A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Flavio Tabanelli Category : Critics 1999 Origin : SCI
email : info@galileimirandola.it
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1433
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
A re-evaluation of Morley & Miller results : unequivocal evidence of the non-existence of experimental proof of STR.
Mohammadreza Tabatabaei Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : contact@ki2100.net
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=168&filter=Mohammadreza,%20Tabatabaei
kind of theory : antigravity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Big Bang Theory is Impossible. Photons: Particle or String, Lifetimes - Energy Packaging in Space-Time (Anti-gravity force, Dark energy, The theory to explain accelerated motion of the galaxies in the universe): Inversion of the Gravitational Field
Pr. William Taggart Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.psyclops.com/hawking/forum/printmsg.cgi?period=&msg=48311
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time density & Mass theoretically generate infinite parallel finite universes refers to Michel Tremblay
Hajime Taira Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Resolution to Cherenkov-like Radiation of OPERA Neutrinos Earth is immersed in a dark medium, so we don't know the true vacuum light-speed.
Dr. Eng Martin D. Tajmar Category : Experiment 2007 Origin : CLI SCI
email : martin.tajmar@arcs.ac.at
web : http://spacefellowship.com/2006/03/25/towards-a-new-test-of-general-relativity/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Gravitomagnetic Field of a Rotating Superconductor and Superfluid: a superconductive gyroscope (2006) is capable of generating a powerful gravitomagnetic field counterpart of the magnetic coil. Although just 100 millionths of the acceleration due to the Earth's gravitational field, the measured field is a surprising one hundred million trillion times larger than Einstein's General Relativity predicts. Their experiment involves a ring of superconducting material rotating up to 6 500 times a minute. Superconductors are special materials that lose all electrical resistance at a certain temperature. Spinning superconductors produce a weak magnetic field, the so-called London moment.
Pr. Akito Takahashi Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1583
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy cold fusion Replication of MHI Transmutation Experiment By D2 Gas Permeation Through Pd Complex
Yasunori Takahashi Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Takahashi Magnet Motor
Tsurusaburo Takasu Category : Critics 1956 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&handle=euclid.pja/1195525268
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fact, which is unfavorable to the theory of general relativity of A. Einstein
Sakae Takeuchi Category : Experiment 1989 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.newscientist.com/article/mg12517042.700-science-does-a-spinning-mass-really-lose-weight-.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Anomalous weight reduction on a gyroscope's right rotation around the vertical axis of the Earth.
Alexandru Talasanu Category : Critics 2003 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php?a=list&c=5&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mass of Photons
Samuel H. Talbert Category : Critics 2007 Origin : IMP
email : Talbert.samy@ic.gc.ca
web : http://www.space-lab.ru/files/pages/PIRT_VII-XII/pages/text/PIRT_VIII/Talbert.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Zero to Infinity: Peter Rowlands The Foundations of Physics ref 16 in the book link : On some intrinsic attributes of motion and propagation neither the classical time-and-space nor the relativistic timespace manifolds need be invoked.
Dr. John Talbot Category : Cosmology 1994 Origin : SCI ARX
email : webmaster@laserstars.org
web : http://laserstars.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Laser Star Astrophysics plasma laser star theory see Dr. Y.P.Varshni
Julie Lorraine Talbot Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : PHY
email : jtalbot@westga.edu
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v17 p412, A Retarded Correction to Newton's Law of Gravity// Precession of Mercury and Bending of Starlight Using Gravitational Emission Theory
Paul Talbot Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : CLI
email : talbot.paul@videotron.ca
web : http://pages.infinit.net/talbot/preface.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The speed of light is the speed at which we move away from the origin increasing gravity, due to a mass increase does not affect the relativity. The mass, gravity and the speed of light are no longer immutable constants. According to this theory, these values ​​change over time. The Universe is moved by a general rotation so that expansion is, only an appearance. Time flows slower and slower. Speed of light is also dercreasing. Gravity is increasing with time.
Michael Talbot (deceased) Category : Relativist 1991 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.crystalinks.com/holographic.html
kind of theory : hologram universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The universe operated as a giant hologram. In a recent article entitled The Universe as a Hologram: "Objective reality does not exist."
David Talbott Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : SCI
email : dtalbott@teleport.com
web : http://www.thunderbolts.info
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electricity in space Solar System, Cosmology, Electric Universe
Roger Tallbloke Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : SCI
email : rog@tallbloke.net
web : http://tallbloke.wordpress.com/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Solar System is a true system, with cybernetic feedbacks
David W. Talmage Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : PHY GAL SCI
email : dtalmage@earthnet.net
web : http://carlbrannen.wordpress.com/2008/09/08/the-physics-of-david-w-talmage/
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 48] Relativity with a quantum field: A proposal that is compatible with quantum mechanics and provides a common explanation for all the forces that affect matter On the Unification of Gravity and Inertia relying upon 2 postulates : first an expansion of Mach's principle which states that the gravitational potential, generated by all the matter of the universe, determines the velocity of light and a preferred frame of reference in which that velocity is isotropic. The second postulate states that the energy of fundamental particles is related to a length dimension of matter particles that is determined by the velocity of light and the motion of the particles relative to the preferred frame. Logic Alone Cannot Suffice Logic Alone Cannot Suffice Different Philosophies of Science Causality, Electromagnetic Induction and Gra Does Energy Consist of Charged Pairs? A Reexamination of the Lorentz Transformation Was Edwards Contradicted Experimentally? Do Black Holes Exist? Does Energy Consist of Charged Pairs? Energy is Everything: Quantum Explanation of Gravity and Inertia the Relativity Theories and the Speed of Light
Dr. M. Osman Gani Talukder Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.thedailystar.net/newDesign/news-details.php?nid=222084
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reconstructing the 'theory of special relativity' as well as presenting an 'alternative relativity theory', both relating to faster than light speed. A new concept of reciprocal symmetry that attunes the theory of relativity with quantum mechanics, One set of the equations including three equations by Einstein and 18 new ones complete the theory of special relativity, an alternative relativity theory and resolves the dilemma over neutrinos faster than light speed and several problems relating to cosmological theories
A. C. Tam Category : New Energy 1977 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/torsion/torsion1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Long range interaction between CW self-focused laser beams in an atomic vapor.
David Tam Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : davetam@hotmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/David_Tam
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
N. A. Tambakis Category : Philosophical 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1276
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Axiomatic: QM correlations are either paradox or a sign of incompleteness. Paradox and incompleteness are not equivalent.
F. Tamburini Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Apparent Lorentz violation with superluminal Majorana neutrinos at OPERA? Argue that neutrino mass is a complex number.
Martin Tamm Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : PHY
email : matamm@math.su.se
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 p571, A Statistical Approach to the Concept of Mass The Theory of Physical Space and Time: asymmetry of time it is assumed symmetric dynamical laws and boundary conditions but spontaneously broken symmetry on the micro-level related to the idea of multiple histories in QM.
Ben Tammetta Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
David P. Tamminga Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1645
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unification, Toroidal Ring, nothing more found
Pr. Morris M. Tamres Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : ARX
email : luxon@tardyon.de
web : http://www.tardyon.de/mirror/morris/index.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photon Theory. A Philosophical Inquiry Into the Nature of Matter composed of Photons. External conditions determine the nature of solidified states of photon configurations true vacuum of the Cosmos is external to our Universe.
Pr. Shu-Sheng Tan Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : tansst@vip.sina.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Shu-Sheng_Tan
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Basic Postulates and Coordinate Transformation in a New 'Standard Space-Time Theory'
H. Tanaka Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Possibility for the Existence of Anti-Gravity and the Complete Parity Breaking of Gravity: Evidence from Free-Fall Experiment Using a Spinning Gyro
Yutaka Tanaka Category : History 1984 Origin : MOU
email :
web : http://www.ctr4process.org/publications/Biblio/CPSConferences/1984-A%20N%20Whitehead%27s%20Relativity%20Theory
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Whitehead's Theory of Relativity (rejection of priority of matter over space-time)
Jean-Louis Tane Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : THE BAB
email : tanejl@aol.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Thermodynamics, Relativity and Gravitation in Chemical Reactions; A Revised Interpretation of the Concepts of Entropy and Free Energy: by deals with chemical reactions and the close link that they suggest between thermodynamics, relativity, and gravitation. A New Look at Quarks Considering Positive and Negative Mass// Possible Impact in Astronomy of the Link between Thermodynamics and Relativity
Feilin Tang Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : BAB
email : tangfeiling1@126.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=285&filter=Feilin,%20Tang
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Theory of Gravity-Spin Field In the paper, With the local Lorentz invariance in inner Lorentz spacetime, it was found that There are the fifth mechanical field—spin field in the world, and the theory of Gravity-Spin Field was developed.
T. B. Tang Category : Alternative theory 1980 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/867/T.,%20Tang
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Why does an electron have inertia? Give me an electron and I can move the world. Explain inertia is that attributed to Emst Mach. The idea can be traced further back, to Leibniz, but it is usually referred to as the Mach Principle, a terminology used by Einstein who strived to incorporate it in his theory of gravitation - but did not quite succeed. The Mach Principle embodies the conception that the inertia of an object arises wholly from its interaction with l>ackground matter. A force has to be applied to an electron to change its state of motion, because, in its own frame of reference, the applied force is needed to balance the pull by you, the Earth, the sun and planets, and the 'fixed stars': a pull which is generated enever it accelerates relative to the surrounding matter. When the object is alone, it has no inertial mass but, when brought back to the centre of the island universe, it If the Mach Principle can be generalised, it may be conceived as that all local properties are related to the global condition of the Universe and as such are ultimately changeable: that a part, however small, must not be regarded in isolation from the whole.acquires a mass m.
Giorgio Tangorra Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 p446, Quantum Photodynamics: Physics of Time //quantum model of inertia and relativity. Mass = a dual-phase vectorial period, gravitational interactions, expressions of general relativity, quantum states of a black hole. fractal nature of space-time and photonic nature of gravitation and inertia
Peter Tanguay Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v16 p398, Transactional interpretation QM. frame-invariant and relative velocities to waves and particles with mass.
Murat Tanisli Category : Nothing found 2002 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 p322, Hamilton Formulation for the Analysis of RLC Circuits : out of subject
Tang Tao Category : Cosmology 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 p300, The Disturbance of the Gravitational Field and the Secular Acceleration of the Moon
Vicktor Ya. Tarasenko Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Mass Density of Physical Vacuum Models of polarized states of physical vacuum and torsion fields.
Paolo Taroni Category : Critics 1999 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ildiogene.it/EncyPages/Ency=Bergson.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Comment on Bergson.
Pr. Dr. Gino Tarozzi Category : Critics 1984 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Gino_Tarozzi
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified experiment for testing QM wave function Open Questions in Quantum Physics: Nonlocality, Relativity, and Two Further Quantum Paradoxes
G. C. Tarr Category : Critics 1963 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/iel5/5308791/5321202/05322247.pdf?arnumber=5322247
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The clock paradox.
Angelo Tartaglia Category : Alternative theory 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1414
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Describe the space-time as a four dimensional elastic medium
Donald E. Tarter Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : SCI
email : dethlw@aol.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=533
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Universe and the Antiverse: Is Velocity the Prime Dimension? Cosmos is arranged along a continuum of motion in which our universe represents a very low-energy, slow-motion sector// true light with a velocity higher than traditional photonic light.
Devon E. Tassen Category : New Energy 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1037
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Antigravity, Searl A Theory of Orthogonal Radiation (with References to the Searl Generator)
Tamás Tassi Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.angelfire.com/sc/aether
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity T. miss links, has hidden suppositions and inner contradictions. Theory of Localised Aether TLA Aether moves and turns together with the Earth/ speed vector and force vector are parallel for increasing mass.
Dr. Stavros T. Tassos Category : Expanding Earth 0 Origin : SCI
email : s.tassos@gein.noa.gr
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=208
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space infinite source of all mass, anisotropic distribution of space results from 'particles' standing waving space. Matter and light are sine waveforms of local anisotropy in the elastic, large-scale isotropic continuum.elasticity for v less than c, rigidity at v greater than c. Gravity is anisotropic tension within infinite elasticity. Gravity's inverse quantity is 'mass' space density. All wave-particles contain a constant quantum of tensional elastic potential, As linear expansion occurs, the total tensional elastic energy of the cosmos, rises proportionally. Expansion is perfectly linear, space geometry, perfectly Euclidean.
John Tate Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Tate Ambient Power Module
Paul Tatham Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.thisismoney.co.uk/money/article-1602489/Defying-gravity-is-the-easy-bit.html
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Build an anti-gravity machine that can lift the heaviest lorry. The anti-gravity machine uses a coil of wound wire. The theory is that pouring liquid helium over the apparatus cools it to minus 260 degrees Celsius, which reduces the wire's resistance to electricity. A high voltage of direct current is passed through the coil. This causes the electrons to flow so quickly that they produce a negative backwards force, resulting in the absence of gravity. Everything in the universe is made of particles. 'm' is space and mass. They are both the same thing. They are dark matter
Henrik Tauber Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v16 p200, A Purely Electromagnetic and Spatially Extended Elementary Particle: generalization towards unification of matter and electromagnetic radiation
Michael Tauber Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.greatdreams.com/scalar.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Biological Effects of Gravity
B. H.. Tawfik Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal advanced transmission of X-waves undergoing frustrated total internal reflection: The evanescent fields and the Goos-Hanchen effect
Clive Taylor Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : CLI
email : clivetaylor@paradise.net.nz
web : http://www.becomereal.com/quantum_relativity.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Alignment Theory is an emergent-phenomena dynamic based at the zero point energy/quantum foam level.Each fluctuation attempts to align with the overall direction vector of its direct neighbours.and to neutralize the overall energy amplitude of its direct neighbours. Inflation space attempts to neutralize the overall alignment density of the alignment field.
Emory Taylor Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : BAB
email : bnicholas@fastq.com
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/153/Emory,%20Taylor
kind of theory : super fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Loophole Hypothesis uniform curvature motion (UCM) in superfluid Energy disturbances in zero dimensional space explain the origin of mass in a, and the consistency of the speed of light in a three dimensional universe, and explains that the waveparticle duality of light is due to light being a momentum oscillator
John D. Taylor Category : History 2004 Origin : GAL SCI
email : john.d.taylor@grc.nasa.gov
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/grqc/0409123
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Acoustic Simulation of SRT Kinematics Comments on Tu Rusheng a model in which sound takes the place of light to mimic some of the paradoxical results
Pr. Joseph Hooton Taylor Category : Relativist 1974 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.phys.umontreal.ca/bulletin/Bulletin_A95/Conf_A95.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pulsars and gravitational waves
Kevin J. Taylor Category : Expanding Earth 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://expandinghollowearth.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hollow and expanding Earth The Land of No Horizon
Matthew J. Taylor Category : Expanding Earth 2001 Origin : SCI
email : matt@matthewjamestaylor.com
web : http://www.hollowearththeory.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hollow and expanding Earth The Land of No Horizon
Robert Taylor Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
MRA Device S/N 95-3
Warren S. Taylor Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : wstaylor@mindspring.com
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Wati Taylor Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.greatdreams.com/scalar.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Carroll Sean Theories on gravity; triangles to quantize 2-dimensional Euclidean gravity, with Miguel Ortiz and Wati Taylor.
Bob Teal (deceased) Category : New Energy 1975 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.free-energy.ws/bob-teal.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnipulsion Missing interview finally surfaces after decades of searching
Ove Tedenstig Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : SAP SCI GAL CHI
email : ove.tedenstig@swipnet.se
web : http://www.newphys.se/elektromagnum/physics/Tedenstig/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether matter unified. Fundamental laws of physics, Newtons second law of force, hydromechanical laws and some hypothetical assumtions of properties of vacuum space. Vacuum contains pseudo material field source of matter and field matter condensation of aether. Aether (field) stream in and out of matter streams differ from one particle from the other. Charge particle have a torus form. Source of this flux is CMBR. Elementary particles in teract with this field continuously by exchanging matter with it. This process is manifested in the electro magnetic phenomena and in the gravitation.
Pr. Max Tegmark Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : CLI
email : tegmark@mit.edu
web : http://space.mit.edu/home/tegmark/toe.html
kind of theory : math ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Why not allow the laws themselves to vary? External Reality Hypothesis (ERH) there exists an external physical reality. Our physical world is an abstract mathematical structure. Only computable and decidable (in Godel's sense) structures exist, which alleviates the cosmological measure problem.
Dr. Chaim H. Tejman Category : Alternative theory 1958 Origin : CLI
email : chaimt@012.net.il
web : http://www.grandunifiedtheory.org.il/
kind of theory : fluid ether DESCARTES kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
United nature theory-wave theory. Wave theory explains every principle process that occurs in nature by introducing quant duality= waveparticle= wave formation= gravitational wave created by energetic mater as a basic force only one force exists: a condensed, energetic continuum that by dint of its unidirectional, swirling and spinning movement along an energetic path creates wave formations, which the fundamental structure of everything in the universe! The wave formation is comprised of two perpendicular loops: a loop with electric properties is situated in the horizontal position and a magnetic loop that is aligned vertically. Gravity constant is the ration of nergetic matter on space. Gravity as concentrated energetic matter in a particular space: the more concentrated the matter, the higher the level of gravity. Gravity is essentially the relationship between formations in their energetic paths to their swirls.. Gravity similarly includes both attraction and repulsion properties.
Kure Tekko Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Moteur ''Wankel'' Magnétique
Michail Telegin Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : THE SCI
email : mtelegin@comail.ru
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/Papers/Telligen.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Optics of Masses: massodynamic devices similar electromagnetic one ; a theory of gravitation. The variable curvature of space in non-inertial systems of reference (without postulates). The identical laws of operation of electrodynamics and mass dynamic forces allow the uniform field theory.
Garth Templeman Category : Superluminal 1994 Origin : CLI
email : garth.templeman@nserc-crsng.gc.ca
web : http://tech.groups.yahoo.com/group/NuclearStructure/message/43
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Graphical Simulation of Superluminal Acoustic Localized Wave Pulses
Oyang Teng Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://larouchepac.com/node/16794
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A presentation of the evolution of the biosphere, and the LaRouche-Vernadsky concept of man as an emerging geological force. Vladimir Vernadsky's idea of man as a geological force.
Dr. Jonathan Tennenbaum Category : Critics 1983 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.larouchepub.com/eiw/public/1983/eirv10n04-19830201/eirv10n04-19830201_014-a_topological_shock_wave_
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Topological Shock-Wave Model of the Generation of Elementary Particles, Directors of Fusions-Energie-Forum in the Federal Republic of Germany, and an editor of its magazine, Fusion.
Karl Teppo Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : SAP SCI CHI
email :
web : http://www.skyandtelescope.com/news/15106871.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Top Down element evolution is contrary to the now accepted Bottom Up accretion theory. The missing matter belongs to the previos Eon Cycle whose remnants are still active, escpecially in the core of all bodies having a magnetic field! The theory of adhock sloshing molten iron flow cores can now be disgarded. The postulated 80% of the missing matter belonging to the cold Eon Cycle is now found, by accepting the Top Down era is a brief period for us in the Sun!
William H. Terbo Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.teslamemorialsociety.org/TMSya.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla, Ball Lightning
Jean Vladimir Teremetz Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://jean.teremetz.free.fr/2_CE-QU-EST-L-UNIVERS.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
From Clemence Royer (1902): "atoms" constituents of the ether are endowed compressibility, elasticity. All bodies by the pulsations of their molecules, maintain around them in an envelope éthérons size decrease towards them proportional to their mass, size reduction and therefore incapable qu'induire a fall to them in continual acceleration. This is what makes gravity and also, of course, magnetism and electromagnetism: decreasing repulsion. Light, like electricity, is a succession of longitudinal propagation of elastic deformations, the flare of micropush; for light, but not for electricity: in éthčrons of elastic or light as to electricity: elastic atoms of atoms or molecules in elastic molecules. Only these successions of light or electrical micropush propagating with this monumental speed of 300,000 kilometers per second in éthčrons. The polarization of light that occurs not in the ether, but in matter. It is in this envelope, in this layer éthčrons decreasing size that occur phenomena of reflection, refraction, diffraction and scattering of light. Electricity is vibrations according to greater or lesser frequency of a greater or lesser number of molecules of the body, and the propagation of these vibrations. Electromagnetism is the compression, the growing lack of size éthčrons to the body they surround, due to micropush exerted on them by electrical vibrations of molecules of these bodies.
Gagik Ter-Kazarian Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Extended Lorentz code of a superluminal particle
Pr. Yakov P. Terletskii (deceased) Category : Critics 1966 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1680
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Paradoxes in the Theory of Relativity
I. M. Ternov Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://iopscience.iop.org/0038-5670/23/10/A03
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the modern interpretation of the classical theory of spin by Ya.I.Frenkel
Dr. Kelland David Terry Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SCI
email : vestheory@gmail.com
web : http://www.vestheory.com
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unification, Gravity, Light: VES "virtual elastic strings" explain all the forces of nature. Elastic strings are generated and then retracted back to source at a very rapid rate electricity and magnetism interaction of their force fields that allows mechanical energy to be converted to electric energy. Velocity of light is dependent upon its electrical and magnetic properties, Maxwell's equations and relativity can be explained by virtual elastic string theory in a three dimensional world. a model for the creation of all the force fields and why they are self inducing
P. John Terry Category : Relativist 1994 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://artofhacking.com/IET/NEWTECH/live/aoh_tripspin.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Triple Scalar Product of Spin
Vladimir Terziski Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.whale.to/b/terziski_h.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Pr. Leigh Tesfatsion Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email : tesfatsi@iastate.edu
web : http://www.econ.iastate.edu/tesfatsi/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Economy prof. Supporting Morton F. Spears system of the worl based upon electric gravitation.
Ross Tessien Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : MOU
email : tessien@oro.net
web : http://www.ldolphin.org/tessien.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether highly pressurized Tectonics sub atomic matter as resonant standing waves in an aether force; as the amplitude of the interaction between two different particles particles to move toward or away depend on distance, phase angle,and frequency gravitation is a differential push. Universe expands some differential amount, and an equivalent amount of aether is vaporized from the matter Gravitation is a simple thrust imposed by wave pressure striking the standing waves matter is just a resonance in a material aether.
Pr. Dr. Holm Tetens Category : Critics 1982 Origin : CLI
email : tetens@zedat.fu-berlin.de
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein as a huge philosopher; Relativistic dynamics without the principle of relativity
Pr. Dr. Saul A. Teukolsky Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Saul_Teukolsky
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Formation of naked singularities. Predict signals from the LIGO and LISA experiments (note from JdC : unfortunately those experiments failed)
Paramahamsa Tewari Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : ENG SCI ACE
email : ptewari1@sancharnet.in
web : http://www.tewari.org/
kind of theory : fluid ether DESCARTES kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
Inventor of new energy conversion system / philosophers of science realise that reality is not founded on empirical things. Thus no flowing ether overunity Beyond Matter Wave Structure of Matter (WSM) time exists as a phenomenon created by motion, a "shadow" of motion. Thomson (Lord Kelvin) on the basis of investigation by Helmholtz, that the atoms are vortically moving ring-shaped masses medium of space as a nonmaterial fluid, with a limiting flow and rotation when in vortex motion circulating fluid-space creates energy and matter as its own vortice selectron is identified as the only fundamental particle of matter - an irrotational vortex of space with a limiting speed (speed of light relative to the absolute vacuum) of rotation. Mass" of electron is shown to be due to a discontinuity in the energy distribution (field-less-void) in its vortex-structure at the center. "gravitational potential" in space is created with the breakdown of the fluid-space in the electron's vortex-structure during its creation.light from a vibrating atom is caused in space by a time-varying gravitational potential of the atom-only remotely connected with the orbital electrons. Rene Descartes ether surrounding the Sun and the planets had no relative motion with respect to these cosmic bodies.
Jerrold G. Thacker Category : Critics 2009 Origin : CLI
email : JThacker@msn.com
web : http://www.deceptiveuniverse.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
There is no reason to believe that the universe is expanding, and therefore no reason to believe there was ever a Big Bang. Gravity I explain how the gravitational force of an object such as the sun may consist of two components. The first component is the standard gravity due to the mass of normal matter. The second component derives from the number of "free atomic nucleus" contained within it, such as would be expected in the super-heated core free atomic nuclei contained within the object, Doppler effect as an explanation for the redshift of galaxies is wrong there was ever a Big Bang There is no such thing as a massive black hole.
Fred H. Thaheld Category : Superluminal 1998 Origin : PHY
email : fthaheld@directcon.net
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 p422, A new empirical approach in the Search for Extraterrestrial Intelligence: Astrobiological nonlocality at the cosmological level. A Feasible Experiment Concerning the Schrödinger's Cat and Wigner's Friend Paradoxes; quantum entanglement and nonlocality at the biological level, between spatially separated pairs of human subjects controllable superluminal communication
Sunil Thakur Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email : thakursristi@yahoo.in
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=248&filter=Sunil,%20Thakur
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Zero Universe Nature of Reality: our ability to analyze and interpret the information allows us to differentiate between the quasi reality and the perceived reality and hence when we see our image in the mirror we know that it is only an illusion and so is the perceived motion of an entity. Two forms of a physical entity; a physical entity and its projected or manifest form. Inherent contradictions in the proposals of Special Relativity. Theory of relativity suggests that a clock can actually run at different speeds simultaneously. This is exactly what the suggestion of failure of simultaneity also proposes. We have noted in this paper that special theory of relativity contains more than one contradictory proposal. Inherent Contradictions in the Special Theory of Relativity. Big Bang Theory as a Work of Fictionview. Total Solar Eclipse Invalidates Theory of Relativity.
A. Thales Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Such a name makes impossible to retreive anything in the internet without more information
Marie Tharp (deceased) Category : Expanding Earth 1977 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1558
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
at the time they favoured the expanding Earth hypothesis, Heezen and Tharp's mapping of the Mid-Oceanic Ridge helped pave the way for general acceptance of the alternative theories of plate tectonics and continental drift.
Uwe B. Theil Category : Cosmology 1999 Origin : BOR
email : UBtheil@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmologie The emptiness of time, the universe from the hydrogen atom and the quantization of gravity
Walter Theimer (deceased) Category : Critics 1977 Origin : SAP SCI CHI WEG
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=602
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The relativity theory Teaching, effect, critical
Teo Theocharis (deceased) Category : Critics 1987 Origin : SAP SCI
email :
web : http://itis.volta.alessandria.it/episteme/ep4/ep4th2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space Dependence of Light Velocity May Explain Anomalous Effect Seen in Distant Spacecraft Where science has gone wrong
Micheal Theroux Category : History 1998 Origin : BOR
email : theroux@borderlands.com
web : http://www.borderlands.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Borderland Sciences Research Foundation
Helmut-Eckart Theuer Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : http://searchworks.stanford.edu/vufind/Record/5086535
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein or Lorentz Conceptual and mathematical considerations on the special theory of relativity
Mosheh Thezion Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : radicalman@surfside.net
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang instead of an explosion, it could have been a natural progression or rise to develope 3D space from a 2D and from a 1D, and finally the zero.. as you describe.. zero point singularity.
Pr. Vincent Thiernesse Category : Superluminal 2006 Origin : CLI
email : vincent.thiernesse@wanadoo.fr
web : http://fr.sci.chimie.narkive.com/p/16
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
How Does Light 'Know' How Fast to Travel? The sham relativistic theory of relativity defined by the charlatan. Einstein did not understand the theory of Newton and lie shamelessly! No, nothing doesn't exist as it is nothing.
Dr. Gabriel Thierrin Category : Alternative theory 1990 Origin : THE SCI
email : thierrin@uwo.ca
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space, Time, and Big Bang: An Alternative Interpretation: by presents a 5-dimensional model of the universe where space and time are absolute.
Jeyaretnam Thillaimuthu Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://catalogue.nla.gov.au/Record/845711
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Unique Demystification of Physics Light & radiation : a revolutionary unitary concept : how do sighted creatures see from birth without instruction of any sort?
Pr. Hartwig W. Thim Category : Critics 2003 Origin : SCI SAP
email : hartwig.thim@jku.at
web : http://www.ime.jku.at/projects/project7/relativity6.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether critics of relativity. The experimental critics against the relativist dilatation of time. Three Major Inconsistencies of the Lorentz Transformations. Einstein's Light Speed Postulate is Illogical. Absence of the Relativistic Transverse Doppler Shift at Microwave Frequencies
William James Thistlethwaite Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Dario S. Thober Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1459
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Unipoplar Induction and Weber's Electrodynamics
Adam Thodey Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : CLI
email : billmbutler@msn.com
web : http://www.spacemagnetics.com/home/team.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
see The Searl Group of Australia to recreate a SEG, or Searl Effect Generator. field-effect propulsion and forcefield air-cushion technology
Clark M. Thomas Category : Critics 2007 Origin : ARX
email : cmtastronomy@hotmail.com
web : http://astronomy-links.net/cosmofallacies.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity beyond Einstein. The unified nature of physical forces, and the dynamics among various universes in the multiverse, are explained in deceptively simple terms. Cosmological fallacies are examined : C is a limit. Black holes are singularities; The Big Bang began everything. Etc Fallacy #1:cannot go faster than the speed of light. Fallacy #2: Black holes are/have singularities. Fallacy #3: The Big Bang began everything Fallacy #4:The Big Bang created everything. Fallacy #5: Gravity is the weakest of the four fundamental forces. Fallacy #6: Our universe is The Universe
Colleen Thomas Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email : colesakick@yahoo.com
web : http://weeklyworldnews.com/tag/collen-thomas-on-reality/
kind of theory : super fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ray Tomes Milo Wolfe Aether is structured like a crystal but acts like a super-fluid (super-solid from EM perspective but super-fluid from a gravity perspective). On a single plane an Aether unit is a quadrupole but since crystal structures are what they are a single cell in the Aether is affected by surrounding cells (and is cause for the "super positioning" effects of ions in orbit around atoms). The Next Paradigm Shift
David E. Thomas Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : SCI
email : nmsrdave@swcp.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1176
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
John A. Jr. Thomas Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : PAC SCI
email : jthomas1@rochester.rr.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1517
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Site on Searl Antigravity: The Dream Made Reality
Jonah E. Thomas Category : Critics 2009 Origin : CLI
email : jethomas5@gmail.com
web : http://www.adras.com/Wang-Sagnac-Devices.t17374-91-5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Miles Sagnac, Wang experiment And now I have my answer. The emission-theory light travels at c+v and c-v because the atoms that continually emit it are traveling at v. But the ether-theory light travels at c all the time because the atoms which emit it that are traveling at v don't matter, the light slows down for them. And the atoms which are traveling at -v that emit the light don't matter, the light speeds up. And the time they spend traveling at v or -v before they emit their light is insignificant.
William R. Thomas Category : Superluminal 1994 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v7 p8, The Overlap Model of the Universe: light enabled to overlap the universe on its way from source to observer. Gravity waves should also overlap.
Dr. Bert Thompson Category : Religious aspects 1977 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.nwcreation.net/cosmology.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Big Bang Theory--A Biblical Critique
Candis Thompson Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email : candis.thompson@ttsupply.com
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Karl V. Thompson Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : MIL SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1375
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Proposal for an Alternative Model of the Photon
Paul Thompson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://newestphysics.blogspot.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Doppler anomalies seen on all distant space craft. After a through review, I concluded that the only reasonable answer was that present physics theories are not correct.
