAP
email : dskjdk@excelonline.com
web : http://www.analogsf.com/0401/altview.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Trouble With Physics: once we have a fuller understanding of galactic structure as the result of electrodynamic, as well as gravitational forces.
Gene Koonce Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : SCI
email : gene@vibemachine.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1406
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The 'VIBE' Machine an electronic device that uses the principles of ?tuning? to bring the vibrational level of your body back to its natural state of being
R. Koontz Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/clemengn/clemengn.htm#9koontz
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Richard Clem Motor and the Conical Pump
Pr. Johannes Marie Joseph Kooy (deceased) Category : Superluminal 1973 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/169663
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See also Berghuis. Space dynamics Field of gravitons are which tachyons theory explaining telekinesic and levitation and able to lead to energy production.
Jaroslav Kopernicky Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.physics/2007-02/msg01104.html
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation as an Electromagnetic Force. Explanation for the gravity as the difference between vectors of attractive and repulsive forces of the total energy 'content' in favor of attraction. This difference is supposed to be related to the gravitational constant. A Challenge to Coulomb's Law: Implications for Gravity and Matter Structure To See Uniform Motion without Outside Reference
Ernst Gottwald Kopf Category : Critics 1991 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/s?_encoding=UTF8&search-alias=books-de&field-author=Ernst%20Gottwald%20Kopf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein teaches more!
Christian Korfmacher Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : korfmach@ens.ascom.ch
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Maria. V. Korneva Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP GAL CHI
email :
web : http://philsci-archive.pitt.edu/archive/00001128/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special Relativity has three epistemological errors. Phase Velocity, Group Velocity and Energy Velocity. Longitudinal Waves in Electrodymanics (not found any more). The problem of causality is considered. It is shown that two models of the causality exist. These are dialectic model and evolutionary model. The interrelation between models is considered. It is shown that the instantaneous interaction does not contradict causality
Bozidar Kornic Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
V. I. Korobeinikov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
How to calculate the efficiency Nikola Tesla and Instantaneous Electric Communication Perpetual motion machine» or «again about magnetron. What is Instantaneous Electrical Communication
Dr. Gyula Korom Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email : korom@chello.hu
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/1227
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Traditional Ether-Hypothetic Miscalculations in the Michelson-Morley Experiment expected phase shifts in the Miller experiment base on the phasor calculus: the non null effect. 0,001 fringe shift is because the rotation of the earth. D. Miller showed 0,088fringe shift proves 5km/s ether drift. Shankland committee
S. M. Korotaev Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SCI GAL CHI
email :
web : http://www.chronos.msu.ru/EREPORTS/shikhobalov_fundamentals/shikhobalov_fundamentals.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Causality definition. The Force of Time. Experimental Verification of Kozyrev's Interaction of Natural Processes.
Dr. László Körtvélyessy Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SCI
email : DrLaKy@the-electric-universe.info
web : http://www.the-electric-universe.info/welcome.html
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
No details in net. Electrodynamics, Solar System, Electric Universe
Dr. Bogdan R. Kosanovic Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : PEA
email : bogdan@telogy.com
web : http://vieta.math.tu-cottbus.de/nam/nn-people.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fuzziness and Probability Russell's Paradox fuzzy memberships, which quantify similarities of objects to imprecisely defined properties; and probabilities, which provide information on expectations over a large number of experiments.
Suto Koshun Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email : hunza9980@nifty.com
web : http://koshun.cool.ne.jp/physics/e_index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v24 p598 (2011) Alternative Formulation of Relativistic Quantum Mechanics. Einstein is wrong. True nature of potential energy of a hydrogen atom. Violation of the Special Theory of Relativity as Proven by Synchronization of Clocks.
Dr. N. V. Kosinov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Issue13.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Single-Wire and Wireless Electric Power Transmission. Water instead of oil. Internal Structure of a Proton and New Method of Receiving of Energy
Dr. Tim Koslowski Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.waldhof-freiburg.de/symposium/1-symposium-auf-der-suche-nach-der-weltformel/dr-tim-koslowski-was-sa
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
What we say about the loop quantum gravity? If we find that a finite gravity at small scales is weaker on large scales. This raises the question of how gravity is in (from the perspective of the quantum world), large scale? The loop quantum gravity is a solution to this problem based on a description of the general relativity theory by parallel transport. Parallel transport is a differential geometric method which allows to transport original geometry along curves so that certain geometric properties are preserved.
Pr. Stanisllaw W. Stanislaus Kosowski Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : SAP CHI PHY
email :
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1996PhyEs...9..189K
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/sapere-1.htm#cr
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Theory of Distant Star Brightness Built Upon the Theoretical Finding of a Distant Source Acceleration Effect. Variable star phenomena such as cepheids, pulsars, quasars, and supernovas are not the result of extraordinary properties of these objects, but are consequences of the DSA effect and the structure of the Universe
Arthur Kosowsky Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://blogs.scientificamerican.com/guest-blog/2011/06/07/what-does-the-new-double-slit-experiment-actually-sh
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Steinberg modif of Young experiment against intrication
Pr. V. Alan Kostelecký Category : Experiment 2010 Origin : ANT
email :
web : http://www.physics.indiana.edu/~kostelec/res.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Prospects for Large Relativity Violations in Matter-Gravity Couplings. Signals for Lorentz violation in electrodynamics
Ott Köstner Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Ludwik Kostro Category : History 2000 Origin : MOU IMP
email : fizlk@univ.gda.pl
web : http://www.scientificexploration.org/journal/reviews/reviews_20_1_dobyns.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein and the Ether - thorough examination of Einstein's writings on the subject of the ether, over the decades after one might imagine relativistic physics had abolished the subject.
Vadim Ya. Kosyev Category : New Energy 0 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Issue12.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electromagnetic Gravitational Interaction
Ronald R. Kotas Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://meetings.aps.org/Meeting/APR07/SessionIndex3/?SessionEventID=67505
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
GRT is an impossible theory and is not an explanation of Gravity and Gravitation. With 19 proofs and indications, Nuclear Quantum Gravitation provides a coherent, precise explanation of Gravity and Gravitation. Electromagnetism encompasses all of physical nature, including gravity. Electromagnetic functions in Nuclei, Electromagnetically couple between Nuclei and Matter to produce Gravity - Gravitation.
G. A. Kotel'nikov Category : Experiment 1977 Origin : GAL SCI
email : kga@kiae.ru
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0904.2468
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Universal Time in Classical Electrodynamics: Elements of Physical Interpretation. Experiment for Testing Special Relativity Theory. Favour Ritz and 5 dimension of space
Walter Kothe Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : BOR
email : juttaundwalter@aol.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=90&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Schauberger, Freie Energie, Materietransmutation (kalte Fusion), Gravitation
Dr. Walter Kothe Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : ktpraxisdgf@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/projects.kothe.php3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Schauberger, Clod fusion, free energy, levitation
Leslie Lynn Kothmann Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
How about "electrical birkeland type currents" Super-Fast Winds May Explain Crab Nebula's Mighty Energy Beams.
V. A. Kotov Category : Cosmology 1990 Origin : MOU
email : vkotov@crao.crimea.ua
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/7340l340j7132674/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Planetary Distances & 160 minute solar pulsation - 160-min periodicity in the light-flux variations of several AGN (active galactic nuclei) cosmological origin of the oscillation.
P. Kotzer Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
C. P. Kouropoulos Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email : kouros@ovni.ch
web : http://www.ovni.ch/~kouros/ether.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Back to Aether. From Maxwell to present dissidents. For use by the elite of mathematical physics, is the promotion of rave hypermathematicalised theories generally disconnected from reality, but assuming that the dogmas of the Standard Model, with their standard interpretation of quantum mechanics and general relativity all continue to apply unchanged on multidimensional spaces surreal, to the Planck energy and beyond. That's a good way to occupy and exhaust the potentially creative minds in uncertain projects. To understand what Keely described, must be translated into modern language. But it requires recognition of what the people of that time of etheric qualifiaient: electromagnetism and the related phenomena in the material, itself visualized as etheric vortex. Not what some modern quantum field theorist would hear, that is to say, the residual oscillations Zero Point and Van der Waals forces.
Dr. Spyridon Koutandos Category : Critics 2011 Origin : BAB
email : skoutandos@yahoo.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals/Essays/View/630
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Compatibility of Schrodinger's Equation with Thermodynamics. On reconstructing some clumsy arguments about existence of hidden variables on the basis of field theories.
S. Koutchmy Category : Cosmology 2000 Origin : MOU
email : koutchmy@iap.fr
web : http://www2.iap.fr/users/koutchmy/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Kotov Planetary Distances & 160 minute solar pulsation - On the origin of the prolate solar chromosphere
Miguel Kovac Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : SCI
email : miguelkovac@hotmail.com
web : http://www.miguelkovac.webs.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of the Flow of the Particles Uniformly Accelerated to Stablish the Equality Between The Four Fundamental Forces of the Nature. One theoretical and experimental finding based on that real particles (hydrodynamic flow), hypothetical (gravitons) and photons has the same performance when the Reynolds number is equal to 2.To understand the electromagnetic nature of the gravity in order to obtain movement in the same way than the nature do. To understand the relation between the macroscopic hydrodynamic flow and the nanoscale (and lowest) hydrodynamic flow. To understand when the high energy phenomeno occurs flowing tiny partycles along structures shortest than nanotubes.
Ronald Kovac Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : QUA SCI
email : rkovac@bsu.edu
web : http://www.scribd.com/doc/13226769/Psyonics-Resources
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
New Energy. Motion of Plasma as a Source of New Energy and Matter Transformation model of Tesla transmitter
Pr. Lyubomir Kovachev Category : Critics 2003 Origin : SCI
email : lubomirkovach@yahoo.com
web : http://downloads.hindawi.com/journals/ijmms/2004/254714.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nonlinear Optics, Solitons, Nonlinear Field Theory
András Kovács Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : BOR
email : ebeplanhun@savaria.hu
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Free Energy Tesla
G. U. Kovalchuk Category : Cosmology 1992 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/tors/tors.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Preliminary results of Kozyrev's astronomical observations. The preliminary results of astronomical observations of the sky with N.A.Kozyrev's method'
T. S. Kovaleva Category : Critics 2009 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://mywebpages.comcast.net/adring/GEPeople.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
.): Continuation of a Discussion on "Remarks on SRT – Part II: Lorentz Transformation Group is Trivial, Remarks on de Carvalho Lorentz-Transformation, Vol. 18 GAL
Eugeny Kovalyov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : www.free-energy-info.co.uk/MagIndex.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Technical design of antigravitational spacecraft Silver Cup
J. Kowalski-Glikman Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.researchgate.net/researcher/15663097_J_Kowalski-Glikman
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Observer-independent quantum of mass
Alper Kozan Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
A. E. Kozhekin Category : Superluminal 1998 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tachyons and information transfer in quantized parametric amplifiers. Optical tachyons in parametric amplifiers: How fast can quantum information travel
Jan Koziar Category : Expanding Earth 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1431
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Possible Relation Between Earth Expansion and Dark Matter
Dr. Hideo Kozima Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SCI
email : hjrfq930@ybb.ne.jp
web : web.pdx.edu/~pdx00210
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion
Stephan-Gerhard Koziolek Category : History 2002 Origin : BOR
email : positronium@gmx.de
web : http://www.positronium.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Miroslaw Kozlowski Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/list/physics.gen-ph/0803
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 88] Gravity modulation of the Schrödinger equation. The Planck energy-mass source as an alternative to the Big Bang.
Boris Kožnjak Category : Superluminal 2003 Origin : PHY
email : bkozjak@phy.hr
web : http://physicsessays.org/journals
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v16 i4, A Proposed Experiment on Consciousness-Related Quantum Teleportation
Dr. Michael E. Kozuch Category : Critics 2001 Origin : RUS
email :
web : https://groups.google.com/group/sci.physics.relativity/browse_frm/month/2001-06
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
An a logic professor backed me over a relativist regarding one of the simplest points of logic. Thompson and Modern Physics (was "Radiation pressure") [Cliquez sur l'étoile pour suivre ce sujet] Pioneer anomaly. If different theories have the same ability to predict, than predictions can't be used as a measure to choose between the theories. The importance of those predictions, or how you add up those predictions depends on the observer. For instance, Relativists seem to be very impressed by Einstein's prediction of light being affected by gravity, where it doesn't seem like much of a prediction to me, and many other Relativity skeptics. Dennis McCarthy's prediction, on the other hand, of all the planets and moon being geological active is extremely impressive to me (if it turn out to be true). Ad hoc theories tend to fail this criteria Choosing which theory is simpler is observer dependent, too. To some observers the geocentric theory might seem to be simpler because there are far fewer assumptions, at first (only assumptions are that we are staying still, and everything else is going around). When you look at all the particulars, and you look at the whole picture, than to most people the heliocentric theory is simpler.
Nikolai Aleksandrovich Kozyrev (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1991 Origin : SCI GAL YOR
email :
web : http://www.ptep-online.com/index_files/2009/PP-18-L2.PDF
kind of theory : antigravity kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Gravity control type of systems, matter systems and living systems. They are the source of two basic forces of nature, gravity and antigravity. Both these systems have its origin in light Experimental Study of possibility to reduce mass and weight Causal Mechanics in Stellar Systems: Kozyrev and his school showed that all forces are simply different forms of "aether" or zero point energy in motion. Here we see an active source of gravity and straightforward reason why it should exist. We see that every molecule in the entire body of a planet must be sustained by an ongoing flow of "aether" energy book began before the death of Kozyrev, and continues. The non-nuclear energy source of stars and planets is attributed in Part III to time. Kozyrev however did not explain what time is, but asserted that time proceeds by physical properties, and he tried to reveal them. He believed that in rotating celestial bodies, time makes energy, which he tried to prove experimentally by weighing of gyroscopes at infringement of the usual relationships between cause and e ect. To consolidate his ideas about transformation of time into energy Kozyrev tried to create a corresponding theory. Postulating an infinitesimal spatial interval between cause and effect, and the same time interval between them, he defines the relation of these intervals as the velocity of transition of a reason into a consequence.
Dr. A. F. Kracklauer Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI IMP
email : kracklau@fossi.uni-weimar.de
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Al_Kracklauer
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether as a background waves of conventional background signal a de Broglie wave packet is not required Eikonal mechanics. If there were, in fact, no system time, then there would also be no system Hamiltonian, which in turns would mean that there would be no global conservation of energy and momentum for this toy system.
