Blue toruses = 3 protons
Red toruses = 2 nuclear electrons
Atomic number of H (1) = protons (3) - nuclear electrons (2)
Spin = 1/2+
Hydrogen 3 decays by electron emission (from the left) of Hydrogen 3 destabilized form producing Helium 3 nucleus (stable).
Click on image for He3 nucleus.
Photon model of light, Neutronok nem léteznek
H1 | H2 | H3 | H4 | H5 | H6 |
H | He | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | Si | S | Ar | Ca | Fe | Ni | Nd | Pb |
H3 trícium atommag szerkezete. Tedd erős mágneses térbe és elektromos erőtérrel rántsd le róla az elektront. Vizsgálandó az izotópátalakulás sebessége és az energiatermelés. Structure of Hidrogen 3 element nucleus and destabilized form ready to neutron emission. The neutron always consists of a protontorus inside a three times greater electron torus. There is no quarks in neutron or proton, quarks does not exists.