Richard Leslie Thompson Category : Religious aspects 1993 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Forbidden-Archeology-Hidden-History-Human/dp/0892132949
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Forbidden Archeology critique of modern science
William I. III Thompson Category : Cosmology 1977 Origin : SCI
email : witiii@verizon.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Thompson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Extraterrestrial Origin of the Ice Age, Catastrophic Origins for the Asteroids and the Rings of Saturn
Caroline H. Thompson (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SCI SAP GAL
email :
web : http://www.aber.ac.uk/~cat/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether Relativity + ether Phi-Wave Aether, a continuous medium in which longitudinal phi-waves propagate (light), modulations and interference patterns of these waves carrying all radiation and all forces. Phi is scalar for state or density of aether refers to La Fresničre to produce transveral waves from longitudinal waves. speed of wave affected by phi-waves intensity so that when intense increase the refractive index near solid bodies.and also interaction between phi-waves.third retarded when flowing opposite side to others then Doppler. phi waves carries phi energy. matter is built on phi waves. Pulsation of phi waves at a universal fixed high frequency. Notion of wave center identifiable to electrons. Attraction/repusion elec magn effects between centers by loop effect centers are assumed to move in circles. Negative charge are associated either with high level phioscillation or with low. Interaction between centres as phase concern. Incoming phi waves push wave centers unless they are almost in phase. Gravity balance between repulsive and attractive mag and elec forces. Last version do not account for Le sage new mainly rely on electrostatic attraction. Aether moves with bodies and revolves with atoms when they spin
David W. III Thomson Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : MOU SCI
email : anfp@volantis.org
web : http://www.16pi2.com/joomla/print.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether (medium of light, but also the substance of mass) has not been measured in terms of mass, because there is no mass at that level of existence, just momentum. Momentum combines with the singular length of the Compton wavelength and the three levels of charge associated with the Aether to produce atomic structures. At the subatomic level, particles are momentum. At the atomic level, these particles of momentum join together to form atoms with specific properties.
Shelly Thomson Category : New Energy 1988 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1496
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy, Tesla Experiment in Synchronicity
Pr. Willis H. Thomson Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.tardyon.de/mirror/zeigler/index.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photons comprise all mass electromagnetic waves cause mass and gravity, as well as light, radio An electron is a single photon trapped in a self resonant loop Photons are the fundamental and only source of gravity photons trapped in resonant caviaties do exibit an electrical charge equal to that of an electron
Dr. Jonathan Thornburg Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email : jthorn@aei.mpg.de
web : http://www.aei.mpg.de/~jthorn/home.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity (position unclear)
Pr. Kip S. Thorne Category : Critics 1968 Origin : CLI
email : kip@tapir.caltech.edu
web : http://www.its.caltech.edu/~kip/scripts/publications.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Black Holes and Time Warps: Einstein's Outrageous Legacy "John Archibald Wheeler: Just Crazy Enough to be Right," "If future experiments were to reveal a non-zero aether drift, then Einstein's relativity would crumble."
Mark S. Thornhill Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Wallace Thornhill Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : SCI
email : walt@holoscience.com
web : http://www.thunderbolts.info
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electricity in space Solar System, Cosmology, Electric Universe see Talbott
Dr. Charles Kenneth Thornhill (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1983 Origin : SAP SCI
email :
web : http://www.etherphysics.net/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Black-body radiation can be simply a gas-like ether made of an infinite variety of particles, whose masses are integral multiples of the unit particle. Oscillating electric and magnetic fields and the longitudinal oscillations are a triality, if electric field, magnetic field and motion are coexistent and mutually perpendicular. Longitudinal condensational oscillations of a gas-like ether, propagate together along identical wave-fronts. Motion in three space variables and time. Equations invariant under Galilean transformation. Earth drags the local ether. 'dark matter' is the ether, and 'dark energy' is the intrinsic energy of the ether.
Brandson Roy Thornson Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : ACE SCI
email :
web : http://www.nottaughtinschools.com/Roy-Thornson%20/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Inventor of ultra-efficient inertial propulsion system
Thorsten Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : northernlight@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
natural or natural technologies for self-sufficient life (zero energy house, subsistence agriculture with energy
Timothy Thrapp Category : Religious aspects 2012 Origin : SCI
email : wits2011@yahoo.com
web : http://www.witts.ws/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New Energy The Role of the Holy Spirit in this World Present Day
Manoj Thulasidas Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : CLI PHY SCI
email : Manoj@Thulasidas.com
web : http://www.theunrealuniverse.com/cover.shtml
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 517] Perceptual effects in relativity and astrophysics. The unreal universe : A Study in Applied Spirituality. The Unreal Universe is an exploration into the interconnection among seemingly unrelated domains ranging from spirituality to physics. The Unreal Universe is an exploration into the interconnection among seemingly unrelated domains ranging from spirituality to physics. (However how can reality be absolute? JdeC question).
Wolfgang Thüne Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : FRI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Criticism of the greenhouse effect theory
Olaf Thurau Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BOR
email : info@diealteschule.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dr. Bruno Thüring (deceased) Category : Critics 1941 Origin : MOC SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Bruno_Th%C3%BCring
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternatives to the expansion of the universe and the Big Bang
Max Thürkauf (deceased) Category : Critics 1980 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Max_Th%C3%Bcrkauf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critical Thoughts on modern science and technology. Causes and consequences of technical intemperance of our time.
Tyler W. Thurmond Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email : tyler.forum9@gmail.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
J. Harri T. Tiainen Category : Critics 2010 Origin : THE
email : harri@healingearth.com.au
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Difference Between Mathematical Physics and Physical Mathematics : quantization procedure reveals an extra mathematical 'counting-force' that is equivalent to the partitioning of all physical 'counting' objects
Alexei A. Tiapkin Category : Philosophical 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://parerga.vizja.pl/wp-content/uploads/2008/01/parerga_02_2005.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dualism of quality and quantity in science is at the same time also the central and universal idea within the process of the modelling in alternative phonetics.
Bob Ticer Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : SCI
email : bobbytee@bossig.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Robert_Ticer
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Cosmic Coincidence The Recycling Universe the present rate of expansion equates to the ratio of gravitational and electrostatic forces. Another model of the universe is thus proposed whereby General Relativity Theory (GRT) is to be modified to somehow comply with the Cosmic Coincidence.
Robert D. Tieman Category : Critics 2002 Origin : BAB
email : tminator@hawaii.rr.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/987/Robert,%20Tieman
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electromagnetic Origin of Lorentz-Fitzgerald Transforms. The Plain Truth About Relativity. MMI experiment can only have 2 outcomes; neither of which conforms to the currently accepted temporal equation/s of STR. The relativistic addition of velocities cannot be applied to such a scenario. The problem with applying Einstein's velocity addition equation to such a scenario was recognized by Curt Renshaw and detailed within his paper The Experiment of Fizeau as a Test of Relative Simultaneity. The main fact is that the relativistic addition of velocities, or any equation of basic mechanics detailing the addition of velocities, is not enough to describe any such experiment. The appearance of entrainment is merely an illusion created by the Doppler effect. ive Einstein's Solution: 99 Years And Change de Robert D. Tieman …
Pr. Dr. William G. Tifft Category : Cosmology 1977 Origin : SCI
email : wtifft@as.arizona.edu
web : http://www.sastpc.org/activities.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmology In 3-Dimensional Time. Redshift quantization, periodicity of redshifts has ranged from 5.76 km/s to 72.5 km/s. Some of the smaller periodicities that Tifft claimed to find are difficult to measure
Mitch Tilbury Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Mitch_Tilbury
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
The Ultimate Tesla Coil Design and Construction Guide
Dirk Tilger Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SCI
email : dirk@miriup.de
web :
kind of theory : antigravity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dirk Tilger is translating the work of Günther Baer into English
Pr. William A. Tiller Category : New Energy 2007 Origin : QUA SCI ACE
email : info@tiller.org
web : http://www.tillerfoundation.com/biography.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Cosmic energy conversion : subtle energy psychoenergetics.
Tilley Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Electric Vehicle
Homer B. Tilton (deceased) Category : Superluminal 1993 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
How to Break the Light Barrier by A.D. 2079
A. R. Timashev Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Generalized Golden Section and the Time. Theory applied to the Time. Theory by Professor N.A.Kozyrev to determine the stable velocities of the course of time and the stable quantities of the density of time. The stable velocities of the course of time and the stable quantities of the density of time. Time breathe life into everything in our Universe.
Arkadii Klimentovich Timiriazev Category : Philosophical 1977 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism
A. Timofeev Category : Cosmology 2004 Origin : BAB
email : t_a_n@mail.ru
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=398&filter=A.,%20Timofeev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Who knows a method of measuring pure inertial planetary. Mass now? It is obvious that the use of the Principle of Equivalence is forbidden.
Wladimir Timofeew Category : Cosmology 2004 Origin : ARX BAB
email : t_a_n@mail.ru
web : http://gsjournal.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/398/A.,%20Timofeev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitational Symmetry Inside the Solar System Principle of Indeterminacy for Classical Celestial Mechanics: deviations from the principle of equivalence
S. J. Tingay Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : ANT REC
email : stingay@astro.swin.edu.au
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic motion in a nearby bright X-ray source
Christopher P. Tinsley (deceased) Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=938
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New Energy, Cold Fusion, Antigravity : Only the Cold Fusion Critics Were Icarus
Jayme Tiomno Category : Critics 1985 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=8660480
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On experiments to detect possible failures of relativity theory; A linear theory of gravitation; No equivalence between SRT and ether theories
Frank Tipler Category : Religious aspects 1988 Origin : ARX
email : tipler@tulane.edu
web : http://www.aleph.se/Trans/Global/Omega
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Omega Point theological viewpoint; The Anthropic Cosmological Principle
Sharad D. Tipnis Category : Critics 1985 Origin : SAP SCI FRI
email :
web : http://www.indiamike.com/india/chai-and-chat-f73/admirable-indians-t4789/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's relativity the greatest fallacy in the twentieth century.
Dr. Siegfried E. Tischler Category : New Energy 0 Origin : SCI
email : setex01@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=243
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Science Ethics, New Technologies
E. N. Tishina Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
High-Efficiency Technology of Magnetic Cooling
Titchessa Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BOR
email : Jndoram69@aol.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
S. C. Tiwari Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : PHY SAP CHI
email :
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/1464-4266/4/2/366
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Theory of Gravitation Without the Einstein Field Equation. Photon model, a vortex structure is proposed based on the space-time invariant property-spin, and pure gauge fields. To test the prime role of spin for photons and the angular-momentum interpretation of electromagnetic fields, experimental schemes feasible in modern laboratories are suggested. Relativity, entanglement and the physical reality of the photon. Relativity does not enter into the picture, however for the Bell-Bohm version of local realism in terms of hidden variables such experiments are significant.
Dr. W. Tkaczyk Category : Experiment 1995 Origin : CHI
email : Wtkaczyk@krysia.uni.lodz.pl
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/q0j6518834m07446/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Anisotropy of cosmic rays from the galactic centre. Correlation between arrival directions of gamma ray bursts and super high energy EAS
Bob Toben Category : History 1975 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.goodreads.com/book/show/94093.Space_time_and_beyond_
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space-time and beyond. Toward an Explanation of the Unexplainable. Luxon hypothesis. Many of the scientific theories presented herein are quite speculative.
Richard Tobey Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Roger S. Tobie Category : Philosophical 2012 Origin : SCI
email : rtobie@verizon.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1120
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Grotz Toby Category : New Energy 1991 Origin : MOU
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/catalogue/c03articles.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Nikola Tesla and Vedic Philosophy - Development of a Particle Beam Weapon Based on Nikolas Tesla
Dr. Svetlana Tochel'Nikova-Muri Category : Experiment 1992 Origin : SCI
email : mchubey@gao.spb.ru
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=1811
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Doppler Observations of Venus Contradict the SRT. On the Motion of the Solar System With Respect to the Ether.
Pr. Dr. Moikazu Toda Category : History 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.iwanami.co.jp/english/ns0101.html
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
No critics in that book "Toda lattice" soliton theory
Desiato J. Todd Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : PIP
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
PE v22 i1, Derivation of fundamental particle radii: Electron, proton, and neutron. On the unification of fields advance propulsion methods (see Riccardo C. Storti)
Jake Todd Category : Superluminal 2010 Origin : BAB
email : Jake.Todd@Gmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=915&filter=Jake,%20Todd
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Extraction of Electrons Travelling Faster Than Light from Micro Black Holes : The Double Slit Experiment Necessitates a Reformulation of Electromagnetic Waves Including A New Form of Coupling. The Many-Worlds Interpretation of Relativity
Rick Todish Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.teslatech.info/ttstore/conftapes/archives/1999jul/600212.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
New energy. A Working Model...of an Ionic Propulsion Antigravity Craft!
Dr. Eng Georg Todoroff Category : Religious aspects 1982 Origin : FRI
email : geogetto@aol.com
web : http://www.gtodoroff.de/index.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein divide by zero, which is why this "theory" calls from a circle to have infinitely many centers. This is not science. The existence of the ether, which Einstein denied entirely arbitrary, is proved by exception, all such experiments, and logically compelling. The entire physical world, subject to the same compartment delusions, shows what God made a plan of creation. the universe have arisen from a single, point of energy, the Big Bang. This mathematical model, based (on false pretenses theory of relativity; nonexistence of the ether) proves to be looked at critically as bright idiocy, in particular, it is not keeping mathematically. Everyone thinks that what he wants to believe, as long as he is not knowledgeable. Big Bang theory slain.
Dr. Michail Todorov Category : Relativist 1984 Origin : SCI
email : mtod@tu-sofia.bg
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Michail_Todorov
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Herbert Toepper Category : History 1988 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/Kongress-1988.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mission and objectives of the International Association for the development of science
Jürgen Tokarski Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : BOR
email : j.tokarski@ndh.net
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free Energy
Dr. Svetlana A. Tolchel'nikova-Murri Category : Critics 1988 Origin : SAP GAL SCI FRI CHI
email : mchubey@gao.spb.ru
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1988IzPul.205...21T
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Doppler Observations of Venus Contradict Special Relativity. A New Way to Determine the Velocity of the Solar System. On the Motion of the Solar System With Respect to the Ether.
I. Toledo Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : GAL
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Stachel Theorem Applied to Lienard-Wiechert Field
Dr. Jeff Tollaksen Category : History 2010 Origin : ARX
email : jmt@buphy.bu.edu
web :
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Vector Quantum Mechanics of Mind see Sarfatti
Richard Tolley Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : ARX
email : rstolley@chorus.net
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The General Time Structure of the Universe. The photon is a geometric relativistic time singularity particle in relativistic geometric forward time
Dr. Alexander Tollmann (deceased) Category : Critics 1993 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://de.wikipedia.org/wiki/Alexander_Tollmann
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
And the truth finally wins
Gerald J. Tomany Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : geraldjt@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Gerald_Tomany
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Frederik David Tombe Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : SAP GAL SCI BAB CHI
email : sirius184@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=451&filter=Frederick%20David,%20Tombe
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Elastic aether as a dense lattice structure only electrostatic forces electron-positron plasma. Lorentz force in maxwell's equ mass inertial not equiv to grav mass. Stress of aether v=magnetic field earth carries a pocket of aether around the sun. The Electromagnetic Momentum of a Charged Particle in Weber's Theory. Galilean Invariance of Maxwell Equations lorentz's Galilean Invariant Lightning and the Gravitational Capacitor. The Speed of Light Varies with Magnetic Flux Density. Aether Causes Anti-Friction in the Planetary Orbits. The Connection Between Gravity and Light: The Unification of Gravity and Magnetism. The Aether and the Electric Sea. The Double Helix Theory of the Magnetic Field: Gravitation, Electrostatics and the Electron-Positron Aether
Raymond Tomes Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : BOR SCI ARX CHI
email : ray@tomes.biz
web : http://ray.tomes.biz/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether Cycles in the Universe. The Theory of Harmonics Trevor Marshall is a real physicist and he also considers that Quantum Mechanics is not Science to quote his web site. He goes on to ask But didn't the Aspect experiment show Einstein was wrong? And to reply No, it didn't. The celebrated experiment of that name was done in 1981 and was a refinement of what Clauser and Freedman did in 1972. Neither of them established that locality is violated. The Wave Structure of Matter 2004
Mark R. Tomion (deceased) Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php2/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1668
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Star drive engine
Yukio Tomozawa Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Use of a physical metric for OPERA experiment
Michael F. Toney Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www-spires.slac.stanford.edu/cgi-wrap/getdoc/slac-pub-9988.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Twin faults and APBs magnetism of FePt thin films: lack of chemical order in the very thin films
Xin-Ping Tong Category : Nothing found 2009 Origin : BAB
email : txp1313abc@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=247&filter=Xin-Ping,%20Tong
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Goldback Conjecture: Upper Bound, Lower Bound Goldbach's Conjecture (A): Every even positive integer greater than 2 can be written as the sum of two primes, in short, 1+1
Tito M. Tonietti Category : Critics 1989 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Tito_Tonietti
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Continuum's Continuous Conflict
Valerio Tonini Category : Critics 1953 Origin : SAP FRI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reality and structural relativity. Epistemology of modern physics
Vilson Tonin-Zanchin Category : Relativist 1989 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1352
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Exploring whether the possible new effects can be accounted for through minimal modifications of the standard formulation of General Relativity: in particular, through exploitation and extension of the role of the cosmological constant Fifth Force, Sixth Force, and all That: A Theoretical (Classical) Comment
Pr. Vladimir E. Tonkal Category : New Energy 1985 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
r Testatika, Meyer, Ciba Geigy, la technique électrodynamique " GEN ", le moteur Pöschl etc.
Barrie J. Tonkinson Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : SCI
email : barrietonkinson@onetel.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1608
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Distinction between clocks which run slow in the everyday sense and those which record a smaller time interval between a specific pair of events - while running at the standard rate. The Behaviour of Clocks and Rods in Special and General Relativity
Pr. Ernesto Tonni Category : Critics 2006 Origin : IMP SCI
email : e.tonni@dmf.unicatt.it
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=1663&tab=2
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The spin motion is the origin of special relativity and leads to bohr's quantization rules and planck's black body spectrum & (with zelada, m.) Zitterbewegung leads to the explanation of a recent experiment on neutrinos not explainable by means of chromodynamics & correct interpretation of the graneau-phipps jr.-roscoe experiment in electrodynamics & relativistic exact expressions for wave refraction in a generally moving medium: application to the gravitational lens effect Zero Point Field, Stochastic Electrodynamics, Runaway, Free Electrons, Semiconductors, 1/f Noise
Daniel Toohey Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : bassius@gmail.com
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Michael Tooley Category : Critics 2000 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/rec/TOOTTA
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time tense and causation new philosophical theory of the nature of time dynamic conception of the universe, in which past, present, and future are not merely subjective features of experience. He claims that the past and the present are real, while the future is not.
Alar Toomre Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : toomre@math.mit.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Alar_Toomre
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
V. Toporov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
Aether mechanics
Igor N. Toptygin Category : Critics 1990 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0038-5670/33/4/B10
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
What we can learn from "The Myths of Relativity Theory"
G. Toraldo di Francia Category : Superluminal 1952 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Super-gain antennas and optical resolving power
Alejandro A. Torassa Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : BOR BAB
email : atorassa@gmail.com
web : http://atorassa.tripod.com/paper.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New universal force of interaction, called kinetic force; it balances the other forces. Bodies determines their own motion because the kinetic force keeps the system of forces acting on each body always in equilibrium thus no need to distinguish among reference frames: motion law remains covariant in all reference frames. Existence of bi particles and has a general equation of motion, which can be applied to any non-rotating reference system.
Bengt Hj Törnblom Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : CLI
email : delta@maticweb.com
web : http://www.maticweb.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Delta-concept : universe, from an atomic perspective, including an abstract, possibly self-generated, dynamic ground state, Go, separate from our dimensions. An "essential", in which deviations / mismatches form fields of 2 kinds: linear (open) and circular (closed) movement/velocity. This circular movement, because of its closed properties, could be considered as a concentration of hidden movement and is used to define mass. The linear type is synonymous with the velocity C.linear velocity, C, causes time delay, while the circular causes time deviation, through the modulation of the rise of the slope of the spiral, a kind of energy modulation. Besides relativity etc, this essay describes how gravitation is generated through polarization, and the difference between acceleration and gravitation. Gravtiation is a phenomenon that is a function of circular polarization. Acceleration is a phenomenon that is a function of linear polarization.
Pr. Häkän Törnebohm Category : Critics 1963 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/m48128t3p6p70822/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
A foundational study of Einstein's special space-time theory. "On the confirmation of hypotheses about regions of existence" Durations and distances in time
Pr. Douglas G. Torr Category : Experiment 1989 Origin : SAP SCI
email : dougtorr@earthlink.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=553
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Testing of the Line Element of Special Relativity with Rotating Systems //Gravitoelectric-Electric Coupling via Superconductivity see Ning Li
Thomas F. Torrance Category : History 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://zpower.com/ch/documents/ZPEPaper_ZeroPointEnergyDocumentCompilation.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
James Clerk Maxwell A Dynamic Theory of the Electromagnetic Field
William F. Jr. Torrance Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : BAB
email : wft15@juno.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=390&filter=William%20F.,%20Torrance
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Sub-Components of Magnetic and Electromagnetic Fields: attraction or repulsion between at least two sets of internally, opposing, ,parallel electric currents, one set in each magnetic object, when they are placed in the same axial orientation. Electric currents do contain multiple parallel (rotary) electric currents (orbiting and spinning electrons). The Ampereic (author) radial lines of force, instead of the, so called, "magnetic" lines of force, explains the Lorentz Force. EM waves result of the rapid creation of very rapidly spinning disks of some sort of matter. Their motion depends on their rate of individual creation rather than on their rate of transport, as a wave, in a possible, elastic, shape recovering medium.if we used one of the energized coils to sense, and plot, the mutual VECTOR RESULTANT of the radial lines of force between these two coils, we would get the usual envelope type figure of "magnetic" lines of force we are all familiar with. But we would not fail to make the distinction between the real primary radial lines of Ampereic force, and the sensed secondary, looping, resultants. Every magnetic object has the equivalent of at least two opposing parallel electric currents within it (orbiting and spinning electrons). That simple, but erroneous, definition of magnetism was further falsified in1820 when Hans Christian Oersted found that a compass needle (which contains within itself many, then unrecognized, crosswise, opposing, parallel, self powered atomic electric currents), when placed near a direct current carrying wire, always turned crosswise to the direction of flow of the current in the wire, and that the needle always preferred to point toward one side or the other of the current flow, depending on which way the current was flowing. Logically enough, the scientists then assumed that there must be "magnetic lines of force" along any line that a compass needle was inclined to point, and the observations indicated that the supposed magnetic lines of force always encircled direct current carrying wires. Based on this idea it is possible to conceive of what we currently call, electromagnetic waves, as being, instead, the result of the rapid creation of very rapidly spinning disks of some sort of matter that we are not familiar with. Their rate of forward motion would then depend more on their rate of individual creation rather than on their rate of transport, as a wave, in a possible, elastic, shape recovering medium.
Sean Torrebadell Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : neutron-man@hotmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Sean_Torrebadell
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The fabric of space is composed of a plenum of ethereal spheres within matter. Miniature black homes create a process of change that these represent the cause of force. Ether accelerates and some ether is pushed forward ahead of the others behind. Pressure increases the closer to the origin of the process; with another flow two processes consume the fabric of space in between. They push each other tangentially so they get spiralling. This is the secundary force. A particle is made of two processes coming together, they permanently absord and reject some fabric of space (variable boundaries) size is proportional to its speed through ether. The inward pull of space and the pressure gardients act together.
Gerome G. Torribo Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Gerome_Torribo
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Erol O. Torun Category : New Energy 1993 Origin : SCI
email : meru1@well.com
web : http://www.meru.org/Advisors/Torun/cmplethr.html
kind of theory : math ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Complexified Aether Antigravity. Vacuum is a hyper-dimensional realm stressed with an extremely high potential ZPE.
William F. Tottle Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : THE
email : bill@tottle250.freeserve.co.uk
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Another View of Newtonian Gravity: by offers an explanation of G from a different perspective. Lines representing the gravitational fields and the lines joining the points of equal force, are curves. Newton's Laws of Gravitation can only be approximate as these are based on forces acting in straight lines. The galactic field compresses to some degree the fields of the solar bodies thus increasing their flux density.
P. Tournois Category : Superluminal 1999 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal asymptotic tunneling times through one-dimensional photonic bandgaps in quarter-wave-stack dielectric mirros".
Chris Toussaint Category : New Energy 0 Origin : SCI
email : chris@ultimateenergyshowdown.com
web : http://www.ultimateenergyshowdown.com/About%20the%20Series.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Exotic, non-polluting machines like magnetic motors, crystal batteries and electric generators that defy conventional beliefs.
Yannick Toutain Category : Critics 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://site.voila.fr/monsyte/de/SCIENCES/scphys/UneanalysecritiquedeEinsteinch7.htm http://www.archivum.i
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity : a pure stupidity Langevin, in 1911 completely delirious: he had no proof. Eddington faked his results leaving out the photos taken in Brazil and some African pictures. As for the clocks out of whack, they are less than the suckers who still believe in this nonsense when the raw score is readily available on the Internet to anyone who reads English. Evidence of Relativity is the evidence that the crooks accumulate for a century. Evidence of their deception.
Philip Herbert Tovey Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : blakestex@aol.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Philip_Tovey
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Rich M. S. Townsend Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : ARX
email : R.M.S.Townsend@ncl.ac.uk
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Phasic Physics (disappeared from the internet)
James Tracey Category : New Energy 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.mail-archive.com/ctrl@listserv.aol.com/msg30836.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Alternative energy anti gravity Omicron Control (dead link)
Robert Tracy Category : New Energy 1984 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Tracy magnetic motor US patent 3703653
Declan Traill Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : BAB SCI
email : declan@netspace.net.au
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=287&filter=Declan,%20Traill
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Energy Field Theory Is the Universe a Four Dimensional Fractal? Why Light Is An Ordinary Wave. The Fizeau Experiment : The upstream path length is longer that the downstream path length "Fresnel Dragging" : eachparticle of water is itself a standing wave comprised of energy waves that are moving through the background energy field (which acts as a medium). All particles altogether form a medium "causally connected". Light waves propagate through the water upstream at a speed faster than Cnwater. The substance is a field of energy waves (waves of some kind of fluid/substance) that has the inclination to form Standing waves (particles) of different geometries and sizes. Whether a region of this field is considered to be a virtual particle or a real particle would then depend if the standing wave has formed to such an extent (has enough energy density & has the right geometry & composite frequencies) to form a stable standing wave that is able to persist over time. Therefore any region of the energy field filling space can be analysed and seen as comprising virtual particles or as a mixture of frequencies/amplitudes of continuous waves in some kind of fluid like substance. Light propagates through moving water it is being continually absorbed and re-emitted by each water molecule
Robert Traill Category : Philosophical 2001 Origin : BAB
email : rrtraill4@dodo com au
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=324&filter=Robert,%20Traill
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Concerning the Aether: E. Gehrcke (Trans: Robert Traill) An Epistemological Re-assessment of Einstein's Special Relativity
J. Tramaglia Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/J._Tramaglia
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Behavior of Light in a Gravitational Field. More on Timekeeping and GPS Satellites. Guala-Valverde Braking Force and Energetics in Homopolar Generators (2003). (www.distinti.com). J. Guala-Valverde & J. Tramaglia.
Josip Trampetic Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photon-neutrino interaction in theta-exact covariant noncommutative model.
Hartmut Traunmueller Category : Critics 2001 Origin : SAP ARX CHI BOR
email : hartmut@ling.su.se
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php?a=list&c=5&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's redefinition of the concept of time appears no longer admissible. Measuring time and other spatio-temporal quantities. Measuring time with a light-clock (or equivalent) combined with a space-time odometer. The light-clock counts the number of reflections of a pulse of light propagating between mirrors while space-time odometer counts the zero crossings in the field of the cosmic microwave background radiation. Outside G field both clock are true clock while in such a field both are not giving common time. Kind of "absolute" using the cosmic microwave background radiation measurements, whose existence is denied by relativity.
Dr. Michael R. Treat Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : SCI
email : RandD@TeslaScienceFoundation.org
web : http://nikolateslaclub.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla Experimental Results in Measuring Atmospheric Electricity
H.-J. Treder Category : Alternative theory 1985 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/n5325xv5888555x3/
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The planckions as largest elementary particles and as smallest test bodies (Planck's units define the limits of super Grand Unification Theory (GTU) and also the possibilities of classical measurements). The perihelion advance according to a post-NEWTONian gravitational law with logarithmic correction term. Participate to review of screening and absorbtion of gravitation with von Borzeskowski.
James S. Trefil Category : Critics 1997 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/s/ref=ntt_athr_dp_sr_1?_encoding=UTF8&field-author=James%20S.%20Trefil&search-alias=books
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
5 reasons why the world cannot be understood : the mystery of dark matter
Charlotte Limoges Trego Category : Nothing found 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://histsoc.stanford.edu/pdf/ApirationsandRestrictions.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Pr. Eric Trell Category : Alternative theory 1982 Origin : IMP SCI
email : erik.trell@gmail.com
web : http://imbic.org/erik.html
kind of theory : math ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fundamental Open Problems in Science at the End of the Milennium. 3-d geometrised vortex-sponge Space-filling electron module is a truncated octaeder. Filling a Gap in Nilpotent Vacuum: How Close Are We to a Fundamental Reality?', Physical Interpretations of Relativity How Close Are We to a Fundamental Reality?', Physical Interpretations of Relativity Theory
Francois Tremblay Category : Critics 1979 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://oddbooks.co.uk/oddbooks/wcwright.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity
Roland Michel Tremblay Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email : rm@anarchistecouronne.com
web : http://www.crownedanarchist.com/relativity.htm
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Since distance is relative, there is not infinitely large or infinitely small. There are not infinite and therefore no two theories must be united to find a theory of everything. The stars are the same as atoms, one is big or small just from our point of view is relative. Since time and distance are relative, all calculations using these variables will provide results for a speed of light is not a limit and is not constant. The speed of light is constant only and a limit within a single framework. From the perspective of an observer in another reference frame (frame B), the speed of light to the person in A is different from his, even if both the calculated as 300 000 km / s.
Jacques Trempe (deceased) Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SAP RAP CHI
email :
web : www.worldsci.org/pdf/abstracts/abstracts_596.pdf
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Laws of Light Propagation in Galilean Space non-ether Galilean invariant theory
Ian Tresman Category : Philosophical 1960 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=More&tab1=Journals&tab2=Display&id=131
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Society for Interdisciplinary Studies Internet Digest critical assessment of the work of modern catastrophists such as Dr Immanuel Velikovsky, Dr Victor Clube and Dr Bill Napier. Topics covered include the role of electromagnetism in cosmology, space probe findings about comets, Venus, Jupiter and other planets, modern scientific dating methods and also the interpretation of myths and legends. An important part of this work is the consideration of the role that catastrophes may have played in ancient history.
Anastasios Th. Triantafillides Category : Critics 2010 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://mywebpages.comcast.net/adring/GEPeople.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Light as Dynamic Maxwellian Photons: Interference in Terms of Trajectorie The photon is assumed to be a linearly-polarized and transversely-vibrating sinusoidal micro E/M disturbance of one period duration propagating in ether.
