Blue toruses = 107 protons
Red toruses = 60 nuclear electrons
Atomic number of Ag (47) = protons (107) - nuclear electrons (60)
Central rod of Ag107 isotope (stable) analogous with Boron 11 (stable) nuclear structure.
The six member ring consists by 6 Deuterium nuclei.
The eight member ring builds up by 8 Deuterium nuclei
the next 12 member ring consists of 12 Tritium nuclei and
The outer 16 member ring builds up by 16 Deuterium nuclei.
Click for Silver 107m nucleus larger view.
Silver as a currency.
The Structure of Nuclei: the core of matter.
Light photon model
Nuclear properties
Ag107 | Ag107m |
H | He | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | Si | S | Ar | Ca | Fe | Ni | Nd | Pb |