Species has appearance of a jester or harlequin. It is believed
that they were the inspiration for the Trickster character that
appears in cultures across the Terran world. (e.g. Loki of the Norse
or Maasawof the Hopi. Although the Trickster is often depicted as
an animal — the pig in Japan, fox in England and the coyote to the
Americans — the Trickster can also appear as a clown.) Entertainers
on Terraemulate this species. (e.g. Clowns, Jesters, Jokers,
Harlequins, Court Fools, etc.) Harlequins have a reletively gender
neutral humanoid body, large and wide-opened, dark eyes, with a
white, greasepaint-like complection. Harlequins prefer garments with
ruffles and discoordinate elements. Harlequins move inan irregular
fashion, often with extraneous motions.
with Humans:
- In January of
2004, Mr.Adrian Hicks, the local Councillor in
Hampshire,UK, had an encounter with one walking through the
town’s main street. Afterwards, Mr. Hicks spet £400 of his own
money for an artist to perfect her image (seen left).
- In 2000, Laurie Smithmeyer of Topeka, Kansas, USA, and
a friend met a Harlequin while shopping on Massachusetts Street.
(7th & Mass. to be precise.).
- Dan Mitchell of Wisconsin, USA, claims to have
had contact with a Harlequin since the age of 5.
- Karen Davis had been visited since the age of
6 in her house oustide of Boston, MA, USA.
FROM: http://wiki.exopaedia.org/wiki/index.php?n=Main.HATHOR
According to Bob Frissell, the Hathor are a fourth dimensional
Venusian race.
HAV-MUSUVS (Suvians) |
Prominent in Paihute Indian tradition, the Hav-Musuvs were
allegedly an Egyptian or Grecian-like sea-faring race who discovered
huge caverns around 3 to 5 thousand years ago within, and later deep
beneath the Panamint Mts. of California. Within these they then
established their vast underground cities. When the inland sea (now
Death Valley) which connected the ocean in ancient times dried up,
they had no way to carry on trade with other parts of the world. As
a result of this, according to Paihute Indian tradition, they began
to build and fly ‘silvery eagles” which became increasingly advanced
as time went on. They then evidently established interplanetary and
later interstellar travel, exploration and colonization. This huge
facility is now operating as a MAJOR Federation base on earth, and
possesses huge chambers with differing environmental, atmospheric
and even gravitational conditions to accommodate the various
visiting Federation dignitaries.
FROM: http://www.ufohq.org/ — For
More Information Click Here |
From the galaxy Sextans Dwarf SPH. First visited Earth (Terra)
in the area currently known as Romania.
They are responsible for the myth of vampires. They often abduct
and kill Humans. They drain and drink the blood of both Humans and
animals. The Human bodies that they “use” are never returned.
Several Human governments know of and accept their actions.
Last seen in Scotland in 1996. |
“Homins” is the name given to large, human-like creatures that
are reported across the world. Click
Homins for details |
GOBLINS (Species yet to be not properly
traumatic series of events began at approximately 7 pm. on the
evening of August 21, 1955. The Taylor family was visiting the
Suttons at their rustic farmhouse near Hopkinsville, Kentucky,
when they had a close encounter that would forever change
their lives.
The ordeal began when Billy Ray Taylor went out to fetch
water from the Sutton’s well. While at the pump he saw a
gleaming, rainbow colored, disc shaped object land in a gorge
less than a mile away. Taylor ran back to inform the others,
but they laughingly dismissed his tale as nothing more than a
shooting star that had played tricks on his eyes.
All that changed soon after when the Sutton’s dog began
barking frenziedly in the darkness. Taylor and Elmer Sutton
snagged their rifles and charged outside only to see an entity
which they described as luminous being about 3-feet in height
with an over-sized head, glowing eyes, floppy, pointed ears, a
narrow mouth, thin legs and talon tipped fingers. The creature
— which was floating just above the ground — was dressed in a
silvery metallic outfit and charged at the men with its clawed
hands in the air. |
The terrified men, fearing the worst, fired at the creature, but
it just did a back flip and disappeared into the woods, apparently
unharmed. Taylor and Sutton quickly retreated to the isolated house,
but before they could recount what had transpired, the alien
appeared in front of a window. The men fired again, blasting holes
in the screen, but when they went ran back out to inspect the
corpse, they found no trace of it.
Suddenly, a similar being lunged down from the awning of the
porch and entangled its claw in one of the men’s hair. They fired
again, but the creature — seemingly just as bulletproof as its kin —
gently floated to the ground and tore off into the shrubbery. The
men ran back to the farmhouse just as a cluster of the creatures
began to assail it. The pesky critters began scurrying across the
roof and appearing in different windows simultaneously, terrifying
the eleven men, women and children in the tiny abode.