Cameron Trickey Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://bigbrainanswers.com/view_question.php?id=N2nOiPM1&answer_id=29774&page=3&page=3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Everything evolves creationists use to assume a position on the 'theory' of evolution
Vladimir Trifonov Category : Critics 1995 Origin : ARX
email : trifonov@member.ams.org
web : http://members.tripod.com/~Xperiment/4D.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Uses only intuition-based concepts i.e. time: a fundamental attribute of thought process; absolute universe exists and consists of interacting systems. "sensory-motor" version of special relativity /observer's logic is Boolean
S. Trillo Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spontaneous formation of nonspreading X-shaped wavepackets
George B. Trinkaus Category : New Energy 1988 Origin : SCI
email : tesla@teslapress.com
web : http://www.teslapress.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla: The Lost Inventions
Ernst Trojan Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal self-interacting neutrino
Adam Trombly Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : ENG SCI
email :
web : http://www.projectearth.com/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Philosophical Overview of Free Energy
Joseph P. Troyan Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Amplifying Troyan engine of movement
J. Trull Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spontaneous formation of nonspreading X-shaped wavepackets
Julius Trumpp Category : Critics 1958 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Missbrauch-Mathematik-Julius-Trumpp/dp/B0000BOP3W
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Abuse of mathematics
Andreas Trupp Category : Critics 1990 Origin : ARX FRI PAC
email : atrupp@aol.com
web : http://www.allbookstores.com/author/Andreas_Trupp.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 p614, Can we decrease entropy. Something New about Time: An Extension of the Special Relativity Theory Entailing Drastic Consequences for the Nature of Time.
Dr. Josef Tsau Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : SCI
email : jtsau@comcast.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=250
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
"Discovery of Aether And Its Science" The atmosphere of neutrinos is the aether; from Religious beliefs and mathematical fantasies to a simple consistent coherent scientific understanding of the nature.
Y. Tschang Category : Critics 1997 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v10 p315, v14 p6, A Mathematical Fallacy "fatal error" in Quantum Mech Theoretical Physics "Matrix Mechanics and Hadron Statics"
Z. A. Tseitlin Category : Philosophical 1977 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism rejects SRT because anti-materialistic and too speculative
Ivan Tshinarev Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Ball Lightning: description and experimental proposals
Lev Tsimring Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hbci.com/~wenonah/new/gravity.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity
Dmitry Yu. Tsipenyuk Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Field Transformation in the Model of Extended Space
Christos A. Tsolkas Category : Experiment 2001 Origin : BAB THE
email : tsolkas1@otenet.gr
web : http://www.tsolkas.gr
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental Proof of the Existence of the Ether and proving that Theory of Relativity is utterly false. Calculation of Mercury perihelion advance.
Dr. K. H. Tsui Category : Experiment 2006 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.if.uff.br
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Light celerity affected Anisotropic Light Propagation as a Function of Laser Beam Alignment Relative to the Earths Velocity Vector. This result differs in a amount of 18% from the Special Relativity Theory prediction.
Pr. Alexsandr M. Tsybin Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : SCI
email : acibin@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=715
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The gravitational constant is the acceleration rate of neutrino flow when it passes through a body with a mass of 1 kilogram. We can also presume that the speed of neutrinos inside this body will exceed the speed of light. Linear dimensions of spiral galaxies fluctuate at meters, i.e. linear dimensions of spiral galaxies on average are times bigger than linear dimensions of typhoons in the water. Spiral galaxy is a stationary cyclone in neutrino ocean, which, according to many researchers, is the most probable carrier of the so-called hidden mass in the Universe. In accelerators of elementary particles there is a well-know effect in hydrodynamics of the attached weight, whereas so-called vacuum it is filled neutrinos. Creation of neutrinos by X-rays just as gamma rays create the electron and positron. Space is a certain environment,instead of vacuum. Gravitation is caused by a neutrino flux in this huge emptiness which also does not have gravitation. Should a body of mass M intersect the trajectory of a neutrino, the neutrino usually will pass through on account of its very low interaction cross-section, but still with the effect that the neutrino flux rate of change increases somewhat. This reminds one of the accumulation of fish in a net. Of change increases somewhat. This reminds one of the accumulation of fish in a net. Larger than the speed of light within the same mass. This is similar to the fact that the speed of a fluid is larger at a constriction in its flow than where it is unconstrained.
Yu. V. Tszyan Kanchzhen Category : Alternative theory 1985 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/torsion/torsion1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
"biofield",a combination of high-frequency electromagnetic oscillations and topological effect (shape effect) is used in the generators developed by Yu.V.Tszyan Kanchzhen. (The operation of his devices was interpreted as "high-frequency bio-communication".)
A. Tuffs Category : Critics 1990 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/ARBEITEN.HTM
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Why do scientists like to cheat
A. S. Tukanov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Vector Propulsion Engine (Electromagnetic Version)
Seppo Tuominen Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Lawrence Tuppen Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.treasure-net.com/smatters/smatters.htm
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Everything : unify energy, space and time (nothing more)
Dragan Turanyanin Category : Relativist 2005 Origin : THE BAB
email : turanyanin@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/Papers/Turan.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Interaction of Motional Masses: by Wave Dynamics of Quantum Gravity: electrodynamics-like interaction of motional masses/ wave function describes the state of space around the motional masses. As frequency appears in both quantum and gravitation picture of the substance, the principle of resonance arises as natural.
G. S. Turchaninov Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/eae/facta9901/facta5.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Non-dissipative Closed Electrical Current Process in Normal-State (Non-superconductive)
I. G. Turchaninov Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SMI
email : turchaninov@yahoo.com
web : http://facta.junis.ni.ac.rs/eae/facta9901/facta5.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Non-dissipative Closed Electrical Current Process
Valentin Turchin Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : ARX
email : turchin@verizon.net
web : http://pespmc1.vub.ac.be/MSTT.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Metasystem Transition Theory cybernetic philosophy. Introduced in Turchin's book The Phenomenon of Science based on the notion of system or whole, creative evolution, and intelligent action.
Brent Turner Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Bobines Tesla Techno.
C. Michael Turner Category : Cosmology 2044 Origin : BAB
email : gravitation@cfl.rr.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=413&filter=C.%20Michael,%20Turner
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Birth of the Universe releasing of evaporative gravitation waves by condensation gravitation (mass) the beginning of action, even space and time itself, resulted as a desynchronization of matter creating an initially timeless rapidly expanding, due to repulsion, developing second and third dimension of infinitely hot and dense mass, hyperspace turning into space. All Matter decays! (Evaporates)
Dr. Dean Turner Category : Critics 1977 Origin : SCI SAP GAL CHI
email : scoutem2@comcast.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=213
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Einstein Myth and the Ives Papers: A Counter-Revolution in Physics
Glenn Turner Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : SCI
email : sales@gyroscope.com
web : hhtp://www.gyroscopes.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Gyroscopes, Antigravity, Magnetic Propulsion. My propulsion page
Hossein Turner Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
web : http://hozturner.blogspot.co.uk/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
K. C. Turner Category : Experiment 1964 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://prola.aps.org/toc/PR/v134/i1B
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
New Experimental Limit on Velocity-Dependent Interactions of Clocks and Distant Matter Places an upper limit on any one-way anisotropy of 0.9 m/s. 2. ... Uses a rotating Moessbauer absorber and fixed detector to place an upper limit on any ... Turner and Hill, Phys. Rev. 134 (1964), B252. Uses a rotating source and fixed ... anisotropy of 10 m/s. analogous to that of Kennedy-Thorndike
William B. Turner Category : Superluminal 1992 Origin : RAP
email : wbturn2007@peoplepc.com
web : http://www.reviewscout.com/1880365154
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hyper Light Speed Technology
Nick Turnock Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : BOR
email : nturnock@globalnet.co.uk
web : http://cybermax.tripod.com/cgrav.htm#Back.
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A quantum theory of gravity compatible with general relativity. Space is defined by pairs of virtual Higgs Bosons. The role of gravity as a property of massive objects is to simply reduce space. Mass either absorbs the pairs of virtual Higgs Bosons or causes them to annihilate each other sooner than they otherwise would. Relativity's curvature of space is described by saying that size of a volume of space with given external dimensions will be smaller if it contains mass.
Pr. Dr. Claus W. Turtur Category : Relativist 2006 Origin : GAL SCI
email : C-W.Turtur@FH-wolfenbuettel.DE
web : http://eprintweb.org/S/authors/All/tu/Turtur
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A step towards the Analysis of the Influence of an electrical Field on the Propagation of Light (JdeC wish to strongly remind that the El. Field acts only on matter not directly on light). Electrostatic fields as well as magnetic fields propagate with the speed of light. An easy way to Gravimagnetism.
M. V. Turyshev Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : turyshev@nm.ru
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/M._Turyshev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental Check of the Law of Conservation of Linear Momentum it is necessary to rethink part of the substantive provisions of mechanics.
Keith Tutt Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.massfree.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Search for Free Energy: A Scientific Tale of Jealousy, Genius and Electricity
Robert J. Tuttle Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=746
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Universal Fusion, and Adopted Explanations
Gennadii A. Tverdokhlebov Category : Critics 0 Origin : RUS
email : tverd4.ya.ru
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/appeal_en.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
It is impossible to comprehend any experiments without the clear definition of all basic notions ("time", "space", "motion", "rest").
Millennium Twain Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : RAP CHI
email : amanogawa@fastmail.com.au
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Millennium_Twain
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle : electron torus
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
"The Undiscovered Physics" Electron is a volume: static a sphere; moving it's a lissajoux volume of various topology. CEO of ether drift club see Phillips. Also Interest in new energy. When (the Frenchman) Sagnac built the world's first laser interferometer, and thus proved the existance of the inertial aether continuum (if not its structure) -- this technology was acquired and controlled by the world's aerospace industries. It resulted in little public or theoretical discussion, and no aether theory modeling. The French have always known about the German-sponsored American counter-intelligence operation of Quantum Mechanics and Relativity Theory built up by Planck, Einstein, Sommerfeld, Schrodinger, Dirac, and everyone. Poincare was quite clear about it at first -- SRT was nonsense he said. But the French were out-voted, and came along. If you read the 1905 to 1910 discussions (and later book) of superluminality by Sommerfeld (translated from the German) and Brillouin (translated from the French) -- they stated, not prominently, that obviously the speed of light limitation of SRT was incorrect (and they showed exactly where and when nature violated it) -- but said that they thought Einstein's work was important and they would not contest its rise! The Michelson-Morley-Miller experiments ALL showed ether drift. The problem is that none of the experiments were sensitive enough to detect the small measurements required.
Frank Twiss Category : Alternative theory 1991 Origin : SAP GAL SCI CHI
email : ftwiss@halcyon.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=215
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Limitations on Viewing Distant Astronomical Objects. The expanding universe theory, does not allows to see so far back in time thus distant objects are not seen in their infancies. Particles are electromagnitic field patterns
Alexei A. Tyapkin Category : History 1997 Origin : SAP SCI
email : atyapkin@vxjinr.jinr.ru
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1287
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Origin of relativity concept of STR and forgotten approaches to relativity theory
Scott M. Tyson Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : scott@scottmtyson.com
web : http://www.theunobservableuniverse.com/
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Andre Uebele Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : BOR
email : a.uebele@kabelmail.de
web : http://www.aquafractal.de
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Anti Gravitation, Aqua Fractal ionizer
Andrew M. Uhl Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Manuel Uhl Category : Critics 2004 Origin : BOR
email : manu@wasistzeit.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php?a=list&c=6&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
What is time?
Anwar Ul Haq Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://thescientificworldview.blogspot.com/2011/10/entrained-aether-radiation-light-and.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Bochardt, Puets and Bryant
N. Umakantha Category : Critics 1998 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 p95, Represental Approach of Bell's Inequalities. Specific states of individual systems. Atomic entities are particles. "Represental" new concept Probability. A distinction between monadic probabilities (single system) and collectivistic probabilities (statistical of systems).
Pr. Dr. Walther Umstätter Category : Critics 2006 Origin : BOR
email : h0228kdm@rz.hu-berlin.de
web : http://www.ib.hu-berlin.de/~wumsta/infopub/textbook/planckunits06a.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The fundamental importance of information and knowledge measurement and its relationship to the system of Planck units
Yusuf Z. Umul Category : Relativist 2007 Origin : BAB
email : yziya@cankaya.edu.tr
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=342&filter=Yusuf%20Z.,%20Umul
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Proof that the de Broglie-Einstein Velocity Equation is Valid for the Non-Relativistic Case Diffraction by a black half plane: Modified theory of a physical optics approach. Then it is shown numerically that the de Broglie-Einstein velocity equation is also valid for the nonrelativistic cases since the phase velocity is found to be greater than the speed of light
Georges Ungar Category : Nothing found 1963 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://alumnus.caltech.edu/~ckank/fringe/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The science of historical motivation revealed through psychoanalysis of individuals and groups is found to be rooted in modes of child-rearing, which have progressed in the West from the infanticidal mode, to the abandoning, to the ambivalent, to the intrusive, to the socializing, and most recently to the helping mode.
Georg Unger Category : Critics 1995 Origin : FRI
email :
web : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Georg+Unger%22
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Concept Formation in Physics; Flying saucers, physical and spiritual aspects; Spiritual Science and the New Nature Forces: The Nuclear Dilemma
Dr. C. S. Unnikrishnan Category : Experiment 1989 Origin : CLI
email : gtg@virginia.edu
web : http://www.tifr.res.in/~filab/personal%20info.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Gillies Constraints on Gravitational Shielding screening and absorbtion of gravitation in pre-relativist and relativist theories; Fundamental Interactions and Quantum Vacuum using Torsion Balances, Does a superconductor shield gravity?
NN Unperson Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://everything2.com/user/unperson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Not supporting "pushing gravity" says that gravitational attraction is caused by an influx of particles (or really any momentum carrying radiation) from infinity. This radiation would be analogous in nature to the cosmic microwave background. The idea then is that all bodies absorb some of this radiation, and when they absorb the radiation they feel a force. The more massive the body, the more efficient it is at absorbing the radiation. Let us supposed specifically, that the rate of absorption of the particles by a unit of volume is directly proportional to the mass density. If the particles are massless (as they must be if they are not self-interacting), then they should all move at the speed of light in all reference frames according to special relativity; however, the ones that make up the head wind will still be more energetic, due to blue shift, still resulting in drag. All the same things can be said of the CMBR, but the force it exerts on almost any body is minuscule. It should be noted that this drag will not account for inertia, because it depends on velocity, pushing gravity would predict that orbital velocities would decrease toward the outside of the disk even more rapidly than in Newtonian gravity. The new theory would do exactly the opposite of what would be the biggest goal of a modified theory of gravity; I can say is that the experts in that field do not seem to be terribly interested in this class of theories, perhaps for some of the reasons I have illustrated.
Dr. Alexander Unzicker Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.springer.com/about+springer/media/pressreleases?SGWID=0-11002-6-1033921-0
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Vom Urknall zum Durchknal Alexander Unzicker dares to call things by their name: He believes that the mysterious dark energy in space was invented by cosmologists to make the formulas they use to explain the structure of the universe fit. And so that they can continue to get excited about multiverses, superstrings and rolled-up dimensions… Unzicker has counted 17 such values which he believes only exist to prevent the world of quantum esoterics from collapsing. Much to their annoyance, those who believe in the dark energy community cannot merely sweep aside his arguments. The physics has lost its grip.
Curtis Upton Category : New Energy 1960 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/J/JNE2N34.PDF
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Influence of the torsion radiation on various photographs was investigated. It was established that by the use of this method it is possible to transmit information from one point of space to another (interest for torsion fields)
Bernd Urbach Category : Cosmology 2001 Origin : THE
email : Bernd.Urbach@web.de
web : http://www.geocities.com/BerndUrbach/Dokumente/v1e.htm
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Theory of the Dynamic Cosmos: A cosmological theory by which explores the possibility of the expansion and contraction of our universe within a second universe.
Kirby Urner Category : Philosophical 1999 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.grunch.net/synergetics/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Synergetics (support of R. Buckminster Fuller thesis) what difference might the little individual make, acting alone, beyond that of institutions?
Dr. Gregory R. Uspensky Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Gravitational Technology new Gravitational Theory, from which it follows that both a support-free motion and a kind of "perpetual mobile" are possible. Unfortunately, even if this theory proves to be confirmed, it's impossible to make a self-propelling rocket, which gets energy from a void, as well as an internal forces-driven motion in overlooked future, because what is needed for that is hyper-dense matter, which exists only in White Dwarfs and Black Holes. No theory can say how to acquire it under terrestrial conditions. It's interesting to note that G. Uspensky's work can be related to a group of new conceptions revising habitual notions about Space-Time. They state that acquiring energy is possible either from a physical vacuum (G. I. Shipov and A. E. Akimov, Russia) or as a result of a gravitational weight reduction in an extremely low frequency electromagnetic field (F. DeAquino, Brazil).
David Utterback (deceased) Category : Critics 2004 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://fatfinch.wordpress.com/2007/08/21/david-utterback/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Challenging Einsteins relativity.
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Francis X. Vacanti Category : Critics 2002 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://www.physicsessays.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 i4, See Chauveheid Radiation of Negative Energy Possible? Contrary to general relativity, the Maxwell-like theory of gravitation implies negative gravitational energy in vacuum and in gravitational waves. In order to really retrieve Newton's theory in a first approximation, general relativity should exhibit this negativeness. Wave mechanics can be deterministic. PE v24 i4.
Sergiu I. Vacaru Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Super-Luminal Effects for Finsler Branes as a Way to Preserve the Paradigm of Relativity Theories
Gian Paolo Vacca Category : Relativist 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : www.cs.infn.it/diff2008/talks/Vacca.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Among other texts in line with SRT GRT QM
Franz Vadura Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : vadura@gmx.at
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Self-sufficient energy, magnetic energy.
Tonis Vaga Category : Relativist 2001 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v14 p203, Particles at Cutoffs in the Electromagnetic Spectrum: dispersive wave-packets near cutoff correspond to the Schrödinger equation for a free particle.
Michael Vaicaitis Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BAB SCI
email : mjv.theory@gmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=708&filter=Michael,%20Vaicaitis
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Solving The Fine Structure Constant Hypothesising that the constant speed of light was a function of the electron, lead me to uncover a relationship between electrons, quantum particles and alpha. Disallowing all possibility of action at a distance, results inevitably, in the concept of a universal quantum field. By further exploring equivalencies with I have discovered a remarkable sequence of equational relationships, that together with the quantum field, reveal the interaction with and between, electromagnetism and quantum gravity.
K. Vaithiyanathan Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : BAB
email : Vaithiyanathan_k@yahoo.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=216&filter=K.,%20Vaithiyanathan
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Concept for Classical and Relativistic Mechanics which could be call : directional transformation equation i.e. 2 ref frame have no motion v=0 in the perpendicular dir to their motion. A new physical effect - the directional change, a twist or rotation in the transformation process, From the physical effect, we arrive at a new transformation, which is suitable for all states of motion and all of physics. The above-submitted theory establishes a new foundation for our present basic physics. It will help us unify all physical effecst through a single concept Rotational Effects in Moving Systemsnt
Eduardo Valencia Category : Superluminal 2003 Origin : ARX
email : advanced.gravity@gmail.com
web : http://www.angelfire.com/nj/FTLphysics/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Faster Than Light Physics (see also G. Torres)
Pavol Valent Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : GAL SCI
email : pavol.valent@stonline.sk
web : http://www.uni.lodz.pl/concepts
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explaining Pioneer 10 Anomalous Acceleration: 'Complementary Special Relativity Theory' axiomatic approach with flat refe frame 3D cos introduced in C to C' so that speed is 0 of moving ref frame in the directions perpendicular to their relat. Motion.
Thomas Valentine Category : New Energy 1986 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.freerepublic.com/focus/f-news/1619404/posts
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnets, New Energy Magnetics may hold key to ozone layer problems
Alvaro Quinteros Valenzuela Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SAP SCI
email : avalenzuelaq@vtr.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1649
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Revenge of Old Classical Physics: No Space for Photons or Relativity and classic electron ring model is presented, which is stable under the influence of electric and magnetic forces rotates at the speed of light.
Pentcho Valev Category : Critics 2004 Origin : BAB
email : pvalev@yahoo.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/351/Pentcho,%20Valev
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Beginning of the End of Theoretical Relativity: The Madness of 20th Century Physics. In his Tractatus Wittgenstein defines propositions that owe their truth or falsehood to the fact that they picture or mirror states of nature. Of course, not all propositions receive their truth from nature but obviously some do. As one claims, for instance, that the speed of light does not depend on the speed of the light source (Einstein's light postulate advanced in 1905), one implicitly assumes that nature has already said True! or False! once and for all, although scientists might be ignorant of or mistaken about nature's verdict. oIt is evident that the truth/falsehood of the conclusion somehow depends on the truth/falsehoods of the premises.
G. Valiulis Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email : g.valiulis@tf.su.lt
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Spontaneous formation of nonspreading X-shaped wavepackets
Franck Vallée Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : CLI
email : vallee1208@yahoo.fr
web : http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/theorie/index.htm
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
See F.V. father René-Louis Vallée home page
Pr. René-Louis Vallée (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1971 Origin : CLI QUA
email :
web : http://jlnlabs.online.fr/vsg/theorie/index.htm
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Energy quantum theory of vacuum energy diffuse. The vacuum consists of all kinds of electromagnetic waves forming a frame which is that energy flows through all the other energies synergistically. No empty space is filled with diffuse energy or materials.
Dr. Tracy L. Vallier Category : Expanding Earth 1981 Origin : SCI
email : tvallier@lcsc.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Tracy_Vallier
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Dr. Thomas Valone Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Future Energy Technologies Unusual Permanent Magnet Motors
Dr. Thomas F. Valone Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SAP SCI QUA CHI ENG
email : iri@erols.com
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/IRICAT.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Void energy
Key statements :
Field - the new concept of tachyons Faraday generator. He came to the conclusion (among others) as compared to the production of electrical energy, the magnetic field is virtually ineffective, and that only through interaction with another field - of tachyons - that it may have a effect. Au IANS symposium in 1993, he presented his "Armature Reaction in the Homopolar Generator
Lee Field Valstad Category : Philosophical 2010 Origin : SCI
email : master_charade@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Lee_Valstad
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Unified Field Symbol
Steven Isaacs Van Andel Category : Expanding Earth 1968 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Steven_van_Andel
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Test of Earth Expansion Hypotheses by Means of Palaeomagnetic Data
Peter Van Bakel Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : petervanbakel@nasa-inc.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Peter_Van_Bakel
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Rodin Coil
H. Van Dam Category : Superluminal 1985 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A comment on fermionic tachyons and Poincaré representations
Dirk Van de Moortel Category : Relativist 2011 Origin : CLI
email : dirkvandemoortel@hotmail.com
web : http://users.telenet.be/vdmoortel/dirk/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
David Van Den Einde Category : Experiment 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 550] The supercritical solvent thermal cycles: A challenge to the second law
Dr. Van Den Hauwe Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : ludwigvandenhauwe@yahoo.fr
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Basil Van der Berg (deceased) Category : New Energy 1962 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://culture-paranormal.forumpro.fr/t67-le-moteur-sans-carburant-de-van-den-berg
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
He invented and built an engine without fuel antigravity
Walter van der Kamp (deceased) Category : Religious aspects 1996 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.geocentricity.com/ba1/no053/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tychonian Society neogeocentrism journal. Evolution and Cosmogony: The Achilles' Heel of the Creationists' Position & Einstein, a Solipsist? This science is ostensibly unable to point out somewhere in space a solid platform from which to judge matters of motion and rest.
M. B. van der Mark Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.tardyon.de/mirror/hooft/hooft.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Inertial mass mi is a measure of persistence to stay in the same state of motion. Gravitational mass mg is a measure for attraction photon can only be weighed if it is contained. If the photon would be put to rest, its gravitational mass would equal its rest mass, and hence vanish. The intriguing question is, what would happen if we could stop the electron from spinning? Einstein's relativity theory appears to be very accurate, but at times equally puzzling. On the one hand, electromagnetic radiation must have zero rest mass in order to propagate at the speed of light, but on the other hand, since it definitely carries momentum and energy, it has non-zero inertial mass. Hence, by the principle of equivalence, it must have non-zero gravitational mass, and so, light must be heavy. In this paper, no new results will be derived, but a possibly surprising perspective on the above paradox is given.
Pr. Alwyn J. van der Merwe Category : Superluminal 1993 Origin : CHI SCI REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Photonic tunneling experiments Quantum Paradoxes and Physical Reality
Jeroen van der Rijst Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Janneke van der Schilden Category : Critics 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Possible answers to many questions
Marinus Anthony Van der Sluijs Category : Philosophical 2007 Origin : SCI
email : mythopedia@hotmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Marinus_Van_der_Sluijs
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Characteristics for the Occurrence of a High Current Z-Pinch Aurora as Recorded in Antiquity. The World Axis as an Atmospheric Phenomenon.
Carel van der Togt Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : GAL SAP BAB
email : carel@vandertogt.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=269&filter=Carel,%20van%20der%20Togt
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether Theory, moving relative to a charge means both magnetic field and kinetic energy. Related Subjects-Physics Stellar Aberration and the Unjustified Denial of Ether. The Equivalence of Magnetic and Kinetic Energy. Quantum Mechanics and the Ether: Theoretical Derivation of Planck's Constant.
Mintze van der Velde Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : mintze2000@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Mintze_van_der_Velde
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric Universe
Leo Van Dromme Category : Critics 0 Origin : ARX BOR
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Lightspeed Enigma
James R. Van Dyke (deceased) Category : Nothing found 1997 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://sexagesimalsystems.org/Sino-Sumerian%20Geometry.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Sino-Sumerian Geometry positive examples for the 14th problem of Hilbert.
Van Engen Category : Experiment 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/ftp/arxiv/papers/1105/1105.2305.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Propagation dynamics of intense femtosecond pulses: multiple splittings, coalescence and continuum generation, Dispersion Measurements of Water with White-Light Interferometry:. Problem with Doppler relativist effect. Cited by : rethinking foundation of SRT stellar abberation and Fizeau expe.
Pr. Dr. Thomas Van Flandern (deceased) Category : History 1993 Origin : CHI EIT SCI
email :
web : http://metaresearch.org/
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether, BB, GPS, speed of gravity. Meta Model Le-Sage Thompson gravity particle theory "Pushing Gravity: New Perspectives on Le Sages Theory of Gravitation"
H. A. Van Keulen Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email : hvkcom17@planet.nl
web : http://home.planet.nl/~hvkcom17/
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Access to a pure physical understanding of gravitation. elementary charges (ec's) may be regarded as the most fundamental particles causing an infinite 'field of force'. That means that ec's are believed to emit huge quantities of pp's (power-particles or energons), to be seen as pole-antipole entities (dipoles), revolving left- or right-handed around their track and being able to transfer basic quanta of energy to receiving ec's.Nucleons must be seen as dynamic structures of the two types of ec's with a different motion, so that a deficiency of ec-spin compensation must happen, caused by ec-conjunctions at diverse stages of movement. The result, as experienced from the outside, is an overall difference between positive and negative charge velocity with a mutual attraction between the nucleons, called gravitation.
Rudy Van Langen Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.world-famous.com/DavidHamel.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Current sourcing for Hamel news, documents and tape, managed by Rudy Van Langen and Paul Fulcher.
Ives van Leth Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Robert F. J. Van Linden Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : SCI GAL
email : rob@vlinden.com
web : http://www.euclideanrelativity.com/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dimensions in Special Relativity proposes an Euclidean interpretation of special relativity, and interpretations of other physical concepts in terms of dimensions bosons in 5D gravity First Order Fibre-Interferometric Experiments for Crucial Test of Light-Speed Constancy Dimensions in Special Relativity Theory – a Euclidean Interpretation roper time (tau) acts as the fourth Euclidean coordinate, and time t becomes a fifth Euclidean dimension.
Harald T. Van Lintel Category : Critics 2005 Origin : SCI
email : harald.vanlintel@epfl.ch
web : http://people.epfl.ch/harald.vanlintel
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Alternative to the Lorentz Contraction Hypothesis: Anistropic Wave Propagation and the Rod and Hole Paradox Re-examined. The rod and hole paradox Rindler (1961) length contraction paradox re-examined. A bystander expects the rod to fall into the hole, but a co-moving observer expects it to pass unhindered over the hole.
Frans van Lunteren Category : History 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hansschauer.de/html/dir6/ch06s07.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity Nicolas Fatio de Duillier on the Mechanical Cause of Universal Gravitation.
Rudi Van Nieuwenhove Category : Critics 1992 Origin : CLI
email : rudivn@hrp.no
web : http://iopscience.iop.org/0295-5075/17/1/001
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explain the galaxy rotation curves is a modification of Newton's law by taking into account the energy density of the vacuum. Higgs boson does not exist. Gravitation is not a fundamental force. It results from a distortion of the quantum vacuum by the presence of a mass matter is considered to be a self-sustained structure of zero-point fluctuations of the vacuum. In this model, the presence of matter leads to a kind of elastic deformation of the vacuum, characterized by a lowering of the vacuum energy density with a 1/r dependence. The resulting noncancellation of the vacuum pressure, exerted on an object, is identified as gravity.
Edwin Van Ouwerkerk Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : ENG
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/SUBJECTS.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Searl effect generator
Albert Archer Van Petten (deceased) Category : Critics 1995 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Pettens-Science-Albert-Archer-Petten/dp/1878357336
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Van Petten science corrects the errors of Newton, Maxwell, Einstein, and others in the previous science. Distinction between a coordinate system and a frame of reference. Multiplication of vectors does not require a right-handed convention. Newton's laws of motion are not generally true but result from the choice of the frame of reference. The conservation of energy is not true, Maxwell's field theory of electromagnetism is not true Einstein's theory is not true.
Adolf A. van Rede Category : Relativist 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 p293, A Treatise on a Logical Model for Reality complying fully with relativistical postulates.
Pete Van Rooyen Category : New Energy 0 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.magergy.com/documents/Ebooks/Energy/temporary.txt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Anti-Gravity devices, fact or fiction ??
Bruno Van Rossum Category : Critics 2001 Origin : CLI
email : bvr@caramail.com
web : http://membres.lycos.fr/bvr/relf00.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time Newton instead of Einstein. The spread of forces and information at finite speed implies the indivisibility of measures of time and space. For all signals propagating at the same speed (which, in vacuum, is the case with all known signals), this connection can be represented by a mathematical construction, the space-time.
Dr. C. G. G. J. van Steenis Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
George Van Tassel (deceased) Category : New Energy 0 Origin : PEA
email :
web : http://rr0.org/personne/v/VanTasselGeorge/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
UFO, antigravity free energy
Pr. James H. Vance Category : New Energy 1989 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1273
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
A Method of Deep Space Propulsion. A Force Sink in Classically Defined Non-Inertial Space
Leo Sr. VanderByl Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SAP SCI
email : vandrbyl@rapidnet.net
web : http://www.rapidnet.bc.ca/~vandrbyl/index.html
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Energy must be what we know as Space, an energetic medium space is an energy, it is not static and is in motion itself. This motion will carry any matter it contains along and when a large body of matter attracts its energy supply, space will move towards that, carrying its contents with it, and this results in our observation of the action of "Gravity". any event happening anywhere, happens at the same time that all observers (not necessarily individuals) exist, and that only the finite speed of light prevents us from immediately observing that event, ensuring that an observed event is always in our past.
