Click right mouse button over sky picture for constellation border lines Set your mouse at any corner for picture of the sky solely.
And | Ant | Aps | Aqr | Aql | Ari | Aur | Boo | Cnc | CVn | CMa | Cap | Car | Cas |
Cep | Cet | Cha | Col | Com | CrB | Crv | Crt | Cru | Cyg | Del | Dor | Dra | Eri |
For | Gem | Gru | Her | Hor | Hyi | Ind | Leo | LMi | Lib | Lup | Lyn | Lyr | Men |
Mic | Mus | Nor | Oct | Ori | Pav | Peg | Per | Phe | Pic | Psc | PsA | Pup | Pyx |
Ret | Sge | Sgr | Scr | Scl | Ser | Sex | Tau | Tri | UMa | UMi | Vel | Vir | Vol |
Carina, Vela, Volans Constellation.
Bullet galaxy cluster,
NGC 2442,
ESO 162-17,
Eta Carina nebula,
NGC 2516,
IC 2488 open star cluster.
Kyllimir Auk alien race comes from Volans. Sightings this race on Earth are rare and they are considered as a mystery race, they were forbidden to visit Earth around year 1.000 BC, but they did not stop visiting Earth completely, because of their allies: race
RCW 49,
Eta Carina