Blue toruses = 16 protons
Red toruses = 7 nuclear electrons
Atomic number of F (9) = protons (16) - nuclear electrons (7)
Fluorine 16 nucleus decays by proton emission (left side) of
Fluorine 16 decay form
to Oxygen 15
Oxygen 15 transformed by positron emission from a source of a photon by decomposition,
while electron component of the photon captured to the center of Oxygen 15,
producing Nitrogen 15
Click on image for Oxygen 15 nuclear structure.
Light photon modell
Nuclear properties
F14 | F15 | F16 | F17 | F19 | F19i |
H | He | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | Si | S | Ar | Ca | Fe | Ni | Nd | Pb |