Agnes F. Vandome Category : History 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.flipkart.com/books/6130083519
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz ether theory. History of Lorentz transformations, History of special relativity, History of general relativity, Hendrik Lorentz, Aether theories, Michelson-Morley experiment, Principle of relativity
Anatoli Andrei Vankov Category : Critics 2011 Origin : BAB
email : anatolivankov@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=461&filter=Anatoli%20Andrei,%20Vankov
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explanation of the Perihelion Motion of Mercury from General Relativity Theory. Schwarzschild presented it firstly in his letter to Einstein and claimed the formula derived from his solution identical to Einstein's one. We draw readers' attention to the fact, however, that some parameters in the Schwarzschild's formula have different physical meanings.
Bessel Van't Wouldt Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/old/physics/besselp.htm
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Eternal Sequence of Existence "cyclic universe by which energy, even though still subject to dispersal, is reconcentrated from time to time." There should be as much antimatter as matter in the universe and time/space.
Robert E. Var Category : Alternative theory 1975 Origin : SCI
email : RvarSpace@alum.mit.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Scientists&tab2=Display&id=1653
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On a New Mathematical Framework for Fundamental Theoretical Physics: compressible fluid dynamics is consistent for describing many l physical phenomena: electric gravitational quantized structure of c particles, celerity of light propagation, including all relativistic phenomena. HyperSpace Solutions
Irineu Gomes Varella Category : Critics 1996 Origin : DUF
email : igvarella@bol.com.br
web : http://uranometrianova.vilabol.uol.com.br/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Andreas Varesi Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.einstein-relativity.de/publications/michelson_paper_varesi_18%2005%2005.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Did Einstein really right? The velocity of a moving inertial system has no effect on the resulting interference patterns if length contraction and time dilation actually occur. The Doppler equations produce length contraction and time dialation as well. However this matters little since the gravitational field equalizes the speed of light in all directions. The gravitational field is a photonic field which continually rebuilds itself as the Earth moves. Thus the gravitational field this split second is replaced by the graviational field a split second from now. No matter how we look at the experiment, it is invalid because it fails to understand that the gravitational field itself is the aether. The aether is not a stationary aether but a dynmanic photonic field. The Earth does not travel through the aether. The aether can be considered chaos. The earth travels through chaos. The chaos continually rebuilds itself as the gravitational field.
J. G. Vargas Category : Critics 1980 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/m160536368426360/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic experiments with signals on a closed path: Podhala made to wrong statements about Marinov transformations in fatc they really take into account MMI and Kennedy-Thorndike experiments.
Nainan K. Varghese Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BOR SCI THE BAB
email : matterdoc@gmail.com
web : http://www.matterdoc.info
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
"Hypothesis on Matter" Ether ideal fundamental particle "quantum of matter" these particles are single dimensional,functional entities and not real,, conversion of the functional entities - 'quanta of matter' - in to the basic 3D matter particles - Photons are self-sustaining, spinning, disc shaped, three-dimensional, moving bodies. photon 2D energy fields produce field force formation and nature of self-sustaining primary sub atomic particle – biton – by combination of high matter content photons, stabilization and radiation / absorption by the bitons subatomic particle – tetron – by combination of two bitons of suitable nature and its stabilization. Free bitons float around in space. Gravitational forces tend to bring them nearer. if they match each other they interlink to form a union, without sacrificing their individuality. Under gravitational attraction, tetrons group together as a single layer, which bends on itself to form spherical shell of definite size that depends only on the matter content level of constituent tetrons. These shells, when completed, becomes neutrons.. forces are of push nature Under gravitational attraction, three bitons are Under gravitational attraction, three bitons Matter: A comprehensive theory for matter and energy in 11 chapter time can neither expand nor contract nor flow in any direction.
Dr. Michael P. Varin Category : Nothing found 1991 Origin : SAP SCI CHI
email : consym@saman.spb.su
web : http://www.physical-congress.spb.ru/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
A. I. Varjas Category : Philosophical 1977 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism
Ram K. Varma Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1456
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
For classical mechanics the whole continuum of initial values are allowed values. Consequently, all the possible states of motion constrained only by the equation of motion are allowed. In particular, all the continuum of energy states are allowed.
Pr. Dr. Yatendra Pal. Varshni Category : Cosmology 1973 Origin : SCI ARX
email : ypvsj@uottawa.ca
web : http://laserstars.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Laser Star Atrophysics plasma laser star theory
Subodh Vashist Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email : subodh.vashist@gmail.com
web : http://vixra.org/author/subodh_vashist
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
If 'speed of light', means to be a multiplication of frequency and wavelength then the same constancy is also valid for mechanical waves (like sound), irrespective of relative motion. The only other way to test the speed of light is using the time of flight concept, from source to observer or in other words just like SAGNAC effect. But for that we must include the source as the starting point which is not possible in your case.
Valerii Vitalievich Vasil'ev Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Physical essence of gravity constant and its consequences
A. S. Vasilkovskii Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/347/A.%20S.,%20Vasilkovskii
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Elpion Theory of Matter Evolution based on the interaction matter/antimatter generating all kind of energies. Elpion primary neutral particles (made of a positron and an electron) filling space (ether medium absolute coordinate system) allow to buid structure up to molecules etc.. Elpions are polarized in the vicinity of charges. New principles of moving in space. The ETME eight steps of matter development.
Pablo Vasquez Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
André Vasseur Category : New Energy 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://rock.marshall.free.fr/dotclear1/index.php?2006/11/09/42-la-fusion-froide
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold Fusion of hydrogen
Gerry N. Vassilatos Category : History 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.com/vassilatos.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
All about future mainly energy. Lost Science
Tim Vaughan Category : Superluminal 1990 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v3 p211, see Pappas Forces on a Stigma Antenna
D. N. Vazquez Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Vlatko Vedral Category : Superluminal 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/283
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum entanglement is the great soap opera of modern physics. Experiments using closely synchronized measurements on entangled particles have shown hidden signals would need to zap from one particle to the other at least 10,000 times faster than light.
Pr. A. I. Veinik Category : Philosophical 1961 Origin : SMI SCI
email :
web : http://www.conspirovniscience.com/ondestorsion.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
On Some Properties of the Physical Time and Space: weight of rotating gyroscope is changed when nonstationary. Proposed explanation based upon chronal particles (chronons) charged (+ or -) in term of chronal field (see also torsion field about Khozirev experiment)
Immanual Velikovsky (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1950 Origin : CAL SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Immanuel_Velikovsky
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmos & Chronos ; Worlds in Collision; earth has suffered catastrophic close-contacts with other planets. Reconciling biblical history with mainstream archaeology and Egyptian chronology.
B. Veljanoski Category : Superluminal 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p202, Tunneling of neutral particles through barriers of magnetic fields. Classical Examples of Santilli's Lie-Isotopic Generalization of Galilean Relativity of Closed Systems with Non-Self-Adjoint Internal Forces
Dominic J. R. Vella Category : Critics 2002 Origin : PHY
email : d.vella@damtp.cam.ac.uk
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 p211, Hidden Variables the dream of E. against quantum mechanics/ flaws in Bell theorem: The End of the Road for Quantum Mechanics?
Monica Veloso Alves Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
K. Venkatesan Category : Critics 1979 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://shodhganga.inflibnet.ac.in/bitstream/10603/2360/21/21_references.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether - as advocated by Einstein and others.
Tim Ventura Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : SCI
email : tventura6@comcast.net
web : http://www.beyondtheordinary.net/timventura.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Gravity, Antigravity Shipov on Torsion: Dr. Gennady Shipov on Torsion Physics & GPP see The Searl Group of Australia to recreate a SEG, or Searl Effect Generator. Field-effect propulsion and forcefield air-cushion technology
Vertner Vergon Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BAB SCI
email : vertvergon@gmail.com
web : http://wwwvergon.blogspot.com/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Coulomb Field as the Basic Particle of the Universe Unification Co-Dependence of Time Dilation, Superluminal Velocities and Relativistic Mass clarifies and corrects SRT and GRT. Claim to explain gravity probably on the basis of the Coulomb Field as the Basic Particle of the Universe
Pr. Dr. Herman L. Verlinde Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email : verlinde@princeton.edu
web : http://physics.princeton.edu/~verlinde/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Holographic world gravity might not be a fundamental force at all, but rather an emergent property of the deeper underlying structure of the universe. Gravitation behaves in a way that conforms to the laws of thermodynamics and fluid dynamics.
Chris Vermeulen Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Didier Verne Category : New Energy 1987 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Tachyon and free energy
L. V. Verozub Category : Critics 1995 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : 4D universe of relativity kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v8 p518, The Relativity of Space-Time has meaning only as geometry + measuring instruments
V. Vertushkoff Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : CLI
email : vertushkov@ua.fm
web : http://www.vertushkov.dp.ua/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The theory of gravitation of the Newton-Einstein may be incorrect. The characteristics of the closed world having formed with the annihilation of an electron and a positron have been received. Physical vacuum is considered as a point without dimension, expansion and inside structure. It's supposed that a vacuum point serves as natural physical medium for closed worlds. Particles are continuously emitted by physical vacuum into space of the Universe. Oscillatory motion of the neutral point mass causes disturbance of the space structure, resulting in release of graviton by vacuum.
Dr. K. E. Veselov Category : Alternative theory 1981 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hansschauer.de/html/dir6/ch06s07.html
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity. Chance Coincidences or Natural Phenomena presents a novel type of Le Sage mechanism, which Veselov links to earth expansion and various astrophysical phenomena.
Gary C. Vesperman Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : SCI
email : garyvesperman@yahoo.com
web : http://www.peswiki.com/index.php/Congress:Member:Gary_Vesperman
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
New Energy
Dr. Robert F. C. Vessot Category : Experiment 1989 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://books.google.fr/books/about/Past_and_Future_Tests_of_Relativistic_Gr.html?id=oDrGtgAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tests of general relativity in Earth orbit using a superconducting gravity gradiometer. Past and Future Tests of Relativistic Gravitation with Atomic Clocks.
Vincent Vesterby Category : Philosophical 2008 Origin : SCI
email : thegeneralist@themoderngeneralist.com
web : http://www.themoderngeneralist.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Making Physics Completely Realistic
Yogiraj Shri Vethathiri Maharishi (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/doc/40710/Irai-Nilai-Vilakkam-by-Vethathiri
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The concepts of gravity and mass in the Vethathiri model of universe. Space is the all-pervading substance inherent with all-potential energy and consciousness; it has the property of self-compression and surrounding pressure. Self-compression results in the formation of spinning quanta of space termed formative dust. Due to the spin, every dust (or group of dust formed by surrounding pressure) is a source of repulsion.built-in mechanism of space to transform into the fundamental particles of which further structures are made; matter, energy and time as the manifestations of the space itself. The entire universe is of, by and in space; The compressive force acting on every unit area of the imaginary sphere of the radius r is converging toward the centre of the sun. As r decreases, the surface area over which the compressive force acts decreases and hence the compressive pressure due to space increases.
Gary C. Vezzoli Category : Experiment 2009 Origin : LEB
email : vezzoli2005@yahoo.com
web : http://www.ptep-online.com/index_files/2009/PP-19-04.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Explanation of the Physical Cause of the Shnoll Characteristic. The material surrounding the black hole is interpreted in terms of asymmetry of the neutrino flux.
Lester C. Via Category : Experiment 1980 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/galiauth.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Equivalence Principle Test
Caesar P. Viazminsky Category : Critics 2003 Origin : SCI BAB
email : Kayssarv@mail2world.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/Science-Journals/Research%20Papers-Mechanics%20/%20Electrodynamics/Download/1942
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Generalized Lorentz Transformations. The Scaling Theory X: General Sagnac Effect.
Codie Vickers Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Dr. Jean-Pierre Vigier (deceased) Category : Relativist 1994 Origin : CLI SCI CHI
email :
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/vigier/vigier.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativist ether. The Enigmatic Photon. Stochastic Interpretation of quantum mechanics.
B. Vigoureux Category : Cosmology 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p314, Connecting c to the Expansion of the Universe: possible variation of c with time. Cosmological Consequences. Cosmological Applications of a Geometrical Interpretation of "c"
J. M. Vigoureux Category : Cosmology 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p314, Connecting c to the Expansion of the Universe: possible variation of c with time. Cosmological Consequences. Cosmological Applications of a Geometrical Interpretation of "c"
P. Vigoureux Category : Cosmology 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p314, Connecting c to the Expansion of the Universe: possible variation of c with time Cosmological Consequences Cosmological Applications of a Geometrical Interpretation of "c"
Alexander Vikman Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Price for Environmental Neutrino-Superluminality
Ryan Lee Vilbig Category : Religious aspects 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Negative result by the Planck satellite's search for gravitational waves would support Neil Turok theory. The truths of Christianity are more fundamental to the universe I observe than evolution or string theory.
Riu Vilela-Mendes Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The deformation-stability fundamental length and deviations from c
Pr. Dr. Alexandrer Vilenkin Category : Cosmology 2006 Origin : CLI
email : editor@edge.org
web : http://www.edge.org/3rd_culture/vilenkin06/vilenkin06_index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Thru Bolognesi Theory of nothing. Many worlds : the decay of the false vacuum and its reproduction by rapid expansion of the inflating regions
Jean Claude Villame Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI
email : jcvillame@free.fr
web : http://jcvillame.free.fr
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Drag aether within spiral then inversion. EM force agragate aether and thus causes gravitation. Cosmologic vortex applied to atomic vortex mattter energy accelerator.
Aasis Vinayak Category : Superluminal 0 Origin : BAB
email : aasisvinayak@gmail.com
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/406/Aasis,%20Vinayak
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Heuristic Point Regarding the Origin of Tachyons and a Revamped Definition for Them
Hans A. Vinberg Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : ARX
email : hans.vinberg@home.se
web : http://hem.passagen.se/hav/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Shell Universe gravitation. Instead of calculating with masses, we can calculate with kinetic energy. Neutrinos influence ordinary particles, photons and other neutrinos by gravitation. Ordinary particles lose speed on their travel through the Universe by gravitation from other particles. The redshift may be explained by gravitational influence from the dark matter - The V-effect.
Milan Vinduska Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1532
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Space of Local Hidden Variables Cannot be a Metric One
S. I. Vinitsky Category : Relativist 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1472
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Interbasis "Sphere-Cylinder" Expansions for the Oscillator in the Three-Dimensional Space of Constant Positive Curvature.
Danker L. N. Vink Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v14 p132, A Deeper Level of Quantum Mechanics Irreversibility at the Basis of Physics: mechanism of advanced and retarded "messenger" waves allows for information of surrounding particles; such instantaneously interconnected particles is nonlocal, but SRT is not violated.
M. G. Vinogradova Category : Critics 1996 Origin : GAL SCI
email : science@shaping.org
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
About Experimental Proofs of Gravitational Sun to Earth Influence by Screening of the Part of Inflowing Surrounding Space Neutrinos.
Dr. B. Z. Vinokurov Category : History 2009 Origin : RUS
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/library/listfull.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity and materialism Tambov School of historians of physics
Fernando Viraj Category : Critics 2006 Origin : SCI
email : virajplf@yahoo.co.uk
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Viraj_Fernando
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Obituary of the Special Theory of Relativity. Einstein himself completely ignored Sagnac's experiment, his followers too completely ignore whatever valid criticism levelled against the theory. Not only that, they at times even go to the extent of defending it in a hostile manner, as if their religious beliefs have been offended.
Dr. Ram Gopal Vishwakarma Category : Cosmology 1991 Origin : SCI
email : rvishwa@mate.reduaz.mx
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Ram_Vishwakarma
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Some Studies in Homogeneous Cosmologies with Varying Cosmological and Gravitational 'Constants'
S. S. Vispute Category : Religious aspects 2007 Origin : BAB
email : vispute.ss@rediffmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=161&filter=S.%20S.,%20Vispute
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Universal Truth in Science
Dan Visser Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Dark Energy Force Theoretically Calculates Faster-Than-Light-Neutrinos Uses a three-time "double-torus" spacetime model.
C. B. Vizas Category : Cosmology 1956 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://books.google.fr/books/about/Cosmic_Cyclones.html?id=sYoeOAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmic Cyclones. A new, revolutionary picture of the universe. cosmic cyclones could have assembled solar systems and molecules mountain ranges and continents
P. C. Vizminisky Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : BAB
email : vizminiskap@gmail.com
web : http://wbabin.net/viazm/viazm25.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Universal Space and the Illusive Lorentz Transformations. The Scaling Theory explaining the null result of MMI XII: Universal Timer - The Zeroth Law of Motion
Sorin Vlaicu Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 22, 462] Ring electron Arguments for a halved value of the Planck's constant
Dr. Weldon Vlasak Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://adaptiveenterprises.com/
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity is an electromagnetic phenomenon. Everything in the universe is electrical electromagnetic field waves bend as their velocity exceeds the speed of light.dark matter may simply be the "Luminiferous Aether Theory" The bending of field waves tends to support the ether theory and the dark matter theory. Perhaps the most compelling fact supporting the existence of dark matter is the substance of the aether which is represented by the electric and magnetic constants e and u that seem to exist everywhere in the universe. The aether does have electromagnetic properities (permeability and permittivity), from which Maxwell deduced the speed of light. Dark matter may simply be the Luminiferous Aether.
Dr. Vladimir Voeikov Category : Critics 2000 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.21stcenturysciencetech.com/articles/time.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Schnoll's work shows that time is heterogeneous. It is not a Newtonian time. Each moment in time is different from another, and this can be seen in any physical process that you study."
Gilbert Voeten Category : Relativist 1999 Origin : ARX
email : gilbert.voeten@planetinternet.be
web : http://www.homestead.com/nilog/files/aristotle_and_the_paradoxes_of_l.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nilog - An Alternative Logic
Klaus Vogel Category : Expanding Earth 1994 Origin : SCI
email : kvogel@uoguelph.ca
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=931
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Global Models of the Expanding Earth the assumption that "Pangaea" covered completely the surface of an earth with approximately 55% - 60% of the present diameter.
W. A. Vogel Category : Critics 1991 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/friebeforum/thread.php?postid=12744
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
About the possibility of constructing an alternative variant of the special relativity theory on the basis of classical nations of time and space.
Marcel Vogel (deceased) Category : Critics 1991 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.vogelcrystals.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Could structure water by spinning it around a tuned crystal.
Eric Vogels Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
The Bowman permanent magnet motor Minato Wheel
Karl Vogtherr Category : Critics 1950 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=4376
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The ascertainment of simultaneity. Critique and further development of the theory of relativity:
Dr. Arnold Voigt Category : History 1990 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1002/andp.19905020509/abstract
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New physical and astronomical aspects of the author's alternative to the theories of relativity
Gregory D. Volk Category : Critics 0 Origin : SCI
email : the.volks@comcast.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=248
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Common Sense Science Entropy, Radiation, Entanglement, Unification, Toroidal Ring, Iaad, Mach's Principle (NPA SCI database editor)
Klaus Volkamer Category : Critics 2007 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://borderlands.de/linklist.php3?a=goto&u=1305
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Subtle enhancement of the natural sciences
A. Volkov Category : Relativist 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Formula for Relatively Stable Carbon Clusters
Guennadi Volkov Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Can Neutrinos Probe Extra Dimensions? Suggested that CERN measure neutrino velocity, and developed an higher-dimensional theory relating Majorana-type neutrinos to a new ternary symmetry. In the first decade of the century, Volkov and co-workers developed this theory extensively, and delivered a number of unpublished talks on the subject (e.g. Gran Sasso 2005/10, OPERA 2006/01).
Dr. Eng Wolfgang Volkrodt (deceased) Category : History 0 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://tatjana.ingold.ch/index.php?id=es_war_ganz_anders
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy. The intelligent technology of some ancients
Gerhard Vollmer Category : Philosophical 1989 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=11769256
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Kowledge theory ; Can we teach the wrong? A science teaching reflection
Yu. I. Volodko Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The lessons of history of the law of energy degradation, Fuelless Monothermic Engine
A. V. Volos Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electromagnetic Self-Action
Igor V. Volovich Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal Dark Neutrinos Postulates a new kind of neutrino to avoid Bremsstrahlung problem.
G. E. Volovik Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal neutrino and spontaneous breaking of Lorentz invariance
H.-H. von Borzeszkowski Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.hansschauer.de/html/dir6/ch06s07.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pushing Gravity. Non-Relativistic Effects in Gravitation; Screening and absorbtion of gravitation in pre-relativistic and relativistic theories
J. Georg von Brzeski Category : Critics 2008 Origin : DUF
email : jgvb@helioslabs.com
web : http://helioslabs.com/pubs/ccc2presentation_final.ppt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Mathematical Theory of Cosmological Redshift in Static Lobachevskian Universe. Mistake of Edwin Hubble
Vadim von Brzeski Category : Critics 2008 Origin : DUF
email : jgvb@helioslabs.com
web : http://helioslabs.com/pubs/ccc2presentation_final.ppt
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. Mathematical Theory of Cosmological Redshift in Static Lobachevskian Universe. Mistake of Edwin Hubble
Bruno von Freytag Loeringhoff (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1993 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.begriffslogik.de/personen/freytag.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
General ontology of reality
Pr. Bela von Juhos (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1953 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://projecteuclid.org/DPubS?service=UI&version=1.0&verb=Display&page=toc&handle=euclid.jsl/1183731703
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Refers to Popper. Vienna circle. Philosophical aspects of modern physics
Illobrandt von Ludwiger Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.efodon.de/html/archiv/sonstiges/prahl/ausserirdische.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The mystery of time and space. UFO Forbids us the science humanoid extraterrestrials?
Dr. Christoph von Mettenheim Category : Critics 2009 Origin : SCI BOR
email : christoph@mettenheim.de
web : http://www.christoph.mettenheim.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein or "the error of the century" is a critic also of Popper on his position related to "pure science".SRT, GRT and QM theories contain logical and mathematical errors
Joachim von Peschke Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 p221 & v4 p357, Comment on Mixed-Number Lorentz Transformation. Spinor = light ray of the bundle of a spherical lens, may specify the rotational position of the spherical lens, model of the electron.
Aleksandra von Seckendorff Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : SCI
email : aloofka@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Aleksandra_von_Seckendorff
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric Universe
Dr. Stefan von Weber Category : Alternative theory 1998 Origin : CLI
email : webers@fh-furtwangen.de
web : http://www.teachanddiscover.net/shadows/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Membrane Theory of Gravitation. Proofs of the Cosmic Membrane Theory of type Kaluza-Klein with non-compactified fourth spatial dimension and delivers Newton's law of gravitation in a direct way and explains light bending, Shapiro effect and perihelion advance of Mercury with the same accuracy as the General Relativity (GR).
Joe Vor-Tech (Vourteque) Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BER
email : vor_tech@yahoo.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Gary Voss Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Gary_Voss
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Ralph S. Vrana (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1975 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://books.google.fr/books/about/The_Mathematics_Laboratory_a_New_Teachin.html?id=NZd3AAAACAAJ&redir_esc=y
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mathematics Laboratory: a New Teaching Approach
Rudolf Vrnoga Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : SCI
email : rimvrnoga@aol.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Rudolf_Vrnoga
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space is not empty (neither dark matter, nor ether, but something else). Light speed is not constant!
Nicolaas Vroom Category : Cosmology 1999 Origin : ARX
email : nicolaas.vroom@pandora.be
web : http://users.telenet.be/nicvroom/index_en.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics against BB Science, Physics, Relativity, Faq's and Feedback Investigation of the amount of Darkmatter in Our Galaxy. Time Dilation is a function of behavior of clocks and is caused by Length Contraction
T. Dang Vu Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email : hermans620117@skynet.be
web : http://users.skynet.be/kurtgode/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Zero point energy (vacuum energy)
Dr. Ljubo Vujovic Category : New Energy 1979 Origin : SCI
email : TeslaSociety@aol.com
web : http://www.teslasociety.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla Society secretary general
Aleksandar Vukelja Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : SAP SCI MIL BAB
email : aleksandar@masstheory.org
web : http://www.masstheory.org/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether Elementary Concepts in Physics~ Demonstrates invalidity of Lorentz transformations and relativity theory Matter is union of point in space, matter or field is the union of lines fields are made of staight lines changes propagate at finite speed gravitation is the remaining of molecular forces with distance Triangle of Velocities and Mathematical Invalidity of the Lorentz Transformation in Special Relativity Demonstrates invalidity of Lorentz transformations and relativity theory Mathematical Invalidity of the Lorentz Transformation and Elementary Concepts of the Material World
Leo Vuyk Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : CLI
email : LeoVuyk@gmail.com
web : http://migratingblackholes.blogspot.com/2009/04/new-gravity-model-called-double-le-sage.html
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
TOE. The Special Curved Knotty Geometry of Rigid Propeller Shaped Fermions, is supposed to be able to let Fermions spin and repulse from New Paradigm Black Holes. The propeller shape of Fermions should be the origin of Fermionic Spin directions, driven by Vacuum Particles, oscillating in a 3D Space Frame Lattice. Anti-Mirror Symmetrical COPY mirror worlds, filled with an even amount of Anti-Matter and filled with ANTI-MIRROR= OPPOSITE RUNNING time. Double Le Sage Gravity has two different pushing components. (Higgs and Gravitons) First we have the oscillating Higgs particles oscillating along the edges of the tetrahedral lattice with the Planck scale, causing the so called Casimir effect and a part of the gravity. The total Higgs pressure from outside acting on a mass like the earth, is larger than the Higgs pressure coming from the inside of that mass, because inside the earth, many Higgs particles are assumed to have changed by collision with Fermions into Gravitons. Gravitons are supposed to originate less scattering pressure on Fermions than Higgs particles.
A. V. Vydrin Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Magnetic Motor
Dr. Vladimir I. Vysotskii Category : Experiment 2003 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=877
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental Observation and a Possible Way to the Creation of Anomalous Isotopes and Stable Superheavy Nuclei Via the Electron-Nucleus Collapse
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Victor M. Waage (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1987 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=945
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Antigravity, ether-vortex theory. Theory A Hydromechanical Interpretation of Electromagnetism Via Qualar Combination Analysis
How Wachspress Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : SCI
email : mail@auditac.com
web : http://www.auditac.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
Magnetic Propulsion
Nicholas Wade Category : Critics 1982 Origin : FRI
email :
web : ftp://myebooks.dyndns.org/conspiracy/Anderton%20-%20The%20Einstein%20Conspiracy%20(2000).pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The knowledge ofe Jupiter confirms Einstein Fraud and deceit the conventional wisdom that science is a strictly logical process, with objectivity the essence of scientist's attitudes, errors being speedily corrected by rigorous peer scrutiny and experiment replication, is a mythical ideal.
Robert L. P. Wadlinger Category : Alternative theory 1989 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v2 p158 & v3 p194, Photons and neutrinos are EM Solitons oscillating EM fields within a local space.
Abhijit H. Wagh Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email : waghsm.ngp@gmail.com
web : www.k1man.com/f37
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explaining Michelson-Morley Without Special Relativity concept of an emission wave. In the history of science, this is the first time we have discovered a new way in which (transverse) waves are realized in nature. It can therefore be expected to lead to important changes in the perspective about the nature of light or radiation. Then, we point out that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment is a natural and straightforward consequence of light being an emission wave. Concepts of special relativity, of length contraction and of time dilation, are not required for this explanation, however. No molecule is undergoing oscillatory motion. The oscillatory spatiotemporal changes in their flux exist, still. The particle and wave concepts are mutually supplementary, here. The massless quanta can be assumed to be momentum-less, that is, as parcels of only energy. When emitted by a body, the direction of the emitted quantum can be assumed to be spherically symmetrically distributed around that instantaneous location of its emitter.
Sanjay M. Wagh Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email : waghsm.ngp@gmail.com
web : www.k1man.com/f37
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Explaining Michelson-Morley Without Special Relativity concept of an emission wave. In the history of science, this is the first time we have discovered a new way in which (transverse) waves are realized in nature. It can therefore be expected to lead to important changes in the perspective about the nature of light or radiation. Then, we point out that the null result of the Michelson-Morley experiment is a natural and straightforward consequence of light being an emission wave. Concepts of special relativity, of length contraction and of time dilation, are not required for this explanation, however. No molecule is undergoing oscillatory motion. The oscillatory spatiotemporal changes in their flux exist, still. The particle and wave concepts are mutually supplementary, here. The massless quanta can be assumed to be momentum-less, that is, as parcels of only energy. When emitted by a body, the direction of the emitted quantum can be assumed to be spherically symmetrically distributed around that instantaneous location of its emitter.
Dan Wagner Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SAP SCI GAL CHI
email : drwagner10@comcast.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=317
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Fresnel Drag vs. Einstein Velocity a Case for Further Investigation. Testing Special relativity A Note on Latitude-Dependent Clocks Preferred Reference Frames Based on the Motion of Nearby Matter Hafele-Keating New Direct Test Proposed for Einstein's Velocity Addition Formula
Jack Wagner Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : BER
email : j.wagner@intelligentsearch.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Barrow's Fundamental Theorem (integration math.)
Dr. Eng Joachim M. Wagner Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : QUA
email : info@natuerlich-gutes.de
web : http://www.theharmonychipstory.com/web/en/the-harmony-chip-story/chapter-1.html?PHPSESSID=32316d8a5ea75a33452c
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy the "manifestor" of the Harmony evolution technology.
John W. Wagner Category : New Energy 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.ntesla.org/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Orvin E. Wagner Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : PHY
email : oedphd@rogueriver.net
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v21 p151, Physics in whole plants; All Pervading Waves Suggest Universal Control and Communication; Plants are shaped by gravity related waves
Hans Wagner (deceased) Category : Philosophical 0 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://philpapers.org/asearch.pl?sqc=&onlineOnly=on&showCategories=on&author=Wagner%2C%20Hans&newWindow=on&fil
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hugo Dingler's contribution to the issue of final justification
Lars Wåhlin Category : Critics 1993 Origin : GAL BAB CHI CLI
email : larsw@colutron.com
web : http://www.colutron.com/products/papers.html
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ball light Mach's Principle vs. Einstein's Relativity. The Collapsing Universe. Do photons increase in energy when falling in a gravitational field?
Dr. Renate Wahsner Category : History 1995 Origin : FRI
email : wahsner@mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de
web : http://www.mpiwg-berlin.mpg.de/en/staff/members/wahsner
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Das physikalische Prinzip Non-locality versus locality: the epistemological background of the Einstein-Bohr debate. Mach's criticism to Newton and Einstein's reading of Mach: The stimulating role of two misunderstanding.
Pr. Dr. R. Waibel Category : Critics 1992 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/Waibel.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Das Glasperlenspiel der Modernen Physik. The Glass Bead Game of Modern Physics. Against the demands of ever more gigantic particle accelerator. After all, was expressed many years ago, none other than W. Heisenberg clearly against elephantiasis associated with this utopian expectations of elementary particle physicists of such basic research.
Tom Waite Category : Relativist 1995 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://bookweb.kinokuniya.co.jp/htmy/0306455145.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v8 p60, The Relativistic Helmholtz Theorem and Solitons (purely electromagnetic particle (PEP) with internal charge/density. Solitons are centered on a three-dimensional subspace filled with that vortexlike recirculating charge/current density.
Pete Waites Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.sciencefound.org/home/projects/generating-gravitational-fields-in-the-laboratory/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Generating Gravitational Fields in the Laboratory
Alfred Wakeman Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1065
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Antigravity: toroidal vortex flows in nature. Vortex flow model of the electron, proton, and hydrogen atom. The velocity topology increasing from luminal to superluminal, without bound, with decreasing vortex radius.
Pr. Richard. Arthur Waldron (deceased) Category : Critics 1977 Origin : SAP SCI FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=448
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The wave and ballistic theories of light. Is the Universe Really expanding? A Modern Ballistic Theory of Light. There is no time dilation, muons orbits with multiple c in storage ring.