Eric Kraeghbod Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB FRI
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/288/Eric,%20Kraeghbod
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Simultaneity of the Planets and the Simultaneity of Time : Simultaneity Theory
Carl F. Krafft (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : ARX YOR FRI
email :
web : http://users.navi.net/~rsc/krafft02.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether DESCARTES kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The structure of the Atom, vorticular quantum, High Energy Enterprises, March Spirazines vortex sink ether the atoms may be vortices in the ether. Complications with that earlier theory lead to it's quiet abandonment. The overall ether theory itself had a more strenuous demise following the Michelson-Morley experiments and the introduction of Einstein's theory of relativity. Krafft changed various aspects of the ether in his hypothesis which allowed his vortices to combine in special ways, allowing him to explain the differences between electrons and protons and neutrons. His theory was internally consistent and predicted various phenomena. Utilizing his hypothesis, Krafft was able to predict: the helical nature of DNA, which he called spirazines in 1926; the neutron; the anti-proton; super-gravitation; and a likely method of manipulating gravity for the purposes of propulsion. Krafft was our first Showcase, a new separate update article is under preparation.
P. Krahmer Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : FRI
email : krahmer@t-online.de
web : http://uploader.wuerzburg.de/mm-physik/energie.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Multimedia Physik
Johann Kralicek Category : Critics 2008 Origin : WEG
email :
web : http://www.astronews.com/forum/showthread.php?p=48100
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Resolutely opposed to the RT
Hermann-Josef Krämer Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : BOR
email : kanoesel@hotmail.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla, HAARP Projekt, Freie Energie, Wilhelm Reich, Viktor Schauberger, James de Meo, Umsetzungsmöglichkeiten/Öffentlichkeitsarbeit zum Thema alternative Technologien
Dr. Volodymyr Krashnoholovets Category : Cosmology 2002 Origin : IMP SCI
email : Krasnoh@iop.kiev.ua
web : http://inerton.kiev.ua
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
A manifestation of the space deformation generated by quantum mechanical law. Can quantum mechanics be cleared from conceptual difficulties? How space generates matter and physical laws. Dark matter as seen from the physical point of view
Dionys Krasnokutsky Category : Nothing found 2009 Origin : BAB
email : deonisk@yahoo.com
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/272/Victor,%20Khizhnyak
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Estimation of Distance Between Particles of Powder
Gerhard Kraus Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SAP SCI
email :
web : http://www.reocities.com/rainforest/6039/jd6.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics from common sense point of view: The allegation that space and time are variable reveals itself therefore as a monumental error. Not only that, the fact that time and space are absolutes. "HAS HAWKING ERRED?
Dennis E. Krause Category : Experiment 2008 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/0808.3283
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Evidence for Correlations Between Nuclear Decay Rates and Earth-Sun Distance
NN Krause Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Low Core Loss Rotation Flux Transformer
W. Krause Category : Expanding Earth 1987 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/W._Krause
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Critical Note Concerning Conventional Container Space Concepts
D. Krauss Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : CROWLEY01@aol.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Nikola Tesla, Tom Bearden, Wilhelm Reich
A. S. Krausz Category : Relativist 2006 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v17 i1 p14, Vector Theory of Noncomplex Quantum Mechanics. Alternative Interpretation of Nature by Space Invariance
Dr. Eng Eduard Krausz Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : FRI SCI
email :
web : http://www.the-einstein-case.eu/English/7._Genesis.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The universe works differently. The reality against the relativity / Gravity is a fourth free particle physical state of matter. His theory states that all particles are growing because of absorbing the "ether", which should be the very heart of the gravitation
F. Krausz Category : Superluminal 1994 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tunneling of Optical Pulses through Photonic Band Gaps
K. Krausz Category : Relativist 2006 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v17 i1 p14, Vector Theory of Noncomplex Quantum Mechanics. Uncertainty Principle
Leonid G. Kreidik Category : Critics 2001 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://openlibrary.org/a/OL49472A
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative picture of the world / Schrodinger's Errors of Principle Dynamic Model of Elementary Particles based on the wave features of their behavior. Important Results of Analyzing Foundations of Quantum Mechanics / Fundamental Interactions between elementary particles themselves, there exists an interchange of matter-space-time occurring both in horizontal (within the same level) and vertical (between different levels) directions. This model reveals the nature of mass and charge of elementary particles, which in turn leads to the unified description of fundamental (electromagnetic, gravitational, and nuclear) interactions. Atomic structure of matter-space.
M. N. Kreisler Category : Superluminal 1968 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quest for faster-than-light particles. Tachyons: particles moving with velocities greater than the speed
Gerhard Otto Wilhelm Kremp (deceased) Category : Expanding Earth 1978 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Gerhard_Kremp
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Petr Kren Category : Critics 2005 Origin : BAB
email : pkren@cmi.cz
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/250/Petr,%20Kren
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Notes on Relativity Curved space-time is unnecessary. The field (wavefunction) picture is a potential (probabilistic) point of view (a wave equation transformation of sources) for phenomena comparable with resolution (noise). This picture, which is equivalent to the finite element (Monte Carlo) deterministic simulation, is more popular due to a fascination and the attraction of misunderstanding (e.g. paradoxes). It also provide good results (statistics) but without anything behind it.
Roland Kress Category : Cosmology 2001 Origin : BOR
email : Roland.Kress@bluewin.ch
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hugo Kressebuch (deceased) Category : Critics 1976 Origin : SAP MOC
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
(erronously names also Kresse by MOC) What is time? Observations on the problem of relativistic time expansion and on the equivalence mass energy.
Harry Kretzschmar Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SAP MOC
email :
web : http://www.ram-sterk.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
New considerations on the theory of relativity
Erik Krieg Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : ARX ENG
email : erickrieg@verizon.net
web : http://www.phact.org/oldmeetings.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Myths About Einstein Examining Dennis Lee's Amazing claims history of free energy and perpetual motion paranormal claims include free energy, alternative physics, dowsing, and conspiracy theory.
Pr. Joseph. B. Krieger Category : Superluminal 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.columbia.edu/acis/history/brennan/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang (tunneling expert ?) "Theory of electron tunneling in semiconductors with degenerate band structure
Dr. Ellis L. Krinitzsky Category : Expanding Earth 2003 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://journalogy.net/Author/34173628/ellis-l-krinitzsky
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
How to combine deterministic and probabilistic methods for assessing earthquake hazards
Alan D. Krisch Category : Critics 1970 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.conspirovniscience.com/ondestorsion.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The spin of proton. Torsion waves
Rahul Krishna Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
email : rk32115@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Rahul_Krishna
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Some corrections to the Big Bang model.
Herbert Fabres Kristiansen Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : BAB
email : Herbert@ofir.dk
web : http://wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/741/Herbert,%20Kristiansen
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Relativistic Nature of Hydrogen connection is between hydrogen's fine-structure. The Thermodynamical Nature of Black Holes.
David W. Krivit Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email : nrg2@newenergytimes.com
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy cold fusion, new energy time; Advisers
Steven B. Krivit Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : SCI
email : steven1@newenergytimes.com
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/books/2008-LENR-Sourcebook/LENR-Sourcebook.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion
T. A. Kriz Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 581] Quantum theory attributes of matter in an expanding 3-sphere Matter formation and gravitation in an expanding 3-sphere. The Arrow of Time in an Expanding 3-Sphere
Wasley S. Krogdahl Category : Relativist 2006 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.hereticalcosmology.com/articles/general_relativity/general_relativity.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of the GRT General relativity successes and limitations are compared to those of special relativity
Kris Krogh Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : DUF
email : krogh@psych.ucsb.edu
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/9910325
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation Without Curved Space-time. Critics of Big Bang. Quantum-mechanical theory of gravitation is presented, motion of particles is based on waves. the large-scale geometry of the universe is inherently flat. It predicts a different second-order deflection of light, and measurement of the Lense-Thirring effect experiment Gravity Probe B.
Heinz Kroh Category : Nothing found 1980 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/netzwerk/index.htm?/moch/moch_1a.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Let there be light - is how the earth
Pr. Raymond Kromrey (deceased) Category : New Energy 1964 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1567
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
De Palma N-Machine
Dr. Daniel Kronick Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Kronick-D-Quantenged%C3%A4chtnis-Daniel/dp/3936441103
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The quantum memory - Why, man is immortal Based on the findings of modern quantum physics, he delivers with his cosmological theory of "quantum memory", the first scientifically based evidence of the immortality of the human soul. Kronicks theses, which - like Sheldrake, Laszlo and other esoteric writers - to move in the border area between physics, philosophy and eschatology are the powerful evidence that the science of the 21st Century, their self-defined boundaries at last, in order to provide a synthesis of critical, rational and spiritual-religious world view to contribute to answering the big questions of humanity.
Kenneth Kroth Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BAB
email : kenkroth@sbcglobal.net
web : http://www.wbabin.net/ntham/kroth1.pdf
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Discovery of Particle Rest Mass Energy as the Aspects of Six or Seven-part Photon Rockets rest mass energies of sub-atomic particles dividing the rest mass of a photon rocket into six or seven equal parts, which produces two generalized photon rocketsh
Robert V. Krotkov Category : Critics 1999 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=512
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Pellegrini
Daniel Krueger Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : BOR
email : danielkrueger@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Christoph Krüger Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0112S41-44.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Reproducibility of Free Energy Effects by "crystal technology"?
Thomas Krüger Category : Critics 1997 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v10 i3, Molecules: Classical Objects in a Quantum Theory Molecules: Classical Objects in a Quantum Theory. Does the Wave-Function of the Universe Exist? Constituents of the classical macroscopic world (1) cannot be described reasonably in terms of QM and/or (2) do not demonstrate the typical quantum behavior that manifests in the double-slit interference and in the Einstein—Podolsky—Rosen correlations. Moreover, both attempts to recover CM from QM and approaches based on vacuum fluctuations are critically inspected, and we arrive at the conclusion that QM does not comprise CM; i.e., a wave-function of the universe does not exist.
Ivan Kruglak Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Ivan_Kruglak
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Weird Science, An Ongoing Adventure
S. I. Kruglov Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On superluminal fermions within the second derivative equation Proposes a new wave-equation for fermions.
Klaus Krusche Category : Nothing found 2005 Origin : BOR
email : klaus.krusche@planet-interkom.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unexplained phenomena of all kinds
Dr. Arvi Kruusing Category : Critics 2001 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.ee.oulu.fi/~timor/Research/LoPub.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Symmetrical Transport of Clocks & Unique Time in Homogenous Isotropic Space
M. Z. V. Krzywoblocki Category : Relativist 1960 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.co.uk/s?_encoding=UTF8&search-alias=books-uk&field-author=M.%20Z.%20V.%20Krzywoblocki
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Generalization of relativistic theories. On the general form of the special theory of relativity
Holger Kubel Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : PHY
email : holger@post.eurosupport.dk
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v10 i3, The Lorentz Transformations Derived From an Absolute Ether: A particle at rest is assumed to be a spherical wave of the ether, and a particle in absolute motion through the ether is transformed from a sphere into an elongated, nonsimultaneous ellipsoid, causing a slower oscillation. When a particle moves relative to an observer, a secondary (but plane) wave appears, and the ratio of the two wavelengths is such that taking the primary wave for the Compton wave, the secondary wave then becomes the de Broglie wave. The theory is based on Euclidean geometry. Provided some tiny wave losses occur and these losses represent something that disappears from the local scene, then gravitation appears. This is the proper cause of gravitation.
Miroslaw Kubiak Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v5 i3 1992, On Information Transfer in Nature with the Gravitational and Electromagnetic Interactions : quantized conductivity, which appears during the transfer of information, is observed in the quantum Hall effect (QHE)
Takashi Kubota Category : Critics 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.d1.dion.ne.jp/~kubota_t/treatise.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics on light celerity. Starting point of the mistake of the special theory of relativity
Dr. Eng Sven Kuch Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : BOR
email : sven.kuch@web.de
web : http://www.anex-information.info
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Absolute Energy & AnEx Information stellt sich im Philosophie-und Buchportal vor.
V. A. Kuchin Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/M._Turyshev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental Check of the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum
Alex Kuczynski Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Pavel Stepanovich Kudriavtsev Category : Critics 1956 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism Histoire de la physique
G. I. Kudymov Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : RNE
email :
web : www.free-energy-info.co.uk/MagIndex.html -
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Hydrogen energy Studennikov and Kudymov develop the problem of hydrogen energy. Their electrical hydrogen generator (EHG) is realized as a prototype of 150 kWt heat power. The authors create an artificial gravitational field by means of rotation. With this they produce cheap hydrogen and electric input is very small. Really, we believe that the authors are modest, because effectiveness of their system is more than 100%. The excessive power produced by their generator is compensated by environmental heat.
Dr. Peter Kuemmel Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://www.antigravity.it/drive2912003.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Cascade Gyroscope Device for Providing Propulsion Force by Gravitational Field Deflection
Ralf Kuhn Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BOR
email : rk-privat@gmx.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Development of electronic circuits, laser technology
Pr. Thomas S. Kuhn (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1970 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Thomas_Samuel_Kuhn
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Well known american school of philosophy leader
Alfons Kührer Category : Critics 2007 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.cartesio-episteme.net/fis/kap0.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reflections of an impartial observer to two experiments of Michelson
Leslee A. Kulba Category : Critics 2008 Origin : SAP CHI SCI
email : lkulba@electricspacecraft.com
web : http://www.electricspacecraft.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Technical Editor of Electric Spacecraft Journal Einstein's Relativity: The Special and General Theory (Fallacious Claims in Common Arguments against FTL)
I. Kuldoshin Category : New Energy 0 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Issue6.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Unitied Gravitation theory
John M. Kulick Category : Cosmology 2007 Origin : SCI
email : HucFinAdvn@aol.com
web : http://absimage.aps.org/image/MWS_NES05-2005-000008.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A multidimensional geometric expansion of Spacetime results in a Unified Field Theory. A flat land universe can be visualized as moving in a vertical dimension that is "unobservable"
Arkady P. Kuligin Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Disappearance of Inertia Force Mechanical Resonances and Free Energy Work
Victor A. Kuligin Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP GAL FRI CHI SCI
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V03NO1PDF/V03N1KUL.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
SRT is a questionable theory. The Principle of Least Action in Special Relativity Theory Phase Velocity, Group Velocity and Energy Velocity
G. A. Kuligina Category : Critics 2001 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/%20V03NO1PDF/V03N1KUL.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Longitudinal Waves in Electrodymanics. A Formal Definition of Causality and Kozyrev's Axioms.
