Location. Moszkva, Oroszország
Date: 1530as-1540es évek
Meglepő felfedezést tett Dr. Rudolph Vanzhaev antropológus akadémikus aki a 20. század végén a hírhedt orosz cár, Rettegett (4.) Iván arcát rekonstruálta. Dr. Vanzhaev egy picinyke fémlemezt fedezett fel Iván koponyájában a koponya tanulmányozása során. A különös lelet mérete egy centiméternél egy kicsit nagyobb volt, ránézésre egy bonyolult elektronikus alkatrészre emlékeztetett. A doktor arra következtetésre jutott, hogy a kis tárgy valahogy növelte a Cár intellektuális képességeit de ugyanakkor a vissza-visszatérő kontrollálhatatlan dühkitöréseivel is kapcsolatban állt. Az éles fogszerű nyúlványokkal rendelkező kicsiny fémes tárgyat teljesen véletlenszerűen fedezte fel. Dr. Vanzhaev az elhunyt Iván Cár kiásott koponyáját vizsgálta a halála körülményeinek és okának felderítése végett (később azt állapították meg, hogy a Cár csontjai nagy mennyiségű higanyt tartalmaznak). Vanzhaev a kezével végigsimítva a koponya belső felszínét egy kis kiemelkedést vett észre. Jobban szemügyre véve fogott egy nagyítóüveget és valami nagyon piciny és fémes dolgot látott aminek nagyrészét beborította a csontszövet. A szerkezet egy elektronikus csiphez hasonlított amit a számítógépekben vagy más elektronikus eszközökben használnak. Különféle technikával és műszerekkel részletesebben tovább vizsgálva az implantátumot az egy miniatűr elektromos impulzus átvivő szerkezetnek tűnt, az agynak és a szívnek továbbítva jeleket. Az ilyen impulzusok élesen növelhetik az agy feladatmegoldó képességét nehéz helyzetekben, de ugyanakkor különböző mellékhatásokat okozhatnak amelyek hatással lehetnek az ember pszichés viselkedésére, hangsúlyozta Dr. Vanzhaev. A csontszövet amely körbenőtte a fémlapocskát elég jelentős volt ami arra utal, hogy Iván Cár koponyájába még egészen fiatalkorában ültették be az implantátumot. Rettegett Iván 1530 -ban született, így a feltételezhető "eltérítése" az 1530 - 1540 -es években lehetett. 1533 -ban Oroszország Nagyhercege lett, 1547 -től Oroszország Cárja 1584 -ben bekövetkező haláláig. A történelmi részletek támogatják ezt a feltételezést amint ismeretes, hogy Rettegett Iván gyakran fogta a fejét ez bevett szokása volt, bár orvosainak sohasem panaszkodott fejfájásról. Másik moszkvai kutató, Vladimir Alexeevich Smemshuk szintén említi könyvében, hogy Rettegett Iván "idegen kontroll" alatt állt és több találkozása is volt humanoid földönkívüli éjszakai látogatókkal amint egyedül volt a hálószobájában.
Location. Moscow, Russia
Date: 1530's-1540's
A stunning discovery was made by academician and anthropologist Dr. Rudolph Vanzhaev who at the end of the 20th century was reconstructing the facial features of the famous Russian Tsar Ivan the Fourth (or Ivan the Terrible). Dr. Vanzhaev discovered a diminutive metallic plate in Ivan's skull while he studied it. The strange artifact a little more than one centimeter in diameter, remotely resembled a complicated electronic mechanism. The Doctor concluded that this object somehow increased the intellectual abilities of the Tsar but at the same time, caused his periodic uncontrolled fits of anger. The tiny metallic object with sharp teeth-like protrusions was discovered quite accidentally. Dr. Vanzhaev was studying the exhumed skeleton of Ivan the Terrible, attempted to find the physiological cause of his death (later it was established that the Tsar's bones contained a huge quantity of mercury, or quicksilver). Moving his hand along the inner surface of Ivan's skull, Vanzhaev felt a small protrusion. Trying to see it better, he took a large magnifying glass and saw something very small and metallic, halfway covered by bone tissue. The device was similar to an electronic chip used in computers or other electronic equipment. When the device was studied closing, using different kinds of techniques and equipment it appeared to be a miniature transmitter of electric impulses to the brain and the heart. Such impulses, emphasized Dr. Vanzhaev, sharply increased the brain's ability to solve the difficult intellectual tasks but at the same time, created various collateral effects that influenced the man's psyche. The layer of bone tissue that had grown around the metallic device was quite noticeable. This meant according to Vanzhaev, that when Ivan was "implanted" he had been quite young, possibly in his childhood. Ivan the Terrible was born in 1530, so the supposed alien abduction had apparently occurred during the 1530's or 1540's. He became the "Great Duke of all Russia" in 1533 and the Tsar in 1547, and died in 1584. The historic detail in favor of this assumption is that it was known that Ivan the Terrible had the habit of placing his hand on his head, even though he never complained to his doctors of feeling any pains in his head. Another Moscow based researcher Vladimir Alexeevich Smemshuk also mentioned in his books that Ivan the Terrible was under "alien control" and experienced several humanoid encounters at night when he was alone in his bedroom.