As with the others, bullets had no apparent effect on the
creatures and after a harrowing three hour ordeal, the group decided
to make a break for the two vehicles that were parked outside. One
of the children would later recall that as they sprinted for the
cars he noticed that the creatures “stuck to the side of the house
in the way a spider could.”
The families ran for their lives, crammed into the cars and sped
down to the local Sheriff’s office to report the strange incident.
Sheriff Russell Greenwell and his deputies were on hand to interview
the petrified family members and they verified the sobriety, sanity
and sincerity of the eyewitnesses. Greenwell would go on to say:
“These were not the sort of people who normally ran to the police, something frightened them, something beyond their
When the officers arrived at the scene to investigate, they found
no hint of the creatures, but noted the multiple bullet holes in the
windows and walls of the farmhouse. The Sutton’s neighbors testified
that they heard gunshots, and a state highway trooper independently
reported weird “meteor-like objects” flying overhead, “with a sound
like artillery fire coming directly from them” earlier that
Assured by the police that there was no indication of anything
unusual — and no doubt assuming that the worst was over — the
Suttons and the Taylors returned to the farmhouse at approximately
2:15 am. Much to the chagrin of both families, the creatures
reappeared and began scuttling around, climbing walls and staring
into windows. The men responded with gunfire, which (of course)
had no effect on the beasts. The chaos ensued until almost dawn,
when the beings mysteriously disappeared for a final time. The
aliens never did return to the farmhouse, but the Sutton family
nevertheless felt compelled to abandon their home not long after the
incident. |
’Hybrids’ possessing reptilian and human genetic coding yet who
possess a human soul-matrix. (Evadamic)
FROM: http://www.ufohq.org/ |
The Hyades in the constellation Taurus, like the Pleiades and
Vega, are said to have been the destination of yet another group of
refugees from the ancient war with the saurians in Lyra (Evadamic)
FROM: http://www.ufohq.org/ |
Since human and reptilian beings are allegedly so different in
their physical make-up a natural ‘hybrid’ between the two is
impossible. However and unnatural GENETIC alteration in essence
‘splicing’ human and reptilian genes has allegedly been attempted.
Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual
‘hybrid’ (half human, half reptilian) but would fall to one side or
the other. Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do humans but
instead operate on a ‘collective consciousness’ level, the ‘hybrid’
would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born
with or without a soul-energy-matrix. In most cases one might tell
the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black
opaque or vertical-slit pupiled eyes; or five-digit fingers as
opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none.
If two out of three fit the ‘human’ configuration chances are they
would possess a soul-matrix, although this might now ‘always’ be the
case, if such entities as the ‘Chameleons’ exist for instance
FROM: http://www.ufohq.org/
Since human and reptilian beings are genetically so different in
their physical make-up a natural ‘hybrid’ between the two is
impossible. However an unnatural GENETIC alteration, in essence
‘splicing’ human and reptilian genes, has allegedly been attempted.
Even if this were accomplished the offspring would not be an actual
‘hybrid’ (half human - half reptilian) but would fall to one side or
the other. Since reptilians possess no soul-matrix as do humans but
instead operate on a ‘collective consciousness’ level, the ‘hybrid’
would be human or reptilian depending on whether they/it was born
with or without a soul-energy-matrix. In most cases one might tell
the difference if the entity had round-pupils as opposed to black
opaque or vertical-slit pupiled eyes; or five-digit fingers as
opposed to three or four; or external genitalia as opposed to none.
This may not always be the rule, especially when the ‘chameleons’
are considered. Some of the hybrids without souls are ‘fed’ with
human soul-energy in an attempt to engraft an already existing human
soul-matrix into the hybrid. |

https://journal.com.ph |
The following description is of a hybrid female, approximately
15 years old. Height is five feet, three inches; skin color is pale
white/grey. The head is slightly larger and rounder than normal. Hair
is dark, high above the forehead and worn in a long ponytail. The
face is veryfine featured and attractive. Method of communication is
telepathic. They consider themselves human, not Grey, in almost all
respects. They care about the Greys, as any child would a parent,
but find them boring. The desire for human contact is great. Their
capacity for emotion is as great, if not greater than humans. Their
intellectual capacity is well above human standards Very likely to
except the capabilities of both races. HUMAN TYPE
ALIENS HUMAN TYPE A: These are of a genetic base
similar to humans of earth. They appear of “normal” height (5-6ft?)
and tend to be fair-skinned with blonde hair. These entities have
been abducted by the greys or are the offspring of abductees and
have been trained by the greys as servants. These entities are
totally subservient to the greys.