Andrew S. Kulikovsky Category : Religious aspects 2004 Origin : DUF
email : anku@celsiustech.se
web : http://creation.com/andrew-s-kulikovsky
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dr. Igor Kulikow Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/N/N199905.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy
Ranganath G. Kulkarni Category : Cosmology 2009 Origin : BAB
email : kulkarni137@gmail.com
web : http://www.fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/476
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Law of Energy Creation. The energy density of free space is constant and negative. Energy, which comes from free space according to the law of energy creation, is created at a constant rate. Matter or energy that is created contains equal amounts of positive and negative energy.
Aradhya P. Kumar Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Conceptual Framework for Understanding Faster-Than-Light Neutrinos Argue that, at small scales, spacetime has a Kerr-type metric, and path-lengths are therefore shorter than a large-scale observer expects.
K. Raghul Kumar Category : Philosophical 2001 Origin : CLI
email :
web : https://mywebspace.wisc.edu/vranas/web/papers/indparadox.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Proof for Indeterminate
Aleksandr Kumin Category : Religious aspects 2009 Origin : RUS
email :
web : http://my.mail.ru/community/real-alt-science/6F00CA2090CDD390.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Third Ether model
Dr. Peter Kümmel Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.shoobdruller.eu/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New space drive device with no mass consumption.
Yan Kun Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BAC
email : yankun@nature.ac.cn
web : http://www.nature.ac.cn/papers/abs-info-cn.doc
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introductions on the medium shell and discrete orbits of celestial bodies motion: Fractal dimension structure of Cosmos and its mathematical foundations; superluminal velocity
Stephen Kundel Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Kundel.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Permanent magnet motor. While a typical motor oscillates electrical current to the electro-magnet, causing rotation, the Kundel Motor physically oscillates a permanent.
John S. Kundrat Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
NN Kunel Category : New Energy 1980 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Generator with rotating electromagnets and magnetic ring stator
Florian Kunkel Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : florian_kunkel@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Dr. Manfred Kunz Category : Relativist 0 Origin : BOR
email : dr.m.kunz@t-online.de
web : http://www.kunz-consult.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ganzheitstheorie, Relativitätstheorie, Punktmechanik, Impulswelt, Dreiecke, Comptoneffekt, Algorithmus für Mehrteilchensysteme der Mikrophysik und Makrophysik, Spektren von H und He
Charles G. Kuper Category : Nothing found 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Introduction-Theory-Superconductivity-Charles-Kuper/dp/0198513259
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introduction to the Theory of Superconductivity
Joseph Kuppe Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BER
email : JKuppe@aflac.com
web : no link
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Nickolai Kupriaev Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : kupriaev@front.ru
web : http://bourabai.narod.ru/kupriaev/index.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
About the contradiction in the relativistic description of the de broigle wave. The wave hypothesis of the de Broigle wave contradicts STR. So the relativistic length of the de Broigle wave for moving particle is infinity in the reference system, moving together with a particle. This fact is false even qualitatively. Discussed contradiction is basic and cannot be overcame within of STR. But it is overcame within of the theory of the motionless light-guide ether and Gryzinski atom physics. Michelson-Morley experiment cannot be explained on the basis of the nonrelativistic classical mechanics. It can be explained by STR or the theory of the motionless light-guide ether with a conserving light-like interval only. Fundamentals of the theory of anisotropic space based upon modified Lorentz group.
M. V. Kurik Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://amasci.com/freenrg/tors/tors3.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
The influence of the spinor (torsion) field on the process of crystallization of micellar structures. Magnetic Ordering in a lattice of spinor Bose-Einstein condensates
G. Kurizki Category : Superluminal 1996 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal delays of coherent pulses in nondissipative media: A universal mechanism", "Tachyonlike Excitations in Inverted Two-Level Media"
NN Kuroki Category : New Energy 1980 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnetic motor
Behram N. Kursunoglu Category : Relativist 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://en.scientificcommons.org/behram_n_kursunoglu
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
After Einstein and Schrödinger — A New Unified Field Theory: SO(3,1) × SO(2) and SU(3,1) × U(1) gauge-invariant generalizations of the general theory of relativity
Frank Kuske Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 i3, Black-hole horizons cannot be reached in finite outer time. The new no-go result represents an anomaly in general relativity.
Jack Kuykendall Category : Philosophical 2005 Origin : SCI
email : kuykendallgolf@cox.net
web : http://www.symmetrymath.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The BK Bi-Lateral Broken Symmetry number line must be abandoned for the AK-Symmetry number line. Mystery was,"why no proof exists that a negative times a negative is equal to a positive?"
Heinrich Kuypers Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 i3, Black-hole horizons cannot be reached in finite outer time. The new no-go result represents an anomaly in general relativity.
A. Kuzmich Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://www.nature.com/nature/journal/v406/n6793/abs/406277a0.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's theory of special relativity and the principle of causality imply that the speed of any moving object cannot exceed that of light in a vacuum ©. Nevertheless, there exist various proposals for observing faster-than- c propagation of light pulses, using anomalous dispersion near an absorption line nonlinear and linear gain lines, or tunnelling barriers
Pr. Vadim V. Kuzmichev Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : RUS
email : akouzmitchev@yandex.ru
web : no link found
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mach's principle in the isotropic cosmological model
Dr. V. V. Kuzmin Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.kipt.kharkov.ua/conferences/ihepnp/19workshop/wed.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Paradoxes Need Resolution. Spontaneous mirror symmetry breaking in nature and the origin of life. Dynamics of charged particles in the field of electromagnetic impulses of large intensity.
Anatoli S. Kuznetsov Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://janaganamana.net/getArticles.aspx?jgmsearch=Anatoli+S.+Kuznetsov
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v21 i2, Possible gravitoelectric dipole moment of neutrinos, atmospheric, and solar neutrino anomalies.
B. G. Kuznetsov Category : History 1981 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.ottobw.dds.nl/filosofie/consciousness.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Metaphysics Time and Space. The spatial-temporal laws of the special theory of relativity are deduced from logical properties of the information in the Euclidean space. The Einstein-Bohr dispute, the Einstein-Bergson dispute and the science of the second half of the twentieth
Viktor P. Kvitko Category : Critics 2010 Origin : RUS
email : dolgoletie@bk.ru
web : www.wbabin.net/comments/kvitko.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Disproved both SRT and GRT and Mathematical Disproof of Lorentz's
A. K. Kwasniewski Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://ii.uwb.edu.pl/akk/publ1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v9 i2 (June 1996), As Wheeler puts it to view every thing physical as it from bit; this being also confronted with the analysis of the above challenge as presented by Haag but we introduce the quantum process kinematics without even mentioning the name of micro UFO and is at the very elementary level.
Pr. Dr. Paul G. Kwiat Category : Superluminal 1991 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Measurement of the single-photon tunneling time. Faster than light
Osung Kwon Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-25-24957
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial interference of quantum mechanical particles exhibits a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. A two-mode entangled state of N particles known as N00N state can give rise to non-classical interference. We report the first experimental observation of a three-photon N00N state exhibiting Young's double-slit type spatial quantum interference. Compared to a single-photon state, the three-photon entangled state generates interference fringes that are three times denser. Moreover, its interference visibility of 0.49 ± 0.09 is well above the limit of 0.1 for spatial super-resolution of classical origin.
Alexander G. Kyriakos Category : Relativist 2002 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://arXiv:quant-ph/0209021v1
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum mechanics as electrodynamics of curvilinear waves. new quantum mechanics (QM) interpretation. The research proves that QM represents the electrodynamics of the curvilinear closed (non-linear) waves.
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


J. L. Category : Religious aspects 2005 Origin : CLI
email : contact@photoncreateur.com
web : http://www.photoncreateur.com/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photon and electron are the same reality, the 3 particles are identified by the color of the charge (quantum chromodynamics, would explain: a photon is the resultant, white, three charges of color) 3 charges of color quantum chromodynamics compose matter, antimatter and quantify the space-time.
Fang La Category : Nothing found 2008 Origin : SCI
email : kexx003@163.com
web : http://club.xilu.com/kxlxg/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
China challenges the theory of relativity physics of the Beijing Declaration on the human and physical sciences universe grand unified theory "-" Advanced Physics
Karen S. La Duca Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SCI
email : la_duca@juno.com
web : ftp://ftp.emf-data.org/pub/emf-data/symposium98/appendix-a.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
EMF engineering effect of exposure
Sal La Duca Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : SCI
email : eainc@emfrelief.com
web : http://buildingbiology.net/webpages/bbec/laduca.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time-saving appliances.
G. C. La Rocca Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : REC
email : g.larocca@sns.it
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
see also Artoni, Highly anomalous group velocity of light in ultracold Rubidium gases
Helmut Laage Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : MOC
email : Helmut@Laage.de
web : http://www.helmut-laage-gravitationalforce.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The author answer the problems of LeSage theory by using ether particles with very high speed compared to C. The internal mechanism of der Gravitation: the gravitational force is represented as an impact force (not as an attractive force) in a medium designated as a UE ether consisting of only the smallest, equal-sized jumble of physical particles, not further divisible electrically and magnetically neutral, flying about with a ping-pong effect on random zigzag paths with mean velocities considerably greater than the velocity of light; structure of the bodies from elemental matter units.certain UE content is absorbed in the bodies.
Kevin Labe Category : Superluminal 2010 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Lorentz-Violating Model of Neutrino Oscillations
Pr. Vladimir G. Labeysh Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/CUMDEX2.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experiments on Asymetrical Mechanics effects observed with tops, in figures of planets, and in gyrating liquids, using conclusions from an asymmetric mechanics constructed by N.A. Kozyrev, to develop new theories about properties of time.
Jean-François-Marie Labopin Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://jfmlabopin.free.fr/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Copernican hypothesis the space-time unit: Conceptual and other discoveries: report of research in physics conceptual
Carlos Laborde Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : MOU
email : charlesla@jazzfree.com
web : http://www.mountainman.com.au/aether.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
This aether is modeled by an ensemble of moving point entities (aetherinos) that pervade all space not colliding. They have no intrinsic material properties (mass, charge, magnetic moment, spin...) when colliding with a material particle redistribution of aetherino speeds responsible of the fact that matter is a source of forces magnetic force is an unnecessary A suggestion is also made that the inverse square dependence on distance (e.g. in Newton's law of gravitation) should be modified for very large distances
A. Labounsky Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Carlos B. Lacerda Category : Critics 2000 Origin : BAB
email : c_b_lacerda@yahoo.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Relativity%20Theory/Download/710
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity Space and Time Revisited. Time is not a cause of physical change, but rather physical change, whether involving matter or fields, is a cause of the manifestation of time.
Moacir Lacerda Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
David Lackey Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : davelook@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/David_Lackey
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Jan Lacki Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : jan.lacki@unige.ch
web : http://www.unige.ch/hps/collaborateurs/lacki.html
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ritzian Relativity Ritz had no time to make his theory more elaborate. He died complaining that no one, even in Göttingen, was granting his views sufficient care. His emissionist views were submitted to heavy criticism and experimental tests were later realized to show their inanity. Today, with considerable hindsight, we know the end of the story and how Einstein and Planck's views shaped our contemporary physics. While few would today contest the reality of quanta or turn their back on field theory of elementary processes, it is interesting to know that the criticisms against Ritz's conceptions were shown, since then, often wanting, if not simply incorrect. It is fair to say that if Ritz's emission theory is false, it cannot be as easily dismissed as it was thought in Ritz's times.
Janos Ladik Category : Relativist 1996 Origin : PHY
email : janos.ladik@chemie.uni-erlangen.de
web : http://www.chemie.uni-erlangen.de/ladik/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantization of a Possible Generalized Metric
Eric W. LaFlamme Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Lou Ellen LaFollette Category : Philosophical 2011 Origin : SCI
email : rmlaf@comcast.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Lou_LaFollette
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Proposed Unified Theory of Human Nature
Robert Marion III LaFollette (deceased) Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Robert_LaFollette
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Proposed Unified Theory of Human Nature
Christopher A. Laforet Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : claforet@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Christopher_Laforet
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Fractal Nature of Existence new theory which explains these four fundamental forces as different aspects of a single Universal Force which is repulsive and whose amplitude increases as the distance between bodies decreases. The mechanism for the force is based on a re-interpretation of Special Relativity in which geodesics of Space-time have wavelike properties. The magnetic field is shown to be the result of the ordered motion of high-speed bodies the magnetic field is shown to be the result of the ordered motion of high-speed bodies.
Gabriel LaFreničre (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : MOU SCI
email :
web : http://www.glafreniere.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter is made of stationary waves: prototype electron. A set of longitudinal waves can produce transverse ones by interférence. Gravitation by ondulatory differential effect.
Pr. Eric R. Laithwaite (deceased) Category : New Energy 1985 Origin : SCI
email :
web : hhtp://www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Eric_Laithwaite
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Magnetic Propulsion, Antigravity, Gyroscopes
Michael Laitman Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.scirp.org/Journal/PaperInformation.aspx?paperID=1713
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The double-slit experiment demonstrates the quantum physics particle-wave duality problem. Proposed interpretation is a new way of looking at particles as a united group, the Kevutsa, which has a higher order level of matter. A series of identical particles maintain additional qualities to show a large united, correlated motion that we observe as waves transport through systems.
Dr. John Lake Category : Expanding Earth 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tesla, Growing Earth
Pr. Akhlesh Lakhtakia Category : Nothing found 1998 Origin : SCI
email : axl4@psu.edu
web : http://www.esm.psu.edu/people/directory/resume.php?id=axl4
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electromagnetics of complex materials, journal Speculations in Science and Technology
Dara Lam Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : SCI
email : daralam@mtnl.net.in
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=138
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A model of Ether is proposed : a continuum is linearly compressible when a material particle is embedded in it. Energy is stored in this compression. This Ether is capable of: 1) Storing the Gravitational Energy of the embedded material particles; 2) Permitting free movement of the embedded particles in accordance with the Newtonian Laws of Motion; 3) Storing the Kinetic Energy of the particle moving in it, relative to its original static condition; 4) Storing Electrostatic energy of a charged particle; 5) Storing Magnetostatic energy of a moving charged particle; 6) Transferring the Electromagnetic Wave energy at the constant velocity in empty Ether. A Classical Theory of Everything
Dr. Wingate Augustus Lambertson (deceased) Category : New Energy 1992 Origin : ENG ACE SCI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_6_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
ZPE, new energy inventor of solid-state energy conversion system
Paul Lamberty (deceased) Category : Critics 1925 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The cause recognized by all. The end of the relativity theory.
