Astrojan Astronomical Picture Collection

Messier Images
NGC 1 Objects
NGC 2 Objects
NGC 3 Objects
NGC 4 Objects
NGC 5 Objects
NGC 6 Objects
NGC 7 Objects
NGC 8 Objects
NGC 9 Objects
NGC A Objects
IC Objects
Spiral Galaxies
UGC -s
Solar System Planets
Proteins 1
Protein 2
Protein 3
Protein 4
Crop Circles
Atommag szerkezete
CFHT image collection
Idegen lények
Flower Images 7
Flowers 1
Flowers 2
Flowers, Virágok 3
Flower Images 4
Flowers 5
Flower Images 6
Astrojan Image Collection

A really new model of the matter

Deep Sky Objects Outer Space Images Galactic Photos Image Heaven Pictures Ciel Profond Espace Imágenes Espaço Sky Image Objects Outer Spazio Deep Space Galactic Imagens Cielo Espacio Imagenes Profundo Universo Picture

Bilder Deep Objects Immagine Outer Sky Space Images Immagine Deep Outer Sky Immagini Space Image Galactic Abbildungen Pictures Heaven Bilde Imagens Cosmic Imagenes Immagine Deep Sky Pictures Himmel Gemälde Himmels Foto Heaven Imagens Bilder Himmels Cielo Profond Espace Imágenes Espaço Spazio Cielo Cuadro Espacio Profundo Images Heaven Picture Imagenes Cielo Profondo Imágenes Bilde Ciel Espace Photographs Espaço Spazio Photographs Cosmos Bilder Cielo Cuadros Espacio Profundo Universo Images Deep Kuva Sky Picture Cuadro Space Cuadros Photo Fotos Foton Himmel Foto Cosmic Bildene Outer Space Photos Himmel Billeder Himinn Bilderna Photos

Gravity. Is it really a pulling force? No

New Photon model

Interpretation of Michelson-Morley experiment

Criticism of the Hafele Keating experiment

Gravity and Matter