M. Wales Category : Critics 1998 Origin : ARX
email : michaelwales@beeb.net
web : http://docs.gorlovka.net/Planets/tors/lec/fine.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Divagation beyond relativity Physics Librarum Prohibitorum
Hans Walhout Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Benjamen Walker Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.wordnik.com/words/Benjamen
kind of theory : theory of everything TOE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
TOE is an ongoing attempt at understanding the many diverse and seemingly unrelated threads that make up human experience.
Fred L. Walker Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : PHY SCI
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 p138, The Fluid Space Vortex: Universal Prime Mover Beyond Special Relativity. Where Is the Cosmological Alternative?
Jim Walker Category : History 2001 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://nobeliefs.com/death&timetravel.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A ball with a twist - Fun experiments. Speculations on the science and fiction of dying to get to the future
Nancy Walker Category : Critics 0 Origin : CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=3317&tab=2
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
To introduce alternative explanations of the force of gravitation to Newton and Einstein
William D. Walker Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/physics/0009023
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experimental evidence that electromagnetic fields propagate superluminally in the near-field next to an oscillating electric dipole source. A high frequency 437MHz, 2 watt sinusoidal electrical signal is transmitted from a dipole antenna to a parallel near-field dipole detecting antenna.
Ernst L. Wall Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : ARX SCI CHI
email :
web : http://www1.shore.net/~ewall/ http://www.tachyonmodel.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
"The Physics of Tachyons" (Hadronic Press Monographs in Theoretical Physics) Negative Mass Tachyons model is a Bohr-like revolving particle model that utilizes a negative mass tachyon in conjunction with a revolving, but very tiney, charged point particle. The tachyon, being unable to drop below the speed of light, causes the positive mass charged particle to revolve in a relatively large orbit, thus generating a magnetic moment while maintaining agreement with experiment in that the charged particle for the electron is know to be extremely small. Muon, in turn, consists of a positive mass pion and another negative mass tachyon
Jacob Wall Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : SCI
email : wallja@vandals.uidaho.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Jacob_Wall
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Brown's Gas Effect of Hydrogen Enriched Hydrocarbon Combustion on Emissions and Performance
Scott Wall Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.thunderbolts.info/thunderblogs/archives/guests08/032908_guest_swall.htm
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Comet Holmes - a Media Non-event On October 24, 2007, Comet 17P Holmes brightened dramatically by a factor of a million. Within 24 hours, it had gone from a small 17th magnitude comet to a magnitude of 2.5, easily visible with the naked eye. It wasn't finished its impressive display just yet though. Holmes kept expanding until by mid-November it had become the largest object in the solar system and had surpassed the Sun in volume. The diameter of the coma had grown. The standard model used to explain comets as dirty snowballs was concocted by Fred Whipple over fifty years ago. This theory has a very difficult time explaining Comet Holmes. A simple explanation for the comet using this electrical theory is that the coma and tail are the plasma sheath surrounding the nucleus and glowing in normal glow mode and the jets are electric arc discharges to the nucleus.
David Bryan Wallace Category : Critics 2012 Origin : SCI
email : wallacedavidb@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/David_Wallace
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Henry Wallace Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Particles as Swarms of Photons
Henry William Wallace Category : New Energy 1983 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Anti-gravity
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Gyroscopic devices Wallace, an engineer at GE Aerospace in Valley Forge, Pennsylvania, and GE Re-Entry Systems in Philadelphia. He constructed devices that rapidly spun disks of brass, a material made up largely of elements with a total half-integer nuclear spin.[15] He claimed that by rapidly rotating a disk of such material, the nuclear spin became aligned, and as a result created a "gravitomagnetic" field in a fashion similar to the magnetic field created by the Barnett effect.
P. R. Wallace Category : Critics 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p614, Is Quantum Mechanics Paradoxical?
William A. Wallace Category : Alternative theory 1987 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1274
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Theory of Relativity vs. The Theory of Relativity
Bryan G. Wallace (deceased) Category : Critics 1990 Origin : SAP SCI RAP FRI
email :
web : http://surf.de.uu.net/bookland/sci/farce/farce_2.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Farce of Physics. Radar Testing of the Relative Velocity of Light/ ultimate reality there may be is not directly accessible to mortal humans.
W. David Wallman Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1140
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
New Energy conventional
M. Walter Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : PHY
email : erich.wanek@aon.at
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p297, Oscillatory Structure of Molecular Photoionization Cross Sections
Thomas Stephen Walter Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Cole Walters Category : Philosophical 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://swiftreport.blogs.com/news/2005/07/social_conserva.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of "relativism" of Einstein replaced by a more compelling paradigm: a theory of moral certitude. Einstein's pacifism, communist tendencies seen as 'black marks'
K. G. Walther Category : Critics 1994 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/fremde-abhandlungen.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lawyer sounds the alarm
Tom Walther Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
David S. Walton Category : History 1978 Origin : SCI
email : dswalton@plus44.net
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The history of displacement current Ivor Catt
Dr. Gertrude Walton Category : Critics 2002 Origin : SAP GAL WEG
email : sapere.aude@btinternet.com
web : http://www.btinternet.com/~sapere.aude/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Reclaiming the Common Sense Foundations of Knowledge~ Articles, extensive list of dissidents to contemporary physics Finding Absolution for Special Relativity - The Local Nature of the Correspondence Principle - Retrograde Railgun
Dr. Erich Wanek (deceased) Category : Experiment 2009 Origin : SAP SCI PHY
email : erich.wanek@aon.at
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=756
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity fault 80 authors against SRT/GRT// The Particlewave: A New Model for Light and the Matter Waves : motion of particles is array of subparticles, which oscillate in the plane perpendicular to their motion. The particlewave: mass of a photon implied by its helical configuration; anisotropy of the light; Laser Experiments with Prism to detect the motion of the earth wrt CMBR.
Chang Yu Wang Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.yun-qi.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
End of mathematical science we have used for centuries is also considerably and lawlessly wrong; today's physics is in a dead end; There is NO relativity; There is NO speed limit, we can pass the speed of light just like we can pass the speed of sound; The formula: m = m_0 / (1-v^2/c^2)^(1/2) is wrong; The formula: t = t_0 * (1-v^2/c^2)^(1/2) is also wrong; The force a particle receives from its fixed field source is NOT constant, it will vary with its moving speed of v.
LiJun Wang Category : Superluminal 2000 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gain-assisted superluminal light propagation (sending a wave front thru gazeous cesium= tunneling). Efficient generation of correlated photon pairs in a microstructure fiber
Ling Jun Wang Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email : lingjun.wang@yahoo.com
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 473] First-order ether drift experiment. On the Geocentric Nature of Hubble's Law: an" isotropic velocity distribution with respect to Earth will logically lead to a geocentric universe" and in app. Math (Brown univ). "Homoclinic and heteroclinic orbits for the $ 0^2$ or $ 0^2i \omega$ singularity in the presence of two reversibility symmetries"
Peng Wang Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal neutrinos and domain walls
Quian-Shen Wang Category : Cosmology 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.eclipse2006.boun.edu.tr/sss/paper02.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unexplained gravity anomaly two valleys observed from the Mohe solar eclipse on 9 March 1997. There has not been such kind of anomalies. May be related to the fundamental properties of gravitation.
Pr. Ruyong Wang Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : SAP SCI GAL
email : ruwang@stcloudstate.edu
web : http://www.anti-relativity.com/links.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Modified Sagnac Experiment "any segment of the loop contributes to the total phase difference" -First-Order Fibre-Interferometric Experiments for Crucial Test of Light-Speed Constancy Possible Optical Effect to Test Covariant Electrodynamic Laws in Media First-Order Fibre-Interferometric Experiments for Crucial Test of Light-Speed Constancy : Failure of the Relativistic Energy-Momentum Relation for Photons in Media On the Mass-Energy Relation for Photons in Media On the Quantization of Magnetic Flux
Shi-Ming Wang Category : Experiment 1995 Origin : SAP SCI GAL CHI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1568
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Direct Test of Mach's Principle: "observe the spatial anisotropy of the transverse Doppler effect caused by the inertial motion of the photon" Possible Optical Effect to Test Covariant Electrodynamic Laws in Media
Tower Wang Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mass-dependent Lorentz Violation and Neutrino Velocity
Xiao-Xiang Wang Category : Superluminal 2009 Origin : BAB
email : zhongyuewang@)yahoo.com.cn
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/308/Xiao-Xiang,%20Wang
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Deng-Wang Experimental Method Demonstrating that Light Speed is Not Constant. The waveguide can be regarded as a potential barrier to microwaves and we apply quantum mechanics to study the coefficient of reflection R and transmission T. An initial experimental result is also presented in this paper that the transverse momentum of the electromagnetic field in a waveguide is zero which is no longer in proportion to the transverse wave vector.
Yanshen Wang Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i2 Jun2011, A covering theory of special relativity : the relativity of simultaneity is not a universal concept.
Zhong-Yue Wang Category : Superluminal 2009 Origin : GAL BAB CHI
email : zhongyuewang@yahoo.)com.cn
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/0911.2359
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tachyonic equations to reduce the divergent integral of QED including 0<V<c and c<V<infinity by Cherenkov radiation in media confirm 1: tachyon in vacuum 2: Lamb shift. Possible Optical Effect to Test Covariant Electrodynamic Laws in Media. Failure of the Relativistic Energy-Momentum Relation for Photons in Media. Possible Optical Effect to Test Covariant Electrodynamic Laws in Media. On the Quantization of Magnetic Flux. On the Mass-Energy Relation for Photons in Media. On the Mass-Energy Relationship of Phonons.
Chris Wanlass Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Wanlass Motor-Generator
Pr. Gerhard Wanner Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SCI
email : gerhard.wanner@unige.ch
web : http://www.unige.ch/math/people/wanner_en.html
kind of theory : ritz ballistic theory kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ritzian Relativity: incorporation of relative motion between charges into the Coulomb force then derive Ampere's law, the Lorentz force, Induced EMF and Hertzian radiation from Ritz's fundamental relationships.
Dr. Dan Sewell Ward Category : History 2003 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.halexandria.org/author.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Library of Halexandriah includes many edge physics website such as cold fusion, ZPE, new physics and so on.
Dr. Sonne Ward Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://novaplasmatech.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy, Magnetic Motors, Implosion Technology... Past, Present and Future
Pr. John F. C. Wardle Category : Superluminal 1990 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/1990ApJ...360..408R
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Milli-arcsecond polarization Structure of the Superluminal Quasar 3C 273 (Astrophysical Journal 360, p.408-416)
David C. Ware Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dr. John R. Warfield Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : SCI
email : Warf1002@aol.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=224
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether. New Theory of Flowing Space. Electromagnetic Propulsion: The Universe expands by the creation of new space, possibly from another dimension. Space flows towards matter and disappears [through matter] as it moves into another dimension. EM forces within a ring are normally symmetrical but "if a directed magnetic pulse [magnetic flux compression producers] distorts the magnetic field relative to one side of the plane of the ring" internal EM forces become unballances thus induce a ring motion. Gravity and gravitational field are described as two separate entities. New model of the electron based upon an electron current within a metal conductor.
Peter Warlow Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.sis-group.org.uk/cosmic-catastrophes-2007.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Inversions of the Earth and its reversed magnetic polarity. Critics of Big Bang
Hartmut Warm Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : verlag@keplerstern.de
web : http://www.keplerstern.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang // order and movement of the planets in our solar system corresponds very accurately to simple geometrical figures
Henry C. Jr. Warren Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : MOU ARX
email : hcwarren@olypen.com
web : http://www.olypen.com/hcwarren/
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Ether sink+vortex. The entrained spatial medium Gravitational sink Model Big Bang - Photon absorbtion. Gravity is posited to be the result of masses acting as sinks of a spatial fabric in which a condensation or an absorption of the spatial medium causes a depletion or thinning resulting in a gradient in the density of the spatial fabric near the mass. The gradient results in an inflow of the spatial medium with the velocity of inflow, being inversely proportional to the degree of thinnin Casimir Effect Paradigm - I propose that the BB process involved the emission, externalization and out-streaming - of space from a preexisting source or state, which I call the Alpha Entity (or state) I postulate that all gravitational bodies act as Einstein Spatial Ether Sinks because they soak up and internalize Einstein Spatial Ether, causing in-streaming which carries energy and mass towards themselves in the process. Added the concept of a gravitational system with a sink, whose absorption capabilities is the driving force behind this entrainment, and a field that moderates between the relation of a gravitational body and the Background Einstein Spatial Ether.. Thus, there is no relative motion between a gravitational mass and "space" in the body's immediate vicinity and incoming light approaches even a moving mass at the same velocity from all directions. Increasing a body's velocity may somehow increase it's ability to absorb Einstein Spatial Ether. 1995
Joshua P. Warren Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : SCI
email : jpw@LEMURteam.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1086
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Plasma Interference Patterns in Electrostatically-Contained Plasma to explain Brown Mountain Lights
André Waser Category : History 1995 Origin : SCI
email : andre.waser@aw-verlag.ch
web : http://www.mahag.com/download/Aether%20und%20Naturwissenschaft.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Full history of ether since Thales 600 bef Chr. ZPE. The Puzzling Nature
Marc Washington Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : BOR ARX
email : mwashington@mightymall.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php?a=list&c=9&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The First Three Seconds
Basil D. Washo Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 p533, A Derivation of the Bohr Hypothesis of the Bohr Hydrogen Atom Analysis: "Bohr's simplified model are looked at from the point of view of the use of an operator for angular momentum" this interpretation is in line with SRT.
Bernd Wasl Category : Critics 2002 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/sapere-1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Julian Wasserman Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1023
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Mobius-strip model for the electron.
Andrei Wasylyk Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Shinichi Watanabe Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p389, Antiprotonic Helium and the Hyperspherical Elliptic Coordinates
Steve Waterman Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : SCI
email : swaterman@watermanpolyhedron.com
web : http://watermanpolyhedron.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Packing of equally sized spheres. Reformulating space, time, matter and light.
Doneley Watson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : doneleyw@msn.com
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Gordon Watson Category : Critics 1998 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 p413, Bell's Theorem Refuted: Real Physics and Philosophy for Quantum Mechanics
Greg Watson Category : New Energy 1985 Origin : WAP
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Simple_Magnetic_Overunity_Toy
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy: the SMOT over-unity" energy Simple Magnetic Overunity Toy
Herbert M. Watson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Jacqueline Watson Category : Religious aspects 0 Origin : BER
email :
web : http://hirr.hartsem.edu/sociology/sociology_online_articles_mason.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
James Watson Category : New Energy 1984 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Overunity motor
Dr. John Watson Category : Relativist 1995 Origin : CHI
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V02no2PDF/V02N2ISS.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
The determination of simultaneity is thus only a matter of the establishment of a spatial position at a specific time. The clock paradox now disappears, as does the Relativity of simultaneity. Did the Universe Have a Beginning? Were this conclusion (refers to Tom von Flandern) to be accepted, the consequences for the current theories of cosmology would be revolutionary, the concept of a big bang expanding universe relegated to the past as the grand myth
Michael Watson Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email : mike@sigmat.demon.co.uk
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1535
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy Construction of Floyd A. Sweet's VTA (vacuum triod amplifier) closer to magnetic amplifier<.
William N. Watson Category : Relativist 2000 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p15, State Vectors and Physical States
Dr. Terence L. Watts Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : watts@physics.rutgers.edu
web : http://www.physics.rutgers.edu/people/pips/Watts.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Dr. Bernd Watzlawek Category : Philosophical 1978 Origin : BOR
email : metamorph@surfeu.at
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=15&total=221
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravitation, cosmology, philosophy of science, semiotics, history of science, bioinformatics
Rob Waugh Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : https://physicsforme.wordpress.com/2011/11/02/laws-of-physics-are-different-depending-on-where-you-are-in-the-
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The laws of physics may not be as set in stone as previously imagined. One of the laws of nature seems to vary depending on where in the universe you are, research suggests. The discovery if true violates one of the underlying principles of Einstein's theory of General Relativity, and has profound implications for our understanding of space and time. The findings could mean that the universe is far bigger than we thought possibly even infinite. Research carried out at the University of New South Wales (UNSW), Swinburne University of Technology and the University of Cambridge found that one of the four known fundamental forces, electromagnetism measured by the so-called fine-structure constant and denoted by the symbol 'alpha' seems to vary across the Universe. Such violations are actually expected in some more modern 'Theories of Everything' that try to unify all the known fundamental forces, said Professor Flambaum.
Dr. Richard Wayte Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF SCI
email : rwayte@carmanah.com
web : http://www.catastrophism.com/intro/index.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Remodelled the application of general relativity to gravitational effects. Space-time curvature longer needed to explain gravity, black holes do not exist: Critics of Big Bang
Milena Wazeck Category : History 2010 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.sciencedirect.com/science/article/pii/S0262407910628321
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Conspiracy theories, and mud-slinging orchestrated by a seemingly reputable scholarly academy, show that Einstein was up against implacable enemies, says historian Milena Wazeck. Her latest book, published in German by Campus Verlag, is Einsteins Gegner ("Einstein's Opponents"). It is based on research carried out at the Max Planck Institute for the History of Science in Berlin.
Thomas Weatherly Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Thomas_Weatherly
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aloria Weaver Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : aloria@lightweave.org
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Aloria_Weaver
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
John Webb Category : Critics 1999 Origin : CLI
email : jkw@edwin.phys.unsw.edu.au
web : http://www.ldolphin.org/constc.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alpha change in old atoms with increasing redshift (z), (relative spacing of doublets of absorption lines in the spectra of several types of atoms in distant gas clouds) there is a consistent change in alpha with increasing redshift (z), especially above a z of one. Owing to the caution needed in claiming a "measurement" of alpha change, the researchers prefer to think of their result as constituting a new upper limit on the fractional alpha change for z>1 of about 2 parts in 10,000. Webb et al., Physical Review Letters.
Charles E. Weber Category : Cosmology 2002 Origin : THE SCI ARX
email : Isoptera@att.net
web : http://charles_w.tripod.com/red.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether dependence of the frequency shift of on the cosine of the angle made with the gravitational field is an approximation because of the fact that the photon's trajectory changes. It follows that photons of energy should have a slight residual red shift upon passing a mass. This shift is proposed as the main cause of the cosmological red shift Cause of the Characteristics of Quasars: hypothesis explaining the cosmological red shift. The red shift is proposed as a reduction in frequency by interaction with molecules encountered in space.
J. Weber Category : Experiment 1998 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v11 p593, Gravitational Radiation Antenna Backgrounds and Cross-Sections: pulses in the antennas. Gravitational radiation could be associated with many of the gamma-ray events found.
Michael Weber Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : SCI GAL
email : miweber2@vt.edu
web : http://www.thefreelibrary.com/The+Wave+Structure+of+Matter+(WSM)+and+the+origin+of+the+Natural+Laws.-a01913936
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Milo Wolff Wave Structure of Matter animation of the wave-center of the electron SRT Lorentz group and GRT frequency shift derived from WSM. Only one wave medium, space, and its two properties, Principles I and II.
Peter Weber Category : Critics 0 Origin : BOR
email : weber@energie-know-how.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=195&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The infinite nothingness
R. L. Weber Category : Critics 1995 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Kabinett-physikalischer-Rarit%C3%A4ten-Anthologie-Weiterdenken/dp/3528284048
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cabinet physical rarities. An anthology of the positive, and after further thought
Dr. Dietmar Wechsler Category : Critics 2001 Origin : PHY
email : wechsler@simtech.uni-stuttgart.de
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v14 p274, The Submaterial Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics which cannot be extended to macroscopic bodies +explanation of energy levels.
Pr. Mogens True Wegener Category : Philosophical 1993 Origin : FRI IMP SCI
email : Idemw@hum.au.dk
web : http://www.relativity.me/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity with absolute simultaneity some cosmological models: their time scales and space metrics. The Universe (U) must therefore be subject to the Absolute Simultaneity of a Universal Time. Special Relativity (SR) should be rejected in favour of a Classical Alternative (AR) based on the invariance of proper time
Wegner Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/fremde-abhandlungen.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
"What is gravity? - The difficulty to explain the severity "of" image of science "
Günther Wehr Category : Critics 1980 Origin : FRI MOC
email :
web : http://hpoersch-41stein.de/40350/home.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
New theory of relativity. And I was very happy that Günther Wehr had long before me the <Maxwell-Term> in his "New Theory of Relativity" is also found.
Pr. Francis A. Weil Category : Critics 1951 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Refutation-theory-relativity-Contribution-reorganization/dp/B0007JR2BE
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Refutation of the theory of relativity: Contribution to the reorganization of natural philosophy. The Michelson-Morley experiment and the present conceptual revolution. A preliminary critical study of Newton's laws;: Introduction to the intuitive science
Pr. Steven L. Weinberg Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://zpower.com/ch/documents/ZPEPaper_ZeroPointEnergyDocumentCompilation.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
PE v21 p78, System/apparatus superposition and the Born rule : system/apparatus interaction may cause entanglement. Electric and magnetic fields and other fields are subject to a version of the Heisenberg uncertainty principle: it is not possible to have a state in which a field, and the rate at which it is changing, both vanish. Consequently empty space, even far from any matter, is permeated with continually fluctuating fields.
Martin Weinmann Category : Critics 2007 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Henri-Bergson-Einf%C3%BChrung-Gilles-Deleuze/dp/3885063360
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Comments on Deleuze, and Bergson (critics related to time concept)
Ben I. Weins Category : New Energy 2001 Origin : PEA
email : ben@benwiens.com
web : http://www.benwiens.com/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Future energy
Johann Weinzierl Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.dvr-raumenergie.de/media/downloads/Gruber_Breisach-Vortrag-Mai-2003.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy Magnet machine
Dr. Eng Alexander Weise Category : Critics 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://twinparadox.net/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unsolved twin paradox
George Herbert Weiss Category : Critics 1994 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://books.google.fr/books/about/Contemporary_Problems_in_Statistical_Phy.html?id=_YvJ55W61JQC&redir_esc=y
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Contemporary problems in statistical physics.
M. A. Weiss Category : Experiment 1985 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/17811569
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Around-the-world relativistic Sagnac experiment. In 1971 Hafele and Keating carried portable atomic clocks east and then west around the world and verified the Sagnac effect. The effect is larger than that occurring when portable clocks are used. The average error over a 3-month experiment was only 5 nanoseconds.
Michael Weiss Category : Critics 1992 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://math.ucr.edu/home/baez//physics/Relativity/GR/energy_gr.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Is Energy conserved in General Relativity? The Cosmic Background Radiation (CBR) has red-shifted over billions of years. Each photon gets redder and redder. What happens to this energy? The issue of energy in general relativity has a lot to do with the notorious "problem of time" in quantum gravity. . . but that's another can of worms.
J. J. Weissmuller Category : Cosmology 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://homepages.xnet.co.nz/~hardy/cosmologystatement.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity" is no more than a shadow at a distance from the real object with the power -- which is locally viewed as "Electricity. SPUE field Theory not unified theory. "steady-state universe is infinite in space, time and size (recursive). At any given level of measurement, SPUE (Sub-sub-sub-atomic Particles Universally Emancipated) are those ubiquitous "less than detectable bits" which are thrown off from galaxies, stars, planets and even atoms and ultimately combine in various ways and produce cascading effects to form BOTH energy and matter as we observe and thereby know them". Critics of Big Bang
Donald F. Weitzel Category : Critics 1999 Origin : SAP GAL CHI SCI
email :
web : http://www.algonet.se/~haeffner/time/conc.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Time is not a 4th dimension kind of energy :
Key statements :
Timekeeping and the Speed of Light. A Pendulum Paradox in Einstein's SRT. Time the shadow dimension. Common sense is not always just common sense. "We have no knowledge of time itself in classical physics exept by the means of motion. Clocks can, however, be designed to show motion and used in the same way as time clocks, i.e. to determine and use a standard of motion."
M. G. Wellard Category : Critics 1985 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=599&filter=M.%20G.,%20Wellard
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Heretic's Guide to Modern Physics, Michelson and Morley's apparatus. They were unaware of the real experimental fact that the direction of the earth's absolute velocity vector is a continuous variable relative to the plane of Michelson and Morley's apparatus, and that Stokes's ether wind blows seasonally and daily at continuously varying angles through the ceiling of Michelson and Morley's laboratory.
Dr. D. R. Wells Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://cat.inist.fr/?aModele=afficheN&cpsidt=4755579
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unification of Gravitational, Electrical and Strong Forces by a Virtual Plasma Theory: `fluid' or `Magnus' forces generated by vortex structures (particles) generate gravitation and EM fields.
Stewart Ian Wells Category : Critics 2007 Origin : SCI
email : cywels@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=25
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
Energy and angular momentum conservation theorem are violated by Maxwell third equation thus fallacious. Ether Traction-Compression Hypothesis proposed instead. Faraday pressure. Proposal for an Experimentum Crucis, the long-standing controversy over the magnetic force law can be put to a definitive test. The Lorentz-style 'normal force' law predicts a positive (auto-rotation) outcome in the following experimental arrangement, whereas the Ampere-style 'central force' law predicts a negative (null-rotation) outcome: Either the entire current-carrying framework rotates or it does not. (for the apparatus refer to SCI database)
Willibrord S. J. Welten Category : Critics 1999 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.innerexplorations.com/philtext/the5.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Whitehead, Einstein, and the relativity. The uniformity of space time. The confusion that I was trying to point to is the impression that quantum theorists of various persuasions give us that causality - by which they mean efficient causality, which is the only kind they explicitly recognize - no longer holds sway in the quantum world.
Michael Wember Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang, nothing else found
Jian-Guo Wen Category : Critics 2012 Origin : BAC
email : lyslyssz@yahoo.com.cn
web : http://www.patentbuddy.com/Inventor/Wen-Jian-Guo/381184
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Vacuum Information Theory. Material world is the basic structure of a similar bubble-like shape, small elementary particle, the universe and all of this, their layers of nested. As the bubble shape of the material at various levels, they should have some flexibility can be compressible tensile properties and attributes can be expanded up. Participate to : Development of Anodized Nb Tips for Point Contact Tunneling Spectroscopy
Song Wenmiao Category : Critics 1988 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://www.springerlink.com/content/7302w637q8076743/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Engineering Science Domain's Development and Modern. On energy conservation in radiation process within a waveguide system.
Holger Wenz Category : Critics 1987 Origin : SAP
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/friebeforum/thread.php?threadid=374&sid=b37fc6bd921429b15de52e6d8cadacc4&page=11
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
With Einstein's own ideas the time dilation is wrong.
Aloys Wenzl (deceased) Category : Critics 1958 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1616
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The time paradox in SRT
Christian Werbik Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://members.chello.at/herrabisz/TESLAInstitut.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Regenerating energy director of the Tesla Institute
Paul J. Werbos Category : Relativist 2012 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://vixra.org/abs/1112.0091
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The retrieval of an updated form of Einstein's vision of a universe of mathematically elegant and rigorous continuous fields, three-step program for reorganizing and simplifying our fundamental assumptions about the laws of physics, starting by linking recent progress in areas like backwards time physics, coherence phenomena in quantum optics and cavity QED
Bertil Werjefelt Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1508
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Magnetic Motor Energy From Magnetic Materials / Magnetic Fields
Rusterholz Werner Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : BOR
email : w.rusterholz@safeswiss.org
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Schweizerische Arbeitsgemeinschaft für freie Energie (SAFE)
S. A. Werner Category : Critics 1979 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.atomwave.org/rmparticle/ao%20refs/aifm%20refs%20sorted%20by%20topic/neutron%20ifm%20references/WSC7
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Effect of earth's rotation on the quantum mechanical phase of the neutron
Margaret Wertheim Category : History 2011 Origin : SCI
email : margaretw@pobox.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Margaret_Wertheim
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Jim Carter Physics on the Fringe: Smoke Rings, Circlons, and Alternative Theories of Everything.
James Paul Wesley (deceased) Category : Critics 2001 Origin : GAL FRI CHI PHY SAP
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v14 p160, The Weber Cosmological Condition and Wesley Gravitation. Progress in Space-Time Physics. Electron Clusters Spinning Charged Ring Model of Electron Yielding Anomalous Magnetic Moment Hayden. The Sagnac Effect: Renshaw vs. Driscoll -. Sagnac's Experiment Misdescribed. If Sagnac and Michelson-Gale, Why Not Michelson-Morley? A Reexamination of the Lorentz Transformation Rotating Mössbauer Experiments and the Speed of Light Einsteinian and Quantum-Mechanical Observers Stellar Aberration Hayden vs. Smith - : Bending Light. Spinning Charged Ring Model of Electron Yielding Anomalous Magnetic Classical Quantum Theory The Sagnac Effect: Renshaw vs. Driscoll - Another Sagnac Rebuttal
Dr. Adam Wesp Category : Critics 1983 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1a.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The universal physical space - time - constants. The general spatial field as a carrier of physical phenomena. The fundamental constants of physics.
Dirk Wessels Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theories of a Revised Reality Then, two of the leading 'researchers' were called in to examine the circle, one who was a proponent of the 'alien origin' theory, the other a supporter of a bizzare 'atmospheric plasma' theory.
Pr. Paul S. Wesson Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v5 p561, Cosmology and Zero-Point Fields "Space time matter" "Five-dimensional Physics: Classical and Quantum Consequences of Kaluza-klein Cosmology" high-density zero-point fields required by quantum theory compatible with the low-density cosmological models of general relativity. (This is a generalization of what is sometimes called the problem of the cosmological constant.
Debby West Category : Nothing found 2009 Origin : ARX
email : webmaster@hologram.net
web : http://www.hologram.net/theory/thrymenu.htm
kind of theory : hologram universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Hologram Theory linked to communication : How can communication be applied using the laws of physics?
J. B. West Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p223, Resonant Phenomena in the Photoionization of Atomic Ions: relevance of Ugo Fano's work in this respect is demonstrated by four examples
John L. West Category : Religious aspects 2004 Origin : DUF
email : johnwest@lci.kent.edu
web : http://www.davidberlinski.org/pdf/discussion-guide.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Paulina West Category : Cosmology 2012 Origin : SCI
email : anitamocha@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Paulina_West
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Origin of Symmetry and Beauty in the Universe; On the Likely Electrical Formation of Concretions and the Soft Bodied Fossils Found Within
Raeto West Category : Critics 2001 Origin : ARX CHI
email : physics@littleton.prestel.co.uk
web : http://www.raetowest.org/modern-physics-a-fraud/modern-physics.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
How much of modern physics is a fraud? At present, two items, on 'superfluid helium - a lucrative fraud?' and 'the myth of the speed of light barrier' (this would be because ecceleration nof particles is done by means of waves that cannot be faster than light). Is quantum theory credible? Heisenberg's absurd probability error.
Sonja West Category : Religious aspects 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.davidberlinski.org/pdf/discussion-guide.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Was There a Big Bang, the book doesn't exist any more. The Devil's Delusion: Atheism and Its Scientific Pretensions.
Dr. Gene Wester Category : New Energy 1973 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://keelynet.com/evgray/evgray2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Gray's motor
Billie Westergard Category : Critics 1985 Origin : GAL
email : westerb@udel.edu
web : http://www.cis.udel.edu/~chester/das/DAS_Monthly_Programs_List.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether Spin and Matter Creation. An Alternative to the Problem of Structure Formation in The Big Bang Universe -- Matter Creation in a Degenerate Gravitational Well. The Underlying Negative Energy Bose Einstein Condensate and Spin.