Arend Lammertink Category : Critics 2012 Origin : CLI
email : lamare@gmail.com
web : http://www.tuks.nl/wiki/index.php/Main/Ruins96YearsEinsteinRelativity
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Maxwell assumed the fields to be caused by matter, while we know matter and (particular) EM waves are one and the same thing. So, how can matter be the cause for the fields, if these same fields are causing the matter to exist? When you correct for that error, really the floor drops from underneath the whole relativity theory. Electrical Engineer disproves Einsteins Relativity Theory: The Ruins of 106 Years Relativity. The relativity theory not only goes against common sense, as Tesla already said in 1932, a fundamental thinking error has been made by Maxwell in his equations."The theory of relativity is a mass of error and deceptive ideas violently opposed to the teachings of great men of science of the past and even to common sense.
Pr. Steve K. Lamoreaux Category : Experiment 1997 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://en.scientificcommons.org/steve_k_lamoreaux
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
New measure of Casimir' effect. Force between too conducting plates very close from oneanother. Demonstration of the Casimir Force in the 0.6 to 6 pm Range," appeared in Physical Review Letters, 6 January 1997, Vol.78, No.1, pp. 5-8. The abstract is succinct: "The vacuum stress between closely spaced conducting surfaces, due to the modification of the zero-point fluctuations of the electro-magnetic field, has been conclusively demonstrated. The measurement employed an electromechanical system based on a torsion pendulum. Agreement with theory at the level of 5% is obtained."
Boon Leong Lan Category : Critics 2005 Origin : SCI IMP
email : lan.boon.leong@engsci.monash.edu.my
web : http://www.eng.monash.edu.my/Academic_Staff/index.php?id=01640424
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein was wrong: newtonian dynamics can disagree completely from relativistic dynamics at low speeds.
Bernard Landaud Category : Religious aspects 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hypergnose.fr/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Genesis I cry, loud and clear that the creation of the Universe results a clever creative will, and not a random idiot.
R. Landauer Category : Superluminal 1992 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time delay of evanescent electromagnetic waves and the analogy to particle tunneling
Stefan Landherr Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : slan@internode.on.net
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Dr. Hans-Jörg Landolt Category : New Energy 0 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0905S10-18.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy Perspectives for Earth and Mankind Perspectives for Earth and Mankind
Pr. Peter T. Landsberg (deceased) Category : Critics 2002 Origin : CHI
email : ptl@maths.soton.ac.uk
web : http://www.ima.org.uk/viewItem.cfm?cit_id=383194
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Enigma of Time
Davis Landstrom Category : Critics 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.besslerwheel.com/wwwboard/messages/106.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Push gravity - a 'theory' in crisis (we are pulled to the centre of gravity?) It is an idea that is appropriate for Besslerists like our selvs as it involves a medium, light, aether, Zero point energy, neutrinos, inverse gravitic photons e.t.c imparting energy to mass which effects 'attraction' or the forcing together of those two masses through the 'pressure' of the medium actung on the masses. I believe that Wright adhered to the idea that the Attenuation medium was photonic in nature and that all gravity therefore came from the sun. At it's most fundamental level the push gravity is an energetic phenomena, one that could elimanate the need to view gravity as a conservative force, this I suspect, Scott, is why you included the detailed and comprahensive collection of materials on the subject on besslerwheel.com. Unless the source of the push is aether/zero point energy in which case the above argument elimanates all but one of the possible sources of the push.
Dr. Günther Friedrich Landvogt Category : Alternative theory 1971 Origin : SCI
email : g.landvogt@alice-dsl.net
web :
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Particle Physics, Toroidal Ring, Unification.
Davis Lane Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : seattle.truth@gmail.com
web : http://quantumtransition.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Anti-Gravity Cold Fusion Explained in Detail: A New Era in Physics Pt. 1 of ? Quantum cold case mysteries revisited. Based on the Works and Teachings of Frank Znidarsic
Richmond Laney Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Manfred (or Werner) Lang Category : Critics 2003 Origin : SAP GAL
email :
web : http://home.arcor.de/gruppederneuen/Seiten/Publikationen/Lang%20Fehler%20d%20Relativit%E4tstheorie.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The logical failure of the relativity theory.
Dr. Thomas G. Lang Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://tglang.com/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Proposed Unified Field Theory new unified theory of physics that is based on classical laws of physics, blended with fluid dynamics. Gravity is shown to be an inherent property of all photons and matter, quantum phenomena result from a pulsing property and are no longer mysterious, and electric and magnetic fields are really fluid fields. Gravity is a caused by a pressure gradient in the spatial fluid that result from a basic pulsing property that is shared by all photons and particles of matter.
Christopher Michael Langan Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.theoryofeverything.net/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Cognitive-Theoretic Model of the Universe: A New Kind of Reality Theory see John A Wheeler
Bogdan Lange Category : Cosmology 1997 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1301
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Simplest Inflationary Scenario in Relativistic Quantum Cosmology
Erik J. Lange Category : Critics 1999 Origin : SAP BAB SCI
email : physics@semantrium.com
web : http://www.physics.semantrium.com/relativity.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Proof of the Falsity of the Special Theory of Relativity. Presents an error in the proof of the Lorentz transformation equations.
Jürgen Lange Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : BOR
email : uferburg@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Natural self-sustaining energy, Viktor Schauberger
Thomas G. Lange Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CLI
email : tglang@roadrunner.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Dr. Eng Wolfgang Lange Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : dr.wolfgang.lange@freenet.de
web : http://www.wwlange.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Albert Einstein's 1905 Special Theory of Relativity is not understandable, because the following make no physical sense: length contraction, time dilation, missing of the equal time. Einstein's Error in the Special Theory of Relativity.
Vladimir Langersek Category : Critics 1988 Origin : FRI
email : langersek@yahoo.com.au
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The movement in the "nothing"
Dean Langley Category : Experiment 2003 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Prof. Ruyong Wang, Modified Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light in a uniformly moving fiber.
James P. Langlois Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CHI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Rhena Langlois Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : SCI
email : elementuno@gmail.com
web : http://rhena-langlois.web.officelive.com/default.aspx
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy Source from the Stars, Coming in the Comets or Meteors of Wealth.
Sid Lanier Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://sci.tech-archive.net/Archive/sci.physics.research/2006-05/msg00329.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A moving object will absorb the same number per second of push-particles from the front as from the back. Therefore the object will feel no net force due to motion in this isotropic flux of particles. (If one worries about the energy build-up, we may assume that the particles, once absorbed, are very quickly re-scattered isotropically.)
Robert Lanigan-O'Keeffe Category : Critics 1995 Origin : MOU
email : onghairone@iprimus.com.au
web : http://webspace.webring.com/people/kt/toeid23/chv7_1.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Absolutely Aether Universe as the magneto-mechanical atom only natural and material causes exist for the natural and material things studied. Photon is composed of two "poles" of opposing characteristics such that one is + (positive) and the other is - (negative) charge, and they rotate about one another as the photon moves in a linear motion through a vacuum in space-time. Surface of the earth is NOT and inertial reference system at all, in fact I can feel the acceleration as I sit here, and thus is not a proper frame of reference. There is a zero G reference in the center of the earth, and it perhaps could be used, but the surface of the earth is definitely an accelerated system. Taking the central point the surface is actually accelerating very slightly away from that point. That implies that the whole earth is very like a big balloon being blown up slowly, it is expanding.
Rob Lap Category : Nothing found 2000 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php?a=list&c=8&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Physical World
Tom LaPointe Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : tom.lapointe@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Tom_LaPointe
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
P. Laporta Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Measurement of superluminal optical tunneling times in double-barrier photonic band gaps.
Vladimir N. Larin Category : Cosmology 1993 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://hydrogen-future.com/en/hydridicearthfrompolarpublishing.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hydridic Earth: the New Geology of Our Primordially Hydrogen-rich Planet.
Armel Larochelle Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : PEA
email : larochelle.armel@science-univers.qc.ca
web : http://science-univers.qc.ca/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
The moving mass of the wheel of a gyroscope becomes increasingly inert (resistance) as its speed augmente; on the existence of centrifugal force (note J Climont: what is evidently a mistake. Centrifugal acceleration is not a reality but the extent of the reaction on the rope of the body being forced to turn. What exists is the pull of the Child on the rope. The rest is not of physical existence.) The whole universe is made of one substance, as much for the mind as for the matter that does not exist but is result of the movement.
Lyndon H. Jr LaRouche Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : SCI
email : circulation@21stcenturysciencetech.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1639
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Plasma Spaceless-Timeless Boundries in Leibniz
R. Eduard Alexis Larrańaga Category : Relativist 2002 Origin : THE
email : Eduard_Alexis@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/Papers/EL.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introduction to Bosonic String Theory: by presents a general overview of string theory and its covariant quantization
Lewis Larsen Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/sr/WL/WLTheory.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold fusion, no details. The Widom-Larsen Ultra-Low-Momentum Neutron Catalyzed Theory of LENRs Finally, Widom and Larsen propose that heavy SPP patch electrons are uniquely able to immediately convert almost any locally produced or incident gamma radiation directly into infrared heat energy, thus providing a form of built-in gamma shielding for LENR nuclear reactions.
Arthur A. Larson Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 i1 Mar2009, Locomotive force of gravitation, attributing it to a well-established attribute common to all matter: the radiant emission of energy. The relationship between the gravitational force and its particulate carrier is established and a self-consistent description is provided to explain how these particles result in apparent attraction. Twisting Gravity: An Interstellar Propulsion System Utilizing a New Theory of Gravity.
Dr. Delbert J. Larson Category : Critics 0 Origin : PHY SAP SCI ARX CHI
email : delbert@larsonism.net.
web : http://www.larsonism.net/
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Absolute Theory for the Electrodynamics of Moving Bodies. An Absolute Theory of Doppler Shifts and the Michelson-Morley Null Result. Larmor time dilation alone is shown to be sufficient to derive the Lorentz kinematic transformations; FitzGerald length contraction is not required. Since the kinematic transformation leads solely and directly to the electrodynamic transformation, this paper presents the third independent axiomatic set (the others are due to Lorentz and Einstein) consistent with presently accepted electrodynamic theory. The theory proposed herein assumes classical concepts for space and time; Galilean relativity and an ether are assumed. Two- Component Solid-Mechanical Aether possibility that only clock retardation exists, with objects retaining their original lengths even after they have been accelerated into motion.
Dewey B. Larson (decesased) Category : Alternative theory 1982 Origin : SAP BOR CHI
email :
web : http://www.reciprocalsystem.com/nfs/index.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reciprocal System - motion sole constituent of the universe.
Dimitrios Laskaroudis Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 467] Thoughts on gravity and the evolution of the universe.
Janusz Dyonizy Laski Category : Critics 2006 Origin : IMP SCI GAL
email : januszdlaski@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Janusz_Laski
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Poincaré-Lorentz vs. Einstein-Minkowski re. Time comparison of classical & relativistic doppler effect with e-m and p-l theory Dyonizy
Frédéric Lassiaille Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI SCI
email : lumimi2003@hotmail.com
web : http://lumi.perso.worldonline.fr/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
3 elements: light, bubble, space-time. The "light" is seen as a point "spreading" in space at constant speed v. A bubble is a sphere or a torus warped space, in which light can propagate on its surface only. The spacetime is seen as an element. It has a Riemannian structure, but is locally Euclidean metric (ds2 = dx2 + dy2 + dz2 + c2 dt2). State of Experimental Evidence for Length Contraction, highly relativistic
Charles A. Laster Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.everything-science.com/forum/index.php?topic=7256.0
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Milo Wolff Simply Logic and Reason (book). The author exploits areas of common ground to arrive at an atomic model, compatible with quantum mechanics, which can be treated in a classical manner, to a point. Wave Structure of Matter based upon Wolff approach. Theory: Implications of a Relativistic Extended Electron Model Standing Wave Center formed by the intersection of two scalar waves. Standing Wave Center formed by the intersection of two scalar waves. Quarks are sub-harmonics of the electron wave. Our electron is a spherical standing wave that can be treated in a semiclassical manner. Classically, we can graph an orbital composed of a whole number of wavelengths for each of the orbital energy levels of a Bohr's atom. Spherical Standing Waves.
Dr. Ervin Laszlo Category : Philosophical 2006 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ervin_László
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Systems thinking in philosophy. Zero point energy. The Chaos Point: The World at the Crossroads.
Naszvadi László Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Daniel Lathan Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : BOR
email : info@d-l-i.com
web : http://guns.connect.fi/innoplaza/energy/conference/Newhope/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Vortex Structure of the Vacuum. Experimental methods for energy extraction and production of matter.
Bruno Latour Category : Critics 2007 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.tribunes.com/tribune/alliage/35-36/10mermin.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
A relativistic account of Einstein's relativity
Dr. Cesar Lattes (deceased) Category : Relativist 1947 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/C%C3%A9sar_Lattes
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity, Particle Physics mass of the so-called fire balls, a phenomenon induced by naturally occurring high-energy collisions, and which was detected by means of special lead-chamber nuclear emulsion plates invented by him
Vincent Laude Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : REC
email : vincent.laude@femto-st.fr
web : http://www.femto-st.fr/~laude/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal asymptotic tunneling times through one-dimensional photonic bandgaps in quarter-wave-stack dielectric mirros J. Opt. Soc. Am. B 16, 194-198 (1999).
Pr. Robert B. Laughlin Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CAL
email : rbl@large.stanford.edu
web : http://large.stanford.edu/publications/power/
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Powering the Future. The Theory of Everything. A Different Universe. Everything we think about fundamental physical laws needs to change.
Ludwig Wilhelm Laun Category : Critics 1992 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The gigantic fraud mit Einstein
Dr. Emidio Laureti Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : SCI
email : asps@asps.it
web : http://www.asps.it
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Non-newtonian Physics, Magnetic Propulsion President, Associazione Sviluppo Propulsione Spaziale (ASPS), founded in Rome June 29, 1979.
Christian Laurin Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.conspirovniscience.com/ondestorsion5.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Nature des champs de torsion. Ils sont liés aux monopoles magnétiques, étudiés dans plusieurs parties de l'article (le tout est en français!!). le tout utilise l'Electrodynamique O(3) qui sert de base d'explication théorique ŕ Bearden pour le fonctionnement du MEG et de maničre générale de base aux systčmes ŕ énergie libre (énergie point zéro)
Giusy Lavecchia Category : Expanding Earth 2004 Origin : SCI
email : glavecchia@unich.it
web : http://www.unich.it/geosis/aboutus/cur-lavecchia.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Marco Laveder Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email : marco.laveder@pd.infn.it
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Apparent Lorentz violation with superluminal Majorana neutrinos at OPERA? Argue that neutrino mass is a complex number.