Source: A. Rosales, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoidancient.shtml No 21.
Humanoids at the Guadalajara Front
Location. La Alcarria, Spain
Date: July 25 1938, Time: 23:30
It was half past eleven o'clock on the evening of July 25, 1938. The witnesses of a military men (a lieutenant and his aide) were descending down a gully located in the town of La Alcarria. Suddenly, a powerful white light drew their attention. Shortly after the light was extinguished, a disk-shaped object some 11 meters long and 5 meters high appeared before their eyes.
The disk which was some 60 meters away from them, appeared to be suspended at some two meters over the ground. The witnesses described it as: "two plates joined on their convex sides, separated by a line or section of a darker color." Furthermore, the object's lower section had a sort of column which descended very slowly and appeared to contain two humanoid figures.
Next, the object began projecting a circle of bluish light on the ground. When the circle of light reached the military men, they felt a sensation of cold. Shortly afterward, the light turned off and the column rose in complete silence, all of this accompanied by colored sparks emanating from the object.
At the time, the onlookers believe they saw "the two halves" of the object begin to rotate, each in an opposite direction from the other. The disk began to project a powerful white glow and rose into the air with great speed, vanishing into the heavens. As with the Granada case, there is no apparent explanation for the sighting. In spite of the fact that both military men believed that they had witnessed a German prototype or something belonging to the "reds", we have already explained that this was materially impossible. The main witnessed (the lieutenant) rejected any publicity regarding the subject and insisted upon remaining anonymous to our colleague Manuel Carballal. Having eliminated the possibility of fraud, what is left? We can only accept that the UFO phenomenon was widespread in Spain in 1938.
Source: J. Blanco, http://www.geocities.com/INEXPLICATA2000/issue10/1.htm No 2.
Location. Drakensberg mt, Sout Africa
Date: April 07 1956, Time:
This is the story of Elizabeth Klarer, a South African woman and Akon, an astrophysicist from Meton, a planet of Proxima Centuri that, at a distance of about 4.3 light years, is our nearest stellar neighbor. Elizabeth was taken in his spaceship to Meton, where she lived with him and his family for four months and where she bore his child. Her life on Meton is fascinatingly described. Akon brought Elizabeth back to Earth after the birth of their son, and continued to visit her thereafter. Akon explained how his spaceship's light-propulsion technology operated, and how it allowed him and his people to travel across vast interstellar distances.
Az egész Teremtés fényből áll, mely az Univerzum felépülésének a kulcsa.
We are all creatures of light, composed of micro-atoms (= gravitons), the ultimate particle.
Gravity is the push.. These waves are oscillating at frequencies thousands of megacycles beyond the visible light spectrum. Due to this high frequency, the waves react with the electrical charges and currents created within the field differentials of the spaceship's propulsion systems.
Light exists throughout our galaxy, interacting harmonically of this electromagnetic waveform with the resonating, binding force of gravity - the forces of the universe that form the unified field of cosmic energy. Earth scientists still have trouble measuring it, and do not seem to be aware of this, yet this is the basis of all life throughout the universe. Without the unified field (= DVAG), we would all fly apart and end in chaos.
Source: Elizabeth Klarer, Beyond the light barrier
Location. Orlando, Florida
Date: April 20 1965, Time: dusk
The young witness was riding his bicycle home from a store when he spotted a craft to the east and low to the ground at about 1,000 feet up or so. As he watched fascinated, a small piper aircraft would approach the craft, which would then descend low beyond the witness view. After the plane passed it slowly rose and then made its way towards the witness location. The craft came over to his location and hovered over him. As he looked at the craft it appeared to be metallic and had lights around the edge. He saw struck by a domed section of the craft that seemed to have some sort of window, which seemed to be metallic but transparent in nature. He couldn't see inside it, but could see light inside and the silhouette of what appeared to be a "being" or figure. The witness thought of his friends which lived nearby and began riding towards their house about a block away. As he approached his friend's house he heard him yelling for his brother Lloyd to come out and see. Several other neighbors also heard the commotion and stepped out to see the craft. Moments later it made a sudden turn and disappeared almost instantaneously upwards and towards the west.
Source: A. Rosales, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1965.shtml No 66.
Location. Cruzeiros, Sao Paulo, Brazil
Date: August 14 1965, Time:
According to a France-Presse report dated August 14, 1965, from Rio de Janeiro, a railway worker named Joao do Rio of the village of Cruzeiros was quietly fishing in the river Paraiba when a flying saucer landed nearby, and from it there emerged a strange little man, some 70 centimetres in height, with large luminous eyes, who addressed the fisherman in perfect Portuguese, said that he was from a flying saucer from another world, and authorised Joao do Rio to relate the occurrence to his fellow - countrymen.