R. S. Westfall Category : Critics 1973 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.sciencemag.org/content/179/4075/751.citation
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Newton and the Fudge Factor
Folke Westin Category : Critics 1982 Origin : FRI SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=666
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Has Miss Accessed A Battle Written
Dan Westlund Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Post your own crackpot theory
Bennett Weston Category : Critics 1957 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://en.wikisource.org/wiki/Page:Benton_1959_The_Clock_Problem_%28Clock_Paradox%29_in_Relativity.djvu/49
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space travel and ageing twin paradox. Letters to the editor from Halsbury; Herbert Dingle; Bennett Weston; E. Hogben; R.A. Fisher, relative to the controversy between Dingle and McCrea, and W.H. McCrea's reply to these letters.
G. Wexier Category : Critics 1967 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/article/0508-3443/18/11/302/bjv18i11p1517.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Mentionned by Dorane as recognizing the necessity of some kind of aether. The potential and wave equations for a finite cylinder attached to one or two semi-infinite slabs
John Wey Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Forese Carlo Wezel Category : Expanding Earth 1991 Origin : SCI
email : wezel@uniurb.it
web : hhtp://www.uniurb.it/ISDA/Pagine/wezel.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
A. Whaley Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Possible electric propulsion Systems for flying triangles
William H. Whamond Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Whamond
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Antigravity Searl levity disk
Dr. Gordon Wheeler Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.esalenctr.org/display/evolution.cfm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang (Evolutionary Theory adept)
John (Student) Wheeler Category : Expanding Earth 2005 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1010
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Theory of the Expanding Earth
Pr. John Archibald Wheller (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1980 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.megafoundation.org/CTMU/Articles/Langan_CTMU_092902.pdf
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Information, Physics and Quantum, beyond the Black Hole ZPE : quantum mechanics there existed an all-pervading energy imbedded in the fabric of space consisting of fluctions of electricity. It was called the zero-point energy. Zero-Point energy refers to absolute zero degrees Kelvin. Wheeler's "Geometrodynamics" showed that the energy density was enormous: 10^93grams/cm^3. Quantum mechanics showed that this energy was constantly interacting with matter and elementary particles in what what is called vacuum polarization. Vacuum fluctuations and wormholes.
Dr. Max Whisson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.technovelgy.com/ct/Science-Fiction-News.asp?NewsNum=926
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang (inventor of a mean to extract H2O from atmosphere)
M. A. B. Whitaker Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1310
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic Physics and Quantum Measurement Theory coexistence? Various aspects of this relationship are studied: the collapse postulate, transfer of information in EPR pairs, and the quantum Zeno effect.
B. J. White Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : bj.white@fractal-life.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/BJ_White
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Art Support for Sciences, Particularly Fractal Physics, Vortex
Carol White Category : History 1988 Origin : MOC SCI
email : circulation@21stcenturysciencetech.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=919
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Energy Potential: Toward a New Electromagnetic Field Theory
Dr. Douglas A. White Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : SCI
email : dpedtech@dpedtech.com
web : http://dpedtech.com/observer%20physics.htm
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Matter is made of wave packets. Variant to Mond theory : the observer's viewpoint is different when he looks at a galaxy than when he looks at a solar system.
John N. White Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : GAL
email : jnw@katie.vnet.net
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/archives/fic/F/F199008.PDF
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Progress in Space-Time Physics Electron Clusters Entrainment by Non-Refractive Media (Light, Trajectory) cold fusion
Larry Duane White Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin :  SCI
email : larryduane199@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Larry_White
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Plasma Universe
Stanley Fay White Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BOR
email : stanwhite@cosmos2000.org
web : http://www.american-buddha.com/newphysicproperfoundation.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The proper foundation of physics (a theory of the aether). If space were a vacuum instead of aether, the material world could not exist. The Big Bang would not have occurred, nor would the initial energy-laden photons (better known as "Singularities") ever have existed. Energy does not exist ephemerally; it is always contained in photons. There are voids in the aether. They are called neutrinos. Matter is composed of photons. We witness the red shift of galaxies, caused by the aether limit of velocity. The photon fields, electric, magnetic and gravitational are due to alignment of photon elements in the aether. "Force at a distance" is created and made possible by the existence of the aether which contains zero energy photons throughout.. "Waves" occur in a fluid medium. The electromagnetic waves in space are waves in the aether caused by photons, just as water waves are created by water molecules and sound is a wave in air molecules. The elements in a fluid do not translate, they rotate. In water, the water molecules rotate, in space the photons in the aether rotate, they do not translate. The natural law of waves is omnipresent. It covers all waves. That energy-laden photons contain three fields, gravitational, electric and magnetic
J. P. Whitehead Category : Relativist 1996 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v9 p609, Spin Wave Renormalization and Thermally Induced Order in Two-Dimensional Dipolar Systems
Duane L. Whitlock (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1996 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Duane_Whitlock
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A. R. Whitney Category : Superluminal 1971 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://www.sciencemag.org/cgi/content/abstract/173/3993/225
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quasars Revisited: Rapid Time Variations Observed Via Very-Long-Baseline Inter-ferometry, quasars 3C 279 and 273 thru Goldstone-Haystack radio interferometric shows rapid variations in their fine structure. 3C 279 (seen as double source with RS) shows differential proper motion ten times that of light.
Dr. Cynthia Kolb Whitney Category : Critics 2004 Origin : SAP SCI GAL FRI IMP
email : galilean_electrodynamics@comcast.net
web : http://mywebpages.comcast.net/adring
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Distinct Questions in Relativity Theory Ether Do Atoms Really Have 'States' Bending, Stretching, Shrinking of Light Pushing the Restart Button on SRT This is Not Einstein's Postulate : How Strange is That Recovering Newton's Time Effective Light Speeds Rehabilitating Galilean Velocity: Breaking the Speed Limit Speed is Tough to Estimate Does 'Mass' really Increase? What Velocities Really Add Up to if Sagnac and Michelson-Gale, Why Not Michelson-Morley? The Spinning Charged Ring Model of the Electron - A Question of Stability (Elementary Particle Models). On a Recent Misinterpretation of Sagnac's Experiment. Yes, moving clocks run slowly, but is time dilated? A Most Sobering Death. Forces Between Current Elements. Edited Journals: Galilean Electrodynamics, Proceedings of the NPA.
Mathew Whitney Category : New Energy 0 Origin : SCI
email : omegawatt1@yahoo.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Negative Resistance, Field-effect Propulsion, Ai
Gerald James Whitrow (deceased) Category : History 1959 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative theories of relativity with Professor Edward Arthur Milne. What is time?
Robin Whittle Category : Cosmology 2004 Origin : DUF
email : rw@firstpr.com.au
web : http://astroneu.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang redshift occurs in the plasma in the space around cosmo objects and between these objects and Earth. Resumé of many explanations proposed by others: White, Roy, Harp, Brynjolfsson….;
James H. Wiborg (deceased) Category : Cosmology 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=997
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theoria Primarius rel to space time cosmology and energy
Johannes Wickert Category : History 1987 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Albert-Einstein-Selbstzeugnissen-Bilddokumenten-Monographien/dp/3499501627
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Albert Einstein: The Life and with documents (monographs Rowohlt)
Pr. Chandra Wickramasinghe Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://esciencenews.com/articles/2008/05/02/did.solar.system.bounce.finish.dinosaurs
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory that dust in interstellar space and in comets was largely organic seminal paper which places the comet-life interaction on a firm basis, and shows a mechanism by which life can be dispersed on a galactic scale.
T. Widlar Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity.
Robert Wido Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Allan Widom Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/sr/WL/WLTheory.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Cold fusion no details. The Widom-Larsen Ultra-Low-Momentum Neutron Catalyzed Theory of LENRs Finally, Widom and Larsen propose that heavy SPP patch electrons are uniquely able to immediately convert almost any locally produced or incident gamma radiation directly into infrared heat energy, thus providing a form of built-in gamma shielding for LENR nuclear reactions.
Allan Widom Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space-Like Motions of Quantum Zero Mass Neutrinos. Perhaps neutrinos in matter are virtual particles.
Dr. Klaus Wieder Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : klaus.wieder@rsmg.de
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Wolfgang Wiedergut Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.alleinklang.tv/themen/bewusstsein/wolfgang-wiedergut-die-oeffnung-der-sieben-siegel.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
Tubes coniques ŕ plasma pulsé. Free energy ether.
K. H. Wiederkehr Category : Alternative theory 1967 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/K._Wiederkehr
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the introduction of absolute mass of electron [by] Wilhelm Weber and Rudolf Kohlrausch
Friedrich Wiegand Category : Critics 1964 Origin : FRI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Classical or non-classical physics
Dr. Carl Wieland Category : Religious aspects 2012 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.nwcreation.net/cosmology.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Evolutionist science journal gives exciting support to creationist cosmology. 'infinitely old' universes simply don't work. I recommend not just Hartnett and Williams' 'Dismantling the Big Bang', but specifically Sarfati's classic 'Refuting Compromise', structured around a refutation of Rossist thinking in general, which it does comprehensively from both a biblical and scientific perspective. attempts to marry the BB with Genesis are always compelled to build in a 'fudge factor' absent in the text.
Leo Wielander Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/nouvelles/Nouvelles28032000.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy compressed air machine that requires a certain hydraulic pressure
Strolch Wiesel Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : phi-factor@bluewin.ch
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
H2O engine, the future of AG function
T. A. Wiggins Category : Superluminal 1991 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Production and uses of difractionless beams
Arthur Wightman Category : Alternative theory 1963 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://fr.wikipedia.org/wiki/Axiomes_de_Wightman
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
In a four-dimensional spacetime, it is conceivable that the choice of time direction is arbitrary, which means four mutually tachyoniques worlds. They correspond to a complex space-time, as used by Streater & Whightman in 1963 PCT, Spin, Statistics and All That. Worlds that are relatively tachyoniques ours does affect us only through a universal system of standing waves of the cosmological constant.
Ken Wilber Category : Philosophical 2001 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.fr/Theory-Everything-Integral-Business-Spirituality/dp/1570628556
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A Theory of Everything: An Integral Vision for Business, Politics, Science and Spirituality circular flows of knowledge: spiraling levels of selfhood, types of knowledge, variations of society.
David Wilcock Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : CLI
email : frankensign@gmail.com
web : http://divinecosmos.com
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Aether of invisible, conscious fluidlike source of universal energy (refers to Kozyrev) anti gravity effects caused by the direction of rotation: Dramatic scientific evidence that all of physical matter is formed by an "aether" of invisible, conscious energy has existed since at least the 1950s.
Charles L. Wilcox Category : New Energy 2006 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://web.cynd.net/~willo/axial-vector-engine-was-dynacam-engine/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
John Wilcoxen Category : Alternative theory 2005 Origin : BER BAB
email : jmwilcoxen@bellsouth.net
web : http://www.wbabin.net/Science-Journals-Papers/Author/419/J.,%20Wilcoxen
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Geilhaupt Fundamental Unit Momentum Electron, Universe, and the Large Numbers Between 1) The local scalar and vector functions concerning the single free electron are time dependent. 2) The electron shows an internal time dependent structure. 3) The electron decays.. 4) Charge is related to restmass and space changes.
Pr. Frank Wilczek Category : Relativist 2004 Origin : CLI
email : wilczek@mit.edu
web : http://www.lightnessofbeingbook.com/reader_reviews.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lightness of Being: Mass, Ether, and the Unification of Forces: mass doesn't weigh, and empty space is a multilayered, multicolored superconductor.
Henryk Wilczynski Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.ujk.edu.pl/homepages/mryb/workshop/files/slides/wilczynski.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmic Ray Detection. Source of ultra energy cosmic rays reamin unclear. AGN correlation suggest extragalactic sources.
Pr. Jozef Wilczynski (deceased) Category : Critics 1989 Origin : SAP SCI PHY CHI
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v7 p396, Critical Remarks on Einstein's Derivations of the Equations of Motion. The Earth's Surface Is a Preferred Frame in Zeeman's Experiments: New experiments are proposed to test or rather reject special relativity; Travelling Photons Generate Electromagnetic Waves in a Gravitational Field.
Dr. Hermann Wild Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://users.erols.com/iri/EnewsSept8,2004.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy. On the Path to Inexhaustible Energy. The universal Effect of physical-psychical Energy Fields Dr. Hermann Wild, Dipl.-Phys. ETH, President of Swiss Association for Free Energy (SAFE), Zürich/Switzerland
W. Wild Category : Critics 1984 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/fremde-abhandlungen.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The truthfulness of the laws of nature
Ir Wilhelmus Wilde de Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : wilhelmus.d@orange.fr
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Wilhelmus_Wilde
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Pr. Horst E. Wilhelm (deceased) Category : Critics 1994 Origin : SAP SCI GAL FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=3166
kind of theory : super fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Galilei Covariant Electromagnetic Field Equations. Dielectric Cherenkov Effect in Inertial Frames With Substratum Flow. The substratum of the vacuum is the carrier of the elementary force interactions, such as electromagnetic (EM), gravitational, or nuclear. These basic fields occur as excitations whereas elementary particles are probably defects in the substratum. The substratum has either very small or no gravitational mass density, and consists probably of positive and negative gravitational mass particles with positive inertial mass. The substratum appears to be a superfluid since (subluminal) particles move in vacuum without experiencing retarding forces.
Pharis E. Wiliams Category : New Energy 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Pharis_Williams
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Weyl's Gauge Principle of 1929 has been used to establish Weyl's Quantum Principle (WQP) that requires that the Weyl scale factor should be unity.
Arthur Wilkinson Category : Alternative theory 1989 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.knowledge.co.uk/xxx/cat/gravity/
kind of theory : fluid ether NEWTON kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Gravity pushed towards the Earth by the pressure of the cosmic particles entity moving at c, is a major factor in generating gravitational acceleration and its pressure, Newton's aether. Only feasible candidate for this purpose is the galactic cosmic radiation.
Pr. Dr. David Todd Wilkinson (deceased) Category : Cosmology 2002 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_Todd_Wilkinson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
A measurement of the cosmic microwave background anisotropy at 19 GHz. Wilkinson Microwave Anisotropy Probe.
Clifford M. Will Category : Relativist 1986 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Was-Einstein-Right-2nd-Edition/dp/0465090869
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Was Einstein Right? Putting General Relativity to the Test WUGRAV -- Washington University Gravity Group; story of the rise and fall of the "fifth force. Every test that physicists have been able to devise to date has yielded results consistent with the theory of general relativity.
Wolfgang Will Category : Critics 1990 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/friebeforum/search.php?searchid=21253&sid=59e4f6f56dff7e939edec51a42165870&page=
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Big Bang never occurred
Geoffrey E. Willcher Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Alan Williams Category : Philosophical 1998 Origin : ARX
email : hermital@cox-internet.com
web : http://www.bio.net/bionet/mm/neur-sci/1998-April/031657.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Consciousness, Physics and the Holographic Paradigm omnipresent, subquantum, conditionally relative phenomenal consciousness is the agent of fundamental, irreducible, nonmaterial physical energy
Alex Williams Category : Religious aspects 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/Dismantling-Big-Bang-Alex-Williams/dp/0890514372
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dismantling the Big Bang: Pushing gravity. God's Universe Rediscovered In modern times, the Bible has become increasingly disconnected from most Christians' understanding of the real world. Cosmology -- the way we think about the universe -- has come to be totally dominated by secular beliefs, such as the Big Bang.
Dr. Darrel Williams Category : Critics 2007 Origin : CLI
email : Darrel.Williams@gsfc.nasa.gov
web : http://www.americanchronicle.com/articles/view/44738
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Was Einstein wrong about Special Relativity? The failure of the Special Theory of Relativity to produce conclusions which were logically and physically sound, essentially resulted from a repeated failure to recognize this relationship between mathematics and physics. From imaginary sophistical metaphysical models, the Special Theory produces conclusions which are contradictory to reality and contrary to common sense.
Dr. E. Williams Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.aias.us
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein Cartan Evans Theory. Home ref is critics by relativist Bruhn of Evans Grand Covariant Unified Field Theory (GCUFT) B(3) theory a longitudinal component of magnitude B(3) = B0/21/2 compared with the real magnetic flux amplitude B0 of the circularly polarized plane wave. The Influence of Gravitation on the Sagnac Effect. Alpha Foundation's Institute for Advance Study (A.I.A.S.). Definitive Refutations of the Einsteinian General Relativity
Dr. Joel M. Williams Category : Critics 1999 Origin : SCI
email : science@swcp.com
web : http://arxiv.org/html/physics/9902046v2
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Simple Explanations to Some Complicated Science Enigmas. The current quantum-mechanical model for electrons around atoms is NOT correct.
Michael Williams Category : Critics 2012 Origin : SCI CLI
email : mh.morely@comcast.net
web : http://www.science20.com/axitronics/blog/theory_fasterthanlight_neutrinos-86119
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electromagnetic phenomena to consist of oscillating particles traveling through the cosmos, behaving both as a stream of particles and as a wave front concurrently. In any given time frame the particles in this stream travel a greater distance than the wave front advances. The measure of this added distance is a function of the amplitude of the wave. For this reason, the average angular velocity of the particle wave must exceed its linear velocity. Formal Proof that C is the Limiting Speed If light is made of particles or waves which propagate at the same speed in all inertial frames, then the speed of light is the greatest speed possible. Olbers conjecture, that under reasonable assumptions, light from the stars should sum at the Earth to make the sky bright at night, It seems to me that they proagate, in a way, in their own space time! Fleeting existence in ours and the matter through which they propagate! I have come to the idea that neutrinos are a lot like photons but in a way better!
Dr. Paul Williams Category : New Energy 0 Origin : PEA
email : ctgresearchlabs@btinternet.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Alternative Energy, anti-gravity, flywheel power
Rod Williams Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Valyn C. Williams Category : Alternative theory 1983 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1547
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
How to Make Black Holes from Golf Holes (a not-too-serious essay, with some serious implications) gravity attraction viewed like conscious attraction.
William Williams Category : Nothing found 2012 Origin : SCI
email : wf.williamster@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Williams
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Michael Williamson Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The Energy Machine of Joseph Newman
Robert B. Williamson Category : Critics 1977 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://exvacuo.free.fr/div/Sciences/Dossiers/GR/R%20Baierlein%20-%20Two%20myths%20about%20special%20relativity
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Logical economy in Einstein's On the electrodynamics of moving bodies
Paul Willis Category : Critics 1998 Origin : PEA
email : correx@your.abc.net.au
web : http://www.abc.net.au/science/correx/default.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cultural theorist 101 ways to abuse science.
Gary Willits Category : Cosmology 2007 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=428
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Macro Facts of Life: fundamental ways in which our star supports life on Earth.
Dirk Willner Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : d.willner@online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Wind, Solar
Clifford M. Wills Category : Relativist 1993 Origin : CLI
email : cmw@wuphys.wustl.edu
web : http://www.amazon.com/Theory-Experiment-Gravitational-Physics-Clifford/dp/0521439736
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory and experiment in gravitional physics Was Einstein Right? Putting General Relativity to the Test. Before string theory collapse the author see no opposite test. Despite its enormous influence on scientific thought in its early years, general relativity had become a sterile, formalistic subject. Yet by 1970, it had become one of the most active and exciting branches of physics. I
Benjamin Wilms Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : bwilms@gmx.net
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Relativity theory, quantum physics, antigravity.
Don C. Wilson Category : Critics 1984 Origin : DUF
email : hoaxslayer@mindspring.com
web : http://www.hoaxslayer.com/B2.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
H. Hugh Wilson Category : Expanding Earth 1980 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_19.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass. A much more harmonious solution for the observed dispersal of continental crustal fragments through geologic time is obtained if slow, but accelerating crustal expansion is invoked. The scars of early, limited crustal separations can be identified by well-documented ophiolite belts. As expansion accelerated, the main oceanic spreading centers developed as mega-cracks which continually have been healed by mantle upwelling at mid-oceanic ridges. Astrophysical constraints on global expansion are brought to bear by Einstein's conclusion that 'g' has remained constant.
Henri M. Wilson Category : Alternative theory 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://sci.physics.relativity.narkive.com/2Dz6vA7A/new-theory-space-is-not-curved-it-is-logarithmic
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Our concept of space is linear. Is it possible that distances we measure are really logarithmic?
Ian Robert George Wilson Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Are Changes in the Earth's Rotation Rate Externally Driven and Do They Affect Climate?
Keith Paul Wilson Category : Expanding Earth 2008 Origin : SCI
email : kpwilson1@prodigy.net
web : http://www.eearthk.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Dr. Onslow H. Wilson Category : Cosmology 1985 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS1.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Doubt whether the Sun does indeed support nuclear fusion processes
Dr. Peter Wilson Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : pwilson@lumicon.com
web : http://www.bautforum.com/archive/index.php/t-41772.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang. The Big Bang model is a rusty, worn-out nail
Dr. Robin Wilson Category : Expanding Earth 2004 Origin : SCI
email : robinsw@unimelb.edu.au
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Robin_Wilson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Earth
Scott Riley Wilson Category : Critics 2011 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=712&filter=Scott,%20Wilson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Sagnac New Calculation of the Metric For the Uniformly Rotating Diskview. The Vector Form of the Inverse Square Lawview. The metric is derived for the uniformly rotating disk. The current calculation is meant to be a correction of a previous derivation (Wilson, S.R., The Metric for the Uniformly Rotating Disk, The General Science Journal, August 31, 2011). It might be expected that a special relativistic time dilation by the factor. 1. v2 would apply, and a length contraction along the circumference by the same factor would also apply. The result suggests otherwise. l, Au
Pr. Weldon J. Wilson Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : 
email : wwilson@uco.edu
web : http://www.engineering.uco.edu/wwilson/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmological Consequences of Negative Gravitational Field Energy. Extraterrestrial Life, the Population Explosion, and Other Surprises from the Physics of Complex Systems.
William Wilson (deceased) Category : History 1952 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/William_Wilson
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Origin and Development of the Theory of Relativity. There is an explicit statement of a restricted form. Of what Einstein later called the Principle of Relativity in Sir Isaac Newton's Principia. It may be translated: "The motions of bodies enclosed in a given space are the same relatively to each other whether that space is at rest or moving uniformly in direction [i.e. moving with a constant velocity in a straight line] without circular motion." ...
Franz Windauer Category : History 1962 Origin : SAP MOC
email :
web : http://www.amazon.de/Theoretische-Physik-seine-Entstehung-Elektronen/dp/B0000BPON8
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The atom, electrons from its origin. Correction of relativity theory of Mr. Einstein
Michael H. Windell Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : SCI
email : quanres@elp.rr.com
web : http://www.intalek.com/Index/Projects/TeslaTech2008/Show.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
New Energy
Gerhard Windischbauer Category : Critics 0 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php?a=list&c=7&Section=physics
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Standard Model of elementary particles.
Philip Winestone Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.newenergytimes.com/v2/news/2005/NET10.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy. How should we approach cold fusion and its long-overdue use as a practical, in fact desperately needed, source of energy?
Mel E. Winfield (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1977 Origin : QUA SCI YOR
email :
web : http://www.spacetelescopes.com/mel-winfield.html
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Unified theory that actually encompasses numerous physical phenomena. Changes in Newton law (replacing G times the prime M with a prime constant; space is not curved but it is the movements of particles and bodies that curve due to spin) Free energy Hutchison effect. Vortex Theory, Antigravity, Magnetic Propulsion
Franz-Günter Winkler Category : Alternative theory 2002 Origin : PHY
email : fg.winkler@aon.at
web : http://members.aon.at/fgwinkler
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 p199, The Normalization Problem of Special Relativity alternative development of the theory starting with a critique of known interpretations. 4-dimensional, completely Euclidean spacetime geometry.
Wigbert Winkler Category : Critics 2008 Origin : SCI CLI
email :
web : http://muenchen.neue-akropolis.de/index2.php?option=com_content&do_pdf=1&id=501
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of the theory of relativity theory, even if the Big Bang, today the most widely accepted standard theory for the origin of the universe today, there are a lot of criticism.
Robert B. Winn Category : Critics 2008 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://www.google.fr/url?sa=t&source=web&ct=res&cd=10&ved=0CDwQFjAJ&url=http%3A%2F%2Fwww.docendi.org%2Fgalilea
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Galilean transformation equation explanation of relativity of time. Theory of relativity (author site disappeared with AOL. Hometown shutdown)
John A. Winnie Category : Critics 1970 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/186671?uid=3738016&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=56262604633
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Special relativity without one-way velocity assumptions
Diane Winocur Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://newenergytimes.com/v2/library/2004/2004Krivit-The2004ColdFusionReport.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
New energy
Dr. Nadine Winocur Category : New Energy 2011 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://newenergytimes.com/v2/news/Mallove/DrEugeneMallove-NW.shtml
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New energy
Dr. James Winslow Category : Nothing found 2005 Origin : SCI
email : james.winslow@utoronto.ca
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/James_Winslow
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Daniel Winter Category : Alternative theory 1991 Origin : SCI
email : danwinter@fractalfield.com
web : http://www.fractalfield.com/hydrogen/
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Perfected recursion or self embedding among waves 'mass' was only a function of sustainable wave rotation. Gravity, Implosion, and Self-Awareness (Potentially infinite wave multiple-connectedness = Charge Acceleration thru C by fractality.
Pr. Rolf G. Winter Category : Experiment 0 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://accessscience.com/abstract.aspx?id=146900&referURL=http%3a%2f%2faccessscience.com%2fcontent.aspx%3fid%3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
The attribute of two or more waves, or parts of a wave, whose relative phase is nearly constant during the resolving time of the observer. The concept has been developed most extensively in optics, but is applicable to all wave phenomena. (see Steinberg)
Pr. Dr. Friedwardt Winterberg Category : Alternative theory 1981 Origin : MOU GAL SCI CHI IMP MOC
email : winterbe@physics.unr.edu
web : http://www.reocities.com/karim_khaidarov/articles/index.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Model of a Unified Field. Theory ether. Einstein myth & crisis in modern physics, he assumes that the ether is made of quantum particles, obeys (nonrelativistic) mechanics and is subjected to gravitation. Winterberg's theory needs ether plus an independent absolute space which would be a Newtonian inertial frame for the moving ether (Winterberg's ether has a macroscopic motion even in the static case). Winterberg's field equation also is very different, since it is one for a 4-vector potential (instead of scalar here) and it is linear in this potential, very much like the equations for the electromagnetic vector and scalar potentials. Wheeler's Geometrodynamics and the Zero Point Vacuum Energy. The Planck Aether Hypothesis
A. H. Winterflood Category : Critics 1980 Origin : FRI SCI CHI
email :
web : www.amazon.fr/Einsteins-Error-A-H-Winterflood/dp/0950900664
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's error. Newton's Error. Errors in Electromagnetic Theory. Errors in Particle Physics. New-Energy Physics.
Lawrence J. Wippler Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BAB
email : n0rnd@hotmail.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=229&filter=Lawrence%20J.,%20Wippler
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Monopoles and Electricity : groups of monpoles are able to create a magnetic dipole.
Reinhard Wirth Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : wirth-reinhard@t-online.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Stanley Meyer pulsed high voltage
Dr. Walter Wirth Category : New Energy 0 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Free energy
George H. Wiseman Category : New Energy 1984 Origin : BOR SCI
email : wiseeagle@cyberlink.bc.ca
web : http://www.eagle-research.com/nopatent/patfree.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Eagle Research, Inc. New Energy, Brown's Gas
Steve Wishman Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : SCI
email : seventhswami@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Steve_Wishman
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric Universe
Udo Witkowski-Baumann Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&what=&field=intr&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Gravitational fields, gravitational poles, multipoles, kg = [Vs / x As / m]. S, electromagnetic mass resonant circuits, primary and primary systems.
Terence Witt Category : Cosmology 2008 Origin : PHY
email : slien@briobooks.com
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v21 p212, Einstein's nonphysical geometry / intergalactic redshift is caused by ancient photons' long exposure to space-time's geometry, not by the uniform universal expansion of space. Our Undiscovered Universe: Introducing Null Physics presents a grand unifying theory. Quantifies the relationship between the physical states of existence and nonexistence. Four-dimensional unbounded quantities of energy and space.
Wolfgang Witt Category : Critics 1990 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1b.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The big bang never occurred. SRT postulate "speed of light as the upper limit speed for a signal or energy transmission" needs revolutionary corrections.
Edward Witten Category : Critics 1987 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.sns.ias.edu/~witten/papers/string.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Can scientists' theory of everything really explain all the weirdness the universe displays?
Arnold Wittkamp Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Ernest C. Wittke Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SCI
email : ewittke@verizon.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=774
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Einstein Hoax: The Disastrous Intellectual War on Common Sense see Ernest C. Wittke Retic is his pseudonym) The Einstein Hoax: The Disastrous Intellectual War On Common Sense, Aether must be a solid medium rather than a fluid. If it were not a solid medium, transverse electromagnetic disturbances (light). It must have, as a minimum, a dielectric constant, a permeability, and occupy a volume since these properties are readily observed. It apparently is absolutely continuous rather than composed of minute particles. This continuity may well approach a zero size as a limit since it behaves as if it had a "Q" which approach infinity. Material particles must be constructed in such a way that it is possible for them to propagate through the solid Aether. The mass of the object is contained in an infinitesimally thin shell which is at a constant radius from the center. All of its gravitational mass and its entire internal volume is at the same gravitational potential background radiation of space
Dr. Eng Kurt W. Witwar Category : Cosmology 1967 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1a.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Alternative source of gravitational physics and astrophysics. New cosmic world view
Dr. Richard Woesler Category : Critics 2001 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://richard.woesler.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v14 p212, Assuming appropriate pseudorandom number generator in quantum physics, spacelike transmission of classical information could emerge in idealized setups
F. H. Wöhlbier Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v17 p103, The System of Nature: "Space-time (discrete units), forces, matter-energy, information" are parameters of Nature system. consciousness ontologically = laws of physics.
Mattias N. R. Wohlfarth Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Beyond the speed of light on Finsler spacetimes
Peter Wohlhaupter Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Klaus Wohlrabe Category : Critics 1998 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.cartesio-episteme.net/fis/kap4.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einsteinian and Lorentzian interpretation of special and general relativity theory
Dr. Peter Woit Category : Critics 2006 Origin : CLI
email : woit@math.columbia.edu
web : http://www.math.columbia.edu/~woit/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
String theory. Not even wrong
Lars Woldseth Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Carl Wolf Category : Alternative theory 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1476
kind of theory : quantum time kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Discrete Time possible existence of a microscopic uncertainty principle in time
Elmar Wolf Category : Nothing found 1958 Origin : QUA
email :
web : quanthomme.free.fr/energielibre/chercheurs/CHERCHEURS3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found (Is he Elmar WOLF invents the first electric lawn mower in the world, "Rotondor"?)
Pr. Dr. Fred Alan Wolf Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fred_Alan_Wolf
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang see bob Toben interrelation of consciousness and quantum physics
Joachim E. Wolf Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : MOU ARX
email : jo@quantum-metaphysics.com
web : http://www.quantum-metaphysics.com/
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Metaphysics multidimensional model of the universe holon principles: the whole has more dimensions than each of its constituent parts. Art is an aspect of the whole /whole is invisible from the orders of its parts then all present physics. Any entity of a higher order is invisible to another entity of a lower order.
John S. Wolf (deceased) Category : New Energy 1973 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://depalma.pair.com/GenerationOfUnidirectionalForce.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Acknowledgement is given to Mr. John S. Wolf,, for the independent development of the theory of the relationship of inertial to gravitational mass of a precessing gyroscope, and to whom the terms "mass field effect" and "streptation", are credited. The neer investigators in this new field of inertial mechanics.