B. H. Lavenda Category : Critics 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fads and Fallacies in Cosmology. The Origin of Quantum Noise Although photons possess a mass equivalency, we assert that they do not possess an inertial mass and hence cannot self-gravitate. Consequently, the photon energy density cannot appear in the energy-momentum tensor in Einstein's equation
Dr. Paul. A. LaViolette Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : MOU SCI
email : starcode@aol.com
web : http://www.earthchangestv.com/tvguests/biolaviolette.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
"Earth Under Fire", "Beyond the Big Bang", and "Subquantum Kinetics" The Crack In The First Law info in David Pratt continuously transmuting ether. 2 Physical subatomic particles and energy quanta are regarded as wavelike concentration patterns in the ether. A particle's gravitational and electromagnetic fields are said to result from the fluxes of different kinds of etheric particles, or etherons, across their boundaries, and the resulting etheron concentration gradients. Positively charged particles such as protons generate matter-attracting gravity wells whereas, contrary to conventional theory, negatively charged particles such as electrons generate matter-repelling gravity hills. Electrically neutral matter remains gravitationally attractive because the proton's gravity well marginally dominates the electron's gravity hill.
Pr. Dr. Mikhail M. Jr. Lavrentiev Category : Experiment 1990 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.math.nsc.ru/LBRT/u2/nauka/mljr.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
On the remote influence of stars on the resistor. Proceedings of the Academy of Sciences of USSR 314, no. 2, pp astronomical observations using the Kozyrev-type detector have been successfully conducted by a group of academicians at the Russian Academy of Sciences under the direction of MM. Lavrentiev. While the sky was swept by the telescope closed, with the detector inside, he recorded signals from the visible position of each star, the actual position, and also the symmetrical position of the visible position relative to its actual position.
V. P. Lavrushkin Category : Critics 2002 Origin : GAL SCI
email : vladimir-Russia@mail.ru
web : http://shaping.ru/download/pdffile/file_eng.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Unsoundness of Special Relativity Theory, Lorenz's transformation are deduced with the violation of logic and elementary mathematical rules.
Mike Lawrence Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BOR ARX
email : mikert@mlawrence.co.uk
web : http://www.mlawrence.co.uk/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ring Theory Zero state initial splitting in meons gathered 3 pairs in rings two types of energy - mass-like and charge-like/ quarks and leptons are composites of only one type of fundamental object, with fundamental charges +1 and -1 differentiating particle from anti-particle.
Richard J. Lawrence Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
John R. Lawson Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/natures-logic/2692600
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fully relativist results based upon original ideas: Nature's Logic. A primer on a unified theory of physics and cosmology based on an analysis of particle structure and how it interacts with the universe. All phenomena in Nature stem from particle properties. A particle is a construct of space and time. The outcome of interaction is acceleration, the input dimensions must also be accelerations. Mass has the dimensions of volume per second per second.
Philip Lawson Category : Relativist 1998 Origin : BOR
email : stfactor@hotmail.com
web : http://www.angelfire.com/ca/stime/info/oldindex.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spacetime Geometry
Philip J. Lawson Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CHI SCI
email : Philip_lawson@vval.com
web : http://www.newphysics.us/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Compare spacetime generated at a point when matter and antimatter join to create radiant energy radiating from that point at the speed of light. The result is conversion of energy from mass to radiant energy at the surface of a sphere radiating from the event. Hypothesis of a monopole plasma
Alfred Lawson (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.pacifier.com/~dkossy/lawsonomy.html
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space extends everywhere and contains everything, but has no properties of its own; empty vessel. inside is all Matter, which is composed of Substances of varying Density. Pressure is "Force caused by substances of greater density falling toward Space with lesser density,' while Suction is "Force caused by Space with lesser density drawing toward it substances of greater density."
Abed Elkarim Abu Layla Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BAB
email : our_gaza@hotmail.com
web : http://abulayla.net/perihelionPoint.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time is Not the Fourth Dimension. The Special Materialistic Theory: A New Physical Theory Considered More General than Relativity Theory Uniting the Principles of Electrodynamics and Mechanics
Robert (Bob) Lazar Category : Superluminal 1990 Origin : UFO
email :
web : http://www.gravitywarpdrive.com/Gravity_Generator.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Propulsion of extraterrestrials with element 115 by amplifying gravity waves.
Steve Lazarus Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : ENG
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/N/N199701.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
The work of Einstein in relation to cold fusion
Roland Le Houillier Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Sam Leslie Leach Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Generator separating hydrogen/oxygen
Achille Leani Category : Cosmology 2007 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://www.luna.e-cremona.it/bucoluna.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Internal structure of the moon (LEM fall on the moon)
Dr. Timothy Leary (deceased) Category : New Energy 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.earthportals.com/Portal_Ship/ethership.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
UFO Load and Run High-tech Paganism-Digital Polytheism Rightly called the Galileo of Consciousness, he went public with his observations of the mind made with psychedelic mindscopes and helped initiate a renaissance which is still only beginning to elaborate itself.
Jim Leatherman Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : PEA
email : frenrg@yahoo.com
web : http://www.reocities.com/CapeCanaveral/Lab/1287/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free Energy Page Rotary Engine on Hydrogen
C. R. Leavens Category : Superluminal 1998 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Are predicted superluminal tunneling times an artifact of using the nonrelativistic Schrodinger equation?
Gerald I. Lebau (du Gabriel) Category : Alternative theory 1990 Origin : SAP CHI SCI
email : glird@gnn.com
web : http://spinbitz.net/anpheon.org/
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Theory of Realit Matter is made of ultimate particles. The Orb Every: wave motion has a material conducting medium; no void :particles can exist in direct contact with one another; can, move amongst and between one another without losing contact (atomic theory is actually untrue) Sorce is a basic pressure. It pervades the entire known cosmos as a background positive omnipresent pressure which tends toward linear constancy everywhere. It may be call ether as a continuous and ubiquitous substance. Venturi effect as a basic effect; Light, then, is a traveling sorce-density-gradient Light, then, is neither a wave nor a particle
B. M. Lebed Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Thermal Electromagnetic Wave Generator.
Marcel -Marie Lebel Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : BOR ARX
email : lebel@tailpig.com
web : http://www.angelfire.com/ak/mlebel/
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Speed of time as the basis for everything that exist gravity= time speed gradient, space not existing. The first one presents the speed of time as the basis for everything that exist. The second present a clear partition between our reality and the real universe we are trying to understand, in other words, the position of humankind in the universe. If a particle position cloud of probability is placed in a time speed gradient, the probability will always be greater of finding it where time runs slower (5.a); the center of mass will follow this "force" causing the object to fall
Bernard Joseph Gaston Leblanc Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Georges Leblanc Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email : gfl.leblanc@wanadoo.fr
web : http://membres.lycos.fr/gflleblanc/index.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Interstellar space designated by the term ether is not empty, it occupies an infinite space uniformly. Ether consists of two distinct particles infinitely small compared to the size of an electron: one of them said (+ m) positive ground and the other called (-m) of negative mass. The latter having more potential energy e0. The number of (+ m) is equal to the number of (-m), the mass of ether is not zero but its energy. These are also the bodies that compose the matter as we know it. With these assumptions, it is proposed models for the stable elements of matter such as the graviton, the electron and photon. Up gravitons without masses. Reduction of V gives attractive force. = virtual photon electro, + virtual positron.
Susan Mary Leblanc Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Paul LeBreton Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : PEA
email : wizzard9@earthlink.net
web : http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/LeBreton/LiquidLight/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
StarNet Global Science Liquid Light' Power Generation. Modules controlled circulation of light and condensation of photonic energy in a fluid state, in a magnetically contained & non invasive 'thermos bottle' with no mechanically moving parts
Jose Miguel Ledesma Category : Critics 2011 Origin : BER
email : joselledesma@hotmail.com
web : http://www.trestipos.com.ar/ledesma/index.php?pagina=aether&idioma=EN
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Papers on Special Relativity Claim that Relativity theory reintroduced the ether while keeping it at the same time, eradicating logic from science in the last century, whereas Newton's laws without ether explained everything. Einstein is wrong. The Einstein's aether Lost in confusion, everyone fails to notice the contradiction between classical physics and the aether; between the assumption that their calculation were within the frame of classical physics and a confronting idea in the calculation. We can understand the origin of this nonsense: relativity was too big an idea for those time (and it still is); so big that its significance was never appreciated, not even by his author, who never abandoned the idea of absolute space
Dr. Néstor Ledesma Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : nestorledesma78@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/223/N%C3%A9stor,%20Ledesma
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
The Arrow of Time and the Avoidance of Primordial Annihilation Conjecture of the contribution of the Zero Point Energy to the Universe Expansion
Chun-Hsien Lee Category : Relativist 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 i4 1999, On the Space of a Hadron in the Multiparticle Production System. The Intrinsic Properties of the Hadron and the Quantization of Volume in Space.
Chun-Woo Lee Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 i2-3 2000, Geometrical Construction of the Coupling Between Background and Resonance Scattering in the S Matrix
Dennis Lee Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : QUA ENG
email :
web : http://freeenergynews.com/Directory/Dennis_Lee/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Producing electricity from the existing heat available in the environment motor
Jeffrey M. Lee Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : CHI SCI
email : JLeeCforRP@aol.com
web : http://www.godcipher.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time Dilation was used to structure the atom, we also prove that whatever designed and configured the atom's orbits had to be intelligent enough to understand what Time Dilation is. This now requires the necessity of a GOD-Intelligence disprove both relatvity and quantum mechanics. The inertial qualities of matter originate directly from the fact that all matter within the universe (all fermion subatomic particles) is made of (spinning) light.
Jong-Chan Lee Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-25-24957
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial interference of quantum mechanical particles exhibits a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. A two-mode entangled state of N particles known as N00N state can give rise to non-classical interference. We report the first experimental observation of a three-photon N00N state exhibiting Young's double-slit type spatial quantum interference. Compared to a single-photon state, the three-photon entangled state generates interference fringes that are three times denser. Moreover, its interference visibility of 0.49 ± 0.09 is well above the limit of 0.1 for spatial super-resolution of classical origin.
Jong-Phil Lee Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
More than one ultimate speed and superluminal neutrinos
Russell Lee Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : RNE
email : Ruslee@aol.com
web : http://www.scribd.com/doc/78392067/8/Gravity-Driven-Generator
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Gravity Driven Generator.
Sang Min Lee Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.opticsinfobase.org/abstract.cfm?URI=oe-19-25-24957
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spatial interference of quantum mechanical particles exhibits a fundamental feature of quantum mechanics. A two-mode entangled state of N particles known as N00N state can give rise to non-classical interference. We report the first experimental observation of a three-photon N00N state exhibiting Young's double-slit type spatial quantum interference. Compared to a single-photon state, the three-photon entangled state generates interference fringes that are three times denser. Moreover, its interference visibility of 0.49 ± 0.09 is well above the limit of 0.1 for spatial super-resolution of classical origin.
T. Frank Lee Category : Cosmology 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.franklee-geologist.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Earth growing see Campbell many ref. The single body breakup origin of the Solar system.
Dr. Tien-Chang Lee Category : Cosmology 1985 Origin : QUA
email : tien.lee@ucr.edu
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Sun was not entirely a nuclear fusion reactor. Three quarters of the energy radiated by the sun would come from other sources, can not be, according Gunnufson the tachyon field
E. T. Lefčvre Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : ARX
email : Eric.Lefevre@obspm.fr
web : http://luth2.obspm.fr/~luthier/nottale/ukmenure.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Scale Relativity BB see Nottale Scale Relativity and Fractal Space-Time
Charles B. Leffert Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : CLI
email : C_Leffert@wayne.edu
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0501176
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Excellent agreement with supernova data is obtained with no acceleration of the expansion rate. It is concluded that the SC-model announces the first global failure of relativity theory. Supernova Ia without Accelerated Expansion. The First Global Failure of Relativity Theory
Marcel Lefrançois Category : Nothing found 1998 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 i1 p144, The Clockwork of Vortex Shedding. Class fluid mec von Karmann.
Dr. Sidney Lehky Category : Philosophical 2005 Origin : SCI
email : sidney@salk.edu
web : http://cnl.salk.edu/People/Person/?Person=1373
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Selectivity and Sparseness in the Responses of Striate Complex Cells
Elisabeth Lehmann Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.chronos.msu.ru/rnews/program_free.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Time, Consciousness and Free Energy
Jean-Marie Hans Lehner Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : QUA
email : lehner.hans@gmail.com
web : http://www.supernova-energie.com/biographie_von_jeanmarie_hans_l.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The proof for the existence of the newly discovered cosmic supernova mechanical energy that presses us to the earth.
B. Lehnert Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Pr. Bo Lehnert Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : SCI
email : bo.lehnert@ee.kth.se
web : http://www.ee.kth.se/php/index.php?action=people&cmd=extended&peopleid=459
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Extended Electromagnetic Theory: Space-Charge in Vacuo and the Rest Mass of the Photon Plasma, Fusion, Electromagnetism Beyond The Standard Model: Searching For Unity In Physics
Dr. Ari Lehto Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : SCI
email : etunimi.sukunimi@tkk.fi
web : http://www.physicsfoundations.org/society/lehto.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Multi-dimensional Period Doubling from the Planck Scale and Structures of Matte. Periodic time, the oldest view of time, has been seldom applied to physical theories. In this article an attempt is made to relate periodic time to stationary properties of matter, for example to the eletron rest energy and charge, the structure of the solar system and others. The fundamental period of time used in this model is the Planck period
A. C. Lehum Category : Critics 2004 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v17 i3 2004, On the Directional Dependence of the Field of a Charge Moving in Three Spatial Dimensions. The customary Lorentz transformation, with relative motion along the direction of one single Cartesian axis, seems to suppose that this restricted transformation is enough for the analysis of any other case where it is necessary to shift from one frame to another. Contrary to this implicit expectation is an unnoticed property of the angular dependence, in the denominator of the electric and magnetic fields of a moving charge in three spatial dimensions; that is, it changes with a change in the direction of the position vector of the test charge by a rotation around any one of the Cartesian axes. Further, the rotation-invariant symmetry of the denominator before the transformation is preserved.