Before re-entering the saucer, the little man gave him a strange piece of metal, of a kind that does not exist on Earth, which piece of metal was now undergoing examination at the laboratories of the Brazilian National Railways Coachbuilding Works, with a view to the determination of its composition.
Meanwhile, neighbours of Joao do Rio were quoted as saying that he bad always been regarded as a very serious and entirely reliable individual.
Source: G. Creighton, http://www.interstellar-travel.com/library/humanoids/3-GC64-3.cfm No 49.
Location. Near Norton Bravant England
Date: October 8 1965, Time: 00.25
Annabelle Randall was driving back along the same road as (an hour) before, when at the same bridge she saw beside the railway embankment a large brilliant orange-glowing ball. Her headlights dimmed, and her engine began to miss. Then she noticed an unlit circular object beside the road. The luminous ball then moved in front of her car, red & blue sparks flying from its spinning rim; it turned bright crimson, & flew off. When it moved, her engine stopped. Immediately after this, she saw 2 people in the middle of the road, wearing dark balaclava hoods & dark skin tight clothing like frogmen, which glistened as though wet below the thighs. Her engine now working again, she swerved to avoid them, just barely missing them, and drove on.
Source: A. Rosales, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1965.shtml No 176.
Location. Marisela, Caracas, Venezuela
Date: May 10 1966, Time: 16.52
A man observed the landing of an oval object and two beings, who came out of the object through a system of light beams. They used strange instruments to examine a number of objects, especially plants. They were 2 m tall, had oversized heads, appeared bright and "transparent." Their eyes were slanted, their shoulders very broad. They wore no apparent weapon, but their belts were very wide and emitted light rays. They did not touch anything without first illuminating it with these beams. They went back aboard their craft "as if carried by the light."
Source: ufoinfo, http://www.ufoinfo.com/magonia/part9.shtml No 767.
Location. Westmoreland, New York, US
Date: May 3 1968, Time: 04.00
Abduction of teenager Shane Kurz. Under regression hypnosis Ms. Kurz told of being abducted while walking through a field and being levitated into a saucer. Inside the saucer several gray aliens placed her on a table, stripped her, and rubbed a thick liquid on her. She was told that the liquid was a stimulant and that she was being tested for pregnancy with a device that was lowered on her. Then the leader told her that they wanted to make a "half" with her. One of the beings quickly sexually penetrated her. He made animal sounds and a humming noise during the act. Kurz was then released. Shortly after this incident (which she did not remember at the time) her menstrual period stopped for a year. She had a sudden, unexplained weight loss exactly 9 months after her abduction. It was the weight loss that led her to a doctor and eventually uncover the memory of the abduction.
Source: G. Little, http://www.reptilianagenda.com/research/r110199c.shtml
Location. Grodner Pass Dolomite Mountains Italy
Date: July 1968, Time: 01.00
The witness, a Mr. Walter Rizzi was driving when he suddenly felt sleepy and encountered a fog. He pulled off the road. He smelled something burning and went to investigate; he then saw a silvery white domed disc shaped craft approach. The object landed on three legs. The witness felt unable to move. He saw two beings inside the dome and a 3-meter tall robot with 3 legs and 4 arms, appeared to be working on the craft. A being came out of the craft, he was described as five-foot three inches tall, with a large head, and large beautiful cat like eyes, with a small nose, thin lips, short hair and olive green skin, with broad shoulders and a narrow waist. He had feet like horse's hoofs and moved in a hopping fashion. He wore a tight uniform with a transparent helmet with two tubes behind it. The being smiled and greeted the witness, a telepathic conversation then ensued. The being told the witness that in the not to distant future 80% of life on earth would be destroyed due to a polar shift. As the craft took off, a powerful force knocked the witness back. The object left straight up emitting a loud whistling sound.
Source: ufoinfo.com No 140.
