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Orion Constellation Pegasus Constellation
And Ant Aps Aqr Aql Ari Aur Boo Cnc CVn CMa Cap Car Cas
Cep Cet Cha Col Com CrB Crv Crt Cru Cyg Del Dor Dra Eri
For Gem Gru Her Hor Hyi Ind Leo LMi Lib Lup Lyn Lyr Men
Mic Mus Nor Oct Ori Pav Peg Per Phe Pic Psc PsA Pup Pyx
Ret Sge Sgr Scr Scl Ser Sex Tau Tri UMa UMi Vel Vir Vol


Pavo and Ara constellations. NGC 6744 heart, NGC 6872. The Vinnytvary race coming from Pavo a very respected and peaceful race presumably with mystical powers. They have been coming to Earth at least since 1.000 AD and do not carry out abductions or any interaction with Humans. They can live up to 2 000 years and height is similar to a normal Human. Vegetarians. ORC1, NGC 6872.