Jin Zhi Lei Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1596
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Vortex Dynamics and Exploiting Energy from the Vacuum. Casimir Effect with Vortex Filaments and Quasar Spiral Model
Martin N. Leibowitz Category : New Energy 1982 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
MNL-DHE Generator
Rudolf Leicht Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/carburant/pantonegeet.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy pantone motor
Peter Leifer Category : Alternative theory 1950 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://peswiki.com/index.php/Super_Relativity#Super_Relativity
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Xuper relativity with ether. The bad assumption was that the ether was a fluid or gas or in some way the ether could flow or move. The faulty assumption led to a design of experiment that was flawed. The experiment was designed to detect a change in the speed of light caused by light passing through an ether wind. What in fact the experiment proved was that there was no ether wind. There was no wind because it is not a gas or fluid and it did not move in any way to have a frame of reference that would be in motion. That is all that the experiment proved. Unfortunately, it was then assumed that since there was no ether wind, therefore, there was no ether. That is the mistake. The ether is a solid therefore there is no wind or resistance in any direction.
A. V. Lemeshko Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.nuenergy.org/magazine/issue10-2003.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
On Electrogravitation
Michael Lemonick Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email : Mlemonick@aol.com
web : http://www.mikelemonick.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy (science writer)
Alexandra Lčne Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://das-universal-prinzip-buch.de/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Rolf Böttner universal principle is a basic principle which is able to manage complex processes. The universal principle describes a self-regulating mechanism, which is found in micro-and macrocosm alike.
Barry Leneman Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.necessityhousing.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
New energy (?)
NN Lengmattli Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Twin convertor seems not to be operable
W. Lennartz Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.npl.washington.edu/AV/altvw105.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Demonstrating Superluminal Signal Velocity
Carl Lennon Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : cllennon@earthlink.net
web : www.electricspacecraft.com/journal.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravity. Anomalous pulses in traces from high-power electrostatic discharge may be caused by gamma rays.
Michael Lenos Category : Nothing found 2006 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/404/Michael,%20Lenos
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Some Thoughts on Hemodynamics
Fritz Lens Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
See Edwin Gray
Jean-Pierre Lentin (deceased) Category : History 0 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jean-Pierre_Lentin
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The history of scientific errors I think, therefore I am wrong: errors in the science of Pythagoras to the Big Bang
Joe Leonard Category : Religious aspects 2011 Origin : BER
email : Leonard@ouhsc.edu
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Vladimir Leonov Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://theoryofsuperunification-leonov.blogspot.com/2011/07/video-tests-2009-of-quantum-pulsed.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Theory of superunification. The theory of Superunification is based on discoveries the quantum of space-time (quanton) and the superstrong electromagnetic interaction (SEI) - the fifth fundamental force. Superunification, holds a number of important patents in the region of new energy and space technologies and is the founder of quantum power engineering.
O. Leontyeva Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Commercial Exploration of Space
Costinel Lepadatu Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : THE
email : costinellro@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Theory as a Space-Time Theory: by looks at space geometric structure being affected by the electrostatic interactions of the particles. gravitation interaction as the interaction between a particle with finite rest mass and a particle moving with the speed of light characterized by a field derived from a longitudinal vector potential. The interaction between the particles with rest mass via the longitudinal field eads to an expression for the potential energy identical with Newton's gravitation potential energy.
Serban Lepadatu Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : THE
email : costinellro@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Theory as a Space-Time Theory: by looks at space geometric structure being affected by the electrostatic interactions of the particles. gravitation interaction as the interaction between a particle with finite rest mass and a particle moving with the speed of light characterized by a field derived from a longitudinal vector potential. The interaction between the particles with rest mass via the longitudinal field leads to an expression for the potential energy identical with Newton's gravitation potential energy.
Denys Lépinard Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI
email : dlepinard@ontostat.com
web : http://www.ontostat.com/anglais/index.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter is made of waves. There is an ideal environment traversed by waves that can be either advanced, they converge towards a center, or delayed, they deviate from the center of the wave beat repositioning a reinstallation of the center of each vibration.
Bart Leplae Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : BAB
email : bartleplae@hotmail.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/154/Bart,%20Leplae
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Angular Momentum Problem light follows a curved path while travelling through the Solar System. S- the aberration takes place throughout the Solar System - the aberration is an effect taking place locally near the observer 2. The Coriolis effect playing between the rotating mediums of Milky Way and Solar System explains: How the Solar System has gradually inherited its momentum from the Milky Way. The preferred counter-clockwise rotation within the Solar System. The Anomalous increase of the astronomical unit. The Bernouilli effect explains: The alignment of planets on the Ecliptic Plane
Eric J. Lerner Category : Critics 2007 Origin : GAL RAP ARX
email : elerner@igc.org
web : http://www.answers.com/topic/eric-lerner
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Plasma universe. BB never happened (science writer see also Hannes Alfven) also developping features for hot fusion plasma control.
Pea LeRoy Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : CLI SCI
email : leroy.pea@rocketmail.com
web : http://pea-research.50megs.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy
Banki Les Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : DFI
email :
web : www.greatdreams.com/scalar.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Water cell
Pierre Lesbros Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : THE
email : plesbros@hotmail.com
web : http://sciencethreshold.homestead.com/files/Future_research.doc
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Threshold Frequency Theory: a theory website involving frequencies/light/matter
Constantin Leshan Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : DUF
email : con_phys@homail.com
web : http://www.springerlink.com/index/x7831w31535j7324.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang teleport a body using geometrical properties of space. Teleportation would consist of sending a body outside the universe into zero-space in order to reappear at another point in the universe.
Richard Leshuk Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email : rleshuk@aol.com
web : http://pesn.com/2006/09/26/9500240_COFE_report/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
J. A. Lester Category : Cosmology 1997 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Modification of Minkowski space-time. The model predicts the existence of two mathematically distinct classes of cosmological objects: • a class of relatively close objects with apparent magnitudes, etc., similar to those of standardmodels, but with redshifts limited by 3; • a class of more distant, smaller, brighter objects with unlimited redshifts.
Matthew David Lester Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : mattthetalker@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Matthew_Lester
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dennis Letts Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/views/Group1/Letts.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy cold fusion
Chung Ngoc Leung Category : Superluminal 2003 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
T-violation in flavour oscillations as a test for relativity principles at a neutrino factory
Felix M. Lev Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays..org
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 355] Is gravity an interaction?
Nicolai Levashov Category : Cosmology 2003 Origin : CLI
email : Mozg7@aol.com
web : http://www.levashov.info/English/Articles/Healing-eng.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter moving through space consists of countless "matter forms" discrete unbreakable. Fluctuations in the numerical parameters of quantized space occur continuously and are responsible for every expression of nature that happens in the universe. Such fluctuations are sparked by perturbation-both in the microscopic world of atoms, as well as the acrocosmic realm of deep space. In the microcosm, it is triggered by electromagnetic waves from radioactive decay on earth or thermonuclear reactions on the sun. In deep space, large-scale thermonuclear reactions, e.g., supernova explosions provide the trigger.turbulence-triggered by a supernova explosion, for example-impacts and deforms the curvature of the surrounding space, thereby altering its numerical parameters. This creates a ripple effect generating a series of additional deformations of space, which further alter the architectural relationship between space and matter. As a result, local areas of anisotropy are created with specific parameters that allow primary matters to interact with each other. This is possible only when a matter form enters a region of space that possesses parameters similar to its own. When this "match" occurs, primary matters, begin to coalesce and form new hybrid matter forms-providing endless opportunities for cosmic creation to manifest its richness and diversity. Each matter form represents a discrete unit that can merge only with other units of like qualities and potential.
Fuksz Levente Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, no details
Mike Levin Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.greatdreams.com/spiritbk.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Parapsychology/Fringe Science Page
François Levrier Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : CLI
email : francois.levrier@ens.fr
web : http://flevrier.free.fr/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Joseph Levy Category : Critics 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Ether-space-time-cosmology-concepts-relativity/dp/1873694105/ref=pd_rhf_cr_shvl4
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space is a medium, devoid of any trace of ordinary matter, is usually referred to as Physical Vacuum, Plenum or Cosmic Substratum along with other labels. These various equivalent terms obviously refer to the Ether. the emerging modern concept of ether will play a fundamental role in the development of 21st Century physical science, leading in particular to possible resolutions of most of the paradoxes that impede the development of modern physics.
Dr. Joseph Lévy Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : FRI SCI IMP
email : levy.joseph@wanadoo.fr
web :
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Several experimental and theoretical arguments speak in favour of the existence of an aether frame in a state of absolute rest. The speed of light is isotropic and equal to C exclusively in the aether frame. In all other frames it is equal to C+-v / simultaneity of two distant events is absolute. The real interval of time between two events does not depend on the speed of the observer who measures the time, but as a result of clock retardation/ rest mass of a body is different in the different "inertial" frames./ from galileo to lorentz & beyond" we were led to reconsider the Lorentz-Poincaré transformations, and to derive a set of space-time transformations in agreement with the new data Earth frame is of the order of 300 Km/sec
Serge Lévy Category : Critics 1961 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mathematic refutation of the Eisntein theory
David T. Lewis Category : Cosmology 1989 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1261
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Applications of Dimensional Analysis to Cosmology and Atomic Theory
Edward H. Lewis Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : ENG SCI
email : elewis@intenex.net
web : http://www.lenr-canr.org/acrobat/LewisEmicroscopi.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Cold fusion and ball light Microscopic Ball Lightning similarity of the natural and experimental effects that MBL exists and is similar to larger BL, and that these kinds of plasmoids are involved in transmutation, energy production, and anomalous effects involving atoms and the transport of materials
Dr. Raymond A. Lewis Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI
email : r3l@psu.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1466
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Field Theory Model of the Flyby Anomaly tracking of spacecraft on interplanetary missions has turned up several anomalous deviations from predictions of general relativity
Richard Lewis Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.meta-religion.com/Physics/Quantum_physics/structure_of_the_atom.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The idea of wave-particle duality is replaced with a wave model on the basis that only one physical model is needed to explain all physical properties. Quantum theory can become part of a unifying theory when particle models are excluded.
Samuel Lewis Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Einstein-Illusion-Samuel-Louis-Dael/dp/0982731302
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Einstein illusion Space - is conserved in the subjective Time - is conserved in the predicative Inertia - is conserved in the objective Philosophy is the foundation of science and epistemology is the foundation of philosophy.
Maurice Lewkowicz Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : BAB
email : mauricelewkowicz@yahoo.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/226/Maurice,%20Lewkowicz
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The attempt is made to explain all phenomena in terms of wave energy and space curvature taking into account the quantum rules regarding discrete energy states. A Possible Way of Time Traveling to the Past
C. Lhuiller Category : Experiment 1982 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://jphys.journaldephysique.org/index.php?option=com_article&access=doi&doi=10.1051/jphys:01982004302019700
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Transport properties in a spin polarized gas
B. Q. Li Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1196/annals.1362.059/pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnetic and electrosatic levitation recirculating convection in free droplets levitated by either the electromagnetic forces or the electrostatic forces, and its effect on the measurement of thermophysical properties. In an electromagnetically levitated droplet, strong internal flow results from the vortical Lorentz forces induced by the surrounding coils.
Miao Li Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mass-dependent Lorentz Violation and Neutrino Velocity
Dr. Ning Li Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.light-science.com/gen2.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Practical anti-gravity device allowing rockets to blast off without propellant and power plants to operate without fuel.
Tianjun Li Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Background Dependent Lorentz Violation from String Theory
Dr. Wen-Xiu Li Category : Critics 1995 Origin : SAP GAL RAP CHI PHY
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V02NO3PDF/V02N3ISS.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Principle of the constancy of length: the length of a rod is independent of its motion relative to anybody. Problems with the Special Theory of Relativity. Logical Inconsistencies in Special Relativity Theory. Is Galilean Relativity Really Incompatible with Maxwell's Equations?
Xin Li Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The speed of gravitational wave: could larger than the speed of light.
Pr. Xing Zhong Li Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://lenr-canr.org/wordpress/?page_id=691
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy cold fusion
Xinghua Li Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/loi/phes
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 p2, A covering theory of special relativity the relativity of simultaneity is not a universal concept.
Zh. Li Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/hep-th/0108033
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The speed and apparent mass of photons in a gravitational field.
Pr. Zifeng Li Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : SCI
email : zfli@ysu.edu.cn
web : http://www.paper.edu.cn/index.php/default/en_scholar/homepage/368460/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics Essays v21 i2, 2008 Special relativity arising from a misunderstanding of experimental results on the constant speed of light.
M. V. Liablin Category : Experiment 1997 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1292
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nature of Relativistic Effects and Delayed Clock Synchronization interference experiment with incoming and refracted light rays is described which distinguishes between the Einstein and Poincare-Lorentz
Ken Liao Category : Critics 2007 Origin : CLI
email : contact@uct-news.com
web : http://www.uct-news.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See neomechanical model of Dr Puetz
Pr. Dr. Richard L. Liboff Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v16 i3 2003, Schrödinger's Cat Paradox and the Will Increment
Pr. Ignazio Licata Category : Relativist 1991 Origin : CHI
email : ignazio.licata@ejtp.info
web : http://www.euro-2009.de/final_programme.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In the 5-dimensional Minkowski's Space Time and Dirac's Vacuum as Ultrareferential Fundamental Frame
Dr. Frank Lichtenberg Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : SCI
email : novam@nlp-nicoletta.de
web : http://www.novam-research.synthasite.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Searching for Room Temperature Superconductors
Dr. Manfred Lichtinger Category : Critics 2003 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Physik-am-Abgrund-Manfred-Lichtinger/dp/images/3898466027
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physics on the Edge
Matthias Liedmann Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Haiko Lietz Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://world.std.com/~mica/cftenergy.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy cold fusion "Science in neglect: Nobel laureate speaks out for cold fusion"
Aurora Light Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.vortexnetworknews.com/About.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Vortex
Key statements :
Vortex, Paranormal
Daniel Light Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP CHI
email : danielliteau@hotmail.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Articles/3-2/Commentary.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Math like words are useful in the communication of a theory but neither should replace theory development (a scientific proposition communicated in a logical and clear manner)
Ursula E. K. Light Category : Critics 1998 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=343
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theoretical concepts, such as strings, time travel, and the Big Bang, have rendered science and logic no longer compatible. The institutionalization of false premises and contradiction has allowed "proponents of the baffling theories [to] indulge in the wildest flights of fancy
V. Likhatchev Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : RNE
email :
web : www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Issue14.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Perpetual mobile
Philip Lilien Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Kyung-Taek Lim Category : Critics 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 i4 Dec2005, Photon Round-Trip Times and the Equivalence Principle. I consider the round-trip time for a photon between two given spatial coordinate points. The theory of general relativity predicts that the trip time is a constant with respect to time. Contrary to this prediction, I analyze the motion of the photon in an inertial frame and show a discrepancy.
Frederico V. F. Lima Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Guang H. Lin Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nantenna
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion
Andrei Linde Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://positioncritiqueastrophysique.blogs.nouvelobs.com/archive/2010/10/14/un-vide-qui-fait-des-bulles1.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
« L'inflation éternelle de l'Univers-bulles »
Kevin Linde Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : BOR
email : ILPantino@gmx.net
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=105&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum physics, dimensions, the possibility of time travel, E = m * c ˛.