Location. Nagyvárad felett, TAROM járat
Date: 20 Aug 1968, Time: 20.21
1968. augusztusi eset, amelynek magyar vonatkozása is van. A román Tarom légitársaság IL-18-as utasszállító gépe épp úton volt Bécsből Bukarest irányába, amikor Magyarország légterét már elhagyva rendkívüli esemény történt, amelyről Beniamin Gabarian kapitány, a gép pilótája így számolt be a Romániában magyar nyelven megjelenő Előre c. újság riporterének: "...7600 méter magasan repültünk a nagyváradi mezők fölött, egészen közel a magyar határhoz, amikor váratlanul, tőlünk jobbra mintegy 1 km távolságban, 300 méterrel gépünk utazási magassága felett észrevettem egy ovális objektumot, amely nagy sebességgel velünk ellentétesen haladt, és zöldes fénysugarat bocsátott ki magából. Ránéztem az órákra. 20 óra 21 perc volt, majd pár másodpercig figyeltem a fényes testet, mígnem megnövelve a sebességét eltűnt nyugati irányba... Az objektumot 10-15 másodpercig láttuk, és ez elegendő volt ahhoz, hogy megbecsüljük kollégáim: Alexandru Niculescu, Marian Constantinescu és én az objektum méretét. Amennyire megfigyelhettük, minimálisan 2,5-3 méter átmérőjű volt..." A kapitány a bécsi irányítótoronytól megtudta, hogy a körzetükben, 400 kilométerre nem volt egyetlen repülőgép sem, majd ezt követően a ferihegyi repülésirányítás jelentkezett. Budapest közölte Gabariannal, hogy a Malév egyik Budapestre tartó gépének személyzete a Tarom-gép "UFOészlelése" után 2 perc 30 mp-cel hasonló tárgyat látott, amely nagy sebességgel nyugat felé tartott. Ellentétben a romániai géppel, a magyar gép nem Románia, sőt még csak nem is Magyarország légterében, hanem légvonalban mintegy 600 km-e Nagyváradtól, Ausztria felett figyelte meg a fényes diszkoszt. Ezekből az adatokból bárki kiszámíthatja, hogy ha egy és ugyanazon tárgyat látta a két gép személyzete, akkor az legkevesebb 14 000 km/óra sebességgel száguldott végig Magyarország légterében. Ugyanakkor, mielőtt bárki felugrana "meteor"-t vagy "visszatérő rakétafokozat"-ot kiáltva, érdemes még pár gondolatot idézni a fent említett riportalanytól, aki repülésben jártas, műszakilag magasan képzett szemtanúnak számít: "... a vakító zöldes fény, amit röptében sugárzott, minden kétséget kizáróan azt bizonyítja, hogy az űrhajó - nevezzük így - fedélzetén mesterséges fényforrás működött... Az a tény, hogy 10-15 másodpercen át megfigyelhettük, véleményem szerint annak a kíváncsiságnak tulajdonítható, amit a feltételezett űrhajó legénysége repülőgépünkkel szemben tanúsított, s ez indította arra, hogy csökkentse repülési sebességét..." Beniamin Gabarian talán nem is sejtette, milyen találóan fejezte ki az objektum viselkedését, amikor azt mondta, "kíváncsiság".
Kriston Endre UFO Dosszié I. kötet 28-29.o. Eredeti Román híradások és Román partnerszervezetek kutatása nyomán.
Source: ryufor.hu 19680820 .
Location. Serraria, Itaperuna, Brazil
Date: September 12 1971, Time: 19.00
Sr. Paulo Caetano Silveira, age 27, a typewriter technician, found his car being followed by a red luminous disc while driving to his home in Itaperuna, Brazil. At Tombos he reported the matter to the local police, but they did not take him seriously. After he calmed down he started off again. This time, at about 7 p.m. and at a small village named Serraria, he encountered a black object on the road that turned a luminous red and then blinding white in color, and his car engine died. The object, slightly larger than a Volkswagen, had small windows and an open door. Next to it were standing three short, chubby beings approximately 20 inches tall, with fair complexions and slanted eyes. They wore one-piece, sky-blue coveralls with high collars, and "Roman helmets" with spikes. They carried vivid red and blue lights and moved in a stiff, mechanical way.
Two bright beams of light were focused on the witness's car and its doors popped open. These beams pulled the witness from the car and into the machine, whose interior was brilliantly illuminated by white light. There was little in the way of furnishings inside, but inside were five more similar dwarfs. "An infernal din" commenced and believes the object flew some distance with him, but he shortly lost consciousness. The next thing he was remembered was being carried out and laid on the road beside his car. The UFO then rose vertically, hovered a moment, then shot off laterally at a staggering speed. The witness was left in a state of shock and nearly blind. For five days he still could not see well and was extremely nervous. His watch had lost 15 minutes.
Source: ufoinfo, http://www.ufoinfo.com/onthisday/September22.html No 12.
Location. Sao Luis no Maranhao Brazil
Date: January 4 1975, Time: 09.00
An object descended over the witness home and apparently hit the wall accidentally. It left but soon returned paralyzing the witness with a beam of light. Several three-foot tall dark haired and dark skin humanoids wearing what appeared to be masks emerged and dragged the witness inside the object. He was interrogated about different aspects of life on earth and taken on a three-hour trip to their planet. The aliens were apparently not satisfied with his answers and one of them punched him. He was finally brought back home. The witness was apparently abducted eleven more times. One of those times he took a dog, a cat and a parrot to his abductors apparently for dissection experiments. While inside the object he met their leader, an entity that called himself, "Cloris" that told the witness they were from the planet "Protu." The humanoids apparently communicated via telepathy.
Source: A. Rosales, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1975.shtml No 40.
Location. Oakenholt, North Wales, GB
Date: July 1976, Time: daytime
Nine-year-old Gaynor Sunderland lived in Oakenholt, a village near Flint, North Wales. On her way home from shoo1, She saw a silver object shaped liked a saucer in a field not far from her home.