Jason Wolfe Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : CLI
email : jawolfe@cs.berkeley.edu
web : http://fqxi.org/community/forum/topic/994
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
An invisible wire transmits information between the two particles at the speed of light. Entanglement is supposed to be about correlation. How Quantum Entanglement Transcends Space and Time
Terry Wolfe Category : New Energy 2012 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Terry_Wolfe
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
New energy see Steve Elswick
Pr. Dael L. Wolfe (deceased) Category : History 1969 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=281
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
American Association for the Advancement of Science in Washington, how to manage creative people
Charles J. Wolfenberger Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email :
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Dr. Eng Manfred Wolff Category : Philosophical 2011 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.manfred-wolff.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Scientific knowledge - their status and their role in rational-ethical decisions
Dr. Milo Wolff Category : Alternative theory 1989 Origin : SAP GAL SCI RAP ARX CHI
email : milo.wolff@quantummatter.com
web : http://www.quantummatter.com/body_point.html
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum ether, wave structure matter wave structure of electron A Modern Ether Concept Exploring the Physics of the Unknown Universe: an Adventurer's Guide Special Relativity Theory Aberrated Beyond the Point Particle - A Wave Structure for the Electron Relativistic Mass Increase and Doppler Shift Without Special Relativity A Modern Machian Principle Galilean Electrodynamics - Light and the Electron Einstein's Last Question How Ether Creates Natural Laws
William F. Wolff Category : Alternative theory 1994 Origin : SAP SCI GAL
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1174
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
An Amended Equation for the Lorentz Force. The Survival of Newtonian absolutes in a flat universe Neoclassic Treatment of Ground-State Hydrogen A Modified Newtonian Treatment of Gravity Neoclassic Treatment of Ground-State Hydrogen Spin and Gravitation A Modified Newtonian Treatment of Gravity
Gottfried G. Wolfgang Category : Critics 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.pandualism.com/z/defense.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Anyone who believes that the modern scientific worldview is free of fundamental errors, is mistaking.
Matthias Wölfle Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : QUA BOR
email :
web : http://www.borderlands.de/net_pdf/NET0905S52.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Free energy Tesla
Stephen Wolfram Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email : forum@wolframscience.com
web : http://www.wolframscience.com
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
A new kind of science. Instead a world description by the rules of mathematics since Newton, Wolfram propose a word scientific description (I.e. physics) based upon computing program rules the simplest as possible.He discovered that very simple progams may behave in a very complex way. Principle of Computational Equivalence any sophiticate behaviour is corresponding to a sophisticated computer program behaviour. There is a basic equivalence of programs for phenomena with equivalent behaviour.
Gerry Wolke Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : ARX
email : info@netriceuticals.com
web : http://www.naturalhealthconsult.com/THATPOL.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tachyon Healing and the Physics of Love tachyon energy is the life force
Pr. Z. William Wolkowski Category : Philosophical 1977 Origin : ACE
email :
web : http://johnkhutchison.blogspot.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Promoter of new science and technology / Parapsychology Foundation
Hans Ulrich Wolter Category : Cosmology 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1325
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Drum Beat Versus Big Bang
Hans Werner Woltersdorf Category : Alternative theory 1977 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.datadiwan.de/moch/moch_1b.htm
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The gravity phenomenon. The seven mysteries concerning the cosmos, Earth, Man, and seemed unsolvable. Spirit is the origin of everything, and manifests itself as matter. The relationships between creation or big bang,, Gravitation, DNS und DNA, etc., wie auch Seele, Geist, Verstand und die Wunder der menschlichen Sinne, Sehen, Hören, Fühlen, etc., werden ... The relationships between creation or the Big Bang, gravity.
Bertrand Wong Category : History 2010 Origin : BAB
email : bwong8@singnet.com.sg
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=188&filter=Bertrand,%20Wong
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum Particles, Consciousness, Unified Field Theory and Relativity review of all existing hypothesis tending towards ether and pushing gravity.
Cameron Wong Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SCI
email : crebigso160@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Cameron_Rebigsol
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Caleron Rebigsol aka C. Wong
W. Wong Category : Superluminal 1982 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Linear Pulse Propagation in an Absorbing Medium"
Pr. Judy Wood Category : Philosophical 2011 Origin : SCI
email : lisajudy@nctv.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Judy_Wood
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Shifting the Paradigm with New Language
Robert Wood Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pr. Clives R. Woods Category : Experiment 2009 Origin : ARX SCI
email : cwoods@lsu.edu
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1467
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Generalized Generators of Very-High-Frequency Gravitational Waves Including Ring Devices
Randall Woods Category : New Energy 2004 Origin : CLI
email : rwoods@bcit.ca
web : http://itotd.com/articles/317/perpetual-motion-machines/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Perpetual Motion Machines
Dr. James Woodward Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : PEA SCI
email : jwoodward@fullerton.edu
web : http://ralph.open-aerospace.org/deep/repository/woodward1.php
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Gyro force
Key statements :
Gravitation, Inertia, Impulse engines Mach's Principle and Impulse Engines: Toward a Viable Physics of Star Trek?
Judith Woollard Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
R. G. Woolley Category : Experiment 1979 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://books.google.com/books/about/Quantum_dynamics_of_molecules.html?id=sJUuAAAAIAAJ
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantum dynamics of molecules: the new experimental challenge to theorists.
Norman Wootan Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://peswiki.com/index.php/Directory:Norman_Wootan
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
KeelyNet, which is operated by Jerry Decker. Antigravity. The Magnetic Resonance Amplifier
Helen Workman Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Andrew Worsley Category : Alternative theory 2008 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v21 p222, An advanced dynamic adaptation of Newtonian equations of gravity. Coul explain missing mass.
Harry L. Worthington Category : New Energy 1932 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Worthington permanent magnet motor
Volkmar Wrede Category : Critics 0 Origin : BOR
email : tathatawrede@web.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Advanced naturwiss. Epistemology, theory of relativity, quantum physics, quantum experiences with medical procedures; Conversion v. gravity field energy
David Wright Category : History 1994 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.jstor.org/pss/619320
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Tan Sitong and the Ether Reconsidered
James B. Wright Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : RAP SCI ARX CHI
email : jbwright@snowcrest.net
web : http://www.newmediaexplorer.org/sepp/Jim%20Wright.pdf
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether as the Cause of the Cosmological Redshift Ether vaporisation, aether herein is identified as the energy-mass being generated by the stars condensation of ether, this Energy Mass (or our Aether) may be negative it is not a negative charge supports electro-magnetic wave propagation. It is all-pervasive, mass, responsive to gravitational forces. Negative, reacting appropriately to electrical charges.self-repulsive. It is compressible
Kenneth F. Wright Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : SCI
email : Webmaster-Ken@gravitywarpdrive.com
web : hhtp://www.gravitywarpdrive.com
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
General Relativity, Gravitation Nuclear Gravitation Field Theory. Strong Nuclear Force and Gravity are One And The Same
Pr. Dr. Ned Wright Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : ARX BOR
email : wright@astro.ucla.edu
web : http://www.astro.ucla.edu/~wright/cosmolog.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Cosmology Tutorial
T. Morgan Wright Category : Cosmology 0 Origin : BOR
email : Morgan@kristendicksonpr.com
web : http://www.borderlands.de/linklist.php3
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The origin of the moon
Thomas Wright Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : CLI
email : tesla@netscape.net
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/PEOPLE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla Energy Corp.
Walter C. Jr Wright Category : Alternative theory 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.keelynet.com/gravity/wright.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Push Gravity" for many years. Wright uses magnets, with their strong fields (about 40 orders of magnitude larger than gravity) to model some of the observed concepts of gravity. Note: Wright's use of magnets, with their locally strong two poles, allows him to make use of the repulsion of like poles to model his gravity push hypothesis: the gravity we experience on earth does not come from our planet but instead from the Sun. The Sun is made of two types of metal, causing it to generate a magnetic field, but in the form of anti-matter, which explains how its magnetic field repels rather than attracts the planets.
Charles R. Wright (deceased) Category : New Energy 1988 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1497
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
The Great AC/DC War Tesla
Bertrand Wrong Category : Critics 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 i3, The author examines some important ideas, suggesting how a TOE or grand unified theory (GUT) might be derived. The end result would be the ultimate law of nature.
Chi-Kay Wu Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://itis.volta.alessandria.it/episteme/ep6/ep6-edit.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Aether as the continuum in Fluid Mechanics quantum uncertainty is not yielding particles but actually, mini vortices. Vortices are stable, interactive, and able to form particle-like patterns. Vortices are actually spinning strings in Superstring; Theory Theory of Everything from a geometrical basis
G. Wu Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i1, Identification of new hydrogen states Hydrino hydride ions were observed by proton NMR (nuclear magnetic resonance) and XPS (X-ray photoelectron spectroscopy). The hydrino continua spectra directly and indirectly match significant celestial observations, and the characteristics of the hydrino indicate that it is dark matter.
Sheng-Ping Wu Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding Relative Theory to Including Supper-C-Neutrino
Pr. Shui-Qing Wu Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.hoff-lu-institute.org/aboutus.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Problems of Einstein's Relativity and the 10th annual Conference of Physics History of China in Beijing.
Wood H. Wu Category : Critics 0 Origin : CHI SCI
email : wuxian@shaw.wave.ca
web : http://club.xilu.com/newphysics/msgview-950469-2587.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
To use seeing to theorize is simply wrong. No observer can be seeing both ways simultaneously.
Xiang-Yao Wu Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Analysis OPERA superluminal muonic neutrino experiment
François J. Wuilleumier Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p230, From Doubly Excited States of Helium to Triply Excited States of Lithium (Ugo Fano)
Pr. Dr. Carl E. Wulfman Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
Johan Wulleman Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v16 i4, About the Exact Role of Disturbance in Heisenberg's Uncertainty Relation
Dr. Irwin Wunderman (deceased) Category : Alternative theory 1964 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Irwin_Wunderman
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Characteristics of Photon-Coupled Systems Planck\'s Constant and Pi: A Unified Wave Theory for Particles and Bioforms: thesis involves more than photons. It attempts to unite classical, quantum, and relativistic physics, and derives a numerical origin for particle waves. a foundation for: The Lorentz Transformation, Quantum Electrodynamics, time's arrow, wave/particle duality, de Broglie waves, non-localization, the energy-momentum conservation laws, curved space, interference anomalies, the uncertainty principle
B. J. Wundt Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Symmetries of the Tachyonic Dirac Equation Claim to find real-energy solutions to their proposed tachyonic generalisation of the Dirac equation which approximate solutions of the ordinary Weyl equation and could thus be considered neutrinos
Uwe Wurditsch Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : BOR
email : uwe@wurditsch.de
web : http://www.uwes-physik.de/
kind of theory : MACH's principle kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
New model concepts in physics and cosmology Existential crisis of modern physics? The conceptual separation of space and matter is the cause of many misunderstandings and paradoxes. A physical process is always an interaction between at least two energy entities. The outer size of the electron remains infinite. The matter is not limited as sharp as we see them, but she has a "fine-diluted" major expansion, which manifests itself in fields. Each particle interacts with the superposition of the outer portions of all other particles in the universe. There is no empty space. Ring vortex model. If a star has risen by collecting material so strong that the fall velocity at the surface reaches 0.866 c, then he can no longer continue to grow.The ratio of gravitational force and Coulomb force is constant, but the two forces very different in size: a factor of 0.806 * 10 -36. A telling comparison: 36 orders of magnitude as the mean ratio of the radius of the visible universe to the Bohr radius Einstein's invariance principle is a mistake. Electron is a structure of concentric annular vortices which moves with the speed of the electron. When the electron is accelerated, each infinitesimal element of this structure contributes to the emission of the photon. The photon must therefore have a structure that is compatible with that of the electron. The photon is thus an array of ring vortices whose amplitude decreases transversely to the direction of movement.
Felix Würth Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : QUA
email :
web : http://www.hp-gramatke.net/perpetuum/english/page0120.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Free energy
Andrzej Wutke Category : Critics 0 Origin : ARX CHI BOR
email : andrewpw@acay.com.au
web : http://club.xilu.com/newphysics/msgview-950469-2587.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
About an overlooked aspect of relativity
Hans-Peter Wutz Category : New Energy 2008 Origin : BOR
email : hpwutz007@aol.com
web : http://www.geo.de/GEO/technik/472.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
free energy, the inventor of the gravitons energy machine the practicability of my "Graviton energy machine" of seeming contradictions haunted. If one were to examine this dialectic with an open heart, so the correlation could be found.
Steve Wykstra Category : Critics 1976 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.mendeley.com/research/einsteins-second-postulate/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On Einstein's second postulate. what einstein intended as the content of the second postulate of his 1905 paper on the electrodynamics of moving bodies: for this "light postulate" can be read as having either a "strong form" or a "weak form." taking issue with grunbaum and schaffner, i argue from einstein's use of the second postulate that he has the weak form in mind.
M. John Wymelenberg Category : Alternative theory 1999 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v12 p383, Intrinsic Electric Charge of the Photon and Photon Structure:"PE v14 p299, A helical wave structure suits the known physical properties of the photon, which in turn relates to an electron model".
Alastair Wyse Category : Critics 2001 Origin : ARX CHI
email : awyse@ndirect.co.uk
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/sapere-3.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Kantian ( or Hippy ) physics Time space and 3D position space are not objective realities. The function of a space is to quantify/display objective information . Force is quantified in position space as energy/ position/time duality leads to the particle/wave duality energy is viewed as a quantification of force in position space Neutrinos are similar to photons but are quantities of angular momentum transferring themselves through position space
William C. Wysock Category : New Energy 1992 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1512
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Design & Construction of a 1/2 Wave Tesla Coil
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  
Xu Xiangqun Category : Critics 1992 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/english/node69.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity of simultaneity. a false proposition due to an error in logic and confusion in fundamental concepts and epistemology
Zheng Xiang-Wu Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email : shiycgood@126.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=242&filter=Zheng,%20Xiang-Wu
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Uniqueness of Space-Time Coordinate Transformation of Two Inertial Systems of Reference; Lorentz invariance and the principle of relativity still hold even if negating the principle of the constancy of the velocity of light.
Mei Xiaochun Category : Critics 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p542, Reestablishment of the Axiomatic Foundation and Classical Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics It is shown that the Einstein-Lorentz group is a null set, because it does not meet the definition of a group, and that the current Lorentz transformation is an illegitimate transformation of coordinates and may produce contradictory and absurd results. As a consequence, it seems that the mathematical foundation of relativistic space-time is invalid
Wang Xiaoming Category : History 2009 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=256&filter=Wang,%20Xiaoming
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The History of the Goldbach Conjecture
W. Xie Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i2, A molecular modeling software for structures, charge distributions, and energetics of biomolecules
Wang Xijia Category : Experiment 1992 Origin : BAC
email :
web : www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Unification of Gravitation, Nuclear Force and Electromagnetic Force. A New Experimental Technique for Testing the Mistake of "principle of invariance of light speed. Two one-way laser beams vertically intersecting.
Zeng Xinchuan Category : Critics 1991 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v4 p344, The Relation Between the Speed of Light and the Expansion of the Universe It is shown that the Einstein-Lorentz group is a null set, because it does not meet the definition of a group, and that the current Lorentz transformation is an illegitimate transformation of coordinates and may produce contradictory and absurd results. As a consequence, it seems that the mathematical foundation of relativistic space-time is invalid. An Essay on a Primordial Black Hole Hydrogenlike Atom : the electrostatic force and the gravitational force between an electron and a primordial black hole of mass ~ 1015 g are of the same order.
Xia Xingguan Category : Critics 2007 Origin : BAC
email : xgxia2007@sina.com
web : http://www.sea3000.net/xiaxingguang/4.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Generalized Space-time Theory of Relativity contact action principle firstly. According to this principle and the finite speed of light, briefly describes the logic falsehood and conceptive errors in Einstein's theory, and the basal viewpoints of the Generalized space-time relativity, and then points out that, by applying this theory, not only can Einstein's theory be achieved, but also the scientific finding that cannot be educed from Einstein's theory can be obtained.
Pr. Yang Xintie Category : Relativist 2002 Origin : SCI
email : yangx@nwpu.edu.cn
web : http://d1002391.mydomainwebhost.com/JOT/Articles/4-3/yang1-final.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Journal of Theoretics Vol.4-3 The Application of Aerodynamic Method in the Development of Relativity In Continuous Medium Mechanics there exists an equivalent equation system to that of electromagnetic theory. This system is nonlinear and it serves as a reference for the advancement of a rue Maxwell equation system [11] such that the further nonlinearization of Maxwell's equation by the aerodynamic method will yield two directions. One being viscosity and the other being compressibility.
Li Xinzhou Category : Superluminal 1987 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Supersymmetric tachyons Superluminal neutrinos mentioned only because their existence would have implications for photino mass.
Kumming Xu Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i4, Electronic orbitals within a helium atom characterized by spherical quantities in dynamic calculus novel two-dimensional spacetime model from scratch in the context of harmonic oscillations. The operational rule of the atomic spacetime is dynamic calculus of spherical quantity, which is conceptually different from infinitesimal calculus of physical quantity. Space and time are treated as two orthogonal, symmetric and complementary quantities
Dr. Shao-zhi Xu Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SCI RAP SAP PHY
email : caiwt@sun.ihep.ac.cn
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V00NO16PDF/V00N16XUS.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
No One Can Save the LT [Lorentz Transformations] see campbell problem of velocity of light (speed spin of electron) critics of the relativity of simultaneity. It is shown to be false due to logic error by Einstein
Dr. Xiangqun Xu Category : Critics 1992 Origin : SAP SCI RAP
email :
web : http://redshift.vif.com/JournalFiles/Pre2001/V00NO16PDF/V00N16XUS.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Relativity of Simultaneity see Dr. Shao-Zhi Xu
She-Sheng Xue Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Do high-energy neutrinos travel faster than photons in a discrete space-time?
Ioannis Xydous Category : Alternative theory 2012 Origin : BAB
email : SEPP@IoannisXydous.gr
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=922&filter=Ioannis,%20Xydous
kind of theory : energy ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The secret of the Electron-Positron pair reveals the mechanism of the pair creation, the discovery of the Complete Coulomb Force, Complete Casimir Force, Strong Nuclear Force, Aether, Unified Field Force and ultimately, the topology of the Universe
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


M. Ya Category : Experiment 2000 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v13 p444, Electron Correlations in Photoatomic Processes at High Frequencies
Pavel Yablotchkov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Over-unity Patent of 1877
M. F. Yagan Category : Critics 2004 Origin : THE BAB
email : advisor2@memr.gov.jo
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/Papers/Yagan.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativistic Dynamics of Field-Particle System Dynamics of Beta Decay: by discuss these two topics The Sagnac Effect As Cumulative Doppler The Confusion Between the Absolute and Relative Speed of Light. The Sagnac Effect As Cumulative Doppler
Ahmed Yalcin Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email : ayalcin@eser.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Ahmet_Yalcin
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Jonathan Yalley Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : GAL SCI
email : jonnyall@yahoo.com
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/CUMDEX3.doc
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Radiation as Cyclic Photo-Pair Production. Planck's Constant and Path Differences The Universe As A Perfect Gaseous Machine A Thoroughly Choreographed Scientific Account of The Origin, Development & Final Frontier of Our Ever Expanding Grand Universe Divulged Realistically
Philip Yam Category : New Energy 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/ZPESCIAM.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
How much "zero-point energy" resides in the vacuum is unknown
Taketsugu Yamaguchi Category : Critics 2007 Origin : GAL SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Taketsugu_Yamaguchi
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Interpretation of Quantum Mechanics Galilean Electrodynamics, Volume 18, No. 2, What type of experimental arrangement is in fact viable to observe, for example, the value of momentum?
Kun Yan Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BAB
email : yankun@nature.ac.cn
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=289&filter=Kun,%20Yan
kind of theory : fractal universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Tendency Analytical Equations of Stable Nuclides and the Superluminal Velocity Motion Laws of Matter in Geospace Subsequently, the concrete forms of measure calculation equations of self-similar fractal obtaining by based on the definition of form in fractional-dimension calculus about general fractal measure are discussed again, and the differences with Hausdorff measure method or the covering method at present are given. By applying the measure calculation equations, the measure of self-similar fractals which include middle-third Cantor set, Koch curve, Sierpinski gasket and orthogonal cross star are calculated and analyzed.
Mu-Lin Yan Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
On determination of the geometric cosmological constant from the OPERA experiment of superluminal neutrinos Derives superluminal behaviour from special relativity with de Sitter space-time symmetry.
Hideaki Yanagisawa Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : BAB
email : science2001007@ybb.ne.jp
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=685&filter=Hideaki,%20Yanagisawa
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Energy ignored by Einstein: Dark Matter is not Required. The quantity of all stress is in direct proportion to the quantity of energy at time (t). Stress is the changed degree of energy per time. According to my stress equation (dE/dt=kE), energy ignored by Einstein was calculated. And it is added to his gravitational equation. Ignored energy E(t) with over time is ignored E(t)=E(0)(1-ekt)ekt Dark matter, dark energy and the big bang are not required. Limited galaxy sizes, a mandala structure and a pattern of constant dark energy can be explained by a new gravitational equation.
Pr. Ben-Luo Yang Category : Critics 2011 Origin : SCI
email : blyang@sjtu.edu.cn
web : http://yangbenluo.com.ip5.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Professor Yang Benluo scientific network completely abandoned the theory of relativity the theology of the 20th century
Shijia Yang Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email : yashijia@163.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=199&filter=Shijia,%20Yang
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Theory of Relativity Makes a Genius into a Fool Many Scholars Believe that "Ether" Exists I believe that ether exists firmly the Magnetic Field is a whirlpool of the ether. the ether of the pure electromagnetism field is an ocean that make of pair of positive electron and negative electron.
Shimin Yang Category : Superluminal 2009 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Lorentz violation in three-family neutrino oscillation
Xin-She Yang Category : Cosmology 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.eclipse2006.boun.edu.tr/sss/paper02.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
two unexplained gravity anomaly valleys observed from the Mohe solar eclipse on 9 March 1997. There has not been such kind of anomalies. May be related to the fundamental properties of gravitation
Dr. Yongfeng Yang Category : Cosmology 2011 Origin : SCI
email : roufengyang@gmail.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Yongfeng_Yang
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Astronomy, Cosmology General Science Journal editor Motions of Observable Structures Ruled by Hierarchical Two-body Gravitation in the Universe. All objects in the universe are organized in an orderly series of hierarchical two-body systems with gravitation Under the effect of gravitation, a successive hierarchical orbital shrinkage results in high redshifts of distant galaxies and planar (disc) rotational profile of large-scale structures
Pr. Shih H. Yanhua Category : Relativist 1994 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Yanhua_Shih
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Experiments with Entangled Two-Photon States From Type-H Parametric Down Conversion: Evidence for Wave-Particle Duality. Quantum Teleportation with Complete Bell State Measurement Photon and Biphoton Physics?
Jonathan Yankovich Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : RAP
email :
web : http://erg.ucd.ie/arupa/ratbag_antiphysics_rag97.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dr. Aiping Yao Category : Experiment 2003 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sagnac_effect
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Modified Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light in a uniformly moving fiber 2003 see Prof. Ruyong Wang.
Zhang Yapeng Category : Alternative theory 1995 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/old/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether YARKOVSKY kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Evolution of Gravitation Reason for Gravitational Field. The gravitation is produced with pushing down all the matters on the Earth to the direction of Earth core due to the 3K universal background microwave radiation which is omnipresent and isotropy, and will radiate to the direction of Earth core from Earth circumference; This 3K universal background microwave radiation is called the "gravitational radiation" or "gravitational wave", this photon of "gravitational radiation", namely is the graviton of producing the gravitation which the scientists want to find.
Pr. Dr. Tolga Yarman Category : Superluminal 1997 Origin : SCI
email : tyarman@gmail.com
web : http://www.ozanyarman.com/
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Just Like the Gravitational Field, the Electric Field Too, Slows Downs a Clock, Interacting With It: A Whole New Appraoch to the Bound Muon Decay :Coulomb Force is a Fundamental Law of Nature Insuring a Unique Matter Architecture the steady state electronic motion around a given nucleus in a non-circular orbit, depicts a rest mass variation, though the overall relativistic energy remains constant. This is, in no way, conflicting with the usual quantum mechanical approach. The approach leads to the de Broglie relationship, and superluminal speeds, yet excluding any exchange of energy, making the basis of quantum mechanics.
M. N. Yaseen Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : ARX
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In The Search Of Reality
Mark Yasin Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : ARX
email : MarkYasin@yahoo.com
web : http://pub9.bravenet.com/forum/static/show.php?usernum=696339869&frmid=3918&msgid=118247&cmd=show
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space and the Universal Laws of Physics: The space fabric is the space in the universe composed of space bubbles and black matter. expanding media or space fabric eventually encounters the vortices. The space fabric spreads turbulently through these vortices, causing numerous space bubbles to engulf small black matter particles space fabric is a composition of pure matter black matter and anti-matter absolute vacuum both at equilibrium. In other words, space is composed of matter and anti-matter at rest. Dirac's theory. Dirac referred to two types of matter: ordinary particles and extraordinary particles, which are the space fabric this hole as an anti-particle Basic matter particles are black matter particles that cannot be part of the space fabric.pace fabric distortion is the compression and subsequent decompression that occurs when a particle moves from one space bubble (space point) to the next. gravitational field is a form of static distortion induced into the space fabric by the presence of matter.
G. Yassoon Category : Cosmology 1997 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.driftline.org/cgi-bin/archive/archive_msg.cgi?file=spoon-archives/feyerabend.archive/feyerabend_199
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
the continents are essentially extraterrestrial, that is, they were formed by an impact with an already formed earth and a satellite or cometary body approximately half the size of the moon
Bijan Yavari Category : Alternative theory 2000 Origin : CLI
email : bijanyavari@yahoo.com
web : http://www.foundationphysics.com/
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Foundation Physics: P-Particle Theory: a neutrino-based TOE, postulated to be the fundamental constituent of all matter in the universe, and subsequently shown to be identifiable with the neutrino P includes not only quantum of matter but also E, M and G. P are compound or not; density of the universe. Matter being made up of fields; The fields have opposite poles; Opposite poles have a tendency to approach each other and collapse.
I. A. Yeganova Category : Cosmology 1990 Origin : NAC
email :
web : http://ieeexplore.ieee.org/ielx5/4660006/4669338/04669344.pdf?tp=&arnumber=4669344&isnumber=4669338
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Torsion field
Key statements :
On the remote influence of stars on the resistor.
Anton I. Yegorov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Uranium Photoaccumulator
Ka-In Yen Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : CLI
email : yenkain@yahoo.com.tw
web : http://aetherdynamics.blogspot.com/2009/04/similarity-between-light-and-wave-on.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Ether-string Two components of magnetic force are derived from this ether-string model: one is drag force, the other Bernoulli force. To derive them, negative potential mass, and vector of mass are introduced. Charged particles are linked by ether-strings
V. N. Yershov Category : Relativist 2003 Origin : THE
email : vny@mssl.ucl.ac.uk
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Neutrino Masses and the Structure of the Weak Gauge Boson: by presents a composite model of fermions the massless neutrino is not consistent with the high values of the experimental masses of $W^\pm$ and $Z^0$. Consistency can be achieved on the assumption that the electron-neutrino has a mass of about 4.5 meV.
Yglesias, José Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Receiver for extracting Electricity from Air
Yong-Gwan Yi Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SAP PHY
email : yyg_kr@hotmail.com
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v10 p186, In Time and Velocity, Which Component Would Appear Dilated to the Observer? The Galilean concept of time, in contrast to the currently accepted view, is even more natural for describing the physics of relativistic.
Shan-Noon Yie Category : Relativist 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 p31, Physics under space invariance. A Possible Answer to the Right-Left Asymmetry of beta Decay.
Muslim Yildiz Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : muslim.yildiz@berlin.de
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Hüseyin Yilmaz Category : History 1965 Origin : SAP SCI
email :
web : http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Yilmaz_theory_of_gravitation
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introduction to the Theory of Relativity and the Principles of Modern Physics new theory of gravity theory of gravitation which closely mimics general relativity in weak-field conditions, but in which event horizons cannot appear
Zhu Yin Category : Critics 2002 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v15 p363, Investigation of Special Relativity and an Alternative Explanation of the Speed of Light
Li Yinghua Category : Critics 2000 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://d1002391.mydomainwebhost.com/JOT/Links/Papers/VNY.pdf
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Several Significant Theoretical Questions in Physics. The theory of relativity is a theory system established on the wrong mathematical foundation and the fabricated theory premise, it has not the scientific value, said it "has attained the validate by experiment" is not in accordance with the facts. Proposed systematically revises the Newtonian mechanics, pointed out the Einstein's theory of relativity is the error system.
Zhang Yingqing Category : History 2009 Origin : BAB
email : tysyxb@vip.sina.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=291&filter=Zhang,%20Yingqing
kind of theory : hologram universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Holographic Biology, Deliberating with Academician Zou Chenglu
Sha YinYue Category : Cosmology 2009 Origin : BAB
email : shayinyue@qq.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=225&filter=Sha,%20Yin%20Yue
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Solution to Dark Matter has been Resolved
Shi Yong-Cheng Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email : shiycgood@126.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=147&filter=Shi,%20Yong-Cheng
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein's Mistakes in Relativity and their Correction Since Einstein ignores the geographic time differences of clocks stipulated by the Lorentz transformation, he presented a wrongful viewpoint on simultaneity. It is not alarmist to say that Einstein can not correctly understanded his theory of special relativity
Dan York Category : New Energy 1995 Origin : PEA
email : danyork@lyghtforce.com
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/merkl/merkl.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Light force keelynet
Warren E. York Category : Alternative theory 2003 Origin : YOR SCI BAB THE
email : psientific@charter.net
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/merkl/merkl.htm
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Ether energy
Key statements :
The Aether exists. It is Time and Space itself. 2. The Aether is reciprocating omnidirectional grid of energy by nature. 3. The Aether and EMF are gyroscopic in nature. 4. The Aether has properties of duality. The Aether is a fluidatic energy and follows some of the fluid dynamic laws of other known fluids but unique with additional properties being that of a fluidatic energy : Aether flow is inverse to magnetic flow. Electrons and Aether flow interact with each other (EMF [magnetic flux field like void flow opposite to particle flow) Quantum Gravity & Time as Derived From Pi/Time: by presents a theory of quantum gravity and a time derivation in the context of "4D Unified Math".
Harry Yosh Category : Relativist 2004 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://space-time-energy.org/Spacetime&Substance/SR2.pdf
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Wave Equation A solution of Dirichlet problem using second partial derivatives of boundary function inertial mass and gravitational mass in Lagrangian follow the same gauge transformation
Dr. Charles A. Yost (deceased) Category : New Energy 1983 Origin : SAP SCI RAP CHI
email :
web : http://www.electricspacecraft.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Aether Propulsion Competition, ESJ Network, 73 Sunlight Drive, Leicester NC 28748, usa The Tesla Experiment: Lightning and Earth Electrical Resonance
David Young Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : DFI
email :
web : http://www.greatdreams.com/scalar.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Tesla
Key statements :
Tesla Turbine
L. Steve Young Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : CLI
email : steve_gd@hotmail.com
web : http://kaekae.oas.psu.ac.th/free-ebook/GD-Theory.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
G-Dimensional Theory. The Smarandache Quantum paradox Comparative Logic and Modern Quantum Theory ( a formal set of (anti-logic) statements inclusive in modern quantum theory.1. Invisible Paradox (Sorites Paradox): macroscopic visible particles are formed of invisible atomic and subatomic particles. Uncertainty Paradox: macroscopic matter, which is under the 'determinist principle', is formed of subatomic particles, which are under Heisenberg's uncertainty principle. 3. Stability Paradox: Stable matter is formed of particles that are unstable in distinct form. 4. Lifetime Paradox: Long-lived matter particles are formed of short-lived elementary particles. 5. FTL Hypothesis: Quantum behavior implies instantaneous or faster-than-light connection between physically separate loci.