Dr. Peter Lindemann Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : YOR
email : support@free-energy.ws
web : http://www.free-energy.ws/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
See dollard Tesla Longitudial Electricity
Peter A. Lindemann Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
See Ecklin generator
Pr. James Lindesay Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : FRI
email : JLindesay@Howard.edu
web : http://www.physics.howard.edu/papers.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Classical and quantum relativistic many-particle theory. Enrose Diagram for a Transient Black Hole Causal Structures of Dynamic Black Holes
Dr. Henry H. Lindner Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : THE ARX SCI
email : hlindner1@compuserve.com
web : http://www.henrylindner.net/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether matter is a space sink space is massless fluid, essentially frictionless at subluminal velocities. Earth indeed appears to entrain or drag its surrounding, inflowing space into its revolutionary motion. Earth sweeps its gravitating space into its revolutionary inertial motion, it does not sweep space into its own rotation to any significant degree * A Theory of Space and Motion: discusses Newton's and Einstein's errors and shows how certain corrections applied to their models can produce a theory of a space and matter.
NN Lindsey Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Lindsey motor/generator unit
E. I. Linevitch Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.free-energy-info.co.uk/Issue20.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Inertial drive basics of potential dynamics
Yi Ling Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A note on superluminal neutrinos and deformed special relativity
Zhou Lingli Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz Invariance Violation Matrix from a General Principle
David. A. Linwood Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : CLI
email : dlinwood@bellsouth.net
web : http://www.thesecretrevealed.net/how%20to%20apply%20the%20secret/law-of-attraction-newton.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Pushing Gravity Georges Le Sage's and Fatio Duillard's pushing gravity. With a universal field of very high speed, and very tiny particles, and a simple quantized absorption law for these particles, as they interact with matter, then one can deduce Newton's inverse-square law as a Le Sagean pushing gravity. When gravitons have already pass through a body they are decimated between another body when coming from the opposite direction.
Paolo Lipari Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Exotic Solutions of the Atmospheric Neutrino Problem
H. M. Lipinsky Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://unifiedgravity.com/UnifiedGravity/Publications.html
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An object is a mass density field in the fabric of space (FS) that satisfies mass-energy equivalence. In contrast with General Relativity (GR), the theory posits a preferred reference frame –- namely the reference frame in which the FS is at rest. Also in contrast with GR, gravity between two objects results from the interaction of their mass density fields integrated over the entire FS. This interaction results in two types of gravity: Type I gravity which includes classical gravity, and under certain conditions, Type II gravity which includes a very strong wave gravity.
S. A. Lipinsky Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://unifiedgravity.com/UnifiedGravity/Publications.html
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An object is a mass density field in the fabric of space (FS) that satisfies mass-energy equivalence. In contrast with General Relativity (GR), the theory posits a preferred reference frame –- namely the reference frame in which the FS is at rest. Also in contrast with GR, gravity between two objects results from the interaction of their mass density fields integrated over the entire FS. This interaction results in two types of gravity: Type I gravity which includes classical gravity, and under certain conditions, Type II gravity which includes a very strong wave gravity.
Douglas W. Lipp Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email : lippfamily@earthlink.net
web : http://www.CIGTheory.com
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
MT=S, Matter multiplied by Time is equal to Space. There is but One Particle and that I term a GODROP (Thing One). All else is a part thereof and this I term GODROPLETS (Things Two). FOURTH LAW OF SPONTANEOUS MOTION: ANY accumulation of matter (i.e. pencil) occupying space and without motion with respect to its directly accompanying surrounding frame of field reference, which when allowed to be free of another holding field (the hand in this case being the holding field), and which then moves (the pencil in this case) with respect to that initial surrounding frame of field reference, are ALL THEMSELVES ABIDING BY the SAME PHYSICAL FORCE (tendency). That force being and the motion of the object also being according to the following: The Spontaneous Motion will proceed from one pressure gradient {field densities with high Time "T" value variations per unit volume} to another pressure gradient {field densities with a different Time "T" value variations per unit volume}
S. G. Lipson Category : Superluminal 1970 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://rspa.royalsocietypublishing.org/content/316/1527/515.full.pdf+html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Faster-Than-Light Group Velocities and Causality Violation
Dennis Lisack Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : ARX
email : dlisack@aol.com
web : http://www.lulu.com/content/paperback-book/the-cosmology-game-game-tips/630317
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Cosmology Game. An Examination of the Underlying Principles of the Universe: Specifically, Definitions of Space, Time, Information.
Dr. Eng Benjamin Lisan Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CLI
email : benjamin.lisan@free.fr
web : http://benjamin.lisan.free.fr/EcritsScientifiques/pseudo-sciences/TheorieSynergetique.doc
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
voir René-Louis Vallée. Mr. Valley was convinced that all physical phenomena, without exception, in fact could be explained very simply and naturally, by the presence of a hidden Energy Diffuse (a huge energy density) filling the whole universe (like a kind of ether), consisting solely of electromagnetic waves. Everything would then be explained by the presence of this diffuse energy "colossal". The particles are merely types of cavitation, stable or resonances, are now part of a local phenomenon of discontinuity combined with some sort of change of energy state of this medium, as in the case of collective polarization of some stable ferromagnetic or ferroelectric materials.
Garret A. Lisi Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/0711.0770
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
All fields of the standard model and gravity are unified as an E8 principal bundle connection. A non-compact real form of the E8 Lie algebra has G2 and F4 subalgebras which break down to strong su(3), electroweak su(2) x u(1), gravitational so(3,1), the frame-Higgs, and three generations of fermions related by triality. The interactions and dynamics of these 1-form and Grassmann valued parts of an E8 superconnection are described by the curvature and action over a four dimensional base manifold
Stanislav A. Lisnyak Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Vortex
Key statements :
New Possibilities of Vortex Electric Power Devices. On possibilities of vortex energetics. News about experiments.
Lewis E. Little Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : ARX
email : lel3@verizon.net
web : http://physics.prodos.org/ddcexplained.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Elementary Waves. Every point on the screen is continually emitting waves, having the same properties as the usual quantum waves reverse waves. The particles moves forward
Scott Little Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.artofhacking.com/IET/NEWTECH/live/aoh_mratest1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Alternative Science, Alternative History, UFO'S, Consciousness Studies, Free Energy.
Carl R. Littmann Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : SCI
email : carllittmann@earthlink.net
web : http://www.causeeffect.org/articles/phopart1.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether very great, continuous pressures existing in this real universe, such as near the center of "white dwarf" stars. Aether exists as the energized repository for such so-called "potential energy". Aether interacts with "the photon". Photons loose mass and energy to the aether during their trip, this adds a little more aether / ethereal grains swirl around in ethereal vortices. And how an ethereal vortex shares only its quantum of angular momentum with a photon
Dr. Chien-Nan Liu Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : PHY
email : cnliu@mpipks-dresden.mpg.de
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 i2-3 2000, Mirroring and Mimicking of Partial Cross Sections in the Vicinity of a Resonance
Daqing Liu Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org/resource/1/phesem/v24/i2
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i2 Jun2011, A covering theory of special relativity see Xinghua Li
Jian-Minn Liu Category : Critics 2011 Origin : GAL
email : liu@phys.uri.edu
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/physics/0205011
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Test Theory of Special Relativity: Testing its Structures in Gravity-Free Space and Time: modified special relativity theory we have to change the assumption on local structures of gravity-free space and time in special relativity.
Pr. Mario Livio Category : Cosmology 2005 Origin : CLI
email : mlivio@stsci.edu
web : http://www.mariolivio.com/about-the-author/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmic explosions in an accelerating universe. The nature of dark energy, on the formation of black holes and the possibility to extract energy from them, on the formation of planets in disks around young stars.
Chen Lixue Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : BAB
email : dmumoisaac@gmail.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/280/Chen,%20Lixue
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Classical Approach to the Einstein-Podolski-Rosen (EPR) Hidden Variable Phenomenon, the Structure of the Polarized/Unpolarized Photons, the Forces Between them and Maxwell's Equations
King Llewellen Category : Philosophical 1991 Origin : QUA
email :
web : www.padrak.com/ine/AUTHORS.html -
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Solving the Great Problems of the World
Allen R. Lloyd Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
W. F. Lloyd Category : Critics 1963 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/5308791/5322815/05322825.pdf?arnumber=5322825
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The clock paradox
C. Y. Lo Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : THE PHY
email : c_y_lo@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 258] Rectifiable inconsistencies and related problems in general relativity. The Equivalence Principle, the Covariance Principle and the Question of Self-Consistency in General Relativity: shows that the Galilean transformation is incompatible with the equivalence principle and therefore general mathematical covariance must be restricted by physical requirements. It is also shown that a Lorentz manifold may not necessarily be diffeomorphic to a physical space-time. The spacetime coordinate system is also discussed.
Gerhard Löbert Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.zpenergy.com/modules.php?name=News&file=article&sid=1683
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A post-Einsteinian theory of gravitation./ Strong Evidence for the Slow Secular Decrease of the Gravitational Constant / photons but all elementary particles must - with high probability - be of an electromagnetic nature. They can be represented by non-radiating oscillating multi-pole fields carrying energy and angular momentum suitably combined with electrostatic fields. Every force field requires a carrier, either in the form of a substrate or a mediating particle. Electromagnetic fields are carried by a dense sea of polaris-able and magnetic-able sub-photonic particles of extremely low mass called "seaons". This seaon sea fills the complete universe and is presently expanding from its initial state of infinite particle density at the time of the big bang. The gas-k inetic particle motion within the Sun on the one hand, and the dynamics of galaxy clusters and super-clusters on the other, yield a seaon mass of some 10 to the minus 33 neutron masses. The quantum-mechanical interaction of the seaons with the electromagnetic field of a material particle of mass m1 results in a spherically symmetric increase of the local seaon particle number density and, as a consequence, in a spherically symmetric reduction of the local speed of light of the form c(r) / cinfinity = 1 - G m1 / (ccr). (Here c is the distance traveled by light in one unit of local time). Because of the gradient in c, a second material particle of mass m2 and electromagnetic energy m2cc placed in the c-field of the first particle experiences the well-known electromagnetic gradient force F = (m2cc) grad c / c = G m1 m2 / rr. The new gravitational theory is called Seaon Theory (ST).
Bradley K. Lockerman Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : BKLFilms@aol.com
web : http://www.johnsearlstory.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy science, The John Searl Story: The Extraordinary Life adn Inventions of John Roy Robert Searl
Robert Lockyer Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Thomas N. Lockyer (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : SCI
email : tnlockyer@aol.com
web : http://www.vectorparticlephysics.com
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Particle Physics. Nuclear Structureparticle physics theory with models that find direct experimental proof in the fundamental physical constant. The New Quantum Vector Particle Physics. Gravity is nature seeking to return atomic mass defects to the ground state giving two (equal) gravity couples; (1) the mass (energy) of body (A) seeking to replace the mass defect of body (B); and (2) the mass energy of body (B) seeking to replace the mass defect of body (A). Mass is any energy stored locally.
Pr. Theodore C. III Loder Category : New Energy 2002 Origin : SCI
email : ted.loder@unh.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Theodore_Loder
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
New Energy, antigravity
Leonard B. Loeb Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Leonard_Loeb
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Lex Loeb Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : ARX
email : loeb@webtv.net
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity is hot photons have no mass, wave is a property of matter exposed to energy but impart gravity. Gravity is (solid-state) convection photons are exlcusively influenced by matter. Photons are absorbed, reflected, refracted, defracted, re-emitted usually at lower spectrum frequencies after being absorbed. The solar wind orbits the earth in both planetary, solar plane orbits and eccentric orbits--creating a vast convection current.
Enrique Loedel (deceased) Category : Critics 1955 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://descargas-api.educ.ar/repositorio/Download/file?file_id=3d3762f4-7a06-11e1-8129-ed15e3c494af
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Jorge Guala Valverde
Frank Lofaro Category : Critics 1996 Origin : CHI
email : johndoan@hotmail.com
web : http://www.reocities.com/rainforest/6039/jd4.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Flaws in relativity ultra relativity "Space-time is curved, but there is no dimension for it to curve into?! If you put a piece of paper on a table (X-Z axis) and I bend it, it will bend into another dimension (Y axis). There has to be somewhere for it to curve into! Where does it go, if there isn't another dimension? You can't put a something in a place that is nowhere. It just won't fit.
Chris Lofting Category : Philosophical 1999 Origin : ARX
email : ddiamond@ozemail.com.au
web : http://www.fixall.org/quantum/quantummindlist.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Mind analysis and synthesis are not the same path in method
John Logajan Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : WAP PAC
email : jlogajan@skypoint.com
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Free Energy, cold fusion
Anatolii Alekseevich Logunov Category : Critics 2007 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/3k8v1582q7850h02/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The relativist theory of gravitation (Mass of the photon).
Georg Lohle Category : Expanding Earth 2003 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.erdexpansion.de/ergebnis.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth see Karl-Heinz Jacob
Georg Lohmann Category : New Energy 1992 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.goethe.de/ges/umw/dos/ene/bio/en3654015.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Renewable Energy
Edgar Löhr Category : Critics 2000 Origin : CLI FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/kap5.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein contra logic. Review and resolution of his relativity theories, and new solutions.
Angelo Loinger Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the GR-speeds of light and particles (A remembrance of things past). Argue that in general relativity the particle velocity is constrained only to be lower than the local light-velocity, which in certain metrics may exceed the light velocity in vacuo.
Jean Loiseau (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1975 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The objective universe theory unified. Real world 3D tangential to 4D gravity is an acceleration field due to movement of local landmark. Density. The light is a wave not a particle.
Petrus Lombard Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.alterinfo.net/Extraits-de-l-ouvrage-Univers-electrique-quatrieme-partie_a42639.html
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Translator of Wallace, the electric universe.
Nikola Lonchar Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : President@TeslaScienceFoundation.org
web : http://nikolateslaclub.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
John R. Long Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.pacificnet.net/~johnr/newage.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Overview of all new energy activity in the Internet
S. Longhi Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Measurement of superluminal optical tunneling times in double-barrier photonic band gaps.
Dr. M. J. Longo Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.arxiv.org/pdf/1111.0785
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tests of Relativity from SN1987 Phys. Rev. D 36, 3276 (1987) superluminal neutrinos discovered with the supernova SN 1987A : they were detected about 3 hours before the supernova is observed visually.?