The strange craft was about 30 feet long and 9 feet high. It had yellow windows along the side and on the top there was a light flashing in a kind of box. Although Gaynor was very frightened, she did not run away. Instead, she lay quietly in the long grass and watched the door of the strange craft open. She saw two people wearing silver suits come out of the craft. They were carrying some kind of equipment which they used to examine the ground. They were short and had large pink eyes, Gaynor reported. After about half an hour, the two people went back into the craft. Almost immediately, there was a loud humming noise and the UFO took off. Although Gaynor told her mother what she had seen, her family decided to keep quiet about it. They did not want people to laugh at their daughter. However, 18 months later, Gaynor told her story to UFO experts. They hypnotized Gaynor so they could be sure she was telling the truth. Not only did she repeat her story, she was able to draw a picture of what she had seen!
Source: http://user.chol.com/~yph922/read-un.htm No 13.
Location. Camaracu Island Brazil
Date: January 1981, Time: dawn
A farmer (Domingos M. Brito) saw a glowing gray colored saucer shaped object land nearby on his property. Two beings closely resembling humans emerged and asked him numerous questions, generally about life in the village and other general information. The beings then re-entered the craft, which promptly took off at high speed.
Source: J. Blanco, http://anakinovni.ovh.org/1981.htm No 736.
Location. Pudasjarvi, Finland
Date: April 2 1980, Time: 01.15
The witness, Aino Ivanoff was driving across a bridge when she entered a peculiar fog and the car headlights were somehow deflected upwards. She stopped the car and saw a silvery domed object with portholes. She was apparently taken inside the object and examined on a metallic table by three men wearing dark clothing. Before being released she was given an antiwar message by the beings and was told that they could not reproduce and hailed from a dying planet. She felt drained of energy for a week after the incident.
Source: A. Rosales, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1980.shtml No 69.
Két rendőr, Charles Hutchins és A. Huskey a Dél Karolinai Gaffney külterületén járőröztek amikor egy jobbkanyar után egy fémes tárgyat pillantottak meg éppen előttük. Az objektum éppen laszállófélben volt olyan 6m körüli magasságban amikor meglátták, mondta Hutchins. Elmondása szerint az UFO objektum gömb alakú volt mint egy labda és egy széles, lapos karima volt körülötte. Semmi fény vagy ablak nem látszott rajta. Teljesen sötét színű volt, a rendőrautó reflektorfénye tompa aranyló színnel tükröződött vissza. Az autó motorja nem állt le. Amint a gömb már csak centikre volt a földtől, a két rendőr ámulattól dermedten de kiszállt a kocsiból. Később Hutchins úgy becsülte, hogy az objektum átmérője 6-7m körüli lehetett. A gömb alsó részén hirtelen hangtalanul kinyílt egy kis ajtó és egy rövidke kb másfél méteres létra esett le. Fehér fény ömlött az ajtóból, de egyik rendőr sem tudott részleteket kivenni a hajó belsejéből. Egy alak jelent meg az ajtóban, leereszkedett a létrán és lassan de határozottan a két rendőr felé sétált. Amint 4-5 méterre ért hozzájuk megállt.
"Nem mereven mozgott", mondta Hutchins. "Úgy mozgott mint bárki más, de lassan, mint akinek nem sürgős. Nem rémített meg minket vagy semmi ilyesmi." Kinézetre a humanoid egy tizenkétéves gyermek méretű volt, olyan 1.2m körüli. Nem viselt sisakot vagy fejfedőt, öltözete gomb és zippzár nélküli arany színű dressz volt. A ruhája fémesen csillogott a reflektor fényében, de nem világított. A humanoid számos kérdést tett fel és a szemtanúk kérdéseit figyelmen kívül hagyva azokra nem válaszolt. Hutchins nem emlékezett, hogy látta volna a lény lábait. Magas fűben állt így a lábai nem látszottak. Egyik rendőr sem volt képes visszaemlékezni a teljes "beszélgetés" szövegére. Hutchins állította, hogy az idegen perfekt angol kiejtéssel beszélt, "nem volt semmiféle akcentusa vagy ilyesmi. Úgy tűnt pontosan tudja mit mond és mit tesz ... nem tett semmiféle kapkodó vagy rossz mozdulatot. Ő csak megállt ott és beszélt a szemtanúkhoz". Akarta tudni miért van mindkettőnkön ugyanolyan ruha. A beszédje nagyon precíz volt, minden szót nagyon gondosan ejtett ki. Amikor kérdezték honnan jött, csak nevetett. A találkozás rövid volt, talán 2-3 percig tartott. Aztán - Hutchins mondta - a jövevény kijelentette, "két...nap...múlva...visszajövök" majd megfordult, lassan visszaballagott a létrához és felmászott a hajóba. Az ajtó csendesen bezáródott és a járgány elkezdett whirregni, egy lágy whirregő hangot adott ki, mint amikor egy motor hangtompítóval van felszerelve. Az objektum lassan felemelkedett és eltűnt az égen. Egy helyi tanácsnok számos lábnyomot talált a helyszínen ahol a kis ember állt. Ígéretük ellenére nem jöttek vissza újabb látogatásra.
