Click right mouse button over sky picture for constellation border lines Set your mouse at any corner for picture of the sky solely.
And | Ant | Aps | Aqr | Aql | Ari | Aur | Boo | Cnc | CVn | CMa | Cap | Car | Cas |
Cep | Cet | Cha | Col | Com | CrB | Crv | Crt | Cru | Cyg | Del | Dor | Dra | Eri |
For | Gem | Gru | Her | Hor | Hyi | Ind | Leo | LMi | Lib | Lup | Lyn | Lyr | Men |
Mic | Mus | Nor | Oct | Ori | Pav | Peg | Per | Phe | Pic | Psc | PsA | Pup | Pyx |
Ret | Sge | Sgr | Scr | Scl | Ser | Sex | Tau | Tri | UMa | UMi | Vel | Vir | Vol |
Capricornus constellation photos, Astronomy pictures of Giedi, Albali, Algedi, Nashira, gamma Algiedi, prima secunda Alshat, horned goat epsilon Kastra, Dabih. Constellation of Capricornus is one of the oldest to have been identified. Microscopium, images of capricorni. Bak csillagászati képek.