Rufus Young Category : Cosmology 1996 Origin : ARX
email : rufus@galaxytheory.com
web : http://homepage.ntlworld.com/roy.caswell1/Steady%20State%20Galaxy%20Theory%20by%20Rufus%20Young.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Steady State Galaxy Theory At the center of each galaxy is a neutroid which acts to constantly recycle all the matter and energy in the galaxy. This neutroid is similar to a neutron star but is very much larger
Arthur M. Young (deceased) Category : Philosophical 1976 Origin : ARX SCI
email :
web : http://www.arthuryoung.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theory of Process. This is good news, for it is no longer appropriate to think of the universe as a gradually subsiding agitation of billiard balls. The universe, far from being a desert of inert particles, is a theatre of increasingly complex organization, a stage for development in which man has a definite place, without any upper limit to his evolution.
Curt Youngs Category : Critics 2008 Origin : BAB
email : curt@hawktail.us
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=332&filter=Curt,%20Youngs
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Propagation of Light Any one observer/detector will only detect a tiny ray out of the ever enlarging wave front sphere from any emission of EMR at any distance beyond the "near field," which is another related subject, not well understood by many
Mahmoud E. Yousif Category : New Energy 2003 Origin : THE
email : elhagyousif@yahoo.com
web : http://www.journaloftheoretics.com/Links/links-papers.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Universal Energies: by investigates some crucial main relations and sequence of the three mechanisms based on the magnetic interaction hypothesis. The Magnetic Interaction (The Spinning Magnetic Force, & Elements of the Magnetic Lines of Force : hypotheses about this interaction mechanism
Pr. Saul Youssef Category : Critics 2001 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://physics.bu.edu/~youssef/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Questions beyond basic quantum theory where new insights are needed.
Lei Yuanxing Category : Cosmology 2001 Origin : BAC
email : zfli@ysu.edu.cn
web : http://www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf -
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Space-Time Is Greatly Chaotic Critique Einstein's Theory of Relativity : gear wheel of time joggles the whole universe and drives all galaxies to rotate towards the everlasting future.
Sha Yin Yue Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email : shayinyue@tom.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=304&filter=Sha%20Yin,%20Yue
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
n the Radius of the Neutron Proton Electron and the Atomic Nucleus The neutron can spontaneously produce disintegration and turn into a proton and at the same time eject an electron and some matterer time.
Zhou Yue Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/auth2.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Xi, Zhou Re-Developing Emission Theory Kanarev, Photon Model. Galilean Electrodynamics Vol. 11, no. 6.
Fu Yuhua Category : Critics 2001 Origin : CLI
email : fuyh@cnooc.com.cn
web : http://www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The relativity is absolutely wrong, 736 people, account for 51.65% It needs to revise, 406 people, account for 28.49% It has not mattered, 40 people, account for 2.81% It is not unnecessary, 55 people, account for 3.86% It is entirely accurate, 188 people, account for 13.19%. Improved Formula of Universal Gravitation, S New Newtonian mechanics mainly includes five laws: source law, improved law of gravity and three improved movement laws. The law of conservation of energy is the source law of New Newtonian mechanics, according to the source law, the improved law of gravity and improved Newton's second law and so on can be derived.
Liu Yuhui Category : Alternative theory 2009 Origin : BAB
email : liuyuhui30000@sina.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=193&filter=Liu,%20Yuhui
kind of theory : beyond relativity kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relative Space and Time According to Einstein's Relativity Theory is Wrong Einstein and Waruiqiake dispute on time-space modifications. It was pointing out that Einstein's thought experiment contained defects, as did the Lorentz explanation. Note that a clock has two opposing directions, thus it inevitably moves into reversible vector space. A Theory of Granulated Space and Time Geometry.
Pr. Dr. Hideki Yukawa (deceased) Category : Relativist 1946 Origin : SAP
email :
web : http://nobelprize.org/nobel_prizes/physics/laureates/1949/yukawa-bio.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Oliver Yunick Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Moteur ŕ vapeur
David G. Yurth Category : New Energy 1998 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/David_Yurth
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Self-organizing Systems, New Energy
H. Yurtseven Category : Critics 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v23 i4, Calculation of the Raman frequencies of lattice modes in the disordered phase II of NH4Br at high pressures
Yasun Yurttas Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SCI
email : aysunyurttas@gmail.com
web :
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
  A     B     C     D     E     F     G     H     I     J     K     L  
  M     N     O     P     R     S     T     U     V     W     Y     Z  


Pr. Dr. Miroslaw Zabierowski Category : Cosmology 1994 Origin : SAP SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1386
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Redshift relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Configurations and Redshifts of Galaxies Fornax - The Companion of the Milky Way and the Question of its Standard Motion Newtonian-Kantian mode of growth of star clumps
W. W. Zachary Category : Critics 1998 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.physics.howard.edu/papers.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Classical and quantum relativistic many-particle theory. Canonical Proper-Time Formulation of Relativistic Particle Dynamics
Nikolay E. Zaev Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Inductive conversion of heat energy to electrical energy, experiments with magnetic materials to get freeelectric energy from magnetic materials Ferrites and Ferromagnetics Free Energy Generation Research on the capacitance converter of environmental heat
Elie Zahar Category : History 1980 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.jstor.org/discover/10.2307/687250?uid=3738016&uid=2129&uid=2&uid=70&uid=4&sid=56263888463
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Einstein, Meyerson, and the role of mathematics in physical discovery
Dr. Corvin Zahn Category : Relativist 2012 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.spacetimetravel.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Visualization of special relativity
A. K. Zaichenko Category : Superluminal 1995 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
More about tunneling times,the dwell time and the Hartman effect"
A. G. Zajonc Category : Relativist 1977 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.iop.org/EJ/abstract/0022-3700/10/2/002
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Differential cross section for electron impact excitation of metastable helium measured by the atomic time-of-flight method
Michail Zak Category : Relativist 2009 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v22 p173, Hidden statistics of Schrödinger equation
A. I. Zakazchikov Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : CLI
email :
web : www.antidogma.ru/english/node69.html
kind of theory : fluid ether kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Returning to Ether critical study of the theory of relativity ; theoretical need for the ether to explain the set of specific facts of physics ; rejection of the concept of relativity of time. Artificiality of this concept is proved with many examples. A new vision of the facts set out in terms of air concept, which has the ether never been seen before features.
Dr. Nazar M. Zaki Category : Nothing found 2003 Origin : SCI
email : nzaki@uaeu.ac.ae
web : hhtp://www.faculty.uaeu.ac.ae/nzaki/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing related to dissident
A. Zaldívar-Sandoval Category : Critics 2010 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://jvr.freewebpage.org/TableOfContents/Volume5/Issue1/L5OperadorDiferencialLinealDe2ordenI_120809A139_141.
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Clasificación Algebraica del Espinor de Faraday 2nd Order Linear Differential Operator in its Exact Form see lopez bonilla
Andrey V. Zaloilo Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : RUS SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1365
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing related to dissident
V. V. Zamashchikov Category : Critics 2002 Origin : GAL
email :
web : http://www.eternalchaos.com/CUMDEX2.doc
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Maxwell equations kind of energy :
Key statements :
About the Invariance of Maxwell's Equations. Galilean Electrodynamics, 13, (22, 32, 36).
M. Zamboni-Rached Category : Superluminal 2007 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal localized solutions to Maxwell equations propagating along a normal-sized waveguide"
E. J. Zampino Category : Critics 1998 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://ralph.open-aerospace.org/deep/repository/zampino1.php
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Can a Hyperspace really exist? faster than light travel in a higher-dimensional hyperspace in general, and the properties of a four dimensional Euclidian space in particular. The addition of a fourth spatial dimension is shown to produce some interesting effects
Lorenzo Zaninetti Category : Cosmology 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v23 p298, New formulas for the Hubble constant in a Euclidean static universe.
Felipe Sofia Zanuzzo Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Achille Zanzucchi Category : Alternative theory 2004 Origin : BAR
email : achille.zanzucchi@tin.it
web : http://www.achillezanzucchi.com
kind of theory : solid ether LORENTZ kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The cosmic ether is the one substance in the universe, is a continuous, solid, perfectly elastic medium of high density and stiffness, is in state of oscillation and follows, as only law, the wave equation. The material bodies are all reducible to anticyclonic (electrons) and cyclonic (positrons) vortices of ether mechanical vibrations Relativity, Quantum Theory, Heisenberg's Principle of Uncertainty and Standard Model are not considered. The material mass is a quantity of ether. The material mass is a quantity of ether. The material mass is a quantity of ether. The electron and the positron in motion in space exert on the surrounding ether, as a consequence of their internal structures according to the wave equation, trailing actions. These determine on the external ether a stressstate (of tension/deformation) in the several aspects of which the nuclear, electromagnetic and gravitational fields In this theory the velocity c exists, as characteristic quantity, because it results from the integration of the wave equation as velocity of propagation in space of the perturbations of the elastic medium ether. In the same way the positron, the photon and any other material body behave. The photon is 2 masses at points A and B, the second B of electronic type the A is positronic type.
Dr. Carl Andrew Zapffe (deceased) Category : Critics 1977 Origin : SAP SCI GAL FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=442
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Seven short essays on an epistemological analysis of the Lorentz transformation and the chronometric branch of relativistic physics Propagation of Light Through Outer Space - A New Model Laser Fiber-Ring Interferometric Gyroscopes and Einstein's Second Postulate Einstein's postulate that the velocity of light is c with respect to any observer is modified.
Pr. Rinat G. Zaripov Category : Critics 1998 Origin : SAP GAL SCI
email : zapirov@main.knc.ru
web : http://www.imm.knc.ru/zarip.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
About Fock Velocity Space and Finster Metrization Convention in the General Definition of Simultaneity About Fock Velocity Space and Finster Metrization Convention in Defining Simultaneity by Slow Clock Transport Clock Synchronization and Finsler Structure of a Flat Anisotropic Space-Time Convention in the General Definition of Distance An Electrodynamic Interpretation for the Mechanical Relations of Photons in Media Convention in the General Definition of Distance Convention in the Definition of Geometry of Space-Time
S. B. Zatsarinin Category : New Energy 2010 Origin : BAB
email : kanphil@mail.ru
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=128&filter=S.%20B.,%20Zatsarinin
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
see Kanarev The Motor-Generatorview
Karlo Zavacki Category : Nothing found 2009 Origin : PIP
email :
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Universal Correlation Theory of the Universe
Alberto Zayas-Oliver Category : Superluminal 1997 Origin : ARX
email : 104077.2034@compuserve.com
web : https://www.msu.edu/user/flaniga9/albertozayas.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Space Travel Faster Than Light Speed. A conceptual proposal to overcome the actual limitations of space travel and communications plus other ideas.
Alexander S. Zazerkiy Category : Alternative theory 0 Origin : ARX
email : elefzaze@latnet.lv
web : http://homepage.mac.com/sigfpe/Physics/pots.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Subquantic paradigm From the Field Electron Model to the Unified Field Theory (link is dead)
S. Zdravković Category : Critics 2005 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v18 p168, Heisenberg Uncertainty Principle and DNA Dynamics
William Zebuhr Category : New Energy 2005 Origin : SCI
email : bzebuhr@aol.com
web : http://www.infinite-energy.com
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
New Energy. Infinite Energy Magazine editor
Al Zeeper Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : BAB
email : warmbeach@shaw.ca
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=234&filter=Al,%20Zeeper
kind of theory : electric universe kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unification of Electricity
Michael Zeilik Category : History 1997 Origin : EIT
email :
web : https://www.google.fr/search?hl=fr&tbo=p&tbm=bks&q=inauthor:%22Stephen+A.+Gregory%22
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Introductory astronomy and astrophysics
Gerry Zeitlin Category : Cosmology 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://openseti.org/Physics.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang Subquantum Kinetics Zero-Point Energy, Gravitation from matter in the extra dimensions could explain the mystery of the "dark matter" that seems to make up 90% of the mass of the universe.Interstellar Travel at Subluminal Speeds
T. A. Zenchenko Category : Experiment 2003 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://adsabs.harvard.edu/abs/2003Ap%26SS.283....3F
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Realization of discrete states during fluctuation sin macroscopic Synchronous Changes in Dark Current Fluctuations in Two Separate Photomultipliers in Relation to Earth Rotation
Pr. Ping Qing Zeng Category : Critics 1958 Origin : SCI
email : sciencesum@yahoo.cn
web : http://www.hi.baidu.com/sciencesum
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
Natural Science, Electromagnetism. The Summary and Correction of Natural Science Principles. The Essence of Electromagnetic Wave is not Energy. Light velocity dispute, electromagnetic induction dispute and space time dispute still exist.
J. A. Zensus Category : Superluminal 1987 Origin : RAP REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal Radio Sources
A. Zerniy Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
Semiconductor electromagnetic energy transformator+
Dean Zes Category : Cosmology 1998 Origin : SCI
email : deanzes@charter.net
web : http://www.worldsci.org/people/Dean_Zes
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Planck's Constant From Hubble's Constant: Cosmological Origin of Terrestrial ZPF
Gerd Ernst Zesar Category : Critics 2002 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.ekkehard-friebe.de/fremde-abhandlungen.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Science uncensored not related to the paradigm
ZetaTalk Science Category : Alternative theory 1997 Origin : BOR ARX
email : ZetaTalk@ZetaTalk.com
web : http://www.zetatalk.com/science/s00.htm
kind of theory : gravity is electromagnetic kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Repulsion force large bodies repulsive force, also inherent in gravity Gravity is particles, moving, just as magnetic fields are, and there is a polarization in gravity, which we have explained as the repulsion force.
Kirstin Zeyer Category : Philosophical 1999 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.kirstin-zeyer.de/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
The methodological philosophy Hugo Dingler and the transcendental idealism of Immanuel Kant. With a foreword by Ulrich Hoyer. (= Studies and materials on the history of philosophy
Bing Zhang Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Superluminal Neutrinos in a Pseudoscalar Potential
Chong An Zhang Category : Alternative theory 2010 Origin : SCI
email : chai3217@sohu.cn
web : http://www.borderlands.de/Links/3-The_Law_of_Universal_Attractions.pdf
kind of theory : fluid ether LE SAGE kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Concept of Sub-photon Ocean and Important Physics Appearance inspired by the Magdeburg hemispheres experiment, thinks that the space is full of sub-photons (including photons and particles smaller than the photon), and is a sub-photon sea. Pressure is ubiquitous in the sub-photon sea. It is sub-photon pressure that makes two objects attract to each other. The hypothesis of the sub-photon sea thus has some justification. However, if we follow the reasoning according to the hemisphere experiment, universal attraction should be proportionalto the cross-sectional area of the objects, while universal attraction is directly proportional to the mass of objects in the law of universal attraction.
Qi-Ren Zhang Category : Superluminal 2012 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Quantization makes Relativity Compatible with Superluminal Phenomena] Considers superluminal motion due to diffusion in Klein-Gordon wavepackets. The effect is very small, however, so negative result at OPERA not surprising.
Shu Run Zhang Category : Critics 2009 Origin : BAB
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=290&filter=Shu%20Run,%20Zhang
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Time and space are mirror symmetrical in microcosmic space "law, A Brief Introduction to Four-Dimensional Time. German discover that break the phenomenon of velocity of light " is mistake
Shuming Zhang Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Yufeng Zhang Category : Relativist 2010 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 276] Exact soliton solutions of the discrete modified Korteweg de Vries (mKdV) equation
Dr. Bingcheng Zhao Category : Critics 2010 Origin : CLI
email : bingcheng.zhao@gmail.com
web : http://mechanism-revealedphysics-bcz37.blogspot.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Solving the problem of Higgs boson by proving that the Higgs boson does not exist at all
G. Zhao Category : Experiment 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v24 i1, Identification of new hydrogen states. The hydrino continua spectra directly and indirectly match significant celestial observations, and the characteristics of the hydrino indicate that it is dark matter.
Shuangcai Zheng Category : Alternative theory 2001 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v14 p106, v10 p442, v7 p34, A New Space-Time Transformation "Doppler effect and the gravitational field of a spinning body. At the same time some fundamental concepts of relativity are discussed" "special relativity of angle"
Yi Zheng Category : Experiment 2003 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Abstracts&tab1=Display&id=2747
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Modified Sagnac experiment for measuring travel-time difference between counter-propagating light in a uniformly moving fiber
Luo Zhengda Category : Alternative theory 2007 Origin : BAC
email :
web : www.gallup.unm.edu/~smarandache/SE1.pdf
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Unified Universe based on the unification of the matter fields. The Principle of Inertia Outside Force. The Quantum Outside Force The First Cause of Universe. The Quantum Outside Force The Invisible Matter. The Dark Energy Smarandache multispace combine with the principe of inertia external force
Ren Zhengqiu Category : Cosmology 1998 Origin : BAC
email :
web : www.wbabin.net/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
General Conservation Supposition of Time, Space, Mass and Energy: the universe possibly has one kind of the biggest, the most widespread conservation, namely the continued multiplication of time, space, mass nd energy approximately equals constant.
O. M. Zherebtsov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Electric Discharge Produced into Air Half-Space
A. Zhidenko Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Stability of the scalar and neutrino tachyons in the rotating and expanding Universe
Eugene D. Zhiganov Category : Critics 2005 Origin : RUS
email : zed@dfe3300.karelia.ru
web : http://zed.karelia.ru/go.to/for.all/thoughts/str
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
On the Lorentz transformation. It is shown that the Lorentz transformation is logically flawed. The key issue is the physics of the existence of a hypothetical medium (usually called "ether" in recent years - the "physical vacuum"), responsible for the electromagnetic and gravitational (and possibly other) interaction.
Pr. Dr. P. A. Zhilin (deceased) Category : Superluminal 1993 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Classical and Modified Electrodynamics Maxwell equations are invariant with respect to the Galilean transformation Lorentz transformations present quite a particular case of the complete group. In the Maxwell equations there is an infinite velocity of the propagation of extension waves, which is in the explicit contradiction with special relativity theory. In other words, electrodynamics and special relativity theory are incompatible. Modified Maxwell equations are proposed waves with the ``superlight'' velocity are longitudinal One cannot eliminate the possibility that these waves describe the phenomenon of radiation propagating with the velocity greater than the light velocity, which is claimed to be experimentally observed by some astronomers.
Pr. Vadim A. Zhmud Category : Critics 2005 Origin : RUS SCI
email :
web : http://www.antidogma.ru/appeal_en.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
RT is erroneous: there exist conclusive disproofs of RT
Cao Zhongyin Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BAB
email : caozhangyin@163.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=728&filter=Cao,%20Zhongyin
kind of theory : unified field kind of particle :
kind of critics : Morley Michelson relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
Clocks are Slower when Light Speed is Changeable. New Explanation for the Michelson-Morley Experimentview Space filled with ether everywhere, Ethernet density is uneven, the local ether density is bigger where the gravitational strength is large, otherwise, the local ether density is small where the gravitational strength is small; Ethernet is not static, but moving which generated by the objects, rotating around its parent objects of which rotating angular velocity consists with rotation angular velocity of parent objects; Michelson-Morley experiment, when the movement of light and ether in the same direction, the relative velocity between the light and its receptors should be CV-, but for light ethernet density becomes thinner and refractive index is smaller because of the same direction of movement between light and ether which lead to the relative velocity between the light and its receptors becomes .
Dr. Jianghua Zhou Category : New Energy 2009 Origin : SCI
email : zhoujh.07@sem.tsinghua.edu.cn
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=674
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Conventional
Key statements :
International Conference on Materials for Renewable Energy & Environment Efficient Extended Kalman Filtering for attitude estimation based on gyro and vector observations
Xi Zhou Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SAP SCI GAL
email :
web : http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/z/Zhou:Xi.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A novel Gaussianized vector representation for natural scene categorization With Yue, Zhou Re-Developing Emission Theory Kanarev, Photon Model. Galilean Electrodynamics Vol. 11, no. 6.
Yue Zhou Category : Critics 2000 Origin : SAP SCI
email :
web : http://www.informatik.uni-trier.de/~ley/db/indices/a-tree/z/Zhou:Yue.html
kind of theory : innovative kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
see Xi Zhou, Emission Theory
Chang-Yu Zhu Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Dirac equation for superluminal neutrinos and mass matrix
Yong-Qiang Zhu Category : Nothing found 0 Origin : SCI
email : zhuyq@fudan.edu.cn
web : http://www.researchgate.net/researcher/37734012_Yong-Qiang_Zhu
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Nothing found
Dr. Nikolay A. Zhuck Category : History 1996 Origin : SAP SCI
email : zhuck@ttr.com.ua
web : http://spacetime.narod.ru/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Theoretical and experimental physics in the field of research of space, time and substance. Edited Journals: Spacetime & Substance
Wu Zi qian Category : Philosophical 2009 Origin : BAB
email : woodschain@sohu.com
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/h/papers.php?area=Author&id=273&filter=Wu,%20Zi%20qian
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Solution of Equations with Parameterized Operations
Lu Zidong Category : Superluminal 2002 Origin : BAC
email :
web : http://www.gsjournal.net/old/physics/yuhua.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Neutrino's Tachyon (Structure) Hypothesis physical characteristics of tachyon.
Dr. Reiner Georg Ziefle Category : Critics 1995 Origin : PHY SCI SAP
email :
web : http://www.arminwitt.de/ziefle.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Calculation of So-called Special Relativistic Phenomena on the Basis of the Minimum Energy Principle Maintaining Classical Conceptions of Relativity
NN Ziegfeld Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Rotary magnet Engine-generator
Gordon. L. Ziegler Category : Religious aspects 2006 Origin : GAL SCI
email : ben_ent100@msn.com
web : http://www.benevolententerprises.org/books/Phys_of_Gen.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
A New Way to Calculate Electron and Muon g/2-factors Hafele-Keating experiment came from the first edition of an extremely rare pro-ether book by Gordon L. Ziegler The physics of genesis.
Dr. Renatus Ziegler Category : Critics 1995 Origin : FRI
email :
web : http://bdn-steiner.ru/cat/Beitrage/D114_115.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The fouth dimension of Rudolf Steiner: figures redrawn by R. Ziegler
Dr. Walter H. Ziegler Category : Expanding Earth 1999 Origin : MYE
email :
web : http://www.expanding-earth.org/page_17.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Expanding earth by external accretion of extraterrestrial mass
A. Zielinsky Category : New Energy 1996 Origin : SMI
email :
web : http://www.padrak.com/ine/NEN_4_11_5.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Magneto-Voltaic Technology, A Solid State Approach for Tapping the Zero-Point Energy Field (ZPE)
Li Zifeng Category : Critics 2010 Origin : SAP
email :
web : http://blog.tech110.net/?uid-12018-action-viewspace-itemid-36253
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Analyze the logic mistakes in special relativity, and investigate the authenticities of validations and applications. There are many idealism problems in modern physics. These are denying the relationship between sense and existence, doing not accord with the law of causality, imaging the universe using deductive method of mathematics, ) propagating the super distance effect which do not need time, using wrong philosophy and physics concepts, studying the origin of the universe,departing from axiomatic system, denying the definitions of basic physical quantities. These problems are destroying the fundaments of physics as well as the whole science. In the research of physics, we must insistent materialism, anti- idealism and anti-divine creation.
Mark Zilberman Category : Superluminal 2011 Origin : MIT
email :
web : http://web.mit.edu/~redingtn/www/netadv/ftlNuSwift.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : C of light as absolute kind of energy :
Key statements :
Do the Observations of Superluminal Neutrinos Lead to the Model Where Light Speed Increases Over Time?
Daniel Zimmer Category : Critics 2005 Origin : SCI
email : dzimmer_2001@yahoo.com
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=4
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The Gravitational Energy Formula is Wrong
Lothar Zimmer Category : New Energy 0 Origin : BOR
email : lzimmer@keltenhof.org
web : http://www.borderlands.de/infos.contacts.browse.php3?pos=210&total=222
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Anti-gravity
Key statements :
Ren Zingg Category : New Energy 1999 Origin : CLI
email : zingg@centralnet.ch
web : http://userpages.centralnet.ch/zingg/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
J. W. Zink Category : Critics 1993 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
PE v6 p451 v10 p573, Energy, Mass, and Gravitation: effect of kinetic energy/mass and potential energy/mass on Newtonian gravitation // relativistic, gravitational potential energy
Steven Douglas Zins Category : Nothing found 2011 Origin : SCI
email : StevenZins@gmail.com
web : http://www.zins.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
String Theory still Not Even Wrong string theory is based upon Relativity Theory and Relativity Theory is wrong. Therefore string theory is wrong and there is no point in me pursuing it further.
Rudolf G. Zinsser Category : New Energy 1981 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.rexresearch.com/zinsser/zinsser.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Matter may be temporarily turned into a state of anisotropy* in relation to the gravitational field. A gravitation-like force emerges, the kineto-baric force. A gravitation-like force emerges, the kineto-baric force.
Arthur Zinzen (deceased) Category : Critics 1963 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1613
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
The inertia as a physical effect
R. W. Ziolkowski Category : Superluminal 2001 Origin : REC
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/pdf/0709.2191.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
In the luminal case (V = c), \Localized transmission of electromagnetic energy" "A bi-directional traveling plane wave representation of exact solutions
T. G. Zlosnik Category : Cosmology 2006 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://arxiv.org/abs/astro-ph/0607411
kind of theory : modified Newton law kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
See Ferreira P G Modifying gravity with the aether: An alternative to dark matter. There is evidence that Newton and Einstein's theories of gravity cannot explain the dynamics of a universe made up solely of baryons and radiation. Alternative approach is to modify the gravitational field equations to accommodate observations. We propose a new class of gravitational theories in which we add a new degree of freedom, the Aether, in the form of a vector field that is coupled covariantly.
Frank J. Jr Znidarsic Category : New Energy 1989 Origin : ARX SCI BAB ENG
email : fznidarsic@aol.com
web : http://www.angelfire.com/scifi2/zpt/index.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : ZPE
Key statements :
Infinite new energy Elastic Limit of Space and the Quantum Condition A Reconciliation of Quantum Physics and Special Relativity
Danah Zohar Category : Alternative theory 1991 Origin : CAL
email :
web : http://www.amazon.com/The-Quantum-Self-Danah-Zohar/dp/0688107362
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Self, Society, and Quantum Theory t the insights of modem physics can illuminate our understanding of everyday life Does the new physics provide a basis by which our consciousness might continue beyond death?
J. C. Zoleta Category : New Energy 1932 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.zen-blogs.com/fr/energies_libre.php?Page=20
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Flywheel oscillator power system
Pr. Valery F. Zolotariov Category : New Energy 2000 Origin : RNE
email :
web : http://www.scribd.com/pearsch/d/62466620-New-Energy-Technologies-Master-Index-2001-2005
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Calculation on the effect of many-cavity structures
Gerard Zonus Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email : mkoyman@ttnet.net.tr
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Big Bang kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang
Pietro Zorzi Category : New Energy 1989 Origin : SCI
email :
web : http://www.worldsci.org/php/index.php?tab0=Scientists&tab1=Display&id=1359
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Cold fusion
Key statements :
Nuclear Fusion From Hydrogen and its Isotopes in an Electric Discharge
V. E. Zubarev Category : Experiment 2005 Origin : IMP
email :
web : http://www.bmstu.ru/~nilfn4/publications/publications.htm
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Sagnac relativist interpretation kind of energy :
Key statements :
On possibility of a new 3D experimental test of moving media electrodynamics. The first results of the experiment on registering light dragging observed in an interferometer with rotating medium Michelson-Morley experiment in the light of electrodynamics for moving media
Robert Zubrin Category : Critics 2004 Origin : DUF
email :
web : http://www.cosmologystatement.org/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Critics of Big Bang Pioneer Astronautics
Joseph R. Zubris Category : New Energy 0 Origin : HYI
email :
web : http://www.hyiq.org/Library/ZPE.html
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
Electric Circuit Reduced Energy Starting 75 %
Qian Zufan Category : Critics 2011 Origin : PHY
email :
web : http://physicsessays.org
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
[P.E. 23, 144] An inquiry into a mathematical model to unscramble microcosm based on disclosing a new correlation
P. Zúńiga-Vázquez Category : Critics 2009 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://jvr.freewebpage.org/TableOfContents/Volume4/Issue2/Buchdahl-Goenner-Kohler(8).pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : General Relativity Theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
See J. López-Bonilla Espintensor de Lanczos
Walter Zürcher Category : New Energy 1990 Origin : MOC
email :
web : http://www.abebooks.de/servlet/SearchResults?n=200000080&sortby=0&an=z%FCrcher+walter
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy : Free energy
Key statements :
The pulse of vital energy use and knowledge
I. M. Zvereva Category : Experiment 1998 Origin : LEB
email :
web : http://www.global-scaling-institute.de/files/shnoll1998.pdf
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Quantum Mechanics kind of energy :
Key statements :
Realization of discrete states during fluctuations in macroscopic processes. For a series of successive histograms, any given one is highly probably similar to its nearest neighbours and occurs repeatedly with a period of 24 hours, 27 days, and about 365 days thus implying that the phenomenon has a very profound cosmogonic origin. See Shnoll
Dr. Hans J. Zweig Category : Critics 1997 Origin : SAP
email : hjzweig@aol.com
web : http://www.aquestionoftime.com/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Special Relativity theory kind of energy :
Key statements :
Relativity unraveled But Einstein does not realize that there are two distinct and independent types of "simultaneity." One type occurs when a single observer is aware of two distinct signals simultaneously, for example, hearing a doorbell and a siren at the same time. We can call this event-simultaneity (e-simultaneity), i.e. one observer, two events. The other type occurs when two observers, separated in space, become aware of one event at the same time, such as an explosion or an earthquake. We can call this observer simultaneity (o-simultaneity), two observers, one event. "Relativity" applies only to e-simultaneity
Gerhard Zwiauer Category : Alternative theory 2011 Origin : BOR
email :
web : http://www.logodoc.net/MQED
kind of theory : information kind of particle :
kind of critics : kind of energy :
Key statements :
Meta-quantum electrodynamics based on the theory are MQED allow five metaphysical principles which have a direct insight into the structure and dynamics of a universal ether, and the elementary particles embedded therein.
Dr. Harald Zycha Category : Critics 2008 Origin : CLI
email :
web : http://www.jocelyne-lopez.de/blog/2008/09/dr-harald-zycha-die-rolle-der-mathematik-in-der-naturwissenschaft/
kind of theory : kind of particle :
kind of critics : Philosophical kind of energy :
Key statements :
The role of mathematics in science, we have already seen several times, has led to an overestimation of mathematics in physics, with all the "side effects" of the associated epistemological errors, I would like to bring these issues to this point again explicitly discussed. The epistemological content of a physical theory is, therefore, never in their mathematical apparatus, but only in the premises, in the ideas and assumptions that are subject to mathematical treatment.

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