Location. Gaffney South Carolina
Date: November 17 1966, Time: 04.00 am
Two police officers, C. Hutchins & A. Huskey, were driving in an outlying section of Gaffney known as the West Buford Street Extension when as they neared a right angle bend in the road, they suddenly saw a metallic object directly in front of them. This object was descending when they first saw it, Hutchins said, and was about twenty feet above the ground. He described it as being spherical, like a ball, with a wide, flat rim around it. There were no lights or portholes visible on it. It was completely dark, reflecting a dull gold color in the headlights of the police car. The car did not stall. As the object settled to within a few feet of the ground, both men gout out of their car in a state of benumbed amazement. Later Hutchins estimated that the object must have been about twenty ft in diameter. A small door suddenly opened noiselessly on the underside of the sphere, he said, and a short ladder, four to six feet long, dropped down. White light poured out of the opening, but neither man could see anything in the interior. A figure appeared in the doorway, descended the ladder, and walked slowly and deliberately toward the two police officers. When the figure reached a point about fifteen to twenty feet from the two men, it stopped.
"He didn't move stiffly," officer Hutchins said. "He moved just like anybody else, but kind of slow...like he was taking his time. He wasn't scared of us or anything like that." In appearance, the humanoid was about the size of a twelve-year-old boy, maybe four feet. He wore no helmet or headgear and was dressed in a gold suit with no buttons or zippers. His costume was shiny, like metal, in the reflection of the headlights, it was not self-luminous. The humanoid asked numerous questions and ignored the witnesses when they asked any questions. Hutchins could not remember seeing the feet of the creature. It was standing on high grass and the feet must have been hidden. Both men could not really remember the full context of the "conversation". Hutchins claimed the alien spoke perfect English, "Didn't have any accent or anything. He acted like he knew exactly what he was saying and doing...didn't make any quick moves or false moves. He just stood there and talked to the witnesses." He wanted to know why both me were dressed alike. His speech was very precise. He pronounced each word very carefully. When asked where he was from he just laughed. The meeting was brief, perhaps only 2 or 3 minutes. Then, Hutchins say, the creature announced, "I...will...return...in...two...days" he turned, walked slowly back to the ladder and climbed into the object. The door closed quietly and the craft began to whirr, a soft whirring sound, like an engine with a muffler on it. The object rose slowly and vanished into the sky. A local councilman found numerous footprints at the site where the little man had stood. There was no return visit by the alien.
Source: John A Keel, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1966.shtml No 134.
UFO cases: Langford Budville England
Date: October 16 1973, Time: 23.00
Gabriella Versacci was driving pass the Langford Budville exit; she could see that the road was completely deserted. She then saw the glare of a single headlight ahead, it was too bright to be a headlight and it seemed stationary. Suddenly the car seemed to lose power. The headlights flickered, dimmed and then cut out. Next the engine faltered, sputtered then fell silent. Panic-stricken Gabriella pressed her face to the windscreen, struggling to steer the car to a halt in the almost complete blackness. Thinking she could not stay there alone in the vehicle on the side of the road she climbed out the car. Fumbling with the car hood she lifted it. As she stood there helpless, she noticed a humming sound, faint at first then seeming to grow stronger. She could not see the source of the hum, as she stood facing the car door a heavy hand came down on her shoulder, seemingly pushing her down into the ground.
Gabriella struggled to face her assailant and saw a tall, dark colored and metallic figure. Gabriella then saw flickering multi-colored lights and blacked out. When Gabriella came to she was standing in a field. The "robot" like figure was standing next to her and before them stood a strange bright object. Half-moon shaped, it was rounded at the top and flat at the bottom. The bright object was silver gray in color and rested on thick legs, she saw two, but there might have been more. It was about 20 ft high and forty feet across. Large, oblong windows punctuated its middle and from these yellow lights issued. Now Gabriella realized that the humming sound was coming from this object. She then blacked out for a second time.
