Blue toruses = 138 protons
Red toruses = 82 nuclear electrons
Atomic number of Ba (56) = protons (138) - nuclear electrons (82)
Central rod of Ba138 isotope analogous with Carbon 12 (stable) nuclear structure.
The six member ring consists by 6 Tritium nuclei.
The eight member ring builds up by 8 Tritium nuclei also and
the outer 12 member ring consists of 12 Lithium7 nuclei.
Click for Barium 138m nucleus side view.
The Structure of Nuclei: the core of matter.
Light photon model
Nuclear properties
Ba138m |
H | He | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | Si | S | Ar | Ca | Fe | Ni | Nd | Pb |