HUMAN TYPE B: These are aliens of similar genetics to
earth humans and also, it seems, of the humans that serve the greys.
These are from the Pleiades and are also of the blonde, fair-skinned
appearance. This type is of a genuine highly evolved, spiritual,
benevolent variety and have a kinship toward humans and are the only
aliens to be truly trusted by earth humans at this time. They had at
one time offered to be of assistance to earth leaders in dealing
with the alien situation here but were rebuffed and so have taken a
kind of “hands off” approach for the time being. These aliens are
supposedly the forefather race of humankind. These are apparently
not on earth much at this time due to serious problems in the area
of their home.
HUMAN TYPE C: Very little is known about these. They are
supposedly another of the highly evolved, spiritual type of great
benevolence to earth humans. I understand that their appearance is
similar to other human-type aliens. They are from Sirius and don’t
appear to be much involved with earth happenings at this time other
than being concerned about the Grey scenario. They could desire to
be of help to humans. There are other known human type aliens of
this “more highly spiritually evolved” nature that are apparently
aware of the situation on earth and considering some possible course
of action. These are from Arcturus and Vega.
The following article appeared in the summer 1993 edition
(vol. 3 no. 2) issue of UFO Universe magazine. [GROUP A]
Non Earth-Born Humans This GROUP consists of three peoples
from three distinct colony zones, namely Sirius, Pleiades and Orion.
Genetically, they are nearly identical to Earth-born humans with the
following exceptions. Abductees refer to these beings as the talls.
Males average up to approximately seven feet in height; females, six
and a half feet. They are extremely fine featured, pale in
complexion. Eyes are almond shaped, slightly slanted with a natural
black liner, much like the renderings of ancient Egyptian royalty.
There are three hair colors apparently related to colony origin:
blonde (Pleiades), red (Orion), and black (Sirius). The insignia of
these combined human races is a triangular arrangement of three
spheres. This symbol has deep significance, and is found throughout
Earth history. History records these beings as goddesses, gods,
devas, etc. A subgroup of GROUP A females is in command of most
Terran projects.
[GROUP B] Earth-Born Humans These are Homo Sapiens
whose origin is the planet Earth. They can be divided into two
separate classes. [Class A] (Ancient) - These humans were the
companions and house servants of a GROUP A military mining and
occupation force. When this force left the Earth sometime between
1,000 BC and 3,500 BC, it was decided to remove all humans that had
been in close proximity with them. It was felt that leaving them
would only further disrupt normal human development. Class A humans
are on an equal level with GROUP A and cooperate fully in all Earth
[Class M] (Modern) - These humans are working on
the same cooperative level as Class A. They were taken from the
Earth in modern times. During some abduction projects, twins (either
identical or fraternal) are induced in a female subject. During the
first trimester, one of the fetuses is removed. It is then grown to
maturity by GROUP A. Abductees will meet their twins during some
abductions. Very limited contact has been made by these humans.
[GROUP C] Genetically Modified Earth-Born Humans These
humans are comprised of two classes and should not be confused with
GROUP D Greys. [Class W] (Workers) - This class is the smallest
in physical stature. They are described as approximately three and a
half feet in height, large head and eyes, pale white in complexion.
These workers were created by GROUP A through genetic modification
of Earth human fetuses. Their function is to perform menial tasks
requiring limited reasoning abilities. In mental capacity, they are
equivalent to a five year-old child. They are incapable of violence
and, in some cases, are kept as companions by GROUP A
individuals. [Class T] (Technicians) - These humans are basically
the same as Class W. they are slightly larger, at approximately four
and a half feet in height. Their complexion is tan or yellowish.
Their reasoning and deductive abilities are higher. This allows them
to perform more complex operations. They are often seen operating
ship controls and in transport activities. Both Classes W and T
are telepathically camouflaged to appear as Greys to abductees. This
is done to conceal the true nature of GROUP C. It is felt that
perception of GROUP A maintaining a human slave population would
hinder future contact efforts. This point will undoubtedly be a
source of much heated debate in the near future. |
An aquatic reptilian species that lives in or near water, are
around 5 feet tall, they have scaly webbed feet and hands. as well
as gills and began reportedly coming from the constellation Hydra
(also called ‘The Sea Serpent’) which is comprised of three star
systems of Beta Hydrae, Epsilon Hydrae and N Hydrae. In Greek
mythology there are the dragons Hydra, Python, and the dragon
Typhon, all serpent like.
There are many names of serpent gods and goddesses
for that matter throughout every continent including hybrid
prototypes engraved on tombs, on walls of unearthed ancient cities
in the middle east. | |