She awoke inside a strange room, which she took to be the interior of the object. She found herself in a circular room, strapped to a table in the center. Naked, and covered with a light blue blanket. Her wrists were bound to the table by what she described as "large rubber bands." Her spread eagle legs were restrained in the same manner, with the bands holding her ankles to the cold surface of the table. The inside of the craft was freezing. She glanced over to a far wall where the "robot" stood inactive. To her right was a console covered in buttons and dials. The floor was covered in what appeared to be black colored rubber matting. A few moments later, three men that came into view proved her. Two stood to the left of the table while the third went to the foot of the table and picked up some boxes or cubes. He placed three of the objects on a rail, which ran the length of the table, one by her head, one by her feet and one in the middle. As soon as the cubes were placed on the rail they began to glow. The three men were all about the same height, five feet six inches of five feet eight inches. Fair skinned and slim in build they wore the same garments. All wore a skullcap, tied at the back of the head and ending just above the eyes. Facemasks covered the nose and mouth, so only the eyes and facial parts around them were visible. No hair was visible, but she could make out the hair bumps under the caps. The eyes were more rounded than human eyes, and seemed emotionless. All three men wore a tunic with a gray colored edging, long gloves that went to the elbows and very long aprons that fell as far as their ankles. Thick-soled boots covered their feet. Every piece of clothing was light blue in color. Throughout the episode none of the man spoke or made any other noise. They looked at each other frequently, and nodded occasionally. Furthermore they did not appear to breathe, making no respiratory noises. During the examination none of the three beings touched Gabriella. The man at the bottom of the bed took a number of gray colored instruments, which he used one by one. A small knife like implement was used to take a nail paring from her right hand index finger. A blood sample was taken with a small plastic looking bottle with tubes and wires attached. Her blanket was removed and a thin pencil-like device was used to prod and probe her and a large black rubber suction device was used on the area around the groin. Soon the examiner placed another blanket over her, which provided badly needed warmth. Noticing her frequent glances towards the now inactive "robot" the examiner now spoke to her in perfect English. The robot was a trained retriever device. It did all the manual work outside the ship. It brought specimens for examination and study. It was merely a non-thinking intelligence that was programmed to do certain tasks. The examiner spoke in a deep male voice, although Gabriella could not see his mouth move beneath the mask. His eyes never blinked, not even once. His movements appeared practiced, deliberate and precise. When he completed his task, all three men left the room together. After several minutes Gabriella caught sight of the robot again. A flashing purple colored light was coming from it. It did not move but remained by the wall.
Soon one of the men came into view from behind her and walked to the far end of the table. He lifted the end of the blanket form the bottom and stared at her body. Something that something awful was going to happen Gabriella struggled with her bonds but could not free herself. The being took a small pin and placed it on her thigh. Gabriella stopped struggling immediately. The device caused numbness in every part of her body apart from her head. The being climbed slowly on the bottom of the bed and slowly and without emotion raped her. She felt discomfort but no pain. Soon the three men came into the room and released her from the table. Gabriella looked down on the floor to see her clothes before passing out one more time that night. When she next regained consciousness Gabriella was standing, fully clothed, next to her car in the deserted country road. Distraught she drove home.
Source: A. Rosales, http://www.ufoinfo.com/humanoid/humanoid1973.shtml No 172.
Location. Hungary
Date: 17 January 1995, Time: 20h
Az első idekapcsolódó esemény még 4-5 éves koromra nyúlik vissza. Lázasan feküdtem az ágyon, és egy fénygömböt láttam a szobámban. Mondtam is édesanyámnak, de ő ezt csak lázálomnak tudta be. A később történtek bebizonyították, hogy nem az volt.
- A következő eseménysorozatig, ami 1995. január 10-e körül kezdődött, eltelt 40 év. Kerékpárral járok dolgozni és menet közben elkezdett égni a fejemnek a bal oldala, egészen le a szemem aljáig. Valahogy nagyon furcsa érzés volt, hidegen égett. Apósomtól kölcsön kértem egy orosz típusú sapkát (ennek le lehet kötni a fülvédő részét), de ez sem oldotta meg a problémát. Talán egyhetes időszak után abbamaradt ez a hideg égő érzés. A következő furcsaság, amire felfigyeltem, hogy pontban nyolc órakor a fejemben megszólalt egy nagyon kellemes kis búgó hang. Az időpontot azért tudom ennyire határozottan, mert mikor 20 órakor a tévében jönnek a reklámok, mindig leveszem a hangot. Három egymást követő estén ugyanebben az időpontban hallottam a búgást. Rövid periódusokban, kétszer, háromszor ismétlődött. Hogy ennek a jellegzetes, szintén több beszámolóban felbukkanó hangnak van-e a későbbiek szempontjából valamilyen jelentősége, nem derült ki.
- Azon az estén nem hallottam a hangot. Elég korán lefeküdtem, és el is aludtam. Onnantól a következő, amire emlékszem, hogy iszonyatos fájdalmat érzek az egész testemben. A bal oldalamon feküdtem, nem bírtam megmozdulni, és előttem a falfelületet beborító tükörajtókon döbbenetes, rémfilmbe illő látvány tárult a szemem elé: az udvari ablaküveg mögött egy hatalmas gömb lebegett, aminek az eleje rácsosnak tűnt. A rácson belül jól kivehetően egy alak ült. Mintha műszerek is látszottak volna... Körülötte gőzölgött a levegő. Érdekes, hogy az ablakdeszkákat nem láttam a gömb előtt.
A tudattörléskor csak a fejre összpontosították az energianyalábot.
- Az ágyam mellett egy kb. 120 centiméteres alak állt, és kezét vízszintesen fölém tartotta. Testét fekete csuklyás köpeny borította, ami az arcát is eltakarta. A két alak közt a függöny a szoba közepe felé felemelkedett. A lények beszélgettek, s én tökéletesen megértettem az elhangzottakat.
