Blue toruses = 12 protons
Red toruses = 5 nuclear electrons
Atomic number of N (7) = protons (12) - nuclear electrons (5)
Nitrogen 12 transforms by electron capture (into central position) of Nitrogen 12 transition form
to Carbon 12
The captured electron originated from a light photon by pair production and the rest of positron emitted.
Click on image for Carbon 12 nuclear structure
Yin-yang photon model of light
Nuclear symmetry,
Nuclear structure of elements
Nuclear properties
N10 | N11 | N12 | N13 | N14 | N15 | N16 | N17 |
H | He | Li | Be | B | C | N | O | F | Ne |
Na | Mg | Si | S | Ar | Ca | Fe | Ni | Nd | Pb |
Nitrogen 12 nuclear torus structure. N12 have a half-life of 12.5 ± 1 milliseconds, and positron energy upper limit of 16.6 ± 0.2 Mev.