Manhin Look-Yat (deceased) Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.discoveryofthecentury.webs.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
True Planetary Motions and Rhythmic Climatic Changes
Helen Look-Yat Taylor Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : SCI
email : timelessi@comcast.net
web : http://www.discoveryofthecentury.webs.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
True Planetary Motions and Rhythmic Climatic Changes
Jocelyne Lopez Category : Critics 2004 Origin : BOR SCI
email : webmaster@jocelyne-lopez.de
web : http://ekkehard-friebe.de/blog/category/projekt/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
95 Years of Criticism of the Special Theory of Relativity (1908-2003)
Dr. Jose Luis L. Lopez-Bonilla Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : GAL
email : jlopezb@ipn.mx
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/r6w101458vr5833p/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Timeless Universe. Time that we measure with clocks is a numerical order of change of a timeless universe. Quantum space is timeless in a sense that time is not 4th dimension of quantum space. Timeless quantum space is build up from the fundamental packets of energy called "quanta of space". Gravity does not travel with a light speed between stellar objects, gravity acts on stellar objects via quantum space. Gravity is the result of the curvature of quantum apace. Curvature of quantum space is defined by its density which depends on amount of mass in a given volume of quantum space; presence of mass diminishes density of space and increases its curvature. Density of quantum space causes "gravitational motion" of an object into direction of lower density of space. Stellar objects are acting gravitationally between themselves indirectly by making quantum space less dense and more curved.
Dr. Martín López-Corredoira Category : Cosmology 0 Origin : CLI
email : martinlc@iac.es
web : http://www.iac.es/galeria/martinlc/ciencia_en.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A new hypothesis to explain rotation curves in spiral galaxies without dark matter haloes by means of the accretion of the intergalactic medium żDios o la materia? Un debate sobre cosmología, ciencia y religión" (Áltera, Barcelona, 2008)
Martin Lopez-Garcia Category : Critics 2008 Origin : BAB
email : mlopezcangemi@hotmail.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/286/Martin,%20Lopez-Garcia
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter and the Speed of Light. Masa mínima y masa del fotónview
A. W. Lopez-Ramos Category : Critics 2006 Origin : GAL
email : lramos@uniovi.es
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/V13NO4PDF/V13N4LOP.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Relativity Principle in Inertial and Accelerated Frames. Theoretical distinction between relativistic theories.
Pr. Gabriel Lorente y Paramo Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : ENG
email : glorente@ind.uned.es
web : http://info.uned.es/electrostatic-generator/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New electrostatic generator. His research is mainly in experimental electrostatic
Paul Lorenzen (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1964 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Paul_Lorenzen
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
As the objectivity of physics is possible? Relativistic mechanics with classical geometry and kinematics. Constructive Philosophy.
Dr. Silvano Lorenzoni Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://twinparadox.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Open Letter to the Physics Community. The Twin Paradox
John Losee Category : Critics 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.questia.com/PM.qst?a=o&se=gglsc&d=104534818
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theories of Scientific Progress: An Introduction Eventually scientists came to accept the quantization of energy as an essential
Pr. Alexandre Losev Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Wave models of non-crystallographic structures.
Zoltan Losonc Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Zoltan_Losonc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravity. Lifters are essentially asymmetrical capacitors. Charges leak off the wires of these devices more rapidly than they leave the strips, creating an asymmetrical space charge. A quantitative analysis should therefore show that lift is attributable to unbalanced electrostatic pressures.
Peter Loster Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
J. Lotoski Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i1 p95, Identification of new hydrogen states
David Louapre Category : Relativist 0 Origin : CLI
email : david.louapre@gmail.com
web : http://david.louapre.googlepages.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The force generating motion is linked to the expression of the quantum vacuum fluctuations.
Rodney Loudun Category : Relativist 1983 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.abebooks.co.uk/book-search/author/rodney-loudon/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
What is a photon. The quantum theory of light
Pertti Lounesto Category : Philosophical 2002 Origin : CHI
email : Pertti.Lounesto@hit.fi
web : http://users.tkk.fi/~ppuska/mirror/Lounesto/counterexamples.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The mathematical justification for the falsity of a theorem is completed by presenting a counterexample.
Fernando Loup Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Can the Natario Warp Drive Explain the Opera Superluminal Neutrino at Cern?? Perhaps spacetime contains bubbles (due to some ancient phase-transition) in which the metric is different -- say a warp-type metric
A. W. Love Category : Experiment 2002 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.ion.org/search/view_abstract.cfm?jp=p&idno=2022
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Clocks Aboard GPS Satellites
Dr. Thomas Love Category : Critics 1996 Origin : SAP RAP CHI SCI
email : tlove@csudh.edu
web : http://electrogravity.blogspot.com/2006/06/thomas-r.htm
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Totally Unifield Field Theory and its Implications. What we call elementary particles are actually patterns of energy flows in what we normally call the field of the particle. Entanglement philosophy is just a statement of the mathematical discontinuity between the time-dependent and time-independent Schroedinger wave equations when a measurement is taken.
Austin Fig Lovell Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Ben Ged Low Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Ben_Low
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See David Talbott and Wal Thornhill (Thunderbolts Project). Electric_Universe
Swenson S. Jr. Loyd Category : History 1972 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.physics.brown.edu/physics/researchpages/Ibns/Cooper%20Pubs/041_EtherealAether_72.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Science writer. The ethereal Aether
Leonid Lozhkin Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/330/Leonid,%20Lozhkin
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dissociation of Black Holes
J.-Y. Lu Category : Superluminal 1992 Origin : REC
email : jilu@eng.utoledo.edu
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lu is referred to in "On the localized Superluminal solutions of the Maxwell equations" of E. Recami for similar calculation with sound.
Dr. Jia Lu Category : Critics 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hoff-lu-institute.org/aboutus.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Hoff Lu poke convincingly of her late grandfather's manuscript, challenging the problems to Einstein's Relativity Theory. As Dr. Lu, Jia finished and walked from the podium with loud applause from the audience, they knew that this young Ph.D. was the new star of physics.
Y. Lu Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i1, Identification of new hydrogen states
Pr. Yong-Liang Lu Category : Critics 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hoff-lu-institute.org/aboutus.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Presentation on the conference of the Problems of Einstein's Relativity and the 10th annual Conference of Physics History of China in Beijing.
Pr. Hoff Lu (deceased) Category : Experiment 1995 Origin : SAP GAL CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.hoff-lu-institute.org/
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Direct Test of Mach's Principle
Gert Lubenow Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : BOR
email : Gert.Lubenow@Readersdigest.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=120&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Orgone energy by Wilhelm Reich. Water Purification of the biophysical signature technology to Then. Energy maps for all living things. The high energy transmission power of the primary e-smog level is neutralized, increased secondary level of bioenergy in all life forms.
Janusz D. Lublinski Category : Superluminal 2009 Origin : MOC
email : info@wcsj2009.org
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/netzwerk/index.htm?/moch/moch_1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Co-author with Knapp of : The seven mysteries of physics Faster than light? Some effects cast doubt on Einstein's limit for all velocities. As if by magic come to photons, which fly through a double slit, a colorful pattern. This is only possible if they communicate with superluminal speed
Vlcek Lubomir Category : Critics 1996 Origin : ARX
email : vlcek@netlab.sk
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/New_trends_in_physics.html?id=0h8nAAAACAAJ
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
New Trends in Physics new definition of the medium, a new generalized law of inertia, a new law of propagation of light (waves, intensity), a new definition of the equivalent coordinate systems and a new principle of relativity.
Dr. Charles William Jr Lucas Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : SCI SAP GAL CHI
email : bill.lucas001@gmail.com
web : http://www.commonsensescience.org/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether the spinning charged ring electrodynamic common science. A Structural Approach to Science - based on five empirical laws of electrodynamics as axioms, the application of logic to develop the theory of the universal force which includes the inertial force and the gravitational force, plus the theory of elementary particles, theory of atom, theory of nucleus, theory of molecules, theory of life, theory of creation and decay of structures, and a new paradigm for medicine and food all based on the derived universal force.
Joseph C. Lucas Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : GAL RAP SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=660
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Physical Model for Atoms and Nuclei
Kenneth B. (Reason McLucus) Lucas Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email : reasonmclucus@netscape.net
web : http://reasonmclucus.tripod.com/science.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether made of photons. An energy pulse involves energy being passed from one set of elements in a medium to adjacent elements rather than any physical object moving from one location to another. An analogy involving waves might consider the speed of waves created by a swimmer or boat, but not the swimmer or boat itself. The speed of a tsunami wave is determined solely by the depth of the water and the gravitational constant (this statement is wrong in fact but the current speeds are very small with regard to the Froud speed JdeC comment).
A. W. Lucas-Bravo Category : Critics 2008 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=4777
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Maxwell Tensor of a Point Charge in Arbitrary Motion see Dr. Jose Luis Lopez-Bonilla
Jair Lucinda Category : Superluminal 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 427] Space contraction and the angular dependence of the force due to a current on a moving charge Gravitational Contribution to the Observed Redshift Transmutation of Bradyons to Tachyons. This approach leads to a description of faster-than-light particles in four space-time dimensions, which is consistent with that given in the literature for free tachyons in two space-time dimensions // Through the Event Horizon of a Collapsed Source of Gravity/velocity of a charge is not parallel to the net current flow, as a consequence it is contrary to what the usual physical intuition appears to demand, there is no interaction when the test charge moves perpendicularly to a steady current flowing along a rectilinear electrically neutral wire.
Pr. Karl W. Luckert Category : Expanding Earth 2001 Origin : SCI
email : kwluckert@msn.com
web : http://www.triplehood.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Mario Ludovico Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email : mario.ludovico@consultant.com
web : http://www.mario-ludovico.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Remarks on the Foundation of Special Relativity laid by Lorentz and Poincaré. The "Vacuum" as a Fluid Space Vacuum and Matter: Myths that Collapse. Gyro and antigravity
Dr. Thorsten Ludwig Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email : info@thorstenludwig.de
web : http://www.thorstenludwig.de/aboutme.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Space Energy Technologies "Casimir Force Experiments for Zero Point Energy Technologies".
Carlos Lugo Category : Critics 1956 Origin : FRI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Simultaneous rays: experimental evidence contrary to the theory of relativity.
Leandro Meléndez Lugo Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.librosenred.com/ld/adrianads/A/9315-leandromelendezlugo
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 489] On the violation of the Lorentz invariant s it true? Can you feel the whole or only part of what exists? Is there a wave-particle duality? Does the genius is cultural or genetic? Be amazed by a particular way of understanding the theory of special relativity of Albert Einstein. In this book the author tries to answer these questions and explain the importance of philosophy to human beings, particularly the philosophy of a theory of special relativity. On the surface of the explanation, as well as its depth, is one way to understand the relativity of Albert Einstein when observers involved communicate with sound waves instead of electromagnetic waves. Splash with the philosophical concepts framed in the theory of special relativity acoustics.
Hans J. Lugt Category : Critics 1982 Origin : MOC
email : yangx@nwpu.edu.cn
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/articles/4-3/yang2-final.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Vortex flow in nature and technology. Lorentz Time-Space Transformation as an Approximation Method for Compressibility in Aerodynamics.
Dr. Jean-Paul Luminet Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.paranormal-fr.net/forum/l-univers-n-est-pas-infini-t8492.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ufo and dimension of universe
Dr. Heribert Lumpe Category : Critics 2007 Origin : CHI
email : heribert.lumpe@web.de
web : http://wissenschaftliche-physik.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Potential vortex, new worldview
Miguel Lunetta Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 379] Criticism of the uncertainty principle. Theoretical Evidence of a Superluminal Carrier.
Maurizio Lusignoli Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Exotic Solutions of the Atmospheric Neutrino Problem.
Pietro Lusso Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : BOR
email : email@pietro-lusso.de
web : http://www.hydrogen2oxygen.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Joe Cell is an "electrolysis cell" built with concentric stainless steel pipes. ... Among those who believe in Orgone energy
Dieter Lust Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Comment on superluminality in general relativity. Argues that luxon can appear to move faster than light in certain reference frames.
Otto Luther (deceased) Category : Critics 1966 Origin : QUA FRI SCI
email :
web : http://mc.nstl.gov.cn/pages/2006/52/75/19(4).pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity is dead. Experimental proofs against SRT. MMI experiments and gravitatio theory similar to Dr Nieper theory, link dead too.
M. K. Lutset Category : Cosmology 1990 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.eskimo.com/~billb/freenrg/tors/tors.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the remote influence of stars on the resistor. The distance influence of stars on the resistor.
Marcel Luttgens Category : Critics 2005 Origin : SAP ARX CHI
email : mluttgens@aol.com
web : http://pagesperso-orange.fr/mluttgens/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Redshift from gravitational braking Newton vs Einstein
Pr. Dr. Josef Lutz Category : Critics 2005 Origin : MOC
email : josef.lutz@etit.tu-chemnitz.de
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
The failure of the big bang theory
Pr. Nadia Lvov Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : lvov@essex.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Nadia_Lvov
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Ritz Ballistic Theory and Adjusting the Speed of Light to C Near Large Masses
James Lynch Category : Philosophical 2011 Origin : BER
email : jlynch001@yahoo.com
web : http://www.helium.com/users/587960
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found related to physics
William R. Lyne Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : DFI
email : billlyne@earthlink.net
web : http://lyne4lyne.tripod.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
UFO, Electric Propulsion and Hidden Technology
Jamey Lynne Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://oddbooks.co.uk/oddbooks/wcwright.html
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity. Gravity is a push, not a pull. However, it is the fabric of spacetime that exerts the push. The larger the accumulation of matter, the more spacetime resists it. This is a fairly weak push, after all I can resist my own weight and stand up against the spacetime pressure against the 6 trillion tons of Earth. Einstein wasn't wrong about the effects matter has on spacetime, he just didn't think it through. Inside the sphere of influence of a spacetime-matter distortion, matter is pushed together. Outside this sphere of influence, matter is pushed apart. This accounts for both gravitation and the accelerating expansion of the Universe. Look at it this way, if matter didn't distort spacetime, the universe would be filled with rarified molecular dust.
Holger Lyre Category : Critics 2000 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.lyre.de/physapri.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ur-theory and multiple quantization. Strengths and weaknesses of transcendental reasoning concerning the laws of nature.
Pr. Dr. Gruyitch T. Lyubomir Category : Critics 2006 Origin : SCI
email : lyubomir_gruyitch@yahoo.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's Relativity Theory: Correct, Paradoxical, and Wrong. Time, Einstein's relativity theory, assumptions, inconsistencies, paradoxes, mistakes. Novel, consistent relativity theory.

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