Silicon 29 nucleus (stable)
Nuclear structure of

Silicon 28 

(stable). Move mouse on image for Silicon 29 (stable) nuclear structure

Blue toruses = 28 protons
Red toruses = 14 nuclear electrons

Atomic number of Si (14) = protons (28) - nuclear electrons (14)

The central rod of Si28 analogous with Oxygen 16 nucleus (stable). Si28 = O16 + 6 D

The central rod of Si29 analogous with Oxygen 17 nucleus (stable). Si29 = O17 + 6 D

The central rod of Si30 analogous with Oxygen 18 nucleus (stable). Si30 = O18 + 6 D

Click on image for Silicon 30 (stable) nuclear structure

Light photon model
Nuclear properties

Magnesium 24 nucleus Sulfur 32 nucleus
