Blue toruses = 84 protons
Red toruses = 48 nuclear electrons
Atomic number of Kr (36) = protons (84) - nuclear electrons (48)
The central rod of Krypton 84 nucleus analogous with Neon 20 (stable) nuclear structure.
The six member ring consists by 6 Deuterium nuclei.
The 8 member ring consists by 8 Deuterium nuclei.
The 12 member ring consists by 12 Tritium nuclei.
Click on image for bigger view of Kr84 nucleus.
Torus model of photon and matter
Nuclear structure of the elements
Nickel 56 and physical constants
Kr84 |
H | He | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | Si | S | Ar | Ca | Fe | Ni | Nd | Pb |