Mindez akkor történt, mikor egy iszonyatos fájdalom révén, a tudatomnak egy perifériás részére sikerült visszatornázni magam. Innentől emlékszem határozottan a dolgokra. Tudom, hogy a mellettem álló alak hozzám ért, amitől viszolyogtam, mert gusztustalan volt a keze. A testméretéhez képest aránytalanul hosszúak voltak az ujjai. Mind a négy puha, kissé kipúposodó ujjvégződésén karomszerű képződmény látszott. Mivel pizsama nélkül alszom, tisztán éreztem, mikor hozzám ért. Hideg, vizenyős volt a tapintása. Megfogott, és szó szerint meglötyögtette a testemet.
Azt az érzést sohasem fogom elfelejteni. Mintha deréktól lefelé, a bőrömben víz lotyogott volna. A következő pillanatban az ágy mellett álló megszólalt:
"Kérek még energiát!"
Ekkor még kétszer őrületes, szinte leírhatatlan fájdalom-hullám áradt rajtam végig. Egy szörnyű hideg égő érzés, ami az egész testemet átjárta. Emlékszem, hogy ordítottam. Kis idő után a gömbben ülő alak rászólt a társára, hogy hagyja abba, nincs engedélyük, hogy így végigcsinálja, az idő letelt, próbálja inkább törölni a tudatomat.
Ekkor még egyszer éreztem azt a pokoli fájdalmat, de már csak a fejemben. Ezután a mellettem álló ismét megszólalt:
"Emlékezni fog rá. El fogja mondani. Nem tudom miért, de 40 évvel ezelőtt sem sikerült a törlés."
Erre jött a válasz.
"Nem baj. Ha el is mondja, ez számukra annyira elképzelhetetlen, hogy úgysem hisz neki senki."
- Emlékszem rá, hogy válaszoltak a kérdéseimre. Több mindenről is szó volt, de csak arra az utolsó kettő percre emlékszem tisztán. Elmondták, hogy sejtet visznek el, és hogy ez a feladatunk, hogy ezt a sejtet termeljük. 4-5 éves korban hoznak valamit, és azt pontosan 40 év múlva elviszik. Azt is elmondták, hogy amíg ezt hordjuk magunkban, ez valamiféle védettséget biztosít nekünk. Utána pedig a környezeti hatások, érzékenység és egyéni szerencse alapján történik meg az elhalálozás. Arról is beszéltek, hogy a hidrogénnel és valami hideg energiával a molekulák forgási irányát meg tudják változtatni. Ezáltal időlegesen szinte fel tudják bontani az emberi szervezetet.
Az atomok laposak, mert az elektronok nem keringenek az atommag körül, hanem egy síkban vannak bepattintva a megfelelő energiaszintű helyekre, ezek az spdfgh elektronpályák. Ezek a síkok normálisan össsze-vissza állnak, de az idegenek képesek egyfajta sugárzással mindet egyetlen, párhuzamos irányba állítani. Ennek segítségével átmennek a falon.
A másik eseménysorozat alanya egy 32 éves hölgy volt, aki szinte kísértetiesen ugyanezeket a szavakat használta.
Az idegenek közölték, hogy azt akarják: legyenek túlélők.
"- Közölték velem, hogy két gyermekem fog születni, és közülük az egyik az övéké. Arról is volt szó, hogy miért van erre szükség. Nagyon hosszasan magyarázták, de ez még a mai napig sem világos a számomra. Beszéltek a fehérjék szerkezeti felépítéséről, a molekulák forgási irányáról, valami külső hatásról, de ezeknek az összefüggéseire sem sikerült rájönnöm. Azt mondták, hogy kellenek túlélők." A Földön minden élő szervezetet balra forgató molekulák alkotnak. A kutatások bebizonyították, hogy az ettől eltérőek a bolygónkon ható sugárzásokat nem képesek elviselni. Nem életképesek, ezért rövid időn belül elpusztulnak. Ez valószínűleg szorosan kapcsolódik ahhoz a tényhez, hogy bolygónk mágneses mezejét jelenleg egy, a Föld felszíne alatt zajló, balra forgó áramlás hozza létre és tartja fenn. Ha ennek az áramlásnak megváltozna az iránya, megváltozna a mágneses pólus is, és ez jelen ismereteink szerint bolygónk élővilágára katasztrofális következménnyel járna - mint az a fenti történetekből is kiderülhetett. Mint ahogyan az is: bár az idegenek ismerik és használják ezt a folyamatot, bolygószinten nem tudják, vagy nem akarják alkalmazni. Ha a katasztrófa bekövetkezik, csak a kiválasztottak élhetik túl azt. Arra, ismerve fajunkat, hogy az emberiség "a javulás útjára lépjen", és elérjen egy olyan szintet, amelyen más civilizációk már nem kísérleti nyúlnak, hanem egyenrangú partnernek tekintik, és megosztják velünk tudásukat, egyelőre vajmi kevés esélyt látok. Mennyi idő alatt következik be egy efféle változás? Mennyi ideig tart? Kérdések, amelyekre - nem lévén példa az emberiség történetében - nincs válaszunk. Pedig talán globális túlélésünk függ tőle..
Collection by R Janos, Hungary | Abbreviations |